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20849503 No.20849503 [Reply] [Original]

>Abuse your young students so much that you have to quit your teaching job and leave town
>In an age where if you didn't beat your kids at least a little bit you were seen as a neglectful parent
What the FUCK was Wittgenstein doing to those kids? Why was he so harsh?

>> No.20849522
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>> No.20849575

You can beat kids but can not allow yourself to get frustrated by them. He lacked composture.

>> No.20849606

We need a film. Wittlash

>> No.20849661
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>> No.20850035

the better question is what didn't he do to them

>> No.20850100


>> No.20850104


>> No.20850229

What did he do to Hitler?

>> No.20850262

>japanese word balloon order

>> No.20850588

>What the FUCK was Wittgenstein doing to those kids? Why was he so harsh?
He beat a young girl unconscious, I think she was around 9. The thing is, he beat her up for failing a math question, something NO ONE expected a girl to understand anyways. Had to run away from town in the night to avoid getting disappeared.

>> No.20850597


>> No.20850632

The virgin Ludwig vs the chadolf

>> No.20850645

Witty did nothing wrong there.

>> No.20850899
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>> No.20851509

>tfw over 9000 niggawatts.png

>> No.20851525

Didn't he walk through a snowstorm to go back and apologise to them?

>> No.20851760

>if you didn't beat your kids at least a little bit you were seen as a neglectful parent
Unfortunate times. Children shouldn't be beaten.

>> No.20851953

Do you deny the right of the clever to beat the dull, in order to drive the point in?

>> No.20852808

Almost every biography on Witty's life will discuss the affair.

>> No.20852822

This was not the only incident that occured, just the last straw that pushed him to move. He had been sent to court for beating kids unconscious before.
Cunts have even suggested that the kids were faking it to put him in trouble. " Bartley suggests that, although it seems clear that Wittgenstein did hit the children, some of the incidents may have been exaggerated. One boy, the brother of the boy Wittgenstein had wanted to adopt, stuffed a pencil up his nose to make it bleed after Wittgenstein slapped him. The story of how Wittgenstein had given a boy a bloody nose spread, and soon other children were playing similar tricks, which included pretending to faint."

>> No.20852840
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Yes. Didn't go very well.
I also remember he sent letters to apologize to a student lover of his for his abusive behavior, I think the student essentially told him to fuck off too, but I might be misremembering shit, my univ course on him goes back over a decade, and he really isn't someone I want to invest time in studying (beyond some interesting parts of the Tractatus)

>> No.20852858

is that caricature in the bottom left supposed to be wittgenstein?

>> No.20852971

Post your favorite philosopher.

>> No.20853077

If you can't make your point clear without violence then you aren't that clever.

>> No.20853084

I like this

>> No.20853133
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he didn’t want to end up like Eriugena. stabbed to death by his students because he made them think too hard

>> No.20853231
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>> No.20853261
