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20788635 No.20788635 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they make midwits seethe so hard?

>> No.20788643

Do people really seethe about them? They're alright I guess. Evola is pretty funny.

>> No.20788646

they are the Platonic essence of midwit and pseudointellectual you absolute fucking retard

>> No.20788647

is it because leftwingers and other pseuds are too stupid/incompetent to refute anything that transcends profane philosophical reductionism? so they instead opt to just rage and shitpost instead of behaving like grown ups (lol) and refuting their arguments. Lmk ur you're thoughts, thanks.

>> No.20788648

guenon and evola posters are the midwits though

>> No.20788656


>> No.20788659

Guenon, Evola and the UR group can be easily refuted psychoanalytically

in short: losers coping about their loserdom with "magic" and "esoteric knowledge"

>> No.20788660
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>throwing around words he doesn't understand
>is actually mad
this is exactly what i'm talking about.

I'm sure the trannies will be out soon, with their stinking fuckwounds festering around us all, assuring us Evola was actually pro-trans and a nigger simp like them, because they cannot refute any Traditionalist arguments because they are stupid.

>> No.20788665

i'm against trannies. most trannies are fake. the few actual trannies that exist (thinking they should have a vaginer where they have a dick) are simply mentally ill. keep trying to discredit, you hylic slave of the Capital

>> No.20788667
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>can be easily refuted psychoanalytically
Good argument! JUST KIDDING, IDIOT. Ha. Thanks for helping to prove my point, Mr. Midwit. How are you enjoying Deleuze?

>> No.20788670

I'm moving to the thirdworld to marry a native peasant and I agree with Schuon that white men need to kiss the feet of Pajeets.

>> No.20788671

>n-no u
good argument dude

>> No.20788675


did you even read Bow and Club because he straight up is pro-trans in that one

>> No.20788684

I've never seen a discussion surrounding Guenon and Evola that wasn't centered on a bunch of kids saying based and pbuh.

Biggest midwit /lit/ adjacent niche possibly of all time.

>> No.20788685

>totally BTFO
>desperately resorts to retard-tier shitposting
Just remember to put your helmet on and wear your foam mouthpiece, ok? that's unfortunate you're brown, you have it pretty hard i hear, even without the mental disabilities and everything haha

>> No.20788694

Evola and Heidegger are the only Westerners to ever understand Buddhism or make it sound appealing t b h

>> No.20788698

Midwits are their biggest fans

>> No.20788699
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>brutally filtered by Evola's easiest work
>proceeding to make an ass out of yourself online
top kek, how fucking stupid are you, nigger?

>> No.20788710

Watch me.

>> No.20788711

>t. 110 IQ
feel free to refute them here, I've already asked people to and nobody can, all they can do is shitpost like retards after I laugh at them for being so incorrect

>> No.20788722

also Jung, you midwit

(although Jung is actually satanic. desu Evola, Guenon etc. also are)
i refuted, you answered with cope

maybe try to do some magic upon me to cope better next time, loser

>> No.20788729

go away, tripfag

>> No.20788736

4chan's law: anything that gets discussed too often on a board will eventually attract the board's hatred
Guenonfag and others shitposted too much so much that you'd even think they are counterinitiation agents using reverse-psychology to stop psychics from reading them

>> No.20788737

>i refuted

>> No.20788741

>counterinitiation agents try to discredit Initation
>actually end up leading people to Initiation through Plato (PBUH) and Hegel (PBUH) instead
holy based

>> No.20788747

>likes Plato and Hegel
>doesn't like Guenon and Evola
You realize you are the midwit here, right?

>> No.20788748

why are you so desperate for attention?

>> No.20788770

Never tried to tackle Jung's work fully quite yet desu so I haven't read his take on Buddhism. He seemed meme tier initially but I soon realized that I am just comparatively retarded because Jung had an almost demonic IQ.

>> No.20788899

They are the quintessence of midwittery though.

>> No.20788936

ok i can see your very smart because you used the word quintessence, Guenon has finally been refuted.

>> No.20788975

This thread is effectively useless. It's just insult after insult from either side. If you dislike perennialists, why don't you start by actually criticising their work? If you want to defend them, why don't you respond by analysing their works and pointing out their merits with quotations?

>> No.20788997
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because i am a discord tranny and my goal here is to smear the right, i am not here for meaningful discussion

>> No.20789231

Did Heidegger even write about Buddhism?

>> No.20789246

i'm desperate for the Truth to have attention. i'm merely a carrier of Truth on here, a messenger, i am anonymous, i have no identity

>> No.20789612

because atheists are overrepresented among midwits!

>> No.20789620

There's a televised discussion between him and a monk

Lots of people apply Heidegger to Buddhism and Taoism