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/lit/ - Literature

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20781344 No.20781344 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20781354

Unironocally they misread it as "Tiffany Jest" and think it's gonna be a bitchy gossip memoir only to be confronted with pure unadulterated autism on page 1.

>> No.20781357

>be me
>look at popular threads section
>see /lit/ themed thread on /lgbt/ lesbian general or whatever
>they all loved infinite jest

>> No.20781359

I've read feminists call books like these "dick lit". They think big, complex books are a way for men to have dick-measuring contests. I interpret this as envy at the fact that only men are able to produce books like Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, The Recognitions, Women and Men, Ulysses etc.

>> No.20781371

Big if true

>> No.20781475

>tour de force

>> No.20781498

women view themselves as the bar of sensibility, and everything they don't immediately grasp as inherently designed to make them, in particular, feel inferior and for no other purpose

>> No.20781551

>a surprisingly readable tour de france
didn't really care for that part of the book, actually
much prefer the tennis autism myself

>> No.20782097

few actually dislike the book, it's the idea of a kind of guy who (presumably) reads infinite jest

>> No.20782101


>> No.20782102


>> No.20782112

So are you telling me that if I read this book, women will keep their distance?

>> No.20782246

You haven't read any of the books you've just mentioned.

>> No.20782459
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This guy

>> No.20782471

Literally not me, I smoke.

>> No.20782482

He seems based we could probably be freinds

>> No.20782651


this is one of my gf's favorite books lol, it's not the book it's you

>> No.20782666

A normal anon?!!!!!!! Go back

>> No.20783394


>> No.20783456

Not him but even if that is true that’s not a good argument

>> No.20783966

lol the greatest work in the english language other than moby dick was written by a woman and it's over 700 pages

>> No.20784224

Middlemarch? That's just long, it doesn't have the crazy structure that Ulysses or GR do

>> No.20784464

It's all trannies on /clg/

>> No.20784467

I don't read woman beating scrotes

>> No.20784925

It doesn't. Stop lurking on /lit/ and talk to them.

>> No.20785970

Makes sense to me

>> No.20786567

>Le Freudian Phallus Envy

>> No.20786761

never read it.
please post page one.

>> No.20786797

>lol the greatest work in the english language other than moby dick was written by a woman and it's over 700 pages
Wuthering Heights?
Pride and Prejudice?
Little Women?
Harry Potter?

tf you talking 'bout, Willis?

>> No.20786914

Mario is the best character I was tempted to get a Mario tattoo

>> No.20788472


>> No.20788499

it deals with the ugly aspects of being a man that we should probably stop telling women all about! they just don’t get it bros, because… they’re not men! it wasn’t written for them and that’s ok!

>> No.20789109

Plebs. Obviously The Making of Americans