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/lit/ - Literature

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20778574 No.20778574 [Reply] [Original]

You guys won't agree but he's 100% right

>> No.20778599

No I agree. Definitely.

>> No.20778600

Rich people are jackasses

>> No.20778619


>> No.20778632

I love not finishing books. I got bored, deal with it

>> No.20778640
File: 278 KB, 421x421, 1636005948082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy book on a whim
>read it
I don't understand how you buy a book and then never read it

>> No.20778644

>just spend money for no tangible benefit loooooooolllllll xD
no, retard. i will continue to pirate books that have been deemed worthy through the annals of time. cope rope seethe dial 8 and kys

>> No.20778650
File: 1 KB, 163x209, 1655324545068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should drink your own fermented bussy juice for social capital
Not sure what he meant by this?

>> No.20778652
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1647703830209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want social capital

>> No.20778660


>> No.20778668

I do this
I find that I don’t need to read entire books cover to cover anymore, once I’ve learned the main arguments and the authors process who cares
For the past two years I’ve also read the same books over and over again instead of reading new ones

>> No.20778687
File: 71 KB, 680x453, Pepe Gentlemen Club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Brokies seething that people have enough disposable income to spend on goods they may want to buy just for the emotional fulfillment thereof.

>> No.20778691

>he thinks he is emotionally fulfilled by capitalist expenditure

>> No.20778706
File: 5 KB, 259x194, Snob slobs on my knob like corn on a cob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yelling "capitalism!" like it is the name of Satan only proves my point. You're seething because you don't have money to attain whatever fulfills you. This barrier stands between you and life enjoyment in society. Because you're a broke bitch.

>> No.20778710

i could literally buy you and have you imprisoned in a small outhouse a billion times over you reaction image-posting, mentally vacant little rat-man. sleep with one eye open

>> No.20778721
File: 920 KB, 614x900, Just imagine this pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My my, how predictable. Look at the brokie and his fugue state in which he is able to buy a stick of bubblegum without selling his body. You are playing with powers beyond your comprehension, dollface. The Bogdanoffs will hear about this.

>> No.20778742

Literally who?

>> No.20778925
File: 128 KB, 301x523, Chateau_Clavières-Ayrens_statue_troubadour_300x523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should start few books, well chosen, and complete them.

You should buy books only after deliberation as to how they might benefit your soul or better your aesthete's eye.

You should be able to talk about every book on your shelf in depth; since the books you have chosen are masterworks, they are all re-readable and therefore a source of plentiful discovery and rediscovery.

>> No.20778933

Based beyond all reason

>> No.20778965
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1200, 1641155926291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is a single book on your slef that you haven't read cover to cover then you are irredeemably retarded and should consider assisted living as an option to improve your quality of life

>> No.20778968

You'll grow out of this larp once you hit 23.

>> No.20778970

I agree but he needs to learn how to capitalize the first words of his sentences.

>> No.20779326

how can you know if the book is good and what's in it before you read it
wanker retard

>> No.20779426

Everytime guests come over for dinner, I show them my library of pdfs. "Oh wow anon, I didn't know you were an... intellectual"
I have thousands of pdfs, epubs, mobis, even just a folder of PNG's to impress people with.

>> No.20779439

You can just go to an actual library for free; murifaggots are insane.

>> No.20779440

What's a library. You mean where the hobos jack off?

>> No.20779448
File: 185 KB, 679x681, QpJIeaDWMw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"capitalism!" like it is the name of Satan
It is though.
Capitalism is not some sort of system, let alone a just system. It's a calamity that has befallen mankind, like a giant meteorite or an ice age. A cataclysm. May we ever recover from it.

>> No.20779477

Bumping to counter this sage :^)

>> No.20779488

> A public library is just as good, if not better, than a private one in your home!
Europoors are literally made for BIG SCHWAB COCK.

>> No.20779539

dumb retarded nigger, your post doesn't make a lick of sense

>> No.20779560

Liptoster advertising their own substack. Your substack is shit.

>> No.20779563

I rarely start anything and then don't finish it, used to do it way too much as a child/teenager.
>you should
As if some tedious tweeting cunt is going to convince me otherwise.

>> No.20779682

You're based but nu-/lit/ won't get it.

>> No.20779720

Who is this random whoer on twitter?
Is he new popular guy?
Well back to my golf course, enough degenerate browsing on 4chan, have a business deal to close

>> No.20779731

Sounds like he's describing visiting a good public library

>> No.20779755

This is cope for being too lazy and coom brained to be bothered reading all the books you ordered. I know this because I haven't read most the books on my book shelf. I should have just ordered physical manga and light novels.

>> No.20779776

you mean Twitter is clever?

>> No.20781143

>how can you know if the book is good and what's in it before you read it
Once your taste is developed, you can almost always guarantee the book that you're acquiring will be good. If you have no taste, you're more likely to buy books without good reasons to do so.

>> No.20781312


>> No.20781346

The absolute state of those pecs lol

>> No.20781414

Writes like a fag. Opinion disregarded.