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20744427 No.20744427 [Reply] [Original]

Books to induce a sense of spirituality in someone who had never experienced it?

>> No.20744450

How is a beer belly like this even possible?

>> No.20744498



>> No.20744501
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>> No.20744520

A faggot wrote this while sipping a faggot drink

>> No.20744528

>God MUST be. Otherwise, Bach's music would be only heartrending illusion
This is a fantastically smooth-brain take. Bafflingly stupid. Who comes up with this shit?

>> No.20744565

People with souls

>> No.20744594

Who wrote that?

>> No.20744616


>> No.20744751


>> No.20744764

Death of Ivan Ilyich. McDuff et al translattion

>> No.20744867

Plato in one of his letters to Parmenides

>> No.20745080
File: 35 KB, 750x743, 90d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is beer considered the most manly alcoholic beverage, when in reality it's the most feminine and gives you bitch tits and makes you look like you're pregnant?

>> No.20745147

Dr.Pepper is most masculine beverage

>> No.20745392

When you take a step back It's illogical how arbitrarily acceptable alcohol is compared to other drugs; Especially when you consider the harmful side effects. Instead of having a drink once a week it would be much healthier to smoke marijuana or take some opioid variant. Alcohol really is a trash tier drug. The only reason it's still accepted is because it has a long history. If you tried to introduce it now without any historical context it would be banned immediately.

Also, breweries are just bars so drop the pretentious euphemism. Drinking is not a hobby.

>> No.20745537

This, but marijuana is also trash.

>> No.20745573

Bach was born after Plato's time retard

>> No.20745587

Does THAT makes you think of pregnancy?

>> No.20745613
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I would say whiskey or some other strong liquor is often considered the manliest alcoholic beverage. The real tragedy is that drinking wine is considered feminine in the U.S.
>pic rel. my favorite $10 red

>> No.20745634
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>he real tragedy is that drinking wine is considered feminine in the U.S.
America delenda est

>> No.20745720

Or lack there of.

>> No.20745738

just read any book after fasting for 36 hours

>> No.20745819

>drinking wine is considered feminine in the U.S.
it's that way universally--i haven't seen a single bitch whose not obsessed with wine

>> No.20745825


>> No.20745831

no. you're just a pretentious nerd

>> No.20745972

So you think wine drinkers are pretentious nerds. Is that better or worse than it being considered feminine?

>> No.20746026

In the late stages of alcoholism your organs fail, and this piss-looking fluid starts filling up the belly. People will make routine visits to the hospital to get the liquid drained. There was some UK doc that showed the process but I can't remember the name offhand.

>> No.20746106

It's likely gainer-ism.

>> No.20746128

Parmenides, Zeno of Elea, and Heraclitus simultaneously

>> No.20746138

Read Jung, he won't give you all the answers but he'll make spirituality a lot more comprehensible. After that the path you take is up to you.

>> No.20746144

That's not ascites, he's just fat

>> No.20746164

Dude, we get it. You like Bach.

>> No.20746172

I'm a Christian and this is the stupidest argument I've ever read.

>> No.20746177

Only white wine is considered feminine

>> No.20746361


>> No.20747776
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>> No.20747946

Amazing posture despite his stomach

>> No.20747964

Cioran. The only thing he seems to like beyond literature is music. He makes everything else out to be some form of poison or another.

>> No.20748005

The Childhood of Jesus by Jakob Lorber

>> No.20748008

This is also my answer. Nobody can make an unspiritual life look quite as empty as Tolstoy can.

>> No.20748193
File: 85 KB, 619x1019, 61VEsSn+0EL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book started me down a path of spirituality that unironically changed my life for the better.

>> No.20748201

This is not fluid build-up from liver failure. This is all bought and paid-for.

>> No.20748208

>Nobody can make an unspiritual life look quite as empty as Tolstoy can.
is that supposed to be a counter argument to nihilism or what? the entire point of nihilism is that it's empty that way or another and everything else is just a cope

>> No.20748621


>> No.20748645

Not possible. Not being spiritual is a form of neurodivergence.

>> No.20749681

>no bro marijuana is actually pretty healthy compared to other drugs bro trust me

still not becoming a weedfag

>> No.20749701
File: 22 KB, 300x450, Violate the weak for Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my brother currently outside of God's friendship, hou must follow The Way. Unfortunately The Way is violent. You must become accustomed to pain to ascend, to reach Theosis.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from The Way, by St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer y Albas (of most blessed memory) on the necessity of suffering:

The Way 182: "Let us drink to the last drop the chalice of pain in this poor present life".

The Way 193: "Tender, soft, flabby...: that's
not the way I want you. It's about time you got rid of that peculiar pity you feel for yourself"

The Way 207: "Give thanks, as for a very special favour, for that holy abhorrence you feel for yourself. "

The Way 208: "Let us bless pain. Love pain. Sanctify pain... Glorify pain!"

The Way 214: "Say to your body: I would rather keep you in slavery than be myself a slave of yours."(My favorite quote from The Way).

I pray I soon find you bloody, torn and bruised in line at the confessional, so that you too will understand the pleasure pain for the lord brings :-)

>> No.20749745
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christians and muslims are jews

>> No.20749747


>> No.20749781
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>> No.20749798

I got my atheist friend to read this book for exactly OP's purpose and it made no impact- he found it boring. I was surprised because it seemed very relevant to his circumstances (success in the world not filling a void of meaning) but no luck. Smart guy, too. Shame :(

>> No.20749832


>> No.20749848

By idiots. What will you drink during summer at noon?

>> No.20749896

I also found it boring.

>> No.20750003


>> No.20750016
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>> No.20750020

Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola.

>> No.20750025

great book. great suggestion.

>> No.20750046

jews were able to corner the alcohol market through distributorships (at least in the US).
Now that they are cornering the marijuana market and making it harder to acquire seeds**, marijuana is being promoted as socially acceptable.

**Anyone here old enough to remember having to clean your weed? That's what double LPs were for.
Fun fact: I had a buddy that use to lay it all out and his parrot would pick all the seeds out!

>> No.20750078

>it would be much healthier to smoke marijuana or take some opioid variant.
My brother as a former full time weed smoker I can tell you that its not the case. Alcohol is very destructive to the body long term especially but it has relatively little effects on the mind when taken moderately. When I first smoked marijuana my entire perception of reality especially time and space was warped, I had some very specific paranoid delusions about the people around me and felt like I was floating and that one second was like 5 seconds instead. Alcohol at worst mostly makes you physically sick. After a few years my weed habit grew to the point that I would smoke maybe twice daily even on weekdays and I was in a permanent delusion haze unaware of reality. To this day my short term, working memory, and executive function are irreparably damaged. With alcohol I rarely drink and when I'm with friend having dinner I'll have a tasty glass of wine with food and it's relaxing without causing any mental defects and little physical defects. I see functional alcoholics all the time get fucked up but still be up for work the next morning but weed smokers sleep through their alarms and neglect everything in life. Alcohol is poison but other drugs are also poison, alcohol and maybe tobacco seem to be the least harmful poisons.

>> No.20750112

>Anecdotal evidence

>> No.20750180

Cope, retard. Here's another personal account. I drink and smoke very occasionally, one or the other once every few weeks. Alcohol does more to ruin the quality of my sleep and does more harm to my focus and motivation the following day. I worked in low-income, low-barrier social housing and the long-term alcoholics were the most destroyed and reptilian people in the building, worse even than the opioid and meth addicts. I'm not kidding, meth heads could go to rehab and come back seeming like somewhat normal people until they found some crystal again, but alcoholics were permanently retarded. I put a fire out on an alcoholic who had fallen asleep with a lit cigarette and woken up with his hair smoldering and skin melting off but he was barely aware of what was going on and somehow got out of the ambulance and away from the paramedics when they arrived at the hospital to go buy some beer - they only found him because the liquor store cashier was so horrified at his condition they called 911 again. The worst weed addicts just fail to achieve their potential and sit around at home watching shitty youtube videos.
As that other anon pointed out though, personal accounts are just anecdotes. You can check the scientific evidence and it will agree that alcohol does more damage to your body and mind over the long term than nearly anything else. The only "mitigating" factor is that we have a culture of social and (relatively) moderate alcohol use, whereas other drugs are typically only used by people with low inhibition and poor decision-making to begin with. This is one of several selection factors (along with functional users of other drugs successfully hiding their addictions) that make it seem like alcohol is less harmful, relative to other drugs, than it really is.

>> No.20750221

Whats so spiritual about raping and killing spics?

>> No.20750274

Which parts did you find boring? Does eastern religion turn you off generally?

>> No.20750281
File: 141 KB, 600x842, 1552728549468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some new ''DUDE WEED LMAO''' pasta cope? Because if it isnt u really should kys.

>> No.20750318

I'm sorry but you have 100 iq

>> No.20750334

Honestly, i mean it when i say kys.

>> No.20750345

ascetism is as pathetic as hedonism. both sides of the same coin

shut up bitch

>> No.20750350

Ok nigger.

>> No.20750356

I'm not encouraging weed use you dumb faggot, drugs are unironically bad mmkay. You're just assblasted about "alcohol vs. weed" like a typical tribalist frogposting moron.

>> No.20750365

Imagine being such a sopping wet alcoholic dumbass

>> No.20750373

Honestly nigger, i really... Really mean it when i say kys.

>> No.20750383

Terminally retarded, you're making me we shouldn't have stopped sterilizing people like you.

>> No.20750393

*making me think

>> No.20750395


>> No.20750403

go back to /pol/, you should be arguing about whether getting a Latina waifu is based or race-treason, not posting on a literature board

>> No.20750411
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>> No.20750413

I also read it a while back. Cool narrative I guess, and I got its lessons, but I didn't really see it as profound or anything, and I typically can appreciate Buddhist philosophy

>> No.20750419
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For the sake of r*ddit and ur upvotes just kys already, holyshit...

>> No.20750434

This, so much this! Here's your gold, fellow basedsipping comrade! Let's send these chuds back to kekistan!

>> No.20750440
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>> No.20750445

My brother, read the Bible.
Not the commentary, not the random super rich faggot priest explaining the Bible to you, not the shortened kiddie version.
Buy an actual Christian normal bible that wasn't written by some American cultist, or by some random faggot in Germany/England and read it.
When you don't understand, stop and think "why would people of the past write about this?" sometimes is to give people of their time laws, sometimes is to give people of the future wisdom, sometimes you will simply not comprehend, then pray to God for wisdom and move on with your reading.
>inb4 christcuck etc etc
My dear brother, know that the Bible is a very important book to the Western civilization in particular when talking about spirituality.

>> No.20750449
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1646683615699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't say weed is worse than alcohol that's because you're from REDDIT, ok?!?

>> No.20750459

greek texts are older. why not start with that?

>> No.20750468

>oh sweatyy, if you don't like weed then you're a bigoted stinky racist

>> No.20750470

(if we talk about significance to the western people)

>> No.20750471

Not completely older, the old testament is a collection of Babylonian stories (basically) and follows them from a long time before the greeks where around.
In general I suggest the Bible, both new and old testament, because that's the religion and book that influenced the west the most in the last 2000 years, if you feel a pull towards greek mythology go for it and read.

>> No.20750514

it was a retroactive letter

>> No.20750827

It's a bit reductive or at least incomplete to say Siddhartha advocated asceticism. The protagonist leaves home to become an ascetic and pretty quickly realizes it won't lead to enlightenment. A better summation would be something like "asceticism has no worth without first experiencing hedonism". Out of curiosity what is your preferred prescription for how to live?

If you were already familiar with and appreciative of Buddhist philosophy I can see how it might have been boring. It was pretty new to me and my friend at the time so I was surprised he had a reaction dissimilar to mine. He has a general distaste for anything vaguely spiritual though.. like OP I'm interested in an effective way to reach out to these kinds of people, or whether it can/should be attempted.

>> No.20750855

Quo Vadis

>> No.20750916

>"asceticism has no worth without first experiencing hedonism"
you imagine this is a redemption arc when it's more like two sides of the same coin

>> No.20751275

top kek
you must be fun at parties

>> No.20753061


>> No.20754148

By drinking beer.

>> No.20754347

Pretty sure that guy thinks Jesus Loves Him, OP. You can tell he thinks this because of his gross disregard for his mortal shell rationalized by himself in that he is cultivating his immortal spirit.

>> No.20754351


>> No.20754490
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>Pretty sure that guy thinks Jesus Loves Him, OP. You can tell he thinks this because of his gross disregard for his mortal shell rationalized by himself in that he is cultivating his immortal spirit.
Doesn't christianity preach restraint? You dumtard

>> No.20754495

You had to clean your weed? Is that a boomer thing or an America thing.

>> No.20754543

Quite the opposite; it encourages bad behavior (and does not anywhere teach 'how' to be good; other than following jewish OT law which is quite evil) in order for the person to have sins to be saved from, whilst expressing that to be good is impossible (paul; romans, acts) - except for God who is portrayed as an evil person with a character full of child-like vices (i am a jealous god).

You've probably mistaken Christianity for Buddhism or Stoicism, it happens.

>> No.20754563

Weirdly enough, check out the paranormal in terms of Project Gateway, Grillflame, and Jeremy Narby's Serpent. I found spirituality through realizing that there is empirical bases for it. Check out Jorjani's Prometheus and Atlas as well.

>> No.20754713

wtf do you mean ? A christian is born in sin and struggles his whole life to do good deeds in order for christ to forgive him

>> No.20754728

>A christian is born in sin
Exactly, if you think you're as guilty as a child rapist when you're not, then what's another dozen cheeseburgers on top of that?

>> No.20754779
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>> No.20754799

>larper hasn't even skimmed the bible
Good deeds are explicitly NOT going to get you into heaven, all that matters is repenting for your sins: also sin is inevitable, because you are flawed and not perfect like God, so you can't sidestep the issue.

>> No.20754811

more fan of the reading that with Bach one is already in modernity, its no longer the medieval music of divine harmonies but more of a Kantian position where man has to impose a rational, mathematical order on reality. Zizek says it nicely in this little clip:

>> No.20754829

who the fuck said you are as guilty as a rapist ?Its the primordial sin and obviously someone who commits more acts of wrongdoing has less and less chances for redemption and forgiveness
No nigger, you can`t just say ''sorry big J, i`m cool now ,i repent''.Your whole life will be judged, not just some words you spew out.

>> No.20754837

As a narrative, it felt rather flat. At no point did I really care about Siddhartha as a character. He would just go places and do things for seemingly no real reason.

I wouldn't say religion turns me off. But it does seem alien and strange, eastern or western.

>> No.20754846

>can't read the Bible
>can't read the posts he replies to
At least you're consistent.

>> No.20755026 [DELETED] 

>the primordial sin
Oh, that makes sense; the primordial sin is obviously something worse and terrible than merely killing a child. Okay, hold on I'm just going to keep reading from my bible.. and I see that this 'primordial sin' is the first humans wanting to know how to tell right from wrong.

>obviously someone who commits more acts of wrongdoing has less and less chances for redemption and forgiveness
Ohh but this like a comedy show now because how do we know right from wrong in order to avoid acts of wrong-doing?

Exactly this. A person who has kidnapped, cooked and eaten several children can "get into heaven" if they remember to say "praise Jesus" and "I repent" just before they die.

>No nigger,
But Masa, it says so in de holy book! Masa, why you seem so nervy?

>> No.20755030

>the primordial sin
Oh, that makes sense; the primordial sin is obviously something worse and terrible than merely killing a child. Okay, hold on I'm just going to keep reading from my bible.. and I see that this 'primordial sin' is the first humans wanting to know how to tell right from wrong.

>obviously someone who commits more acts of wrongdoing has less and less chances for redemption and forgiveness
Ohh but this like a comedy show now because how do we know right from wrong in order to avoid acts of wrong-doing when wanting to know right from wrong is the primordial sin!?

Exactly this. A person who has kidnapped, cooked and eaten several children can "get into heaven" if they remember to say "praise Jesus" and "I repent" just before they die.

>No nigger,
But Masa, it says so in de holy book! Masa, why you seem so nervy?

>> No.20755045

Well, you have to truly be sorry rather than just say you're sorry: which means a children-raping nigger that feels scared for a few instants before his death will go to heaven, while a slightly skeptical philantrope might not.