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File: 62 KB, 500x457, White pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20728914 No.20728914 [Reply] [Original]

Is there even a single author worth reading who fulfills the following criteria?
1. Non-white
2. Lives in a majority-white country
3. Doesn't write about racism

>> No.20728922

UG Krishnamurti. Indian Nietzsche

>> No.20728925

kazuo ishiguro maybe, never read his works. moved to england when he was 5.

>> No.20728941

Bolaño while he lived in Spain

>> No.20728947

>2. Lives in a majority-white country
No, he should fuck off.

>> No.20728949
File: 65 KB, 407x600, Bolaño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20728957

Yeah, he was non-white Latino/Hispanic

>> No.20728966


>> No.20728967

American's obsession with "race" borders on mental illness. Y'all niggas should stop classifiying people by skin colors and start reading books instead.

>> No.20728970

So, for SOME reason (You) want to “read” an author that’s “non-white” (whatever that means) who is subjected to their racist culture but must either be braindead or a part of the upper classes and actually appreciates the oppression.
Hmmmmmmmmmm why in the hell would a frog poster need a author like this? HMMMMMMMM

>> No.20728973
File: 14 KB, 233x276, Roberto Bolaño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian as fuck
Quechua Inca ethnicity

>lives in a majority-white country

>> No.20728977

Did not live in a majority white country

>> No.20728978


>> No.20728983

How am I obsessed? OP asked for an author that wasn’t white and lived in a white country but didn’t write about race and I said Bolaño, who fits the criteria.

>> No.20728985

Some people don’t think Iranians are white. Some people don’t think jews are white. Some people think Mediterraneans aren’t white.
“White” is subjective and racist. It allows mass discrimination for racial supremacists

>> No.20729009

>Is there even a single author worth reading who fulfills the following criteria?
>1. Non-white

>> No.20729113

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy.

>> No.20729118


>> No.20729147

If an author is worth reading he's morally white, so no, there isn't one.

>> No.20729159
File: 19 KB, 800x450, chudjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If an author is worth reading he's morally white, so no, there isn't one.

>> No.20729203

V.S. Naipaul

>> No.20729211


>> No.20729218



>> No.20729220

Naipaul did technically write about racism, he just endorsed it.

>> No.20729226

>morally white

>> No.20729240


>> No.20729390

Yes, "white" is a good proxy to talk about my values since everyone understands what it means, and it's used a lot by people from all sides, even in derogatory terms, eg "White people find boiled chicken breast too spicy".
But on the other hand, I think rejecting people purely on their skin color is stupid. Sure, genetics are a thing and probably one of the only things, but genetics talk about the average. Just like a child molester doesn't fit my value, someone that does everything right but doesn't have white skin fits my values.

I think what you're asking for doesn't exist. White people that go live in Japan complain about the racism there. White French that go live in the majority black parts of the country (the islands/bits of territories that we have, and everything in Paris but the center) complain about the racism. Black people that live in Maghreb complain about racism.
Racism is a thing, and it's so much a thing that people who experience it talk about it. I personally think that it's part and parcel of being human, will always be here, and that the experiment in trying to reduce it has been mostly a failure, and that we're propagating suffering for no reason, but that may be false, and even if it was true, moving people from one place to another is a very big deal that leaves a lot of trauma at the group identity level.

>> No.20729406

I failed 3

>> No.20729411

>Black people that live in Maghreb complain about racism.
Aren't they both Muslims

>> No.20729433

Just like Henry James in England, or Nabokov in the US.

>> No.20729464
File: 13 KB, 471x388, pepe laughing staring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the "Muslims aren't racist against other Muslims" meme

>> No.20729469

Or like William Beckford and Julio Cortázar in France.

>> No.20729514

>and everything in Paris but the center
Do non-ethnic French people in Paris know French, or do they use English/Arabic?

>> No.20729570

Don't forget Joyce!

>> No.20729680

That depends on the black people. But even if you're Muslim and black, you're still black. You may not face racial and religious discrimination, but you will face racial discrimination.
What I don't know, and is an interesting question, is which one of them is the strongest. If you have a group of people, 25% black religion A, 25% black religion B, 25% white religion A, 25% white religion B, will the "real" division be alongside skin color or religion?
I don't have any example of that situation happening, so my theory is that this will result in slaughter until you have have some sort of coherent group and out group, and from there you can go on business as usual.

>> No.20729786

Discounting outside influences and going off a blank slate veiw. Well it depends on the religion primarily, if say A is transracial and B is ethnically isolated into sectarian pockets then both racial groups of A will have enough cohesion to resist both groups of B who will be seen as universal blasphemers, there may be an aspect of racial guilt over being related to said blasphemers within groups and B is like to fight amongst themselves over sectarian matters that boil over into racial tension. However all things being equal in religious matters, it's hard to say, but I imagine both groups beliefs will shift to oppose each other as it's easier to kill people that don't look like you, see the USSR sending European forces to Afghanistan in '83 because they were more willing to kill the locals than the nearby Uzbek and Tajik, Asiatic forces and the Mujahideen were more willing to commit atrocities on the European forces, meanwhile the Muj was made of a racially diverse patchwork of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Persians, Hazaras etc but were able to cohere due to their shared creed of Islam and vengeance.

>> No.20729840

>Y'all niggas
You have to go back

>> No.20729846

I think it will mostly depend of their childhood, and what you mean by "know French". I would say that I can classify the people I've talked to in roughly 4 categories: virtually perfect French, the Great Average, some mistakes and struggling. Most people in France are in the Great Average, the virtually perfect is rare and usually comes from a very good education, some mistakes is speaking with ease but making mistakes here and there that people from the Great Average don't do, and struggling are people that are struggling to express themselves in French.
Some examples from the people I've met:
virtually perfect are usually the parents of high class and well-educated children, I don't know if people get fancier as they age or if the education is a bit more relaxed than before.
The Great Average is the vast majority of people I've spoken to. It's probably biased higher than what the actual average is, as I had a good education, and people that speak well are pushed to positions where they speak more.
Some mistakes is that colleague at my white-collar job that speaks with ease, but will sometimes mix the gender of two words, use words in a weird way, make some grammatical mistakes. It's still very easy to talk to her, but if you had to put everyone on our team in two groups based on language ability, chosen by an average person, she would end up alone in her group and the other would have 19 people. I guess a good explanation for them is that "they stick out".
Struggling is that, struggling, either the person to speak or you to understand them, usually both. It's that Albanian dude that was asking for directions the other day, that couldn't hold a conversation but knew enough French to get what he wanted.

>> No.20729855

I've never read him but I've been curious to for a few years. How is he like N?

>> No.20729866

>classifiying people by skin
Who does this? We classify people by ethnic heritage.

>> No.20729872

>morally white,
No such thing.