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File: 434 KB, 1920x1200, Science fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20699918 No.20699918 [Reply] [Original]

Science Fantasy Edition

Previous Thread:>>20686391

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.20699974

Is Wizard of Oz a good fantasy novel?

>> No.20699978

You guys should give up on the Brandon Sandersoi and read real fantasy like YNW Melly or Mervyn Peake

>> No.20700024 [DELETED] 

Water sleeps

>> No.20700028 [DELETED] 
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What are you reading and what are you planning to read?

>> No.20700062
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What's some good horror fantasy?

>> No.20700119
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How do you feel about Middle-earth books released after Tolkien's death?

>> No.20700149

I read all of them in high school. Recently I reread Marvelous Land of Oz and it was fun for a children’s book

>> No.20700156

Why do you consider sci-fi and fantasy to be the superior genres of literature?

>> No.20700164

generally requires a degree of world building on top of whatever story you're actually telling. a detective pulp on mars would require more work just by the virtue of being set on mars, for example.

>> No.20700165 [DELETED] 

Because it has the most supreme writer.

>> No.20700166 [DELETED] 
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>Brandon Sandersoi
He will never rule supreme, we only read the most sublime of fantasy.

>> No.20700168
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I'm against anyone using dead author's works to modify that content in any way, but Tolkien did leave a fuckton of unfinished notes behind that do make some cohesive whole. Not to mention there were authors who welcome collaborations or who's work entered public domain and can be used freely.

>> No.20700207
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Gene Wolfe update:
In Green's Jungles is great, this series is densely layered, and very emotional. It's true that he doesn't talk about Green itself as much as he does about the war he's helping fight, but the whole story about what he did on Green is pretty much there.
And Incanto basically explained who he is which set my mind at ease, at least for now, because I thought something worse happened. No idea what the third book is going to be like, I'm very excited.

Also I want to buy picrelated, it's the only omnibus edition and it has a nice cover. I can't buy the normal series because the third book apparently has a stupid cover that depicts something that isn't in the story. It's also a book club edition, which in this case is okay because there isn't a superior alternative, but the only copies I can find go for about $300 loonies in total.
I've spent about $1300 on books from ebay this year, mostly Gene Wolfe hardcovers. And while it's less than I thought I'd spent, and about a third of that price comes from shipping costs, most of the editions I've bought have been book club versions and in my opinion they're sold for way more than they're worth.
The first lot I purchased, I didn't know what "BCE" meant and ignored it, then I bought a couple more to complete the series I already had so they stack together nicely. I wouldn't advise anyone else spend money on BCEs, although the ones I got are hardcovers in good condition with covers that I like. I should've offered 50% of what the seller had listed, but I either didn't know to do it or they didn't have the option.

So far this year I've read New Sun, Long Sun, the first two Latro novels, Urth, Fifth Head of Cerberus, There Are Doors, Sorcerer's House, Home Fires, The Land Across.
I'm still planning on finishing Short Sun, Peace, then reading Wizard Knight, A Borrowed Man, An Evil Guest, then maybe the third Latro novel and a couple others before turning my attention to his short stories, or more likely moving on to another novelist because I feel like reading novels most of the time.

If you buy books on ebay you can never do enough research, ask for a lower price if you can, and look or wait for auctions cause you can usually get a lower price.
Gene Wolfe is great, I like him.

>> No.20700218

Is anyone here working on a novel?

>> No.20700225

I like to pretend I am

>> No.20700227

In my head; yes.

>> No.20700240

Ah fuck, me too.

>> No.20700244


>> No.20700262

It works for what Tolkien wanted.
>Scholars have noted that Tolkien intended the work to be a mythology, penned by many hands, and redacted by a fictional editor, whether Ælfwine or Bilbo Baggins. As such, the scholar Gergely Nagy considers that the fact that the work has indeed been edited actually realises Tolkien's intention.

>> No.20700311

There are just not enough trusted and non-pozzed sites/blogs/whatever dedicated to reviewing SF&F.

>> No.20700391

What are some good non-pozzed blogs/sites dedicated to reviewing sci-fi/ fantasy?

>> No.20700396
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read cradle

>> No.20700412

The last thread was suprisingly lively, three days of shitposting. At least it had erotica.

Any recommendations for master/apprentice stories? I'm feeling pathethic enough as of late to have a craving for vicariously living through a character that actually had a parent figure.

>> No.20700422

This but with a hot slightly older lady that relentlessly teases the MC

>> No.20700424

There aren't any.

>> No.20700437
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Just finished Paranoid Mage and the sequel. It's about a guy who finds out as an adult that he's a sorcerer that somehow got missed by the sweeps as a child. The mage world government tells him he has to come in for training and registration so naturally he immediately shreds all his identification douses everything in gasoline and goes on the run because >complying

The story is about him trying to figure how to be a mage while hiding out from the glowies who are after him.

I quite enjoyed the books and would recommend them. The character interactions are a little sparse because half of the story is about him being autistic in the middle of the woods alone in his unabomber cabin. If you don't mind a story that's mostly solo-focused then you might like these.

>> No.20700564

The Stormlight Archieve is peak fantasy. The only two problems are:
1) the cast is all niggers but thats easy to headcanon away.
2) Shallan is unbareable

>> No.20700599

If Sanderson is peak fantasy then I'm moving to China

>> No.20700604

>fantasy physics
no thanks

>> No.20700608

go on, bitchboi

>> No.20700624
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>Just finished Paranoid Mage and the sequel. It's about a guy who finds out as an adult that he's a sorcerer that somehow got missed by the sweeps as a child. The mage world government tells him he has to come in for training and registration so naturally he immediately shreds all his identification douses everything in gasoline and goes on the run because >complying
>The story is about him trying to figure how to be a mage while hiding out from the glowies who are after him.
>I quite enjoyed the books and would recommend them. The character interactions are a little sparse because half of the story is about him being autistic in the middle of the woods alone in his unabomber cabin. If you don't mind a story that's mostly solo-focused then you might like these
I feel a bit bad for the author, his previous work 'Blue Core' (rationalist Dungeon Core story with consentacles NSFW elements, halfly an erotica) didn't get even fourth of the attention.
Look at the patreon graph and the jump that occured once he's started writing Paranoid Mage. And Paranoid Mage isn't even that good, it's decent, but a lot of wasted potential.

>> No.20700633

The assassin's apprentice and the rest of the realm of the elderlings if you like that
heavy themes of duty, family, honor, love

>> No.20700754

Not canon.

>> No.20700770 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20700805
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>> No.20700809
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>> No.20700848
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Wandering Inn bros, what chapter are you at?

>> No.20700924

Been taking it slow with Volume 6 so far, kinda excited for some comfy slice of life kino after the whole war arc.

>> No.20700926

The most recent

>> No.20700945
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Dont fall for this meme of a book. Its literally a poetry book not fantasy for those looking for a prose orgasm where nothing happens for hundreds of pages. I cant believe people here compare it to a masterpiece like Lord of the Rings. Avoid.

>> No.20700954

Try The Faithful and the Fallen series by John Gwynne.

>> No.20700981

Thank you.

>> No.20700996

>Try The Faithful and the Fallen series by John Gwynne.
Already in my to-read list

>> No.20701018

IIRC the first chapter after first D series of chapter in V6 is Liscor kino.

>> No.20701036


>> No.20701043

idk about that believer king as being saved, Proyas seemed pretty damned to me

>> No.20701065

Is Malazan the most smart fantasy? he claims smart people enjoy it


>> No.20701082

You do need to be smart to read 20+ books and make sense of the lore

>> No.20701085

Finally getting around to reading Dreadgod. Realised how much I missed Wight's character-writing after reading a bunch of relatively decent-ish books. Only Dungeon Crawler Carl really felt that similar of books I'd read since.

>> No.20701088

>Taking an ESL opinion seriously

About as bad as listening to you fags go on about how good chinkshit is

>> No.20701094

Szeth is very explicitly white, and Adolin's mostly just 'tan', while Shallan is pale.

>> No.20701099

Is it well-written?

>> No.20701111
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I vaguely know of Eastern European sci-fi, but how about any Eastern European fantasy? Are they explicitly Slavic or do they just copy western European fantasy?

>> No.20701122

Its more about intention in that graph, rather than end result.

>> No.20701240

I thought the alethi were tanned/light skinned, most had blonde hair too didn't they?

Then there's the small girl I forget her name, the one with the slippery powers. She was white and so was the people in the region she came from.

>> No.20701265

you could try r.j barkers Age of Assasins books
though i thought they were complete muck

>> No.20701267

I thought the shin were asians

>> No.20701310

Nah, they're more considered Caucasian. Not QUITE, but close enough that we'd recognise them as that. Shallan's apparently something like a red-headed Asian, though still quite pale, and the Horneaters are really pale.

Lift is from a sort of islander group so she's actually fairly tan I believe. The Alethi are almost all dark-haired and tan-skinned, Adolin has black-and-blond hair because his mother was blond and Roshar genetics are weird. Apparently Adolin and Shallan's kid would have black, blond and red hair so their could would just be Yugi I guess.

>> No.20701347

I really disagree. Sure, you won't be able to tear through it like some YA novel, and yep the prose can be dense at times. But these things stop being problems if/when you approach the series in the right way.
I think that the trilogy can well be painful if read like some easy fantasy, but really opens up when you approach it as a work of (visual) art. If you come at it the right way, the characters, world, plot etc come together to create something unique. It's worth remembering that the author was an artist by training. Trust me, with the right approach you will recognise Gormenghast as pure, unadulterated kino.

>> No.20701393 [DELETED] 
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>the most smart

>> No.20701586

6.26, pretty good volume so far.
still haven't started catching up on the K chapters but i'll do it soon
a ryouka who is trying to be sociable is actually pretty likeable.
i like the direction lyonette is taking, i always wanted her to be a bit more notable character. and her terandrian situation is coming up so i'm looking forward to it.
erin seems a bit aimless atm.

D chapters were great. the last line of 6.24D was sick. a bit worried about the aussies and their gunpowder though.

>> No.20701813

>The Stormlight Archieve is peak fantasy
You are retarded.

>> No.20701821

Fevre Dream by G.R.R. Martin. Only book of his that I've read, but it's great. Only vampire book I ever liked.

>> No.20701839

I really don't care about Tolkien's napkin scribbles. If bored autists want to read them, then I see nothing wrong with people cashing in on his legacy.

>> No.20701854

You haven't read past the second book if you sincerely believe this.

>> No.20701894

If you're the kind of person that watches a movie with friends or family members and has to ask them what's going on every five fucking minutes, then you're too stupid to enjoy Malazan. That's about it.

>> No.20701902

more like he hasn't read any other books

>> No.20702014

You will NEVER rule supreme

>> No.20702033
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Every book I read I read in this guy's voice.

>> No.20702056

>6.26, pretty good volume so far.
best volume desu
you are making problems for yourself by not reading K chapters, the more you skip the more you'll need to read in a row.

>> No.20702119
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>Lord of the Rings

>> No.20702120

Fevre Dream rules. Salem's Lot was also a very good vampire book (and so far the only Stephen King I like)
You owe it to yourself to read Song of Ice and Fire, it's an (unfinished) masterpiece.
For maximum enjoyment read the Dunk and Egg stories in publication order, which means before book 2, 4 and 5

>> No.20702140

>What are you reading
Marrow by Robert Reed. It's about an empty Jovian-class (think Jupiter-sized) spaceship that enters the edge of the Milky Way, and is subsequently boarded, mapped out, and commandeered by advanced humans. These 'humans' decide to circumnavigate the Milky Way and sell passage to whichever aliens can afford the trip. So you have this xboxhuge spaceship with something like 200 billion individual entities including several different alien species with their own planet-sized habitats.
The sci-fi is quite hard.

>> No.20702174
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i know.

>> No.20702465

No need to warn me. I only read Bakker and little else.

>> No.20702581
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does anyone even care about Stormlight? Like I see people discussing asoiaf and lotr all the time but with Sanderson books it seems that people just read and then immediately forget them. No one talks about the lore, politics or the characters. Or maybe I just don't see it i guess?

>> No.20702746

Just started Ubik. Craziest PKD novel I read so far.

>> No.20702766

People talk about those because there is TV and movies about them, and the average person is too stupid to read these days due to unleaded gasoline polluting the environment.

>> No.20702846

Not even close. Although 4chan isn't exactly a place where Sandersoys would hang around. Bakker, who is way less known/read is relentlessly discussed here.

>> No.20702858

I'm pretty convinced that's just like 5 people at most talking about Bakker.

>> No.20702877

because one autist spams it

>> No.20702879

That further proves >>20702581 's point.

>> No.20702881

I don't see how.

>> No.20702883

That's more than any other series :)

>> No.20702892

If 5 people autistically discuss the books of 1 "underground" niche author for years after the series' conclusion, and no one gives 2 shits about Sando, who is a millionaire and pumps books out of his ass, then how can't you see how?

>> No.20702895

I'm overestimating, honestly. It's definitely not more than a handful, at any rate, but it's mostly just one guy relentlessly shitting up the general whenever anybody tries to discuss anything else that leads to Bakker stuff getting discussed.

>> No.20702901

Because people who are passionate about Sanderson don't really hang out here.

>> No.20702904

34 people in the other bakker thread. Half of them are trolls but still more than any other series. Cope :)

>> No.20702906

And that's a good thing.

>> No.20702911

Sanderson fanboys are insufferable and have low IQs. Thank God they don't post here.

>> No.20702960
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>> No.20702981

Finally the thread starts

>> No.20702987

>Bakker Spam gets deleted
>RI doesn't

>> No.20703107 [DELETED] 

How did you guys feel about the Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer series by Marc Alan Edelheit? While the prose isn’t the greatest, I really enjoy the story.

>> No.20703128 [DELETED] 
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RI and Bakkerchads are brothers in arms.

>> No.20703253
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>it's anothpther chapter that begins with a character staying at inn and eating a comfy breakfast of dark ale, bread, north ulfland cheeses, grapes, and pomegranates
Why is this series so comfy?

>> No.20703319
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>"The Black Company in space"

>> No.20703345

I like steampunk.

>> No.20703347

Also spending silver / gold articles of clothing for money. It's like most writers don't even seriously think about living in their settings.

>> No.20703351

Only fat chicks like steampunk.

>> No.20703362

My copy just came in the mail. Looking forward to it.

>> No.20703364

No, it's everyone else that got Asian-eyes
it tripped me up as well, I don't really have experience with describing eyes in terms of having/not having an epicanthic fold
so when it was made a point of his eyes being different, I (mistakenly) added that together with his monk aesthetic, and assumed it was he who had Asian-eyes

>> No.20703366

at least the RIfag just posts his image and gets out, unlike the bakkershill who spends 2 hours trying to force his meme with shitty posts

>> No.20703374

Wild Wild West was one of my favorite movies as a kid. And I like the setting of Arcanum, dwarves being steampunk.

>> No.20703383

I really really like long/short sun
Something about Silk's optimistic take on people seem so strange, but still genuine to me. Having a peek into someone who views the world so differently from myself.
His ability (need?) to find the good in people. His anecdotes about how there actually are very few bad people, warming stuff.

>> No.20703387

I kinda liked the fact that he put some effort into coming up with invented ethnic groups and races instead of just doing the standard "okay these are the white people standins here are the nigger standins here are the chink standins"

>> No.20703392

At a snail's pace, and only halfway through the outline, but yes.

>> No.20703406

Because you're a fat chick.

>> No.20703408

The average speed of a snail clocks in at around 0.03 mph, although a snail named Archie went nearly double that in 1995, setting the world record time at 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

>> No.20703418

Was that the inspiration for that movie Turbo?

>> No.20703434

There is also the tiny "alien-biology" aspect, where the people in the book, have small alterations making them fit in with fauna of the world
Rock nails, VERY black skin, weird teeth, etc
Making a point of the Shin people having the least of this

>> No.20703436

Kek. Archie-tier words-per-minute sounds about right. It will be completed eventually though.

>> No.20703502

>Like I see people discussing asoiaf and lotr all the time
ASoIaF normalfag fanboys are just as bad as the Bakkerspammer

>> No.20703522
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/lit/ what are some books worth reading that's about the different styles and techniques of storytelling?

>> No.20703640

Yes. Almost finished the first draft.

>> No.20703670
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Do I read the book with "Rick and Morty"-portals, or the one with the ghost of Al Capone attacking the galaxy?

>> No.20703788

the lies of locke lamora
kinda sorta

>> No.20703810

I read that book two times Anon. It's very good (and the alter books are shit), but it's not a book with master/apprentice dynamic. Why the fuck would you even consider it such? I mean, there was that old guy that taught Locke, but the stuff was marginal at best.

>> No.20703834

Uhhh, 3rd Earthsea book?

>> No.20703852

because all that's relevant about Locke's character he learned from the priest, and there's the whole community/family of the gentlemen bastards

>> No.20703911

Well the point is that humans aren't natives, the Shin are basically the least different from the original humans that showed up. The rest have SOME level of adaptation to the planet, the Horneaters the most so because they have Listener blood in them.

>> No.20703918

Just finished the first chapter and it is literally 'Black Company in space.' Blatantly. It reads like the author wanted to re-write the first Black Company novel with a sci-fi setting and also make it very right-wing (which is based).

>> No.20704313

Hammer's Slammers is already Black Company In Space while also being it's own thing.

>> No.20704334

Drake is a terrible writer though.

>> No.20704374

Is there an ebook that collections all the stories in a single volume?

>> No.20704387 [DELETED] 

>everybody talks about Hammer's Slammers
>but nobody else but me has read that weird shit known as Northworld

>> No.20704410

It would have been GOAT if Sanderson's prose was better. Same with the first Mistborn.

>> No.20704424

Only read pandoras star and judas unchained, series goes to shit after that.

>> No.20704453

For me it's Old Nathan.

>> No.20704483 [DELETED] 

For me it's fantasy and sci-fi that has sexy teenage girls with big tiddies.

>> No.20704596 [DELETED] 

Based if by teenage girls you mean all actors in this scifi are 18 years are older

>> No.20704601 [DELETED] 


>> No.20704660

>patreon writer
how the hell does this work? you release a third or a half of the book and then people pay you monthly and they get the rest released to them sequentially or something?

>> No.20704675 [DELETED] 

That's just anything from Japan

>> No.20704681 [DELETED] 

Will writers ever be this based

>> No.20704682

You post a serialised webnovel and people on Patreon often get earlier access to chapters.

>> No.20704693 [DELETED] 

Age of consent is a Judeo-Christian value

>> No.20704697 [DELETED] 

Virgin Mary was 14

>> No.20704709 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the Talmud says that's fine. You need at least 12 years of Judeo-Christian brainwashing to believe otherwise.

>> No.20704717

Doesn't GRRM describe the sex scenes between 13-year-old Daenerys and ~30-year-old Drogo?

>> No.20704751

i think after i publish my first book i'll attempt this, seems like a better move than grinding away at something for months and only then possibly seeing any returns after its published

>> No.20704775


>> No.20704778

is love, death and robots and the books it is based on /sffg/ worthy?

>> No.20704796


>> No.20704798

Any new romance lit in the world of sffg?

>> No.20704847

Mostly no for both.

>> No.20704883


>> No.20704897

Because he said so.

>> No.20704955

plagiarizers shouldn't be encouraged

>> No.20704966

picked up

>> No.20705065

Based. There's also some blatant Blade Runner homaging right at the beginning.
They should if the first chapter is about mercs killing a bunch of space SJWs.

>> No.20705156

Plagiarism is bad because...

>> No.20705161
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Just finished God's Demon and working my way through Heart of Hell, any stuff that's similar? Not specifically about hell, just settings that are turbo fucked in a visceral way. Prince of Nothing is very bleak for example but it still takes place in a pretty normal world, I want that weird shit.

>> No.20705170

Oh to add, another example of a really fucked setting that was good was The Night Land.

>> No.20705189

Lords of Dyscrasia.
Nightland Racer.

>> No.20705234

thanks, I'll check these out

>> No.20705235

Heavy Metal only. Behead all imitators.

>> No.20705257


>> No.20705262

it's boring and repetitive

>> No.20705281

You don't think someone else might see a good idea by someone else and implement it well or even better as part of their story? People do it all the time. It's only called out when it's implemented poorly or if they're ideologically opposed to the author.

>> No.20705390

Does it have the space version of The Lady from black company?

>> No.20705395 [DELETED] 
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The most important question

>> No.20705396

Not yet, coomer.

>> No.20705410

Does it at least have Soulcatcher?

>> No.20705414

I'm intrigued, even if the cover looks like some webnovel shit

>> No.20705421

Is gamelit or litrpg acceptable or is it punishable by death?

>> No.20705426 [DELETED] 
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its cool

>> No.20705438

It has a battle cyborg straight out of Blade Runner.

“Do you know what we’re waiting for?”
That’s such a Hauser question. His voice isn’t totally flat and monotone like the old first-generation hunter-killers. There’s almost a quiet calm they added into his speech patterns that I find comforting. His model got that upgrade and gave him the hint of a German accent. He told me that one time, when he was reviewing his protocols. Then he told me what German was and spoke some of it. It seemed like a harsh and angry language and I’d never heard anything like it in all my travels. Strange that they gave it to him, the hints of the accent, to make him more relatable to the humans they planned on him working with.
But the question is so Hauser. What are we waiting for? No impatience. Just a sincere desire to know. Trying to figure out humanity, and the vagaries of war, at the same time. He’s an Eight Series combat-model cyborg with a four-year life span that got hacked after he ran away from whatever hell the corporations had him locked away in. He doesn’t understand that the captain may be waiting for some moment only the human can sense out there in the night. Trying to balance the plan against the smell of the darkness and what he finds in it. Watching the shadows of the brutalist block of authoritarian mixed-use space we’re about to get involved in. Wondering about snipers and gunners that could be waiting in there, for us. Waiting for the perfect moment to try and cross as much open ground as possible in order to avoid as many early casualties as possible.

>> No.20705469
File: 88 KB, 1280x669, whh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just learned William Hope Hodgson was a physical culturist. Absolute legend.

>> No.20705527

There are worlds forever ruined by a Battle Spire crew. Forever. Skeletal cities. Blackened landscape. Mutated freaks crawling the ravaged wasteland looking for a morsel to eat and maybe a dirty irradiated puddle to drink from. Starving masses ruled by the warlords left behind who managed to hold on to the military-grade weapons that survived the conflict.
No one goes to those worlds ever again.


>> No.20705566

give 10 examples

>> No.20705589

Bakker clearly got heavy inspiration borderline copy from aspects the dread empire, a false prophet set into motion by an older mysterious deity, a barbarian turned general, various groups of wizardy, secret cabals, a travelled (obese) spy to hold the tale together, generational family ties that complicate things in mysterious ways, mysterious personalities and cultures, women being second fiddle to the main male characters

>> No.20705596
File: 176 KB, 840x964, IMG_20220720_005819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science can be as fun as science fiction anon. That's what inspired the greats like asimov and heinlein in the first place.

I script write for the project below. I put a lot of effort into the way its written. It is educational, visually pleasant, and hopefully well written

>> No.20705613

Every writer using the Cthulhu Mythos

>> No.20705655
File: 3.54 MB, 1280x720, 1654789659211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20705672

The cover is fine, but since it's going for a more old-school look it should have been painted instead of digital.

>> No.20705688

>unable to muster the willpower to read the stuff I picked and just finding excuses
Where can I find well formatted ebooks from Iain M Banks? The ones I've found look so crudely assembled and crappy

>> No.20705700 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1342x1247, 1658221186222875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Herbert would be one of the horsemen because he's not mentioned enough. The fourth one is a bit nebulous, see how "Other" was the 4th voted in that one poll. Maybe the RI author is the closest, maybe Erikson, or GRRM, even though it would mean SF is less represented.

>> No.20705723

No, Herbert belongs. His works are that good. Also Mervyn Peake has a special place among them.

>> No.20705734

Shakespeare might be good as well, but he doesn't belong as one of the "horsemen of /sffg/".

>> No.20705737

The Dosadi Experiment was the Herbert novel I was looking at to get into him. Don't really feel like reading Dune idk why.

>> No.20705771

>The “New Guy” designation for the three in Reaper First Squad was the first step after getting called “Kid.” You got “New Guy” and a number, especially in Reaper because we always had two or three floating around. New Guy Two was about to get tagged as Farts for obvious reasons. Apparently, a lot of our chow disagreed with him. Badly. He didn’t mind and he was known to hang tough in a firefight.
I have no shame in admitting I laughed at this.

>> No.20705838

> Mervyn Peake
He isnt fantasy. Just a poet pretending to be a fantasy writer, he spends 100s of pages describing a breakfast feast or a guest party.

>> No.20705870

>that pic
Why is anti-RI guy so obsessed? Did Fang Yuan feed his sister to a bear?

>> No.20705878

Downloaded the first Dragon Lance trilogy, what am i in for?

>> No.20705905

that poll is surprising to me
the second apocalypse is good, but its not that good, i thought the bakker posting here was a meme

malazan (both erikson and esselmounts works) shit on it
along with the black company and i dont even see cook on the poll

>> No.20705918

Where in the hell is Glen Cook? Shit poll desu. We need a new one.

>> No.20705920

>malazan (both erikson and esselmounts works) shit on it
> along with the black company and i dont even see cook on the poll
LMAO even

>> No.20705925

There wasn't IP protection IIRC. It's not a serious poll, but Bakker still has a lot of influence here even if it was originally one guy spamming.

>> No.20705926

Yes, there was. Stop lying.

>> No.20705937 [DELETED] 

>No Bakker books for at least the next 10 or 15 years

>> No.20705948

Not in one, but there's three collected volumes if your search on libgen/zlib

>> No.20705977

Damn those are some deep cuts, especially Nightland Racer.

>> No.20705984

stawpolls are pathetically easy to manipulate with basic scripts. Never take a strawpoll as an actual factual source

>> No.20706042 [DELETED] 

Someone sounds jelly.

>> No.20706065
File: 1.55 MB, 3456x4608, wanderin inn printed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fucker went and printed out all 8 volumes of The Wandering Inn. I wonder how much it cost.

>> No.20706081

Expenses like this are trivial when you dont have a wife and kids

>> No.20706099
File: 1 KB, 199x43, 1656296262885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thread

>> No.20706116

Malazan is not bad, it’s just average.

>> No.20706130

I bet it cost more than a fucking tripod would have

>> No.20706153

Sandersoy's books are like marvel shits you turn off your brain and enjoy them....

>> No.20706202

What's the best way to read Tolkien? Shall I start with fellowship? Some places say read the Hobbit first but isn't it a children's book?

>> No.20706217

I read the hobbit when I was 11 so I'll always consider it a childrens book.

My kid brain at the time pictured hobbits as overgrown kids too, then the movies came out and I felt like I was right. I don't think I read the LotR books until after the two towers movie came out.

>> No.20706266 [DELETED] 

Is this the first tranny isekai?
LMAO never change /sffg/

>> No.20706280
File: 57 KB, 480x480, thinking frog girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's really just about lesbians?

>> No.20706424

Start with The Hobbit. Its a children's book for educated kids back then. Honestly its more complex than most adult books published nowadays.

>> No.20706452

Janny need to join 50%

>> No.20706478

With self-publishing not much. It's not like you have to SELL what you print and as long as its for personal use no one cares.

>> No.20706563

Never read it, does it even have a story or is it just a bunch adventures with little to no connection to each other and new characters that are forgotten as soon as the chapter ends?

>> No.20706622

what a waste of good paper

>> No.20706641

Not really, the waste of ink is the problem. I could always clean my ass with those books.

>> No.20706728

>Never read it, does it even have a story or is it just a bunch adventures with little to no connection to each other and new characters that are forgotten as soon as the chapter ends?
It's Epic Fantasy so it has a lot of PoVs, the main character has majority of the wordcount though, but there are other continents and characters. There's nothing random in TWI, there's one main narrative that other PoVs support. Honestly, it's no different than any other epic fantasy you'd read, just with more slice of life. I'd say it's more on topic than ASOIAF.

>> No.20706757


>> No.20706835

I'd like to thank the anon that was shilling The paranoid mage the other day.
It's fun to read about a paranoid fucker on the run from the magic police.

>> No.20706837


>> No.20706860
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So I've just finished reading Dreadgod, realised I was a little late, and I sort of see where people are coming from with some of the negative remarks. The back-half feels weirdly rushed all over. Wight's character-writing is strong as ever but a lot of stuff seems to happen solely as a "tune in next book" sort of deal. Which, I get it, it's the penultimate book, but so little seemed to actually happen outside of Lindon and Yerin's deal. Mercy spends the entire book being basically grounded, the whole gang isn't really together much of the time so a lot of the interactions aren't there, etc. I really did like the Silent King invading Dross' projections, though, and then promptly going "Oh fuck" when Emriss pops in. I just wish we knew Emris more as a character before this because the interaction she DOES have with Lindon is all but off-screened, and for how much of a big deal she is in this book we basically have like 6, 7 lines from her.
Not bad, overall, but a rocky penultimate book. I'm still sort of wondering how the hell the whole series is wrapping up next book, but given the breakneck pacing the series has had since Bloodline, maybe it'll just be that.

>> No.20706889

lmao lotr is more of a poetry book than gormenghast

>> No.20706918


>> No.20706925

wait people here actually read this unironically?

>> No.20706929

i haven't read it but this is the type of thing that people say on goodreads when they've been filtered, so this makes me actually want to read it.

>> No.20706966

At least LOTR has a plot, something which Gormenghast lacks.

>> No.20706981

See this. Gormenghast isnt an epic plot with a brilliant prose like Book of the New Sun, it has no plot, unless you count 60 pages of preparing a baby's 1st birthday as a plot.

>> No.20707016

t. filtered

>> No.20707022

The book was written by a guy who was an illustrator by trade and it's written like someone turned a comic book, panel after panel, into text. A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words: the novel
Really beautiful, meticulous descriptions of every little action and environmental detail that end up taking most of the space between the covers

>> No.20707026

>brilliant prose like Book of the New Sun
the prose in the shadow of the torturer is pretty week ngl

>> No.20707050

Anything along the lines of "bunch of normal people get secluded and put in an awful situation and have to deal with it"? Along the lines of The Mist/Tremors.

>> No.20707177

>I'd say it's more on topic than ASOIAF.
considering it has 9,969,572 words while asoiaf has 1,770,000, I doubt it.

>> No.20707185

I genuinely wonder what a story can even be ABOUT to be that fucking long.

>> No.20707260

lol no it wouldn't. It would be a bit more bearable, but the pacing's shit and so are the characters. Plot is really basic and predictable too.

>> No.20707262

it basically just forgoes the usual book format. in that it allows itself to take a LONG, LONG time to build up as well as resolve things. imagine those good middle parts where the story is usually the most enjoyable? TWI just keeps adding to those, and from multiple POV angles.
this is something i realized while reading it. and it's something that would never work in traditional publishing. it would only be allowed in a self published webnovel like this.

it's also part slice of life, so there's that.

>> No.20707281

it's been agreed that Sanderson's books are Marvel movies of fantasy

>> No.20707311
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>I genuinely wonder what a story can even be ABOUT to be that fucking long.

>considering it has 9,969,572 words while asoiaf has 1,770,000, I doubt it.

ASOIAF is less ambitious so it takes less words. It's not to say that it couldn't smaller, but it's exactly as long as the author needs. Actually, no, it's way smaller than the author would want to, he routinely has to downscale the content of the chapter because he realizes it'd take too much words to write. Think of any Epic Fantasy series, but then imagine that for every part of the story there were other arcs inside, making what would the introductory book 10x as long, but just as much entertaining. The author simply wants to write a real 'Epic' in every meaning of this word. World=shattering events don't come every other chapter, they are set up and built up over an entire volume or longer.

In a way, The Wandering Inn destroyed normal books for me. Everything feels rushed and unearned in comparison. Fact is, Pirateaba is a prodigy of writing, unironically. Nothing of this length and written this fast should have any right to be as good as it is, and yet it's one of the best webnovels on the internet.

Funny thing, normally books are bloated by never ending descriptions and flowery language. TWI's author is actually describes things rarely, most of the story is in dialogues. I wanted to read Wheel of Time the other day and its beginning was so disgustingly bloated in pointless descriptions I couldn't push through more than 20% of the book.

>> No.20707400

Think that's the vibe of most who have read it. I sincerely doubt Wayward will be the finale, rather connective tissue into the next series.

>> No.20707410

Life replacement filler.

>> No.20707422

>I sincerely doubt Wayward will be the finale, rather connective tissue into the next series.
Questionable, the ending picture said that 'Lindon's journey comes to an end in Waybound'. I don't think there will be actually anything more past Cradle series, or at least not with Lindon as a protagonist. Not as if the story could maintain its progression momentum anyway, Monarchs seem to be just a bit less powerful than Abiddan, just without all of the technology they have. What would there be to read about? Few books if you stretched it. For all the worldbuilding the author has done, the world doesn't hint at something bigger.

>> No.20707447

I write light novel,but yeah it's suck

>> No.20707479

Well, it's being billed as Lindon's story ending, but I can see it transitioning into a more large-scale sequel series that's not about Lindon and co.

>> No.20707506

I can see a series about somebody travelling to multiple different Iterations being a thing, that feels like it has potential. Some anon mentioned you could honestly hijack Simon from Traveler's Gate for that, given Valin already did some world-hopping.

>> No.20707558

Dawn of the Dead, Dead Rising, probably a lot of other zombie media

>> No.20707664
File: 373 KB, 533x800, china_mieville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK he is good.

>> No.20707973

I've never been a fan of Stephen King. I read a few of his books in my teens (I can't even remember which ones at this point) and still have a copy of The Stand sitting on my bookshelf unread. I do plan on reading ASoIaF eventually. Malazan kind of took over my reading time, but I'm on the final chapter of the final book, so that feels good. I'm assuming that the Dunk and Egg stories are just the prequel novellas like in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms compilation?

>> No.20707994

I'm just happy I didn't fall for the meme. I read a lot of reviews after seeing all the Bakker posting. That made my mind up to avoid his books.

>> No.20707995

>ASOIAF is less ambitious
I highly doubt that. More content doesn't mean more ambitious. Or are you telling me that Wandering Inn has the complexity of ASOIAF (different houses, characters, bloodlines, religions, cultures all interacting and affecting each other)?

>> No.20708002

NTA but pretty much, yeah

>> No.20708003

Why didn't anyone tell me Murderbot Diaries is so funny

>> No.20708007

Don't believe you. :)

>> No.20708009

>Techniques of the Selling Writer by Swain. >Aristotle's Poetics for Screen Writers by Tierno.

>> No.20708027

>Don't really feel like reading Dune idk why
It's popular, so you don't want to read it. Not that complicated to figure out.

>> No.20708030

I find that hard to believe considering the author started writing in 2016 and then shat out 10 million words in just 6 years. But I'm also not going to read to make sure so whatever, we can end the discussion here

>> No.20708037

A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakeapeare.

>> No.20708046

William Gibson on elves. Why does he hate elves so much?
>[W]hen I see things like Shadowrun, the only negative thing I feel about it is that initial extreme revulsion at seeing my literary DNA mixed with elves.

>> No.20708064

I get it really. I started reading fantasy about 35 years ago and now elves and dragons make me want to puke. It's visceral.

>> No.20708073

I don't see elves that often, but dragons are fairly common, though recently they seem to have taken a shift in tone to being 'only important things' now. Dragons are rarely just 'a thing that is there' in more recent fantasy, they're always a big deal.

>> No.20708106

Just checked out wandering inn and it confirmed my suspicions. Women cannot write.

>> No.20708144

except I'm not a woman?

>> No.20708146

I mean, I'm not claiming the story is necessarly good just because it has those elements

>> No.20708150
File: 40 KB, 654x741, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually terrible. Never ever read "levelling up" garbage.

>> No.20708169

that's just the subgenre. and TWI is actually exceedingly slow when it comes to the litrpg and power fantasy aspects that tend to plague the genre.

>> No.20708174

Don't care shill. It's still gamey level up trash.

>> No.20708184

not even the same poster, you clown.

>> No.20708183

What I hate the most is some isekai shit where only the MC has a system, I instantly close any story with both of those

>> No.20708205
File: 286 KB, 786x1216, 81Gtn-PFxDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here read this?

>> No.20708218

I'm based like that.

>> No.20708233

Why not? I concede a lot of trashy ones use it as a crutch for actually doing interesting progression and scaling, but that's hardly an inherent problem.

>> No.20708246

>I highly doubt that. More content doesn't mean more ambitious. Or are you telling me that Wandering Inn has the complexity of ASOIAF (different houses, characters, bloodlines, religions, cultures all interacting and affecting each other)?
Pretty much, yeah. TWI's world is bigger than ASOIAF's, and much of wordcount is spent on fleshing out each of the continents, each with its own plotline that ties to the main one. However, TWI is more focused on characters than on places, so even if you get a chapter dedicated to a place, it's mostly to show a character in that place more than the place itself.

In example, TWI would care more about a Knight in a Knight Order than the Knight Order itself. But the level of autism is probably the same, as the author pathologically adds new characters and fleshes them out, even if they are needed just to move the plot. I'd say it's a flaw, but the author seems to have curbed that urge as of late.

>> No.20708257

Everyone has access to the system and why it exists, stagnation and how reliant people have become on it and the loss of free will are a central part of the story

>> No.20708260

The idea is shit conceptually. It stemmed from RPGs as merely a method of keeping track of the strength of your character. It little place in modern video games let alone a book. Only low iq subhumans enjoy it because it reminds them of playing a video game, something else they enjoy, and they project that enjoyment when reading the book.

>> No.20708271

I don't really get litrpgs. RPGs have these reductionist systems because it's the best they have for simulating a fantasy world, but if we had ubiquitous holodeck-like tech or even better a real fantasy world, then everyone would be using that instead. The systems are a consequence of our limits in tech, not what people actually think is the best way to experience a fantasy world.

>> No.20708277

That's not really an answer besides "I don't like it". It can absolutely be used for interesting story-telling (I don't know if TWI does I haven't read it) by examining the effects of such a thing on society, the overreliance on such a system, what other concepts included in the game-like functionality adds to the world, etc.
That's not including ones where it's explicitly a game, like VRMMO shit, but that's another ballpark entirely.

>> No.20708281

>The idea is shit conceptually. It stemmed from RPGs as merely a method of keeping track of the strength of your character. It little place in modern video games let alone a book. Only low iq subhumans enjoy it because it reminds them of playing a video game, something else they enjoy, and they project that enjoyment when reading the book.
Leveling system like in the one in TWI causes a story that you wouldn't get in any other genre, so that on its own entirely refutes the argument. You are basically angry that the story isn't a copy of every other fantasy world. Orginality burns people like you.

>> No.20708298

i always find it ironic when FANTASY lovers, out of all things, can't look past genre conventions.

>> No.20708299

>it can absolutely be used for interesting story-telling (I don't know if TWI does I haven't read it) by examining the effects of such a thing on society
The system was originally designed as merely an abstraction, it's fucking retarded to discuss its "implications". Even in a video game with levels it doesn't canonically exist inside the game, it's just for the player.
>le light novel levelling shit

>> No.20708305

The wandering inn is shit and stop trying to force it here, faggot.

>> No.20708308

It's an abstraction that has since taken on a life of its own. That's the point.

>> No.20708313

Yes and that is retarded.

>> No.20708315

>That's not really an answer besides "I don't like it". It can absolutely be used for interesting story-telling (I don't know if TWI does I haven't read it) by examining the effects of such a thing on society, the overreliance on such a system, what other concepts included in the game-like functionality adds to the world, etc.
TWI absolutely explores the effects leveling would have on a world, commentary on it is constant throughout the entire story. Especially by characters that don't or cannot level. Basically the role-model of how RPG mechanics should be treated by characters in a story.
It annoys me to no end to see retards reject a story with RPG elements outright just to read yet another run-of-the-mill fantasy story. It's not just preference, it's pure close-minded ignorance.

>> No.20708319

Restrictions breed creativity.

>> No.20708321
File: 51 KB, 436x536, 1648481131906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not really one of those anons who shill it. but your shitty posts actually tend to make me look like one, even if i'm just trying to defend the series from your pathetic kneejerk-level insights.

>> No.20708341

well what do you mean by ambitious? I would say that Attack on Titan is more ambitious than One Piece. Although the latter has like 10 times as many chapters and content, it's just one adventure after another whereas Attack on Titan has this carefully constructed universe and story where everything connects in the end

>> No.20708344

It's not a restriction. It's just an addition, an unnecessary one. Being low iq should be a crime.

>> No.20708346

My personal reason for not reading TWI is I don't wanna start reading a bajillion words, especially because it apparently takes four volumes to get good. LitRPG doesn't really influence my decision at all, hell I've read a fair bit (most of them are mediocre, but DCC was great and a few others were at least pretty good) but I'm not somebody who'd wanna just read something that absurdly lengthy because I don't really take breaks in reading a series.

>> No.20708354

Man if I could murk all you wandershit shills, I would be so happy. You are presenting this shit to new people as the pinnacle of the genre, and making them dump litrpg as a whole because if someone said this shit was the best, what would the rest be?
Neck yourselves Wander shit Inn faggets.

>> No.20708360

The peak of LitRPG is Dungeon Crawler Carl, anyway, in terms of LitRPGs that're more modern, because to my understanding TWI is a lot more low-key about it.

>> No.20708371

well.. that's fine?
i'm mostly responding to the argument that it's trash because litrpgs are inherently trash.

>> No.20708377
File: 15 KB, 1376x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is peak fiction to wandershits

>> No.20708382

>The peak of LitRPG is Dungeon Crawler Carl
No it isn't. DCC and Wandering Inn are both shit in different ways. Carl is leagues above Wandering Inn, and better written, doesn't change the fact that it too is shit. Who gives a fuck about philosophical implications of the cat loving you back. Also, how the author foreshadowed the ex girlfriend so much in books one and two, I'm sure she turns up to claim ownership of the cat later in the series, and say that Carl stole her.

>> No.20708383
File: 406 KB, 1200x1824, recursion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I just read the lost Christopher Nolan movie.

>> No.20708397
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>> No.20708418

unironically what did he mean by this? Some lore thing about how inn is the world?

>> No.20708432

I mean, writing in early TWI is rather amteurish, but I think the author was making a joke. The author was inspired by Pratchett in part, and it's easy to see in the story.

>> No.20708442

>he doesn't understand what humor is
you are literally a sperg anon

>> No.20708452

Are there any litrpg games?

>> No.20708453

wait no i'm retarded. It could've been just that there were no lights in the inn

>> No.20708454

Pratchett-inspired writing is really easy to fuck up. You have to have the right kind of flow, otherwise it's just incredibly clunky.

>> No.20708455

Why the fuck are you making excuses for the author? Do you think she will let you fuck her if you show how much you defended her online? Jesus fuck, you cunts.

>> No.20708458
File: 33 KB, 1489x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the latest chapter and it still reads like fanfiction.

>> No.20708460

I am, though right now I'm trying to find ways to resolve the conflicts related to the antagonists in a meaningful way. I'm really happy with my characters for the most part, and with their motivations, I just can't seem to think of a way to wrap everything up.

>> No.20708463

Yes, they are called DnD, or tabletop games. Have fun

>> No.20708466

Just ignore them, it’s fucking obvious they refuse to argue in good faith and will just spam the fucking thread if no one likes their shitty story.

>> No.20708479

why would you say "this area" and not "the area"?

>> No.20708483

Those are RPGs, not litrpgs. A LitRPG has RPG mechanics in the world itself. D&D uses RPG mechanics outside the world it simulates.

>> No.20708484

That just feels wrong. Just use Earthlings or something if you're gonna make the distinction.

>> No.20708485

Because the person is a terrible writer.

>> No.20708488
File: 91 KB, 600x600, 1639226421176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same writing style
>posts one minute apart

>> No.20708499

Anon, I've been lurking this entire time, but the wandering Inn is absolute dogshit, and shilling it in every thread is not going to make people like it.

>> No.20708503

a lot of people's idea of fantasy worlds come from videogames, so gamey stuff backwashed on to ttrpgs and books

>> No.20708509

>it’s fucking obvious they refuse to argue in good faith

What good faith? People here are constantly shitting on TWI because:
- it has Female MC
- it's a Webnovel
- it's in LitRPG genre

It's a rare post that someone actually comments on the story's quality. No here reads and judges stuff without even reading it. I respect people who say they tried to read and say they don't like it. But most of people here are retarded cunts

>> No.20708540

TWI hasn't been mentioned in like three threads

>> No.20708570
File: 350 KB, 933x1352, muscle wizard bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what happened to the reviewer bro. He was supposed to read another book and then start Worm. He hasn't been there for what, three weeks now? I hope he will post again.

>> No.20708575

He was reading some xianxia shit right? Probably one of those longer-winded ones. Or maybe he's just taking a break.

>> No.20708585

I WILL continue reading Dungeon Crawler Carl.
I WILL watch it all burn to the ground and I WILL like it.

>> No.20708590

"litrpg" by it's very name, means literary role playing game. pray tell how can a book be a game? Unless you mean some "choose your own adventure" type shenanigans?

>> No.20708596
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>[Level up - Chungus power 0.1/999999999]
>Page 2/30000

>> No.20708600

>Page 3
>Turns out that levels up very fast
>It's a LitRPG but max stats are absurdly easy to achieve so literally everybody's on an even playing field physically
Honestly that's actually a neat concept.

>> No.20708601

Wow, that's a hell of a reading goal for one author. How did you like The Land Across? I have some mixed feelings about it, but it may just be that I haven't re-read it and thus probably missed a shitload of puzzles Wolfe put in there.

Wizard/Knight is maybe Wolfe's worst that I've come across, but damn if I didn't enjoy it nonetheless. Except for the ending.

>> No.20708628

You can have a game based on any literary genre. You don't ask how can there be Conan games when Conan is a literary character. A LitRPG game would be a game that uses the tropes from LitRPG or is based on a specific LitRPG, and one of the main tropes is that the RPG mechanics are in the worlds themselves rather than a mere tool to simulate a secondary world in the real world. If there was a The Wandering Inn RPG, then that's clearly and LitRPG RPG.

>> No.20708631
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So it's just pointless window dressing? And this is supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.20708637

>People here are constantly shitting on TWI because:
>- it has Female MC
>- it's a Webnovel
>- it's in LitRPG genre
No we shit on it because the story is fucking shit. Beware of Chicken and Mother of Learning are webnovels and semi-litrpg, and they are better written than Wandering Inn. Wandering Inn isn't shit because of the MC, it's shit because it's padded beyond hell, almost a word salad, and the author has the protags (mainly that gobbo lovin bitch) do inane shit, and be rewarded for it, instead of killed off. Then she has idiots such yourself say "such human, much emotion, many feels" when she digs graves with her bare hands. Just neck yourself and stop forcing this shit. I and many here read that shit because we wanted to see what the fuss was about, we saw it was shit, say as much, and you faggets try explain away the shit every single time. If you like it, that isn't a problem, I like many low quality shit series that is fun, but I don't shit up the general THREAD AFTER THREAD saying how good my shit is.

>> No.20708643

Not really? Everybody being at an exactly even power level would lead to an intriguing story, potentially.

>> No.20708647

Read the thread faggot. It's obvious you are either a liar, or don't read the threads.

>> No.20708652

I don't really understand why people call BoC and MoL semi-LitRPG.

>> No.20708662

>(mainly that gobbo lovin bitch)
oh, it's the usual schizo

>> No.20708663

So the level shit is window dressing like I said.

>> No.20708664

Well, if you want to consider Stormlight archives as a litrpg, instead of Mormon propaganda, then that has games based on the series, I think.

>> No.20708671
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So its the worst part of lrpg autism - the [blocks of retardation] - without any point?
>so literally everybody's on an even playing field physically
Either it doesn't apply, and is redundant because thats how it works irl, or there IS Litrpg retardation, at which point normal criticisms (its gay as fuck) apply again.

>> No.20708684

No, it'd be an enforced diegetic reason for why things are like that. You can have any number of reasons, I was just positing one potential thing that could be done but you're having a shitfit because it's LitRPG.

>> No.20708705

>The inn keeper is the best, she can do no wrong
>there is nothing wrong with being a pacifist and getting people killed
>oh it's that schizo

>> No.20708718

You don't need any reason like this. This litrpg is shit and is just window dressing as you have yourself proven stupid shill.

>> No.20708719

>most successful fantasy author since Tolkien
>is a based brraap meme enjoyer
Real king of /sffg/

>> No.20708722

I've always notice he can never refute any arguments and always falls back on calling whoever calls him out as a schizo or wanting bakkerspam. Really sums up how awful the wandering Inn is.

>> No.20708732

It's literally not, though. It serves a function in-universe which can be a source of intrigue and a restriction within the universe.

>> No.20708736

>No we shit on it because the story is fucking shit. Beware of Chicken and Mother of Learning are webnovels and semi-litrpg, and they are better written than Wandering Inn.
Now, I know you are a schizo troll, but Mother of Learning is known for the worst writing out of any popular webnovel. You can feel that the author is non-native in every fucking line. The prose is dry as fuck.

>> No.20708749

Just pointing out how easy to tell it's you, you love mentioning how much goblin cock she apparently takes

>> No.20708750

There is no arguing with schizos because they have no arguments. All they can say is 'I didn't like something so it's shit' and then sperg out when someone disagrees. Retards too insecure to bear that someone can, Gods help us, like something.

>> No.20708751

>You can feel that the author is non-native in every fucking line
Yeah, he made no attempt to hide it and always says he’s from Central Europe. It was literally in his profile as he was writing Mother of Learning in fiction press. Jesus, wandering Inn shills are retards.

>> No.20708766

Lmao, i didn't even like that early part of twi where Erin was acting like half-mad good samaritan, but it's just a small part of the story. Actually, on re-read I understood it better and how in-character it was for her to do. You don't need to agree with every decision of a character makes Anon. Don't be a child incapable of reading without self-inserting

>> No.20708776

>There is no arguing with schizos because they have no arguments.
He gave you several arguments, you stupid dipshit. And you focus on one you didn't like to ignore him.

>> No.20708778

>Yeah, he made no attempt to hide it and always says he’s from Central Europe. It was literally in his profile as he was writing Mother of Learning in fiction press. Jesus, wandering Inn shills are retards.
I am not discovering any secret retard, everyone knows the author is Romanian. The point is that the writing is way behind any webnovel, if you were to compare TWI's improvement in writing with MoL's then TWI anihilates MoL

>> No.20708786

Are the wandering Inn shills the new Bakkerspam?

>> No.20708789

Looks like it.

>> No.20708794
File: 1.82 MB, 2710x1097, Sword of the Lictor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lead you from one dip to another. We are only halfway to the end, dear readers, and I do not blame you if you've had enough. From now on, there will only be pain until the end.

>> No.20708798

He views himself as some kind of great equalizer, chosen to bring balance to the board. Somehow it's even cringier than the Bakker guy, who at least, like the Mount Char guy, has some awareness of his autism.

>> No.20708806

>He views himself as some kind of great equalizer, chosen to bring balance to the board.
To this general, you mean. People already talk about other webnovels in great length, don't know why he's so adamant in forcing his specific series to the forefront.

>> No.20708807

nigga you're samefagging all over the thread to stir up shit how is that any better

>> No.20708814

Being unable to imagine that more than one person can dislike you is part of the disease.

>> No.20708822

Sunk cost fallacy

>> No.20708823

oh, I know that there's a few people that don't like it, but your style to escalate shit and shitpost is quite particular

>> No.20708827

>He views himself as some kind of great equalizer, chosen to bring balance to the board
that's funny because that applies more to the hater than the shill.

>> No.20708828

what is it building up to?

>> No.20708829


>> No.20708833

You will never convince anyone with an iq over 90 it's good.

>> No.20708850
File: 10 KB, 433x160, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your evidence?

>> No.20708854

>look up the author of the wandering inn
>no pics or real name and they are referred to as they while using a kiddy female cartoon as their avatar
is they a tranny?

>> No.20708858

>The Wandering Inn
I'll check it out. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.20708861

Mol is garbage. Never read twi but if mol is considered to better than twi then twi must be real bottom tier trash.

>> No.20708879


>> No.20708882

something that makes title proud? a big ass inn? to have peace in the five continents, all with their distinct issues? to resolve the global gobbo troubles, the transmigrator stuff or issues revolving around the various groups and side characters?
what do you want me to say here? there's a lot going on in TWI.

>> No.20708895

I think he’s genuinely incapable of thinking people don’t like the series he’s shilling.

>> No.20708896

>is they a tranny?
The author is a man, Noah James. They can hide from the community but not from the shops that sell their comic novel The Last Tide. People that worked with Pirateaba used male pronouns when refering to Pirate. Silly, the author likes to say that the work matter more than the author, and yet the image of a 25-30 american male screams out of everything they write.

>> No.20708897

is sando still a mormon?

>> No.20708903

This thread was doing so well, shame it got derailed in the end by the twi shills.

>> No.20708914

hello there lads, do you know some good fantasy set in a kind of a pre-modern to modern setting like 1500s to start of 1700s, or maybe even some renaissance setting (1400s)

>> No.20708917

the more you describe it it sounds kinda off putting. the author does intend to finish it at some point, right?

>> No.20708925

samefag here, it's ok even if it's no in english

>> No.20708931

If you can go a century later, try Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. It's a great book, maybe not traditional fantasy.

>> No.20708946

The lies of Locke Lamorra comes to mind.
The first books feels like it's set in a Venice like city in it's golden era.

>> No.20708973

>anon says something nice about TWI
>autistic screeching ensues
that's this thread summed up, imo.

i get that. i didn't pick it up for the longest time because of this as well. people also said it has POV related pacing issues, which is somewhat true. but overall i'd still recommend it. it starts as an average webnovel but it grows with each volume.

>the author does intend to finish it at some point, right?
i dunno. i'm only at vol 6. but i'd assume so, obviously.
also i think you're getting the wrong impression. it's not that the story is padded. there's just a lot going on and a lot of POVs to cover. and sometimes it feels like you're reading multiple stories instead of just one (again, that is one of the critiques).
That's why it can feel like the overall story is moving slowly. but it is moving.

>> No.20708974

>the more you describe it it sounds kinda off putting. the author does intend to finish it at some point, right?
NTA, but the author has mentioned that the conclusion to the story is already known to him. He said that it can change a bit depending how the story goes, but it it's his 'lighthouse' for direction. You seem to be under a misconception that TWI is a bunch of loosely connected stories, but it's not. There is one big plotline accompanied by many smaller ones that begin to connect to the main story as the time goes on. Just like every Epic Fantasy, just bigger in scope, not bothered by the constraints of publication limits.

>> No.20708981

Based fantasy writers?

>> No.20708990

Why are you lying? It’s the constant shilling that’s bothering people. Being disingenuous about it won’t change that.

>> No.20708991
File: 451 KB, 1302x1958, 1da37f42-cda9-4d0f-8e40-ac36873932a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is the comic? I didn't want to pay for it, especially since he said that the story outline would be released as a chapter when it gets relevant.

>> No.20708998

>also i think you're getting the wrong impression. it's not that the story is padded. there's just a lot going on and a lot of POVs to cover. and sometimes it feels like you're reading multiple stories instead of just one (again, that is one of the critiques).
That's padding, when the author adds more to the story when they don't need to.

>> No.20709025

have the smaller plots started to converge?

>> No.20709033

>wanting bakkerspam
Not an insult, inshallah

>> No.20709045

...what the fuck am i lying about? i assume you're not >>20708917, but these low IQ replies are getting on my nerves.
if you're going to screech to me about

no. it depends on how it is done. on how relevant the plots are to each other.

imo that is not the case here since everything is intertwined, even if they don't seem like it at the beginning. though some plots start really far, continents apart, and that's where the critique lies. that's where you COULD call it padding, but but for the most part i wouldn't say it applies. i never felt like the story was 'padded', it's a completely different kind of complaint from me. and i do have my gripes with this occasionally.

>> No.20709054

I'm too poor to afford exorbitant american price kek
waiting for someone to leak the pdf and put it on zlib, libgen or something

>> No.20709065

>have the smaller plots started to converge?
Starting with V8 the plotlines begin to converge hard, at the moment in V9 there were only two interludes and they were still really relevant to the main plot.

>> No.20709071
File: 134 KB, 960x956, 1651739522929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to finish the first part of the post.
but i can't be bothered. i have to wake up early anyway so fuck you.

>> No.20709073

>That's padding, when the author adds more to the story when they don't need to.
Why wouldn't they add more relevant stuff, though? That's the point of the story, to be enjoyed, not to arrive at its destination. Of course it will at some point, but the impact will be all the stronger for the journey.

>> No.20709074

what do you think the endpoint will be?

>> No.20709119

Don't engage with it. It acts like a 15 year old who sees people badmouthing his older brother online and has to jump in to defend
is made about the goddamn series. The earnestness and outright nonunderstanding of others' perspectives makes me believe its genuinity.
This dude reminds me of Rebecca-chan from One Piece generals ~10 years ago. Guy would sit in a thread and argue with paragraphs in every post, doing this for 12 fucking hours straight.

>> No.20709241

There are three possible endpoints.

War against the sleeper/the blighted king in Rhir.
Permanent connection to Earth and a war against the modern world.
Ressurection of the Gods and the inevitable subsequent upheaval.

There are also other near-endpoints stories being set up like Chandrar's unification, War against the slaver nation, Goblin-king, The Seamwalkers etc... But none of those are fully endgame material even if they are all world-spanning storylines.

>> No.20709298

Is Worth the Candle worth the candles to read?

>> No.20709325

No the title is retarded.

>> No.20709341

oh nonoonono

>> No.20709366

Depends. I found it too, subversive? I just wanted a fun romp, this had too much something. I read book one and 2 and I still don't know how I feel about it.

>> No.20709368
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>no human is qualified to be Pharoah but if he could he'd be whipped to pussy he could never have and be suicidal
Thank you Frank, very insightful

>> No.20709373

Imagine reading through someone's work and doing their work for them, free of charge.
>to make it easier for the author, Pirateaba, to later correct them.

>> No.20709376
File: 4 KB, 300x47, 1653758170081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could be it's own 10 page article kek
sometimes you just gotta stop fussing over the minor details and technicalities

>> No.20709381

being a virgin for over 3000 years will do mysterious things to you

>> No.20709399

My impression was that there was like a 100 year period where Leto still had his cock and balls and used them immediately after the events in Children. So he had sex and then lost the ability.

>> No.20709413

I read volume 1 and it was promising, but not compelling. I'm sticking with it but I'm a forgiving reader.

>> No.20709480

more words !+ better. Infact it's usually the opposite. The core foundation and purpose of a book is mystery. It's actually impossible to transmit an idea directly through language, so it's best to "paint an outline" and let the reader fill in the gaps to their taste. Hammering out every last detail kills a story, just like exactly describing a character reduces them to a lifeless automaton.Not only that, but it also kills the author, since writing is 100% deux ex machina and that becomes more and more difficult the more elements there are in a story. If you have a vague description and later need to add or change something, it's easy to simply "describe it in more detail" but if you already described it too much it's impossible to change, dead, and either the new idea will have to be abandoned or it and/or the rest of the story will have to be rewritten to fit together.

>> No.20709513

It sucks because it's entirely about the author and he's a boring whiny narcissist.

>> No.20709571

God’s demon is so fucking good

>> No.20709599

Isn't Shai Hulud covering his stillsuit? If so, there's skin above it and he can't get his junk out.

>> No.20709615


>> No.20709646

haha I bet...

>> No.20709677

that sounds interesting. maybe i'll get to start twi one day

>> No.20709763

I don't know why but ai thought Leto took the Stillsuit off before putting Shai Halud on, like a baptism or something

>> No.20709945

A novella, but yes. It's a simple fantasy story about a man on a quest to retrieve artifacts held sacred by his people in order to be crowned king. Already halfway done with it and I intend to finish it by Labor Day.

>> No.20710020 [DELETED] 

New thread

>> No.20710032

New thread

>> No.20710193

Thread is shit, always surprises me people honesty just wait to shit it up.

>> No.20710258

lol she just showed up.
>He casts one washed-out sun-faded blue eye over his shoulder, glancing at the pilot in the drop that has just come in and put down. A woman. But even with her flight helmet on she’s beautiful. You can tell. Otherworldly beautiful.
I didn’t know it then yet, but that was the first time I saw the Monarch known as the Seeker.

>> No.20710261

That’s good to hear. Maybe I’ll check it out.