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20699002 No.20699002 [Reply] [Original]

Can a woman be a stoic?

>> No.20699009

Women are animals, they only respect raw strength and dicking. Philosophy and intellect are worthless to them, and social status is only means to an end in their eyes.

>> No.20699016

>realistic depictions

>> No.20699028 [DELETED] 

Yes we get it op. You're bitter and angry over the fact women are fucking black men with larger penises instead of your shrimp dick. Just don't come and shit up your sexism on /lit/ next time
Oh fuck off and back to /pol/

>> No.20699035

Post roast

>> No.20699046

>the polwhiner landwhale tranny forgot his meds again

>> No.20699050

This is something you would see on /tv/. Not even worthy of a (You)

>> No.20699070

Never philosophize with women. They only respond to power that makes them cower in fear

>> No.20699108

I've only met one in my day who "got" philosophy. She was very mentally ill and a champagne socialist by every account, but you could actually get a nuanced response from her if you wanted one. Every other one, whether they were a girlfriend of mine or a casual acquaintance, has lacked the essential pre-requisites.

>> No.20699137

Stoicism confirmed as philosophy for cucks. The science is settled.

>> No.20699216
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Literally gossip. Oldest trick to discredit someone in the book. You probably believe Hitler had an affair with his sister, was gay, had only one ball, a shriveled cock, and personally jerked off that poor jew in that masturbation-death chamber, right?
Pic-rel, is from the Historia Augusta.

>> No.20699226

>Aurelius summoned Faustina and the gladiator in his room and asked them to have sex. While they were having sex, Aurelius’s soldiers executed the poor guy. Faustina had to bathe in the gladiator’s blood. After the gladiator was dead, Aurelius and Faustina had sex.
>The Romans believed the gladiator’s blood was a powerful aphrodisiac. By bathing in the gladiator’s blood, Faustina would renew her passion for Aurelius.
That's pretty fucking metal for cuckoldry.

>> No.20699253

>wife is really into "bulls"
>hectacomb her boyfriend while she's with him and take her immediately after
yeah i'm thinking cucking really is the patrician fetish here

>> No.20699274

From "Great Women of Imperial Rome":
>So how did the gossip against Faustina gain such force and credibility? It seems as if the Empress had some very powerful enemies.
>In fact, there is evidence of animosity between her and perhaps the richest, most influential private citizen of his time: the gifted Athenian orator Herodes Atticus. In an age when orators and philosophers were like pop stars, able to attract crowds of people eager to marvel at their verbal and intellectual gymnastics, Herodes Atticus was a superstar. As a typical sophist, he was part teacher, part lawyer, and part entertainer. His students, many of whom became celebrities in their own right after his death, included the young Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus.
>[Herodes] Formally accused three city officials of conspiring against him. Rather than stand trial in Athens, were Atticus' influence was strong, the three went to Marcus Aurelius [...] Faustina and her youngest child Sabina, aged 3, were with Marcus and urged him to provide for the needs of the defendants.
>They also let him know that they were firmly opposed to Herodes Atticus. [...]
>The next day, Atticus complained bitterly to Marcus that he had been "sacrificed to the whims of a mere woman and her three year-old child." He abused Marcus for ingratitude.
>Certainly, Faustina would not have appreciated Atticus' crack about the "whims of a mere woman," and she may have had a role in his removal from Athens.
>To the end of his life [Atticus] was surrounded by adoring pupils, many of whom became famous writers and sophists in their own right [...] some of these men and their students would rise to positions where they could determine how their teacher's enemies would be remembered.

>> No.20699284

If Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher, then any random internet marxist or stoic is a philosopher. He wasn’t a philosopher, he was a follower of a philosopher

>> No.20699288

Stoicism in a man is a strength that will help him throughout his whole life.
In a woman, stoicism is a serious handicap and will harm her throughout her whole life.
Crying, complaining, whining, bitching, playing the victim... these are things that harm a man's reputation and consequently his life, but these are the things that, when done by a woman, will make the men around her give her whatever she wants.

>> No.20699295

It’s pronounced ‘stoy-k’

>> No.20699307
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I'm a stoike
I'm a stoike
Suck my diiiiiiiick
I'm a stoike

>> No.20699320
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>Lovers of Modena skeletons holding hands were both men

>> No.20699492

finally someone said it

>> No.20699520
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It's crazy how something written a thousand years ago is relevant today

>> No.20699529


>> No.20699531

As Mr. Brooke once said:
"Well, but now, Casaubon, such deep studies, classics, mathematics, that kind of ting, are too taxing for a woman — too taxing, you know"

Which I find to be true.

>> No.20699778

I don't think women are capable of philosophy in the long run. They lack the ability for introspection that's required to be a great thinker

>> No.20699786

>implying a woman would willingly want to take up the most cope of male copes

>> No.20699857

Maybe that's a western thing, because in Asia, most of the women I talk to actually have pretty unconventional and unexpected positions on things; someone who I taught was an SJW, with funky hair and all supports the death penalty for drug dealers; another who jokes publicly about hating all men is pro free-speech and free market, and I've met a girl who read more and in-depth than myself; from The Greeks to Kant, Derrida and Foucault, she really changed my mind on many things, and inspired me to write more.
Don't discount all girls.

>> No.20699888

Women just tend to not have the massive ego that impels every man to believe his thoughts are uniquely valuable and humanity will be better for hearing them.

>> No.20699921


women have no introspection because they dont need to: their whole life they have hundreds of orbiters eager to shower women with free shit and solving women problems for free

and women will never have any original thoughts like here >>20699857

>> No.20699924


>> No.20699932

>I've met a girl who read more and in-depth than myself; from The Greeks to Kant, Derrida and Foucault, she really changed my mind on many things, and inspired me to write more.
>Don't discount all girls.
Kys simp.

>> No.20699947 [DELETED] 
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>Marcus Aurelius's Wife Cheated on Him With A Gladiator
Guess it's out of their control being a bunch cucks am I right? As the wise Seneca once said “Man is affected not by being a cuck but by the view he takes of being a cuck.” and the great Marcus Aurelius complemented "Adapt yourself to the cheating wife you have been given, and truly love the man with whom destiny has decided to fuck her."

>> No.20699970
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>Marcus Aurelius's Wife Cheated on Him With A Gladiator
Guess it's out of their control being a bunch cucks am I right? As the wise Seneca once said “Man is affected not by being a cuck but by the view he takes of being a cuck.” and the great Marcus Aurelius complemented "Adapt yourself to the cheating wife you have been given, and truly love the man that destiny has decided to fuck her instead of you."

>> No.20699973

You think that, but in reality it’s men who grow up with people constantly giving them permission to say whatever stupid shit they want. This lack of challenge prevents any sort of stable moral baseline from developing in the male psyche, and whatever does manage to develop is thanks to the work of women in their life who’ve been forced to cultivate prudence for their own self protection. Men are neurotic, obsessive, and skeptical to the point of undermining their own confidence in anything and everything, and because of that we are where we are today. It’s your fault that God is dead, scrote.

>> No.20699981

Based motherly roastie dabbing on the little scrote

>> No.20699982

My wife’s son thinks so.

>> No.20699998

What about schizo /pol/neetcel women that could give a fuck less about status? I'm the guy version, and believe me, I do not want the pressures of high-status and being expected to "perform" all of the time

>> No.20700008


>> No.20700109

most western women lack any ability to introspect and have only a binary filter when examining the consequences of their own actions, if they ever examine them at all. history provides ample examples of women going against this stereotype in the west, but it is most certainly the norm. this lack of introspection is balanced by an almost innate perception of the thoughts, feelings and actions of others (i think female socialization during early upbringing plays at least some role in this). this intuitive nature is woman's greatest advantage over man and something he seeks to recreate. it gives her full insight into a world he can only barely see. this is how the gay virus was introduced to the world

>> No.20700124

Dumb cow, whom lets men say whatever in reality? Women. Men are kept incheck by other men since women are too weak to do anything

>> No.20700182

Here's the thing, you impotent sow. Men are not allowed to say what they want since all aesthetic judgement and procreation is ultimately decided by the female. It may have worked for a millenia but its broken now

>> No.20700990
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re: claim in image
Having sex with slaves is not 'cheating on your husband/wife'.

>Can a woman be a stoic?
Sure, but it's probably harder as female culture in most times and places is far more drawn towards petty status amongst other women and shiny baubles.

I think, generally, the types of men and women who fall into (the above) are the same; the male bimbo and the female bimbo, both as a product of delayed adult cognitive development and both, in any natural setting, easily outwitted, easily overpowered, collared and thrown onto the boat.

The best traits shared by both begin with the desire to learn better, the worst traits shared by both begin with the social status focus; e.g. physical training to look good instead of physical training to incapacitate progressively more and more men in a combat scenario.

(i'm up to six in about 60 seconds)

>What about schizo /pol/neetcel women that could give a fuck less about status?
They don't exist. The 'alt right' woman (presume that's what you mean) has just figured out that she could make a slave of a man more easily if the mans head was filled with crackpot 19th century notions about how miserable toil for a lazy wife was 'desirable' and 'respectable'. I've spoken with plenty of these women are they're sly (bad character; no virtue, disinterested in learning and work) on a different level.

>> No.20701013

>I've spoken with plenty of these women are they're sly (bad character; no virtue, disinterested in learning and work) on a different level.

Good thing they'll be ancient history soon

>> No.20701053

slavish men are like this too

>> No.20701059

What about Hanna Arendt?

>> No.20701064

>m-muh moral baseline
>projecting her own sexual dysfunctions on "men"
crystal cafe roastie detected
why haven't you kys already?

>> No.20701068

outspake brave Horatius,
the biggest bastard in town,
"i'll slay every last one of these fucking bitches,"
and his smile turned into a frown,

as lustful Faustina watched all this
she felt her cunny melt,
and she ordered her slaves to take his place
he was too good to die, she felt,

but Horatius had other things in mind
and cheerfully gutted and stabbed
and by the time the bridge was cleared of men
he was only thinking of the slave women he'd have,

he pulled out his little tally sheet
and marked down 200 by 2
then of the newly claimable barbarian widows
he wondered which of the first he'd do.

>> No.20701106

No. They're only critics not creators.

>> No.20701156

That's not true. Women are just built different. A mystery we must solve.

>> No.20701163

A mystery we cannot solve, and probably never will. There’s some truth to this however >>20699009

>> No.20701174
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Mystery already solved

>> No.20701200

someone recomended me 'the manipulated man' by Esther Vilar the other day, seems proper to pass it along here.

Her take is probably the most accurate; that the woman is raised in such a way (exposed to constant flattery from countless men) that virtue and good character; things men tend to eventually develop, as well as practical skills are not learned or atrophied from lack of use due to the ease of having male volunteers to do anything at any time.

A woman ought come to realize that hollow-praise is always a lie and therefore not to be trusted or ever taken seriously when it's said by men, but all this means is that she more likely learns to disregard all men entirely - from lacking discernment.

Still, women raised by single dads, for example, tend to display far better characters and this is probably due to the absence of the mothers influence. Men don't eve need to make any special efforts to parent a daughter, then, just do what's natural and the kid without the bad influence will pick it up of her own accord. Probably even the kid seeing the mother mistreating the father and play the baby, e.g. "do this or i'll pout", constitutes the bad influence.

>> No.20701233
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Shakespeare seemed to think so.

>> No.20701246

And then what? What happens when a bitch gets pregnant? Retarded Nietzsche poster.
Esther Vilar’s take does make sense, although it’s a bit too shallow, in my opinion. I get your point on women raised by single dads and I agree with it, but I don’t get how women ought to pay no heed to hollow praise from men if it ends up making them disregard all men entirely.

>> No.20701303

>And then what? What happens when a bitch gets pregnant?
Then you leave

>> No.20701304

>but I don’t get how women ought to pay no heed to hollow praise from men if it ends up making them disregard all men entirely.
well, the girl must learn logics to be able to accurately judge and discern lies/pander from truth/helpful..

>disregard all men entirely
I think it's the same error that men are expressing here on the subject; to take the collectivist, racial-ethos or biological view that (women) are "all one way" so instead of taking the individual as an individual they employ a procrustean format as a framework (projecting tropes upon organic natural people) and reinterpret utterances or behaviors along the set rote model that they have in mind, i.e. disregarding all women entirely. No different in process - ironically confirming that there's no real "brain difference" between men and women as they're both susceptible to the same errors in perception.

>> No.20701319

>stable moral baseline from developing in the male psyche,

The exact reason I dumped my ex. She wasn't making me a better person she was making me more useful for society. Fall in love; Fall in line. Our society castrates us and roasties wanting us to quit being neurotic, obsessive freaks deny us any chance of becoming something more. All great artists were neurotic, obsessive, and skeptical to the point of undermining their own confidence.

You must of heard the term "he needs a woman to straighten him out."

>> No.20701320

also, on point, w/re: discerning and logic

Damaris Masham pointed out that whilst it's nice if a man bothers to learn how to think properly that it's far more important that a woman learns this; as whatever the woman is doing will inform her children, making them into bad citizens if the mother herself is bad or stupid.

>> No.20701386

> it's far more important that a woman learns this
i mean, it's objectively far more important for the general society

I'm also reminded, of the 'alt right' ethos on these things, trying to bring back jewish goyim society,
"take any man and educate him only with your holy scriptures alone (i.e. don't teach him rhetoric, logic, sciences) , and if, when he comes of age, he may prove to have more noble qualities than a slave then you may say i am talking nonsense and suffering from the spleen,"
flavius julianus