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20682858 No.20682858 [Reply] [Original]

I am convinced the mental anguish monks experience from restraint and NEETdom is no different from the anguish hedonists experience from the effects of overindulgence. Thoughts?

>> No.20682863

Yeah that's why Buddha preached the Middle Path.

>> No.20682870

It may not be but the idea is that one can leads to something that the other doesn’t.

>> No.20682916

It may not be, but the idea is that one can leads to something that the other doesn’t. That's why Buddha preached the Middle Path.

>> No.20683080

how do you know monks experience anguish?

>> No.20683834

Because they are constantly at battle with evolution and biology. Lots of them quit

>> No.20683851

>battle with evolution and biology

we all battle with biological impulses all the time, that's how society is made

>Lots of them quit
people quit things all the time, college, jobs, a sport, a hobby etc

>> No.20683910

Based on what?

>> No.20683924
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Oh wow, 4 chan poster debunks buddhism! It's over buddha bros...

>> No.20683929

Be wary of renunciants.

>> No.20683939

Probably their self-evidence. What else does one have recourse to in the realm of discursive reasoning?

>> No.20683944

even nietzsche approves of renunciates

The Self-Renouncer.
>—What does the self-renouncer do? He strives after a higher world, he wants to fly longer and further and higher than all men of affirmation—he throws away many things that would burden his flight, and several things among them that are not valueless, that are not unpleasant to him: he sacrifices them to his desire for elevation. Now this sacrificing, this casting away, is the very thing which becomes visible in him: on that account one calls him the self-renouncer, and as such he stands before us, enveloped in his cowl, and as the soul of a hair-shirt. With this effect, however, which he makes upon us he is well content: he wants to keep concealed from us his desire, his pride, his intention of flying above us.—Yes! He is wiser than we thought, and so courteous towards us—this affirmer! For that is what he is, like us, even in his self-renunciation.

>> No.20683951

Do you do heroin or do you discipline yourself and restrain yourself from that pleasure because you know it to be right.

>> No.20683958

Doesn't this elevation constitute, to a certain extent, a denial of life? Nietzsche alluded to this.

>> No.20683960

I do heroin

>> No.20683966

I detect vestiges of sarcasm in this passage.

>> No.20683980

>For that is what he is, like us, even in his self-renunciation.
The renunciant is no better off by his mortification than anyone of discernible integrity and vigor.

>> No.20685781

>I am convinced the mental anguish monks experience from restraint and NEETdom
huh neetdom is paradise, zero anguish in this

>> No.20685800
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I think Hesse's point comes out better in Narcissus and Goldmund. It's a similar outcome between the Apollonian and Dionysian but they are still very different modes of experience with people inclined toward one or the other.

>mental anguish monks experience from restraint and NEETdom

That's not what it is. They get pleasure from learning, sharing with their brothers and at the highest level religious ecstasy.

>> No.20686344

Does it now? I thought it preached enlightenment.

>> No.20686358

Buddhist monks worked they just weren't employed
Also they studied constantly and would teach to lay people

>> No.20686369

Neither excessive comfort nor excessive asceticism lead to enlightenment. The whole thing about Buddha sitting under a tree isn't to show you that sitting under trees will enlighten anyone, it's to show you that the answer is to stop searching. According to Buddhism though if you haven't yet fully comprehended the 4 noble truths etc you cannot truly give up, because you're still attached to things that make you suffer.