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20672829 No.20672829 [Reply] [Original]

Don't make your child read until first they have a strong enough sense of Self. Otherwise their mind will just be shaped by the books they read throughout childhood and adolescence and so they won't really be true to themselves

Prove me wrong

>> No.20672868

How to raise an übermensch:

first buy a mansion and lock him inside never let him leave. The house will be kept by servants who they are not allowed to speak to and who try to avoid him as much as possible by working at night and such. He will be taken care of as little possible until the age of 5 when he will be forced to raise himself, before that the only time you can meet with him is to teach him to talk. The house will have a singular record player and the complete works of mozart on vinyl. It will have a TV with no cable and there will be CDs that will teach him how to read. There will be a barbell squat rack and treadmill and books on exercise physiology. There will be a piano and sheet music but he will have no teacher except for books and he will only play it because there will be little else to do. There will be a library that has nothing except the complete works of plato, the complete works of aristotle, the complete works of kant, the complete works of hegel, and the following math textbooks:
precalculus by stweart
what is mathematics? by herbert robbins and richard courant
basic mathematics by serge lang
introduction to calculus and analyis 1 and 2 by fritz john and richard courant
abstract algebra by dummit and foote
algebraic number theory by andre weil
algrebraic curves by fulton
topoi: the categorical analysis of logic
the homotopy type theory book

>> No.20672881

overman is a meme interpretation if the ideal man mustache man came up with, he couldn't be one because it is flawed ideal, those who could be one have 0 interest in being cult leaders or great chairmans he envisioned

>> No.20672892

The same goes for tv, smartphones. No child grows up without them

>> No.20672914

you can't imagine not giving your child a smartphone until like the age of 6? kek

you can already raise an Ubermensch by that age
it's not really an ideal, it's just about who you are psychologically. Nietzsche essentially preached to be a sigma kek

>> No.20672949

If you do this in current year you will produce a deranged resentful meth addict tranny or ultranormie. You haven't addressed the root issues of the context he exists in. None of that formal stuff will make him less inclined to appeal to social norms including judging your upbringing based on metrics society defined instead of within the context you defined or he makes up himself. The analytical tools you gave him will just make it easier to dismantle whatever framing you give him. That's not as easy to do when it comes to society, adhering to the norms comes with benefits you never explained and the teen will be shaped by exploring those mysterious benefits he never heard about. The exact opposite to what you wanted.
If you want to ensure he doesn't adhere you have to demonize society, other people and all rules. Congratulations you made a tranny.

>> No.20672961

>Congratulations you made a tranny.
trannies are Nietzschean Last Men. they are people who are literally one of the biggest victims of the master-slave morality

>> No.20672967

He doesn’t know what the social norms are or that they exist because he is locked inside a mansion alone his whole life retard

>> No.20672968

The idea of there being some latent true-you is a meme with no actual support.

>> No.20672984

t. weak Dasein

>> No.20672991

No they aren't. Trannies are active in the Nietzschean sense, manipulating reality around them to fit their true, hidden self, forcing their interpretations of the world on others using various instruments such as the government or media networks.

>> No.20672998

again, existentialisms idea of the true-you originates with Hamann's romanticism. It is not a justified theory.

>> No.20673023

Trannies and similar are the obvious conclusion to the thought processes of people today that get boners for the idea of transcending "master-slave morality". The term is part of cutting criticism if you're a protestant German in the 19th century presuming that you're a free thinker but most people today like you relate this only to some petty pleb idea about society le oppressing you by "demanding" you wipe your ass.
I assumed he would be expected to hatch as superman at some point instead of being a slave to your experiment for life, since he's superman?

>> No.20673031

you don't understand. trannies are slaves to social constructs (gender). they craft their non-existent identities around social constructs. they are Nietzschean last men

>> No.20673040

negating the Self negates pretty much all of philosophy and psychology, it's just dumb solipsism that leads nowhere practical except serving the status quo

>> No.20673082

Constructed by them specifically for this purpose. John Money coined the term to describe people that have transcended their biological sex and become the ubersex. Now it's a fashion thing and an established social role which is a very different situation from the pioneers that bravely and thoughtlessly discarded ancient truths to construct new ones with no regard for any consequences.

The egg you made is constructed around preconceptions fed to you through culture. To protect the chick against certain things and feed it others. A situation completely divorced from any reality where its ability to exert power matter. The only opportunity to exert power is over you, its captor.

>> No.20673098

>John Money coined the term to describe people that have transcended their biological sex and become the ubersex.
no, the people who transcend the social construct of gender are characterized by gender ideology of "non-binary" or "agender." that's who the Nietzschean Ubermensch would be described as

but that's silly, because the Nietzschean Ubermensch doesn't believe in gender at all. it's a spook. there's only sex. you either have a dick or a vagoogoo

>> No.20673146

>the social construct of gender
Was made up by them, long after Nietzsche was dead. Made up by "them" as in the tranny philosophers etc as a whole and not just the people today adhering to the new construct.
>superman is non-binary or agender
See you're doing it already, you're happily walking down the tranny road. Just cut your dick off already.
Is Zarathustra a tyrant? Is your computer a tyrant? Is your dick a tyrant? Is everything against you including your own body? If they are isn't that pure weakness? Wouldn't someone more powerful find a way to let everything serve him?

>> No.20673221

Why does a 6 year old need a smartphone? Give him a basic dumb phone to stay in contact. He doesn't need the internet or 100 different apps and games to rot his brain and wire it weirdly during his formative years. If he wants to access some information, then he should do it on the desktop PC at home, and use it for nothing besides doing something productive and useful.

>> No.20673264

The self is not the latent-self. Don't tell me you are such a pseud you equate things when their words look the same.

>> No.20673265

>See you're doing it already, you're happily walking down the tranny road
you don't understand Nietzsche. you're dumb, resentful and exhibit binary thinking. follow the Monistic way
because kids will laugh at his dumb phone. this is another thing that you will understand if you grow up: appearances matter. you can infer a lot about someone from his appearance despite the saying that tells you to not judge the book by its cover. it's only half the truth. the full truth is that the inside may be different but one thing is the same as the appearance exhibited (visually and behaviorally):
a weak or strong sense of self

>> No.20673273

Wrong. Gender has disconnected with cliche masculine-feminine identities.

>> No.20673278

i didnt look too much into modern psychology admittedly.
i define intellectualism as
>intellectual pursuit by the liberated mind of a person with a strong sense of Self (Dasein)
and pseudo-intellectualism as
>the pseudo-pursuit of intellectualism by the Last Man with a weak sense of Self all to just keep up appearances, a pretense of a strong Dasein

>> No.20673281

>Gender has disconnected with cliche masculine-feminine identities
It has not. That's why it's called gender-the-social-construct. What's a woman?

>> No.20673283

Now you are just conflating the Nietzschean ubermensch with a Sterner nihilist. Not only that, but a Sterner nihilist would still affirm sex is a spook. Sloppy thinking.

>> No.20673294

Gender isn't dualistic. How can you say so and live in 2022 when people are going on about there being over 100 genders, on non-binary pronouns, etc?

>> No.20673298

Try reading what I wrote without imposing your tranny ideological ideas on the text.
So "everything is a spook" but unity is special? It's the God behind all the spooks?
Can you name even one example of one?

>> No.20673301

But you do realize this "sense of Self" idea that you are making a value system off of has no basis in reality? That it originates from a pre-Kantian art movement?

>> No.20673307

Sure, you must be reliable source of information. Start with the Greeks; you are just another illiterate retard fascinated by someone you never touched a book of.

>> No.20673311

gender is a mind virus and trans people are victim of thinking effeminate bitch boys are the same breed as masculinity worshiping chad gay men

>> No.20673316

Charles Taylor's The Ethics of Authenticity blackpilled me on this, btw, if you wanna take a look. He goes to the roots of this idea of authenticity. I haven't mentioned it so far because nothing is more disgusting when someone talks about a book in place of an actual argument.

>> No.20673417

>So "everything is a spook" but unity is special?
I treat reality as the One. Rationalized pantheism basically. It's not a spook unless you're a solipsist, and that's a dead-end with no possible Praxis to bear fruit

>> No.20673429

gender roles are

>> No.20673489

Then the fundamental principle behind your actions is wanting fruit which is a consequence of alienation from the oneness and we suddenly find ourselves in the middle of Christian/Hebrew/Sumerian theology.
You justify this idea of the One as practical but there's no practical use for it since it ignores all conflict. I don't even disagree that everything is le one but neither did Jesus and a million other dudes with vastly different ideas about how to act in the world.

>> No.20674047

>imagine caring about what a bunch of little shits say
Nice job raising a conformist little NPC. Appearance matter only if you let them. If your sense of self is dependent on what a bunch of morons say, then you have been raised as an Untermensch. If you want to raise an Ubermensch, then teach your child to think independently, rather than conforming to herd of morons.

Children have absolutely no need of smartphones. What they need is to interact with people face to face, develop their social skills and play outside in order to develop physically, and to learn how to plan, organize, and work in a team. There's a reason why most zoomers these days are depressed freak shows with a laundry list of mental illnesses. They're a generation raised on technology and zero traditional values and upbringing.

>> No.20674073

>but neither did Jesus and a million other dudes with vastly different ideas about how to act in the world.
how is that a problem when trying to find a universalizing golden mean? ;) that's precisely why this attempt isn't doomed from the start: there's this hope!

>> No.20674075

>If your sense of self is dependent on what a bunch of morons say, then you have been raised as an Untermensch. If you want to raise an Ubermensch, then teach your child to think independently, rather than conforming to herd of morons.
you can teach a degree of conformism without destroying individuality. ever thought of that? we are ultimately a social species. we need to exist in society, not as islands

>> No.20674177

That Jesus agreed is not a problem for someone trying to find truth behind old sayings but it is a problem for someone in an autistic quest to escape the culture and the conclusions it arrived at. Any alignment with Christian thinking is a problem for the edgy spookboiz. It's accepting your slavery to the oppressor. The other posters premises led him right into the concept of original sin, something they use repeatedly as an example of "slave morality". Actual slave morality is the delusional perspective that caused us to look at natural selection primarily in terms of those that dominate through brute strength and those that are involuntarily subordinate, the perspective that permeates the thinking of all the spookboiz and trannies.

>> No.20674302

don't worry about me. i got this

>> No.20674364

I define intellectualism as:
I define pseudo-intellectualism as:
>Pseudo pursuit of intellectualism

kek kill yourself now

>> No.20674376

Don't think you do. I think you and everyone else would probably be better served by you spending your life as an ascetic Christian monk in a desert cave than by you pursuing your ideas about child rearing.

>> No.20674393

The overman is the next psychic evolution for humanity whose development can't be stopped. It's not an ideal or about (You), it's about a new state of consciousness that WILL be reached by someone because Nietzsche was correct about everything.

>> No.20674402

i see your brain broke trying to parse that simple logical statement

>practice of intelligent people with a strong sense of Self
>practice of intelligent people with a weak sense of Self, who thus befall to the inner instinct of wanting to appear as intelligent more than actually trying to be Right

>> No.20674423

What the fuck is a "sense of Self"? How the fuck can you be sure you can sense yourself truly? what if you are wrong whether blinded by some delusion or simply just mistaken/overestimating?

>> No.20674444

If you had a strong sense of self, your sense wouldn't be wrong. It means you've spent a lot of time outside your comfort zone, testing yourself to see just what you're made and capable of.

>> No.20674447

It would be better if humanity just got it over with and got replaced by AI as is its cosmological destiny. humans can't do anything worthwhile.

>> No.20674451

How the fuck would you know if you are right? What's a "comfort zone"?

>> No.20674454

>How the fuck would you know if you are right?
Experience / trial and error. You have to actually try things.

>> No.20674457

So your sense of self is just how well you perform at certain things?

>> No.20674464

It's what you're good at, who you're compatible with and for what purpose, how you react to different situations, and how you think and feel about the world. You learn all that by trying enough things.

>> No.20674483

what if you are mistaken though? What use does having a "sense of self" if you already are yourself all the time?

>> No.20674496

You're not going to be mistaken when you actually try shit, retard. The trials are proof. You'll gravitate towards certain things, and then you'll learn what you're meant for.

>> No.20674507

that doesn't sound like anything. What use is the "sense of self" if you are yourself all the time?

>> No.20674515

>What use is the "sense of self"
Might as well ask "what's the use of being alive?" Do you not want to know what you're capable of and where in life you can best grow as an individual?

>> No.20674517

read fucking freud you.... kid
ego and superego. you're confusing the two

>> No.20674518

You have to also incorporate the cultural influences to know your self. That's not the same as rejecting them. If you apply binary thinking knowing it's a tool to simplify close to infinite complexity into manageable units you're just using a tool to gain power over the world. If you defer to the tool as if it's the final authority like most people tend to do and automatically use it on everything because you've been conditioned to then you're a slave. The tool doesn't serve you anymore, you serve it and people that have figured out to exploit the fact that you serve it. Most people want to be slaves, how easy things are is more important to them than having power. Power is scary and comes with responsibility even if you only care about yourself.

>> No.20674523

>Do you not want to know what you're capable of and where in life you can best grow as an individual?
Do I not already have that information within me? What if nothing turns out to be satisfactory? How does one "grow" as an individual? This is so vague it might as well be a horoscope.

>> No.20674530

Plato was a better psychologist than Fraud.

>> No.20674531

read Freud, then Popper, then Jung, then Nietzsche, then Lacan, then Hegel, Foucault/Derrida/Baudrillard/D&G, then start with the Greeks, then continue up until Hegel again

>> No.20674532

>Do I not already have that information within me?
Yeah, but without trying anything, it remains unconscious and thus doesn't enhance your individuality.

>How does one "grow" as an individual?
By doing what I've been telling you. Try different things.

>> No.20674538

How does consciously reminding myself of who I am enhance my individuality?
I've tried and done a lot of things and all I have are bad memories.

>> No.20674540

>I've tried and done a lot of things and all I have are bad memories.
So? Try more things.

>> No.20674542

I'm not going to read Freud or Lacan. I'm not a retard. Tell me what is objectively a good person.

>> No.20674552

Everyone does that all the time. It doesn't really mean anything nor tells you much about yourself which you didn't already instinctively know. You aren't answering all my questions.

>> No.20674555

All rivers flow downward

>> No.20674556

>Everyone does that all the time
Most people don't. They get set into a routine and rarely break out of it, never trying even 10% of what life offers.

>> No.20674567

Trying stuff for its own sake is a shit excuse to do depraved things. You know what I really want to try? bashing in the skulls of the people I don't like with a flanged mace

>> No.20674574

Maybe your real self is bad at everything and you should accept your role as a productive slave. Surely some people must be? I tried a lot of things too and what I got is a flood of milk and honey. I know you will try to blame luck or circumstances but it was all due to my superior elite nature and gamer skillz. You would call any competition we meet in without handicap unfair because reality is unfair.

>> No.20674575

It's not an excuse. You're just depraved.

>> No.20674581

>I know you will try to blame luck
>proceeds to blame it all on luck and circumstances
I know you guys can get really angry when people question your notions but maybe you should consider "growing" a bit more.

>> No.20674584

This post makes no sense.

>> No.20674585

Try it. I'm not that interested since I pretty much know the outcome like everyone with a brain. You know what I really want to try? To turn the western Sahara green.

>> No.20674589

Nothing I've said suggests doing depraved shit and you're projecting your own depravity onto me. There's a million non-depraved things to try in life.

>> No.20674592

>luck and circumstances
Not predictable at all. This is how the subhuman copes, my objectively superior brain and body is just "circumstances" not part of my "self". I don't care how you semantically cope, the reality I'm referencing doesn't change. The outcome of any competition between us doesn't change.
Some schoolkid has been spoonfeeding you the most basic shit imaginable and you can't even begin to engage on any level. You're not "questioning" anything, you're incapable of it.

>> No.20674593

>I'm not that interested since I pretty much know the outcome like everyone with a brain.
Yeah, if you have an even bigger brain you'd be able to predict the outcome of a lot of other tryouts.

>> No.20674595

What are you talking about retard? Does that invalidate the value of actually trying things and exploring your limits?

>> No.20674597

>more luck and circumstances
I thought this was a bad thing? Or do you believe you are not your circumstances?

>> No.20674601

No, that's just meaningless self-help drivel. You already know your limits, you don't have to explore them.

>> No.20674604

nietzsche was a syphilis ridden plagarist and his overman was a rip off with cherry on top to mask it

>> No.20674605

bashing the heads of people you don't like is not depraved. Depraved is more perverted in nature like fucking a hooker or going to some seedy club.

>> No.20674609

I addressed any of these dishonest semantic angles you can possibly take.
>You already know your limits
Braindead. You for example don't know anything about anything because you never even tried doing anything. A completely incompetent aimless meatslug trying to lecture competent captains of industry how to apply ideas in the world.

>> No.20674615

I have tried many things as I have stated before. I just don't see the truth in anything that you say. You could always be wrong about yourself. We aren't all exactly reliable narrators all the time.

>> No.20674643

It was more likely a brain tumor. His father died of a similar disease and Nietzsche was worried for most of his life that he'd end up the same way.


>> No.20674652

>You could always be wrong about yourself.
Not about aspects you test. You build around what you can verify. The body also does this on a more fundamental level, that's the lobster meme shit from Peterson. It's the same in flatworms, a defeat leads to less confidence and winning boosts it but flatworms don't do a cute proud posture after they win.

>> No.20674718

>post humorous smear campaign by anti-nazis
would someone really do that, just go online to tell lies?

>> No.20674724

>Tell me what is objectively a good person.
an authentic altruist who derives personal egoistic pleasure from simply doing authentic altruism. by authentic altruism i mean altruism not practiced for any personal pleasure from the act of altruism itself, but from knowing that you're helping make the world a better place, for yourself, and for everybody around you

>> No.20674746

>for yourself
The rest does arise from this despite people claiming so often using it as an excuse to be purely selfish.
My interests are served by everyone around me being better off. It really is beneficial for me to help people in the third world but neither me nor them are helped by mass immigration and I can't prioritize them over my immediate environment either. Everyone needs to operate in their own sphere of influence where they understand the roles they're taking on.

>> No.20674748

that's literally just mental gymnastics and getting extra off on "being good", not only are you getting off on the fact that others think you're a good boy you're getting off on the fact that you think you're a good boy

>> No.20674762

if i think world is not worth living in and i start to give mass eunthanazia on depressed and hopeless people who thank me with weepy eyes am i objectively good because we both get off on it?

>> No.20674784

All of it is what I'd call "being an edgy teenager" though

>> No.20674796

Millions of people 400 years ago to the beginning of man were just edgy teenagers I guess.

>> No.20674805

If they brought up moronic shit like fucking hookers in a conversation about exploring your limits to develop yourself, then yes, they all were.

>> No.20674842

so being a good person is just about doing something for others and not about yourself and your abilities? Is that really the function of humans?

>> No.20674848

they didn't really know of hookers but they sure did bash in some skulls. And what's a hooker if not an experience?

>> No.20674878

>they didn't really know of hookers
Of course they did, it's the oldest profession.

>And what's a hooker if not an experience?
You didn't bring it up as an experience. You just brought it up to be an edgy contrarian.

>> No.20674885

>it's the oldest profession
Not really

>> No.20674888

The Epic of Gilgamesh features a prostitute

>> No.20674898

Humanity did not start there. And I did bring it up as an experience.

>> No.20674909

>Humanity did not start there
Didn't say it did. It's still the oldest living piece of literature, and it features a prostitute. "Oldest profession" is just an expression, the point is that it's an ancient profession, not something recent.

>And I did bring it up as an experience
Yes, along with bashing in skulls. This was intended for serious consideration rather than for derailing the conversation.

>> No.20674929

There is nothing to actually discuss. Psychology is a non-field with no base to it.

>> No.20674936

yes? imagine if everyone only helped each other instead of trying to one-up constantly

>> No.20674937

Psychoanalysis lacks a base. Neuropsychology has a base and is what I've been talking about.

>> No.20674945

Would be pretty boring and stagnant. Also, it's just mental gymnastics.

>> No.20674961

Sense of self is a vague term and its purpose is more to change your self in accordance with your psychologist. If that won't work, it does nothing for you.

>> No.20674972

Sense of self just means you're in tune with your gut instincts and know your limits. It's not vague, a lot of people understand what it means.

>> No.20675001

>I'll deprive my child of valuable learning tools -- that'll make them a smart chad like NEETzsche wanted
Don't do this. Just curate what they read so as to guarantee a broad and fulfilling range of perspectives, with a specific emphasis on avoiding demoralizing garbage.

>> No.20675053

The same goes for tv, smartphones. No child grows up without them

>> No.20675076

>Would be pretty boring and stagnant
and there lies your problem. you find being good boring

>> No.20675840

nigger were on /lit/ talk about books

>> No.20675851

i was in the marines and i have a weak sense of self. youre saying nothing. your ideas are based off nothing. you just say things that you think sound cool

>> No.20676041

Yeah that's pretty effective at making him a faggot dummy.

>> No.20676078

just a bit of second hand advice: dont be afraid to let your kid be a kid

my relative put in an admirable effort to raise his son "right" and did a lot of cool things for him, but he ultimately went overboard and only ended up alienating him and causing resentment in the end, so he moved to his mothers asap. a terrible and painful situation all around

>> No.20676360

Why didn't this faggot trim that disgusting feather duster of a mustache? How do you even GET mustache hair that long?

Holy shit.