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/lit/ - Literature

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20645074 No.20645074 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow readers, what do you do for a living?

>> No.20645080

I'm a security guard. I'm free to read 16 years a day when I feel like doing so.

>> No.20645088

Possibly doxxable info but I’m a veterinary technician

>> No.20645108

unemployed programmer
I'm thinking of writing a comic book atm.

>> No.20645121

i rarely work
i pick up a manual labor job every once and a while

>> No.20645142

diagnosed mentally ill neet

>> No.20645158
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Was neeting for a couple months but I just today got hired at a local butcher's shop. Honestly looking forward to it, the guys who run it are nice and I think I could do a lot worse as far as waging goes. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.20645163

do you work night shift?

>> No.20645165

Civil engineer. I read Jung and practice dream interpretation for fun.

>> No.20645168
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I make people sick

>> No.20645169

>I read Jung and practice dream interpretation for fun.
are you into active imagination as well?

>> No.20645177

Care to interpret a dream I’ve been struggling with?

>> No.20645179

debt collector

>> No.20645186
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>> No.20645190

Penis inspector

>> No.20645191

electrical engineer at a factory. for me, it's sci-fi and the ancient greeks

>> No.20645263

Bake (bread and savories)

>> No.20645271

I'm studying law

>> No.20645459

animator and musician (aka unemployed), thinking of pursuing psychology so I can make money helping people. I'm a dosto pleb

>> No.20645495

>Fellow readers, what do you do for a living?
FBI informant who browses a white supremacist, Japanese cartoon imageboard and attempts to entrap gullible incels.

>> No.20645522

edit guidelines

>> No.20645529

Uncle Sam gives me $1800 dollars a month for PTSD.

>> No.20646426

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.20646616

i wish i could read 16 years a day

>> No.20646624
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Well... you see... I'm sorta... I'm kinda... in between jobs at the minute.

>> No.20646638

tenth year of hikineeting this year

>> No.20646648

Library assistant.

>> No.20646669

Projectionist at the local arthouse
not much money but very comfy

>> No.20646673

I don't do a living.

>> No.20646675


>> No.20646732

some minimum wage office shite that doesn't allow me to pay the monthly living costs.

>> No.20646740

Same except in between implied that I will eventually get a job, and not just Jill myself whenever I run out of money.

>> No.20646747

>Jill myself
You're going to start identifying as a woman?

>> No.20646753

I unironically work for the government

>> No.20646761

Here's a list of things I've done
1. Managing a Summer Camp
2. Children Animator, you know, being outside dressed as a panda to give high fives to children
3. Researcher in Literature. Was making a catalog with XIX-th century published texts. Quit because ended up working with zoom connected all day
4. Cashier
5. Account Manager, currently, the boss is out of the office and am too lazy to work, so come here to shitpost

>> No.20646784
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What's a good paying job that's not too draining? When I get back from work, I don't want to be too tired from work. If I was, I'd skip reading and go straight to bed

>> No.20646802

Just be a man and do whatever despite being tired

>> No.20646837

Royal navy engineer

>> No.20646839
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>be a man
NTA but it seems like every time someone calls my manhood into question it’s over my unwillingness to do un- or underpaid labor.
Kind of seems like a scam.

>> No.20646858

Night shift nurse.

>> No.20646862

don't worry, I'm just telling the dude to live his life despite his difficulties. While being tired sucks, it's okay to do life anyway

>> No.20646865

go back

>> No.20646872

>I'm thinking of writing a comic book atm.
Good luck. Can you draw or will you team up with an artist?
Casual college staff.

>> No.20646879

It doesn’t mean what you think it means

>> No.20647082

the fact that you automatically associate the acronym for "not that anon" with an unrelated phrase from reddit shows your true home, not his

>> No.20647126
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>16 years a day

>> No.20647138

I am a sugar baby. It works out.

>> No.20647143

Macdonalds fag here. Hell on earth to be quite honest family. I'll never forgive the americans for importing this shit around the world. Primordial evil.

>> No.20647153
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I'm a schizo NEET but next year I think I will try to get an apprenticeship as an electrician

>> No.20647162


>> No.20647170
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Why does /lit/ hate law and lawyers so h*cking much?

>> No.20647183


>> No.20647499

High school History/English teacher. Was a journalist but bailed because it was a miserable job filled with miserable people.

Love what I do now, get to write in my spare time. Holidays are great too.

>> No.20647522

how did you get into journalism?

>> No.20647523

i can imagine most law firms being full of people with superiority complexes who were born into wealth so perhaps that has something to do with it

>> No.20647532

Concierge in upper east side NYC, get to read when it's not busy. Pretty comfy and Christmas tips are crazy. Also studying comp sci

>> No.20647535

Pool bartender in summer. Banquet bartender in winter. Looking to move to a tropical resort and pool bartender year round whilst fucking slots in vacation.

>> No.20647540

My last name ends in berg

>> No.20647565

I don't know why but I kek'd hard at that punchline. Probably because I expected autism.
Please tell me you're being ironic.

>> No.20647570

studying finance and environmental science
nobody likes bureaucrats

>> No.20647580
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I’m a restaurant manager

>> No.20647587

Anon's bakes and breads

>> No.20647594

are you a cute woman (if so, would you like to go on a date with me) ?

>> No.20647600

I used to be a code monkey making tools for financial advisors, but I got tired of that and quit, and now I work in the produce department of a grocery store.

>> No.20647608

I mean, there are categories and stereotypes, and whilst these are not to be superimposed precisely to an actual random person from that category, they are still a very good representation of reality.
In your case, law people and their whole family and spawn are, simply put, pure scum. And you, most likely, are scum as well.

>> No.20647613

You don't miss the coding money? You don't get bored?

>> No.20647615

i’m a project manager for a construction company.

>> No.20647618

Medical Office Associate.
And I’m a dude

>> No.20647640

does flour type really matters when making bread? I can never make those really soft milk bread on youtube videos

>> No.20647672

I got a degree in literature, then was a NEET for a few years, then was a technical writer for a software company, then I quit, back being a NEET.

>> No.20647681

Not that anon, but yes, flour type can influence structure of the dough. Recipes for milk bread usually call for so-called bread flour, which has a larger amount of protein and produces more gluten. Acceptable substitute is all-purpose flour, but my source says it's for those who are not sure in the recipe, so they try with all-purpose, then invest into bread flour when they are sure the recipe is good.
You should also make sure to measure everything correctly.

>> No.20647702

Web developer for a healthcare company. I hate the software, hate the company, and the pay is rather low for my years of experience, but it's 100% remote and stable, so not easy to give up. I'm always dreaming of starting my own thing.

I can't imagine dropping a real salary to do menial shit for minimum wage, even if the work sucks.

>> No.20647711

I'm this anon >>20647532 and some of the tenants I deal with are lawyers. They are usually insufferable, them and the real estate guys.
Nobody is an outright dick to me because I'm just a concierge and not worth their time, but the general demeanor of the lawyers I've met range from haughty to guileful.
The coolest tenants are typically finance chads and doctors (though I don't trust doctors). Tech/engineering dudes just keep to themselves.

>> No.20647737

Software engineer.

Better than other jobs I've had, but still a job and therefore terrible.

>> No.20647745

I used to write for Forbes. I quit like a month ago because I hated it. Now I'm unemployed. I'll have to get another job at some point. Not sure what, but hopefully not something where I'm staring at a screen all day. Right now it's nice to have all day to spend how I want.

>> No.20647812

I am on medschool, hence I don't have so much free time to read things I arbitrarily choose to, but it's okay.

>> No.20647933

I work in a warehouse. I get paid to work out and listen to audiobooks

I love it desu

>> No.20647960

I dont do living

>> No.20647971

was a chef for a while then quit cuz i didn't wanna be piss poor and now working at a shady ass call center...

>> No.20647991
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Corporate Gaming Law

>> No.20648013


>> No.20648023

i run a theatre :)

>> No.20648028

I’m a journalist for a small local paper in a hick county. It’s ok

>> No.20648041 [DELETED] 


>just working

>> No.20648074

I make things and money. Haven't needed to make a thing for years but I still do. The last two things were a specialized decentralized NFT marketplace and a house.

>> No.20648100

bohemian layabout

>> No.20648118

Everyone hates lawyers until they need one

>> No.20648127

do you really have no time at all in medschool? I was hoping it's a meme, and gonna cope with it when I enter med school very soon..

>> No.20648184
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I'm thinking.

>> No.20648221

mcdonalds - top table

>> No.20648241


>> No.20648288

Bartender. Surprised there weren't more in this thread.

>> No.20648291

Lol what how is being a security guard a larp? It's the easiest job to get. All you need to be is not a complete retard.

>> No.20648294

WFH programmer
in my free time I read and program video games
making games is the ultimate cross-discipline hobby

>> No.20648399

Funniest shit I've read in awhile. Thanks Anon.

>> No.20648405


>> No.20648870

investment banker. i read when im working from home and have fuck all to do

>> No.20648983

Not him but you really won't have time for shit, med school will really rape your ass, it's certainly not a meme. The material itself is not challenging to understand, but the sheer volume of shit you'll have to not just memorize, but to also develop enough of a familiarity with to be able to read between the lines of the clinical puzzles thrown at you on tests is absolutely staggering. Unless you know yourself to be really smart (I'm talking legit smart here, not high school smart) and are genuinely and really, really, passionate about medicine or you're some pajeet/gook soulless drone hungry for social status then med school is just not worth it.
Btw the guy sarcastically talking about 9 hours anki sessions is not wide off the mark. I myself have done so.

>> No.20649011


>> No.20649036

Uni admin. I wouldn't recommend it but you can get a lot of free time if you're lucky.

>> No.20649043

I may as well throw out that i'm thinking of quitting to teach english abroad and be a white monkey for a while.

>> No.20649047

I live, not by choice. I had no say in it.

>> No.20649058

What's that, ISIS kitchen?

>> No.20649059

If you can manage low pay then security. If not, it might be worth it to invest in a programming skill that you can work few hours. We just hired a girl as a contractor who works as much as she wants and bills $100 an hr. She worked 5 hours last week and then decided she was done for the rest of the week.

>> No.20649060

I finished a degree in humanities and social sciences and have realized I dislike Academia and don't really care for education as a living, so I might have screwed myself.

>> No.20649064

I sell my girlfriend’s ass. I make ~2k a week

>> No.20649278


>> No.20649305

How's she grow it back so fast?

>> No.20649311

NEET for 13 years now, although this year I did do a few weeks on a construction site.

>> No.20649317

I'm a firefighter.

>> No.20649327

I do video editing for a broadcasting company

>> No.20649356

...and then they hate them anyway.

>> No.20649358

I recently worked for a funeral home, now starting a job about preventing fire hazards

>> No.20649370

t. lawyer

>> No.20649385

Flour quality moreso than flour type. Our bakery (an East Coast outfit) uses King Arthur All-purpose (bread), Pastry (Danish), and Hi-gluten (bagel, some breads) flours when not using shit local millings. In my experience, if you know the basics, what makes or breaks a decent loaf's a good oven (full top and bottom heat control, good steamer, venting, etc.), or full knowledge of what it is your working with.

>> No.20649594

I work at a grocery store. Can I say which one without the narcs tracking me down? (It’s the one with the green color palette.)

>> No.20649602

Former lawyer now a public school teacher teaching ELA and Creative Writing 9-12

>> No.20649674

Do you hate the kids?

>> No.20649709

Was working for the BLM (not that BLM) doing archaeology and GIS work as an intern. Recently started graduate school and hope to get into academia, but I'll take what I can get so long as it's not bureaucracy again.

>> No.20649716

Surprisingly, no. I love my job. Much better than dealing with my former retarded clients. I work at one of the better public high schools in my state, so the students are more serious — but they’re also teenagers and act like it sometimes.

>> No.20649938

>Account Manager,
Isn't this just glorified sales. No literal salesman

>> No.20649945
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Amoral attorneys is a an amazing alliteration

>> No.20649947

Work :((((((((((((

>> No.20650063
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Military retard, non combat role. I'm reading Red Badge of Courage right now

>> No.20650081

I work at a warehouse at the moment driving industrial trucks. I hate it but I just had an interview recently to get a state government job that fits my degree. It's low on the pole but a start. At the moment I am sad because I used to be able to get a book done in a couple weeks or a week but now it takes over a month due to all my work and job hunting. I hate working but I have to do it so I do it.

>> No.20650090

Once you get any state job, even entry level (low) it’s incredibly easy to advance and get comfier positions that require less busy work as long as you are borderline competent and motivated, since so many people try to get into state positions for the benefits and never want to advance

>> No.20650101
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>> No.20650118

Oh I want to advance. The one I applied too wouldn't be my first choice but it's a start an you can laterally transfer to another state position once your in if you hate it anyway.

>> No.20650206

I just got a state job, starting in a few weeks. Seems like it will be comfy, automatic promotion/raise after one year and then I think another after two more, and it’s in a low property value state so I might even be able to buy a house in the next couple of years. Good luck anon.

>> No.20650213

I work at a state Uni but cannot seem to get an interview with the state or feds for the life of me.

>> No.20650290

Thanks and good luck with it.

>> No.20650326

Getting into federal hiring is a nightmare and takes months to just get an interview if you make it through the never-ending rounds of "referrals." Feds are strictly nepotism hires: who do you know in the system already to hook you up.

>> No.20650411

stop struggling with dreams lmao nigga just wake up

>> No.20650429

you are not really one of da boys, are you?
what's your stance on the existence of the state of Israel?

>> No.20650437

have you tried more butter

>> No.20650750

Worker at Chinese factory in Argentina, I'm a fucking slave. I'm thinking in pirate and sell books, I live in a shit hole nobody cares if I do ilegal books

>> No.20650755

Is the butter good?

>> No.20650773

Im a painter. Not the artistic kind, the alcoholic kind.