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File: 171 KB, 1024x1536, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20634443 No.20634443 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with him?

>> No.20634450

Start by letting him bloody your nipples with his stilettos.

>> No.20634462

Only butthurt trannies care about this cuck. Hangman nooses are trivially easy to tie OP.

>> No.20634464

modern times video

>> No.20634474

>No I won't say your pronouns
>No fat chicks
>Only eat meat
>*Jugian schizo shit*
>(((Postmodern Neo-Marxist)))s run the schools
>Clean your room
>*Preach conservatism to incels*
>*Crypto-Christian ideology*
>*Has a whore daughter*
>*Talk like kermit the frog*
>*Overdose on benzos and get put into a Siberian coma*
>Be a massive meme
>Dress nice.
There you go. I just saved you so much time.

>> No.20634506
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Start with his lobster paper.

>> No.20634520
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He's more of a orator then he is a writer.

His best speech:

Ironically this speech is some comedic soliloquizing on Freud

Nothing important or new is said in this speech, but it demonstrates the full range of oration and I unironically listen to it sometimes just for a fun laugh

His books are good, but absolutely nothing I'd recommend unless you're a drug addict in need of structure or God

>> No.20634524
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In Serbia

>> No.20634688

Some of his speeches are fun and insightful so I tried reading 12 meanings of life or whatever and it was incredibly boring with no real insights.

>> No.20634709
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>> No.20634719
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she might be a brainlet slut with multiple STDs but I'd dump plenty of raw, hot loads inside her

>> No.20634728
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Has anyone read Maps of Meaning? Is it good?

>> No.20634731

You don't. Pretty much any statement I've seen by him making some claim about philosophy, particularly his characterizations of the views of philosophers, are just plain wrong.

>> No.20634733


>> No.20634749

You've seen mostly cherry picked statements taken out of context

And with him there's a lot of autistic context

>> No.20634753

Jordan cared more for writing essays about academia than teaching his only daughter not to be a shameless slut.

>> No.20634755

Nah, it's his best book though

>> No.20634766

It's useful to think of social development as about learning to negotiate rules for cooperative games.
It's useful to keep in mind the evolutionary origins of psychological phenomena.
Symbolism is hecking wild man. It's useful to keep in mind the evolutionary origins of symbolism.

His best stuff is related to Piaget, the games. His actual field is psychology. Pageau is the symbolism guy.
When JP goes to Jung etc he usually acknowledges he is speculating. Usually around connecting something to evolutionary psychology.

>> No.20634769


Nudity is nothing bad, sex before marriage is

>> No.20634771

not fake. I had the misfortune of checking for myself.

>> No.20634772

His understanding of postmodernism is based on an unscholarly Objectivist polemic, the notion of "postmodern neo-marxism" - underneath it all - is really nothing more than lefty professors and student activists that he disagrees with politically, I believe he characterizes Nietzsche - the author of The Antichrist - as a sympathetic critic of Christianity despite Nietzsche's own words, his description of Heidegger on Being is just wrong, his assertion that Godel's incompleteness theorems entails that faith in God is a prerequisite of all proof is just absurd. The list goes on.

>> No.20634784

Uhh... Kermitsisters...

>> No.20634786

Is this like a psyop to try to convince people that all academics such as you're portraying really are "Machiavellian postmodern neomarxists"?

>> No.20634793
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Daily reminder that because they are losing control of the narrative, they are in full damage control and are desperate to alienate people who have anything good to say by highlighting the bad they say, as if that somehow invalidates what they do get correct.

Listen to his talks, move on to better and more comprehensive thinkers. He is undoubtedly the most important figure in getting young men to read more alternative ways of thinking, in harnessing their faculties in pursuit of a goal. They, the post-modernists, which I believe is coded language for God's chosen people, do not want this and fear him greatly.

Read, listen but move on to deeper and more nationalistic thinkers.

>> No.20634797

Psychology has always been a child of philosophy and I deem it worthless and overpresented without a sufficient philosophical understanding

>> No.20634798

cringe; possibly deliberate

>> No.20634803
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>> No.20634814
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Your continuous posting of topics on a handful of subjects are as transparent as they are desperate in their attempt to correct the record, or whatever you call it this time around.

>> No.20634818

You need some grounding to work from but the thinking man can use many models and create a synthesis. Evolutionary psychology is useful even when it comes from perspectives that are uninformed about previous works tackling similar issues from completely different perspectives. Too much grounding in established work can also condition preconceptions that make you stagnate while some intuitive uneducated redneck progresses past you.

>> No.20634819
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>> No.20634822

Go ahead and quote JBP on this.

I dare you.

>> No.20634838
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Recycled taunts are not an argument, ma'am.

>> No.20634850

This level of cringe is indistinguishable from parody.

>> No.20635364


>> No.20635380

Actually looks interesting. Peterson might be redeemed.

>> No.20635468

>Where do I start with him?
His classroom lectures his channels has tons of his lectures. You can get fairly good insight to how he thinks in those lectures before you get into his newer stuff.

>> No.20635479

>clinical psychologist who worked in the trenches for decades helping people suffering from mental illness
>research scientist producing work related to the neurobiological pathways of addiction as well as on the operationalization and practical utilization of personality constructs
>academic who has produced widely cited material ranging on topics from the philosophical roots of psychology, practical counseling techniques, deep dives into operational constructs and theory, and much more.
Pseuds just hate him because he leaned into an unexpected career as a media figure and best-selling author. They can't tell the difference between someone they see on television and real life. He's a lot better than modern media deserves.

>> No.20635480

God shes insufferable, she was gifted a relatively high intelligence by her father and mother and she squandered it and now just talks about subjects she has zero understanding of.

>> No.20635497
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FYI: Half of his lectures for the courses he taught aren't online (e.g. the entire second half (technical stuff) of Personality Psychology and a few from the first half). The textbook from that course is based though (pic-related).

>> No.20635508


Redeemed for spouting fucking gibberish? His neuroscience ramblings do not have any basis in literature. He uses neuroscience to give credibility to his ideas, his ramblings are closer to phrenology than actual evidenced backed cognitive neuroscience.

I'll admit it's easy as fuck to scam rubes with a bunch of jargon when you know they're not doing the reading anyways.

>> No.20635560

You completely undermined everything you said by concluding it with the suggestion that the ultimate goal is achieved in nationalist thinkers, as if that is some sort of pinnacle of intellectualism. It's a disservice to Jordan to imply that his work is aligned in any way with the sort of path that leads there. You are either a bad actor or a fool.

>> No.20635570

read the people he is inspired by, he himself provides nothing new beside as a soldier in the culture war

>> No.20635593

We should all consider ourselves fortunate to know what this self-fellating anon deems worthy.

>> No.20635602

>t. who hasn't read any of his academic work let alone his widely cited research papers (where he worked as part of a team)
Seriously, learn the difference between media figures and real-life, dumb-dumb.

>> No.20635606
File: 111 KB, 800x1095, Thomas_Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You completely undermined everything you said by concluding it with the suggestion that the ultimate goal is achieved in nationalist thinkers.

The fact that almost all thinkers who espoused strong nationalist views and morality are erased from all public discourse is no accident. Knowingly or not he encourages others to explore more classical literature.

>as if that is some sort of pinnacle of intellectualism.
I am pursuing a good, traditionalist society. Not raw intellectualism.

> It's a disservice to Jordan to imply that his work is aligned in any way with the sort of path that leads there.
I am not in service to Jordan, his ideas or all of what he stands for. I am in service to a nation, of people. Not an individual. Your mistake is you refuse to understand this, believing it to be dangerous. And probably it is my long-nosed friend.

>You are either a bad actor or a fool.
I am a Nationalist.

>> No.20635614

The old story of the anon who cried schizo.

>> No.20635622
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>> No.20635627
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>> No.20635639
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>> No.20635658

JP recognizes that it does no good to talk over people's heads just to seem smart (unlike anyone on /lit/) and chooses to convey his message in a way that is palatable for average people. Pseuds interpret that as being representative of the full limit of his ideas without recognizing the utility found in keeping things nice and simple when necessary. As far as they are concerned, an intellectual is only worth his salt if he speaks in a way that is as obscure and esoteric was possible in order to filter plebs.

>> No.20635685

>more nationalistic
are you trying to imply that Peterson is nationalistic at all? he constantly sneers at any form of nationalism. except zionism, he doesn't seem to have any problem with that. funny, isn't it?

>> No.20635693
File: 149 KB, 500x487, CivicNational.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am. Hence the qualifier more. Which is why you take what is useful, he has much on motivation, on visualization, on goal setting, on the drive and energy that young men need to hear in to order to accomplish something.

He may sneer at it, but it is arguably one of the fastest growing movements in the West. Nationalist sentiment is growing, based around the twin pillars of blood and soil. I hope we see it.

>> No.20635696

well, you're completely mistaken and projecting. he is all about muh individualism.

>> No.20635700
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No, I am agreeing with you. He rejects nationalism and any form of European and Western collectivism in the form of blood and land. Please read before commenting, ma'am.

>> No.20635707

i am reading you, you said that he is nationalistic.

>> No.20635716
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Please show me where.

>Read, listen but move on to deeper and more nationalistic thinkers.
Here? No, I state move on to thinkers who are more Nationalist, nowhere do I state he is a nationalist.

>> No.20635718

Okay. I'm sure your self-described position is true enough, but I see no reason to think it is in any way good, correct, or even beneficial to anyone. I believe maintaining one's own cultural identity is positive, but it's not higher virtue than anything else. Contending with classical thinkers is also positive, but no one should ever simply accept 100% of what any author says from any era. Some old (or new) ideas are flat out wrong. Period. We need to be able to discern what is or is no longer relevant. Oh yeah, and you're probably a Jew or something.

>> No.20635722

>are you trying to imply that Peterson is nationalistic at all?
>Yes, I am.

>> No.20635731

In evolutionary biology there was a conflict between the idea of selection on a group level or the individual. There are examples of both and they were confused about how to model it in a way that predicts both until you frame it as selection of the genes themselves. Group selection emerges out of gene selection. Same sort of idea applies to collectivism, without the self-interested individual contributing to serve his own interests the collectivism in question is tyranny instead of cooperation and can't sustain itself.

>> No.20635743

>dunks on fatties
>dunks on trannies
Reminder that this is required to be a serious intellectual

>> No.20635810

It's more like dunking on the idea that you're not allowed to dunk on anybody. It pushes back against how we are told we must sate ourselves against any disinclination by suckling the tit of cognitive dissonance and to just pretend that reality isn't real, rather than acknowledge how fat people are fat and trannies will never be real woman (or vice versa).

>> No.20635856

To regard this man as a cheap seller of tacky self-help platitudes was always over-generous. This is a subnormal intellect, an exceptionally mean & bitter promoter of vindictive ignorance who should be laughed off every platform

>> No.20635894

y doe?
Is Piaget also le evil bad guy then?

>> No.20635903

Based on the sheer number of people that have already significantly improved their quality of life through the benefit of his work, none of your statements hold up as anything other than unsubstantiated sperg ramblings.

>> No.20635914

Jung and then just skip Peterson because he only manages to mangle Jung to support his neoliberal boomer nonsense.

>> No.20635926

No one cares that he was a clinical psychologist, there are countless thousands of them practicing all across the world.

>> No.20635940

People improve their life from reading Dr Seuss too. Your point? Teaching gaming addicts to clean their room isnt an achievement.

>> No.20635941

>(((Postmodern Neo-Marxist)))s run the schools
Petersen should have read Yarvin.

>> No.20635945

it actually is, get your head out of you ass, faggot

>> No.20635948

Is being compared to dr Seuss a bad thing? He was a great creative mind

>> No.20636028

If you read up on Carl Rogers you'll see he's more of an influence on JP than Jung/Nietzsche (he talked about him quite a bit in class but rarely mentions him in any of the media I've come across). He's also a big fan of Binswanger/Boss and knows that bringing them up in general media will just filter people. He doesn't go into esoterics but if you ever meet him you could ask and he could answer any question you'd have about them.

There are some real criticisms you can offer about him but most of the shit you see on here are retards who don't know they're arguing against shit that's been dumbed down for the sake of mass consumption.

>> No.20636037

Sorry state of the world when basic advice is seen as revolutionary...

He was also a racist! Petersons turn to be cancelled is next.

>> No.20636045

Here is a legitimate criticism, and it isnt from him 'dumbing it down'.
>i refuse to answer whether i believe in God or not
>i dont know if Jesus ever actually existed
>religion is only useful as far as a basis for society

>> No.20636049

It literally is you deranged tranny
You will never be a woman by the way

>> No.20636063

ITT: /leftypol/ twitter trannies repeat bad talking points from their discord handlers
Anyone who knows what Memerson has actually written is ignored or given bad faith attacks
This board hasn't changed in a positive direction in 6 years since his emergence

>> No.20636081

>i refuse to answer whether i believe in God or not
Depends on what you mean and people do mean different things.
>i dont know if Jesus ever actually existed
I don't know either, I believe he did now but I accepted the ideas in the Bible independently from that belief. Most Christians now say the savior had to be a living man but really the theology in the Bible does allow for him being embodied in the writing.
>religion is only useful as far as a basis for society
Religion is made by people to navigate reality. It's a map not the territory.

>> No.20636100

my point is that he isnt a sincere Christian

>> No.20636112

The world happens to include people other than yourself. Crazy to think about, I know. When a generation of people have forgotten basic advice, to be reminded of it is in fact revolutionary. You just don't think so because you imagine it doesn't personally affect you. You might be overlooking how something that enables large groups of people to improve their lives, even if you personally don't find it important, does not mean it's insignificant. A sorry state for the world to be in is when people like (You) don't realize that when others make substantial progress, the result is a greater capacity for your own life to improve as well. It's plain ignorance to discount the factors at play that carry that kind of positive influence, just because you don't personally engage with them yourself. You couldn't make your narrow minded narcissism more apparent if you tried.

>> No.20636173

He doesn't say he adheres to any religion, when retards like you try to corner him he gives these responses you don't like that are short references to his actual thinking on the matter instead of the precooked labels you base all your thinking on.

>> No.20636177

if he is using scripture to further his globohomo noliberal agenda then he will burn in hell
just saying

>> No.20636182

You don't

>> No.20636197
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>> No.20636199

The general idea as an academic or even a pseudo-academic is to try to explore ideas without deciding conclusions beforehand, at least try to mitigate your preconceptions a bit. It's a perspective that's needed to be applied to Christianity without being aggressively critical like academic attempts have tended to be.
In this kind of academic context it's not good to rule anything out unless you can be sure. If you don't account for the possibility of a fictional Jesus you might miss something, this can happen even if Jesus was real.

>> No.20636204

Well put

>> No.20636217

His oldest speeches on Youtube, like the ones from 2013. Those are by far his best work. He was a technical genius in his field and it shows. It just gets worse and worse and worse every year.

>> No.20636220

He can barely be considered an intellectual anymore. He’s just a midwit conservative commentator now. He had some interesting lectures in his pre-benzo days but now he’s just embarrassing.


>> No.20636221

So many incels ITT. Sad!

>> No.20636231

Okay. But the fact is that he still presents himself to be a Christian. He even has a video where he puts forth the question to his viewers,
>Jordan Peterson, a prophet a wolf in sheeps clothing?
You might have autism if you can only look at this from an 'academic perspective'.

>> No.20636235

a prophet OR a wolf in sheeps clothing*

>> No.20636240

2015-2017 personality lectures are good.
Everything after that is a grift.

>> No.20636248

Jordan is still a traveler along the path of his own journey, just like everyone else. I don't think he's completely right about everything all the time, but I believe he's correct about a great deal of issues and what he does is important. I honestly don't believe he intends to do harm or mislead, and he genuinely cares about people in a way that very few others do. We will see how his beliefs develop over time. We are all a work in progress.

>> No.20636253

>Jordan Peterson, a prophet a wolf in sheeps clothing?
That search term got me this, where he describes himself as a psychologist that talks about religion.

>> No.20636282

15 yr old tradcath zoom zoom spotted.
JP(unlike your stupid ass) recognizes religion is fake but he's been giga-coping for 30 years since he can't find meaning in life otherwise.(also it makes it easier to explain people's psychological behavior)

This is why I think he's so conflicted. If you spend your entire career babbling about the belly of the whale, order vs chaos etc semi-philosophical concepts from a Christian perspective it's hard to detach yourself from that.

>> No.20636286

If fags like Peterson are the best that modern philosophy has to offer then philosophy should just be canceled as a whole.

>> No.20636291

Nationalism is an intellectual fucking cancer. Gas all nationalist fags.

>> No.20636335

T. bugman

>> No.20636336

>whore daughter
doesn't she make videos about how porn and anal sex and casual sex are bad?

>> No.20636772

his great "insight" is saying "dude the bible is actually a self-help book, you don't need to believe in God". He's 100% a meme.

>> No.20636794

Nigga he only has like two books. Start with the first casual one. Then realise you don't need to read anything else from him as you've woken up and can pursue an actual life. He's literally just to redpill normies.

>> No.20636799

>i act like god exists
he is another christian trad philosopher that is trying to save people from nihilism with stoicism and dusting off the old faithful, noble idea but death of christianity / religion is what caused nihilism to begin with, you either have faith or you don't religion shouldn't try to be rational if faith is part of the equation that's why fear and trembling got good reviews and the 2nd part went to obscurity
he fights a valiant battle but if you have to fight that battle your faith in god is already gone

>> No.20636806

I read 12 rules and I eterbally thank him for waking me up but he literally usn't worth anything past that. Once you start readong the topics he goes over are discussed fyrther and more comprehensively. He's also scared to proclaim his belief in God. He's literally a pseud but he's a nice one. A goid psychologust too from what I've heard.

>> No.20636814

How's the alternative working out for ya? There is nothing more unreliable and treacherous than the human heart. Anything you think or feel, or whatever invention of a narrative for meaning you tell yourself, it will always let you down. Others will always betray you and let you down as well. The only hope we have is if there is something greater that transcends humanity, because humans are fucked.

>> No.20636822

he doesn't want to proclaim his faith in god because no one wants to debate with an atheist who doesn't understand that faith =/= belief, kierkegaard explained this in fear and trembling with the story of abraham having absolute trust in god
he cares too much about looking rational to come out as faithful
>hows the alternative treating you
you can't force faith idiot, you can go with the motions like a pharisee but if you don't have faith you don't have faith, you can choose to abandon your faith, you can choose to pick it up again, leo tolstoy confessions show that you require fear of death to even be forced back to faith after losing it

>> No.20636852

>"i realized i was laying on top of abyss with nothing there to hold me up, i panicked and as soon as i did i started to fall, i prayed and i pleaded but to no avail, only once i stopped panicking and begging i accepted my fate and hoped that i would enter heaven at the end of my fall did my fall cease, (now do you see, how i am the one who keeps you from the fall) and i felt a single finger on my back keeping me afloat (never forget that it is by me that you are saved from the fall to what awaits below)
a raw version from memory on the conclusion to leo tolstoys confessions, the abyss is nihilism, despair and fear of death, faith was tolstoys remedy to that and that support was as fragile and fickle as a single finger holding him afloat above that abyss
you cannot have that faith if you do not fear the fall, if you do not trust in god or if you're not so naive your faith never wavered to begin with
faith as an answer to nihilism is like the prodigal son who goes out into the world to have his slice of it and runs back home after realizing what mistake he made in leaving
faith only works on those who want to believe and who need to believe, the rest "make their own hell" by rebelling against subjugation and subservience to god, welcome to abrahamic faiths

>> No.20636860

why is our current era so lacking when it comes to public intellectuals?

>> No.20636864

Poor education system

>> No.20636870

everything about philosophy that can be answered already has been answered by someone more skilled at doing it
nihilism persists because people didn't like the remedies to it, if it was born from lack / death of faith they believe it can fixed by it
not really, why would you want to be a "public intellectual when you can sell more books by writing garbage for lonely house wives? do you want to be treated like peterson by angry feminists and cheeky atheists?
there are easier ways to sell books, to be a philosopher is to be mocked and hated by the people in the cave of plato, fuck that stay in your pit

>> No.20636873

the internet gave a voice to every midwit, rampant """skepticism""" of academia which is basically the only way to be a public intellectual if you're too stupid to engage with academic texts.

>> No.20636877


This article breached the topic and I found it interesting

>> No.20636885

maybe smart people got smart enough to not want to be the next nicola tesla who get sainted after death and dies in poverty

>> No.20636898

I hate how I am embarrassed to dislike Jordan Peterson because the people who hate him are all a billion times worse than he is, so if I were to express my dislike of him, people would associate me with those freaks. Reminds me of Ayn Rand in a way.

>> No.20636903

what kind of logic is that, who the fuck would even come up to you and ask you what you think of Peterson irl?

>> No.20636905

if you don't like kierkegaard or leo tolstoy don't read peterson, you dislike the genre or trad religion in philosophy if you're not hating on him for being the guy who christians and trad people praise

>> No.20636911

>if you don't like kierkegaard or leo tolstoy don't read peterson
why's that? I like Kierkegaard but despite Peterson, they're nothing alike

>> No.20636913

You'd be surprised, a psychiatrist I visited mentioned JP's and Sam Harris' debate. I cringed beyond belief and had to ask him to stop

>> No.20636914

personally i like kierkegaard his first book pretty much affirms agnostic belief and cruelty of world and leap of faith and his explanation of what faith really is is useful even if you don't have faith
leo tolstoy is good because he flatout admits that academics is literally just prestigious fart sniffing and a way to make money, plus he also presents faith as a solution to nihilism
peterson is modern variant of the two, i like how he can decipher symbolism from old folk tales and the pervading theme of christianity in ye olde folk tales

>> No.20636916

what makes jordan so different? they both use philosophy as a bridge to theology and faith

>> No.20636919

>a psychiatrist I visited

>> No.20636920

this isn't the 50's boomer, freudian psychology is dead just find a jungian one and make sure you avoid jews

>> No.20636932

>Jungian anti-Semite who feels the need to visit psychiatrists
There are new things under the sun!

>> No.20636936

I wouldn't have done it, but my mother has been dealing with GAD and depression for a couple decades now. She is prone to being emotional, and I am similiar in that regard. She was worried about some of my attitudes and actions in life and it started affecting her health so I chose to agree to visit one for her sake.

>> No.20636938

>feels the need to visit a psychologist
a assumptious person online who thinks their strawman walks, you can study psychology without needing it and if you're not an anti-semite you must be pretty grateful to them

>> No.20636940

Intellectuals forge because they're unable not to. It comes bursting out of them, in spite of everything.

>> No.20636944

you have fun with dying on that cross because you couldn't help it j.c

>> No.20636946

Jung wasn't an anti-Semite and provided intelligence to the Allies in WW2.

>> No.20636948

are you retarded or just baiting for free (you)'s, who said he was?

>> No.20636950

What did he mean by this?

>> No.20636954

>they they they they
they live rent free in your head

>> No.20636956

Take meds.

>> No.20636958

if i would have to interpret i would say generational drama, matriarchical hierarchy and feeling demasculated and helpless by women
he was a student of freud the jew, he was grateful to them
once again, are you retarded or baiting for free (you)'s?

>> No.20636965

Can you elaborate on why you like Jung but hate Jews? If not, please take meds and GTFO.

>> No.20636972

the difference being that Peterson doesn't use any philosophy as a bridge to theology and faith, that and the fact that Kierkegaard would never approve of performative spectacle.
Kierkegaard laid a case for faith as an abandonment of reason, you could even say he laid the groundwork for the postmodern theology movements of the 80s, Peterson doesn't even compare, he is just too materialist and ideologically driven, not to mention the fact that he talks about philosophers he has no understanding of and contradicts them all of the time (e.g Nietzsche).
If you like Kierkegaard go read the works of people like John Milbank or John D. Caputo, Peterson lacks the brain power to understand the doors postmodernism has opened for theology and christianity.

>> No.20636978


>> No.20636980

because jung was a god damn genius of his field and majority of jews are just profiteering psychopaths?

>> No.20636986

What do you believe is the source of this supposed "profiteering psychopath" tendency? Something genetic, spiritual, or a "group evolutionary strategy?"

>> No.20636989
File: 95 KB, 834x1280, peterson_btfo-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20636996

>goyim are less than animals and were created to be your golem servants
your guess is as good as mine

>> No.20637001

Ahh... a Talmud schizo. I believe you're lost. >>>/pol/

>> No.20637006

but call them a jew and watch them recoil in horror, "i've been found out"