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File: 44 KB, 480x480, popper10006958_1133386233359215_187507865483309668_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20617877 No.20617877 [Reply] [Original]

What are some anti-science intellectuals? Im not talking about left leaning gays that criticize science only when its wayciss.

Popper cucked later but his points were good, Feyerabend was high tier, who else exposed the modern cult of neo-enlightenment?

>> No.20617880

Alan Sokal

>> No.20617902

science isn't bad in the sense of scientific method but evolution is such obvious horseshit and at best a pointless construct, which actually hiddenly has the point of imposing an unjustified teleological metaphysics to history in a completely unjustified manner

>> No.20617906

How does he explain all the fossils?

>> No.20617907

evolution is just as bad as hegel and marx

>> No.20617922

Christnigger seethe ITT

>> No.20617968
File: 102 KB, 785x594, EVOLUTION723575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alan Sokal

his memery was something brilliant, but other than that had he proposed some ideas or criterias towards science?

>teleological metaphysics to histor

the term is historiosophy, you are right its basically mythology of creation, all of its concepts are related to past and it makes not testabel (!) prediciton about the future. The real lunacy of evolution is visible in discussion of vestigial human organs...

>evolution is just as bad as hegel and marx

there is not much difference between hegel and darwin

>> No.20618001

Lol this is why philosophyfags with liberal arts degrees should stay away from real hard science. They think they can use words to deny reality lol

>> No.20618002


>> No.20618006

good one

>> No.20618010

>there is not much difference between hegel and darwin
The application of darwim metaphysics pushed the field of biology centuries ahead
The application of hegel/marx metaphysics drove the greatest massacres of human history,
It seems to me that the is quite a difference.

>> No.20618023

>t.reality denier

Cope and seethe in your own head

>> No.20618026
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>should stay away from real hard science

what is that?

>The application of darwim metaphysics pushed the field of biology centuries ahead

Can you back that claim up because you should know that genetics started before darwin

>> No.20618028

i'm not christian but i still believe in intelligent design
the theory of evolution does not reasonably explain the massive gap in intelligence between humans and other creatures

>> No.20618039
File: 411 KB, 1169x805, evolution wisdom teeth nonsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the theory of evolution does not reasonably explain the massive gap in intelligence between humans and other creatures

it does, it explains EVERYTHING, there is not fact in the world that can falsify it because its entirely UNFALSIFIABLE, a catch22 of science.

>> No.20618053

what is the irrefutable explanation according to it?
>its entirely UNFALSIFIABLE
that makes it not scientific, you know

>> No.20618059

>cross questioning and "no u" tier arguments

Just live in your own head theory.

>> No.20618069
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>what is the irrefutable explanation according to it?

what do you mean?

>that makes it not scientific, you know

yep, its not science, its mythology of creation, it makes no testable predictions about the future

recommend me a good ted talk by that black space universe man!

>> No.20618087

God, those retarded people that can't wrap their heads around the fact that something don't need to be a scientific theory for it to be true or pragmatic.
Yep. It's a Metaphysical Research Program, and that doesn't mean its false or useless, you fucking morons.

>> No.20618101

>what do you mean?
you said it explains everything, so i'm asking what is the explanation for the gap in intelligence
or was your post ironic and you're actually siding with me? i'm bad at reading irony

>> No.20618115

are you sad because youve sunk in hundreds of hours to hegel and max only to realize that they don't have any privileged grasp on thousands of years of history: just a model, and an over-simplistic one at that. must be annoying, don't know how i would sleep if i were you desu

>> No.20618116
File: 44 KB, 405x405, evolution stopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that doesn't mean its false or useless

but its totally useless and totally circular otherwise it would already call out what vestigial organs do humans have other than goalpost every single time. Catch22 of science.

>you said it explains everything, so i'm asking what is the explanation for the gap in intelligence

oh that, I am siding with you - evolution is pseudoscience. regarding IQ gap, in 5 BILLION years anything can happen and any ga can be explained by natural selection and mutation, everything fits and everyday they are adding millions to 5 billion years

>> No.20618119


Popper blends together Evolutionary Theory, Darwin's works, and "survival of the fittest", and this causes a number of headaches in his thought (that he struggled with). One of these is the common problem that >>20618039 brings up, which just raises the question of why you would even bother being a Creationist if you believe that evolution is demonstrably true and that the theory cannot be proven incorrect. When Popper says that "evolution" is a "metaphysical research program", he is referring to the idea of "evolution" as being the application of the idea of "survival of the fittest" to organisms. This naturally opens up all sorts of problems, like why there are herbivores and the like.

Biologists do not adhere to "survival of the fittest" for life, but rather genes. This was the big breakthrough that Dawkins made palatable in The Selfish Gene, wherein genes that, via stochastic mechanisms, are more likely to get passed on, get passed on. This naturally creates a selection effect, and more importantly (despite the name) it leads to genes being altruistic to each other because an organism has many, many genes. Genes thus end up working together. They have to, because if an organism that has gene A and B reproduces, then both gene A and B both get passed on. This is in contrast to the theory of Social Darwinism, which predates Darwin himself (the name obviously doesn't however), which holds that survival of the fittest applies to ideas. The key difference is that whereas an organism has gazillions of genes (and two genes within an organism are not in competition because the organism CAN have many genes), an individual can only have one ideology in their brain. Thus, ideologies must compete with each other for space occupying brains. Thus, survival of the fittest (ideology).

This also raised problems in regards to stuff like non-genetic heredity, somatic mutation (tl;dr immune systems), and epigenetics, as it places ALL biological changes into the same bucket of some kind of competition between organisms to be the apex predator, which is not what we see because there isn't some kind of all against all arms race with all organisms in competition with each other (life actually seems to flourish better under conditions of a constant fluxing between specialization and generalization).

>> No.20618122

Talking about darwin, not those two fuckers. They are rightly burning in hell.

>> No.20618125
File: 113 KB, 700x500, feyerabend2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lits opinion on this nazi?

>Talking about darwin, not those two fuckers.

hegel = marx = darwin, get real nigga, also...hell? Are you a YEC?

>> No.20618129

>hegel = marx = darwin
Take your meds
>Are you a YEC?
Don't even know what the hell is a YEC

>> No.20618133

You unironically want Guenon. A big aspect of his work is that evolution and progress shouldn't be accepted as necessary facts, and he talks a whole lot about the meaninglessness of most material/modern sciences compared to the "sacred science" of tradition.

>> No.20618146
File: 176 KB, 1300x1272, evolutionists hate this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't even know what the hell is a YEC

the people who believe in "hell", are you a christian inteligent designer?


his critique is more of a moral one if I remember, Im more interested in logical/methodological critiques of science, I like them more, they seem more precise and criticise science with scientific method

>> No.20618161

Oh man imagine walking up to them and asking them for evidence for racial equality

>> No.20618165

>This was the big breakthrough that Dawkins made palatable in The Selfish Gene, wherein genes that, via stochastic mechanisms, are more likely to get passed on, get passed on.
I still can't see how that would be a breakthrough rather than simply a tautology. All that other stuff isn't theory of evolution anymore but just general study of genetics. So what is the point of raising this "whatever was selected, was selected" to any kind of important stature, if not the insistence to talk about it as some kind of selection which could at least theoretically follow a rational path and start to make suspicious applications of this idea of "selection" when other explanations that have nothing to do with the word select on that level are possible.

>> No.20618167

Nope, I'm just someone that likes to use figures of speech.

>> No.20618179


>> No.20618185

>I still can't see how that would be a breakthrough rather than simply a tautology.
It's a breakthrough because up until the fuck 70s or so biology was concerned with "progress" and movement towards teleologies. That leads absolutely nowhere and has no explanatory power. What does work is looking at what make up organisms, and looking at how those components act and interact.

If you want to study life, you have to look at organisms, and what compose them. Yes, this is "the study of genetics". That's one very important aspect of biology. That's how it works.

>> No.20618186

OP here, thanks anon, had never heard of the guy.

>> No.20618194

That's a good strategy. Drag evolution down in the dirt by calling it "metaphysics" instead of science so you can equate it to all the other metaphysical bullshit that humanities midwits talk about

>> No.20618203

idk if richard dawkins got the memo since he's still propagating for the theory of evolution and its acceptance as an unquestionable litmus test for anyone's scientific education

>> No.20618204

Idc about that democrat voting nigger

>> No.20618211
File: 102 KB, 638x1136, evolutionists hate this2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That leads absolutely nowhere and has no explanatory power.

What worth is explanatory power in science? You have it religion as well. What science is primarily about is predictive not as much explanatory power and evolution has none of predictive power

>Drag evolution down in the dirt by calling it "metaphysics" instead of science

its not even falsifiable, its on the level of marxist sociology

>> No.20618219

When biologists say "evolution", they mean what you call "the general study of genetics". You are either intentionally or ignorantly using a definition in opposition to what they are using for this word.

>What worth is explanatory power in science?
The entire point of science is explaining mechanisms in the world around. That is why we've been doing it since Aristotle. That's literally the point. If a scientific theory cannot explain something, it's worthless. Appeals to "progress" do not have any explanatory power. "This gene causes X and interacts with Y and blah blah blah" does.

>> No.20618224

Its entirely falsifiable. What even? Point me to the contradiction here

>> No.20618241

>The entire point of science is explaining mechanisms in the world around.

that is religion or mythology. What makes (should make) science different is prediction and control of facts, empirical testing, methodology. You can have explain every observation in the world with religion and not have scientific methodology.

>Its entirely falsifiable.

what would falsify it? A rabbit in precambrion wouldnt.

>> No.20618254

/lit/ thinks it can deny the truth of evolution by using words like "tautology", "metaphysics" and naming names like fucking Hegel lmfao. As if they are making a real point.

This is what happens when you don't leave your rooms

>> No.20618260

Popper said and did a lot of shit. Just because he came up with falsifiability as a criterion of what can be considered science.

>> No.20618268

> A rabbit in precambrion wouldnt?

>> No.20618271

The nice thing is that the schizo that is shilling his take on evolution is probably the same type of person to viscerally hate his biggest child: Soros.

>> No.20618279 [DELETED] 

>You are either intentionally or ignorantly using a definition in opposition to what they are using for this word.
Yet Dawkins was perfectly content to apply his "strictly genetic" notions to creating the concept of "meme". Does this seem like Dawkins' conception of evolution is truly as limited as you say?
>Ideas and concepts, from fashion to music, take on a life of their own within society and, by propagating and mutating from mind to mind, affect the progress of human evolution.
This is Dawkins' worldview. Now, is the evolution truly, really restricted to genetics as described in my previous post here?

>> No.20618290
File: 213 KB, 1660x1140, evolution fosil evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because he came up with falsifiability as a criterion of what can be considered science.

you disagree?

rabbit mutated in precamb and died off, billions years later mutated from fishbird and now its here! Fossil proof yet to be discovered as with 99% of evolution. Try disproving my claim.

>by using words like "tautology", "metaphysics" and naming names like fucking Hegel lmfao


>> No.20618292

>You are either intentionally or ignorantly using a definition in opposition to what they are using for this word.
Yet Dawkins was perfectly content to apply his "strictly genetic" notions to creating the concept of "meme". Does this seem like Dawkins' conception of evolution is truly as limited as you say?
>Ideas and concepts, from fashion to music, take on a life of their own within society and, by propagating and mutating from mind to mind, affect the progress of human evolution.
This is Dawkins' worldview. Now, is the view of evolutionhere truly, really restricted to genetics as described in my previous post here?

>> No.20618308

>Try disproving my claim.
Nah I'm good. I come here for books, not to debate creationist dimwits who think they can use their gross misunderstandings of scientific process to make non-arguments against literal facts. just because they don't like those facts

>> No.20618316

Popper is a brainless retard, he has contributed nothing of value to any school of thought and should be met with strict ridicule.

Evolution isn't testable? RETARD. You can literally watch bacteria evolve.

>> No.20618319
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x3024, science_cunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah I'm good.

dont even try, my claims are unfalsifiable. Evolution wins. I win.

>not to debate creationist dimwits who think they can use their gross misunderstandings of scientific process to make non-arguments against literal facts. just because they don't like those facts

based happy closed minded closed hegelian system enjoyer!

>> No.20618337

Finding rabbit fossils in precambrian would actually be a huge blow to scientific understanding of evolutionary history. (And a lot of other fields, like paleontological study). It would raise a lot of questions.

But of course dishonest creationists would rather think up than do some due diligence

>> No.20618344
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>Finding rabbit fossils in precambrian would actually be a huge blow to scientific understanding of evolutionary history.

yes, you would need to revision a lot of things. It would be revisioned and it would be right again...sounds familiar?

>But of course dishonest creationists would rather think up than do some due diligence

you are right every time, why arent you happy?

>> No.20618349

Yeah. Take this win. I hope you are happy that you proved an evolutionist "wrong" (Lol).

Keep on believing whatever fiction you have cooked up instead. That'll keep you happy and content

>> No.20618355
File: 45 KB, 334x400, anglo_bertrand_russel_englishmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah. Take this win.

Not I, Holy wisdom of rightful Evolution.

>> No.20618358

>and it would be right again

Your intellectual dishonesty is showing anon

>> No.20618364
File: 100 KB, 712x664, evolutionary fosil memery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>and it would be right again

wouldnt it be? You have 5 billion years, nuclear exolitions, craters...and total lack of fosil evidence, even a retard could figure something out, its not like you need to back up every single claim with fosils

>> No.20618381

I don't understand in what way exactly the theory of evolution is a de-facto disproval of the existence of god

>> No.20618397

Only 3 kind of people would fall for this Oversimplified grossly inaccurate rhetoric.

> a retarded dimwitted hillbilly

> the /lit/ "philosopher" who thinks he can decipher this universe by shutting himself in his room and reading phil books and pondering on them. (Though he may spend his time watching anime and jacking off instead)

> a child

Certainly not someone who actually knows what goes in research

>> No.20618399

Because there is some special kind of religious schizo that has to take his holy book literally.

>> No.20618414
File: 69 KB, 597x669, science499880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that word reminds me of Hegel and Darwin...

>Certainly not someone who actually knows what goes in research

you retarded cultist, pic rel

I dont understand how little analytic reasoning one have to have to pose such a kneejerk question

>> No.20618435

>Anon can't deal with the fact that his worldview is inauthentic.


>> No.20618449
File: 164 KB, 1024x576, science_TM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>authentic science

I wish Feyerabned would return, put on his ww2 Nazi uniform and fireblast all of you queers with his anti-science nazi flamethrower

>> No.20618463

>killing is LE BAD because... IT JUST IS OKAY???

>> No.20618481
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>making it about politics.

>> No.20618566

Pooper wasn't anti science you fuck.

>> No.20618664

I recommend him for literally everything these days but Spengler.

>> No.20618667

Evolution is blind faith. There is no observable change of kind, a bird develop something new, but never stop being a bird, yet they want us to believe we and monkey have a common ancestor. Every example of evolution in this "change of a kind" is "look at x billion of years ago", how the fuck is not that blind faith?

>> No.20618742
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, evolution vs creationism lore no sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recommend him for literally everything these days but Spengler.

who do you recommend?

>There is no observable change of kind, a bird develop something new, but never stop being a bird

when someone says that they usually point to longterm e coli experiment which was a total failure and they fished for hypothesis AFTER the experiment and presented it as experimental proof and never redid that failure of pseudo experiment

>> No.20618746

>You can literally watch bacteria evolve.
When was the last time you saw a bacteria evolving into a human being?

>> No.20618778

Saved this from a post on /lit/ sometime ago:

E.A. Burtt, The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science

Amos Funkenstein, Theology and the Scientific Imagination

Alexandre Koyre, From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe

Richard Popkin, The History of Scepticism: From Savonarola to Bayle

Pierre Duhem, To Save the Phenomena: An Essay on the Idea of Physical Theory from Plato to Galileo

William James, Pragmatism, Essays in Radical Empiricism

Alfred North Whitehead, Adventures of Ideas and Science and the Modern World

Gaston Bachelard, The Formation of the Scientific Mind and The New Scientific Spirit

Wilfred Sellars, various things

Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, On Certainty, and Remarks on the
Foundations of Mathematics (and anything else you're interested in, aside from the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, unless you have a specific interest in reading that)

Thomas Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolutions and The Essential Tension

Herbert Butterfield, The Origins of Modern Science

Paul Feyerabend, Against Method and various other books, especially For and Against Method
(his debate with Lakatos)

W.O. Quine, Two Dogmas of Empiricism

John H. Zammito, A Nice Derangement of Epistemes: Post-positivism in the Study of Science from Quine to Latour (this is a good, short touchstone for postpositivist philosophy of science)

Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison, Objectivity

Ian Hacking, The Taming of Chance and The Emergence of Probability: A Philosophical Study of Early Ideas about Probability

>> No.20618789

>Im not talking about left leaning gays that criticize science only when its wayciss
at least those people have a solid ideological motive for wanting to deny scientific research whenever it contradicts their worldview. how is what you're doing any less ridiculous? Look around you nigger, every piece of electronics you use proves that scientific methodology is capable of consistently and reliably producing knowledge. Read Duhem and go from there.

>> No.20618801
File: 1.56 MB, 1757x2142, science_replication_crisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least those people have a solid ideological motive
>not truth

>every piece of electronics you use proves that scientific methodology is capable of consistently and reliably producing knowledge

you dont think that science is stagnating? Shouldnt we MSGA?

>> No.20618825

Bait thread for creationogroids to reveal their sub zero iq

>> No.20618830

>reposts infographic
>refuses to elaborate further
the replication crisis isn't an argument against the scientific method, it's an argument against that method working when the institutions are corrupt and there's shit like citation cartels, data-fishing and blatant ideological "refusing to evaluate evidence honestly" going on. soviet science and nazi science were trash, too.
now, what scientific theories in particular do you have a problem with and on what basis? that's the conversation we'd need to have if you wanted it to be productive.

>> No.20618835

I don't care how many philosophers of science you bring into it, this thread belongs on /sci/

>> No.20618838

no, i deny your description of reality as objective reality. You confuse the two.

>> No.20618863
File: 830 KB, 1214x1306, evolution1621783876341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bait thread for creationogroids to reveal their sub zero iq

but that is EXACTLY how a retard atheist evolutionist with an evolutionary demon would respond! When has your evolutionary demon obsession started?

>the replication crisis isn't an argument against the scientific method, it's an argument against that method working when the institutions are corrupt and there's shit like citation cartels, data-fishing and blatant ideological "refusing to evaluate evidence honestly" going on.

duh! So shouldnt we fix the culture of science aka neo-enlightenment?

>what scientific theories in particular do you have a problem with and on what basis?

evolution. Its enitrely unfalsifiable. The rest of sciences that have prefix "science" in them, they are unfalsifible as well since they are based on Hegelianism, not scientific method. You can put theoretical phisics and astronomy in it as well.

>> No.20618868

what aspect of evolutionary theory is unfalsifiable?

>> No.20618874

the fact that its correct every time and revisions itself, so all of it.

>> No.20618877

is physics unfalsifiable?

>> No.20618885

>i d-d-deny your reality b-b-because its yours and n-n-nnot objective

Whatever you say delusional faggot. Lmao @ being a creationist subhuman in 2022

>> No.20618894
File: 229 KB, 691x389, evolution man science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is physics unfalsifiable?

why would physics (mainstream tv astrophisicist are total quacks doe) be unfalsifiable and why are making stupid questions? Make your claims and Ill respond, dont try some low tier gotchas.

>> No.20618896

You're retarded. Your 'real hard science' describes this:

According to your interpretation of science everything is literally in your skull, in the brain so you can never know reality at all. You have it backwards (although this is not uncommon). If anyone is seething in their own heads it is you.

>> No.20618898

physics is correct every time and revisions itself, retard
post another wojac and I won't bother responding to you anymore

>> No.20618906


What the fuck are you even talking about, it is the unifying principle of modern biology. Point out exactly what is flawed about our current theories of evolution. Do you disagree with sympatric speciation? Gene flow and genetic drift? Natural selection? Protein homology and DNA sequencing as a means of deducing phylogenetic relationships?

Sure as far as scientific models go there is plenty we don't know, but evolutionary theory is on par with relativity and quantum mechanics with the amount of evidence we have supporting our current models.

>> No.20618907

absolute dimwit, im not a creationist lol those are my only posts in the thread. You are so insecure you project all kinds of shit on me. I hope you find some peace brother

>> No.20618917

>According to your interpretation of science everything is literally in your skull, in the brain so you can never know reality at all

Lmfao no scientist actually believes that. It is liberal art hoe philosophy fags who never leave their rooms who say such retarded bullshit.

Straight up lying besides 60 iq rhetoric. Creationists just can't stop taking Ls

>> No.20618921

>everyone who disagrees with me is a creationist

Are you 14?

>> No.20618929

>what is reality?

Just kys tranny. Join the 40%

>> No.20618931
File: 73 KB, 936x960, evolution nonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physics is correct every time and revisions itself, retard

If you throw an object in the air it either accelerates or it doesnt, where do you see revisionism of that empirical testing you twat?

>Point out exactly what is flawed about our current theories of evolution.

unfalsifiable. circular. mythological, retroactive and not proactice, megalomaniacal. shiteed for midwits.


you simpleton, genes were already a thing before evolution and genetics would exist without evolutionary mythology which acted as an ugly ungodly DECORATION. It has no epistemiological function as a paradigm for genetics.

>> No.20618932

If you believe that the brain is what creates consciousness that is what you end up accepting.
seek help

>> No.20618938

You aren't?

So another reality denying philosofag. K.

>> No.20618951

You are so confused.

>> No.20618956

>Dimwit didn't even realize that he only replaced "the brain" with "consciousness" without resolving the original conflict.

Step 1: Go out
Step 2: Touch grass

>> No.20618958

nice webm! gonna show my 12 year old think he'll really like it =)

>> No.20618974

How do so many kids end up on /lit/?

>> No.20618979
File: 387 KB, 720x885, science1631447220778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice webm! gonna show my 12 year old think he'll really like it =)

do that, ask him about black swans, familiarize the young with importance of falsifiabiltiy criteria when they are young, kid is going to popperslap all the scientists/government/grant workers and make a better world one day

>> No.20618985
File: 10 KB, 210x240, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do so many ki-ACK

>> No.20619008

what makes you think someone who disagrees with you on ontology is a tranny? if you want to discuss that id happily do it on /pol/ and we might even share views politically but you are just outing yourself as a schizo now. You think most trannies aren't into 'real hard science'? Your religion of science has become twisted up in it on a deep level.

>> No.20619027
File: 111 KB, 900x583, evolution1630262863254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what makes you think someone who disagrees with you on ontology is a tranny?


This thread is about epistemiology. Please, sit down enjoy the non-ontological episteomiological discussion, start from OP post and falsifiabiltiy criterion.

>> No.20619032

Trannies are unironically more into philosophy because it helps them use smart sounding words to pseudo-legitimize their delusions. So kind of like creationists and spiritualists in that regard.

But they do try to misappropriate science often as you pointed out because even they know how much more authentic science is.

>> No.20619037 [DELETED] 

Funny how you described it as the unifying principle of modern biology yet invite me to respond to particular sub-theories of it. If it's a unifying principle of everything that you mentioned, we should talk about IT rather than some particular manipulation of the DNA.

Out of those, natural selection is the one who most approaches the "general principleness" you referred but didn't stick to, I guess? Theory of evolutionary selection, as an unifying principle as you call it, is either tautological, useless or unjustified for the following reasons:
1) if the only claim it makes is that "whatever exists was what was selected" it is tautological: it doesn't explain anything, it doesn't even really say anything, it's just nonsense.

Then we start to talk about selective pressure, and we theorize about whatever traits a human might have that it is as a result of the selection, because people that had such traits got to reproduce. Yet we can't predict this trait formation into the future at all. So what are we really doing and what basis do we have for saying of any trait that it's as a result of so-called selection pressures, unless we, again tautologically define whatever change as a result of selection pressure? Let's take the bird nesting proceduses for example: isn't it completely imaginable that the procedure was taken up out of pure whim and it just persisted because nobody bothered to change it? Someone did it first and others thought oh thats cool. But no, in selective pressure, the changes have to be explained in terms of a very clear advantage (note that here whatever facticity about birds doesn't matter: you can imagine any number of cases spanning the whole "evolutionary" history that might be like this, but the darwinian straitjacket forces the "scientists" to interpret the past from the perspective of a very limited lens)

>> No.20619039

Does there exist some particular data that isn't compatible with evolution?

>> No.20619043
File: 116 KB, 700x748, evolution1616884749422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trannies are unironically more into philosophy because it helps them use smart sounding words to pseudo-legitimize their delusions.

Philosophy tube guy actually went trans after he was a leftist for a long time and that other trans guy on yt was already a tranny when he started, sad. Both were highly educated and high IQ but totally dishonest about topics they had a lot of invested in. High IQ just guarantees efficient rationalizations not honesty (which comes from wisdom and wisdom from fear of God).

>> No.20619048

If we built a time machine, and travelled 6000 years back in time to see God create all the different kinds of animals
that would be evidence against the theory of evolution, right?

>> No.20619058

Well, on the other hand, we can just right now look at 65 billions years ago and see evolution working. I mean, that is how most examples work "look at 65 billions years ago".

>> No.20619060

Funny how you described it as the unifying principle of modern biology yet invite me to respond to particular sub-theories of it. If it's a unifying principle of everything that you mentioned, we should talk about IT rather than some particular manipulation of the DNA.

Out of those, natural selection is the one who most approaches the "general principleness" you referred but didn't stick to, I guess? Theory of evolutionary selection, as an unifying principle as you call it, is useless or unjustified for the following reasons:
1) if the only claim it makes is that "whatever exists was what was selected, whatever happened must have been selection of some sort and thats it" it is useless: it doesn't explain anything, it doesn't even really say anything, it's just nonsense.

2) Then we start to talk about selective pressure, and we theorize about whatever traits a human might have that it is as a result of the selection, because people that had such traits got to reproduce. Yet we can't predict this trait formation into the future at all. So what are we really doing and what basis do we have for saying of any trait that it's as a result of so-called selection pressures, unless we, again tautologically define whatever change as a result of selection pressure? Let's take the bird nesting proceduses for example: isn't it completely imaginable that the procedure was taken up out of pure whim and it just persisted because nobody bothered to change it? Someone did it first and others thought oh thats cool. But no, in selective pressure, the changes have to be explained in terms of a very clear advantage (note that here whatever facticity about birds doesn't matter: you can imagine any number of cases spanning the whole "evolutionary" history that might be like this, but the darwinian straitjacket forces the "scientists" to interpret the past from the perspective of a very limited lens)

>> No.20619065
File: 353 KB, 1600x1154, science1632589516212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does there exist some particular data that isn't compatible with evolution?

no data is or can be un-compatible with evolution. Its a perfect "theory" and those are perfectly un-falsifiable.

yes, that could-a-should-a-would-a be evidence against evolution and would a could-a-should-a-would-a be evidence against evolution if we travel 1 billion years in future and notice that predictions were wrong.

>> No.20619071

Can any of the sciencelets seething in this thread explain how we, after 100 years of trying, have never been able to replicate evolution in an experimental setting?

>> No.20619079

this thread is giving me a headache. is this the power of the american education system?

>> No.20619083
File: 25 KB, 297x445, feyerabend_lakatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this the power of the american education system?

its mostly continental krauts that tore down the evolutionary myth of creation

>> No.20619085

you try to use big words to make your stupid ideas sound smarter. nobody is fooled by you, pseud

>> No.20619095
File: 123 KB, 800x600, swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what of those bigbig words do you not understand? Lets learn new things.

>> No.20619101

ahhh, yes, the problem endemic to psychology

>> No.20619106

The absolute state of creationistfags lmfao. Lol even

>> No.20619114

there seems to be a some tension between the two replies in your post

>> No.20619119

would that be expect on evolution?

>> No.20619125
File: 2.85 MB, 200x234, 1568050466379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know all your words. i just think its pathetic when people try to make their dumb ideas sound more complex than they really are by using unnecessarily big words in an awkward way

>> No.20619128
File: 74 KB, 750x593, 1634403330879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bibble doesn't say it so it can't be true!
The Christcuck seething in this thread is hilarious

>> No.20619131

Yes it would be. And the funniest part is that the brainlet here doesn't even realise that we can and do replicate evolutionary processes on smaller time scales. Horse breeding is literally that lol.

>> No.20619132

>what basis do we have for saying of any trait that it's as a result of so-called selection pressures, unless we, again tautologically define whatever change as a result of selection pressure?
the answer to this one is very straightforward, actually. when you're dealing with simple organisms that don't do much other than reproduce themselves, you can calculate out over how many generations a gene that confers x% greater fitness will become near-universal within a given population. you can falsify that something is the result of evolutionary pressures simply by looking at timescales. human civilizational advancements over the last 1000 years, for instance, were not directly driven by evolution, nor even greatly affected by evolutionary factors.

>> No.20619137

do you think evolution being true, does not make predictions?

>> No.20619139

that's micro-evolution, tard
completly diffrent thing

>> No.20619141

it's all so tiresome

>> No.20619142
File: 95 KB, 602x526, lactose1548970182244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there seems to be a some tension between the two replies in your post

you are just not smart or intellectually honest enough, Im sorry.

but that is EXACTLY how a retard atheist evolutionist with an evolutionary demon would respond! When has your evolutionary demon obsession started?

>Horse breeding is literally that lol.

genes dont mutate in selective breeding you SELECT from existing genepool. pic rel for a twat

dont talk like a faggot with these gay gotcha attempts, make your statements

>> No.20619153


science is utterly retarded: you have atheists who claim that immaterial math formulas they invented run the material universe every miliseconds across billions of light years.
Oh and by the way, when they are asked to say where do those immaterial formulas live and where they come from and how they act on matter, they can't fucking answer, can they?
You know how atheists say retarded humans personalized nature when they said gods were like humans and such? Well atheist bugmen created machines and now they say the universe is a machine too lol. That's how dumb atheists are.

>> No.20619155

oh, youre just some schizo christian sperg. got it

>> No.20619156

I am amazed how atheists have turned genes into the new god. Make me laff when they say their dad was a fish too.
Guess which theory is true according to them

theory 1 : humans descent from humans, which is verified at every human birth

theory 2: humans descent from a fish, then a monkey, yet it was never observed and fishes today dont become monkeys and monkeys today dont become humans, just trust me bro

>> No.20619158

>"iq = size of my dick in inches take

Never began 4 u

>> No.20619161
File: 49 KB, 550x543, Christcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that is EXACTLY how a retard atheist evolutionist with an evolutionary demon would respond! When has your evolutionary demon obsession started?

>> No.20619162

If you are going to deny that evolution makes predictions
There would be no point in me telling you that it does, it you are in denial about this piece of data

If we agree that it does, we can discuss how to interpret that

>> No.20619166

>you can calculate out over how many generations a gene that confers x% greater fitness will become near-universal within a given population
but you won't know in advance which gene will bring x% greater fitness, if any. you won't have any idea how to distinguish fitness changes motivated by other factors.

As a sidenote there's been many studies about inheriting memories from one's parents and while I'm not going to comment on their methodology etc. here, they might complicate the picture further, for example.

>> No.20619167

>village nigger has no idea we can mutate genes in a lab

The Ls never end

>> No.20619168

jokes on you, my dick is 65 centimeteres long

>> No.20619169

science isn't the same as materialist metaphysics, science only tries to understand the universe in terms of material forces. yeah, science can't explain consciousness, but science can make a pretty damn convincing case that the earth isn't 6000 years old and that you can't travel faster than light. get the picture?

>> No.20619180
File: 1.15 MB, 686x776, science numale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, youre just some schizo christian sperg. got it

but that is EXACTLY how a retard atheist evolutionist with an evolutionary demon would respond!

Ive just proved that you are an irrational person with an evolutionary demon. Next step is changind that and turing you into a rational being.

>I am amazed how atheists have turned genes into the new god.

not genes, but evolution. Genetics existed before evolution and would exist without it.

>If you are going to deny that evolution makes predictions

it makes no FALSIFIABLE predictions.

>no idea we can mutate genes in a lab

cute. are they heritable?

>> No.20619187

So, like, you agree that we can breed weird horses
but you think there is something mysterious preventing us from breeding continually weirder horses, to the point we wouldn't recognize it as a horse?

btw, the fact that you have to make these awful multireply posts should tip you off that you are in the wrong
you being retarded seems like a great explanation for why everyone disagrees with you, accounts for all the data

>> No.20619201

>but you think there is something mysterious preventing us from breeding continually weirder horses, to the point we wouldn't recognize it as a horse?

then do it faggot! Can I empirically test any of your claims or are you just talking MYTHOLOGY?

>> No.20619202

>it makes no FALSIFIABLE predictions.
If we didn't see the prediction we predicted, what would that be?

>> No.20619204
File: 16 KB, 679x452, images (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes retard they are

>> No.20619206

>you won't have any idea how to distinguish fitness changes motivated by other factors.
in controlled environments there aren't any other factors, nigger. you can absolutely make predictions about how single-celled organisms will evolve under different conditions and try to falsify those predictions with experiments.

>> No.20619210

there is something mysterious preventing us from doing that
got it

>> No.20619213
File: 60 KB, 735x490, science1522525963091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we didn't see the prediction we predicted, what would that be?

FALSIFIABLE. PREDICTIONS. faggot. what are your falsifiable predictions based on evolutionary MYTHOLOGY?

>> No.20619219

>in controlled environments there aren't any other factors, nigger.
lmao and how is this supposed to be an advantage to your argument, since the history of life natural selection attempts to depict isn't a controlled environment? The theory of natural selection, which you're now pretending to "test", never limited itself to certain controlled spaces, but it makes claims about existing qualities and their developmental histories in the real world.

>> No.20619221

No, but seriously.
Why would there be a limit of what we can do to horses.
Do you really believe there exist 1 THE WEIRDEST horse, which we cannot go further beyond? That's the logical conclusion.

>> No.20619222
File: 11 KB, 332x335, golden1441279122375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you won't have any idea how to distinguish fitness changes motivated by other factors.

How about we wait a 10 million years for you to finish your IRL evolution experiment? then surely youll be right? We cant do that because those are 10 million years? I guess you are right again. HOW CONVINIENT!

>> No.20619223

I'm not even here to debate. Just laugh at creationoworms

>> No.20619229

Do you think evolution should be 1 grand theory that falls apart if some prediction it makes about how genes would look like is wrong?

>> No.20619236
File: 87 KB, 1024x994, evolution1617979033413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FALSIFIABLE. PREDICTIONS. faggots. what are your falsifiable predictions about the future of humans based on evolutionary MYTHOLOGY? What new organs will we have and how do we test for it?

>> No.20619264

>The theory of natural selection, which you're now pretending to "test", never limited itself to certain controlled spaces, but it makes claims about existing qualities and their developmental histories in the real world.

but unlike evolution myth of creation, you can test the simple natural selection theory pretty well in controlled experiments. And before you start, YEC "believe" in natural selection.

>> No.20619274

>but you can't prove it applies to the real world

>> No.20619293

the claims it makes is about the real world though. in actual hard sciences, you say nothing farther outside the bounds of the experiment, but in natural selection, it is used very casually to depict the "reasons" for bird's nesting habits. It's like you didn't even read my post.

>> No.20619305

>it is used very casually to depict the "reasons" for bird's nesting habits.
it isn't, there are all kinds of behaviours that we don't explain by referring to genetic mutation, like crows and racoons adapting to life in the city.

>> No.20619313
File: 34 KB, 774x210, evolution_wiki_semantic_manipulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natural selection applies to the real world and is empirically testable, falsifiable and its falsification process proved it correct. Unlike evo...

they are highly dishonest, they use natural selection as proof of evolution (!?). Look how in the first sentence they defined evolution the way you define natural selection, they do it all the time.

>> No.20619319

Is there some particular problem with my falsification taking thousands of years?

I guess you don't accept indirect evidence. far away stars just bright light on the inside of a dome until we travel to them in a rocket.

>> No.20619320

bird nesting is constantly explained in terms of natural selection, despite much room for different explanation. you are simply wrong.

>> No.20619338
File: 49 KB, 720x960, science values in a labaratory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my falsification taking thousands of years?

*billions. can you wait that long and present us your proof about what future brings?

>indirect evidence

ah yes.

>far away stars just bright light on the inside of a dome until we travel to them in a rocket

yet, you see the light NOW and can present it, get a crystal ball you mythologist and present us what you see inside of it to prove your billions years of prediction.

>> No.20619448

that's just light though, no evidence of stars
it comes from a glowy spot on the dome as far as I'm concerned, until someone takes a trip to the so-called "star" in their rocket, samples some of the hydrogen, etc

>> No.20619455

fucking hell why is this board so fucking stupid

>> No.20619457

smartest theist intellectual

>> No.20619464

Oh my fuck I thought /lit/ was on average over 18. You asshats still reply to bait threads? Even the posters pretending to be retarded ITT are embarassments.

>> No.20620442


>> No.20620883

What the fuck does that even mean? Jesus Christ I hate academia so much it's unreal