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20616891 No.20616891 [Reply] [Original]

He's gotten chin implants, hasn't he?

>> No.20616894

crazy how this guy went from youth role model to john mcafee so fast

>> No.20616899

Nah that's just what washing your dick and benzo addiction does to a nigga.

>> No.20616906

>cries about troons changing their bodies to feel more comfortable with themselves
>gets implants
oh nonononononono.....

>> No.20616910

well he's confirmed to have gotten multiple hair transplants, and i think his chin used to jut out less

>> No.20616944
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>he's confirmed to have gotten multiple hair transplants
Fucking hairlets, when will they learn.

>> No.20617102

How does he get Nietzsche so wrong without flak?

>> No.20617112

Nietzsche was a trad Christian, bro.

>> No.20617192

The same way he uses “Marxist” to describe anything from Medicaid to trans people while admitting to not having read him.
His core audience is functionally illiterate.

>> No.20617208

He was an anti-Christian traditionalist. A rare animal,but can you get more based?

>> No.20617230

>hair transplants and cutting your cock off is the same thing

>> No.20617251

He's always had very good bone structure and a prominent chin to be fair.

>> No.20617253

He is right, unpasssable trannies don't deserve pronouns

>> No.20617397
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>> No.20617483

He looks like the chad meme

>> No.20617488

Elliott passes now though

>> No.20617506

Holy fuck that's not even real and I can't even look at it. FUCK

>> No.20617542


>> No.20617552 [DELETED] 

that's probably a promo video gender surgeons play to the parents to ease their mind during the sales pitch but it's actually one of the most disturbing things i've seen

>> No.20617657

Jesus Christ

>> No.20617793

>Transgender women report bottom surgery at rates between 5–13% (7-9,32)
most trannies don't even get their dicks chopped off you delusional retards

>> No.20617836

Wow. Did Digibro get one of these?

>> No.20617839

I can't think of any current "intellectual" that has overstayed their welcome more than Peterson. And I actually agree with what he argued in the video, but he's so full of himself now. Ironically he is the one filled with pride, he could have made his point in a much more succinct manner instead of turning it into some spectacle.

>> No.20617857

I genuinely zoned out for a minute of the video because of how many overdescriptive adjectives he feels he needs to use in order to sound smart. Ironically he reminds me of Cornel West in that regard but whether or not I agree with West I do believe he's coming from a place of love when Peterson isn't.

>> No.20617881

wtf is surgery this simple. i could do this shit based on just this video, most of the stuff i read is harder to understand.