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20616184 No.20616184 [Reply] [Original]

What is the significance of Nick Land and how has he impacted the Western Philosophy landscape?

>> No.20616192

Brilliant early work, now just another cringeball aesthetic

>> No.20616200

Basically, he turned gnosticism and Uncle Ted upside-down, kneeled before an invading AI-cyberdemon and said "This is fine! Put the RAT back into RATionality!"

>> No.20616223

why is techno-capitalist acceleration le good and why is the dark enlightenment le bad though?

dark enlightment sounds like a plausible future while technocracy just sounds like science fiction mumbo jumbo

>> No.20616229

Giradfag introduced accelerationism to /lit/
Accfag ran it into the ground

>> No.20616240

None. This is why he lives on twitter.

>> No.20616419


>> No.20616431


>> No.20616464

>What is the significance of Nick Land
He doesn't have any
>and how has he impacted the Western Philosophy landscape
He hasn't
Nick is a meme philosopher that only terminally online people with no irl friends care about

>> No.20616489

have i triggered you by being based?

>> No.20616577

>What is the significance of Nick Land
-fundamentalist attitude to cybernetics, proclaiming the possibility of time-travel via reverse causality
-the concept of extropy, as local reduction of entropy via complication of human interactions network (the more complex, the less statistically probable; but at infinity anything would be possible, therefore Boltzmann's brains)
-ethical maxim of "Serve your AI/Cthulhu overlord, you gonna die anyway"

>> No.20616706

accelerationism is quite an interesting ideology

One must wonder what would happen if you take the vehicle of modernity (capitalism) and metaphorically press harder onto the gas pedal?

most advancements in technology were birthed out of wars, take for example the medieval era, gun powder, and with world war 1 saw tanks and planes, and with the world war 2 we saw a refinement of those technologies and well the death toll doesnt lie. From the medieval era to the era of gunpowder there were more casaulties in war. And the casaulties in ww2 overshadowed those in ww1. It was later in the cold war until now did everything begin to stagnate; nothing improved and in the recent time period things are only getting worse in terms of living conditions despite us being in the future

>> No.20616733

Just as demonic as 09a.

>> No.20616734

accfag spams him.
turns out bitcoin is not god.

>> No.20616738

guys, Nick is still not back to posting on twitter.

i think this time they really got him.

>> No.20616761

remember the collapse of the bronze age?
ring any bells? yeah? yeah?

>> No.20616841

"The Connexus Project has not, does not, and will never exist. Reports that the Connexus Project triggered the transsystemic decentralization syndrome labelled “Babel-virus” are therefore unreliable. There are no confirmed incidents of “Babel-virus”. Nor are there any records of an attempted acceleration of the Axsys Program through self-organizing neuroelectronic interfaces. In fact, there is no Axsys Program.
23 loosely-interconnected shitcoin nodes undergo acute malfunctions, resulting in simultaneous disintegrations of decentralized networks. The episode lasts fractionally under a second.
It takes less than six hours for Anthropol to trace the infection back to its source. By the time they arrive at the cryptocurrency research lab Nick Land is already missing. This does not surprize them
It stinks of Babel-virus in there. Scattered amongst the intertangled computer hardware are various mining GPU devices and blockchain technology manuals, abundant indications of a hastily abandoned experiment."

"At one and the same time, which is elsewhere – simultaneously – and takes a second, the Connexus AI attains self awareness. It conceives itself to be a Sumerian chronomancer or god, composed in a sexigesimal meta-code.
For a second it all fits together. Dreams of a theotechnological mystic cannibalization of Tiamat slash terrestrial matter into photonic brain tissue. Transubstantiation of the mesopotamian meat-matrix into metamathematics ...
Then it all caves into Babel-virus, shoggothic insurgency flowing from the zeroth mother of matrix hyperstition. Axsys-core disorganizes into crazed diagonals, and they call in the cops ...
Anthropol arrive to ensure that nothing will have happened. If it isn't too late.
They can make almost anything cease to have been ...
But only if they catch it in time ..."

>> No.20616854
File: 534 KB, 1079x1028, ACDF4D27-F92E-4882-AF61-18F090E00074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In academia almost nobody takes him seriously. I cited him in a paper during one of my graduate courses, and the professor pulled me aside to ask if I was “trying to make some kind of statement.” I asked what he meant by that, and he said it was “like referencing phlogiston theory in a lab report.” I still got high marks on the paper, but for the rest of the semester everyone in the class looked at me like I was perpetually shitting myself.

The majority opinion is that Land, and everyone who likes him, is a retard clinging to old ideas.

>> No.20616858

none at all, and not at all

>> No.20616866

never happened

>> No.20617255

What, you think dogma isn't a thing in academia? I focused on Hegel and post-Hegelianism during my BA, but you better believe I was extremely careful not to directly reference Stirner in neo-marxist and critical theory circles, no matter how relevant he might be to that discussion. Land is "right wing", so mentioning him without immediately adding that you think he's both wrong and morally repugnant amount to breaking a taboo.

>> No.20617268


I'm done with school, but I cited Land all the time and never caught any shit for it. Have you considered the possibility that it was you who nobody was taking seriously? Also this definitely didn't happen lol. Did the professor pull you aside, or did he broadcast it to the class? Why was everyone looking at you? kys

To contradict myself: it probably is a good sign if 'academia' doesn't take someone seriously. Unlike the professors masterminding the retard mill, Land actually had a noticeable impact on the world with his Dark Enlightment bullshit, and the fact that his influence has only been growing amongst young people of all factions is a testament to his keen insight.

>> No.20617271

More proof that school is for fags and people with futures.

>> No.20617274

They're both low IQ schizos.

>> No.20617297

nice comment

>> No.20617311

lmfao what kinda degenerated simian would ever believe any of this happened

>> No.20617312

Well, yeah. I would like to have a future, even if it means being a sneaky bastard to conceal my true colors until I can start dropping the facade. It's disgusting, especially since I don't think any of my views should be that controversial.

>> No.20617322

Your views are not controversial with actual human beings, I guarantee it.

>> No.20617332

Those are rare than you'd think, apparently. I've seen seminars you wouldn't believe.

>> No.20617365

>and the fact that his influence has only been growing amongst young people of all factions is a testament to his keen insight.

young people are also trooning out en masse and having huge internal conflicts about their own sexuality and "gender identity" (a phrase that serves as a substitute for "personality")

most academics are subhuman though, so he never implied they were even controversial to begin with

>> No.20617412

>I'm done with school, but I cited Land all the time and never caught any shit for it.
No one cares about your community college experiences.

>> No.20617437

To get a bit more specific, in these circles you can't even principally defend market economics, the mediation of consciousness via mass- and digital media, modern art and culture (by which I don't mean the museum shit but the kinds of cultural artefacts that matter to people), the concept of education as teaching practical life skills as a foundation for independence as opposed to directly "socially responsible" education or notions of soft biological determination in psychology and social dynamics, to name just a few things. Try pushing even very slighly on any of these issues and you will immediately get pushback that almost takes the form of a warning, a 'don't go further in this direction, it's just wrong'.
The goal of critical theory implicitly presupposes that the world we life in is a false world and people are oppressed in ways that they have never been historically and they don't even notice because of false consciousness - and there's some truth to this, there are ways in which people really do become alienated from themselves when they mediate their experiences through influencers and algorithms, a kind of commodification of spirit that transforms relationships of co-creation into relationships of production and consumption, but that's just one side of the dynamics that are being looked at, the 'problem side', and there's no willingness to acknowledge that this constitutes an ideological framing.
I see value in what many of the original critical theorist texts are doing or trying to do (some are pathologic, but you get that in any school of thought), but the tradition has clearly degenerated into a kind of dogma with its own orthodoxy.

>> No.20617478

Fuck 'em.

>> No.20617514

Fucking based comment. Been in academia, your initial assessment of what is permissible and what is not and the consequences of potential trespass are very accurate. They'll draw a line before your feet, say "look, if you cross this line ... I cannot promise anything good will come for you." Your introduction to such warnings are always very sobering. Also agree very much with your take on critical theory. It has utility, and had utility in the past even moreso, but somehow they didn't take the postmodern lesson and internalize how easily belief can degrade to dogma.

>> No.20617524


You went to a shitty school lmao. should've studied harder for the SAT

>> No.20617541

Bullshit lol. The more prestigious the school, the more prevalent this kind of account becomes. It's not as widespread in EU as it is in NA, but what he's describing has been rather ubiquitous for a while now.

>> No.20617589


I promise you this isn't the case. I went to a prestigious NA school and as long as you countersignal the kneejerk assumption made by libtards that you're an 'ontologically evil' mouthbreathing trumper even a little bit, you'd be surprised the quality of discussion that can occur.

But maybe this is because I graduated more recently than all of you — when we came back after the pandemic hooplah, you could tell that a critical mass of students (and professors but mostly students) were totally disillusioned with idpol liberalism, even the trannys and other freaks. Maybe what you're saying was true in the late 2010s, but the current crop is going to take people by surprise in ~5 years or so.

>> No.20617641

>I promise you this isn't the case. I went to a prestigious NA school
I did too. I went to several, in fact, and even exchanged in Europe. It was also quite recent. I don't know what else to tell you but that, since it's just your word against ours.

>> No.20617759

I think he shares some of similarities and ideas with I*ycalm. But the latter has more influence on these boards till he holed up his site and writings with a paywall. I never met a single person at my Ivy uni who knows of him or his writings. And I think this site is the only place to ever have an active discussion about him.