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/lit/ - Literature

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20600801 No.20600801 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20600804

Go to bed, Pynch.

>> No.20600824
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I absolutely MUST assert that Pynchon is an absolutely FABULOUS writer, because my absolute FAVORITE thing in a book is a goof, a gag, a joke, silly and boyish behavior, which his books are FULL to the BRIM of. Every novel of his is like an absolutely gorgeous novelty snake can, in which you open the book and (Pop!) you get a face absolutely FULL of snakes, and you fall back absolutely cackling at the MADMAN, the CRACK genius that he is to do it! And you think to yourself, "Hmmm, what will he do next, this absolutely gorgeous trickster," and you pick the book up again and (Shock!) you get a shock, and (Hahaha!!!) you've been pranked again by that absolute PYNCHmeister, that absolute card to do it! "Did that PYNCH, mademoiselle?" he asks, mistaking your gender again like all those nasty boys at school do, laughing that fantastic laugh of his that goes, "Yukyukyuk!" Look at that card as he shoves a pair of plastic buckteeth right up into his handsome mouth and shows them to you like the absolute madman that he is (left, right, and center). "Do you like these, mademoiselle? Does it make me look handsome?" He pulls out a fantastic mirror, and "Ah!" he says, with a hand to his absolutely NAUGHTY mouth, and you've fell on your tush again laughing with sheer hysterical laughter as he snaps his suspenders, leaves, then comes back again carrying an absolutely fabulous golden huge gong.

>> No.20600961
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>> No.20600975

why did you add all those adjectives and emphasis to an already perfect pasta

>> No.20601019
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Basically, the exquisite art of Pynchon's writing is creating a sense of ubiquitous conspiracy when it's in fact all smoke and mirrors on Pynchon's part. Even when you know it's all atmosphere, it's still amazing to get into that Pynchonian mindset where everything seems meaningful. Pynchon's breakthrough was to write novels that were about the act of literary analysis, which with its drawing connections and looking beneath, the literary critic is sort of like a conspiracy theorist. And Pynchon's novels (esp GR) is written to thwart this sort of analysis deliberately, but create an irresistible feeling that if one were to just analyze further, the truth can be found out. His novels are about reading novels.

>> No.20601351

We did it Reddit!

>> No.20601528

What a handsome lad.

>> No.20601554

what accounts for the surge of pinch posting in the past couple of days? One dedicated autist or something more sinister...
Is the Man himself behind this?

>> No.20601589
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>> No.20601627

A cypher. As I expected. Luckily I am a natural codebreaker - always have been.

>> No.20601645
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Hush. He is exquisite in vision and visage.

>> No.20601646


>> No.20601691
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>> No.20601707

A likely not-so-subtle viral campaign to get Ol' Pynch at the front of everyone's minds before they announce his new (possibly final) book. I don't recall the exact timing, but it would make sense for the "Cormac McCarthy with an increasingly large hat" meme to predate the formal announcement of his books later this year (I know they had been known about for years prior).

>> No.20601726

Better try to get one last book out Pynch before dementia hits that isn't a bad Gibson copy like BLeeding Edge. Your strength is obviously not the contemporary world.

>> No.20601817
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>possibly final

>> No.20601896

pynchonism will win

>> No.20602182

And this dump is on top of their list.
However, it doesn't seem entirely impossible that he at least knows about this place.

>> No.20602201

>this dump is on top of their list
Yes, why are you surprised? Even in its degraded and profane state, there's still a general memetic food web by which the decomposers of other shithole, but more popular websites, feed upon the shit posted here. What is unpalatable for the masses is digested here and subsequently shat out for their easier consumption.

>> No.20602338
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>degraded and profane state

>> No.20602480
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>Where does Thomas Pynchon live?

New York City. The article in the New York Times (or whatever it was) is correct. Mr. Pynchon lives in New York City and has lived there (apparently) since sometime in 1990 or 91. I' ve also heard that he is married to his agent. So if you want to find him... just go to where his agent works, follow her when she leaves work, and knock on the apartment door. Maybe he'll answer. Or maybe you can look up her phone number and call him up. "Hey dude, I love that Gravity's Rainbow book."

>> No.20602496
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>How does Thomas Pynchon survive if he writes so little and does he work a normal job?

Who knows. The guy got a MacArthur fellowship... something like $300,000 so I don't think he's hurting for money.

>> No.20602530

He is paid a salary by the CIA...

>> No.20602574
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Say, you don't get to tell me what to do...

>> No.20602616
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>> No.20602744

