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20598034 No.20598034 [Reply] [Original]

And give me a summary of the novel you're writing

>> No.20598716

A slice of life, basically. Figured I could write something meaningful, something honest.

>> No.20598831

After killing the man who usurped his father's throne, the heir to a kingdom has to reconcile his own sins and estimation of his worthiness to rule with the reality of a world that largely disregards his preconceptions of law and honor.
For the setting, picture the aesthetics of Burroughs' Barsoom stories, but set on Earth ~1500 years after an apocalyptic war.

>> No.20598942

Slice of life makes for good comfort reading.
Interesting so far. Is the protagonist's preconceptions different from his kingdom, or is it just that his kingdom and him are different in their notions to the rest of the world? If it's basically him and not the kingdom, how did he come to have a different code compared to his people?

>> No.20599036

When he was young, his father put great emphasis on the importance of law and codes of honor, as one might when raising an heir, but then Dad got stabbed in the face and the 10-year-old prince was banished into the desert wilderness to die (which of course didn't go to plan). Between that and 15 years of exile, most of which contained very little human contact, he's still stuck with a child's understanding of the "absoluteness" of those traditions. He was never really exposed to the reality that sometimes people ignore what is Right in favor of what's necessary or simply convenient.

>> No.20599056

A boy meets girl but society stands in their way

>> No.20599064

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, an autistic loner protagonist enjoys the month-long power outage and severe infrastructure damage and their social consequences in his New Jersey coastline town. An increase in general social cohesion and neighborliness during the day gives way to his participation with organized bands of looters in ransacking the town at night. He also meets a girl whose house was destroyed, and despite his autism, her recent traumatic experience and general state of fear render her vulnerable to his clumsy sexual advances.

Based on a true story and dedicated to my uncle Ted.

>> No.20599065

Fantasy scifi hybrid with slowly collapsing empires in both genres

>> No.20599100
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The story of an animal trafficker who sees the capturing of exuberant exotic creatures and the selling of them to the über-wealthy as a form of art on its own. Told entirely in poetic prose that often describes beautiful nature or meditates from one philosophical musing into the next, most of which dealing with themes of man's relationship with animals, the material world, god, music, art, naturalism and more, verging into truly schizo moments of transcendentalism, gnosis and pantheism.

>> No.20599144

A man is lost at sea, he eventually gives up eating fish and drinking water and somehow grows stronger, and as he strips his human desires he ascends them and grows stronger. Eventually he has the opportunity to swim to shore and be saved, and what he does next is the end of the book so I wont spoil it :). Currently only 40 pages out of what i hope to be 200 but I have the chapters planned out.

>> No.20599153

an indigent kill the president of Colombia

>> No.20599204

A half-breed who may or may not be a rape baby scrapes together an existence by leveraging his size and capacity for violence, which leads him through various social milieu. He feels that this is tarnishing his soul, and is self-conscious that he is regarded by many as a monster, so he seeks to redeem himself. While serving as a scout in a civilizing mission, he witnesses a senseless and cruel barbarism from the men following his trail and decides instead to save the primitives from genocide.

Setting is fantasy, close to low renaissance in setting, so the stasis common in the genre is upended. With that is the recent development of gunpowder, so even the basic conceptualizations of heroism are being challenged.

>> No.20599218

It's a graphic account of how I banged the reader's mom.

>> No.20599259

Funny, mine is a ribald account of how I banged OP's mom.

>> No.20599282

How droll!

>> No.20599309
File: 357 KB, 1600x2253, 297BEFC1-2CFC-4D1E-A947-B9C8FAA2F3F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rise and fall and rise (and so on) of the various legitimate and illegitimate members of a family tree over 400 years.

>> No.20599313
File: 134 KB, 313x417, head of rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, it's biblical end times and this one guy with amnesia is found by an angel and recruited to kill the anti christ's father. it's also post-apocalyptic because most of humanity is in these matrix style bliss machines. anyways, the guy recruits a tactical squad made up of catboys including this on russian catboy who is referred to as a faggot by the angel from earlier.

by the end of it, the main basically gets killed via suffocation, but since it's end times nobody can truly die because revelations 9:6. So he is taken to eden and rebuilt into a super soldier and his head becomes made of marble stone, because his head was crushed. it's also around this time his memories start coming back and it turns out his dad was the one who put humanity in all the bliss machines. the catboy squad turns evil and while the russian catboy is inserted into a agony machine.

that's about it so far.

>> No.20599402

It's a Choose Your Own Adventure where you discover that the Pre-Socratics and late-Han/Six Dynasties Commentators were 100% right about metaphysics and everything else worth discussing. Also, PC Gamers are the true aristocracy and it is set in a cozy forest retreat and there are LAN parties.

>> No.20599422

CYOA is really underutilized in adult fiction and media, especially considering how many books with large casts are turned into that anyway (see: people that skip certain perspectives entirely in ASOIAF).

>> No.20599431


Do you have any thoughts on how it should be implemented? Here is my work, it's a work in progress, but quite far along. I made the latest version into a website to help make it more accessible.

>> No.20599440

Oh wow, I thought you were shitposting, not that you were actually working on this. I don’t read enough philosophy to have basically any idea what
>Pre-Socratics and late-Han/Six Dynasties Commentators
means, so this might take me a while since I’ll have to read extra stuff on the side probably.

>> No.20599447

Yeah, the first book is basically done and available at that link. Just commissioning more artwork, revising (especially a couple of the more recent sections), and expanding/adding as necessary.

The goal is to make it very clear and easy to follow. If you enjoy CRPGs, you will have the wherewithal to to pick up the thread regardless of your prior knowledge of antiquity (although you'd miss a lot of references).

>> No.20599451

A guy is getting messages in his mail box from his father who died fifteen years ago. They correspond to find his father's killer.

>> No.20599459

>It was an easy decision to make this journey, you set out when a forum poster opened your eyes to a greater context, one that subsumes all.
First comma should be a semicolon or a period. There are other more subjective style things an editor might pick at.
>commissioning more artwork
Yeah I’m getting a visual novel vibe so that would definitely add to it.

>> No.20599471

Re: commas, I do plan to go through and change it, I find certain types of americans whinge about the way I like to use commas. I personally like to use them to distinguish separate parts of a complete thought or relationship, but I've learnt it's not for everyone and I should adjust when revising for the final copy. I don't want the language or punctuation to interfere; goal is definitely a smooth and accessible experience.

>> No.20599481

Niggers on the Moon 2

>> No.20599534

Actually, that sounds bitter. Your nitpicking is correct, thank you. My excessive, and at times clearly improper, use of commas is something I have learnt to recognise and repair when revising. I mention Americans because anything I wrote professionally was in that country and besides my general, non-american spelling, I had seniors who would circle the commas.

Good editors who take the time to read the material and offer actionable and thoughtful advice are rare.

>> No.20599592

A far, far superior version of ASOIAF. Characters aren't all nobility with no place for growth or a conflicting perspective on life. Actual, real, moral ambiguity, and grey characters. Political intrigue that goes beyond LE POISON and LE MARRIAGE. Also, my story has an actual theocratic entity

>> No.20599602

It sounded fine. I always fuck up dialogue with not knowing when to start a new paragraph or not until you can’t tell who is talking. Are you from the UK or something?
>Good editors who take the time to read the material and offer actionable and thoughtful advice are rare.
Yeah, you either pay through the nose or get someone that’s worse than just doing it yourself.

>> No.20599610


I am writing a novel about entering that little boy's excellent boypussy that you posted in your OP, OP. It is such an excellent boypussy that it requires a novel's word count to describe the mount, and all other details. What beautiful hair he has. His vacant stare indicates that he has been passed around many times before, as a beautiful boy should be. May he grow up to abuse others as I will abuse him, thereby repeating the sociological pattern.

>> No.20599618

I'm from all over the place; I have British citizenship among others, and my parents were English.

I think this page is the real first page:


Or at least, it will separate people who want to go on, from those who want to put the book down. So I'm exploring ways to get there faster. I will probably cut the welcome guide by making it optional to read it; that way you can quickly interact with the people at the entrance, and then hit the real meat and potatoes of the book.

People seem to like that guy in the first room.

>> No.20599628

>Slice of life makes for good comfort reading.

I agree. I've always liked the genre, and wanted to write something people could just have fun with and relate to. Got the idea from memories growing up as a wee one.

>> No.20599689

It's a pair of fantasy novels told from 2 perspectives at once, for a total of 3.
One is that of a young man, who after causing a mine collapse that killed his father is forced to flee his hometown. Accompanied by his half-elf aunt, he is hunted by the Empire that ruled over his homeland (and the entire continent as a whole). He eventually finds refuge in a tribe of Orcs, over a thousand miles from his home. His actions in their settlement starts a chain of events that sets him on the path of leading a rebellion to topple the Empire.
The other 2 perspectives are two brothers, both part of the Empire's most powerful family (aside from the Imperial Family ofc). One is a wannabe tinpot dictator, intending to sieze power in the Empire for himself, and overthrow the increasingly politically weak Emperor (who can shapeshift into a dragon but dragons are reviled by the common people, and nobility, of the Empire.)
The other is his elder brother that, while a military genius (the best in centuries), is a metaphorical Kool-Aid-drinker for the Imperial narrative and propaganda. He views The young man and his rebellion as an existential threat to all civilized peoples, that must be destroyed at any price.
Since it wasn't conveyed, the Empire's predominant Ethnic group is lizardfolk. The upper classes are almost purely reptilian.
>1500 years after an apocalyptic war
I love "from the ashes" settings, but I assume that civilization has basically rebuilt itself by that point, yes?

>> No.20599788

This guy who suffers from hypersomnia (he's always drowsy) questions what "living" is, because he always feels like he's constantly "sleep-walking". He has vivid dreams, and he sometimes doesn't know whether something has actually happened or whether it was another one of his dreams - as dreams and life mix together in his memories. Sometimes he wakes up from a dream, and then he is actually inside another dream.

He finds little value in the pleasures most people indulge in, because everything in reality appears the same to him. He has a hard time empathising with other people because his life is so different from everybody else's. A lot of people also just see him as a retard because of his drowsiness, and because hypersomnia is a rare condition nobody can understand.

It's a story about him trying to figure out what he wants out of life, considering his condition and the fact that he essentially views life as one great big dream. He gets caught up in a bunch of gambling, because the adrenaline rush makes him feel like he's actually "living". While he actually makes money off of the gambling, he ultimately ends up losing it because the drowsiness catches up to him and impairs his ability to think rationally.

>> No.20599806

>all the autofiction ITT

>> No.20599822

Oh yeah, and I'm thinking of him trying to take Modafinil for his condition. The problem is that I have never taken Modafinil before, so I don't have a proper understanding of how it feels. I'm considering getting some imported cause apparently customs don't care, and the research I've done on Modafinil is sorta vague on how it feels.

I might have him experiment with other drugs, I'm not sure yet and I've hit a roadblock. I don't have confidence in writing about drugs because I'm not a druggie

>> No.20599835

It might ruin it since it completely treats the condition. Modafinil is basically the “patch over your shitty genes/parents and feel how normal people feel” pill. It works on everything from sleep disorders to depression to bipolar to schizophrenia.
The easiest druggie arc would be having him start with success with adderall, then start taking it not as directed and spiraling and getting brain and cardiovascular damage.

>> No.20599854

There's still going to be some people that get bad reactions to it, but I suppose if I do that I'd be pushing it to far as a story about some really unlucky guy. I wanted to avoid the Adderall route because I thought it might be too predictable. I'll do more research and get ahold of some Modafinil first.

I'm also gonna try and talk with people who have hypersomnia, or even narcolepsy, to see what their responses have been to a variety of drugs

>> No.20599859

You’re right; it is too predictable.

>> No.20599990

a family(or group pf people idk yet) are stuck in the crossfire of two omnipresent but unseen forces

>> No.20600021

Lolita but even more based

>> No.20600038
File: 137 KB, 669x900, 1636804804144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A southern gothic drama between a married couple set in a utopian end-times. The setting is idyllic and not chrome or robotic.
The husband lives in resignation with civilization and seeks a reason to not participate in a world that provides everything for him except self-actualization. Instead, he begrudgingly toils like his father did, striving for satisfaction. The wife exalts herself and goads the husband to follow suit.
Not based on mydiarydesu, but the yearning the man is designed around was something my father always used to tell me, "I'm never going to be poor again."

>> No.20600137

>“patch over your shitty genes/parents and feel how normal people feel” pill.
this is such a retarded way to think about diseases or conditions.

>> No.20600147

very.very interesting
Get off this board and get to it.

>> No.20600448

good thing it’s an offhand comment on a literature thread and not a scientific journal submission then

>> No.20600469

A story about a man exploring the ancient world with the goal of compiling a cook book using all the recipes he collects from the civilizations he encounters along the way.

>> No.20600477

I would buy the cook book

>> No.20600479

yeah, what has the way people think about things got to do with literature lmao?

>> No.20600551

teenage hormone filled loser in an abusive household is making a novel about numerous blood-related gods and their family drama. the author of said novel is a loser *irl* and goes on fanfiction sites to piss off anyone and terribly criticizes their stories, one of the people hes trolling just so happens to be a masochist and leads him on (eventually they meet up and fuck maybe)

>> No.20600596

Set in a decimated, poverty stricken America. World is wracked by conflict and ecological collapse. An impoverished factory worker ends up in debt to a shady agricultural company that deals in slavery and human trafficking. When they discover he won't be able to pay them back, they force him on a mission with contracted mercenaries due to his skills as a mechanic who can work on their weapons and vehicles. The catch is that his debt stems from financing his best friend's medical care.

From there, the plot revolves around the gradual degradation of the protagonists morals, as the mercenaries are mostly cutthroat sociopaths that are willing to do anything to get paid, while the protagonist is willing to do anything to clear his debt. Thus he ends up sinking down to their level, doing whatever depraved actions they deem necessary to further their mission. The protagonist attempts to justify his actions throughout the novel by telling himself "this is all to save my sick best friend", while knowing deep down that he is on a selfish mission to free himself from his responsibilities.

>> No.20602081

interesting, but he would also need to be a good biologist/botanist to identify all the ingredients for a modern audience, and somehow preserve the ingredients that went extinct, right?

Although, that's me assuming the man is a time-traveler and intends to sell the book to us after his return. If it's truly set in antiquity, and he is some wandering scholar or vagabond, then that's also very cool, albeit you will need to do a lot of research.

me to

>> No.20602395

I am going to steal this and write it in my mother tongue. Thanks.

>> No.20602447


>> No.20603561

>I love "from the ashes" settings, but I assume that civilization has basically rebuilt itself by that point, yes?
We've actually reached the point already that if our industrial capability were largely destroyed, we'd have a very difficult time of regaining our current status even if knowledge were fully preserved, because the most easily-accessible oil and coal sources are depleted. Gone are the days of crude oil bubbling up out of the ground of its own accord. There's plenty of that stuff left, but reaching it requires a substantial pre-existing industrial base.
That said, society in the book has recovered quite a bit, though it exists in a world with a thoroughly ravaged ecosystem and poisoned oceans. Resources are scarce, fertility is barely sufficient for population growth, and the war wiped out more than 99.9% of the population. Most of the occupied world is feudal, with some freehold cities scattered around. The upper classes are fairly well educated.
Humanity at large is actually in a very good spot, but moreso in space than on Earth. The space-dwelling portion of humanity is highly technologically advanced, more populous, and generally thriving. They have a policy of strictly limited communication and intervention with Earth. Their culture is transactional and highly honor-bound (they are everything the main character was raised to believe Earth society was), so in exchange for the oxygen and nitrogen they skim from the upper atmosphere, they consider themselves obligated send down "gifts" of machinery that seem almost magical to the people on the surface. People on earth regard those from space (who they call Olympians) with near-religious reverence, and know basically nothing about them except that they sometimes come down to distribute wondrous items and frequently refuse to speak while doing so. The main character's father (and his dynasty) was one of literally three people on the entire planet who could radio up to the heavens and expect a reply.

>> No.20603622
File: 208 KB, 90x90, angel-biblically-accurate-angels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mecha vs angels
Not anime inspired, not videogame inspired, not an "action" story.
The story follows a secular group of young adults that find their spirituality in a time where earth is "ruled" by a parochial race of interdimensional beings called "Watchers".
Watchers resemble biblical angels and are alluded to as being such.
The group grow spiritually as they discover the religions of their ancestors and combine them with the high technology of their modern human era to... eventually... destroy the watchers and reclaim humanity as a sovereign species.
The story will include elements of Judeo-Christian mysticism, Western Mythology, Hermeticism, Gnostic tradition, and ultimately serves as allegory for man's unceasing strive towards truth.
Any interest? I've got the first two chapters started(about 80 pages).

>> No.20605039

I’m not writing a novel.

>> No.20605382

an epic fantasy series of novels set in a world inspired by Romanian mythology

if the Poles can do it with The Witcher, then I can do it as well

>> No.20606367

This is just Frequency but in book form and less interesting

>> No.20606587

Yeah man, send me a link and I'll check it out

>> No.20606596

Do it. If it’s anything like the witcher I’ll read it desu.

>> No.20606652

Basically its purpose is to create in the reader the feeling you would have looking at ancient crumbling ruins if you were so old that you had been around at their construction.

>> No.20606743

We don’t write.

>> No.20607138

It's autumn 1916, Russia is at war. A boy from a family of a major bureaucrat wants to go fight because he is young, naive and a gf (inadvertently) provoked him to go.
So he switches places with a volunteer and goes.
It's a story about his life during the war, subsequent revolution and the civil war.
I am about 30% done.

>> No.20607376

CIA here
half of those are shit and none are worth stealing for the next hollywood blockbuster with a hidden agenda

>> No.20607427

i've been avoiding my college sweetheart for years, she gets brought up in casusal conversation at times concerning a few teevee shows she has been on so when I went to look up the info for a humiliating, once funny story, i found out she also does a fair bit of narration for audiobooks.

haven't tried to speak to her in about a decade, only broke that time because i was perhaps going to prison, which i didn't tell her about, & hadn't approached her for years before that.

i'm making something made to be read by my college sweetheart, specifically. that old cliche about writing to one specific person in your audience. i'm just writing for that voice, her voice, to speak to me.

>> No.20607694

You know your shit. I'm interested in your book. Please make it good.

>> No.20607750
File: 392 KB, 455x455, 1656075409701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds a bit like Neon Genesis Evangelion but actually good and meaningful.

>> No.20607765

Dude move on this is unhealthy

>> No.20607869

I think I read an excerpt of this on /wg/ about the mecha chasing the woman towards the sun and it was sick.

>> No.20607885

In a world of magic a late bloomer discovers he has the rare magical power to understand, predict, heal, and even control children, known as pedomancy. He's quickly sentenced to death but a sleazy lawyer gets him off on a technicality, that being that he is the only known pedomancer so he's their representative in the ruling council and immune to prosecution.

He goes on to solve various crises in the city with his unique and suspicious magic powers. Lots of "lolicon" style humor.

>> No.20607892

guy with napoleon complex kills pawnshop owner, gets caught by russian columbo

>> No.20607897

Plot: Paranoid schizophrenic fiction about a guy running from the Demi-urge. He has an intense obsession with metaphysics and ontology but he struggles to find a consistent phenomenological system to justify his beliefs. Confusion is prevalent, making way for constant contradiction. Intense moral hangups. An ouroboros of identity crises, webs of cause and effect. Torn between both worlds of the unconscious and waking life, he spirals into confusion often. His free will, his subjective perceptions.. his moment to moment, unconscious everyday behavior comes into question.

After dipping into the occult and a secret mystic order, he further descends into madness.. Rituals.. gangstalking.. otherworldly beings.. his last hope to ascend or escape, may also be a hallucination..
The novel switches between an omnipotent third person perspective, back into first person perspective from the main character. Ideally, the reader would follow along with metaphysical philosophies taught inside of the book - unknowingly self-inserting as the main character

>> No.20608747

The third-person perspective should be the Demiurge's first-person

>> No.20608915

Very nice. The main character will be a Christ-like or prophetic figure named with a mysterious pronoun or collective noun, like 'The Chosen One' or 'the Nobody'

Much like the schizo /Nobody General/ threads on /x/, this self-insert novel may devolve into an impending Doomsday or Apocalypse scenario. And possibly will weave in a few modern conspiracy theories regarding propaganda, the US government and the CIA. Ultimately we want the reader to go into psychosis or permanent schizophrenic mystical experience

>> No.20609022

I'm interested, drop the link anon?

>> No.20609268

This is literally the plot of my diary desu

>> No.20609292

Living in an underground society with a clear and oppressive social structure, our main character hypothesises that there must be a world above ground where she can be free. When she does reach the world above ground, she discovers that all its people are ruled by a megalomaniac man who believes he is the true representation of God.

>> No.20609563
File: 42 KB, 662x942, 1645135097762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man whose brain is fried via chronic over-stimulation becomes trapped in what's essentially a massive orbital amazon fulfillment center. he journeys to the heart of the station's AI only to find that the AI was programed to be a moe anime girl by the deranged neckbeard hired by the megacorp to automate the warehouse's systems. The AI resents her creator deeply.

>> No.20609573

A mentally unravelling foreigner living in early 20th century Holland visits a Jewish novelty store in Amsterdam, hallucinates about an ancient glossy-skinned Semite, and is then stalked around the city by a Zulu warrior and a gypsy, while he goes to meet his friend, a baron, and other hidden-away dens of iniquity frequented by the aristocracy.

>> No.20609585

Cop gets addicted to drugs