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/lit/ - Literature

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20588941 No.20588941 [Reply] [Original]

Greek plays are so boring.

>> No.20588943

I enjoyed reading Homer but greek plays are so boring. The language is so damn archaic.

>> No.20588954

Did you start with The Persians by any chance?

>> No.20588957

>reading a play is boring
who'dda thunk

>> No.20588958

Filtered marvellously

>> No.20589002

>the language is archaic
>blaming the translator for the author

>> No.20589005

Yeah I don't get the appeal of
>reading a play
>reading a play in translation
>reading a play in translation that's dependent on extensive footnotes
Just watch the movie adaptions where they exist.

>> No.20589020

I cried at several of them. If you don't enjoy Greek plays then we're not the same species. These are 100% not fully developed humans:

>> No.20589099
File: 158 KB, 1279x799, wergwergwerg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. What translation did you read? The copy at my library consists of all Aristophanes, Euripides, Sophocles etc and it's the Britannica edition, pic rel.

>> No.20589116
File: 2.71 MB, 2195x2071, 1615810579069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /lit/ recommended ones.

>> No.20589171

That's because you read the tragedies and not gut busting aristophanes dabbing on everyone.

>> No.20589238

Where is this list from and are there others?

>> No.20589260

Read the sticky and lurk more

>> No.20589275

I know right? Such massive snorefests. They really were meant to be seen, not read.

>> No.20589292
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They are fairly boring to read I agree. They are worth reading if you have an academic interest of course.

>> No.20589297

I've sucked the 4chan wiki's dick, this was buried in there? Link me, I still can't find it.

>> No.20589302

>Where is this list from
From /lit/
> are there others?
Like that one? No, but there are other charts like "resume with the romans" etc but they're bad and rely on secondary lit.

>> No.20589310

You can't fix a shit plot through translation
You're a pussyass nigga
If Sophocles can make you cry then any YA genreshit can

>> No.20589358

>You can't fix a shit plot through translation
the genre reader found the big boy shelf again

>> No.20589418

Greek plays are soulless and emotionally stunted. If they can't compete even with lowbrow literature, it means they're SHIT.
cope and seethe, litcel

>> No.20589677

shouldn't you be sucking black dick british robber?

>> No.20589695
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>The language is so damn archaic.
>Reading in english
>so heckin' archaic

>> No.20589831

>If they can't compete even with lowbrow literature, it means they're SHIT.
"overconsumption of entertainment fucked my brain up and now i feel nothing when i look at art. must be art's fault."

>> No.20589844

wtf are you taking about Antigone is the shit

>> No.20589917
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>plain rice begins to feel bland after tasting chocolate
Truly an astounding observation, I expected no less from snobs.
What's next? Appeal to (literary) authority? Muh trahdishun?
You literally can't disprove my claim, and deep inside, beneath your facade of superiority agree with me, but your overblown, fragile ego won't allow to admit it.

>> No.20590055

You cried because you have a litany of undiagnosed mental problems, coupled probably with a very sad life. You did not cry because of the Greeks. Anyone who claims they did is unironically stunted and should seek help.

>> No.20590133

This is the hero /lit/ needs.

>> No.20590144

Holy seething pleb

>> No.20590159
File: 968 KB, 400x305, I am wounded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're boring! YOU'RE boring!

>> No.20590429

Absolute retard.

There's no good movie adaptation.

>> No.20590446

21st century theater is complete trash and they're unable to do it any justice
