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20516204 No.20516204 [Reply] [Original]

Since Hideo won't do it again, or probably never did and the actual person is probably locked up in some Konami basement.

>> No.20516229

idk how someone can sit through this speech and think mertal gear doesn't have good writing

>> No.20516234 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 713x664, 39583F06-903A-4B7F-A2E6-E34DCB45959C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meme books

>> No.20516257

Thanks anon, I like Eyes Wide Shut, so can see the overlap and will check out the suggestion.

>> No.20517068


>> No.20517098

idk how someone can sit through this speech and think mertal gear doesn't have good writing

>> No.20517105

>stopping the plot dead in its track for an infodump/author tract is good writing

>> No.20517109

The Great Narrative

>> No.20517123
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>> No.20517132
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>> No.20517136

not an infodump

>> No.20517137
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pseud plagiarist

>> No.20517147

The girl when she says "listen like a good boy" pisses me off. The guy at least has hubris and is speaking politely but sternly, the girl is just some egotist that thinks she's special

>> No.20517153

Mass reply and basedjak faggots should die

>> No.20517156
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>> No.20517251

Woah dude, it’s almost like, MGS is a pastiche/homage of 80s action/spy thriller films, woah!

>> No.20517265

so tired of you gardener

>> No.20517437 [DELETED] 


>> No.20518206

But that's not an infodump.

>> No.20518229

Correct it's incoherent rambling.

So OP could do well with Notes from the Underground, early chapters in Crime and Punishment, Gravity's Rainbow or Temple of Golden Pavilion. Basically any book where the central character is meant to be quite unhinged and nurturing delusions of grandeur.

>> No.20518510

Agreed. I found MGS3 much more balanced. Won't ever beat Splinter Cell though. MGS2 is basically a glorified movie/audiobook. I can't understand how MGS fans could just sit there watching these little green images and text like hello its not 1990 anymore. And then the cutscenes.. don't get me started.

>> No.20519160
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Gothic Violence by Mike Ma

>> No.20519179
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>> No.20519185
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>> No.20519206

it's just the villain explaining their worldview. chill out

>> No.20519250

Video Games? Not art.

>> No.20519264
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>> No.20519296

A large amount of the charm of MGS2 is discovering the obscure and autistic shit you can do in the game.


You have to find a book that combines that with the tone of the endgame for the closest MGS2 parallel.

>> No.20519315
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>> No.20519376
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>> No.20519443
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