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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 726 KB, 478x850, 1637973459410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20498821 No.20498821 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your /lit/ gf, bro

>> No.20498823

I'm gay.

>> No.20498826

women have really ugly souls when given complete freedom

>> No.20498830

I'm not real

>> No.20498839


>> No.20498842

4chan shows that men do as well. Utterly rotted, robbed of the ability to form genuine human connections. Full of malice and lust and pettiness and egoism. Solipsistic like children.

>> No.20498855

>Full of malice and lust and pettiness and egoism. Solipsistic like children
>4chan turns you into average western woman

>> No.20498856
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thank you

>> No.20498870


men when completely untethered create culture, create communities. women literally do nothing, they don't do anything at all, except corrupt and parasitically leech off of whatever is already nearby them.

they are happier when they have kids and are focused on their family. when this charade finally ends they will be even more relieved than the men.

>> No.20498880

>implying those aren't inherently masculine traits
Surely the conclusion would be that western women turn towards masculinity, which is empirically true. It would also imply that women by default have better souls due to their strive towards negative, masculine traits.

>> No.20498890

>pettiness, egoism, solipism
>male traits
Kek. Malice is arguable as well, women just have different way to express it - like social manipulation.

>> No.20498946

Why are you trying to imply there is anything wrong with the OP image? There's nothing wrong with that. It's great that she enjoys reading and isn't ashamed of it. You and everyone in this thread seem very insecure in your tastes.

>> No.20498949
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>> No.20498955

There's no implication Anon, I just like her face and tits.

>> No.20498986
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Are you comparing the most depraved social rejects on the face of planet earth to women in general?

>> No.20499012

Her tits aren't that big. You can tell she is purposely wearing an oversized bra by the way her shirt delineates the bra cups so clearly. If her boobs were that big, they would fill the cups and there would be a smooth transition from the edge of the cup to the round suppleness of her tits. But there isn't. The shirt clings tightly to the edge of the cup giving a stark delineation, and the fabric hangs taut and straight, not curved, above the edge of the cup of the bra.

Basically she's wearing an oversized bra to get more tiktok views and followers.

>> No.20499020

shut up b*tch

>> No.20499029


>> No.20499030

Woman detected, please mail me your bra

>> No.20499043

damn, guess i'll break up with her then

>> No.20499044

A shelf that big and the only book of value I can see is Jane Eyre.

>> No.20499057

Book for this knowledge?

>> No.20499080

You ever watch your gf get dressed and transform from her haggard looking, didn't even take a shower, just rolled out of bed and put on perfume, frumpy ass self into a girl you WOULD be excited to see if you just saw her walking down the street, and wouldn't expect at all that she's secretly a haggard unshowered frump, and you suddenly realize it's all an illusion and the only reason you can see through this particular illusion is you have the keys to this particular castle

All the other castles are probably shit as well

>> No.20499097

I like that video on tiktok of a some hagraven looking crone turning into a 9/10 club stacy through the power of makeup. She literally lost about 10 years of age and the makeup didn't even look heavy.

>> No.20499135

Link it

>> No.20499146


>> No.20499178

I saw it in one of Arako TV's Youtube videos. It had to have been in one of the videos uploaded since late April. I'm not going to go through all his videos since late April to find this one clip.

>> No.20499183

Actually I found it.

>> No.20499209

Good lord.
Though to be fair, she has good facial structure and was probably pretty in her youth.
Also, if you consider that light makeup I'm scared to see what you think heavy is.

>> No.20499217

>if you consider that light makeup
Memory isn't the greatest truth teller.

>> No.20499416

>be Tik Tok
>blow hot air up the asses of every female with a camera and massively exacerbate the narcissistic personality women develop, starting them down a path of hypersexualisation and superficiality from as young as 6 years old
>promote a culture of infantile immature behavior emboldening women to never grow up and to mindlessly follow childish trends and focus all of their efforts on looking physically attractive while they do stupid fucking dances all in a desperate bid to stay relevant
>massively contribute to childhood and adolescent bullying and self-esteem issues by censoring and deleting ugly people from existence, and fostering a culture where only attractive people deserve to be heard and valued
>create a culture encouraging and empowering women to be massive whores and brag about their triple digit bodycounts, brag about cheating on their partners and abusing the people who love them all for the benefit of internet clout from strangers
>isolates and estranges people from their own families and friends and grooms them into self-destructive communities which create a validation dependency and manipulate people for political and societal propagandist aims
>promote and allow only the most genetically gifted and physically attractive males to have a presence completely warping women's perspective on what regular males look like
>create a culture of ridiculous height inflation and glorification of the single digit percentage population of men above 6'6" further destroying the relationship prospects of the bottom 95% of males
>shift the needle so far into the extreme that high schoolers are taking steroids just to stay relevant on Tik Tok

>> No.20499432

I had that big and ugly edition of Jane Eyre, brand new, I sold it for a shitload of money to an art-hoe.

>> No.20499452

babylon goeth before the fall

>> No.20499461
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stay mad

>> No.20499471

Feels good to live in the Midwest, it’ll be another ten years before it gets reeeeaaaal bad here

>> No.20499501

As if you go outside retard. 'Real life' is just the internet now. If you measured your life by information intake/dopamines activated the outside world would factor in as a minority.

>> No.20499509

It's a small price to pay for prime middle schooler mateiral.

>> No.20499511

She cute, but the trend on tiktok of opening your eyes so wide they turn into Charles Manson sanpaku makes me uneasy.

>> No.20499515

>women literally do nothing, they don't do anything at all, except corrupt and parasitically leech off of whatever is already nearby them.
Go outside.

>> No.20499519

Disgusting face

>> No.20499529

Go inside and close the wooden door behind you

>> No.20499530
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Look at this shit, she looks like Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet

>> No.20499533

well said

>> No.20499534

Yeah, I would date her.

>> No.20499541

The worst thing about all women being whores like this is that all these 5.5's think they're 10/10 because of filters and makeup. It must hit them hard when they can no longer act like living porno.

>> No.20499542

>promote a culture of infantile immature behavior emboldening women to never grow up and to mindlessly follow childish trends and focus all of their efforts on looking physically attractive while they do stupid fucking dances all in a desperate bid to stay relevant
t-thanks tiktok sama

>> No.20499557


>> No.20499621

you are correct, now you just need to keep your trip off

>> No.20499638

Honestly I feel really bad for them.
It's not like they chose this, the world they were born into basically force fed them social media since birth.
I imagine all girls are so dopamine dependent that girls who are zoomers and any generation afterward will have massive emotional crashes at 30 when the attention dries up.

>> No.20499641

Wut? How?

>> No.20499652

Pitiable position. You’ll never know the thrill of actual sexual conquest. It’s always just handed to you for free.

>> No.20499659

What will be the spiritual ramifications of this?

>> No.20499665

Want to know how I know you’re a woman and/or a faggot?

>> No.20499674


>> No.20499682

tiktok is softly separated into different subcommunities within the website. The only people that suffer that kind of fate are the people that seek out that kind of fate. Meanwhile people that can already use technology to accurately inform, entertain in healthy amounts, and connect with likeminded souls online without losing their irl self will find exactly that kind of experience on it.
Its actually an incredibly based site that facilitates and accelerates the psychological degradation of those society would be better off without, and facilitates and accelerates the personal growth of those who could best use the power of an studied, balanced, and intelligent mind.

The app gives us a kind of social darwinism that is in short supply in our current world and is very much needed, simply by being nothing more than an accurate reflection of the user's media consuming habits.

>> No.20499689

How do you rather her 5.5? Are we not seeing the same woman? She’s clearly at least, a t l e a s t, a 9.7/10 if not an 11/10. Totally worth putting up with her bullshit.

>> No.20499696

>her haggard looking, didn't even take a shower, just rolled out of bed and put on perfume, frumpy ass self
That is literally exactly what I want in a woman

>> No.20499701

His point is that she probably doesn't look anything like that because of all the makeup and the filter she has on

>> No.20499707

As long as she’s naturally hot then yes.

>> No.20499711

Lies. I will never believe this. Never. Not her. Maybe other women but not her.

>> No.20499719

Even without makeup or filter I’m pretty sure she’s super hot and pretty. I can just tell.

>> No.20499720

>another simp victim claimed by p*ssy

>> No.20499732

I would gladly die to honor her beauty in battle.

>> No.20499734 [DELETED] 
File: 822 KB, 2159x1326, 7BB62FF6-0E00-40B8-8B18-D9B5D1570620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, my heart belongs to another. Hey

>> No.20499746
File: 822 KB, 2159x1326, 6D8CA710-A2F1-4EFC-9F65-55738A741502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, my heart belongs to another.

>> No.20499749

Solipsist ethics should be expanded upon

>> No.20499757
File: 1.58 MB, 1440x1771, Emily-Dickinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not flat
>squeezed into tight dress to pretend to be flat, but obviously not flat
>tits not shown in pic, but I have seen them and they are not flat
Physiognomy is real. The great women of /lit/erature are nearly always flat as a pancake, and embarrassed of what little they have to the point of hiding it. They are usually so autistic and shy that they rarely go outside and would never show their faces (not to speak of tits) on the internet if they were alive today.
The next genius authoress is out there somewhere, living alone in her parent's attic on a steady diet of jam on toast. You will never see her coming.

>> No.20499781

>You will never see her coming.
What is it like to see a girl come?

>> No.20499789

Yes. I would love to read the chud-ridden diarrhea you'll end up typing.
Tiktok literally has filters that "enhance your beauty" by something like 15%. Plus she was wearing tons of makeup. Her hair is obviously dyed or a wig, and who knows how many filters she applied to that video. Get a clue. You've probably never seen a woman in the wild and only seen them through the lens of a camera and editing software.

>> No.20499800

Stop lying to me. She is hot even without filters and makeup. I can see through those things.

>> No.20499801
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>> No.20499811

Holy shit. Who did?

>> No.20499824

That’s not fair. Woman do not play fair. That’s entrapment.

>> No.20499830

Redpill me further on the physics of titty meat

>> No.20499834

Based. This kills the moid.

>> No.20499839

What is moid, fren?

>> No.20499848

I never had a girlfriend, so I don't know if all women who rely heavily on makeup are *this* ugly underneath or if this particular woman is a turbo degenerate who ruined her body. How the fuck are you going to not have any natural teeth but LARP as a 20 something year old?

>> No.20499851
File: 554 KB, 1684x2048, 1653050229008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20499855

Is that KD Books in the background???

>> No.20499866

Source please I beg of you

>> No.20499867

cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.20499912

You are women fren?

>> No.20500004

she cute as fuck. would marry

>> No.20500033

do people actually spend money on books?

>> No.20500041

In short, Kronos eats his own children.

>> No.20500042

Some books are worth it.

>> No.20500050

>mentally ill freaks on an imageboard are just like women

>> No.20500069

having a physical library is peak vanity for introvert losers. only narcissistic "aesthetic"fags own physical books. you could fit the entire library of alexandria on your phone sd card (and you would, if you actually enjoyed reading for the act itself and not just as a quirky trait to burgeon the resume of your personality with).

if you have ever posted in a stack or bookshelf thread you are not a Real Reader and don't belong on this board

>> No.20500072

>Mentally ill males are what they say women are on an hourly basis.

>> No.20500087

SD Cards require complex multi-national systems to function and manufacture while physical books can last forever. When those systems collapse our whole civilzation will vanish without a trace if all we leave are hard drives and e-readers