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20451409 No.20451409 [Reply] [Original]

boston /lit/ meetup 2019

>> No.20451420
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Was F Gardner there?

>> No.20451423

Frankie's gotta lose weight

>> No.20451534

Looks like a scene from a fascist bathhouse

>> No.20451536
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Not yet, but soon

>> No.20451568

I can't believe there are people that actually believe this.

>> No.20451571

I can't believe there are people

>> No.20452068

Flat earthers have too much lead in their pipes

>> No.20452101 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20452398

Even aside from the paranoid logic behind it, imagine being so completely unable to feel for another human being that when someone’s helpless child is blown to shreds by a crazed tranny, their first thought is that someone will take away their toys.

>> No.20452983
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You just know.

>> No.20452998

That's a man

>> No.20453056

Imagine being so dumb you can't see the negative implications of attempting to ban guns. Imagine thinking that would even work.

>> No.20453072

NC /lit/ meetup when?

>> No.20453095

Where my Philadelphia and south Jersey bros at? Let’s meet up at that used book store on 2nd street in old city right off 95 this weekend

>> No.20453098
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>> No.20453522

that's photoshopped nice try

>> No.20453543

Imagine being so sheltered someone else getting killed is the equivalent of a proposition being put forward; imagine being so sensitive a 4chan post about empathy makes you think someone is attacking your political beliefs

>> No.20453547
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what cannot you believe?

you've looked at the same evidence that causes these people to go down the rabbit hole and said "this makes sense"?

i don't agree with them but i know why they think it

>> No.20453560

not a big news reader huh

>> No.20453567

big reclusive schizo huh?

>> No.20453571

Anyone remember the Portland meetup where Mistress T showed up and left with one of the guys?

>> No.20453574

>same evidence
point to a single piece of evidence that suggests the shooter at uvalde was anything other than a mentally ill kid.
Actually just kys. Save us all a bit of time.

>> No.20453581

If you think mass shootings are hoaxes then clearly neither are you

>> No.20453591

According to 4chan, all mass shootings are either the Feds, false flags, trannies, or faked. Sometimes they’ll go right down that list as more info comes out

>> No.20453592

The news media is incredibly broken and schizophrenic. They're desperate to be the first with the scoop, so they'll interview anyone and say anything without getting it first. So you end up with a bunch of conflicting information that doesn't make sense. People mistake it for "holes in the official story" but it's really all just based-on-a-true-story fiction produced in realtime.

>> No.20453620

Idk but a lot of the highly publicised mass shootings are very weird. Could just be dire police incompetence for a lot of it suppose.

>> No.20453632

Bottom center

>> No.20453637

>this event that happens rarely, affects people deeply and has little historical precedent feels weird
>must be a conspiracy
you do not have the ability to reason.

>> No.20453646

Okay June 4, 1-3 PM, wear a fedora.

>> No.20453650

Who gives a shit. One less mutt in the world is a net benefit for us all. Clearly it is the head of a political move and mainly used for that purpose. Whether it is organic or even notable amidst other violence. Your sly sentimentalism doesn't work. I would love to see your evil country collapse either way.

>> No.20453660

This during a confusing, emotional time, many things don’t make sense, especially if you were there at ground zero.

>> No.20453733

Tranny derangement syndrome, is there any cure for the poor autists?

>> No.20453863

samefagging (but why?)

>> No.20453870

>the government would never do something like this

>> No.20453978

TDS has no known cure. However progression is highly variable. Obviously some TDS patients like Graham Linehan rapidly descend into madness and dysfunction. But these anons could very well maintain baseline functionality for years, like Dave Chapelle.

>> No.20454022

>instantly disregards any notion of conspiracy wholesale
You do not have the ability to reason.

>> No.20454063

dude what about a 2022 one?

>> No.20454068

Came here to post this, the sexual tension is palpable.

>> No.20454071
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Holy shit I love Graham's excellent work against the "trans"gender evil. It truly is a cult btw.

>> No.20454072

It goes the other way too, bud

>> No.20454084
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>> No.20454142

because reason indicates one does not exist, whereas reason would not eliminate the possibility of things feeling weird. You’re a waste of life, kys

>> No.20454166

Graham Linehan, he is fighting against the "trans"gender madness in England right now.

>> No.20454190

Sandy Hook was a false flag. Literal hired actors for parents.

>> No.20454197
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>a bunch of college autists with skinnyfat physiques
>enough pillows for the adult crib
>dog of weird fucked breed the only one thats not too beta to make a move on camp couselor girl
oh yeah its a lit meetup

>> No.20454200
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>2019 was 789 years ago

>> No.20454350

nyc /lit/ meetup when ?

>> No.20454356

idk when are you free?

>> No.20454502

They did one of those recently. Four or five guys. Anyone save that pic?

>> No.20454523

You oughta know butters, you were there

>> No.20454574

Not in NY I wasn’t

>> No.20454584

any weekend, you?

>> No.20454592

I know; I didn't say otherwise. Though I find it interesting that these people who self-style as arbiters of "reason" totally shut down when the topic of conspiracies come up and refuse to even consider it hypothetically. Quite telling.
Anon you sound genuinely disturbed. Even your responses aren't reasonable.

>> No.20454629

It’s more likely that some people use a mentally ill loser’s mass shooting to push their own motive. I can believe that happens often. I just believe it almost always starts with the mentally ill loser acting on his own. Some think there are these shadowy behind the scene figures that are 5 steps ahead of everyone else. Most likely they are just a step ahead and have to work with what happens. People on all levels are generally incompetent.

>> No.20454641
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The school shootings are clearly real and not some giant acted-out hoax. That said, I think it's absolutely possible and even likely that certain federal agencies are aware of what most of these people are planning on doing and selectively allow them to do it if it's politically advantageous rather than actually harmful to someone within the system, ie allowing a mentally disturbed kid with homicidal ideation to buy a gun and kill rural elementary school students before a midterm to drum up support for gun control vs honeydicking a bunch of hicks to kidnap the Governor of Michigan with no intention of ever letting them get anywhere close to actually doing it.

>> No.20454655

>It’s more likely that some people use a mentally ill loser’s mass shooting to push their own motive.
Sure, it's a possibility, we saw that with Elliot Rodger. It does happen. But anon don't want to address that this guy was talking to a fed online before this happened
that coupled with the bizarre lack of response from cops on the ground during the incident warrants hypothetical discussion about psyops at the very least.

But many people don't want to broach this topic because the implications of it are so disturbing to the fabric of their daily lives. Like the topic of human trafficking. Most people don't even want to think that any institutes or ruling bodies that citizens pay tax to could also be doing this sort of shit to the masses. It gives people a sense of powerlessness that is too much to deal with.

>> No.20454673

I think the retarded response by the local PD says more about the state of policing in America than anything else.

>> No.20454680

But why was that fed talking to him before the incident? - cui bono?- We can at least agree there is some significant strangeness around that fact.

>> No.20454715

I'm >>20454641 I think implicating local police departments in any kind of concerted effort is a bit silly. Whether feds are grooming people to shoot up targets that are emotionally compelling but ultimately harmless, like schools, is a completely different topic.

>> No.20454749

>is a completely different topic
Why is it a completely different topic? Say fed grooming was happening, why it is a given that no inter-agency comms are also happening? Feds reach out to top brass in local PD and they all just refuse to work w/ them? Since when?

>> No.20454814

Most major city police departments don't even have a social media task force lmao, let alone some random 10,000 person town in the middle of Texas. This isn't the NYPD, these guys spend most of their careers pulling people over on highways and maybe have a story or two about a time they wrestled some tweaker 20 years ago. They fucked it all up because this is likely the first time almost all of these guys ever had to pull a gun outside of a range. The idea that they're in on some kind of federal conspiracy is boomer-tier retarded.

>> No.20454836

Even though I don’t like LE, I sympathize with them. It’s a tough job and a mistake can cost you your career. They are trained to observe the situation before taking action so they have a good idea of what’s going on and don’t take rash actions. It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t kinda thing. They act too hasty, and an innocent gets killed by them or because of their actions, we see massive protests. If they observe the situation to gather info, and don’t act quickly enough, they are under massive scrutiny. Many people don’t realize that 99.9% of cops will never encounter an active shooting. You can train for that sort of thing, but it’s a different ballgame when real bullets are flying and there is massive chaos. Lastly, if most people wouldn’t sustain shooting at an elementary school. I always think of when people find dead bodies in forests or in the water, they think it’s a mannequin at first because the mind is powerful and finding a dead body doesn’t seem realistic. It was probably similar to the recent shooting; every other possibility seemed more likely.