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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 121 KB, 417x313, Honeyview_2R7ea8oOITtkmeQabyNz4mmqXNZihi_L7ipJck4s3P1Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20444201 No.20444201 [Reply] [Original]

Bros please tell me this is not your nigga. He literally looks like a goblin

This really the nigga you wasted years of your life hyping up as a based mystic? This Gringotts looking ass nigga?

>> No.20444211
File: 143 KB, 1000x1340, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandpa Evola seems so nice and sincere in that video. Wish I could have met him.

>> No.20444255

Massive psued liked by psued.

>> No.20444262


>> No.20444286

Found the "psued"

>> No.20444324


he isn't black

>> No.20444591

Evola was also a rich incel NEET.

>> No.20444626

Evola was sicilian aristocracy while you are american pleb

>> No.20444706

Rich neet but not an incel. He was drowning in pussy, apparently until death.

>> No.20444710

Massive psionically educated liked by the psionically educated.

>> No.20444951


>> No.20445877

he wasn't even a high-ranking noble

>> No.20445879

For me it's Coomaraswamy

>> No.20445884

>calls blonde haired, blue eyed Europeans as the purest
>looks like an Arab Goblin himself
What a cuck.

>> No.20445989

Mussolini feared him
Women would keep visiting him for sex even after the dude was paralyzed from the waist down, that should tell you enough
And you're not a noble at all
Where was he wrong though?

>> No.20445996
File: 36 KB, 294x400, 13B994F9-B60F-464A-B44E-1477FEDE0B22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called getting old. You’ll understand the concept after you finish kindergarten.

>> No.20446010

If everyone would think that their own arw the best, it would be a bunch of conflicting opinions. Those who recognize the truth even if it doesn't suit their person are sincere and deserve to be respected.

>> No.20446061

>Where was he wrong though?
Modern population genetics shows a much more complex picture.
There is no best. Everyone should be separated in their own homogeneous group though. Bajau people literally evolved bigger spleens for deep sea diving, so we can only view 'best' in terms of context and function.

>> No.20446068

>Modern population genetics shows a much more complex picture.
Such as?

>> No.20446072
File: 25 KB, 460x276, eric_hobsbawm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll accept your proposal, but only if you will accept that I am going to reject people with physiognomies like pic related too.

>> No.20446078

Europeans are a mix of three ancestral groups: Yamnaya (a PIE tribe), Neolithic Anatolian farmers (closest proxy are Sardinians), and Western Hunter Gatherers.
Yamnaya (the origin of IE languages) came from Pontic Caspian steppe, but they didn't have light phenotypes on average. The light phenotypes were sexually selected and most likely originated from Neolithic Anatolian farmers.

>> No.20446103

Which is all nice and well but nothing more than materialism, Evola was not speaking (solely) of biological race. But
>Europeans are a mix of three ancestral groups
Yes, but not all to the same degree. Northern Europeans especially are mostly descended from the oldest group.
>Yamnaya (the origin of IE languages) came from Pontic Caspian steppe
As far back as we can currently trace it. Did it just magically appear there? How did it get there?
>but they didn't have light phenotypes on average. The light phenotypes were sexually selected and most likely originated from Neolithic Anatolian farmers.
This is wrong, on average the Yamnaya had brown hair, and light(er) skin.

>> No.20446121

>Which is all nice and well but nothing more than materialism
You're the one making it materialistic by reducing divinity to phenotypical traits like blue eyes and blonde hair.
>Yes, but not all to the same degree. Northern Europeans especially are mostly descended from the oldest group.
Neolithic Anatolian farmers had presence in Europe before Yamnaya invaders, so that's incorrect too.
>Did it just magically appear there? How did it get there?
Either an invasion or migration. Europeans largely resembled Sardinians until Yamnaya invasions, and due to sexual selection, some NW European countries gained higher prevalence of light features.
>This is wrong, on average the Yamnaya had brown hair, and light(er) skin.
Yes, but they didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes on average. Also, you're admitting that Evola is wrong by saying that. NW Europeans have the most Yamnaya admixture, but for some odd reason, they have the highest prevalence of blue eyes and blonde hair as I'm explaining.

It's not a wise idea to reduce race to eye and hair color. It's better to just look at autosomal profile. We have advanced autosomal tools now.

>> No.20446131

you know, there were people with fair features in Europe also before this IE autism

>> No.20446143

>We have advanced autismal tools now.
I can see that from watching this exchange

>> No.20446228

This is all made up. You made all this up

>> No.20446322
File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.20446346

>calls blonde haired, blue eyed Europeans as the purest
He never said this you retard. He was against purely biological theories of race. Even if he did say that, why does it matter what race he is if he is just recognizing truth as he sees it? it speaks more to his noble character.

>> No.20446382

Thinking you can say anything for certain based off of imperfect scientific data is the giveaway that you're a pseud. So many retards in that field who lack a strong sense of critical thought, but at least when they are honest in their studies they admit that they are often just giving it their best guess.

>> No.20446731

Doesn't really mean uch when pure appearance isn't his main metric of determining greatness. Nor did anyone else really. Still, thank you opa Evola for the compliment

>> No.20446762

I wanna give him a hug bros and ask him for advise on my broken life.

>> No.20446773

Imagine Evola in the age of YouTube
>ywn see Evola debates [x globohomo shill] live

>> No.20446785


>> No.20446835
File: 26 KB, 473x357, 1650964606843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal retard.
This is correct: >>20446010
Setting your ego aside to understand the truth. That is a virtue ppl often misattribute to /pol/ goblinos as larping.
They see the truth clearly that, at least in terms of aesthetics, many european features are top tier, probably because of their gentic short straws.

>> No.20446841
File: 251 KB, 600x400, iStock-1221628227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dis nigga

>> No.20446906

I already gave arguments and evidence against this.
Listen, I have things to do besides debate low IQ disingenuous Nordicists here.
Go jerk off about your blue eyes and blonde hair in hell, you vermin with a Jewish mentality.

>> No.20446970
File: 798 KB, 1428x844, interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just rewatched the interview
he said that he did not meet mussolini until the war started and the mussolini-evola connection is overplayed, "pure fantasy"

>> No.20446979
File: 702 KB, 1574x876, interview 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20446986

Yeah, I’ll admit I read this guy and it was dumb in retrospect but I was young and lost.

>> No.20446989
File: 760 KB, 1474x854, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20446991

there's only AT BEST three autists here who like Evola, but they shitpost so often it could seem there's more.

>> No.20446993
File: 262 KB, 1297x842, tony-sirico-paulie-walnuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am one of the three desu

>> No.20447003

So inbred as fuck

>> No.20447016

Same here, King

>> No.20447024
File: 33 KB, 850x400, fxexc7xsw3q81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Evola bros

>> No.20447026
File: 2.75 MB, 1246x720, sopranos salut.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20447036

That image is sour grapes if i've ever seen it.
>Haha yeah bro I didn't want to be part of normal life anyway, in fact I actively rebel against it! What do you think of that huh!?!?

>> No.20447037

Don’t leave me out!

>> No.20447043

the EEF had lighter skin than the yanmaya

>> No.20447086

All for one and one for all!

>> No.20447168
File: 492 KB, 303x853, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks pretty chad here ngl

>> No.20447187
File: 16 KB, 400x400, jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks Jewish.

>> No.20447195


>> No.20447514


>> No.20447526

Italy is basically Africa

>> No.20447546
File: 98 KB, 468x714, 1616794061818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next you're going to start telling me about how I shouldn't listen to that commercial rap, I should listen to the GOOD rap that YOU know about.

>> No.20447744

>There is no best
Your just wrong.
Certain niggers have the best physiology for certain athletic acivities, certain asians for cognative tasks, certain europeans for empathy and other sociological things.
Pretending like that does not exsist is pretending like the sky isnt blue.

Its a descriptive statement not a prescriptive one.

>> No.20447755

>He looks Jewish.
Have you ever seen a kike?

>> No.20448389


>> No.20449272

>le dont translate the title because..... becuase it just sounds cooler OKAY???

>> No.20449538

No he looks southern italian.

>> No.20449543

Profane tranny detected

>> No.20449556

>he's still here coping with his midwit genetic arguments
Top kek, don't forget to take your meds btw.

>> No.20449571

>If everyone would think that their own arw the best, it would be a bunch of conflicting opinions
you just described the entirety of human history, retard.

>> No.20449596

That interview is so surreal. Here is Evola's "champagne socialist", art prof nephew who is frequently uploaded by his commie neckbeard friend.


>> No.20449636

Danka. This is some rare shit.

>> No.20449660

translate for us brother

>> No.20448815

Improve your reading comprehension, ESL. I said, "We can only view 'best' in terms of context and function." Yes, specific races are better adapted for certain activities such as the Bajau developing bigger spleens for deep sea diving.
Granted, your concrete examples are dubious.

>> No.20448843

Evolian phenotype.

>> No.20449920

evola is like nietzsche meets guenon. right?
most of his work is on buddhism. how does he compare to say, alan watts?

>> No.20450391

Educated family with aristocratic roots, but not rich.
Had many women over the years. IIRC he had at least one gf who was into sex magic.
Soldier, painter and published author.

>> No.20450834

>evola is like nietzsche meets guenon. right?
sort of, yes
>most of his work is on buddhism
no not really
>how does he compare to say, alan watts?
far superior

>> No.20451294

Jews and Southern Italians look indistinguishable to me.
Just because I don't want to cuck to Nords, I'm a tranny? I'm not even claiming Nords are subhuman the way many people on /his/ do. I just don't agree that all ancient nobles looked like Nords. It's an asinine claim.
Kys, you fucking faggot. Meds are actually very bad and lead to functional connectivity problems in the brain over long-term.

>> No.20451302

Life is such a struggle bros :(( muh principles. Everyone is my enemy :(

>> No.20451341

When 4channers study genetics they eventually realise that niggers have evolved to run fast, dunk and breed white wives.

>> No.20451352

Sicilian and aristocrat are antonyms

>> No.20451383

People don't read him because of Buddhism, spirituality, aristocracy of the soul or anything like that, we just hate brown people (except indians)

>> No.20451479

If you don’t like modern society it is

>> No.20451615

Not an argument

>> No.20451711

what I don't like about it is that everyone acts like a nihilistic sadboy/girl with a stick up their ass. Evola might help with the loss of meaning but not the rest.

>> No.20451861

I don't argue nigga, I dominate and kill

>> No.20451871
File: 156 KB, 945x1360, 71JIoN++JFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read this and Poncins' The Occult War, you too can be a Gringotts looking ass nigga.

>> No.20451909

>Meds are actually very bad and lead to functional connectivity problems in the brain over long-term.
>I know, i looked it up after the doc kept trying to give me them to stop watching bbc porn. I knew better tho

>> No.20451933

I have two STEM degrees, and I don't watch porn.
Zoomers like you, whose brains and attention span have rotted from memes, should be euthanized.

>> No.20451944

meds. now.

>> No.20451948

Slit your throat now.
I am much more successful and educated than you.

>> No.20451951

stop being such a pseud newfag u filthy bourgeois
muh degrees hold no value here

>> No.20451953

Why would you feel the need to tell us anonymously, especially if we’re lower than you (and seemingly beneath talking to)?

>> No.20451977

All ancient nobles did not have blue eyes and blonde hair, you we wuzzing Afrocentrist tiered fags. That's all I'm claiming.

>> No.20451984

forgive him brother, he is clearly a newfag

>> No.20452054

>my precious

>> No.20452073

No he doesn’t. He had a big nose but it’s not hooked.

>> No.20452086

Lurk more

>> No.20452097

I was actually popular for some time on /lit/, but I honestly hate all of you. Genuinely kys.

>> No.20452111

>seething this much

>> No.20452118


>> No.20452120

I am angry about a lot of things. Coming on 4chan and cursing the Jews, morons like you, and so on helps me get through the day without doing things I regret irl.

>> No.20452176

Nobody cares and you sound like a massive faggot m8

>> No.20452188

>Nobody cares
I don't care what the masses think outside of how I can manipulate them for my own benefit. Everybody could be dying, and it wouldn't matter to me. I care about nature and wildlife, but I don't care about human suffering.
>you sound like a massive faggot m8
Slit your fucking throat, you Nordicist trash, and film it on Livefeed for my satisfaction. I want to see you bleed, teary eyed, and more while crying for mercy during your final breathe, feebly putting up your hand for that disgusting J*w on a stick to save you. I will relish it.

>> No.20452199

Dude you literally started seething and coping because of a “take your meds” joke

Meds. Now.

>> No.20452214

Unironically kys, you memelord edgelord faggot. Everything I've said is right, and you had to deflect it with a "take your meds" joke.
Kys, and that's no joke from me. Do it. Now.

>> No.20452219

What if I told you humans also are a part of nature and wildlife, tough guy

>> No.20452235

Stop it, he's already crying about meds. Don't push him further.

>> No.20452237

Before industrialization, yes.
After industrialization, no.

>> No.20452266

Are you Latin American

>> No.20452268

I know many lives destroyed by Prozac, Xanax, SSRIs, and more. Research on meds are based on a flawed reductionist paradigm that only study at a single receptor level. A brain is a highly interconnected dynamical system, and it is highly likely there are adverse effects on functional or structural connectivity from inducing changes to diffuse modulatory neurotransmitter systems. For example, serotonin is involved in many functions than just mood regulation, and SSRIs would thus have a lot of negative side-effects, which could be accumulative.
There are very few longitudinal studies (without conflict of interests) that study these meds for long stretches of time.
Supplementation and proper diet and nutrition are better than meds.
Most of modern medicine is fake and was funded by Rockefellers to research into petrochemicals and destroying naturopathy.

>> No.20452283

Guy can’t take a joke lmao
Real lolcow here

>> No.20452287

>I didn't want to be part of normal life anyway
He studied civil engineering but stopped short of getting his title. It's not that Evola couldn't get that 'normal life' it's that he really, actively rejected it. It's not a case of sour grapes but being too much of a dilettante. But despite his flaws he's far more interesting than the millions of those enjoying life, those going along with the times.

>> No.20452292

>heh, I'm not actually crying I'm trying to inform you
>bet you feel stupid now

>> No.20452310
File: 163 KB, 932x1000, jacob bohme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the mysticism hits hard

>> No.20452312

Why would I cry? I'm just a bit cruel when it comes to dealing with idiots like you, that's all. Kys.

>> No.20452321

thats why you induce mass sterilization methods.

>> No.20452339

The jews did 9/11

>> No.20452353

This mentally ill antiwhite shitskinned faggot hasn't even read Evola but he feels the need to come to everything Evola thread I've seen lately and ruin it. Even though every time without fail he gets extremely mad and starts telling people to slit their throats and stuff, he always sticks around like the useless, stinking turd he is (figuratively speaking). He's a demonic individual and should be avoided, the problem is he infests so many otherwise good threads with his cancer. He is legitimately mentally ill, you can tell by his seething and unstable posts.

>> No.20452357

No, he's a middle eastern mutt, he comes to every Evola thread and spergs out like a mentally ill retard until the thread dies. He's pretty stupid too, although for his culture he's probably above average.

>> No.20452360

How am I antiwhite? I said the desire for homogeneous population is a valid one.
I unironically look whiter than Evola, but I am not white because I don't cluster with Europeans on PCA autosomal DNA plots.
>hasn't even read Evola
I refuse to when I see such obvious bullshit like "all ancient nobles were blue eyed and blonde haired". Population genetics discounts too. I'd rather read the Poetic Eddas and other ancient epics than fags like Evola.
> I've seen lately and ruin it.
Good, you're probably a Jew, Jesuit, or Freemason too.

>> No.20452361

>getting this mad over shitposts
You're a brown mutt with an inferiority complex, unironically take your meds, you are unhinged.

>> No.20452363

Where do I start? Is he just a meme author? I saw this excerpt posted here where he said skiing is some decadent anti spiritual sport because you go down instead of up, so, I’ll be honest, my first impression is that he’s a bit retarded.

>> No.20452364

>seething antiwhite mutt insists he's actually white and calls me a Jesuit
Top fucking kek you are such a retarded fucking loser.

>> No.20452366

You're the bottom of the barrel for your culture. In fact, you're probably a Jew LARPing as a white man in order to increase ressentiment towards Nordic people like Adam Green. The claim that "all ancient nobles were blue eyed and blonde haired" is obvious bullshit and meant to increase ressentiment towards Nords as Jews remove some of the heat from themselves.
This is why I suspect Evola was a part of the controlled opposition. Jews play both sides: both the far-right and far-left. In fact, there is evidence that Hitler was controlled opposition by the Jews to lead Europe to a devastating and fruitless war with Russia.
Adam Green on Know More News deals with all of this.
All ancient nobles were NOT blue eyed or blonde hair. Saying this basic fact does NOT make me anti-white.

>> No.20452368

Just ignore this sperg

>> No.20452371

You're a Jew who is creating a controlled dialectic for the gentiles based on a dialectic of extremes that keeps people locked in petty squabbles, which prevents them from pointing to your duplicity. You lack integrity and honor, and while you may be intelligent and cunning, you are ultimately evil.
I have light skin and look like a less Goblin version of Evola. Slit your throat, you divisive Jew'd faggot.

>> No.20452372

You don't sound cruel, you sound like an unintentionally funny unhinged schizo that brings the quality of the thread down substantially. Leave the thread, subhuman brown turd.

>> No.20452379

You just want an echo chamber for your lies and bullshit. You are also unknowingly making actual real Nordic people into scapegoat. Don't you see, this is all a controlled dialectic of Jews to make people scapegoat one another. It's rooted in the Kaballah.
Saying bullshit like, "All ancient nobles were blue eyed and blonde hair," is not helping your cause and, in fact, falling into the plans of the Jews.

>> No.20452381

Nobody even said that all ancient nobles were blue eyed blonde Nords.

>> No.20452382

Post nose.

>> No.20452383

Evola is a trash thinker who already has little to no quality, so the thread was doomed to start with. Edgelord faggots like you just want to use /lit/ as an echo chamber to spread your own lies and nonsense.
The self-loathing pro-diversity far left are retarded, but the "every ancient noble was Nordic in appearance" far right is propped by Jews in order to increase ressentiment towards actual sane Nordic people, many of which have genuine desire for homogeneity too.

>> No.20452388

Wow. I don't even know if I want to make fun of him more, at this point I just feel kind of bad. I guess that's my more noble Aryo-Nordic genes kicking in. It probably isn't worth hitting an enemy this low either. But the thing is he just can't behave himself. I fear this mutt buck needs to be broken, lads...

>> No.20452389

The faggots calling me out did in another thread of Evola. I recognize them. One of them also spams cherry-picked "research" on Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and more in order to rely on misrepresentation to push forward their views. Evola also argued most ancient nobles were Nordic in appearance.
I'm not going to post my face and get doxxed.

If you want to argue for far-right views, then I recommend Klages instead. He, at the very least, is not a quixotic and narcissistic faggot, and he surprisingly actually looks Nordic!

>> No.20452392

You're a Jew, there's no doubt about this.

What's hilarious is I actually agree with the far-right on many things, but I don't agree with the idea that all ancient nobles were "Nordic in appearance". I will cuck to no one, and I will not be a part of your Kaballahist matrix.

>> No.20452397

>get doxxed.
I’ve posted my face, body, name, identifying info, and just about anything else (including dick). Nothing will fucking happen. You seem actually paranoid if you think anyone gives a shit about this place (and most people don’t know how to navigate Warosu).

>> No.20452400

He's a mentally ill middle easterner, if you check the archives you'll see him going apeshit in every other Evola thread recently. People mention ancient civilisations or Germans or something and he starts having conniptions about "Nordicists" and telling people to slit their throats while ironically calling them jews. It's kind of hilarious but at the same time I'd like to have some quality discussion with my white Evolabros and this insane semitic mutt garbage is too insecure to allow that, he has to respond to every post with a schizo paragraph until the thread dies because nobody wants to be around him.

>> No.20452404
File: 23 KB, 319x500, klages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German chad
>Far-right without being a narcissistic shithead like Evola
>Cared about protecting biodiversity
>Didn't need to claim all ancient nobles looked Nordic in appearance to feel better about himself
>Called out the Jew better than anyone else

>Quixotic Goblin looking fag
>Makes up bullshit about "muh Hyperborea"
>Shady figure with links to Masons
>Fandom is full of edgelord fags with Jewish mentality

>> No.20452408

It sucks that idiotic brown schizos like you are part of the "far right".

He's afraid to show his skin tone lmao

>> No.20452409

Klages was far-right without claiming all ancient nobles were "Nordic in appearance". I don't have a problem with him. Also, what's hilarious is he looked Nordic while not being a narcissistic idiot like Evola.

>> No.20452414

>schizophrenic semitic mutt that everyone wishes would fuck off who hasn't even read Evola

>> No.20452417

I have light skin, but I am not white because I don't cluster with Europeans on PCA autosomal DNA plots.
A lot of Caucasus people like Chechens can have blue eyes and blonde hair while being savage Muslims.
You're just butt blasted that I don't like you because you're an arrogant faggot who goes around claiming all ancient nobles looked Nordic.

>> No.20452418

He looks chad. 100% Sicilian BVLL

>> No.20452420

Yo, that's actually dope!

>> No.20452426

Why do you keep referring to the views of the masses? I thought aristocrats were supposed to beyond that? You pathetic and weak bitch.
Everyone can be getting jabbed during a scamdemic and I wouldn't care. I still would not get the jab.

>> No.20452434

Getting the vax is aristocratic as fuck.

>> No.20452440

Thanks for proving you're either a Jew or Spiritual Semite.

>> No.20452442

Shut up brown faggot, I don't care.

>> No.20452448

I have light skin, and if you don't care, you wouldn't respond, edgelord faggot. Genuinely kill yourself. I'm serious.

>> No.20452450

>autists on lit represent the "views of the masses"
I've said it before and I'll say it again: you are a retarded brown mutt.

>> No.20452457

Woah...you have light skin? That's epic dude xD

>> No.20452459

Why do you keep calling me brown? I don't have brown skin. Also, only a few genes select skin tone, hair color, and eye color. Is Sean Connery a mutt just because he's swarthy?
Many autists on lit hate /pol/tards like you. I'll go ahead and post a pic when I was younger in a few minutes.

>> No.20452468

I'd still kill you and dispose of your corpse in Minecraft if I knew I could get away with it. People like you are a net negative to your race, and this is coming from someone who believes Europeans have a right to homogeneous populations, which leads to more high trust societies.

>> No.20452491
File: 51 KB, 800x448, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Kafkaesque?

>> No.20452501
File: 89 KB, 602x910, i am a saoshyant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep putting words into my mouth, you stupid low IQ faggot. You have a Jewish mentality.
Again, slit your fucking throat. This is what I looked like when younger.

>> No.20452514

So you're a medmutt or an upper caste Iranian

>> No.20452515

Mogs most of the white nerds here probably. You look like my Syrian friend’s brother.

>> No.20452546

>responding to himself
I am saying this out of compassion: get off 4chan, it is noticeably affecting your mental health.

>> No.20452565

The only thing that needs to go in your mouth are the meds you forgot to take this morning

>> No.20452567
File: 80 KB, 1202x345, not_same_person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20452590

>Evola argued that the fabricated antisemitic text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion—whether or not a forgery—accurately reflect the conditions of modernity.[85] He believed that the Protocols "contain the plan for an occult war, whose objective is the utter destruction, in the non-Jewish peoples, of all tradition, class, aristocracy, and hierarchy, and of all moral, religious, and spiritual values."[86]
how based

>> No.20452664

I'm pretty sure this isn't Evola's quote

>> No.20452725

Looks like a typical Sicilian, honestly.

>> No.20453206


>> No.20454276
File: 176 KB, 800x1145, visconti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dude looks like an uglier and less masculine version of Visconti (a gay commie). Sort of funny actually, makes me wonder how much of his philosophy is a cope.

>> No.20454280

Why are the evola 'quotes' always so basic and political? Reminds me of fitfags putting plato quotes next to images of bodybuilders.

>> No.20454298

>t. Accepter of “the reality of life”

>> No.20454617

The West is only going to get more conservative as economic hardship sets in. The face of "normal life" is going to be shifting a bit, anon.

>> No.20454683

The guy you posted looks soft and weak and has no control over his base instincts. Evola is totally superior. You'd be pretty stupid in thinking his philosophy is a "cope", it's ancient Traditional wisdom known by ancient Kings and Emperors.

>> No.20454805

He's literally just an artist.

>> No.20455371

You can crack open his books to see just how fucking dense and hard his reading is, he writes certain books with different intentions and want them to be very basic and barebones. Reading metaphysics of war rn and it's pretty simple compared to his other books

>> No.20455417

yes minister lookin ass

>> No.20455973
File: 35 KB, 612x612, widerboys-20220526-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst thread on lit currently.

>> No.20456012

without a doubt, unironically it is. but i like the idea of having evolians contained into a single thread

(saging of course)

>> No.20456156

cringe take desu

>> No.20456271

kek this guy is hilarious

>> No.20456880

Try reading the Hermetic Tradition.

>> No.20457003

Church of S. Lorenzo in Damaso, Corso Vittorio Emanuele. But this isn't what interests us. What interests us is the building in front of it, which corners Via dei Leutari.
This '800 Renaissance-style (sic, I'm pretty sure he meant to say "Risorgimentale", not "Rinascimentale") building was Julius Evola's house: the Baron Julius Evola, the Italian Dadaist.

What does he have to do - you might say - with Teledurruti? Because now it has a new direction: the one of Dario Evola, who has supplanted Fulvio Abate. And what does Dario Evola have to do with Julius Evola...?

Now, as you have seen, a Pullman of pilgrims of "Christian Rome" has come across the view.
"Christian Rome": how, to think that we're near the Vatican!
And think about this. Just as Mussolini was signing the Lateran treaty, Evola courageously relaunched the Pagan Imperialism: something which caused him a lot of troubles with Fascism.

Here, he lived there.
On his wheelchair, with the aid of two crutches, he would pass his days in his small study: a little desk facing the outside.

And he continued to have a great irony, as a true Dadaist; as a nonconformist, sulphurous, Satanical, "on the wrong side" character.

And here we are again. You can't read the year well, but we're around... (I can't hear well, but basically he's looking for an inscription telling the year of construction).
Guido Baccelli also lived there.
Who was Guido Baccelli? We launch this quiz to our dear viewers: if you can tell us who Guido Baccelli was, you will win a prize.

>> No.20457712

Evola would've been a eunuch in those times my nigga don't compare him to like Alexander and shit lol

>> No.20457746
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 15865938393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard who uses "my nigga" in text thinks his idiot opinion is worth sharing

>> No.20457749

You mad?

>> No.20458144
File: 121 KB, 1024x744, visconti2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evola is totally superior

You really want to do this? dude looks like a fucking goblin.

>> No.20458159

He would’ve been a court wizard

>> No.20458164

Evola mogs

>> No.20458415

>that hairline
>looks like a massive pussy
>female clearly not interested

How sad is your life where you're posting pictures of some irrelevant commie faggot trying to convince people he's more attractive than the fascist?

>> No.20458422


>> No.20458428

You sound sterile and like you have no ideas

>> No.20458435

Election tourist moron hell is here

>> No.20458468

Mystics cannot be based.

>> No.20458479

>All these betas seething over Evola

>> No.20458508

>smoking cigarettes in a black and white photo makes someone le masculine
Evola was 10x more chad in a wheelchair than this fag

>> No.20458563

Evola wasn't a mystic, he was an esotericist.

>> No.20458584

>6 years later and he's still crying about "election tourists"
Take your hormones, faggot.

>> No.20459270
File: 5 KB, 268x85, 2022-06-01 19_09_51-(0) _lit_ - Bros please tell me this is not your nigga. He lit - Literature - 4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoes mad