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/lit/ - Literature

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20415339 No.20415339 [Reply] [Original]

What is your top 10 favourite books of all time?

>> No.20415373

1.) Harry Potter 1
2.) Harry Potter 2
3.) Harry Potter 3
4.) Harry Potter 4
5.) Harry Potter 5
6.) Harry Potter 6
7.) Harry Potter 7
8.) Harry Potter 8
9.) Harry Potter 9
10.) Casual Vacancy

>> No.20415393

The Abolition of Britain

>> No.20415419

I'd have to say, The Best of the Beatles

>> No.20415425

Id be surprised if half of /lit/ has read 10 books in the last year

>> No.20415427
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Can't you guys be serious?

>> No.20415434
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>in the last year
I've never asked for last year tho

>> No.20415443

Fine, 10 books total. Personally, I never know how to make a top list because my taste is always changing

>> No.20415450

I don't count the Bible because that would be cheating.
1. Perelandra by CS Lewis
2. Count of Monte Cristo
3. Le Morte D'Arthur
4. Jersualem Delivered
5. Divine Comedy
6. Illiad
7. Odyssey
8. Plays of Euripides
9. The Idiot
10. Paradise Loft

>> No.20415452
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>Fine, 10 books total. Personally, I never know how to make a top list because my taste is always changing
Make a list with your top 10 favourite books at this very moment

>> No.20415455

The Greeks
Call of the Crocodile
Infinite Jest
Blood Meridian
Gravity’s Rainbow
My Diary Desu
Harry Potter
The Dictionary

>> No.20415462


>> No.20415477

Actually put the Epic of Gilgamesh in 3 and bump Morte D'Arthur and the others up.

>> No.20415485

Off the top of my head

Hemingway’s Collected Stories
Tropic of Cancer
The Colossus of Maroussi
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Van Gogh’s Letters
The Tao Te Ching
DH Lawrence’s short stories
The Trial

Kind of a mix of what I’m into now, what has has helped me practically, and some old cherished favorites

>> No.20415491

Based post

>> No.20415495

I have so many favorites that I have to add a few more

Emerson’s Essays
Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
Gogol’s short stories
Wuthering Heights
Lonesome Dove
Sometimes a Great Notion

>> No.20415504

1. Franz Kafka - Metamorphosis
2. H.P. Lovecraft - The Call of Cthulhu
3. Daphne du Maurier - Rebecca
4. Emily Brontë - Wuthering Heights
5. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera
6. Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
7. Stephen Hawking - Brief Answers to the Big Questions
8. Edgar Allen Poe - The Cask of Amontillado
9. Albert Camus - The Stranger
10. Kate Chopin - The Awakening

Any recs? They're in order of preference with metamorphosis easily being my favorite. I tend to prefer novellas, I've noticed.

>> No.20415509
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I think I remember your post about the books that influenced you the most... Was that you? Based list btw

>> No.20415519

It's like /lit/ by numbers. Go get a personality, you loser.

>> No.20415532

kek peter hitchens shitposter

>> No.20415560

1. The Iliad
2. Metamorphoses
3. The Once And Future King
4. Don Quixote
5. The Hobbit
6. The Saga Of Hugh Glass
7. Canterbury Tales
8. Poetic Edda
9. Notes From Underground
10. Oresteia

>> No.20415578

Thanks. It was. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing that someone recognizes me on 4chan. Lol

>> No.20415672

in no order
>The Magic Mountain
>War and Peace
>Genealogy of Morals
>A Farewell to Arms
>Spinoza's Ethics
>The Metamorphosis
>The Red and the Black
>The Man Without Qualities
>Book of Disquiet

>> No.20415682
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>> No.20415698

I feel like we’d get along

>> No.20415719

>1. Genealogy of Morality - Nietzsche
>2. The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
>3. The Little Red Book - Chairman Mao
>4. Confessions of A Mask - Mishima
>5. The Republic - Plato
>6. White Line Fever - Lemmy Kilmister
>7. The Problem of Philosophy -
Bertrand Russell
>8. The Book of Ecclesiastes - King Solomon
>9. Siddartha - Hermann Hesse
>10. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens.

>> No.20415722

The Tin Drum
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Collected short stories of Saki
The Idiot
Wuthering Heights
Notre Dame de Paris
Twelve Chairs

>> No.20415728

1. Complete Shakespeare
2. Complete Joyce
I do not enjoy reading anything else

>> No.20415731

>Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky
>The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
>Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
>American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
>Whatever - Michel Houellebecq
>All Creatures Great and Small - James Herriot
>Fear and Trembling - Soren Kierkegaard
>Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
>The Stranger - Albert Camus
>Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton

this is such a temperamental list, I think it changes every few months but these are some of the few books I’ve revisited and I love them all. I’m not particularly well read either so keep that in mind if you’re going to attack me.

>> No.20415734


>> No.20415751

number 1. The Zhuangzi
number 2-10 the rest of the books contained in the Zhuangzi which are not actually written by Zhuangzi

>> No.20415767

>I’m not particularly well read
you're in good company around here

>> No.20415776

Post Office - Charles Bukowski
Philosophy of Right - GWF Hegel
Rhythymanalysis - Henri Lefebvre
Production of Space - Henri Lefebvre
The Castle - Franz Kafka
The Sublime Object of Ideology - Slavoj Zizek
Naked Lunch - William Burroughs
The Great Shark Hunt - Hunter S. Thompson
Simulacra and Simulation - Jean Baudrillard
The Last Man - Albert Camus

Just my top 10 at the moment. Recs please fellas

>> No.20415778

>storm of steel
>Call of the crocodile
>storm of steel
>Beyond good and evil
>storm of steel
>storm of steel
>Blood meridian
>storm of steel
>The Bible

>> No.20415781

Remove Joyce because he's fucking cringe, replace with Storm of steel and this would be basado

>> No.20415791

maybe, but this meme is weird to me because every time I’ve made a thread on a book or writer, anons who have clearly read them show up. the exception being talking about Kierkegaard. trying to discuss his ideas is pointless and gets derailed quickly, but I think that’s because any religious discussion attracts laymen.

>> No.20415798
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> Master and commander
> Post captain
> HMS surprise
> Mauritius command
> Desolation island
> The fortune of war
> The surgeons mate
> The Ionian mission
> Treasons harbour
> The far side of the world

>> No.20415802

based pirate

>> No.20415821

Usually anons that actually read are very knowledgeable about a few writers, so threads on them naturally attract them.

>> No.20415857


>> No.20415875
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It means you're on thin ice, and we are close to triangulating your position. A few more shitposts and it's over desu

>> No.20415976

In no particular order:

>Camus - The First Man
>Dostoevsky - Brothers Karamazov
>Burke - Language as Symbolic Action
>Tolstoy - War and Peace
>Wolfe - Book of the New Sun
>Tolkien - LotR
>Wallace - Infinite Jest
>Yourcenar - Memoirs of Hadrian
>Guenon - Crisis of the Modern World
>Kaufmann - The Portable Nietzche

>> No.20415994

>Camus - The First Man
>Burke - Language as Symbolic Action
>Wallace - Infinite Jest

Very fucking based anon

>> No.20416039

1) Golden Son by Pierce Brown
2) Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson
3) Dune by Frank Herbert
4) Tai-Pan by James Clavell
5) Morning Star by Pierce Brown
6) A Storm of Swords by GRRM
7) A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
8) Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski
9) Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
10) Dark Age by Pierce Brown

>> No.20416144

Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky
Great Gatsby - Fitzgerald
Macbeth - Shakespeare
Political Liberalism - Rawls
Gorgias - Plato
Giovanni’s Room - Baldwin
Where do we go from here? - MLK
Second Treatise - Locke
American Psycho - Ellis
1984 - Orwell

>> No.20416163

1: Of Human Bondage-W. Somerset Maugham
2: The Forsyte Saga- John Galsworthy
3: A Farewell to Arms-Ernest Hemingway
4: Haxby's Circus- Katherine Susannah Pritchard
5: Praise- Andrew McGahan
6: Candy-Luke Davies
7: East of Eden-John Steinbeck
8: The Sundowners-Jon Cleary
9: The Pea Pickers- Eve Langley
10: The Battlers- Kylie Tennant

>> No.20416242

This is a tough one because I hadn't ever really tried to make a top ten for books. So, obviously this would be subject to change.
The Lord of the Rings -- J.R.R. Tolkien
Obvious Adams -- Robert R. Updegraff
Ecclesiastes -- God
King Lear -- Shakespeare
Ender's Game -- Orson Scott Card
Slaughterhouse Five -- Kurt Vonnegut
The Deep Blue Good-by John D. MacDonald
House of Chains Steven Erikson
Dune -- Frank Herbert
1984 George Orwell

>> No.20416283

judging from these answers /lit/ has really shit users with some good exceptions

>> No.20416483

Huk huck. I am so very smart!

>> No.20416520

In no particular order:
Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse
A Guest at the Spa - Hermann Hesse
Sea Wolf - Jack London
Henderson the Rain King - Saul Bellow
Shogun - James Clawell (Haven't read it in over 10 years so I am not sure if it should be on this list anymore, should reread it)
Baudolino - Umberto Eco
Barabbas - Pär Lagerqvist
The Joke - Milan Kundera
The Egyptian - Mika Waltari
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez

>> No.20416529

A Clockwork Orange
Book of the New Sun
The Godfather
The Idiot
Lords and Ladies
Master and Margarita
Crime and Punishment
Dune Messiah

>> No.20416536

Who cares what others think of their taste?

>> No.20416561


>> No.20416562 [DELETED] 

1. Call of the Crocodile
2. Call of the Arcade
3.Call of the Kappa
4. Call of the Cherokee
5. Call of F. Gardner
6. Call of the Cradle
7. Hunger of the Kangaroo
8. Reptilian Odyssey
9. Jigoku
10. Ouroboros

>> No.20416673

I've found for other topics, I've done this by making a rough list and slowly altering it over time as I remember or like other things more. In a way, it's a way to think about what you like more over time and come to your own conclusions. I haven't completed this for books yet, but that's what I've done for other things.

>> No.20416723

The Letters of Seneca
The Discourses of Epictetus
Industrial Society and its Future
Lord of the Rings
War and Peace
Crime and Punishment
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Bronze Age Mindset
Bhagavad Gita

>> No.20416787

The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace
Moby Dick
The Red and the Black
Doctor Faustus
The Rainbow
The Sound and the Fury
The Name of the Rose
Journey to the End of the Night
Seven Pillars of Wisdom

>> No.20416809 [DELETED] 

I have a fear of posting my favorite books here because I think people will copy. I am not sharing my personality with people who don't appreciate Heaven when they see it.
I think every knowledgeable person would not post it, unless they are already older closer to death and have nothing better than this website

>> No.20416820

Lol. If you see someone that has 7 books in their top 10 list and 3 you’ve never read, I check them out. I’ve gotten good recommendations without asking from anons with similar taste

>> No.20416904

Why is Joyce cringe?
I'm going to read it after the sound and the fury.

>> No.20416920

The only good list ITT

>> No.20417403

my best friends have always been very into sports and didn't give two fucks about reading, except in highschool were I was in the edgy club and would talk about LaVey and make fun of everything. What is your top 10?

>> No.20417445

No order:
>Charles Bukowski - Factotum
>Philip K Dick - Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
>Friedrich Nietzsche - Twilight of the Idols
>Harlan Ellison - Blood's a Rover
>Gary Webb - Dark Alliance
>Richard Preston - The Hot Zone
>Michael Crichton - The Terminal Man
>Tim Weiner - Legacy of Ashes
>Martin Heidegger - Being and Time
>Alexander Galloway - Protocol

>> No.20417451

I’m >>20415485
the only books on your list that I haven’t read are Spinoza and Pessoa, and I like the others.

>> No.20417476

An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races by Joseph Arthur de Gobineau is the only great book i've read.

>> No.20418482

I remember reading The Terminal Man when I was a young man and enjoying it. I ended up in hospital with mental illness not long after that and the doctor asked me what I thought I had. I had a psychotic episode where I was aggressive and I thought it was similar to that book. The psychiatrist laughed at me and called me stupid, put me on heavy meds, discharged me the next day, and the police had to haul me back to the hospital because of another episode. Psychiatrist treated me like shit and told me I was just a criminal. I still don't know what my father said that got me out of the hospital that second time. Normally I wouldn't have been discharged at all after the second incident. To this day I don't know what my father did. Threaten legal action. Pay him off. Threaten him. No fucking clue. I lost friends and family over that hospitalization. Still pissed about it.

>> No.20419131


>> No.20419799

I loved the first and last on your list, so I'm gonna trust you on the rest.

>> No.20420249

How long ago was this?

>> No.20420365

1. gravity's rainbow (i love pynch so much)
2. the tunnel
3. a gentleman in moscow
4. infinite jest
5. harlot's ghost
6. white noise
7. pale fire
8. 2666
9. the secret history
10. wind up bird chronicle
im a pomosexual

>> No.20420386

>Le Morte D'Arthur
I´ve read The once and future king, been interested in this one. Is it that good? How is it format?

>> No.20422149

Are you the gay Bavarian frogposter from /int/? Anyway, I'll give you a top five instead:
>Pale Fire (Nabokov)
>Othello (Shakespeare)
>The Duchess of Malfi (Webster)
>The Count of Monte Cristo (Dumas)
>Medea (Euripides)

>> No.20422159
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1-. Infinite Jest

>> No.20422382

im not particularly well read since i only got back into reading a few years ago but 10 books id say are among my favorites so far are:
anna kerrinina
war and peace
memoirs of the baron de marbot
a canticle for leibowitz
the forever war
growth of the soil
east of eden
lovecrafts complete works
i have decent backlog right now so we will see how things go from here. ill be reading Hyperion next, and throughout the summer im hoping to get to the illiad, Don Quixote, augustines confessions, heart of darkness, robinson crusoe, and moby dick by fall, and i have a random selection of plutarch, livy, and tacticus, clausowitz's On war, canterbury tales, some dickens, platos complete dialogues i still have to dive into, shakepeare comkplete works which ive only read a few of, odessey and aeneid, and of course in reading through the new testament as im going along

I have to stop buying stuff because im getting it faster than I can read it lol

>> No.20422386
