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20414501 No.20414501 [Reply] [Original]

>The Illiad and the Odyssey - these are classics of literature and I enjoy them. It is quite quaint how the Greek people envisioned their world as governed by multiple divine beings sitting upon the skies of Olympus.
>The Bible, however, is not mere literature but the word of God. This Jew came down to Earth to teach us the one absolute unalterable truth. There is indeed a bearded man in the skies. This is reality.
Do christcucks really?

>> No.20414590

Fuck both of them and the rest too, there is no god only the strength of your arms and the sweat on your forehead.

>> No.20414618

The Bible doesn't say that there is a bearded man in the heavens and it has a more complex and abstract structure, which makes it more convincing, though religion is, of course, the great delusion.

>> No.20414664

Skydaddy as a concept more or less went away after Aquinas.
That is, until American Evangelicalism brought him back. If I were a Christian I'd be seething that the branch of the church clearly started by Satan was one of the most popular.
Also nakadashi Houkago Play girl, whatever her name was.

>> No.20414667

>There is indeed a bearded man in the skies
This is bullshit, nobody actually believes this except atheists.
>oh but here’s some cherrypicked painting...

>> No.20414672

So true, my enlightened comrade. Want to go down to the barcade and slam down some IPAs?

>> No.20414686

a soothing shot of the marijuana straight into the eyeball would be preferable

>> No.20414690
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Sure, my dude

>> No.20414699

The Bible has very little profundity to it, it's just lists of how many oxen and sheep this jew across this part of Canaan had, how many cows this one had
more than the 'evil' morality of the OT god and the benevolence of the NT god are disjointed, the great contradiction is that the OT god is fundamentally one that is supposed to bring material prosperity, so the more complex metaphysics and purposes of the NT god (ripped from Greek metaphysics) simply don't sit well on this semitic background

>> No.20414725

Anthropomorphized God is real low IQ shit.
Any smart religious person is more a panentheist or a Spinozist. I mean even Judaism moved away from "Here's God, literally sat on top of the ark of the covenant, telling you to make a broth that causes women to have abortions if they've been unfaithful" to Kabbalah, which is some weird bullshit but still no bearded sky man.

>> No.20414932

pantheism is atheism in denial, heretic. Christ is King.

>> No.20414942 [DELETED] 


>> No.20414945

I refuse to believe in a middle eastern Jewish religion that killed a ton of my ancestors because they didn't know about the one true god even though he's supposed to be omnipotent and omnipresent

>> No.20414960

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.


Wisdom cries aloud in the street,
in the markets she raises her voice;
at the head of the noisy streets she cries out;
at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:
“How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?
How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing
and fools hate knowledge?
If you turn at my reproof,[a]
behold, I will pour out my spirit to you;
I will make my words known to you.
Because I have called and you refused to listen,
have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded,
because you have ignored all my counsel
and would have none of my reproof,
I also will laugh at your calamity;
I will mock when terror strikes you,
when terror strikes you like a storm
and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,
when distress and anguish come upon you.
Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;
they will seek me diligently but will not find me.
Because they hated knowledge
and did not choose the fear of the Lord,
would have none of my counsel
and despised all my reproof,
therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way,
and have their fill of their own devices.
For the simple are killed by their turning away,
and the complacency of fools destroys them;
but whoever listens to me will dwell secure
and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”

>> No.20414963

>that killed a ton of my ancestors
You will never be a real Saxon.

>> No.20414969

I'm a slav and our national epic is literally about the forced conversion of our pagan warlords to Christianity, much like the Finnish kallevala

>> No.20414971
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>wisdom is female
Well well well.

>> No.20414995

The law of the Lordg is perfect, refreshing the soul.

The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joym to the heart.

The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

>> No.20415005

Jesus was a figure prophesized by the old testament jews as somebody who will come, free them from foreign oppression and create a new Israel/promised land for them to live in. He failed on all accounts and is hated by jews for it to this day. I will not worship a failure for some completely unrelated ethnic group of people.

>> No.20415024

Mf yee yee ass haircut ahh lik “umm i wont worship a kike god” post yo chin bruh mf really ahh you ain’t a norse pagan you live in Idaho

>> No.20415095
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>> No.20416149

Krst na Savici?

>> No.20416158
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It is true that might makes right. God is the mightiest there is so he is right.

>> No.20417444

Why would I fear god if he is omnibenevolent?

>> No.20417746

>Made in the image of god

>> No.20417938

No, you don't get it. It's a metaphor or something.

>> No.20418168

mods please

>> No.20418205

god isn't the mightiest because god doesn't exist.

>> No.20418362


That's what Homer was saying. Zeus says, "Well I love Troy and they worship me but whatever let's wipe them off the face of the earth."

>> No.20418529

You are basically making an strawman out of a religion you clearly do not understand and, much like >>20414699, you seem to approach the text with a series of fundamentally protestant (and not of the good ones) presuppositions that are separated from the reality of how Scriptures were interpreted across the 2000 years of christian history. Basically, you are attacking a fiction based on something that mostly just exists in America.
I am no Orthodox nor Catholic, but is obvious that you need Tradition alongside Scriptures.

>> No.20418563

>The Bible, however, is not mere literature but the word of God. This Jew came down to Earth to teach us the one absolute unalterable truth. There is indeed a bearded man in the skies. This is reality.

The Torah predates Greek language by over 1,000 years.

>> No.20418682

>You just can't comprehend the divine mysteries of 2000 year old desert fables.

>> No.20418919
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>There is indeed a bearded man in the skies

>> No.20418937


>> No.20418941

What does hypothetically God offer you can't do yourself or with some other entity that isn't the All Mighty Jew nigga?

>> No.20418942

>who will come, free them from foreign oppression and create a new Israel/promised land for them to live in

>> No.20418946

Statistically there is a bigger chance for OP to become a woman than for you to get to heaven :^)

>> No.20419144

Raping children and getting paid for it.

>> No.20419157

'The fate of the Jewish people is the fate of Macbeth who stepped out of nature itself, clung to alien beings, and so in their service had to trample and slay everything holy in human nature'.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

>> No.20419235

>obvious that you need Tradition
What tradition are you referring to then?

>> No.20419374
File: 19 KB, 320x320, B6EC45C9-5FC5-4A61-BF65-9668C75B09B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is quite quaint how the Greek people envisioned their world as governed by multiple divine beings sitting upon the skies of Olympus.
Can you please find me a Christian saying this?
I always see atheists say this, “Christians think other religions are stupid, quaint, backwards, and ridiculous, and have no self-awareness that there’s is too” but I legit never see Christians say that.
The most positive thing I see Christians say about pre-Christian religious traditions, is that they contain elements of the truth but not the fullness of truth found in Christianity.
The most negative thing I see is them saying that the pagan gods were demons intentionally tricking the world into worship.
But I never see them say “yeah those beliefs were just stupid and dumb, only believed by dumb people who didn’t know Christianity was true.” The only time I see this formulated is in memes, comics, and posts made by atheists.
>Christians are so hypocritical for doing something no Christian in history has ever done
>Christians are so stupid for thinking something no Christian in history has ever thought
>how dare Christians say things no Christian has ever said
I want one
One example of a Christian saying this. Please give me one. Find me the Christian calling the pagan gods “silly made up nonsense,” please do
Please show it to me
>I-uh-well-I’m it was real in my mind
That’s what I thought, you can’t do it
No Christian in history has said this, so who are you fighting with? You’re dueling with phantoms. You are fighting with the voices inside your head. You made it all up
>It is quite quaint how the Greek people envisioned their world as governed by multiple divine beings sitting upon the skies of Olympus.
You had to write this out because nobody said this combination of words before you. And you know what’s really funny? You are the one who believes it!
You’re fighting supposed Christians who think this, but you actually think this. These are your beliefs. You mixed your beliefs with Christian beliefs, and then you decided to fight them
>Do christcucks really?
Evidently not. Evidently they don’t. Maybe the made up imaginary people in your head do, but no real human being in history has ever held these two opinions.
Not even Christian children believe that.
So why? Why make it up? Why pretend? Why fight against people who don’t exist?
What do you gain from this?
Since no Christian holds these beliefs, no Christian will look at your post and change their mind
Nobody is going to say “oh wow, my beliefs that I hold are inconsistent”
Think! Think! Think!
Just think!
Think for a moment!
If you find one, I’ll take it all back
But you won’t find one, none exists
Nobody holds these beliefs
You made them up
Schizo freak

>> No.20419386

Nice. thanks for being assed to type that all out I enjoyed it

>> No.20419447

When you choose to believe in one particular religion, you are implicitly declaring that all other religions are silly made up nonsense.
>they contain elements of the truth but not the fullness of truth found in Christianity.
This is basically the same as calling it quaint.

>> No.20419458

>you are implicitly
No you’re not. You’re either saying it or you’re not saying it
>this is basically the same
No it’s not. You’re either saying it or you’re not saying it
And nobody in history has ever said it
Nobody in history has ever thought it
The imaginary people you argue with in the shower don’t count
Real human beings have never said it
Real human beings have never thought it
So you made it up, you made it all up
Your post asked if Christians “really,” and the answer is “no. They don’t really.”

>> No.20419476

So do you believe that there are multiple bearded men in the sky sitting in a mythical city in the hills and eating magic fruit all day?

>> No.20419494

>The most positive thing I see Christians say about pre-Christian religious traditions, is that they contain elements of the truth but not the fullness of truth found in Christianity.
>The most negative thing I see is them saying that the pagan gods were demons intentionally tricking the world into worship.
Yeah, and their inbetween response is that it was all silly made up nonsense.

>> No.20419506


>> No.20419514

>christcuck apologetics

>> No.20419522

Find me one
One (1) Christian saying that, and I’ll take it all back
Give me one
One (1) single, solitary example
Please and thank you
You won’t do it
Because nobody in history has ever said that
Nobody is saying that
Nobody will ever say that
Nobody has ever thought that
Nobody is thinking that
Nobody will think that
So these ghosts in your head you fight, they might say it, they might think it, but they’re imagine
One example
You can’t find one

>> No.20419531


>> No.20419539

Do you think absence of proof is proof of absence?

>> No.20419549

>The most positive thing I see Christians say about pre-Christian religious traditions, is that they contain elements of the truth but not the fullness of truth found in Christianity.
>elements of truth
So the rest was silly made up nonsense, according to christians.

>> No.20419604

Okay so show me a Christian saying that
One Christian that
One Christian
Show me one
Show me
I need to see it
You can’t because you made it up
If you could show me one, you would
But you won’t
Because you can’t
You can’t show me a single, solitary, statement
I’m not asking you to part the waters or raise the dead, I want you to find me one (1) example of something you believe everybody says
But you won’t do it
Should be easy
You won’t do it
Because you’re arguing with people in your head

>> No.20419644

You yourself confirmed that christians believe that everything else is made-up nonsense.

>> No.20419669

No I didn’t
I explicitly said they don’t
I restated “they don’t” a million different ways
You are affirming what I said earlier
That it’s all in your head
It’s all made up
You can’t find one example, so you pretend to read between the lines to find hidden meanings in my posts
“I myself” affirmed it, you say? We’ll allow me to clarify: I have no recollection of any such statement being made; and I was wrong, if I hypothetically such a statement does exist
Because Christians do NOT believe everything is “made-up nonsense”
Nor do they say everything is “made-up nonsense”
They don’t think it
They don’t say it
You are delusional, if you are reading such statements here or anywhere
Christians do not say that, because they don’t believe it
The made-up people you argue with in the shower don’t count
The hidden meanings you read into my posts don’t count
In plain language: no Christian has ever thought or said what you are claiming they all think and say
You are wrong
OP is wrong
This whole thread is wrong
If I agreed with you, it wouldn’t make you right, it would just make me wrong

>> No.20419687

Yes, you said that christians believe that pagans have only "elements of truth" while the rest is made up nonsense.

>> No.20419694
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>go for a wank
>come back and find some guy writing giant posts about something but you don't know what because you can't be bothered to read them

>> No.20419703

>Absence of evidence is evidence of absence
Do you have proof that the christian god exists? Just one proof will suffice. Or is the christian god a silly made up imaginary friend in your head?

>> No.20419704

>The Bible has very little profundity to it

Go read the Torah again with Rashi's commentary this time

Go learn what humility means too

>> No.20419709

It's pretty obvious why polytheism was abrogated by monotheism

>> No.20419711

>Do christcucks really?
no they don't, they think 90% of passage in the bible about God are actually allegory and metaphore.

>> No.20419715

please tell me of the great meaning behind passage that do nothing but report census data on the tribe of Israel.

>> No.20419720

>while the rest is made up nonsense.
I said this?
I said that?
I’m rereading my posts and I don’t see that
Could you please screenshot the post, and highlight that text specifically, so I can read what you’re talking about?
It’s possible there is a server issue, and you and I are seeing different posts
But to clarify, while my post may say “the rest is made up nonsense” on your end, it doesn’t say that on my end
I didn’t type that initially
How that phrase “the rest is made up nonsense” got into the post on your end, I don’t know
But I’ll clarify again
Just to make sure
I don’t believe that
No Christian believes that
I didn’t say that
No Christian said that
And again I’ll also say
If hypothetically I did write “the rest is made up nonsense”
I didn’t
But if hypothetically I did
That wouldn’t make you right
It would make us both wrong
You see, no Christian has ever in history ever said anything remotely resembling what you claim they all say
No Christian in history has ever thought anything remotely resembling what you claim they all think
It’s all fantasy
It’s all made up
It’s all in your head
I’ll reread my posts again to see if I wrote that, but I just don’t see it
I think you are misreading my posts
Or maybe making up things about them
I really can’t find that phrase
I really can’t
How you found it I don’t know
I think you’re making it up

>> No.20419724

>What does hypothetically God offer you can't do yourself

>> No.20419729

christians believe that all religions are silly made up nonsense. Otherwise, they wouldn't be christians

>> No.20419731


Don't know if you're talking about my posts, probably not. Either way watch the 2 videos I linked, they're the truth. Since you saw this you will have no excuses anymore in heaven (not like you did before, this just adds to your guilt).

>> No.20419734

Thank you but I am Hasidic and believe that my orgasms are direct sensations provided to me by God and I shan't be stopping.

>> No.20419737

not always, one very common cope is that other religion are either actually hearing message from God, just misinterpreting them or they are being deceived by some demon.

>> No.20419738

I'm not giving your youtube channel ad revenue. Summarise the contents of your videos in text.

>> No.20419742

Okay so you’re gonna find me one example right?
Let’s see it
Hand me that example
Supposedly I said it, so why not just do what I asked last post
One example
One example
I want to read one example
Just one example
Just one example
Let me see one example
One (1) example
Let me see it
I wanna see it
Hand it to me
One example
One example
I want to see one example
One (1) singular solitary example
I want to expand my mind
I want to open my worldview
So please toss it to me
Come one man
You made up that I wrote it in my old post
Or at least you were mistaken
But it’s not in my old post
You were wrong with that example

>> No.20419743

Porn shouldn't be necessary for orgasm. Free yourself

>> No.20419746

In other words, it gets lost in transmission and becomes silly made up nonsense.

>> No.20419748

Who said I used porn?

>> No.20419749

>it's just lists of how many oxen and sheep this jew across this part of Canaan had, how many cows this one had
it's hard to imagine someone being this ignorant of one of the most influential collection of texts in human history

>> No.20419754

>they are being deceived by some demon.
In what way? Is the demon feeding them silly made up nonsense?

>> No.20419755

most annoying posting style on the site, but anyway, if you don't think ANY of the polytheistic bullshit that have existed throughout history is silly made up nonesense you are actually far more retarded than I though possible.

>> No.20419760

Are you denying that christians think other religions are silly made up nonsense?

>> No.20419763

>please tell me of the great meaning behind passage that do nothing but report census data on the tribe of Israel.
There are many meanings, the most basic of which can be read in Rashi's commentary that explains almost every verse.

>> No.20419765

Apologies anon, I thought you were implying it in your response to the other guy's anti-porn videos

>> No.20419769

So what did I say earlier?
>It is quite quaint how the Greek people envisioned their world as governed by multiple divine beings sitting upon the skies of Olympus.
You had to write this out because nobody said this combination of words before you. And you know what’s really funny? You are the one who believes it!
You’re fighting supposed Christians who think this, but you actually think this. These are your beliefs. You mixed your beliefs with Christian beliefs, and then you decided to fight them

>> No.20419773


>> No.20419780

I am not the OP, but just to clarify, you do think there were actually anthropomorphic shapeshifting beings that lived on mount Olympus.

>> No.20419782

Reread the post and find out
The secret to my beliefs is hidden in them
If you read between the lines, you might notice a couple things
The fact that I wrote the same thing
A million times
Restated a million ways
For you to give examples
Which you can’t do
My posts are so thoroughly written as to not be misunderstood
They are so clear, you couldn’t have an difficulty understanding them
And yet someone managed already to read a brand new made up sentence into them
Which is insane

>> No.20419792

So christians are also pagans, muslims, buddhists, hindus and so on?

>> No.20419793

>Reread the post and find out
given your supremely annoying posting style it is quite the request

>> No.20419795


>> No.20419796

>Thank you but I am Hasidic
You're not, being pious (chassidut) is much above not sinning

>and believe that my orgasms are direct sensations provided to me by God and I shan't be stopping
Except wasting seed is one of the sins that lead to type of Gehinom you can't leave. I don't know who is your rabbi but he should have taught you this.

>> No.20419797

God christcucks are insufferable

>> No.20419798

I looked at chapters that are just listing of census data, and they offer no commentary beside translator note.

>> No.20419805

Hard to summarize so many points, don't pretend you don't have an ad block and just watch them

Maybe you would do better with shorter ones first but those two are better for having studies and more sources

In essence when you waste seed you're destroying yourself in this world and the next

>> No.20419813

Allow me to answer your questions
With a question
Would this be acceptable to you?
I write so much
And I leave so little to the imagination
I put down so many words
And am so precise in everything I say
And everything I say
I rewrite
I restate
I reiterate
In many different ways
In order to be understood
To not be misunderstood
So now
The question
What is the purpose of reading-into things which are not there?
What I have written
I have written
What I have not written
I have not written
If I meant to say something else
I would say it
But I don’t mean to say anything other than what I do clearly say
What I post is what I mean to post
The words are the words I intend to write
The beliefs expressed in the posts are only the beliefs expressed in the words
No hidden secret ulterior belief is concealed within these posts
If I had any intention of saying something else, that is what I would say
Instead of what I do say
Which says something else
And so
The question
What is the point of looking for alternative readings of my posts?

>> No.20419814

I'm not giving your youtube channel ad revenue. Summarise the contents of your videos in text. This is a literature board, by the way.

>> No.20419819

I asked you an straigh to the point question
>were there actual anthropomorphic shapeshifting beings that lived on mount Olympus
and you didn't answer, I'm just gonna assume you are trolling at this point.

>> No.20419824

Why do you christians accuse other religions of being made up silly nonsense without any self awareness?

>> No.20419838

How much money one earns in an year is determined in Rosh Hashanah of the previous year, contrary to your beliefs money isn't our god (though it seems like it is yours)

I would benefit greatly if you stopped sinning because of anything I said, that currency is much more valuable.

What chapters? You probably were reading a christian or secular Bible, there is always a wealth of meaning in the text, sometimes even prophecy (see gematria). Go read the Torah with Jewish commentary (Rashi's first, then Ramabm or some other sage).

>> No.20419842


>> No.20419851

>What chapters?
first few of numbers, and I was talking about your site

>> No.20419865
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>> No.20419905

>the meme that ended Larptianity

>> No.20419939

I don't understand the issue you have with historical information that helps the student understand Israel

>> No.20419950

And I responded
To your question
If it would be alright
To answer your question
With a question
If I wanted to post my beliefs on mount olympus
I would have included them
In my very long
Very thorough
Very in-depth
Very precise
But I didn’t
So I’m asking you
Why would you read my posts
That leave nothing to the imagination
And think
I must know about mount olympus from this anon
You want to know?
Figure it out
But as is
I have no interest
I’m dealing with people
Who can’t read a simple post
If I said no
You’d probably read yes
If I said yes
You’d probably read no
Because you are constantly misreading
Very simple
Very clear
4chan posts

>> No.20419975

the bait is getting stale, get a new bit

>> No.20419983

>4chan posts
Speaking of which
Clearly, all christians think other religions are just silly made up nonsense

>> No.20420032
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That post was made after I made my posts

>> No.20420053

Therefore, Zues is real?

>> No.20420061

Who’s Zues?

>> No.20420074

>Jesus comes down to earth and demonstrates a workable model of universal justice and a form of virtue ethics that doesn't involve slavery, caste systems, eugenics or women's rights
>The Greek gods engage in constant disgraceful acts and then forced their believers to reenact those disgraceful acts via plays
Seems like a pretty big difference to me.

>> No.20420089

>Jesus is nicer therefore he is the ultimate authority

>> No.20420109

>workable model of universal justice
>"no matter how virtuous you are if you suck less of YHWHs dick than the biggest failure on the planet he's getting heaven and you're not"

>> No.20420139

All criticism of the Bible is actually metaphors you don't understand.

>> No.20420140

He answers the Greek's main argument against universal justice. If you treat your enemies as you treat your friends, your enemies will just kill you. This is clearly demonstrated to be true by the story of Jesus, but the followers of Jesus proved that that isn't the end of the argument. This is shown side by side against the Jews who didn't follow Jesus and rebelled. The Christians eventually took control of the Roman empire, while the Jews, who agreed with the Greek argument were scattered across Europe and had to witness their failure.

>> No.20420163
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>The Bible, however, is not mere literature but the word of God. This Jew came down to Earth to teach us the one absolute unalterable truth. There is indeed a bearded man in the skies. This is reality.

>> No.20420168

I accept your concession

>> No.20420204

>Jesus comes down to earth and demonstrates a workable model of universal justice and a form of virtue ethics that doesn't involve slavery, caste systems, eugenics or women's rights
jesus yelled at fig trees and was racist to goyim women.

>> No.20420226

>>Jesus comes down to earth and demonstrates a workable model of universal justice and a form of virtue ethics that doesn't involve slavery, caste systems, eugenics or women's rights
>christtards unironically believe their messiah came up with the Golden Rule
>and unironically believe they've been following it for the past few millenia

How does one group of people get this delusional?

>> No.20420278

>came up with love your enemy
Demonstrated that it worked. I brought up the existing Greek argument against the golden rule because obviously other people have thought of it but it was dismissed because it seemed dumb.
>Believe they've been following for last few millenia
I never said that.
>racist to goyim women
And yet his followers decided to preach mainly to nonjews after Stephan was stoned. Clearly you are oversimplifying it.
>yells at fig tree
And I yell at furniture when I stub my toe. Whats your point?

>> No.20420291 [DELETED] 

The bible is the word of God, but it was compromised and distorted by the Jews for their benefit

>> No.20420313

>Demonstrated that it worked.

If anythibg, the whole of Christian history is endless proof that it doesn't work. That's Christianity has fought plenty of wars, because turning the other cheek in the face of an agressive enemy such as violent jihadis is outright suicidal.

When those are at the gates, Christians return to good old pagan tit-for-tat

>> No.20420325

Damn, who is that semen demon?

>> No.20420403

>If anything, the whole of Christian history is endless proof that it doesn't work
I would say it worked fairly well within the Roman Empire which was the enemy of the Jewish people at the time of Jesus. Obviously, Constantine engaged in violent military action at the very end which caused people to question whether or not he was truly a Christian or if it was just a convenience, but Christians on the whole held much closer to a universal justice than did the Jews up until that time, and they fared much better than them. As far as the whole of Christian history, that is a long span of time and clearly there are going to be a lot of Christians who did unchristian things. I'm not going to say that the old pagan model of "do good to your friends and evil to your enemies" doesn't work. Only that the Christian model can work and I think its better.

>> No.20420428

>I would say it worked fairly well within the Roman Empire which was the enemy of the Jewish people at the time of Jesus.

The early Christians got rid of Roman polytheism mostly trough violent terror, and brutal totalitarian rule. Do you know anything about the history of your own religion? How is destroying a competing religion, killing its followers and threatening to murder anyone who even slightly deviates from your doctrine in any way in line with loving your enemies? Would you consider it love if muslims treated you that way?

>> No.20420444

>They did a lot of fucked up things once they got power
Yes. I said the model of universal justice put forward by Jesus was viable. And it was proven viable by Christians eventually taking over the Roman Empire. That they did fucked up things once they took power doesn't disprove that.

>> No.20420469

>That they did fucked up things once they took power doesn't disprove that.

They did fucked up things to get into power. The historical record shows that this idea that Christianity peacefully took over the Roman empire to be utter nonsense. Christian were violent fanatics who murdered anyone who deviated from their doctrines, and the idea that you probably hold on to, that Christianity was brutally oppressed and then, through sheer virtue and pacifism, the pagans were totally awestruck and inspired to convert, has been demonstrated to be an utter fantasy. Your version of Christianity is very clearly an American version, after the Enlightenment, with values such as freedom of speech and secularism mixed into it. The early Christians show none of these considerations, and every historical record we have ofvthem shows them to be violent and radical fanatics, completely uninterested in compromise of any kind, including compromises on values we now consider essential, such as freedom of speech

>> No.20420515

>did fucked up things to get into power
Well, frankly I don't believe you, but I am reading Roman writers now so if you have a book rec that talks about Christian violence before 300 AD I'll give it a look.

>> No.20420524

no we dont, We know their "gods" existed and deformed the truth to make man worship retarded demons.

>> No.20420538

And in the 21st century the average Jews are far better off than Christians on average.

>> No.20420544

weird how the one all power God who's power and wisdom dwarfs the combined ability of all those demons let them go free and acted like one of them for thousands of years.

>> No.20420567
File: 62 KB, 907x1360, 514aZB9P2qL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this. That is wrong 18 century elocutionist narrative.

>> No.20420568

Yeah, but that's not the norm in history. You could make the case for this century and a substantial part of the 20th century. If you really wanted to push the case you could try to go back to the French Revolution, but that still leaves about a millennia and a half of Christian dominance.

>> No.20420617

If you have no concept of humility you have no virtue

>> No.20420628

Slavery still exists everywhere, it's just that somehow people think it's better to enslave innocents to pay to keep criminals clothed and fed than to enslave actual criminals to pay for their crimes

>> No.20420698

>humility is when you kiss a Desert Child Sacrifice connoisseurs ass

>> No.20420706

Alright buddy good luck fighting someone who got a power up from Neptune

>> No.20420721

Child sacrifice is more the pagan alley

>> No.20420754

Yhwh does enjoy infant bashing

>> No.20420771

There is a lack of it in this society, too many faggots like you running around

>> No.20420785

>Christianity is not peaceful
>yes it is shut up or I kill you
Also lmao imagine not knowing the history of Sacrifice in YHWHism

>> No.20421255

Indeed, you can't. More offensive is the willingness your kind shows to dismiss anything on the basis that it was writen a long time ago. That the idea of a universe ruled by deities is represented in OP as some sort of quirky nonsense shows the damage scientism has done to modern thinking.
Now I understand why modern literature is trash: No one has the slightest poetic sense anymore.

>> No.20421269

>to dismiss anything on the basis that it was writen a long time ago
This is always said about any criticism that doesn't adhere to Christian expectation by YHWHlovers as a generalization while omitting the details that would make it compelling, which are always omitted because they don't exist.

>> No.20421804

krst pri savici*

>> No.20421813


>> No.20422425

And before that five millenia of pagan supremacy, lol.

>> No.20422429

Christians, because they are christians, think every other religion is quirky nonsense. Otherwise, they wouldn't be christians.

>> No.20422566

I see
It should therefore
Be easy
Be very easy
Be very very easy
Be very very very easy
To find
One example
Of a Christian saying that
It should be so simple
So easy
A simple walk in the park
Easy as pie
One example?
There are approximately
2.382 billion
In this world
2.382 billion Christians
In the current year
And there have been Christians on this planet
For so long
Two thousand years
And I am asking
For one example
One example
Should be easy
Should be very easy
2.382 billion
And you only need one?
Not "one billion"
Or "one million"
Or "one thousand"
Or "one hundred"
That should be
Very easy
To find
Who would ever not want to fulfill an easy task
Should be easy
One example
Let's see it
A Christian saying
What you say
All Christians say
All Christians say?
There's 2.382 billion
So one example
One example?
One example
Should be very easy to find
A simple thing
An easy thing
A quick thing
Prove them wrong
Prove me wrong
Prove you're right
Prove OP right
This thread could move along
Can you find us
One example
Not a couple
Not a few
One example
Out of 2.382 billion
Should be a pretty easy task
So let's see it
See the Christians saying what every Christian says
Believing what every Christian believes
Let's see it
Hook us up
Let's see it
I want to see it
You got an example yet?
Why are you still
Reading this post?
In the time you spent reading this post
You could have found an example

>> No.20422594

>I think absence of proof is proof of absence...unless we are talking about the christian god.

>> No.20422611

>I yell at furniture when I stub my toe
No you don't.

>> No.20422650

If christians don't think it's made up silly nonsense, then why are they christians?

>> No.20423007

>yeah those beliefs were just stupid and dumb, only believed by dumb people who didn’t know Christianity was true.
This is the attitude of all christians. It's why they are insufferable.

>> No.20423057

Are you an idiot, or willingly dishonest?
That christian don't belive in greek mythology in a literal sense, either assuming the gods as fabrications of men or even disguised demons doens't mean that there is no values nor truths to be found in ancient myths. This should be clear considering the key role that christianity had preserving roman and greek literature even outside the fields that were later assimilated into the church like philosophy, yet, with your kind is always the same: Either absolute acceptance or absolute rejection, with no space to take the good things from those religions of the past and reject the wicked elements (as it was done by christianity during most of its existence).
That popes boasted about baptizing "Pan" and many other pagan deities should tell you enough about the christian attitude to this topic. Alas, that you ignore this is not surprising: You are not attacking christianity, but the feeble fiction in your head.

>> No.20423093

This is a rather weak argument against his position, as autistic and bothersome his way of writing is. Spoiler: You can actually find examples of people calling to fully reject pagan heritage in historical christianity, and that there have been no single example brought up during this thread either shows that this was just a bait, or worse, that you are simply incompetent. Or maybe is because such position was a rejected fringer and historical christianity embraced many positive elements of paganism while rejecting those considered negative, overall not displaying the dismissive and proud attitude your fiction shows.

>> No.20423148

>That christian don't belive in greek mythology in a literal sense
Yes, christians think that its all made up silly nonsense.

>> No.20423159

Just explained why that is not the case, but if you keep insisting, so be it. Best proof so far that this whole thread you have been beating an invention of your mind at best represented in fringe american communities, and not historical christianity.

>> No.20423222

When an atheist thinks there is a truth or a value in a religion, does he no longer think it is silly made up nonsense? It's the same dynamic between christians and other religions, no matter how you want to depict it. Just admit that Ricky Gervais, of all people, checkmated you.

>> No.20423265

>When an atheist thinks there is a truth or a value in a religion, does he no longer think it is silly made up nonsense?
Of course! Dude your point is absurd. The moment you recognize the value and truths in other faiths considering them also silly nonsense is extremely inconsistent and even hypocritical. Do I believe hinduism is false? Yes, and even demonic sometimes. Do I believe, therefore, that hinduism is silly and there is no moral, philosophical, or even cultural value in it? Of course not! It has several complex metaphysical systems that, while false, need to be approached with respect if you hope to debate them seriously. That some elements in paganism are made up or nonsensical doens't mean that the entire project is worthless and unworthy of condierations.

>> No.20423306

No it's just silly made up nonsense that happened to be correct by pure coincidence. When a broken clock is correct twice a day - it's still a broken clock.

>> No.20423319

>By pure coincidence.
No, this is blatanly false specially if you are dealing with christianity, that happily recieved the insight of greek philosophers despite the clear polytheism (or incorrect monotheism) of some of them. We believe that some measure of truth can be reached throught the intellect, and moral lessons can be found everywhere, even if the supreme truth can only be recieved throught revelation.
At this point you are just creating a new version of christianity to attack. The irony!

>> No.20423323

>I'm a christian who approaches other religions with care and nuance, therefore all christians totally don't dismiss other religions as purely silly made-up nonsense, despite the fact that anything other than blind bigotry is already a rarity among the human race.

>> No.20423327

You believe. Others think it is silly made up nonsense. In fact, I was talking to a christian who said that Plato thought the a woman's womb moved around her body, therefore Plato was a silly dumb man from the stone age with nothing of value to say.

>> No.20423333

Yes, They were so happy to steal the ideas of Greeks like Aristotle and misuse them in ways he would never have approved of, all the while calling him a stinky pagan, basically.

>> No.20423355

>steal the ideas
No such thing in philosophy, and there was no point in history in which christianity tried to deny the authorship of Aristotle. Please, don't be dramatic.
>misuse them in ways he would never have approved of
No such thing in philosophy, and if christianity considered Aristotle's positions flawed, reframing them within the christian worldview was the only consistent thing one could do.
>all the while calling him a stinky pagan, basically.
Something that, historically, was fringe at best. The hostility and pride you imply here is absent in both western and eastern christianity for the most part, and the promotion of roman culture and the preservation of roman and greek literature should tell you enough about how medieval priests saw those "stinky pagans"
And I can find plenty of examples of christians that do not dismiss greek philosophy in such a way. For the love of Christ! Our own theology is expressed throught philosophical schools originated in Greece! The universal rejection is simply false, and acceptance hardly something unique of my person.

>> No.20423377

>the preservation of roman and greek literature should tell you enough about how medieval priests saw those "stinky pagans"
It says a lot when medieval transcripts of Greek Philosophers were always accompanied by a commentary from an Arabic Scholar, because they were the ones doing any actual preservation, while medieval christians were more concerned with preserving jesus' foreskin and other weird silly nonsense.

>> No.20423384

Why is that everytime someone brings that example, the presence of a christian superpower past the Balkans is ignored? No such loss (a loss that was the result of a overwhelming collapse that saw most regions in Europe become isolated and even depopulated in some instances) can be seen there, and the influence of classical thought could not be clearer in eastern theology. That without mentioning how readily western christianity welcomed the recovery of much of the material by the 12th and 13th centuries.

>> No.20423395

>That without mentioning how readily western christianity welcomed the recovery of much of the material by the 12th and 13th centuries.
Because before then, anything that wasn't the bible was silly made up nonsense. And even still after that, as shown by the colonial period.

>> No.20423403

>Ctrl-f "prime mover"
>replace with "Jesus"
That's totally not plagiarism. Of course

>> No.20423406

>Sola Scripture bro! Don't you know that medievals believed a maxim originated during the Renaissance?

At this point this is just silly. Complete ignorance and disconnection from reality.

>> No.20423414

>Who is Saint Ephraim? Who is Saint Maximus? What is the literal millenia of theological material dealing with greek philosophy and building upon the basis of the classics an entirely new worldview?


>> No.20423420

>Complete ignorance and disconnection from reality.
You must be confused. I'm not a christcuck.

>> No.20423424

It is skipped over in every philosophy course for being silly christian circlejerking nonsense, lol.

>> No.20423435

0 arguments to be found. Come on Anon, stop being silly.

>> No.20423441

Before Sola Scripture was created, it was already being taken for granted by medieval christians. Considering everything outside of the bible as made up silly nonsense was literally common sense.

>> No.20423452

Are you denying that every philosophy course skips from Aristotle/Stoicism to Descartes because everything in between is a christian circlejerk?

>> No.20423454

This has to be bait. No way someone can enter a catholic church, walk pass the saints, hear the hymns, observe mass, remember tragic episodes like indulgences, and then affirm that there was anyone in the middle ages arguing for Sola Scriptura.

>> No.20423461

I care not for what philosophy courses teach, and those words are completely besides the point. We are not judging if christian philosophy has value or not, but rather that there is more to it than "plagiarizing" (a term that has no meaning in philosophy) greek thought. The presence of people like Saint Maximis, and many others east and west, clearly shows you false. End of the discussion.

>> No.20423464

I accept your concession

>> No.20423468

There is a reason why Romans were oppressing christians in the first place. christians have no respect for anything outside of the bible.

>> No.20423480

>Diseases never existed in the Dark Ages, The term only started existing in the 18th century.

>> No.20423500

Show me proof then, and please, do explain the existence of medieval texts including among God's creation pagan folkloric monsters and greek daemons, to not mention the enterity of latin rite, given how little of it is actually present in the Bible (to wich most people didn't had access to, by the way)

>> No.20423527

You need proof that diseases existed before the 18th century? I knew christkeks are retarded, but this is a new low...

>> No.20423607

>Show me proof
Things christcucks should've said before converting to a desert jew cult.

>> No.20423638


>> No.20423653

Christcucks usually get brainwashed into it, which is a very slow process of trying to permanently change your mind through group pressure.

So if he asked for this, they would've just kept on insisting they were right, until he gave up. That's how cults do it

>> No.20423660

meant for >>20423607

>> No.20423717

>Another thread fellating LE BASED GAYREEKS!!!
It's so tiresome.

>> No.20423731

>man has free will and chooses to be retards by worshipping each other

>> No.20423761

>Omnipotent god fails to create a world with free will and no evil

>> No.20423766

He didn't do anything of the sort, you just refuse to be held accountable in your hubris.

>> No.20423810

>He didn't make a world with free will and without evil
>He's omnibenevolent, btw

>> No.20423853

>Omnipotent god can't do anything
>This is our fault somehow.

>> No.20423954

>War is God
You aint nothin.

>> No.20424025

So I'm more powerful than God, then? Does that make the concept of free will our actual god? Because God was firmly beaten by this mighest of foes

>> No.20424823


>> No.20425345

The world quite simply isn’t black and white.
There’s clearly tons and tons of middle ground between “this is fully and completely 100% true with no caveats or exceptions” and “this is entirely silly made up rubbish with zero basis in truth and needs to be thrown out”
Think about non-religious concepts for a second. Is the plum pudding model of the atom silly made-up nonsense? Of course not. It was a reasonable proposal based in the given amount of information regarding the atom that we had. It fell out of favor with time, and is now relegated to teaching scientific history. It is not considered true.
So, do Christians believe pagan religions are fully and completely 100% true with no caveats or exceptions? No, they don’t.
Do Christians believe pagan religions are entirely silly made up rubbish with zero basis in truth and need to be thrown out? Also no. If they did, history would have developed differently from how it played out. And when anon asks for “one one one one one example,” it would be given.
I don’t understand how this is such a difficult concept to grasp, it seems pretty straightforward to me

>> No.20425815

Doesn't Isaiah in the Bible do this?

>> No.20425824

meant for

>> No.20427358

>Why would I fear god if he is omnibenevolent?
Because sins exist, HaShem being benevolent doesn't mean you don't get punished or affected by sin, therefore you should fear Him

The lowest level of fear, which it's hard for people to attain but they must get it, is the fear of punishment. A very common sin is lack of trust in HaShem, which gives the people what they feared

The highest level of fear is fear of His majesty, that is, reverence, fear of losing your connection with HaShem, like a wife fears saying somethign hurtful to her husband, not because she fears a beating, but she fears he will get distant from her. To get to this level you have to start with the lowest level, there is no way to reach this without stopping conscious sins (wasting seed, gambling, stealing, using drugs, etc.).

At the highest level of fear begins the love for HaShem.

>> No.20427996

Punishment doesn't sound omnibenevolent to me.

>> No.20428019

How do you arrive from
>It is quite quaint how the Greek people envisioned their world as governed by multiple divine beings sitting upon the skies of Olympus.
>pagan religions are entirely silly made up rubbish with zero basis in truth and need to be thrown out
You are clearly misrepresenting OP in order to make him easier to deboonk.

>> No.20428045

You miss the point on why you exist in the first place then

>> No.20428059

I'm not giving your cult ad revenue and ruining my recommendations. Copy and paste the relevant information into this thread.

>> No.20428186

I was thinking lately about how absurd it is to discount pre-Christian religions. These were the traditions of humanity for millennia, are we to assume they have no value? Everyone was just an ignorant savage, couldn't figure out a good and useful religion?
The more I learn about religion the more insane history is. Monotheism isn't a simplification, it's a regression, or if I was being cynical a censoring. Polytheism has everything monotheism has and more. Not to mention the NT explicitly equates God with Logos, which is a philosophical fucking concept arising out of polytheistic Greece that coexisted with the gods and everything else. The Torah and the NT and the entire Abrahamic framework just piggybacks off the Greeks, and are bastardizations of those concepts. And I see Greeks as the tip of the iceberg of a universe of ancient knowledge that is mostly lost to history.
I wish the world was still polytheistic. It's a sadder and greyer place on account of this degrading monotheism, which if we're being honest is more like a social engineering framework than a religious tradition.

>> No.20428836

>You exist to worship yahweh for all eternity
ngl, god sounds a little narcissistic.

>> No.20428859

I’m responding to the whole thread. Numerous times, atheists asserted that that’s what Christians believe about paganism. Multiple people responded saying “that’s not what we believe” and the atheists just went “no, you do believe that.” It was very stupid. If you truly only read OP and my post, and missed the whole rest of the thread, you’re very lucky.

>> No.20428874

So do you think that Zeus and Jupiter are real gods that hang around in the clouds and throw lightning?

>> No.20428884

nobody "becomes" a woman
people are born male or female
dumb fag

>> No.20428993

I think the word you're looking for is 'cultish'. These people are all part of the ancient version of Scientology, and are trying to groom you into it through fear and guilt

>> No.20429002

Dude, your very first commandment literally recommends killing people for worshipping any god besides Yahweh. Read your own fucking book, moron

>> No.20429049

>leftypol org

Religion is the opium of the masses.

>> No.20430658

Yea that's what the Hebrews taught the Philistines in their sanctioned genocide and God taught the demonic Giants in the Deluge

>> No.20430668

The Slavs literally had a highest god who was super easy to equate to the Christian one, which is why they all converted very fast (except Russian ruralcels)

>> No.20431432

>noooooooooooo dont my heckin consoooooooooooooooooooming reccs

>> No.20432001

>CONSOOMING BAD...unless it's my cult's content

>> No.20433911

christcope exemplified

>> No.20434625

It's overinterpretation. When you don't make the Bible says what it does not, YHWH is pretty "anthropic": he's angry, he's happy, he's pleased, he's displeased, he hates, he loves, he thinks, he works, he rests and so on.
And even though he's supposed not to have an definite image (more as he changes it on whim rather than being abstract) the Bible attributes him with hands, feets, tongues.
We're far from the neoplatonic One which is confused for that biblic God.