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20404821 No.20404821 [Reply] [Original]

Someone try and refute this because this insight ruined my life.
I’m fully convinced boredom is the fundamental essence of human life. Think of all the reasons why we do anything: we can’t stand not doing anything or else we get restless. Good enough proof existence lacks any positive value and that everything stems from dissatisfaction

>> No.20404834

Wow, what a bullshit take. Just get a hobby.

>> No.20404837

Alexander, Space Time and Deity, the reflection on Contemplation vs. Enjoyment
You’re welcome

>> No.20404845

>I can't be completely passive and be happy
>this means life is not worth living
Schopenhauerfags are the biggest sad sack losers jesus

>> No.20404846

>“Life swings like a pendulum between pain and boredom”
yeah if you're fucking 14 and a loser

>> No.20404855

Why do people who make general statements about life like this assume that other people share the same experience? I rarely feel bored.

>> No.20404860

>reads philosopher's uncontextualized quote
>proceeds to cope

>> No.20404862

It's an allegory, not to be taken as literal truth.
Read Kant.

>> No.20404869

Chad's life isn't painful or boring. This statement is only true if you're a loser incel.

>> No.20404875


>> No.20404889

We can chat on discord if you're bored

What are your hobbies?

>> No.20405133

I can imagine that this was more likely to be the case in his time. It's also much more true when I'm depressed, when I don't get enjoyment out of things that I normally would. Most of the time I can regulate the boredom pretty well.

>> No.20405250

He's not wrong, but in the center is joy. He left that part out.

>> No.20405256

I have the solution, stop reading this incel and read Nietzsche instead

>> No.20406465
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I've read it in context multiple times. Its about 300-400 pages in either direction roughly expressing the same sentiment.

The best you'll get is >>20404834
or something like it. Therefore, no refutation. That's the whole issue. Pessimists come with facts and fight off greeting card aphorisms.

>> No.20406472

>stop reading that incel and read this incel

>> No.20406475

Until you learn everything about that hobby, then you get a new one, then a new one, etc

Eventually you'll run out of things to do

>> No.20406477

He wasn't loved and didn't love anyone. Take that as you will.

>> No.20406478

My life used to be regularly enjoyable, though I'm in a rut at the moment, due to no one's fault but my own
I really don't care what some bitter rich kid has to say, by the way. Schopen is the same thing as Marx

>> No.20406484

The hobby argument is hilarious because its written by those who aspire to have a hobby. I was born before the internet so I have about a thousand hobbies that don't involve a computer. Hell, my profession is a hobby to most people.

It doesn't really do much. Just good old Zapffian distraction, is all.

>> No.20406492

>Schopen is the same thing as Marx
Why do you all keep equating truth value with status?

>> No.20406506

expecting someone who's never experienced the real world to have anything worthwhile to say about it is like acting a childless person for advice on raising a child

>> No.20406514

*like asking a childless person

>> No.20406523

So if a person locked in a room knows a plant is poisonous, and a person who spends their time outside tells you its not, you'll eat it?

Again you're mixing up truth and status.

>> No.20406524
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Yeah. Eventually I guess you get to periods of waiting and in-betweenness, where nothing seems to feel enjoyable

>> No.20406529

stop posting, you cringy faggot

>> No.20407098
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>> No.20407125

Don’t read Schopenhauer, he’s a waste of time.

>> No.20407228

Personally I have grown to enjoy the pain parts to an extent

>> No.20407246

I kinda do the same too. Not really enjoy it but pain is a sort of comfort for me now which sounds contradictory but that's the best way to describe it

>> No.20407256

On another hand it also swings between fun and peace

>> No.20407258


>> No.20407312

I use to understand schopenhaur, but then I grew up.

>> No.20407322

Maybe people who need to constantly be entertained by some fundamental purpose instead of finding small beauty in each day and each small thing deserve to run out of shit to do? I mean do we always have to be preoccupied with SOMETHING? Or is there some way to find joy in simply existing?

>> No.20407329
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>Life swings like a pendulum between pain and boredom
Huysmans quotes it in À vau-l’eau, a civil servant wandering Paris in search of one good meal.

>> No.20407333

Go to Church.

>> No.20407339

And yet youve probably done little to nothing, yet are making this criticism. There are so many things to do, so many activities to master, that a human ten lifetimes over wouldn't scratch the surface.

>> No.20407352


>> No.20407423

>If I'm not entertained at all time, then life is not worth living
>Also it's impossible to feel that the happiness of your life outweighs the pain
Is this the essence of the argument, OP?

>> No.20407490

This solid argumentation has refuted Schopenhauer for all time.

>> No.20407499

Not wholly, no.

Even the "good" are defined by absence of suffering. So the best you can do is not suffering. By Schopenhauer's definition, "fun" would be the extreme absence of suffering.

>> No.20407580

>Being on a rollercoaster is the absence of the suffering of not being on a rollercoaster
Even outside this appeal to absurdity, i don't relate at all to that interpretation

>> No.20407591

>So the best you can do is not suffering
Disagree. Spending time with my family is a lot more fulfilling and makes me appreciate life more than a day inside playing video games, even if I'm not suffering in either scenario.

>> No.20408070

im not bored nor in pain

>> No.20408093

Anon likes spending time with family therefore suffering doesn't matter!

>> No.20408102

Not pain, suffering. You will experience even low-level periods of distress day-to-day, but ultimately you'll encounter tremendous suffering.

Your opinion on the matter won't serve to justify it.

>> No.20408107

More like it provides extreme sensory occupation to serve as distraction from the suffering/boredom pendulum. Why create the need for distraction?

>> No.20408109

"In living close to nature, one discovers that happiness does not consist in maximizing pleasure. It consists in tranquility. Once you have enjoyed tranquility long enough, you acquire actually an aversion to the thought of any very strong pleasure—excessive pleasure would disrupt your tranquility... Finally, one learns that boredom is a disease of civilization. It seems to me that what boredom mostly is is that people have to keep themselves entertained or occupied, because if they aren’t, then certain anxieties, frustrations, discontents, and so forth, start coming to the surface, and it makes them uncomfortable. Boredom is almost nonexistent once you’ve become adapted to life in the woods. If you don’t have any work that needs to be done, you can sit for hours at a time just doing nothing, just listening to the birds or the wind or the silence, watching the shadows move as the sun travels, or simply looking at familiar objects. And you don’t get bored. You’re just at peace."
-- Ted Kaczynski

>> No.20408118

>breaks leg

>> No.20408129

>therefore suffering doesn't matter
Never said that. Just that it's easily enough to say existence is worthwhile
Feel free to philosophize yourself into an endless depression though

>> No.20408192

The point is your anecdotal experience doesn't exactly quell the larger issue.

>> No.20408198

>do we always have to be preoccupied
Basically, yeah. You have to keep in mind, humans work like systems do. We carry out tasks and mark goals periodically, running on feedback loops and adjusting til we bridge the gap to whatever we're currently aiming toward. There's not really a way to just give all that up and exist "being happy". I mean, maybe if you were a monk or some shit meditating in a monastery for 16 hours a day. Those guys are completely detached from what we consider 'emotions' or modern societal goals
I wasn't trying to imply that I'm superior in any way. Meant that there's periods of waiting and boredom in-between. If you aren't actively suffering or trying to avoid some bout of pain/negativity, then you're probably bored waiting for something to take off. That's where I'm sort of hanging.

>> No.20408459

>if I deny reality I will be happy
Good luck tard

>> No.20408467

what’s with all the midwits lately? reddit down or something?

>> No.20409218

read zappfe's Last Messiah to understand the fundamentals of the human condition, it's very short.
or just read zappfe's wikipedia article

>> No.20409608

It’s true. You’ll gain nothing from reading Copenhauer aside from bitterness and moralizing

>> No.20409691

>Someone try and refute this.
Life don't swings like a pendulum between pain and boredom.

>> No.20411165

You speak like an incel though, ironically enough

>> No.20411355

Schopenhauer is the ultimate midwit, the quote in op is pure solipsism

>> No.20411370

There are so many niche hobbies that it is literally impossible to "run out" within a span of 80 years. Plus, why not just improve your craft? If you are into art or music then there is literally no end to paintings or songs you can make.

>> No.20412375

I trained my boner to get stronger
Fun is real

>> No.20412378

It was too big to be called a sword. It was more like a raw heap of iron.

>> No.20412396

Whoa bros where do I start with Friedrich NietsczßSHAhe

>> No.20412398

Shaddup, Fredi Nigscha

>> No.20412433

>come with facts
>bro we have to do things or we get bored and this is bad because... it just is ok?
Pessimists have nonsense expectations of meaning that they outright refuse to qualify because they know they're unreasonable. It's like coming in and posting
>the only reason people have relationships is because they'd be lonely otherwise
...Yeah? Technically true? But this is supposed to make me feel sad, and when it doesn't and I ask why it should pessimists just spam "cope" over and over. No one is interested in sitting here and teasing out your depression and then arguing against it. Just be an abrahamic if you crave received meaning that badly

>> No.20412456

Any and all expectations of meaning are disappointing. We still crave significance for the incredible amount of suffering we can experience.

We're all going to die and disappear and you're just okay with that? I suppose I'm weak to find this insight crushing?

>> No.20412486

>we're all going to die and disappear and you're just okay with that?
Yes. Is that so hard to believe? Desire for permanency is a delusion, and not an inescapable one.

>> No.20412753

Pessimists seem to be the only ones giving "meaning" its proper place. Its not unreasonable to find meaning in the consideration of the negative states to which living things are subjected.

Its the opponents that like to fill that slot with what they consider meaning. It all seems trite and easily washed away. At its very best its personal anecdotes that by definition are without greater relevance.

>> No.20412761

If he's such an aryan why can't he get pussy?

>> No.20412766

>convince me X is wrong because X is making me sad

When OP says this shit I instantly know he's a mediocre retard. The truth might DESTROY you, if you're not willing to take it, don't go for it in the first place.

>> No.20412833

I feel for you OP. When you enter into a philosopher's headspace, you start thinking like they do. If you read Plato long enough, you'll start thinking like him; when you read Nietzsche, you'll see slave-morality everywhere. Read Meditations, and you'll quickly become a Stoic.

Philosophy shows you a multitude of different ways to view the world and to view life itself. There are so many perspectives its enough to drive you insane; but this is also philosophy's greatest strength. Therefore I encourage you to continue reading different philosophers with different viewpoints, because this ultimately is what helps you develop a greater picture of The Total Truth.

Eventually as you read, you'll hit upon a point that fills you with existential dread, but that doesn't mean it's true; it just means you're considering the depths of its implications.

I don't know if any of that makes sense but if Schopenhaur's viewpoint is ruining your life, read a philosopher who has the opposite viewpoint, in order to better gain understanding.

Philosophy is a sickness that, when contracted, can only be solved by reading more philosophy.

>> No.20412944

Shouldn't life, boredom and suffering "exist" in the first place?

>> No.20412975

Please post iq

>> No.20413596

the pendulum of life swings between pain and happiness and boredom is in the middle

>> No.20413601

No midwit, there is no happiness it’s a goal you aim for and when you get there you realise there is nothing (boredom)

>> No.20413626

You should stop filling year head with garbage and read Torah instead

If you were able convert all the oceans into ink, all the trees into pens, all the land into paper, you wouldn't be able to write even 1% of what is in the Torah.

Toil in Torah, you will never run out of it.

>> No.20414142
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Comprehension of the intensive force of the pendulum in the middle constitutes freedom.

In the same way that beautiful music conjures the sense of serene silence, important work invites active leisure —this is the precession of equilibrium.

The operation of this precession consists in following the flow, and resetting with rest; spacing out, and timing in; settling down, and subtling up; flowing fast, and burning slow.

The more active leisure that there is, the better the quality of important productivity/work; the more productivity/work, the broader the band of revolution, the rarer the reward of leisure, and the higher the probability of burning out.

>> No.20414157

To backup your statement. Nobody here who hasn't gone to prison knows what true boredom feels like. Thats the stuff that beyond prison being shit as it is makes you want to kill yourself.

>> No.20414171

>I am a fucking loser therefore I am smarter than you
Cope more retard

>> No.20414183

Schopenhauer says force (will), like gravity, is being and that we are not free, but becomings of this primary Will the telos of which we do not know, but experience directly in our day-to-day lives. Why do we get out of bed? Why does the bee hover above the flower? Not because of free will for Schopenhauer, but because we are forced by will. Funnily enough, he also said that art is a way to escape the Will. When we apprehend beautiful music, for a time, we are no longer trapped in the prison of subjectivity. And those who make naive art truly saw the world objectively.

>> No.20414185

>there is no happiness it’s a goal you aim for
No, it's not. I aim for things I find desirable in and of themselves and happiness is the necessary result, although not the desired result itself. Happiness is only the goal of Englishmen, socialists, women, and other democrats.

>> No.20414192

>t retard
Maybe try reading Schopenhauer moron

>> No.20414194

Maybe try presenting an argument

>> No.20414197

would be the key word here for Schope

>> No.20414228

And the keyword here is that anyone who really desires happiness has already killed their own soul. "Desiring happiness" is effectively desiring desire's desire, an infinite regress which can't be satisfied. Ergo no one who is happy desires happiness, hence why it's commonly said by the Greeks that the gods desire nothing but glory and splendor and lack nothing, living in eternal happiness.

>> No.20414231

IQ tests are for numales

>> No.20414239

"The worst thing for the Greeks would be to die at all, the second to die soon"

>> No.20414243


>> No.20414250 [DELETED] 


Humans have their own free volition, but are necessarily metasisted by the voice, and the images, of Sofia, since one of the conditions of human biophysical genesis. per the parameters of compatibility between the soul, and the biophysical body, is virtually total amnesia.

>> No.20414267

>Until you learn everything about that hobby
Which will never happen unless your Dunning Kruger makes you believe that. Have you ever tried to seriously master something? It takes years to become competent in any given area and then there still will be something new to learn there.

>> No.20414328

>Schopenhauer says force (will), like gravity, is being and that we are not free, but becomings of this primary Will the telos of which we do not know, but experience directly in our day-to-day lives.

Humans have their own free volition, but, at least in the beginning, are necessarily metasisted by the voice, and alimented with the images, of Sofia —whom the noble ones strive to resistitute—, since one of the conditions of human biophysical genesis. per the parameters of initial compatibility between the soul, and the biophysical body, is virtually total amnesia; following this, one may elect to be further conditioed by, either: the forces of good, or the forces of evil.

>Funnily enough, he also said that art is a way to escape the Will.

Art is created with volition.

>When we apprehend beautiful music, for a time, we are no longer trapped in the prison of subjectivity. And those who make naive art truly saw the world objectively.

It is only a prison inasmuch as one is otherwise not in universal syncord with the beauty

>> No.20414409

Our subjective will is unconditioned and out of space/time, and thus, free; whilst our acts are conditioned by physical laws.. No it doesn't make sense; freedom doesn't.

I hope you enjoy writing these, because nothing of what you write has the slightest bit of substantiality. I would recommend writing a book, maybe a schizo blog or what have you.

>> No.20414531
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>Schopenhauer says force (will), like gravity, is being and that we are not free [...]

The converse is actually true: one is freed, and reaffirmed, through virtue, by gradually converting the energy that is motilized by volition, thus, through revolutionary refinement & reinforcement, one revolverts one's own nascent forces, personalizing them.

Freedom is akin to a vortex.

>[...] the telos of which we do not know, but experience directly in our day-to-day lives.

The telos, just like the logos, is knowable, and known.

>> No.20415688

why do mentions of pessimism on this board suddenly make a high school jock out of everyone?

>> No.20415704

thinking higher class people can't truly know drudgery is soulless materialism. cobain's suicide is as valid as that of a chinese sweatshop worker

>> No.20415730

You don't understand. It's just a MINDSET

>> No.20415743

>t. guy who has never been good at anything
if you actually try to create something or master some kind of skill you will realize that you won't live long enough to it all, underage faggot

>> No.20415760
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>rapes you

>> No.20415792

I've never experienced a hobby that wasn't primarily characterized by suffering.

Learning guitar, drawing, reading difficult literature, sculpture, etc.
All have primarily been skills that were bought with long hours of tedious suffering. That's why they're worth something. If it didn't take suffering then there would be no reason to do any of it.

>> No.20415805
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>Someone try and refute this because this insight ruined my life.

The actual nature of mind—the way it has always been, in and of itself—is this innate pure awareness that is unfabricated and unrestricted.

When this is explained in negative terms:

It is not something to be apprehended;
Nor is it a non-existent void;
It is not some combination of these two,
Nor is it a third option that is neither.
This is the view of the absence of any identifiable existence, the fact that it cannot be conceptualised in any way by thinking, “It is like this.”

When explained in more positive, experiential terms, it is said to be glaringly empty, lucidly clear, vividly pure, perfectly even, expansively open, and so on.

To illustrate this using examples: without limit or centre, it is like space; in its unlimited clarity, it is like sunlight flooding the sky; without clear inside and outside, it is like a crystal ball; in its freedom from clinging and attachment, it is like the traces of a bird in flight; and neither arising nor ceasing, it is like the sky.

To dispel any doubts or misunderstandings that might arise from this instruction, it is described as the great clarity that is beyond partiality, the great emptiness of freedom from conceptual reference, the great union that cannot be separated, and so on.

In terms of its meaning, as it cannot be pointed out by words, it is inexpressible; as it cannot be known with ordinary modes of consciousness, it is inconceivable; and as it is does not fall into any extreme, it is the great freedom from elaboration. In the end, it is beyond all expressions, such as: it is all and everything, it is not all, everything lies within it, or does not, and so on. It remains an individual experience of self-knowing awareness.

The names used to illustrate it are 'primordial purity' and 'spontaneous presence', and, when summarizing: 'the single, all-encompassing sphere of naturally arising wisdom'.

As it is the pinnacle of all in terms of the qualities it possesses, it is also the transcendent perfection of wisdom and so on.

Symbolically, it can be revealed by means of the sun, or a magnifying glass, a crystal ball, or a finger pointing into space, and so forth.

When you have a precious jewel in your own hand,
Even if others should discard them, why be angry?

>> No.20415841

Most of the people telling you to "get a hobby" obviously aspire to have a workable distraction themselves. I wonder what they're distracting themselves from?

And then there's the walls of nebulous spiritual text. If it helps, more power to you. If it comes across as a little convoluted and contrived, well...