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20383851 No.20383851 [Reply] [Original]

Books for escaping the hamster wheel of pleasure-seeking? Anything from pop science to philosophy to religious texts.

>> No.20383858

Surprised by Joy
The Seven Storey Mountain
The Divine Comedy

>> No.20384176
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I wonder if picrel is any good.

Thanks anon

>> No.20384620
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>> No.20385739



>> No.20385831

the cloud of unknowning

>> No.20387101

The Bible.

>> No.20387216

The imitation of christ

>> No.20387224

Buddhism distinctly addresses this.

>> No.20387521

The world as will and representation

>> No.20387592

Spinoza's ethics

>> No.20388543

Renunciation of pleasure is always done for the pleasure of renunciation.

>> No.20389201

Read da zdoics

>> No.20389234

The only good posts itt

>> No.20389290
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Why do you need a book? Just fucking do it. I'm sick of all you retards looking for validation.

p.s. picrel and learn about the Cynics.

>> No.20389467

God loved sensual pleasure. He was constantly demanding people sacrifice for him because he loved the sweet smell of burning flesh. And how did he present their future homeland to the Israelites... as the land of milk and honey! The Israelites were willing to slaughter every foreigner they encountered, every man woman and child to achieve their goal of living in a bountiful land where they could eat good and fuck their wives in peace.

>> No.20389477

this. asceticism is not all that far from hedonism.

>> No.20389488

This. Every other thread is this cope "what book do I need to do___" it's literally just you running away from what it is you known you need to do under the guise of effort. There's no book in the world that's going to physically stop you from jerking off too much. Stop playing games

>> No.20389491


>> No.20389689

Thats the most retarded take ever. That book basically a promise of endless joy and pleasure in afterlife by listening to dragon god of israel, the part two is basically the dragon god is tamed by a neet jew who hanged in a cross as a payment for exchanging place with the named dragon god. Ffs

>> No.20389749

The book of those with half a talent

Epicurus is exactly what OP is asking for

>> No.20389956

>Renunciation of pleasure is always done for the pleasure of renunciation.

Tain't so, Magee.

>> No.20391028

What OP is referring to is asserted by all high forms of spirituality. I would suggest reading about any truly esoteric/initiatic doctrine. Evola talks about this a lot, and says it is a trait of an "aristocrat of the soul".

Sub-100 IQ take without a doubt. Asceticism is for the renunciation of sense pleasures to reach a higher form of enlightenment (i.e., above/beyond the senses).

>> No.20391040

>doesnt know the difference between sense pleasures vs spiritual enlightenment
Shudra confirmed.

>> No.20391052

It's impossible. Everything is done in view of some pleasure. Even if you cut your arm off or did some other irrational action with no "benefit" at all you would be doing it for the pleasure of not feeling live you're a slave to pleasure and pain.