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20362317 No.20362317 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to be introduced more to the Traditionalism. I already have knowledge on perennialism, I’ve read a quarter of The Hermetic Tradition by Evola. I have also read some of Evola’s notes on Codreanu, the fall of spiritually, notes on the third reich and fascism viewed from the righr (since I’m political). How can I attain a more spiritual mindset? I have been introduced to some Platonism which restored my belief in spiritual forces, however I seek to detach from the scientific and materialist mindset. I would like attain higher spiritually and a ‘mastery’ of the character. Where is a good starting point to Spirituality of the Traditional perceptions and lifestyles of man? Recommendations, discussions, authors, always welcome

>> No.20362379


>> No.20362391

What makes his work compelling?

>> No.20362392

Read someone like Marx or Gramsci instead

>> No.20362396

Plato with the rigor of Aristotle. Explains the concept of the monad perfectly.

>> No.20362400

I forgot to add because we aren’t going back to traditionalism with 6+ billion people, dwindling resources and sky high property prices

>> No.20362405

What is Monad?
What the collective follows is unimportant to me.

“ The second theme is apoliteia, or abstention from active participation in the construction of the human polis. Evola’s recommendation was that while living in exile from the world of Tradition and from the Golden Age, one should avoid the encroaching embrace of the multitudes and refrain from active participation in ordinary human affairs. Apoliteia, according to Evola, refers essentially to an inner attitude of indifference and detachment, but it does not necessarily entail a practical abstention from politics, as long as one engages in it with a completely detached attitude: « Apoliteia is the inner, irrevocable distance from this society and its values : it consists in not accepting being bound to society by any spiritual or moral bond ». (26) This attitude is to be commended because, according to Evola, in this day and age there are no ideas, causes, and goals worthy of one’s commitment.”

>> No.20362422

>What is monad?
When Evola and other perennial writers discuss the “one truth” that all of history and tradition points to, they’re discussing the monad. The one source of being.

Go read some of Plato’s mystical works, Aristotle’s logic, and Plotinus’ Enneads for a full view.

>> No.20362425

How you gonna live on your own land with overpopulation, lack of money to purchase said land, and corporations destroying nature? Unless you’ll practice traditionalism in a populated city?

>> No.20362437

The political factors become secondary with my path to spiritually.

>> No.20362480


Reddit is that way faggot, gtfo with failed meme ideologies nigger

>> No.20362501

Just get into Buddhism, Taoism, or nondenominational Christianity (no tradlarping) like any normal person. Pick and choose how to build your spirituality as one size doesn’t fit all. Don’t put yourself in a box. I’d be shocked if Evola readers (I bet 90% don’t read, just use him as a brand) are spiritual people. They seem angry and resentment on lit.

>> No.20363200


>> No.20363438

Idk about that man but working with old people dying has shown me after people die they have an orb of light exit their chest and go out the window, explore the rooms, or chase the mountains. Got video of it too. Old photos too.

>> No.20363964

start with guenon
ignore every other suggestion here

>> No.20364003
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>Pick and choose
Religion isn't the same as spirituality. You are recommending a mix of esotericism and religion, without fully delving into anything, which will only lead to more confusion and unrest, not liberation. If you are serious about initiation dedicate yourself to an esoteric tradition, preferably a Western one if you're white (hermeticism/alchemy) , otherwise just go to church and be a good christian, which is far better than being an atheist.

>read laic trash

>> No.20364023

Nondenom Christianity is way more of a larp than any form of tradlarping could ever be.

>> No.20364024

Is there any explanation of this stuff that isn't just larping, schizo babble, or /x/-tier nonsense? Anything that a modern person with no supernatural beliefs can relate to or take seriously? Anything concrete that I can incorporate into my life? Everything seems to just be vague, nebulous jargon to sound 3deep5me while saying nothing of substance.

>> No.20364075

The modern mindset is basically antithetical to the Traditional/spiritual mindset. Pathologically analytical and completely ensnared by the senses.

>> No.20364102

This is why I want a simple, grounded explanation of traditional/spiritual anything. I want to understand if it is at all connected to reality, or if it's just fantasy.

>> No.20364125

The mindset in the last 100~ years has been a complete rejection of Descartes demon, or Plato’s forms. The idea that the material reality we can interact with, may not tell us the whole story of the broader reality, does not have much intellectual currency in today’s age.

I don’t want to be that guy, but that is a rather Jewish mindset. Especially the reformed, secular Jewish mindset. For a very long time, the Jewish mind did not think much of a reality beyond this one. It was only until Maimonides and the flowering of Kabbalah that the Jewish religion became immaterially focused.

Look at the background of immaterialists and you notice something, hmmmm very interesting. All secular Jews.

>> No.20364132

>Go read some of Plato’s mystical works
what are Plato's mystical works besides Parmenides?

>> No.20364133

Read these books, in this order, for a basic understanding of immaterialist thought:
1. Aristotle’s Organon (proofs, grounding of thought)
2. Plato’s Phaedo (introductory concepts of the soul, forms etc)
3. Plato’s Parmenides (a foundational text in the immaterialist, Neoplatonic school of thought)

>> No.20364138

Phaedo, Timaeus, sections of the Republic

Look at what Plato is talking about behind the text. For more on that, refer to Leo Straus’s esoteric exoteric distinction

>> No.20364154

It can't be explained, you have to experiment and experience things. When you visualise an image in your mind, or are dreaming, what is really going on?

You are right to question it, there is so much quackery and LARPing. If you are genuinely searching, and can dedicate a significant proportion of your life to it, you could read/study/practice Intro to Magic by the UR Group/Evola. Magic in this context is misleading, since what he really means is transcendence essentially through asceticism. That would be my recommendation anyway, since they approach it seriously and scientifically, cutting out unnecessary dross like you'd find in Crowley or people much worse than him.

>> No.20364171

quality bait

>> No.20364187

Post them

>> No.20364212

Why do drumpfnazi chads believe in literal magic?

>> No.20364215


>> No.20364229

>>20364133, >>20362379, and >>20363964 are good answers unironically. I read Guénon along with middle and later Plato, followed by Aristotle’s Organon -> Physics -> Metaphysics. Starting Plotinus next.

>> No.20364244

>I read Guénon along with middle and later Plato, followed by Aristotle’s Organon -> Physics -> Metaphysics. Starting Plotinus next.
very based

I think following this path is a good idea

and guenon can serve as a great intro to Plotinus, Plato, Dante, St. Bernard and Eastern Metaphysics

>> No.20364248

I've read Phaedo and Parmenides and a few other dialogs. I found them frustrating to read as Socrates keeps making unjustified assertions that no one seems to even question. I'm looking more for something for a modern person who doesn't understand the ancient worldview.

>Look at what Plato is talking about behind the text.
This shit is what annoys me. Why can't anyone just write what they mean? Why all this obfuscating mystery? Only frauds and charlatans need to do that.

>It can't be explained, you have to experiment and experience things.
So what experiments should I do? What things should I try to experience? Why is there no concrete guidance?

>fucking magic
>approach it scientifically
I tried reading Revolt Against the Modern world, but dropped it after I got fed up with his mystical language that says nothing. I will try Intro to Magic but I am skeptical.

>> No.20364250
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is this a good order to start with guenon?

>> No.20364251

that said I havent read plato or plotinus (yet)

>> No.20364258

thats my chart so i will say yes
if u wanna get into evola

>> No.20364300

I like the part about having read a quarter of a book and asking where to start with more books

>> No.20364326

Skepticism is fine. The books tell you. Since you're a complete beginner, try closing your eyes and completely emptying your mind and holding this state for as long as possible. What if you actually got good at this and could sink into hidden stratas of your consciousness? Or try retaining awareness as you fall asleep, if you do it enough you'll start noticing things that others have talked about. All of it can be summed up in the metaphysical works others mentioned. It is all basically "to be". Right now you are hardly aware of the fact that you think and are manipulated all day by desire, you scratch an itch without thinking, you are thristy and get some water on impulse. Someone says something you disagree with and you automatically start insulting them. I get a dopamine hit from seeing a (You). We are enslaved by this force and must break free.

>> No.20364368

all right, I'll follow it.
been meaning to get into evola for quite a while now.
i'm finishing critique of pure reason and gay science.
will start with genon and keep on with nietzsche on parallel, still zarathustra, will to power, human, all too human and ecce homo to go.

>> No.20364383

good luck!
sneedch and monke man are radically different but at the same time recognize that the West is/was in crisis
evola essentially tries to synthesize the two

>inb4 b-b-but Nietzsche was counter-traditional!!!
wrong. refuted by AK Coomaraswamy:

>> No.20364419

>try closing your eyes and completely emptying your mind and holding this state for as long as possible.

I've done meditation before. It just felt pointless and I certainly didn't notice anything 'spiritual' or 'metaphysical'.

>> No.20364615

Well there are many frameworks for this but they mostly all have the approach that you need to focus on drawing your awareness within and getting rid of all the superficial layers of conscious manifestation. Underneath sensory perception, thought, intellect, ego, there is an ‘eye’ observing all of this. That observer is mute, in fact it’s beneath the level of language. This is where ‘hidden meaning’ aka symbology comes in being the only way to communicate any deeper metaphysical knowledge. This self is also completely impartial to the material world and completely still. No matter if you’re angry, sad, lustful, hungry, and so on, you can always draw your consciousness to the level of this observer and it’s unchanging still nature. The question is what lies beyond and how is one able to access it? An eye cannot see itself. Even if it looks into a mirror it sees only its reflection.

>> No.20364720

Evola isn't really the vanguard of traditionalism a lot of people seem to think of him as. He was a hyper-contrarian, extremely online larper who was viewed as an amusing weirdo by his
"peers." He had zero influence on the ideas or policies of the fascist and reactionary regimes he interacted with. There is a letter by Carl Schmitt to Ernst Junger relating an encounter he had with Evola. He was one of the few people brought to trial by both a fascist and a post-war regimes, only to be acquitted because he was a harmless eccentric. Then there is the issue of how traditional can you hate your civilization and it's religion, and want to see it replaced with your syncretic esoteric pagan-islamic meme philosophy?

>> No.20364732

>There is a letter by Carl Schmitt to Ernst Junger relating an encounter he had with Evola.
what did the letter say?

>> No.20364805

>extremely online

>> No.20364821

I'm having trouble finding it right now, but it basically amounted to, "LMAO, look at this nerd. He still wears a monocle." I think I last saw the letter linked by 2cb on twitter. Right now I can only find the correspondences between Evola and Junger and Evola and Schmitt.

>> No.20364828

> This shit is what annoys me. Why can't anyone just write what they mean? Why all this obfuscating mystery? Only frauds and charlatans need to do that.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. A good teacher wants his students to not be just a vessel for his thoughts. He wants his students to come to Truth in such a way that it becomes part of them.

I can tell you all about something, every bit of it, and it would still not compare to you actually experiencing what I am describing.

Esoteric writing is a chance for the reader to experience the Truth the other is proclaiming, rather than simply read a description of the Truth.

>> No.20364834

He argued with people via letter, journal, and books. The internet of his day. The man reeks of autism, I’m not kidding.

>> No.20364849

>chilled in the Wolf's Lair with Hitler and Mussolini
>retard doesn't actually underatand Evola's thought but runs his mouth
Happens all the time.

>> No.20364855

Well sounds like you've got it all figured out then. You meditated poorly a few times and have no higher focus or concentration.

>> No.20364854

Extremely online people predate the Internet or rather, I should say, the collection of fringe personality traits we associate with the extremely online predate the Internet. They've only become more common because of broadband internet and an atomized society.

Half of the books of the New Testament, not counting the Gospels, is about Paul dealing with what amounts to Extremely Online personalities.

>> No.20364862

This will make the Traditionalists seethe but read Schopenhauer and Jung. They argue rigorously for a similar metaphysics.

>> No.20364872

Obviously. That's what intellectuals do...have discussions, try to carve away at ideas to come to the truth. Go watch your shows.

>> No.20364882

I am amazed at how few people understand Evola's interpretation of Alchemy.

>> No.20364901

>You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink

The problem is esotericists will write dense tomes singing the praises of drinking water without ever mentioning where it might be found.

>I can tell you all about something, every bit of it, and it would still not compare to you actually experiencing what I am describing.

Then tell me how to experience it. You know, like a teacher in any other subject would.

>> No.20364914

>you're white (hermeticism/alchemy)
So being white is about being a crypto-Jew who reveres the Kabbalah?

>> No.20364939

Imagine this like I'm talking to a child: Hermeticism comes from Hermes-Thoth, so Alexandrian Greece and Ancient Egypt; Kabalah is Jewish mysticism, and a completely different tradition. Maybe if you spent time reading books instead of blabbering about things you know almost nothing about, you wouldn't need people like me to explain things to you like a patronizing douchebag.

>> No.20364946

All of the modern Hermetic orders are deeply entrenched in Kabbalism.

>> No.20364948


>> No.20364951


>> No.20364959

No they aren't, and most of the ones in the open are frauds. Read Evola's Introduction to Magic or his work on Hermeticism, there is no Kabalah, Hermeticism predates it and the alchemical Tradition associated with it is far more noble and ancient and exists without it. Can you read French?

>> No.20364970

That's still Kabalah, not Hermeticism, the latter referring the to tradition of Hermes-Thoth, which is separate. I can cite Guenon if you really want. The fact that people have mixed the two doesn't mean Hermeticism proper is Jewish, use your brain. The reason Evola was such a big fan of Hermeticism-Alchemy was because it was an actual European Tradition separate from semitic influence.

>> No.20365008

You're right. The Corpus Hermeticum seems interesting. It seems to be a mix of Hellenic and Egyptian influences, but later movements "New Age" movements that claimed to be based on Hermeticism syncretized a lot with the Qabalah.
I'm not going to waste time with Evola though. The source material is there with the Corpus Hermeticum.

>> No.20365012

Take the shortcut and just read Mein Kampf.

>> No.20365014

>later movements "New Age" movements
later New Age movements*

>> No.20365039
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Your loss. You should be reading as much as possible. Simply reading the corpus hermeticum will not provide any practical guidance, "concrete" goals, or really anything at all other than abstract concepts to think about that will remain beyond your experience. Don't be a fool, trust the masters.

>> No.20365068

Evola’s writings were much closer to vindictive slam pieces, than honest discussion with people.

He has a tendency to write like a long form image board poster.

>> No.20365075

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.20365089

Ya some of them, Guenon too. They were elitists, the same as many people here.

>> No.20365114

It's an obvious troll post, probably by some faggot leftist. Can you imagine being left wing on here? It's like the antifa soyy cuck and dyke hambeast that showed up at virginfest calling everyone a bunch of racists or whatever, and got laughed out of there by the mob of considerably better-looking autists.

>> No.20365231

Is this book translated anywhere?

>> No.20365233

Do you know what's the best English translation of Corpus Hermeticum?

>> No.20365289

No, I'm sorry. Look for Alchemy Unveiled by Johannes Helmond, there is an English translation and I've found it online. It doesn't get into the various orders though.

No, I would just say read a few of them, since it should be read many times. It's kind of an impossible question, since it's already been translated a few times to get it into English, right?

>> No.20365343

Can you summarize Hermeticism's metaphysics, goals, basic ritualistic style, and more in two to three paragraphs for me, while remaining grounded in facts?

>> No.20365359

Also, I'm not interested in Evola's interpretation.

>> No.20365587
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>Where is a good starting point to Spirituality of the Traditional perceptions and lifestyles of man?

>> No.20365601
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>Where is a good starting point to Spirituality of the Traditional perceptions and lifestyles of man? Recommendations, discussions, authors, always welcome
Pic related
>doesn't rate Evola
Imagine being this much of a Brainlet.

>> No.20365636

so many fucking pseuds ITT
only dago >>20363964 is right
There is no alternative.

>> No.20365657

Looks interesting.

>> No.20365797
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I want to buy this book, but it's too expensive and I don't feel like reading the PDF on my PC. It seems to be the best English translation from my research.

>> No.20366447

How do I stop being extremely online? :( I was planning on taking a break from the internet.

>> No.20366521

Guenon wrote east and west before crisis of the modern world. Hindu doctrine to East and West to crisis to reign of quality follows an optimism to pessimism trajectory.

>> No.20366526

get rid of your internet?

>> No.20366636

Is there anything particularly wrong about Kabbalah? Or is this guilt by association? I don’t know about you, but I’d like to unlock the esoteric powers of Judaism and wield it against them.

>> No.20367045

Have I understood Guenon correctly?

>> No.20367860
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Watch this king: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aa8_dLpmk4&t=2875s

>> No.20367994
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>Where is a good starting point to Spirituality of the Traditional perceptions and lifestyles of man?
Don't read modern meme authors like Evola, get straight up to the sources. If you find them too hard to understand, do more research on those topics.
Hesiod - Works and Days
Plato - The Republic; Symposium; Parmenides
Abhinavagupta - Tantrāloka
Nāgārjuna - Mūlamadhyamakakārikā
Zhuang Zhou - Zhuangzi

pic not related

>> No.20368012

>"LMAO, look at this nerd. He still wears a monocle."
That would make Schmitt look like the idiot of the pair though

>> No.20368013

The only correct answer is Guenon

>> No.20368229

kys faggot

>> No.20368462

Dago if you don't mind mind I ask what's your belief?

>> No.20368501
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On what?

Generally speaking?
Still working it out
a sedevacantist Catholic foundation but am exploring the eastern traditions at the moment (and over the next few years), so not really practicing anything day-to-day. Purely intellectual pursuits for now.

I like Guenon more but I’m a bit more Kshatriya oriented, a nietzschefag, and a sicilianfag so my outlook is closer to Evola senpai


>> No.20368616

Can you be more specific

>> No.20368621

churchie cope

>> No.20370189
