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/lit/ - Literature

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20350287 No.20350287 [Reply] [Original]

Wwoym Unexpected edition

Previous thread >>20340405

>> No.20350307

I didn't really write anything substantial last night, and it's pretty annoying. Nothing is coming to me, plenty of ideas are passing by and catching my attention but none of those fish are worth catching. Usually I'll write between 5-8 snippets a night. I think it might be time to do some editing.

I'm also probably using writing as escapism from my son being born in several months. Not that I'm not excited, but all my friends with kids keep telling me to write while I still can, so I've just been doing that.

>> No.20350444
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I'm thinking of getting a pizza. It's such a nice day. I'll turn my phone off after I got the pizza and just read, do nothing else.

Tomorrow I got therapy again for the first time in six months. I should send him a few notes for why I reached out again too so we can talk it over.
Worst case I can do that tomorrow morning since our session is late in the day.

>> No.20350463

sounds chill af my dude
I had therapy again after a couple months myself, and I bought stuff to make a pita bread tonight.

>> No.20350465

waste of money, my parents made me go to such sessions and the therapist was a complete retard, I may need help but certainly not from normies with a diploma

>> No.20350486

My kindle died today, but by pure coincidence I bought a pair of wireless headphones yesterday, so I have something to occupy myself when I go to the city tomorrow. It's such a lucky coincidence that I'm suspicious about it. I wouldn't put it past that cueball fucker to do something like this.

>> No.20350495

sometimes it takes a couple tries before you find someone that works well with you. this is normal.

>> No.20350536

Thread already exists.

>> No.20350553

I'm so fucking tired of work I just wanna turn off my phone and go read in a park. It's such a beautiful day bros...

>> No.20350579

I just want to die. I cannot function in this world. I made too many grave mistakes.

>> No.20350709

It’s an incomplete stub. In name only.
Please, this has nothing to do with a personal grudge or whatever, when one makes a new thread, follow the simple convention of linking them. That’s it.

>> No.20350718

good choice shits a waste of time and mood dampner, if anyone finds out they blackmail you with it. shits retardo

>> No.20350738
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why is the center left such a staunch defender of the status quo in America? you guys ever come across these types?

>only racism, sexism, and transphobia should be addressed
>all discussions of international finance, industrialization of the food supply/medicine & health care, break up of the family, national inequality (non-race specific,) inflation, etc..are not on the table.

If you understand Liberalism it makes sense, I understand that as a macrocosm. There's this eternal quest to free oneself from all obligations. The government handles the civil rights part, and private business the biological/social/geographical part, however I'm getting a strong closed-mindedness from just this part of the spectrum. Everything outside their government-business paradigm is joe rogan crack pot theory.

Do they officially "own" the system now and feel like they have to defend it? Can the state that allows these things to happen do no wrong? I don't get it.

>> No.20350750

agreed. most of them are bad. and sometimes the highly rated ones are the worst. It can be well worth it if you find someone good, however.

>> No.20350774

They’re just lazy thinkers. Comfort and conformity.

>> No.20350814


There's the correct and simple answer.

>> No.20350830


>> No.20350840
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how much legal trouble would I get into if I took some posts from here and compiled them into a PDF?
I wouldn't be selling or making any kinds of money off of it, and I wouldn't be passing the posts off as my own, I would literally just be compiling them into a PDF and slapping a cover on them (pic rel) and putting them on libgen, maybe in the future I would offer print versions through Lulu but I would do it the same way Moby-dick-anon did it, and make the price the absolute minimum so that I don't make any money off of it

>> No.20350864
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There's actually a game /lit/ might approve


>> No.20350887

I'm old enough to remember when the center left was skeptical of the government, media, fiance, big pharma, and big corporations.

>> No.20350891

I dont think theres any laws against that

>> No.20350896


I miss Bush-era liberals, not the Clintonian yuppies we have today.

>> No.20350928
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Imagine what level of black nigger gorilla ape one would have to be to steal a package off someone's porch. Genuinely, I wonder. I suppose this particular ape "got one" on me, but it truly does boggle the mind trying to project myself into such a thieves shoes. What do you actually have to gain from stealing a small package? Perhaps a new phone or something similar is the best you could hope for- how do you know it isn't something useless to you however, like a book or dildo or random piece of clothing that would be in a design or size you'd want? The resell potential just isn't there for mass market consumer goods like that. I wonder how many nigger steals it takes to actually get something you could sell for profit, or a chance for it to be something you want to keep? Perhaps you may just take and trash the package to harm someone else simply out of spite- but you don't even get to enjoy seeing the results of your cruelty. I really am trying to fathom it.

>> No.20350942

quit your job

>> No.20350945

I can only imagine the look on the guys face when he discovers my package is what ever the latest meme book is

>> No.20350958

It's like real life lootboxes.
Most of what's in them are shit but sometimes you get a rare item.

>> No.20351149

I desire sex for the purpose of procreation.

>> No.20351167

They all got their pictures taken at OWS and now are marginalized (if not put behind bars).
Protests don’t work.

>> No.20351245

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20351299

It's late, and I need to sleep because I got work tomorrow, but I just ate and feel full af.
Might as well just stay awake for an hour or two until I get tired enough.

>> No.20351368

Just get into bed and read. Fall asleep that way.

>> No.20351532

Upon reflection, I definitely deserve my present loneliness. I had good people in my life, but I distanced myself from them due to what I perceived as irreconcilable personality differences. In reality, I just failed to communicate my own needs and boundaries. I wish I could go back in time and warn myself of things like this, I could save myself so much totally needless trouble, I could recover so many great friendships. It hurts to think about, but I can only move forward. I will try to get in touch with some of the people I distanced myself from, I will try to meet new good people, and I promise that I will never make this mistake again.

>> No.20351539

>looked up history of poetry on wikipedia
>The development of modern poetry is generally seen as having started at the beginning of the 20th century and extends into the 21st century. Among its major American practitioners who write in English are T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Wallace Stevens, Maya Angelou, June Jordan, Allen Ginsberg, and Nobel laureate Louise Glück.
That's 43% (non-white) women on a list of major American poets that features TS Eliot. The gap of quality is insumountable.

>> No.20351639
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>> No.20351675

>White peepo who’s parents didn’t worship man-on-stick aren’t white

>> No.20351819

Middle Easterns are not Europeans, yes.

>> No.20351830
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>major American poets
>more than half are non-white

>> No.20351840

And yet the reason you hate them is the religion. Which is from the Middle East.
Like all Europeans. You’d probably wretch if you knew we all came from Africa
>NOoOoOo Sand people lies! AAAAAAAHHHH

>> No.20351843


>> No.20352030
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>Then there was this, from Cummings’s 1950 collection, Xaipe:

>a kike is the most dangerous
>machine as yet invented
>by even yankee ingenu
>ity(out of a jew a few
>dead dollars and some twisted laws)
>it comes both prigged and canted

>The last line of the poem originally read: ‘it comes both pricked and cunted.’ The editor, Theodore Weiss, a Jew, objected and had Cummings change it.
Did't know Cummings was based

>> No.20352050

>According to his testimony in EIMI, Cummings had little interest in politics until his trip to the Soviet Union in 1931.[21] He subsequently shifted rightward on many political and social issues.[22] Despite his radical and bohemian public image, he was a Republican and later an ardent supporter of Joseph McCarthy.[23]
He's literally me. I didn't care about politics until I saw Communist America and their trannies and what they do to functioning societies and culture.

>> No.20352087

>I don't get it.
You think that you are essentially correct and understand things which should be obvious to anyone because look at how obvious they are to me!

tl;dr you are a normie.

>> No.20352418

Ever since I got put on anti-anxiety medication (and recently ADD) I've realized that I'm not a complete piece of shit and not the silent, brooding type as my anxiety and insecurity made me feel like. I am way more open and quite gregarious at times, even amongst people I barely know. I don't feel like a normie but I feel (and am told) that I have more... charisma(?) now? I feel like I can actually function as someone people want to be around, though I was told that everyone who I met before medication did like me and didn't just begrudgingly talk to me, which really does help my self-esteem.

I don't know. It's a nice feeling and everything, and in moments of lucidity or simple feelings of sadness or self-reflection I wonder if this is who I actually am. You know, the "you" that is you. I don't know how else to describe it. As if I was held back by mental problems and now that those have been (mostly) dissolved it is who I am. Or maybe what I was before was me but that doesn't seem like it because I am what I am now? Does this make sense? It barely does to me but it's what's on my mind.

>> No.20352430

Acquire blood thinners.
Drive half of the way out to the western part of the state.
Park car somewhere secluded.
Finish rest of the trip on bike, at least twenty or thirty or more miles. To somewhere very secluded.
Maybe bring a shovel and dig my own grave.
Lie in it.
Drink a bit, probably.
Get to work with the razor.
Have handgun with me in case I can't finish the job with the razor.
Beforehand, need to cash out and close out all accounts, write letters, pack and donate most of my things.

>> No.20352442

Americans are some of the stupidest creatures in the world. When they latch on to their one political party they somehow become even more stupid. Show me an actual American leftist and we may go somewhere. Eugene Debs was a good one. The miners who fought in West Virginia were good. Those are leftists, not your modern neoliberal, capitalist cuckolds. Your Democrats are not leftists. Your average person who believes in gay rights or trans rights isn't a leftist. That isn't leftist at all.

It's sad that the best modern example of leftism in America is a geriatric from Vermont, and even Sanders isn't leftist. I can hardly wait for America to collapse.

>> No.20352511
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Rats are on my mind.

>> No.20352527
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>muh life and death
why is violence and sexuality so intimately tied in humans? Are other species like this, too?

>> No.20352547

I wouldn't say that therapy is a waste of money, since it does help a lot of people, but I have to admit that I have had somewhat bad luck when it comes to finding a good one. My first therapist sounded like a walking textbook, which was very off-putting to me, and ended up dropping all of his clients a few sessions in for some unexpressed reason. Second therapist similarly had to drop all of his clients right when I was getting comfortable with him. Maybe I'll try again at some point

>> No.20352579

My brain is obnoxious, wish i could control it better.

>> No.20352643

>why is violence and sexuality so intimately tied in humans? Are other species like this, too?
Yes, all of them

>> No.20352652
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Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.20352653

I'm so tired.

>> No.20352686

Being rough during sex isn’t violence, just to be clear. But that’s the problem. People aren’t so clear about it.
Some vegetarians think the diet is responsible. Old hunting parties were affected by the hunt, but the eating of flesh that we had no part in killing makes us this way. I don’t fully buy it.
Males who get off to gore have messed up wiring. That’s all I’m saying.

>> No.20352704

>People who get off to gore have messed up wiring. That’s all I’m saying.
Fixed it for you, femanon.

>> No.20352736

>leave stream of consciousness to the boys


>> No.20352799

nice strawwowan.

>> No.20352845
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I might be dying of brain cancer. I don't know if I should give up on everything I'm working on (story, college) so I can spend more time with family, or keep at it and take the risk that I spent my limited time on something I simply won't live long enough to finish.

>> No.20352862
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I hiked 15 miles today. Took me 4 and a half hours. Here is a picture

>> No.20352948

Do both. Just enjoy.
But do delete those awful pictures.

>> No.20353052

I’m actually jealous.

>> No.20353091

Just do it anon. Nothing stopping you.

>> No.20353187

>i need people to tell me how i should behave and how i should think about myself.
psychologists are the enemy, not your friend retard.

>> No.20353203

dont do that shit. its completely what you should not be done. its the first thing a normie would do. just dont.

>> No.20353206

Why does the catalog evolve into shitty low-effort and off-topic? Why do they even get replies?

>> No.20353227

>people give me a drug to be like the normality percieved in their society
>i start questioning myself if that is the real me
dont be a retard. you are literally letting people drug you to be like that. of course what you are is a more complex version that a drug-aduced personality.

>> No.20353451

get fucked

>> No.20353558

Coordinated shitposting clubs

>> No.20353579
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a few excerpts from "high thoughts"

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about “possible states” of consciousness (Take how little we know about consciousness. Take the dna analogy. We are “1%” different from apes. Imagine the 1% in the other direction? How complex can a subjective experience be? Obviously there is a constraints on the naturally occurring qualities because it must be self-propagating. But a tiny change, like DMT in the brain, can utterly transform experience) Other people don’t seem to grasp the idea, even for mentally ill. Or maybe they just haven’t really thought about it. On many subjects people appear to be stupid but in reality they just haven’t taken the time to think about it, or don’t have a reason to care about it. Lately I’ve been wondering if I think autistically about how people think and social routines.

I have no friends am a loser.

You need to realize that success is a real goal in your life. You don’t have to focus on 30 years in the future, just think about graduating. The only thing stopping you from realizing this is your pussy loser easily dopamine addicted mind. Be a human. This is why consciousness exists- to correct behavioral malignments. The lies you tell others become the lies you tell yourself. It is what you are deluding yourself to be. (“secret king”)

Imagining what other peie would sound like saying something I am co sidering to say

All my signals are a fabrication. If i know I am cringe because __ then just be more genuine since i know cringe. [the word cringe is cringe]

In an entire content of a conversation, analyze the categories of speech topics/type for each person. Including your own. What does this tell you about yourself? Everyone has their own tendencies e.g. high percentage of personal anecdotes, personal relationships, stories about other people, interesting associations about one’s related field or relevant news, etc.

>> No.20353581

I've started reading creepypasta and critiquing the plot. The better ones start out strong, an almost plausible premise, but degrade once too much detail is given on the creepy bit.

Should I read Lovecraft?

>> No.20353585

Why should he care what "you are" is?

>> No.20353592

My professor has complimented me very much on my writing and suggested that I enter local contests or write for student publications. Should I even bother? I never really cared much about writing fiction at all, I just did it for this class

>> No.20353599

Give it a shot.

>> No.20353621

I'm in mussoorie right now. I can see why Ruskin Bond loves this place.

>> No.20353684
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Today my racism made my misogyny more powerful. I was looking at young women and thinking about how much I'd like to fuck them, and how horrible it is that I can't fuck them, and I got to thinking, why does it bother me so much that I can't fuck them? It's because I see each one as a unique experience I missed out on. But I noticed something. I don't feel this way about Asian girls. I still want to fuck cute Asian girls, but I don't get that pit of my stomach despair that I can't fuck each specific one. Then I realized the answer. It's because arr rook same. My mind instinctively assumes all young attractive Asian women are basically interchangeable, or at least, they have few enough distinct traits that there are only a few variations on the them of "young attractive Asian girl" and not true uniqueness.

If you think about it, the same is objectively true of young non-Asian girls too. It's only my instincts that tell me that I really want to fuck this art hoe or that art hoe, or this chubby Latina or that booba negress, so if I let her keep walking out of the bank and out of my life like that with her fat ass, she'll take a piece of me I can never get back. But I feel the same way about every one who isn't fat or ugly. They are Asian, they arr rook same. I just need to tame my instincts and think arr rook same, if I don't fuck this booba latina I will fuck another booba latina later, so just enjoy this booba latina as a reminder that they exist and they are out there waiting. From now on every time I get that feeling that it's not fair that a man can only fuck so many women he meets I am going to remember arr rook same, like Asians.

>> No.20353926

>Why should he care what "you are" is?
why he should care what others think "you are" is?. only pure sheep could say stupid things like why what you are is important? and think is clever.

>> No.20353935

ever notice how they're almost all women?>>20352442

>> No.20353937

this smells to reddit.

>> No.20353960

I didn't know music in the background could be pleasant while reading. Depends on the music though. I find Satie to be suited for this.

>> No.20354050

I've been thinking about what my answer would be if Nietzsche's 'eternal return' were to tell me those things. I would be indifferent and underwhelmed. I am not terribly fond of life but I don't hate it either. I would just shrug and say I don't care.

>> No.20354079

Go be an idiot on your own board.

No center left

>> No.20354148

I'm asking why it is better to be what you "are", rather than a different version with medication. If he likes one better than the other, why should he care which one is the "real" version?

>> No.20354152

Is it the writing style or content? I picked ones I thought were funny but I really hope I don't unwittingly write like a redditor

>> No.20354153
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As if Preserved in Amber

The darkened room was full of amber-like alembic vessels, containing the most potent of perfumes. Contraptions about the size of chamber pots, pregnant with perfectly formed feminine digesta of the copious, solid "sausage-like" kind. All quite organically "(m)anufactured" by immaculate maidens. Many of these exemplars were at least 70 yrs old. Yet they were neither mummified nor fossilized nor dessicated nor otherwise decayed. They'd been preserved by the airless alembic atmosphere in the very condition of the day of their earthy birth. The only measurable difference: they'd cooled to room temperature, otherwise their composition, color & odor was entirely unchanged. Their ingredients were vegetable matter, impregnated with natural hormones, acids & lipids, they formed the secret crux of the most expensive perfumes known. Connected to the otherwise perfectly sealed vacuums were transparent tubing of some length, divided by a series of compartmentalized valves that permitted the extraction (by means of a manipulable miniature crane-like pincer) of a sample, via its deposit in a stainless steel capsule, and subsequent "torpedoing" through the transparent subdivided tube. Thereby never breaking the vacuum seal of the alembic "coprarium," within which lay a literal digest & perfectly sealed solid diary of the human past: its vital ferment & volatility on full display. It was alleged that some of the samples might well have been a 100 yrs "young," for such was the age of the inventions themselves. Not only could the rarest essences be distilled from these, based on diets, biologies, winds & other atmospheric conditions no longer extent (not to mention psychologies, which too played a part in the resulting concoction), but eventually a cloning (if so desired) of the virginal female formulatrix/depositrix might as well be obtained. Hitler(!) swore by the salutary longevital benefits of Bohemian "nacht brot" in pill form. Produce of a "long" vanished race, to be sure: the last testament of which lay, as it were, in these alembic latrines/letters/missiles/missives, time capsules/"cacaphagi." So that the metamorphose symbol of the scarab could not but take on the eternally fragrant burden of new meaning in the samples provided by these brilliantly amusing Chloe-acal time machines. These intestiform monuments & temples dedicated to the human desire to preserve the most fragrant instances of past human achievement--the very fundament of female beauty in most compact & digested form. Encompassing the best psychology, physiology, gastronomy &, most importantly, an otherwise unobtainable species of the nubile aphrodisiacal mysteries. Admittedly the first apple digested by Eve was not on display in this human biotic arc, but the waft of the closest thing to it surely lay perfectly concealed in the crystaline cocoon from which was extractable the most potent concentrations of the fermentive power of materia femina.

...To Amber

>> No.20354169
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For anyone who had doubts that leftism and virtue signalling are one and the same

>> No.20354248

trying to get back to my previous job and it's pretty difficult as it turns out

>> No.20354267

we live in a content based economy

>> No.20354270

It's frustrating when the people you love act so retarded.

>> No.20354442

Looks like im Going to Austria for a month so im making plans as to what to do and see.

looks mediterranean.

>> No.20354475

Just read already and stop being such an indecisive bitch.

>> No.20354481 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20354482

I want to be an author!!!

>> No.20354509

So by your logic you are a leftist since you are virtue signalling.

>> No.20354514
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>> No.20354515

The combination of Northern egalitarianism and Jewish supremacism has wiped out much of the progress that could've been made in the past 2 centuries.

>> No.20354523

>no, it is different when I do it

>> No.20354528

I can't virtue signal on an anonymous board retard because there's no identity to attach these supposed virtues to

>> No.20354543

>it is not possible to get a hand job from a stranger or masturbate

>> No.20354551

>retard tries to make an anology but his double digit IQ prevents him from stringing coherent thoughts or logical arguments

>> No.20354562

>hypocrite gets backed into a corner and resorts to name calling

>> No.20354583
File: 108 KB, 915x315, Screenshot 2022-05-11 at 11.47.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard woman starts browsing 4chan to "do research"
>she gets redpilled on non-whites
>tells her retard friends immigration bad
>retard friends congratulate her for having "independent thoughts"

>> No.20354627

The moment I think I got better I just created an even worse copy. I know it's not about me anyway but you know.... the narrow path.... and much will be required....

>> No.20354669

I don't virtue signal to the whore in the alley

>> No.20354731

I was vaguely familiar with Edogawa Ranpo's work, having read Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination, and a few pages from Golden Mask that didn't really get me hooked at the time. It seems I will have to dive into his work again, Kindaichi is doing a Ranpo special and there are references to detective Akechi and fiend with twenty faces, a character heavily inspired by Arsene Lupin.

>> No.20354832
File: 192 KB, 1220x603, desert-sun-7d7f5c5a-6fa2-4aef-a934-bb3ceae57def__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will shut up from now on. I'll just focus on myself and work through problems. I will treat life seriously.

>> No.20354835
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What’s the point of all this?

>> No.20354839

No you won't lol

>> No.20354921

Literally EVERY sin I'm accusing others of I'm doing myself as well

>> No.20354972

there is no point, which is great

hypocracy is not a crime

>> No.20354987
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As above, so below.


>> No.20355094

that is the idea of not judging others, as we are all guilty before god. it's just a question of degrees.

>> No.20355119

I'm addicted to porn

>> No.20355146

do you watch it without masturbation?

>> No.20355178

Same, specifically BMWF stuff. There's a video of a white girl moaning out "Black lives matter" while getting piped by a black man that i can't stop thinking about. I still only jerk off once a day though.

>> No.20355234

for the most part with, although I don't masturbate to it everyday, it's usually like every other day or so

>> No.20355293

Going on a date with a qt well read quadroon tonight.

>> No.20355303

women don't read

>> No.20355305

What do the homeless do during the pandemic? Was there anywhere to beg for money or get fed?

>> No.20355311

They are the only ones who do.

>> No.20355376
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you will be dead some day

>> No.20355409


>> No.20355510

Lies and bullshit

>> No.20355522

Women read YA and bookporn, barely a step above the gaming and porn-watching numale.

>> No.20355526

Your mom is disgusting

>> No.20355527

I'm a coffee addict. Throughout the day I drink from one to two coffee pots and the worst thing is that coffee doesn't affect me anymore. I guess I'm in love with the false feeling of boosting your cognition it gives to you. Some days I won't even have lunch, just drink coffee.

>> No.20355540

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is a bad idea, you can get an acid reflux.

>> No.20355545

Same but with energy drinks.

>> No.20355577

casa de la hermana en el día D, vinieron los policías y será recordado por generaciones subsecuentes..., y el número de casos de las razas humanas..., y los grandes poderes..., y los grandes secretos..., y las misiones para el bien del mundo..., y los grandes errores..., y los grandes triunfos..., y los grandes yerros..., y los grandes temores..., y la confusión de las ideas..., y los grandes rasgos..., y el progreso del mundo..., y las diversas clases de personas...,

>> No.20355586

Go back
Or lurk, IE stfu

>> No.20355606

I've been going too hard in tha muthafuckin paint, nigga. But I've got two more days on the #grindset before I can take it down a gear. And another week still of heavyish work after. I really need to stop doing this to myself. Feeling like I thrive under pressure so I make things difficult. Only way to get excited when you know that just plodding along day-by-day it'd be easy. But it ages me, I'm sure.

Thing it's made me realise is how the usual advice about finding a sense of balance and all that probably isn't universally true. Some of us do our best work in explosive stints of manic desperation. You can't reach the same level without some frightening kind of motivation. Some people just need to learn to ride the highs and lows, to make the most of wherever they are right now in the cycle. Cuz some people can't stop the cycle. No amount of working out, sleeping, eating right, meditating, etc. -- none of it sufficiently dampens the oscillations.

Seems like it would be nice to be one of those people who can be steady and dependable and consistent but I think I'd quickly tire of the monotony.

>> No.20355623

I hope your date goes to shit

>> No.20355628

The Happy Radio Klub Kult is gathering again at Appleby's South Turma at 7.30 PM. Lock the doors, ladies, it will be a wild night! Citizens are advised to pay little to no attention. Possible sightings of Bob Saget. No one is expected to read any of the columns. No one is expected to look at the pictures of the strange, unsettling objects in the sky. The VDOT is bringing a whole bunch of trucks and equipment to the show and will be rolling a giant screen down the street. The screen will be the size of a football field. The screen will show all kinds of images. The VDOT will also be giving out free candy bars and free balloon animals. The Happy Radio Klub Kult will be offering a special discount on a round of hot dogs for those who have witnessed the wonders of the VDOT.

>> No.20355675

I live in Los Angeles. The only thing that changed was that homeless people started wearing masks. Which was a comical sight desu

>> No.20355682

Britney Venti???

>> No.20355693
File: 365 KB, 1200x1850, 1200pxCalifornia_Kppen.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks mediterranean.
It technically is

>> No.20355735

Check the bnwo thread on gif, just uploaded it.

>> No.20355740

I think Elon Musk's Starlink project that will provide internet access from everywhere is the ultimate symbol for globalization and the death of local narratives. I don't live in my nation where I have to rely on three corrupt internet service providers that have been around for ages, no, suddenly I live in some SpaceX narrative. And yes that may be a soijack post but I'm not worshipping Elon Musk, it's just so weird to see my fake world break into parts more and more. Everything exists at once and it makes my head go OUCH OUCH

>> No.20355743

lol so bitter

>> No.20355755

The downfall of one shitty corrupt system isn't anything like an ultimate symbol or local narratives. I think you're falling into a trap where you see something you've always known change so you think it's a big deal. But really most systems we know today are very shortlived and niche, and their constant turnover has been the norm throughout history.

>> No.20355762

I think it will be a conceptual revolution comparable to the introduction of the timepiece to the factory floor in its ability to homogenize time-space for organizing labour. Naturally combine it with all this Metaverse, Gamification, and Play-To-Earn models being pushed, and Musk's Neuralink project and you get one fucking bland vision of the future.

>> No.20355810

Just barricade yourself in a some niche imageboard

>> No.20355902

I didn't give my essay but did so that my professor did not know.
Today I somehow managed to steal the batch of (physical paper) essays from my professor's bag while he wasn't looking. I plan to insert my essay in there and put the batch back in his bag this week.
But I feel kind of morally guilty.

>> No.20355955

You think he wont notice that his essay stack disappeared

>> No.20355973
File: 456 KB, 1200x798, kitano002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand going to classes anymore and there's still two years to go. I like my degree but I just want to work and get some money now. I'm fucking broke and the only thing I can do is some irrelevant tedius homework shit

>> No.20355998
File: 88 KB, 1480x633, 94A45A67-4621-432B-BC00-EAD32A3E9EB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renew! Renew!

>> No.20356043

He's the type that's attentive about certain things and practically doesn't register certain other things. (happens in older intellectual professors) I don't think he'll give it too much thought, oh I somehow left it at home that day, and yesterday I inserted it again and don't remember it... Well maybe not but either way I don't think he'll make a big deal out of it

>> No.20356072

I got perma banned from twitter for something minor.
I'm kind of amazed how they really do throw you off the site forever. Can't make a new account without ridiculous amount of hassle.
Hoping Elon will run it better. For now I think I'm going to gain a lot of free time with this ban.

>> No.20356075

I think that I associate myself more with masculine women than masculinity. Maybe it has something to do being a very emotional child growing up in a very rational family.

>> No.20356079

Why use Twitter anyway? Whats up with all the chronic twitter users on 4channel?

>> No.20356109

I liked it for the news aspect. It also had a few account I considered funny.
But it's interesting because you get to interact with people you usually couldn't.
Something like Gab sucks because you miss the leftists and the liberals. Something more like a traditional forum has mods that will ban anyone who displays an opposite view.
All social media I have now is 4chan which is how it was for a decade before twitter. The views here aren't very diverse other than the odd 1 post bait that everyone jumps on.

>> No.20356180

Visit /news/
Tons of lefties there

>> No.20356216

Totally forgot that existed, thanks for the rec.
Although it isn't the same as dunking on an obese communist drag queen it will have to do

>> No.20356258
File: 32 KB, 500x500, little prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided I'm not going to kill myself today. I set myself a goal in life that I always dreamt of as a kid.

I want to travel to the Lybian desert, look for a very specific hill and see if I find a little prince there. No matter the outcome, I want to travel to Paris and leave a letter on Exupéry's grave, either telling him that I met him or that he hasn't returned to visit yet.

One day I shall embark on this trip, and hopefully, I'll get to see the world with my heart.

>> No.20356273

Best of luck anon.

>> No.20356286

Thank you anon

>> No.20356366

Don't make me cry

>> No.20356396
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>> No.20356508

you’re thinking of liberals, leftists do care about all of those things

>> No.20356677
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x2300, Screenshot_20220511-125525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Online dating is hell, but I'm getting better at it

Any dating tips/stories anons?

>> No.20356682

>there is no point, which is great
How do you find comfort in that?

>> No.20356731

That might happen if you have a more active mother and distant father as a male kid. Some sort of gender role reversal.

>> No.20356740

wet hair
on my back
water dripping
in my crack

>> No.20356746

Why has the quality of this board declined so much? It used to be full of interesting discussions and you could here and there find genuinely well-read and intelligent posters to engage with. Nowadays it's just zoomers who don't read posturing anonymously ad infinitum. I've had better luck finding good discussions on pl*bbit during the last few months than on this forsaken wasteland.

>> No.20356750

its all looks, I lost weight and took a few substances in puberty that increased my height and frame. Without that I'd probably be posting on 4chan instead of having sex

>> No.20356757

Panhandling and scavenging fell off dramatically since most people where avoiding the public so they had less money to get drunk with and a more limited diet, but most homeless people did not seem to really mind since it also meant there was no one calling the police on them for just existing. The homeless who I know loved that first year or two of it all, they had the city pretty much to themselves.
Stick to drinking the darkest roast you can find to feed the addiction, have an occasional light roast when you want to get wired.

>> No.20356771

Anon I wrote that post just about a month ago!
Anyway, do you have anything interesting to discuss? What have you been reading?

>> No.20356777

Way to whine about how everything is shit instead of contributing anything of value yourself.

>> No.20356778

inca kola and the korean girl who seems to very much enjoy my company

>> No.20356792

>Why has the quality of this board declined so much?
People don't report off-topic nor low-effort posts or threads, which way to the state of current /lit/.

>> No.20356795

Which headphones did you buy? I hope you enjoy them.

>> No.20356885

best ones

>> No.20356887

I always feel i lack a certain fundament from where to explore creativity or intellectual endeavours.
Maybe im just stupid or im making things way too difficult for myself.

>> No.20356890


>> No.20356939

I'm trying so hard to fight it but my melancholy keeps returning.

>> No.20356957

My neighbours are fucking again. The thudding against my bedroom wall makes it hard to think (and even harder to read).

>> No.20356959

Thanks man!
I tried them out today and today was miserable, so my first field impression of them was probably skewed. They don't fall out, and they sit nice, but the left one kept flickering from time to time and the rubber tips pop if I move my head. I'm not sure if that's an actual issue, or I'm just unused to them. They're my first set of wireless headphones, so... but they have good reviews, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. That, and they're easy to use, they sound nice, and they were cheap.

>> No.20356965

Pound on the wall back

>> No.20356995

you weren't reading

>> No.20357005
File: 45 KB, 350x531, 12F98DBF-9362-4CB4-9387-60CA29C42D63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly was (Crimes). But I am not now. I

>> No.20357015

I don’t think they would notice. I coughed loudly and they giggled.

>> No.20357099
File: 109 KB, 798x1200, 1602693880139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like I'm forgetting a lot of words
>like my language is being cleaned down to the bone, where i will only be able to relay basic ideas in plain speech
most communication is pseudery anyway

>> No.20357102

Just read the lord of the flies, represents the irrational Britbong aversion to primal nature pretty well

>> No.20357121

I can take a while to find the right therapist. I had one who talked down to me like a child, not a cognitively functional adult, to the degree is was offensive. I had one who believed everything I ever talked about, no matter what, came back to me having mother issues. My relationship with my mother is healthy and normal. I had one who just wanted to do future planning with me and never talk about anything else. I had one who seemed to deliberately and frustratingly misunderstand every single thing I said.

I did eventually get one who was really, really good. I saw her twice a month maybe? Anyway, then that therapist had a heart attack a few years back and I haven't been in therapy since. I should probably still be in therapy, being chronically suicidal, but shopping around for the right therapist is too much effort right now.

As an outsider looking at the USA, all I see is an example of a dystopia.

>> No.20357127

That generally does not work. Nest bet is to start moaning loudly along with them, yell out their names a few times, talk dirty to then through the wall, etc. Next time you see them inform them how turned on you get listening to them fuck.

>> No.20357174

You sound like you are talking from experience… I haven’t really had it as a problem before. The walls in my new place are paper thin.

It generally doesn’t bother me unless they are fucking at some ungodly hour.

>> No.20357231

What's with the instapruning of threads? Do we have a new overly eager jannie that will give up again after one week of trannydom

>> No.20357300

Nah, such things dont bother me and I can sleep through anything.
Metathread fallout. It will go on for about a week untill the complaining about thread deletion gets excessive and then things go back to normal for a month or two until the next metathread.

>> No.20357317

Since when do jannies care about metathreads which are not even allowed anymore?

>> No.20357326

It's kind of cool /lit/ has this thread. It's like a chatbox but more like an inn where /lit/ people hang out and chatter.

>> No.20357331

I wish I had your ability to sleep through anything. The woman is fucking banshee.

>> No.20357370

It is probably more about the metathread inciting anons to report any thread that they do not aprove of, turning every thread they can into bitching about "the state of /lit/" and pestering mods on IRC. We go through this every few months, the metathread just rallies enough anons to become a nuisance to the mods. They will stop when they realize that complaining will also cause their offtopic threads to be deleted along with the others.

>> No.20357584

>You know what’s not white boy summer? Having any ill will or prejudice toward anybody from a different background, race, walk of life than you, you know?... That’s not White Boy Summer, dude. That’s the shit we gotta elevate and get rid of, straight up... Because the real vibes is having nothing but good vibes toward everybody.

>> No.20357641
File: 6 KB, 210x241, Escalator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I like this girl and she likes me too. What do I do next and how do I escalate?

>> No.20357653

Tell her you like her and want to go out? What else is there to do

>> No.20357661

What if she says that she's busy or something like that?

>> No.20357662

then do it on another day

>> No.20357683

Ask her if she would desire coitus

>> No.20357688

Anything other than a yes is a no, move on. Just ask her out and see what happens.

>> No.20357714

If she is really busy schedule for when you can.

If she is evasive move on or be like John Green and keep trying for years until she marries you.

>> No.20357759

I just awakened from an elaborate 2 hour day dream about being caught in a love triangle with 2 sisters. My hours long daydream yesterday was about fortifying my neighborhood in event of civil war.
I'm Walter Mitty. I think I can turn these maladaptive daydreams into books but Im not sure how to start.

>> No.20357874

Poetry speaks the phallic direction.
Song keeps the word forever.
Sound is moulded to mean this.
And the measure molds sound.

>> No.20357892

How do I make these feelings go away

>> No.20357905

I've been catching weird random 3 day bans lately for just posting in a thread that wasn't even that off topic, looks like the janny/mod goes through and bans random people who contributed to what he considers to be off topic posting? But then other flagrantly off topic shit threads will still be up and not even the worst posters in the thread got banned

>> No.20357911

Alcohol, for me. Whats got you in a tizzy?

>> No.20357957

Hard to explain. Ongoing feelings for years now. I fight them back pretty well. Then I'll see something that will stir up the emotions and my day is ruined from then on. I have to quit alcohol as a cope. It just makes me even more depressed. I drink til I black out and I wake up to realize I've done something reallyretarded.

>> No.20357965


>> No.20357981

Not so long ago, I had read an article about the American government (or something like that) is considering the idea of putting lights on cars that would automatically go from high to low beam. I thought the idea was ridiculous, but since then I have started working the night shift and I have to say I am amazed at how people don't ever fucking turn off their high beams. At least half the cars I pass are on high beams, blinding me. And there's this new kind of lights too, the white/blue ultra-bright ones that are blinding even when on low beams.

>> No.20358014

It's due to altright tards who are just treating this board as /Pol/ 2.0 where they scream racial slurs or hurl other abuse while making shallow references to far-right figures in a cherry-picking manner. Even if you agree with them on a lot of things, they'll still chimp out.

>> No.20358031

Anybody know the name of the Nazi movie review blog?
It’s this /pol/tard reviewing Hollywood movies, it’s hilarious because he can’t stop mentioning Jews.

>> No.20358094

I feel as if I’ve spent so much time alone with myself that I’ve forgotten who I am and am afraid of wasting my life trying to remember

>> No.20358136

We are also /qa/2.0 ever since it got shutdown. /lit/ is doomed if the mods don't do something. Personally I think they should just get rid of the philosophy/religion loop holes, they cause more issues than good, makes the board too broad.

>> No.20358153

I’m surprised their threads aren’t instantly deleted considering they don’t even try to be /lit/ related.

>> No.20358254

How come any time anyone whines about right wingers on 4chan they either call a board "lit" or "/Lit/" or some other boomerism

>> No.20358258

Is it countercurrents?

>> No.20358267

Me too. Lonlieness is killing me

>> No.20358284

That doesn't sound like Counter Currents reviews since there's no single running movie reviewer. Greg Johnson used to review more movies under the name Trevor Lynch I think. Now it's just whoever wants to do one.


>> No.20358286
File: 5 KB, 229x220, 1643926977412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

No more first person self deprecation in these threads

>> No.20358312

It's better to never get into a relationship than to be heartbroken.

>> No.20358321

Soiled Sinema

>> No.20358424

I believe I can see the future

>> No.20358428

Every day is exactly the same

>> No.20358432
File: 187 KB, 1080x810, 30934c3e54f8e12f2b1c18914db944c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like being encased in amber.

The dark room was full of amber-like containers filled with the most potent perfumes. The containers, about the size of an indoor pot, were impregnated with a large, hard, 'sausage-like' variety of perfectly formed female digestive matter. All of these were organically 'manufactured' by innocent maidens. Many of these were at least 70 years old. However, they were not mummified, fossilised or decomposed. They were preserved in the alembic, an airless atmosphere, in the same condition in which they were born on earth. The only difference is that they were cooled to room temperature and their composition, colour and smell have not changed at all. The raw material is vegetable-based and contains natural hormones, acids and lipids, which form the secret substrate of the most expensive perfumes. The sample, contained in a stainless steel capsule, is removed by a small, operable, crane-like pincer and then released by a 'torpedo' through a transparent, subdivided tube. Inside is a literal digest of humanity's past and a fully sealed solid diary (never to be wasted, carelessly disposed of or lost), complete with its vital fermentation and volatility on full display. Some of these are said to be more than 100 years old. Based on diet, biology, wind and other atmospheric conditions (not to mention psychology, which also affects the concoction), not only can rare essences be distilled, but eventually clones of virgin female makers/stockholders (if desired) may also be obtained. Hitler (!) had sworn that Bohemia's 'nightshade' in pill form was good for longevity. It is certainly a product of a people that has 'long' ceased to exist. The last proof of this was in the aforementioned alembic latrine/letter/missile/time capsule/'coprophage'. The metamorphic symbol of the scarab could therefore not help but take upon itself the eternally fragrant burden of the new meaning inherent in the samples provided by this wonderfully amusing anal time machine. This monument and temple of the bowel is dedicated to the human desire to preserve the most fragrant examples of past human achievement, and is truly the most compact and digested expression of the very basis of female beauty. It embraces the best psychology, physiology, gastronomy and, most importantly, the seeds of an aphrodisiac mystery that cannot be found anywhere else. Certainly, the first apple digested by Eve was not on display in this human biological arc, but it is certain that the scent of the closest thing to it is concealed in the crystal cocoon from which the most potent concentration of the fermentative power of the materia femina is extractable.

(An original translation from the Japanese)

>> No.20358437

Thinking about stimulating my prostate with a dildo.

>> No.20358441

Tell us how it goes

>> No.20358448

I tried to start a thread once, and the faggot janny deleted it. Fuck him, cuntbag.

>> No.20358451

Looks interesting, I'll check it out

>> No.20358462

If there’s any part of you that wants to reach out to me please do it. I’m in a better headspace now and I’m SINGLE

>> No.20358468
File: 177 KB, 370x359, 1644313599929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, but can you change it?

>> No.20358470


>> No.20358529

can you see when exactly i will finally get a big titty goth gf?

>> No.20358546

you won't

>> No.20358586

clearly you can't see the future then cause i've been doing like 12 push-ups everyday and started skulking around the local college.

>> No.20358601 [DELETED] 

Why do white liberals love niggers so much? They're unpleasant to look at, they're not funny. I associate niggers with small crime, not fun. I don't understand why they're so obsessed with sharing pictures of niggers, talking like niggers and watching niggers fuck white women. I'm sure if I mingled with actual niggers I'd see fewer niggers. Fucking white cucks I hate them so much.

>> No.20358605

jews did this

>> No.20358608

It has something to do with American culture and what it's centered around.

>> No.20358609

>they're not funny
That's not true

>> No.20358635
File: 138 KB, 800x973, 165233979490524481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is Snoopy?

>> No.20358640

maybe if you like graphic toilet humor

>> No.20358645

Fucking phone battery, stop dying! I charged it yesterday morning to full power, and today I have a lot to do outside, but my battery is below 50% already and sinking fast. Modern technology is a scam.

>> No.20358653
File: 242 KB, 600x1246, 0502athanasius-great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately do not understand being a materialist in 20222.

The old saying used to be "where's the proof?". But we HAVE proof. Think about everything there's documented evidence of at this point. Photos, videos, physical remains, eyewitness testimony. We've got Eucharistic miracles. Celestial miracles. Strange corpses. Photos and videos of ghosts. Documented proof of psychic phenomena. Predictions and prophecies that can be checked in the affirmative against actual events. Records of encounters with unidentified flying objects. Even some proof of the efficacy of occult practices.

How can anyone be a materialist if they do even a little bit of digging? Whether you want to be a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a spiritualist, an occultist, or anything like that, it seems to me that, far from being a detriment, the demand for evidence has turned the non-materialist position into one of strength. It seems blatantly obvious to me, at this point, that there is more to the world than mere matter. The preponderance of data is too strong. So how can anyone still believe that materialism is correct?

>> No.20358659

Cool, a time traveler. Can you tell me the lottery numbers?

>> No.20358670

should have bought an iphone

>> No.20358672

as much as I hate technology and modern "science" it's obvious that God doesn't exist because if he did, he would not let himself get BTFO over simple matters when his whole shtick to convert people in pre-industrial times was doing exactly what science today is doing effortlessly in mundane ways.
if God doesn't care that people grow up as hard atheist gaylords then what is the fucking point of still trying to convert people?

>> No.20358688

12 pushups is not bad but nowhere near great anon

>> No.20358717

God doesn't need worshippers because he is perfectly self-sufficient, that is one of the retarded tropes of Christianity which has done so much damage to legitimate theology. God does not necessarily give a damn about mankind, it's up to us to raise ourselves to his level through piety and valorous, brave acts. Only then will he take an interest in continuing to thread glorious deeds throughout our fate. Read Celsus.

>> No.20358744

Not me, I swear.

>> No.20358758

>it's obvious that God doesn't exist
god very well may exist. what's unlikely-bordering-impossible is that god exists in the capacity by which he is rendered in the bible. there's never been one, single good argument for that. there are tons of good arguments for the possibility of the existence of god, but precisely none for a BIBLICAL god. despite all the intelligent and cogent argumentation establishing the possibility of god, the biblicist clams up and retreats to "well thats what it says in the book ok???" when confronted with the argument that god is most likely completely unrelated to the bible at all.

>> No.20358778

What do you mean by the Biblical god? Do you mean Jesus and the Trinity? What about the Jewish and Muslim view?

>> No.20358785

The Philo/Origen argument that the Bible is a tiered mystery and the revelation and advent of a savior was necessary is pretty interesting

Especially if you develop it into a historiosophy like the Anthroposophists do, that takes you into heterodoxy right away of course but still

>> No.20358787

>what's unlikely-bordering-impossible is that god exists in the capacity by which he is rendered in the bible
*tips fedora*

>> No.20358790

>God does not necessarily give a damn about mankind
I thought that God loved me?

>> No.20358929

you made this convention up out of thin air. we never used to do that for years. you autistic generalfaggots are insufferable.

>> No.20358941

america is so strange with your porches open to the street with no fence or anything, just your front door, a tiny lawn and the pavement. and packages just left there. so bizarre to me.
anyway, you should install a good camera, and if there's a thief, post its subhuman face all over the internet, and also print it out and plaster it all over the neighborhood. and if you catch it, severely beat it within an inch of its life.

>> No.20358944

I don't think I'm ever going to get a gf and have sex and I'm completely indifferent to it all.

>> No.20358946

never say never

>> No.20358948

But can you beat a negro?

>> No.20358957

It’s not hard Anon, just put some effort into appearance and socialization so you can experience one relationship. Afterwards you can give up on women completely because they’re not worth it, but lack of any romantic/sexual experience only leads to massive regrets.

>> No.20358969

I don't understand the question.

>> No.20358980

I've tried, but I'm too much of a freak and I feel undeserving of affection.

>> No.20358985

it's not strange, Americans are just fucking stupid but they're good at killing shit

>> No.20359005

You’re too harsh on yourself. “Weird” is just an undesirable mix of low social skill and unattractive appearance. Charming schizos get laid all the time, just like thoroughly boring dudes who flash material possessions. “Undeserving of affection” is even bigger bullshit; the men at the top of sexual hierarchy tend to be complete asshole (dark triad personality). Not to mention modern women - despicable beings in vast majority of cases, yet receiving all the affection they desire.

Instead of beating yourself up, understand that social dynamics are fucked beyond repair, move past the sex/“love” milestone for your future mental wellbeing and you’re free to do whatever you want to in life.

>> No.20359009

It's the parentheses and the "I think autistically" part. Also stop with the self-deprecation, pity party just for one:
>I have no friends am a loser.
Being overly vulgar and edgy also reeks of a redditor try to get updooted:
>your pussy loser easily dopamine addicted mind.
Then a clicheishly short statement like
>Be a human

Also this bit
>All my signals are a fabrication. If i know I am cringe because __ then just be more genuine since i know cringe. [the word cringe is cringe]

In general, what makes it reddit is that you're annoyingly didactic.

>> No.20359030

>move past the sex/“love” milestone
I guess it's easier for someone who has 'loved' and learned, but how exactly do you go about doing this in my case without the bitter feelings of having missed out? Seeing things for how they just feeds into the loop.

>> No.20359043

Poor wording in my post, sorry. What I meant by moving past the milestone is going through with it, putting in the necessary effort for one relationship with the initial awkwardness, honeymoon phase, disillusionment and inevitable heartbreak. You can do it. You’ll see it’s a waste of time ultimately. But as you already realize yourself, giving up without dipping toes in the water will fuck you up long-term, more so than a failed relationship.

>> No.20359118

my mom takes that, i thought it was for thyroid
is this some kind of jew mood regulator?

>> No.20359154

everybody had a hard dick
everybody got they ass ate

>> No.20359175

>ass ate
Never asked any girl for a rimjob, but one tried to eat my ass before I stopped her. What is wrong with women? She’s a tradcath wife now, so it’s doubly bizarre. It was few years before the practice became normalized via negroid music.

>> No.20359188

damn i usually gotta talk chicks into that

>> No.20359194

Do you enjoy it physically, or is it just her dirty humiliation that does it?

>> No.20359198

nah it actually feels really good
i'm not into humiliating women

>> No.20359202

Okay. Do you eat their assholes too?

>> No.20359206

niggers started this mongrel shit? I never thought I could hate them even more

>> No.20359208

technically i ate ass before i ever had vaginal sex by a margin of 5 or 6 minutes
i was eating the pussy and she said "eat my ass" and i didn't have the guts to refuse
i ate it up then i hit it and took that bitch to wendy's and had a number 6 combo (spicy chicken+coke+fries)
i don't remember what she ate but i think it was a dave's double

>> No.20359214


>> No.20359217

Sounds like you already gave her Dave's Hot and Juicy™

>> No.20359309

I think I've been cursed
How do I uncurse myself?

>> No.20359344

seek a wizard

>> No.20359348

Have sex with wiccan tarot thot

>> No.20359535

Same. Too bad she won't

>> No.20359639

From what I remember being passed around superstitious people, you need to search carefully through your house/apartment for any item that you either received recently from an unusually friendly person or tiny papers with inscription stuck into some hiding place. Don't touch the latter with your hands, use some tool and burn it.
If you have a yard, check for places that have been dug up recently. I've heard of witches putting a curse into an egg and then burying it on land of people they want to hurt.
But best advice I can give you is to embrace the fact that a "curse" is only effective as much as you believe in it.

>> No.20359701

I wonder what modern types actually think was the rationale behind all the "homophobia". I think they think people were, like, just haters, man. But it's weird how someone can think that the mark of an enlightened era is something which in a way must be so banal as accepting sodomy. This is it, this is the badge of honor. This is us. I know it's not banal, I'm just saying from their point of view. This is what marks us as better than those who came before.

>> No.20359715

>i was eating the pussy and she said "eat my ass" and i didn't have the guts to refuse
That's so hot and it almost never happens for me.

Women are so fucking boring, I always have to coach them to just say and do what they like. It's eroded my interest in them to the point that I might as well be gay. At some point my unconscious mind decided that if I hear one more tinder bitch go "ummm? whatever you want I guess???" with a question intonation I'm going to fucking kill myself.

>> No.20359717
File: 208 KB, 777x477, TAVISTOCK NEW LEFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is the center left such a staunch defender of the status quo in America? you guys ever come across these types?

>> No.20359721

Redpill me on the Tavistock thing

Does it have anything to do with the weird social engineering interests of the Toynbee crowd

>> No.20359732
File: 488 KB, 600x438, 1600125902770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At long last, the uncertainty is at an end.

>> No.20359764

>why is violence and sexuality so intimately tied in humans?
Because the Amygdala triggers both aggression and sexual arousal.
>muh ares and aphrodite
Yes faggot, everyone knew.

>> No.20359886

Watching the Russia Ukraine war is such a whitepill. For so long it seemed the West was finished, that we were doomed to defeat and humiliation, one after the other. But now the West is winning. Hell liberalism is winning and that never happens.

>> No.20359897

I'm very proud of Azov and Ukraine. They are also branching out to the Intermarium people. When NATO hegemony implodes and Russian hegemony fails, healthy European nationalism will fill the void.

>> No.20359938

>the West is winning.
Lmao what kind of propaganda are you consuming? Not only is ukraine getiing wrecked, the west is totally fucking itself over in its ardent support for ukraine. We're on the precipice of a fuel, fertilizer, inflation, and food crisis. And liberalism has never been more unpopular

>> No.20359985

i miss sharing a bed with the bros and cuddling n shit
not in a gay way or anything
it's just nice to have that kind of super close connection to your friends

>> No.20359998
File: 1.98 MB, 322x385, 1598560155198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i misisimsmssisisisis iissisi issiisi siiii ssexxsxsexsexsexsexsexsxsxxseeesexsxssxesxxxssxs

>> No.20360101

Psychotropics make you think differently? Wow, what a revelation.
>the real me

>> No.20360109

the DTs are miserable but they're still preferable to my unaltered mental state
at least when i'm withdrawing i'm too delirious to consider my situation lucidly

>> No.20360152

Full-blown DTs? Hallucinations, racing heart, convulsions and everything? Get help bro, if you’re at that point you’re risking permanent brain damage or death.

>> No.20360176

i need to find a way to make art which is not writing but i don't know how

>> No.20360183

If you can get a friend to observe you if hospitalization is not an option. Could be experiencing absence seizures and not even realize it. Take thiamine while you're at it. My DTs only go as far as mild auditory hallucinations, the shakes, and being sort of tired and sweaty but it's always helped me.

>> No.20360225

My previous downstairs neighbours were a couple in their mid-40's, both classically trained musicians, one a violinist and the other a pianist. My studio is directly above their living room, and the apartment building I live in is old with paper walls and floors, so I often heard them play. They were wonderful, absolutely wonderful - one particularly magical experience was when I was reading Mann, Tristan I believe, and he was going on about the absolute beauty and sublimity of the opening of Wagners Tristan and Isolde, and fate would have it that my downstairs neighbours played it at that exact time - serendipity, synchronicity, whatever you want to call it, a magical moment.

They moved out. Two young arabian medical students - brothers - moved in after their rich father bought the apartment. They listen to bass-boosted versions of the spotify top 100 whenever they have a party, which to them seems to be 3 times a week, and little more than an excuse to invite 17 year old girls over, get them absolutely smashed on hard liquor, and then semi-rape them.

I get this sense that there was a time where everything in my life had a sort of hidden, transcendent meaning, a lighting of a way, dimly and difficult to discern, but very reassuring, but that time has passed, and all there is left is endless obscenity, a grotesque carnival with no way out.

>> No.20360240

Get down there and enjoy some prime pussy lmao, why are you whining.

>> No.20360249
File: 29 KB, 335x499, MURICA BONGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it have anything to do with the weird social engineering interests of the Toynbee crowd
It does.

Tavistock comes from Wellington House , UK's Propaganda Bureau from WW1.
I can't find a Direct link but all the known Jackals are found around it.....

>Aldous Huxley was a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Joseph Toynbee, an economic historian whose twelve-volume analysis of the rise and fall of civilizations examined history from a global perspective. Huxley met Toynbee at Oxford, where he was tutored by H.G. Wells, who was T.H. Huxley’s protégé. While Wells went on to become the head of British Foreign Intelligence during World War I, Toynbee sat on the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) Council in Chatham House [interlocked with the CFR in the United States] for nearly fifty years. During World War I, he also headed the Research Division of the Intelligence Department for the British Foreign Office and was a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919
Daniel Estulin ; Tavistock Insitute

>Milner Group in the British Goverment circa 1914-1919
>In Intelligence and public information, we find John Buchanan as head of the Information Deparment of the War Office, with John Dove and B.H. Sumner ( the present warden ofAll Souls) in military intelligence. H.W.X. Davis was general editor of the Oxford Pamphlets .......Algernon Cecil (newphew of Lord Salisbury) was in the Intelligence division of the Admiraly....J.W. Headlam-Morley was advisoron all historical matters at Wellington House in 1915-1918 and assistance director of political intelligence in the Department of Information 1917-1918...shifted to the Foreign Office late 18'; In the War Office Milner was Secretay Of State in 1918......
Carrol Quigley ; Anglo-American Establishment

>AIMS; the extension of British Rule throughout the World, perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of coloniation by British Subjects of all the Lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy labour and enterprise....
>the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the consolidation of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to herafter render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity.

>British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
>Exclusive: GCHQ is said to have alerted US agencies after becoming aware of contacts in 2015

>> No.20360260

Does anybody happen to have the banner pic of that guy's post that went something like "working out made me feel worthy of masturbating to hotter anime girls"?

>> No.20360265
File: 143 KB, 1000x1340, 1650855905215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a world where magical moments like that are possible. Don't do it for you, do it for those who are being deprived of such moments right now, but don't even have the one benefit you at least have, being conscious of it.

Sometimes you have to shelf The Magic Mountain and read some Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen and Gedanke im Krieg.

>> No.20360284

If theyre going to strangers houses to listen to shit tier music and get smashed (figuratively and literally) I doubt their pussy is "prime"

>> No.20360288

isn't alcohol haram?

>> No.20360292

All teenage girls are like that. You’ll just miss out and collect the party leftovers once they’re jaded and bitchy.

>> No.20360309

Sounds vile either way.

>> No.20360310

i think you're just lonelier than you were

>> No.20360316

The whole world is vile. Fuck or get fucked.

>> No.20360317

sounds more to me that he prefers nice people with character to whore-debasing retards which seems normal enough

not sure why people are leaping to pathologize his dislike for filth, it's normal to dislike filth

>> No.20360333

i'm not saying that, but his reason to notice this change, is his loneliness.
note how he doesn't mention any other of his neighbours - he misses the classical pianist & violinist because the moment when they left coincided with him getting sadder (for some other reason) and thus he notices negative changes more. if instead he weren't particularly lonely or sad he would not have payed too much attention to the pessimistic implications of having teenagers downstairs instead of people more similar to him. if happy things were happinning to him and his life felt like it was improving, he'd probably be noticing some other tiny change in the world around it and find in it positive meaning

>> No.20360353

It is. Arab doesn't always mean devout muslim.

>> No.20360356

i can't agree with that, if i am happy and someone lays a shit on my pillow i'm still going to smell and see the shit. it isn't just teenagers, it's two degenerate subhumans engaging in degenerate subhuman behavior, it's a carnival of ugliness and a reminder that the world has been inherited from the violinists of yesteryear by ugly little mixed up from-nowhere going-nowhere people whose lives revolve around unliterary, animal decadence

noticing that is good, the first step in removing garbage is to notice the garbage

>> No.20360358

I really really want to leave this country

>> No.20360367

Amazing how much mental gymnastic people like you are willing to put yourselves through to justify that it's actually OP's fault rather than just go with the obvious answer of nobody liking loud and obnoxious arab immigrants moving in and blasting their crappy music, especially when it stands in contrast with the pleasant neighbours that used to live in their place before.

>> No.20360382

>it's two degenerate subhumans engaging in degenerate subhuman behavior, it's a carnival of ugliness and a reminder that the world has been inherited from the violinists of yesteryear by ugly little mixed up from-nowhere going-nowhere people whose lives revolve around unliterary, animal decadence

sounds like you're a rather sad place as well, man.. spending time finding words to hate on someone who you don't even know the face of.

the first step in removing garbage is noticing beauty

>> No.20360393

Third world shithole?

>> No.20360400

no, your viewpoint is the midwit "progressive" propaganda that eroded all the things that made civilization bearable over the last century and led us to the present predicament

sometimes you have to care about things and not be an individualist hedonist

>> No.20360417

why should i care about things through hate? would caring about things not be more fruitful by actually creating something new and beautiful instead of wasting that energy on complaining about other people's lives. "the violinists of yeasterday" wrote their notes despite the inevitable ugliness of their times... the reactionary pessimistic turn is how beautiful young minds rot. of course ugliness annoys, but our focus should be on building alternatives to it and finding beauty despite it. glorifying a past you don't remember is tragic senile ennui, not "caring about things."

>> No.20360430
File: 142 KB, 620x959, cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the Métro, one evening, I looked closely around me: everyone had come from somewhere else . . . Among us, though, two or three faces from here, embarrassed silhouettes that seemed to be apologizing for their presence. The same spectacle in London.

>Today’s migrations are no longer made by compact displacements but by successive infiltrations: little by little, individuals insinuate themselves among the “natives,” too anemic and too distinguished to stoop to the notion of a “territory.” After a thousand years of vigilance, we open the gates . . . When one thinks of the long rivalries between the French and the English, then between the French and the Germans, it seems as if each nation, by weakening one another, had as its task to speed the hour of the common downfall so that other specimens of humanity may relay them. Like its predecessor, the new Völkerwanderung will provoke an ethnic confusion whose phases cannot be distinctly foreseen. Confronted with these disparate profiles, the notion of a community homogeneous to whatever degree is inconceivable. The very possibility of so heteroclite a crowd suggests that in the space it occupies there no longer existed, among the indigenous, any desire to safeguard even the shadow of an identity. At Rome, in the third century of our era, out of a million inhabitants, only sixty thousand were of Latin stock. Once a people has fulfilled the historical idea which was its mission to incarnate, it no longer has any excuse to preserve its difference, to cherish its singularity, to safeguard its features amid a chaos of faces.

From his "Drawn and Quartered".

>> No.20360441

Yeah, kazakhstan

>> No.20360454

[from op's perspective]
pleasant musician neighbors = good
loud obnoxious unpleasant arab immigrants = bad
wtf is your problem and why cant you accept that the previous neighbors were just better, instead you write a wall of text to somehow blame the op and rationalize the vile behavior of the new neighbors

>> No.20360461

>>20360454 was meant for >>20360382

>> No.20360488

Now that blogs are practically irrelevant, what's next for young internet users who enjoy writing & reading other users' writing?

>> No.20360489

cause he's a fag

>> No.20360497

I really dislike wet dreams.
>be me
>comfortably sleeping and having a cool dream
>a cartoonishly attractive woman-figure shows up and gives me a kiss
And now my dream and sleep is ruined and I have to deal with the mess. I wish there was a way of avoiding these dreams.

>> No.20360501

discord i guess

>> No.20360504

~just beat it~

>> No.20360515

would have been a hell of a kiss if it was enough to kick you out of sleep

>> No.20360525

>Why should I care that the house is on fire? Would whittling a nice wooden diorama of an Arab fucking my wife in the drawing room not create more beauty in the long run?

>> No.20360526

Yeah it was, but all this wasn't worth it for just 5 seconds of it.

>> No.20360542

so you have a problem with all types of dreams or just the sexual ones ?

>> No.20360553

Just the sexual ones.

>> No.20360562

ok guess i'll go whine about the great replacement on an Artsakhian pedicure board instead, then.

>> No.20360571


>> No.20360590

Jerk off before bed.
No porn.

>> No.20360593

idk man, they never really bothered me much

>> No.20360616

It doesn’t have to be that way though

>> No.20360645

he is pretty right though, people nowadays have become too nosy and any attempts to prevent that makes you look like a loser

>> No.20360658

Dog whistle thread makers should be permabanned

>> No.20360677

>Dog whistle thread makers

>> No.20360822

Is life anymore interesting outside of the internet? I sit on my ass here for 12 hours straight about everyday (I'm not joking) and feel like I get more out of my time here than in real life. Been thinking about changing things up but I haven't a clue about what I else I could do.

>> No.20360856

try analysing what you like so much about the internet and see if there is ways that you can translate that to real life

>> No.20360865


>> No.20361049

In much of what people say about "god" and the "universe" the two terms can be exchanged.

>> No.20361054

Often times, speaking to a friend is better than speaking to a therapist. My therapist was awful and made many things worse.