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20335381 No.20335381 [Reply] [Original]

Other than libgen and archive.org, where do you people buttpirate your books from? Normal torrent sites are hit and miss. Looking for non-fiction, Philosophy and such, specifically for Baudrillard's Cool Memories 3.

>> No.20335831


I'm really glad that he and the other two took the earliest possible opportunity to say Fuck You to their demonic enemies. I hope they stab them another several times over the next few decades. Shame Roberts is a pedo snake now though.

>> No.20336508

Please respond.

>> No.20336535

My language has a great piracy website available since early days of the internet that has every single fucking book ever written
I love you chomikuj.pl

>> No.20336597
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>> No.20336795

i just look up "book title pdf" Cant find it; wont read it

>> No.20337254

The question should be: where do you get good ebooks? Books without ocr typos or format errors.
I downloaded 3 different Lolita epubs from Zlibrary and the 3 of them had the same errors on the introduction. I had to settle with a pdf version, wich is not optimal for reading on the cellphone ( yep).

>> No.20337260


>> No.20337271

Just walk to any used book store and you can get a copy for the change you find on the street on your way there. Lolita is a glut on the market and most used book stores have so many copies they will not buy anymore. Get some perspective.

>> No.20337312
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>> No.20337331

>tfw ESL
>don't want to read translations
>only ever find translated Lolita here
>give up and read epub
I may have to do the same with Hemingway :(

>> No.20338213

get an invite to myanonamouse, its one of the easiest private trackers i've seen. you can also check out the eye, although there isn't a nice search function

>> No.20338832

It was just an example about the quality of the ebooks. But to give you some perspective: i live at least at 100km of a second hand book store and I highly doubt they have Lolita in its original language. I also prefer reading english books on the cellphone or the ereader just for the embedded dictionary.
Another example would be: the Scanner Darkly ebook i read had many ocr errors like "r" becoming "n". Or Infinite Jest having words with hyphens in the middle of the line and a bit of a mess on the notes at the end of the book.

>> No.20339025

>Another example would be: the Scanner Darkly ebook i read had many ocr errors like "r" becoming "n".

This is why I look for retail versions if they're available. With some books, libgen might have 10 epubs of a book, but only a couple of them are the retail version and the rest are OCR'd versions. You can often recognise the retail version by either the cover or the size (usually retail is larger), though that doesn't always work out. I'll settle for an OCR version only if there's no retail version around and I can't easily get a second-hand copy.

Some retail ebooks have OCR errors of their own, unfortunately. For older books publishers must often start with an OCR version and then skimp on the editing.

>> No.20340075

you can always report errors on the libgen forums and if there are several versions of a book (some with unfixed ocr mistakes and some where they were fixed) then the bad ones will often be removed.

>> No.20340294


>> No.20340333

yandex: {book title} {author} pdf