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20322131 No.20322131 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/, I've read this entire word vomit in a month (even the 11 preview chapters from Winds of Winter) and here's the final grading:

>A Game of Thrones.
Solid worldbuilding, many interesting characters, a political thriller plot that seems clear but is a lot more intricate than it looks at first glance.
>A Clash of Kings.
Solid continuation.
>A Storm of Swords.
We get the reward for all the stuff set up in the first two books, and it's a good one.
>A Feast for Crows.
Gets a bit boring and meandering. It gives the impression that GURM doesn't have a clear, tightly planned plot anymore, but is full of subtle clues about the overarching grand plan of many characters. The ironborns are surprisingly interesting, as characters and as a culture. Not great, but not horrible.
>A Dance with Dragons.
Even more meandering and loose than the previous one. Loose like Daenerys' bowels, every book looser than the previous one, until all GURM is squirting is brown water. The Epilogue alone is worth a full point though.


The worldbuilding has a scope I've never seen before. This fat bastard with his hep-hep-hep faggy laughter has created several families (Lannisters, Baratheons, Starks, Greyjoys, Targaryens) each of which is rich and interesting enough to deserve their own series. The lore is also very well developed, with past heroes, past races (First Men, Andals, Children of the Forest, White Walkers, Valyrians), past family feuds, ancient crucial battles, many religions (each with a different perspective on life). Really amazing work. He has created a very complex and compelling world. He could write an infinite number of books based in it. (IF ONLY HE FUCKING WROTE)
Less than inspired style.
Storytelling gets way too meandering and loose after the first 3 books.
Fat bastard author with zero work ethic.

And now the wait for TWoW begins.

>> No.20322140

Also, in the preview chapters from TWoW we discover that Euron used to butt rape his little brother Aeron. That's a fine addition, GURM. Well done.

>> No.20322176

What's you're point?

>> No.20322215

It's a literature board, gtfo if you don't want to talk about books you fart-huffing faggot

>> No.20322253
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I'm point? You seem to be confused, friend. I'm not a monodimensional object. I have mass, length and width (as my wife can confirm :)). I'm most certainly a tridimensional being, so I don't quite get what you're trying to express here.

>> No.20322309

Yeah I did that too but I haven't gotten around to read A Dance with Dragons yet because I can't find the book available used
My rating would go
I don't get the meandering criticism people have but then as someone who read most of the series in a few weeks it wasn't as if I was waiting years in order to know what happened to bran or jon

>> No.20322335

Zamn, nigga. You enjoying yourself some GURM, ain'tcha? You loving that GURM shit, aint' ya? Good little reader, read it all.

>> No.20322349

on subsequent reads if you care to re-read this, you will find that Feast is the superior book because it cuts out the shitty POV characters and has the most kino chapters
It's a book without Dany, Tyrion, Jon and Bran

>> No.20322350

>I don't get the meandering criticism
Well, in the first 3 books we had a clear cast, each with clear motivations, which interacted in order to solve a clear situation (the 5 kings war, to see who will win the iron throne).

The first 3 books end with the war ALMOST over, but not yet, Daenerys ALMOST ready to invade Westeros, but not yet. An uncertain situation, in short. And in the last 2 books, that situation is not really changed at all. The war is still almost over but not yet, Daenerys is still almost ready to invade Westeros but not yet, etc.

>> No.20322352

>the most kino chapters
What's the most kino chapter in Feast?
And in the entire series?
Most kino POV character?

>> No.20322360

>What's the most kino chapter in Feast?
Brienne's with the broken men monologue, followed by the Kingsmoot.
>And in the entire series?
Broken men monologue
>Most kino POV character?
IMO in this order: Jaime, Brienne, Cersei, Sansa

>> No.20322369

Ok but I don't care about the war of the five kings or who will win the iron throne, that's not why I'm reading

>> No.20322381

Why are you reading this massive 5k pages saga then?

>> No.20322393

Because I enjoy reading it

>> No.20322403

Ok but what parts do you enjoy, if you don't care about the plot? The prose itself is... lackluster.

>> No.20322436

>the Kingsmoot
What makes it kino? I remember it as quite disappointing and underwhelming. The kingsmoot was teased as being this amazing, cool ancient ritual that hadn't been done for millennia... and then it was simply a bunch of pretenders on a beach yelling to their followers "Follow me, and I'll give you X!"

It was probably the most disappointing part of the entire series, now that I think about it. Only decent part was the dragon-binding horn being sounded and the blower getting charred.

>> No.20322442

>and the blower getting charred.
Kek. Get fucked, blower.

>> No.20322447

>cool ancient ritual that hadn't been done for millennia
>and then it was simply a bunch of pretenders on a beach yelling to their followers "Follow me, and I'll give you X!"
that's the point
though both Asha and Euron's speeches were pretty nice, and the Damphair's thought are always fun

>> No.20322453

>that's the point
What? To tease the reader and then disappoint him? Not a great point for a writer to make.

>> No.20322454
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>> No.20322462

Preston jacobs is based

>> No.20322475

no, that cool ancient rituals have always been shitty powergrabs

>> No.20322519

Mmm... not sure that was even remotely implied in the books...

My impression is that GURM wanted to hype the readers but then couldn't come up with the goods.

>> No.20322928

I just finished A Game of Thrones and started A Clash of Kings. I really like it. People told me his prose were bad, and I don't think so. Perhaps he gets worse in later books?

>> No.20322960

It's not bad bad. Brandon Sanderson's prose is legitimately bad. GURM's prose is meh. It's ok. It's a functional prose: it gets the job done, and that's it. You'll never find a beautiful sentence in his books, but people don't read him for the prose.

>> No.20322980

Really? I find A Game of Thrones to be good because it's nice a simple. It has some beautiful imagery that is very Tolkien at times. I love the way he describes characters and uses a lot fitting words for his setting. I can't fucking stand Sanderson's writing.

>> No.20323324

>It has some beautiful imagery that is very Tolkien at times
"Galadriel squatted next to the river, and the more she shat, the looser and fouler-smelling her stools got, until she was squirting only brown water."

>> No.20323337

"Arwen tried to fight him off, but Aragorn pushed her onto the bed and inside her, and her cunt became the world."

>> No.20323384

>I can't fucking stand Sanderson's writing.
Same. He's the literary equivalent of a sandwich from a vending machine.
(GURM is a nice maxi hamburger with cheese and caramelized onions, dripping sauce.)

>> No.20325038

I'm pretty sure the GRRM shitting didn't come until the Dance of Dragons, which is bad book. First book is not like that.

>> No.20325249

>you'll never find a beautiful sentence sentence in his books

>"storms come and go, the big fish eat the little fish and I keep on paddling"

>> No.20325299

should have read the bible instead

>> No.20325302

Martin has a good ear for dialogue but his prose is mediocre

>> No.20325304

Divide each number by 3 and you have my ratings. It's all shit. But maybe if you mainly read fantasy everything else is even shittier and you like it way more.

>> No.20325307
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>> No.20325323
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your reddit humor isn't funny faggot

>> No.20325389

if fatso dies, preston needs to be an advisor for whoever finishes the books.

>> No.20325412

>broken men monologue
yup, insanely kino
not so much for the writing of the monologue itself
but for coming as it does after several thousand pages of war/misery porn

>> No.20326849

Eddard shouldn't have died that quickly

>> No.20326925

for me it's Septon Meribald's monologue

>> No.20327254


It was heavily implied well before that, and it's not as though Euron had any redeeming qualities otherwise. He's presented prior as the most evil bastard who ever lived. Even Ramsay's more sympathetic.

>> No.20328748
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you did like it, dont you? why not give every book 10/10?

>> No.20328826

Shut up preston. Read something else for a change.

>> No.20328868

A couple of months ago I wanted to see what the fuss what about Brandon Sanderson. i had already seen his dumb as face and knew that he wrote fantasy, so my hopes weren't high. I found an excerpt from some random book he wrote. It was the worst prose I've ever read, about some girl demanding something from a character named Brightlord. The second I saw the name Brightlord I knew excactly what kind of writer he is. Knowing how popular he is, it ruined my day just a little bit

>> No.20328964

>And now the wait for TWoW begins.

That wait has been going on for 11 years already. When the most recent book was released, the TV show was just into its first season. Now, that same TV show has already ended years ago, revealing that Dany was indeed the psychopath that she seemed all along (and many people still were surprised).

>> No.20328993

Yes I agree with this review, well done

>> No.20329549


He is, and I hope he writes his own ending and it makes GRRM seethe

>> No.20329926

Preston comes up with whack theory (like all fans of this series) for attention and to shill his channel. He's been doing that for about 8 years. He still is an under read retard. I can't wait for George to finish just to disappoint everyone that read way too much into his words.

>> No.20329966

YouTube faggots are only good for identifying braindead retards who actually sit down and watch theorycrafting headcanon videos.