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/lit/ - Literature

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20320822 No.20320822 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me this man is a good writer.

>> No.20320831


>> No.20320872

I think he is non-supreme, and I think its a known fact that he is a non-supreme writer.

>> No.20320882

I mean, it's a different skillset than your usual, classic writer for sure. The guy isn't Proust or Flaubert, of course, but what's new here is that he, and his generation of peers, openly admit to not care for style, to not even try. Bit like how so many singers said listening to Bob Dylan freed them and cured their fear since bob sang like crap (his voice being kinda nice sounding is another matter, the singing on a technical level is garbage).
So these writers, genre fiction mostly but the phenomena isn't limited to them, are a sort of a new, unapologetic stylelets who assert themselves as wordbuilders, or tale-tellers with no interest towards prose.
So yeah, to answer your question, if you think prose is useless, then this guy does some of the rest pretty well and is hence a good writer. I'd say his worse problem isn't even prose, though, it's how his characters seem to think, talk, and act like they're teenagers straight out of a telenovella, it gets tiresome pretty quick.

>> No.20320887

I may add, that his smirk can look supreme but don't be fooled, his prose is non-sublime.

>> No.20320899

/lit/ hates him

>> No.20320935
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>hated by /lit/
This is the misery of Sanderson

>> No.20320948

Hey Lois, I just invented a new magic system. When someone pulls the hero's finger he farts eeeerrrheheheheheh

>> No.20320954
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New magic system! he farts baaahhahhhh

>> No.20320964
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Brap magic, he braps!

>> No.20321071

Why does he look like he has down syndrome?

>> No.20321242

I just know he has a massive following. He even broke a world record on kickstarter or some shit. His fanbase his loyal as fuck because he values his fans a lot and his always writing. That old pig Martin could learn a thing or two from Sanderson.

>> No.20321387

He's good at social media and catering to the masses. Shit writer though desu

>> No.20321767

he's published

>> No.20323425

He has good concepts and great pacing. It’s fantasy written for younger people so you can’t expect deep, meandering prose. For what it is and what he set out to do it’s very good imo. If you wonder what he’s capable of read his novella ‘Emperors Soul’ to get an idea. Dude is a machine.

>> No.20323530

He literally write marvel-like plots with fights that read like he is describing panels in a manga. If this sounds like you might enjoy, go for it; nobody cares.

>> No.20323550

he's american

>> No.20323557

He writes for those who don't want to read.

>> No.20323754


>> No.20323810

God, rent free

>> No.20323838

name one (1) metric of success that isn't an index to popularity.

>> No.20323843

>is best selling author and published many books
>probably millionaire
>does crowdfunding anyway

I heard hes a mormon but I think hes really a jew

>> No.20323862

for good reason, his "works" are sins against literature

>> No.20323867

He finishes his books even if they are ridiculously large.

>> No.20323870

>I heard hes a mormon but I think hes really a jew
On paper he's mormon but he is also allegedly a freemason so yeah jew
I can't convince you, unless you like shonen anime.
Here is based RJ btfo Sandersons faggy magic systems https://youtu.be/neBrN--mPwg

>> No.20323876

I work a full time factory job and listen to shittons of audiobooks. I'd guess 80-100 a year. I've developed patience for shitty boring crap because of this. I've sat through some ridiculous sociopolitical books that are retarded and wrong being entertained by the psychology of the author more than the content itself. I listen to random best sellers no matter the genre. I listen to random fantasy books from the last 40 years. I've listened to several sanderson books and was bored out of my mind. he's above average with setting and abysmal with characters and deciding what the hell is worth actually telling in a story and what isn't. my conclusion is unless you a 10-20 year old boy you will hate him.

>> No.20323879

He's a competent writer, yes. Now, his merits as an author are highly debatable. Pulp fantasy series isn't exacly any literary achievement. He is most certainly a good marketeer, though

>> No.20323887

Can you give an anon a solid? Please answer >>20323872


>> No.20323908

I haven't listened to much YA parody, closest I've got to that is mainstream titles like hitchhikers and princess bride and yeah listened to a few discworld books. terry pratchett seems hard to run out of though the guy was pretty prolific. tho I got pretty tired of him after a couple of books.

>> No.20324162
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I picked a book just to assume something, this is Skyward (2018)

To me it looks like a long MMO quest written in text

>> No.20324486

>first person
This unironically reads like a middle school girl wrote some fanfic. On the good side though, if this is considered top tier in the American literary world, then we're all going to make it bros, I've seen better written and more entertaining green texts.

>> No.20325349

Told you he was non-supreme and non-sublime.

>> No.20325353

>first person

Absolutely integral to writing self-insert power fantasy for teens.

>> No.20325365

>Convince me this man is a good writer.
he's a storyteller, mainly.
he writes in a way so that readers don't notice his writing and the writing doesn't interrupt their immersion
that's an art in its own way

>> No.20325432

But it does interrupt the reader and disrupt immersion. The modern language use takes you out of the story every time you read words like "squad" or them refer to Magic as "mechanics" of a system. It's like video game characters where the player is speaking into a microphone and talking about game play. Then there is the cringe political woke stuff. stormlight archive is full of sexism lectures that scream modernity. Finally there is the awful language choices. Colloquial dialog that comes across as immature, no poetic beauty, no nice imagery, and makes me cringe. Sanderson really could have used one of those AP English classes growing up where they make you memorize advanced English words and terms to expand your vocabulary.

>> No.20325449

True, this why he will never be supreme, this is why his prose is non-sublime. this why the reader drowns in misery every time he reads Sanderson.

>> No.20325458

has he ever used "mechanics" in a book?
but yeah, a lot of fantasy writers use "feet", "miles", "hours", etc. it does take me out of the story for a bit, but i really don't want a fantasy writer to come up with their own units of measure.
same goes for squad. we all know what it means. they probably didn't have squads in medieval times, but who wants the author to come up with a random made-up word for "squad?"

>> No.20325461

"Squad" is a POZZED word, only a librul would use it.

>> No.20325464
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>> No.20325469
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Amerifats look non-supreme, HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.20325535

Yes Dalinar is words of radiance or something. He is talking about he doesn't know the mechanics about whatever radiant power he is talking about. He uses the word mechanics. There are a lot of words. Using miles, feet ect... are actually all older terms than the modern metric system. Tolkien uses miles and feet. The issue isn't measurement. They will say words like "espionage" and tons of modern terms. Everything is modernized.

>> No.20326784

/lit/ is a Traditional Catholic board, we hate sin and Sanderson is allegedly a freemason who is spreading jewish masonic luciferian doctrine through his works. I mean look at what he's most known for, his magic systems, it would not surprise me if he was a kabbalist (jew magic).

>> No.20326826
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This, Sanderson may appear as the ordinary Mormon, but in reality he is operating the Mormon lit machine, and he is the puppet master of the Mormon goons who rule /sffg/ and terrorize respected authors, his goons have ruined /sffg/ and made it a breeding ground for pozzed literature and women protagonists.

>> No.20326934

this video was complete garbage and he meandered and took way too long to make a concrete point. I watched half of it and I want my time back, he didn't ever draw a real connection between magic and wokeness

>> No.20326961

This is worse than children’s literature I read as a kid.

>> No.20326968

it is a book written for kids

>> No.20326971

He’s good, certainly better than your average Detroit citizen of darker complexion. However, is he a real artist? Is he a Milton? A Chaucer? No, but he’s also not trying to be. He just wants to write Mormon Tolkien fan fiction for impotent nerds. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.20326989

He's the literary equivalent of a decent Shonen writer. He has solid magic systems and tries to halfassedly tackle complex themes occasionally. However, he's handicapped by the fact that he's targeting an audience under the age of 25 that's looking for cool fight scenes and characters they can self-insert as, not literary complexity or masterful storytelling.
If you liked Demon Slayer, you'll love the Stormlight Archives.

>> No.20327096

He is Stephen King of fantasy.

>> No.20327098

I got nothing

>> No.20327145

Never read Sanderson, but that sample an anon posted earlier is definitely worse than King.

>> No.20327194

Any evidence of him.being a Mason? My understanding is he's a member of the main temple of Mormon or wwhatever. You gotta be rich and influential to be accepted or something. I bet Mormons at the high level are basically a cadet branch of masons. As much as I dislike Sandersons writing, I do admittedly feel bad whenever I tear him a new one I very his writing. I've never seen any evidence to suggest him being an asshole. Which of itself is suspect because those kinda of people can be the worst, but I digress. He definitely projects this innocence and pleasantly that would make you feel like an asshole for for meaning mean.

>> No.20327244
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Masons use Mormons as the underdog goons, Masons elected Sanderson as the leader of the Mormon mafia which does the dirty work for the masons, by doing that masons will not get caught if the Mormon work goes messy, and Mormons can do whatever they want including Blackmail and terrorizing respected authors, this is why Sanderson is very successful.

>> No.20327266

I guess I have no taste because I like his stuff. What would /lit/ consider the best of the best fantasy?

>> No.20327287

Sanderson terrorizes other authors? I have to hear this. Does he break the bones of competing fantasy authors?

>> No.20327330

He doesn't do it himself, The Mormons do it for him, through Blackmail and other sensitive methods, if the Blackmails don't work, they send their Mormon goons to "take care of business", for example >>20327244 This is Elijah R Braxton, A known Mormon trickster, he is Sanderson's favorite goon, he blackmails authors and documents search history and nude pics, he might look like an average goon but he is the most feared in Utah.

>> No.20327403

Where can I find out more about this mafia

>> No.20327504
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It's very secretive but not hard to spot, the ones involved in freemasonry and the main temple of Mormon obviously know about them, you just have to spot the successful Mormon and the shady business will reveal itself, disrespect a Mormon and the Mormon goons will appear.

>> No.20327509

I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

>> No.20327526

The evidence of him being a mason is anecdotal: 1 he is a Mormon, mormonism was founded by the freemasons and their whole (false) religion is based off of the tenants of freemasonry which is luciferian jew gnosticism. 2. Mormons regularly become freemasons considering the close ties, its like rotc:military mormonism: freemasonry their luciferian worship preps them for full thing. 3. He is a high ranking member of the Mormon church, they wouldn't let such a highly visible member enact his own agency, he is controlled through masonry. 4. He is a high ranking professor at byu a Mormon college, same point as (3). 5. He finished Robert Jordan's work wheel of time who is a known Freemason >>20326548 someone who puts that much masonic themes and esoteric knowledge into his work would not hand it off to a non mason.
This guy is doing an obvious subversive troll to shoot off suspicion of the real mormon mafia that exists.

>> No.20327545

Everything he has written is rated higher than anything of Tolstoy's on Goodreads.

>> No.20327560
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Is he woke/leftwing?

>> No.20327566

I like sandersons storm light series mist born was decent but a bit corny. I think he knows how to build to a climax very well and the last fifth of his books are exciting.

>> No.20327572

Shit the hell up this is so false

>> No.20327579

I've only read storm light and mist born and neither are woke

>> No.20327606

Thats good. I hope he does not change.

>> No.20327624

He's a Mormon who teaches at BYU

>> No.20327670

he's not

>> No.20327715

Stormlight is woke, what are you talking about? Everything Shalon talks in Oathbringer she is talking about sexist treatment of women.

>> No.20327747

If you consider a female lead complaining about sexism to be woke then you need to stick to pre 1800 lit

>> No.20327752

No white characters, tons of progressive themes. I could go on and on. If you defend those books you're a faggot.

>> No.20327794

Woke is when people in my fantasy novel aren't white and the women don't want to be treated as second class

>> No.20327826

Idk wtf he is talking about the characters are white ?

>> No.20327916
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Sanderson is right winged, he is a Trad Christian and all the relationships in his books are arranged like the traditional relationships, Women in his books are Trad and non-sluts, Yes there are women in his books but he encourages a strong community and women are part of the community, I think his example of women is very Trad and redpilled.

>> No.20327927

Look at this White Man making it big writing red pilled books, and even the libruls gobble that shit, because even they crave the healthy Trad life, this is why some TROONS here HATE HIM.

>> No.20327997

he's not, but he's the best /lit/ has and we should support our boy

>> No.20328019

They are mostly brown or shades of brown.

>> No.20328025
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>> No.20328073

omg other races exist this is fucking horrifying!

>> No.20328198

>he is a Trad Christian
He is a mormon alleged freemason which means he is neither traditional nor Christian. Just by being Mormon alone, a new age made up religion from the 1800s, he cannot be traditional by that very definition he is new age. And mormons are not Christian, they are a polytheistic scifi branch of the luciferian freemasons. They do not believe in a trinitarian God, they believe the god of this universe was once a man from another universe, they believe in the multiverse like marvel comics all ruled by people who became gods in other universes, they believe they can become a god of their own universe just like the luciferian freemasons, and they believe in continual revelation which means their dogmas can continually be added to or changed or removed so long as their president approves.

>> No.20328326

What they are all mexicans or something?

>> No.20328546

>he is freemason
>not traditional
Choose one, All traditional authors shilled here are freemasons.

>> No.20328657

I'd consider that an accomplishment really. I've read most books this place hates and have been very content. Just bought the way of kings.

>> No.20328724

Have you read The Hobbit ot Lord of the Rings? I havent read enough fantasy to know if that's the best of the best, but it is certainly better than anything Sanderson has written.

>> No.20328728

Is this a 4channer?

>> No.20328795

The video seems rather pointless, but I feel he is (somewhat) on the right track even if his reasons seem to be simplistic and delusional.
Magic as represented in modern times, a force of maleable, metaphysical energy that allows for apotheosis and control over both physical and spiritual nature is mostly negative and sometimes outright luciferian. Beyond the usual (and reasonable) christian concern about the occult, the worldview promoted by this perspective (which is shared and fully embraced in Sanderson's books) could not be more distant from a healthy approach to the supernatural.
To make matters clear, supernatural powers and supernatural stories are absolutely right and even necessary. Magic as pure power and a tool of human dominion over nature is not.

>> No.20328851

I should add, this is something that underlies western civilization itself and is not exclusive of progressivism, even if the relationship between wokeness and esotericism seems sometimes obvious. The pursuit of a technological apotheosis is something present on both sides of the political spectrum and a natural result of materialism. In reality, the drive behind magick and modern science is almost the same, with pretty similar aims too.

>> No.20328866
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>A squeal of pain was my reward.

>> No.20329149

Goodreads is the IMDB of movies. Not one actually interested in literature pays attention to Goodreads ratings

>> No.20329184
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>> No.20329190
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>> No.20329196

I want to fuck shallan. I'll now read your book

>> No.20329244
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>> No.20329249
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>> No.20329407

He’s English.

>> No.20329893

Artwork was done by an artist. Sanderson's faggot readers actually hate this cover and call it white washing.

>> No.20330084

hmmm, sanderson said they were more japanese like

>> No.20330252

Definitely a conglomerate of Asian inspiration. He said he took a lot from pacific aboriginals. There are obvious eastern Asia, southern Asia influence. Poo in the loos, mudslides ect... closest comparison to European cultural feel would probably be byzantine. Honestly he's not that descriptive about their racial distinction other than some are darker skin and some are more pale. Sharon I think has Chink eyes but is the whitest race with red hair. She's pretty much a stand out to the alethei or whatever. The main family like Dalinar and Kaladin are all pretty dark. What throws you off though is all the blue eye talk.

>> No.20330259

Looks like a Chud to me

>> No.20330674

I wouldn't lie to you anon

>> No.20331721


>> No.20331807

Jesus Christ, i thought the R´dit opinion was wrong but it wasnt.

it´s all so fucking basic it´s unbelievable.
It´s barely above the threshold where you can say it´s an enjoyment.

it´s like the opposite of GRRM.
GRRM is full of soul, but some aspects are incompetent.

Sanderson is highly competent but without a spark to find anywhere.

>> No.20331828

Idk man I felt like the fourth book had scenes that were extremely soulful but over all I agree

>> No.20331833

>muh soul
not criticism

>> No.20331897

just read the first two(2!) but i guess he got dibs on characters not being retarded when learning new abilities so there´s that.

Also it´s weird how unsurprising his books are , the storyline is like an an telegraphed punch from a distance of like 300 pages.
grrm always surprised me with his writing in one way or another.

>> No.20331925

You would probably like Joe Abercrombie his shit is fire. I like sanderson because of the predictability like he scratches every itch.