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20306513 No.20306513 [Reply] [Original]

>Read one book about the teachings of Buddha
>Start talking in metaphors and idioms to everybody

>> No.20306523

What is the background behind the frog supposed to be? Gives me headaches.

>> No.20306526

Enlightened aura i suppose

>> No.20306534

Why would an aura look like a headache

>> No.20306552

Because you‘re not enlightened enough so it overstimulates your low vibe brain waves

>> No.20306581

>do acid once
>the truth is revealed
>have nothing but pity for the foolish normies who can't understand

>> No.20306584

Whats your favorite koan OP?

>> No.20306585

That‘s called bad trip psychosis not enlightenment.

>> No.20306592

it's ok my child, i wish you well in your life of ignorance

>> No.20306604

Maybe you can shine a light into my darkness then oh enlightened one

>> No.20306667

>not enlightened
Not true, I've not had a single one of my posts on /lit/ refuted, I'm basically Hermes at this point.

>> No.20306678

Yet you missed the quads by one post. I‘m not convinced.

>> No.20306690

It was because I was formatting and forgot, I wanted to type Thrismagistus but didn't know how it was spelled.

>> No.20306711

Would an enlightened person care about trivialities like not knowing the spelling of a name?

>> No.20306721

Yes, I have very autistic obsessions. That's how I got enlightened in the first place, I just wanted to know what is truly fundamental in the universe and didn't stop because nothing satisfied my obsession. Now I ponder possibilities instead of fundamentals, and their relationship.

>> No.20306734

>still at the first level of acid consciousness


>> No.20306744

And why would you need acid to do that? Sounds like it would just slow down progress for short term dopamine flooding.

>> No.20306775

>And why would you need acid to do that? Sounds like it would just slow down progress for short term dopamine flooding.
I didn't even mention it lol. I don't think it works like that either. But I guess it forces new perspectives by brute forcing Biochemistry, as would giving someone a book they never read and forcing them through it. If both brain-information and biochemistry share the same fundamental structure, one can hypothetically be used to incite the other. Like how drinking cement would lead to all your thoughts stopping.

>> No.20306777

acid like a thin layer of what you can achieve, it's like a shortcut to a quick epiphany, but you don't actually understand it fully. But I get why people do acid or Mushrooms or DMT, it beats meditating for decades to achieve the full understanding. You'd really like Vipassana i bet

>> No.20306785

I‘m not convinced. But good for you if it worked in your case. In my opinion, abusing one‘s body by poisoning it is only going to push one deeper into darkness and not towards enlightenment.

>> No.20306823
File: 8 KB, 260x194, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
What can we do to get out of this samsara?

>> No.20306829

In English, doc?

>> No.20306908

read the MMK with Garfield's commentary. you'll come away with it understanding Buddhism entirely. But you will no longer understand anything else.

>> No.20306910
File: 485 KB, 591x443, SpongeballsBlueSadWatchmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squidward saw the venerable Spongebob fasting, greeted him with tentacles clasped bowed and sat next to the venerable Spongebob.
"Spongebob, I do not see anything that would satisfy me more than some of that delicious food you have merited from the Magic Conch Shell"
The Venerable Spongebob arose and asked the Magic Conch Shell,
"Magic Conch Shell, could the mendicant Squidward be invited to eat some of this delicious food daňňa we have merited from the Magic Conch Shell?"
"But Spongebob! For this food I am overcome with lust, mired in lust! I cannot continue the spiritual life!"
"This is the first noble truth, mendicants: life is dukkha: suffering in 3 parts of pain, grasping thirsting desiring tanha for states of being, grasping tanha for states nonbeing. All tanha is inherently dissatisfying and so life is suffering."
"Could I have something to eat?"
"Mendicants this is the second noble truth: all suffering has a cause. All suffering is conditioned. All conditions are empty of inherent essence. All beings are empty of an absolute self beyond a contrived practice. All things depend on all things for ultimate essence."
"Could I have something to eat?"
"Can you say anything but no?"
"All conditioned things are impermanent."
The venerable Spongeysatva arose from his sky alms and served Patrick Stariputra a hearty serving of Sri Lankan stir fry. Just as Squidward was leaving he was blocked off by a machete wielding ranger, who loudly proclaimed his homage to the Magic Conch Shell. All the assembled forest retreaters sat down and asked the venerable Magic Conch Shell what must be done to escape suffering.

>> No.20307312
File: 174 KB, 600x600, 4675 - 06f397080ef8171e26677aaa6daf01b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good one:

Which came first, the schizo or the metaphor?

>> No.20308723

Ive read all hundreds of the comics. I have achieved apothosis.

>> No.20308769

Haha you got refuted faggot, say goodbye to Hermes

>> No.20309794

You're ready for datura now

>> No.20311014


>> No.20311031

God I hate LSD Jesus people and other spiritual posers.

>> No.20311043

No dude you don’t get it…we’re like…all one…ur ego is in the way…of you absorbing…my deep spiritual truths…

>> No.20311051

Ask someone with migraines

>> No.20311053

Garfield confirmed for an incarnation of Maitreya

>> No.20311054

Oof, big miss, Kek is not pleased with your trivialities

>> No.20311059

>Off by one
Forgive me kek

>> No.20311072

They always say obvious shit. Knew one guy who did an acid trip and acted like he was enlightened because he realized that “like, other people have emotions too bro. Wooaah.” Yeah retard that’s called empathy.

>> No.20311085

There's a reason the CIA flooded the streets with Acid and pushed a psyop to make things like yoga and meditation "hippy mumbo jumbo"

>> No.20311093

>Jay Garfield
retroactively refuted by Evan Thompson (PBUH)

>> No.20311101

The simplest things are the most difficult

>> No.20311112

erowid's Datura experience vault is pure literary kino

>> No.20311208

LSD doesn't release dopamine and I cannot believe the "enlightened autist who knows everything" that you're talking to didn't mention that. LSD doesn't harm human organs. Its one of the only drugs that is actually less harmful than your refined sugar, at least physically. The chemical demands respect i.e. you aren't supposed to eat LSD and go party with drunkards lest you're asking for a horrible time. Taking the chemical requires preparation, a place for solitude in order to grasp how it affects the mind and to gain as much introspection as possible

>> No.20311260

>Read Shankara
>realize the luminous partless Self and discover that most Buddhist theory of mind is nonsensical bonkers that shoots itself in the foot by trying to deny the most obvious and non-negatable thing ever—our own Self

>> No.20311279

Are you a women? Each women I know, which touched drugs, always mentions guys learning about empathy on acid.

>> No.20311333
File: 94 KB, 334x512, 1608573122873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this but I come up with the most nonsensical comparisons possible. It leaves people a little more confused and my inner workings a little more mysterious. During a usual conversation with a coworker I could go:
>"damn that's such a frog crossing the road moment"
>"you know like when it goes across"
>"uhh... i- no?"
>"nevermind i don't know man"
It is the best feeling monkey wrenching a mundane interaction and seeing people completely hapless and confused when I'd just been talking in complete lucid normalcy the moment before.

>> No.20311354

Ah my favorite Dutchman from /int/

>> No.20311719

ah a fellow nightmare world enjoyer

>> No.20311724

If someday I truly have nothing left to lose I'll try datura and DPH
In the meantime I'll stick to shrooms though

>> No.20311731

have you ever had a high fever? that’s pretty much what it is

>> No.20311751

Doesn't sound that interesting when you put it like that

>> No.20311771

>the most obvious and non-negatable thing ever—our own Self
Do demonstrate this for us instead of merely appealing to your theologian

>> No.20311803

>Do demonstrate this for us
for who?

>> No.20311824

you're the one invading the thread with your Hindu priest

>> No.20312162

you imply that the self isn't demonstrable, and then in the very same post you refer to your very self in asking me to demonstrate something to you, how amusing

>> No.20312255

It's like a fever dream but you can actually die in it. Ambien is much better imo

>> No.20312299

What's with ambien and people talking about some walrus or whatever