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/lit/ - Literature

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20301406 No.20301406 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you read?

>> No.20301458

mostly nonfiction

>> No.20301459

Videogames started to bore me a few years ago so its either read some fun books or drink myself to death.

>> No.20301902

Mostly fiction because I can't be interested or pay attention long enough for most kinds of non-fiction. Probably doesn't help that I try to crack open philosophy well above my reading level, get discouraged, and then stop trying.

>> No.20301909

>not what
Apparently neither of you read much at all

>> No.20301913

entertainment and bigger vocabulary

>> No.20301921
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>anon asks why they read
>people answer what they read

Damn, dyslexic degerates now even in /lit/.

>> No.20301934

Because I'm trying to remove myself from online entertainment but still like a good story

>> No.20301996

Why did he have to go full evil retard bros? Fucking why?

>> No.20302004

Because I want to. Any further elaboration would be a cope on my part.

>> No.20302019

It's comfy. Especially when it's raining which it does a lot where I live.

>> No.20302029

he's a MI6 agent

>> No.20302626
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some reasons:
1- to get more smarter (I learn new fancy word)
2- Because it inspires me to write my own things (kafka inspired me to write a diary and also to never omit anything)

3- My family respects me moar

that was it thank you bye

>> No.20302647

To feel superior to others.

>> No.20302656

Escapism, I wish I lived in Novalis's age and was his friend

>> No.20303003
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To learn and enjoy, of course.

>> No.20303014

I want to read more so that I can learn to write better but I'm also a picky shit that hates most books out there.

>> No.20303021

To understand myself better, so I can better control myself.

>> No.20303033

so i dont kill myself

>> No.20303041

To cease the incessant noise in my head for a little while

>> No.20303058

It’s interesting

>> No.20303059

this kek

>> No.20303126


>> No.20303783

uhm...idk lol...

>> No.20303814

To take a pause between checking Oryx's tally.

>> No.20303836

To cement his legacy and protect his country.

>> No.20303844

I kinda feel this. Video games suck nowadays. Only non-lifting hobbies have been making guns and reading.

>> No.20303847
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Because it seems absurd not to read.

>> No.20304232

I read the first few chapters of that Harlod Bloom book "How to Read and Why", and obtained an illogicity that allows me to read unmotivated. Paraphrasing, the why and how of reading are connected. So when I tell myself, " Why do I even bother", it gives way to thinking about the task of reading in technical terms. And to further that effort, I have to read and reflect on the experience of reading, and enough of that eventually leads me to saying "Why do I even bother", and the cycle continues. Its not perfect, but it just has to last long enough until i die.
That, and I believe literacy is a privilege given to my class, and there are forces who wish to weaken literacy and eventually abolish it (for my class). To what end, I do not known. It is a paranoid line of thinking, probably inspires by browsing this website, but it has too much grounding in my mind for me to consider it a trifle or whatever.

The task of reading is too gargantuan for urgency to be anything but harmful.

>> No.20304900

Because I have no friends

>> No.20304904

Because I'm white

>> No.20304920 [DELETED] 

The great works that make up our literally heritage (sorry if you're not med or white LOL) are essentially a distillation of everything great that conscious humanity has put to tablet, parchment or paper over the past three thousand years. Taking a decade to work through them all is definitely worth your time.

>> No.20304926

The great works that make up our literary heritage (sorry if you're not med or white LOL) are essentially a distillation of everything great that conscious humanity has put to tablet, parchment or paper over the past three thousand years. Taking a decade to work through them all is definitely worth your time.

>> No.20304992


>> No.20304994

It's fun, it's a solitary activity and gives me an excuse for lying in bed.

>> No.20305065

To see cool pictures in my head

>> No.20305067

The alternative is being alone with my thoughts.

>> No.20305091

spewing state department propaganda, think for yourself white man

>> No.20305107

to be better than everyone else

>> No.20305311

Holy shit this.

>> No.20305330

I find it entertaining.

>> No.20305333

To stave off the sweet temptation of death.

>> No.20305347

Because I don't.

>> No.20305353

Fuck right off kremlinbot

>> No.20305358

Fucking pseuds

>> No.20305746

To understand essentially the human condition and the soul. Also to understand what animates the different peoples on earth, and how to best help and support my own people in regards to their soul in this life.

>> No.20306261

Because Guenon makes me feel refreshed and good

>> No.20306416

knowledge is nectar

>> No.20307222
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for fun

>> No.20307361

I read philosophy

>> No.20308500


>> No.20308657

>lifting is a "hobby"
Wow Americans are boring.

>> No.20308677

Because other than film, its the only form of "entertainment" that I get anything from these days.

>> No.20308707

This except for anime and ecchi LNs instead of vidya, and posting low quality bait threads on /pol/ instead of drinking alcohol.