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20285899 No.20285899 [Reply] [Original]

Destruction of Alderaan Edition

Previous Thread:>>20275366

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20285927
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>> No.20285956 [DELETED] 
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King of sffg
Cope, seethe, dilate, truth shines irregardless

>> No.20285960
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Thecla's personality overpowers Basedverian until he realises that he always wanted to be a little girl. >She gets feminised by Dr. Talos, replaces Jolenta in the play and sucks Typhon off with such gusto the Monarch can't handle it after the chiliads of nofap. After bunch of further vulgar adventures, >she fails the test at Yesod, but at that point Missie Sevvie doesn't mind. Back on the dying Urth (hence renamed Uwurth), she dons a gown of rhodon, a colour pinker than pink, and runs the House Azure by all by herself.

>> No.20285991

I'm finishing up Gibbon's Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire and am thinking of picking up a somewhat long series, is Realm of the Elderlings any good?

>> No.20286055

>title page for Mage Errant 6 isn't centered embarrassing

>> No.20286080

>700 pages of filler and world hopping to set up the final book/battle

>> No.20286102

Give it to me straight, are Dune sequels worth reading? I liked Dune but I didnt love it. First half was better than the second, the fremen shit was obnoxious and gay

>> No.20286124
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Villain isekai/transmigration novels are the pinnacle of civilization.

>> No.20286158

Sima Yi and Zhou Yu were better

>> No.20286250

I'm only on chapter 4 but that doesnt sound too surprising. Many such cases especially with the book intentionally split and extended from 6 to 7 books.

>> No.20286278

I literally skimmed/skipped Hugh and co chapters, and only really read Alustin pov chapters. By the time I reached the end I didn't get the sense that I missed anything important. If you're a worldbuilding junkie the 500 pages of filler is up your alley, but not mine.

>> No.20286311

I like the worldbuilding and the sense of comradery between the main cast but I'm already reading about a gay female dragon great power so the eyes have begun to roll.
Think this faggot's cinematic universe will be anything worthwhile? I'll read this quick because I find myself wanting to get back to Infinite Realm lol

>> No.20286320

>Books/Series has a thought out, well explained magic system with certain rules and limitations
>Too ADD to try and understand it or internalize it
>make an effort to understand or memorize it, ends up forgetting everything about it by the time the next book rolls around or the hiatus ends

Many such cases

>> No.20286339

I feel like I would have enjoyed the book more if I read the previous 5 a short while beforehand, might have not enjoyed it because I'm too burnt out from reading. A huge chunk of the plot was centered around the multiversal filler bullshit which I did not enjoy

>> No.20286348

I’m trying Malazan again. Wish me luck

>> No.20286369

Are you doing it with the reading guides/PowerPoints that some people made to make it easier? I'm not sure if I'll make it through Gardens of the Moon if I ever try Malazan

>> No.20286390

I do feel like rereading the last 10-15% of book 5 would have helped. I guess I'm curious to see how the multiverse stuff works since there hasnt been much mention of it so far. I don't care for multiverse itself since that is a dead horse in fantasy nowadays but at least the mentions and tidbits so far feel... properly paced? Not too much or too little Idk it's enough for me to be mildly curious. Not excited about waiting however long for book 7 though.

>> No.20286396

No, should I?

>> No.20286409

One reason I didn't like the multiversal shit is because it feels like it was ripped straight out of Cradle. You have space mongols and other dudes who go around razing planents and shit, and some multiversal organizations/cabals opposed to them, one of which the party is sure to join at the very end of the series. Also the main character party gets this super expansive power up that raises a lot of questions and seems abrupt to occur before the final book with little time for the characters to train their new powers in question.

>> No.20286462

I don't mind multiversal stuff if that's sort of the clear bent of the story early on, Cradle zooms out real early on and so there's no issue with multiversal stuff cropping up. Mage Errant meanwhile barely acknowledged other universes for a couple books and only outright talked about the crossovers between them about halfway through, and it's like "We've barely explored this one world why are we going multiversal".

>> No.20286491

What are some scifi books with cute girls?

>> No.20286549

actually good chinese lightnovels:
Mao Ni's books
Warlock Apprentice aka Super Dimensional Wizard
I think that's pretty much it

>> No.20286583
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Daily The Wandering Inn shilling to push back Reverend Insanity spammer


Someone in the last thread mentioned how Dungeon Core genre is autism incarnate, and it's hard to disagree with that. The most popular DC that I know is 'Blue Core,' NSFW core story with tons of engineering and trying to exploit system and science in a very number crunchy way.

It's very similar to Base Building, but I hate Base Building with passion, especially in LitRPGs. If you want to make a story about a protagonist rising in power, then why the hell do you make me read about myriad of random schmucks who build things for you? This is a ridiculous, self-harming behaviour from writers. It's especially baffling when writers themselves don't appear to do base building but they do so nonetheless, like 'the Primal Hunter' or 'Defiance of the Fall.'

Strangely, cultivation novels don't appear to suffer from that, characters tend to act in Hunter&Gatherer mindset, I can't recall a single story in which protagonist founded a sect or a kingdom. Even in Infinity Realms one of the main characters merely took responsibility for one, and in Cradle Lindon's new sect was basically a footnote. And yet LitRPG wiriters keep pushing it on us.

>> No.20286593

actually actually good chinese webnovels
>lord of the mysteries
>release that witch
and maybe cultivation chatroom, but i never tried it myself.

>> No.20286604

Lindon's sect in Cradle is more incidental. Eithan just kinda makes it up on the spot because Eithan is like that. And it mostly serves the purpose of the moment of Lindon's sister's match-up being Little Blue.

>> No.20286609

I hate transmigration so much it's unreal, it can go rot in the same hell as Systems (especially those where MC is the only one with one or they talk back) and being reborn in the past. There's transmigration in Warlock Apprentice as well but just the MC's teacher.

>> No.20286622
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was this shit an allegory to platos cave?

>> No.20286635

that's rather prejudiced, it's just another framework for a story, just like many others.
try LotM at least. it feels wholly unique imo.

>> No.20286668
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Transmigration with systems!

>> No.20286682

And cultivation. And necromancy lmao

>> No.20286690

Why is it always necromancy, or other death-related powers? Is nobody just a guy who shoots fire anymore?

>> No.20286711
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Hey frends. I am looking for any books that deal with savages, tribal, more primitive cultures, in a fantasy setting.

It doesn't have to be cave men, could be like early bronze or late neolithic type settings, or just savage people in who are on the fringes of a more civilized world, nomads. Could even by from the perspective of Orcs and other monster races in a high fantasy kind of setting it doesn't have to be humans.

>> No.20286714

Framework? More like skip button so you don't have to think about how to start your story or how to convey information
>oh he just got transmigrated from modern day Earth, imagine if the MC was you!
>now everything is new and can be fed to the reader with minimal effort!

>> No.20286778

thread's face when Infinite Realm's rpg system is literally called the Framework

>> No.20286784

>And cultivation. And necromancy lmao
I wish I knew one good story about necromancers. Only good necromantic content I know is TWI, and still only episodicaly. Where are all those necromantic novels?

Guys, give me some good Necromancy recommendations.

>> No.20286807

Gideon the Ninth

>> No.20286946
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There’s barely any necromancy in Scum Villain, just Cucumber’s soul bouncing around bodies and the Holy Mausoleum zombie dungeon crawl.

Mo Dao Zu Shi. It’s Rule 63 Gideon the Ninth!

>> No.20287114
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How violent and lewd is this series?

>> No.20287123

It is what inspired Malazan if thst gives you any indicators of content to expect.

>> No.20287224
File: 168 KB, 1000x1660, 45237519-7A41-438E-8E57-E7D2F98DCCF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you reading and/or what are you planning to read /sffg/?

>> No.20287260

I'm reading Street Cultivation right now. I'd expected some weird xianxia in modern seeting, instead I got American Capitalism with mystical powers. You guys know that movie with Eminem where he ends up going from poor to having a normal job and rising a bit in the social ladder? That's exactly what this is.

>> No.20287307

The Etched City. I'm surprised the broad never published anything again since it's one of the last fantasy books I ever liked.

>> No.20287309

Robert E Howard's works, specifically the Kull, Conan and Bran Mak Morn stories, also the Hyperboria stories by Clark Ashton Smith.

>> No.20287354

It's shit. The author is too much of a sister-con, and the fucking cellphone credit score(culti score) integration was horrid.

>> No.20287368

>It's shit. The author is too much of a sister-con, and the fucking cellphone credit score(culti score) integration was horrid
It's not amazing, but decent. But right now I'm at the part where the protagonist was thrown to the demon realm and a fucking succubus is whining to him that the economy is in shambles and her mother is badgering her to find a job. This alegory for cultivation capitalism was taken a bit too far, but boy it's entertaining at times.

>> No.20287455

I just thoroughly dislike the protagonist because he's quite possibly the most reactive character I've seen. He takes not a single step to do anything for himself, everything is him reacting.

>> No.20287488

You read book 2? I dropped the author and series after I finished book one.

I'm not some anime fag who find sister shit moe.

>> No.20287638

It's Ground Zero for Grimderp, but comes across quite tame when compared to today's super edgy Grimderp.

>> No.20287642

The Testament of Tall Eagle

>> No.20287739
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What did people think of this? I mostly enjoyed it, though I was never quite sure if I was meant to sympathise with Tau or just sort of pity him as he slid down a shitty path. The world-building was a little lacklustre, and the proper noun overload got a bit much, especially with the names being Xhosa-esque and thus nigh-impossible to remember.

>> No.20288001


>> No.20288025

That's fair. I did find it a little odd how Tau's supposedly lacking in talent, yet after less than a year of training he's besting his teacher. And that's before he's doing the crazy "dying in the underworld to train even harder" thing. I can buy him besting some of the people he did beforehand with an unorthodox fighting style and an absurd training regimen, but that teacher made the damn regimen. The romance with him and Zuri was also very nothing. We have no idea why they really like each other, she likes him because ??? and he likes her because girl pretty. It's well-written, but it feels a little empty at times. Characters also seemed to flitter between reasonable and normal and "HOW DARE THIS SOLDIER BE EFFECTIVE AT COMBAT" and I get that's meant to show how fucked up their society is but it just feels forced.

>> No.20288072

Yeah, a lot of the discussion at the time was about similar issues to those. I copypasted my end of the discussion into the relevant thread in the Goodreads group. Looks like this one was of the few I copied into the thread as well. A few examples can be seen in this thread and probably the next few after this one.

>> No.20288088

Finally getting around to reading The Book of the New Sun. I'm about 100 pages into Lake right now and I love it. I didn't read much about it before reading it so the change in style from New Sun caught me off guard a bit, but it's great.

>> No.20288093

Well I'm a retard, I'm reading Book of the LONG Sun, I've already read New Sun.

>> No.20288105

The person calling it YA feels funny because there's just a sex scene in it that feels really sudden and a little jarringly out of place, which almost feels like it's there just to not be YA.

>> No.20288140

Well, as far as I know, YA can have sex scenes without there being issues. That's part of being an young adult for a lot of people. Of course, it's just a marketing term as well. Most of the discussion was in the discord server at the time, though that isn't really the case any longer.

A popular example, which I haven't read, is that twilight has sex scenes, pregnancy, and childbirth. I don't know how common that is overall though.

>> No.20288144

Doesn't YA trend towards more "implied sex scenes" or broad strokes stuff? Rage of Dragons has an explicit, descriptive, albeit short one.

>> No.20288209

Is there such a thing as good /sffg/ erotica?

I feel sex scenes would be a lot more fun to read if the lewd involved some alien/fantasy creature

>> No.20288219

Almost all Sci-Fi/Fantasy erotica stuff is threadbare porn-plot stuff with passably-written sex scenes.

>> No.20288240

There HAS to be some good stuff out there
Or is most of it eaten up by fanfiction of specific IPs?

>> No.20288245

If there's anything good I haven't found it. The popular one for it seems to be Dante King and his stuff is passably okay from what I've read.

>> No.20288251

Hood's breath

>> No.20288258

There's a korean subgenre for it that's pretty neat. Lucia is the one i would recommend. The story is great and the smut is well integrated.

>> No.20288267

Well all the covers are just normie tier elf girls and maybe a pair of cat ears

How lame
Man was not made to stop at such normalcy

>> No.20288275

I looked at the scene. It's a handjob and then sex. I wouldn't consider it that explicit or descriptive myself, but that may just be me. It seems to be intended as romantic and sensual than titillating or for erotic purpose. It's probably more along what you've stated overall though.

>> No.20288288

still in APGTE vol 3.
will this series stay this focused on war? the clashes are not bad at all, but having this many fights back to back is getting a little tiring. this is also a story that doesn't seem to shy away from mentioning casualty numbers so it's starting to feel a bit macabre desu (then again this is also a good thing i suppose).
it's just that i enjoy other aspects of the story more.

>> No.20288289

Reading guides? Power points? Is this shit for real? I read the entire retarded series and never once thought it was „difficult“ or any other such nonsense. It’s literally just simple fantasy. It’s not even well written. I can’t believe some people. By the way, if you haven’t read it yet I recommend you don’t start at all. The only good book is the first one. After that it just gets worse and worse.

>> No.20288297

Maybe I've not read that much YA stuff with sex in it, so I wasn't sure where it really fit. It was more explicit than I was expecting given everything beforehand.

>> No.20288306

Yeah, it's actually kind of impressive how every fucking smut novel cover is "here's some girl who's probably not the protagonist or interesting looking sexy". I've seen a scant few with an actual male character on the front, and those seem to be the ones that are at least attempting to be serious.

>> No.20288310

A lot of the later books ends up with politics and people talking to each other, with less emphasis on fighting but it's still there. The author also throws different elements and powers into the mix to make battles feel less samey. I get what you mean though, my favorite parts of APGTE is just when the main cast is around a campfire talking and cooking, just bing chilling.

>> No.20288312

I wish more books had just a couple chapters now and then of downtime that wasn't "let's discuss the plot". It seems to be lost these days.

>> No.20288314

Rage of Dragons wasn't marketed as YA and I don't really see it described anywhere as such, so I don't know how valid that premise is anyway. I can certainly understand how it could be seen that way though.

>> No.20288320

>Is there such a thing as good /sffg/ erotica?
>I feel sex scenes would be a lot more fun to read if the lewd involved some alien/fantasy creature
'Erogame' webnovel is not only highly erotic, but also one of the better written things on the internet, although calling it sffg is a bit problematic due to what it is.

Other than that, consider 'Incubus Inc', it's funny, lighthearted, and you can consider reading other books from the author once you read it, allegedly they are even better.

Aside of that, consider reading 'Blue Core', although NSFW content isn't the focus. The scenes are very good, though.

>> No.20288322

Fair, it's marketed as epic fantasy which is... A broad spectrum. I just felt it seemed a little out of place and sudden (though that's probably mostly me not really liking the character's relationship in the first place because there's... Nothing really there, I don't know why these people like each other and there's not really a lot showing why).

>> No.20288334

I'm just bafffled we have so much porn of creatures going from dragons to anthro planes to ponies to monster girls to pokemon and yet titilating literature has fallen so far behind

>> No.20288337

I agree, though part of what makes Catherine a great character is her interactions with her companions, you get the sense of why they look up to her and want to follow her. She also genuinely reflects upon the moral dilemmas she's faced or will face, and seeks council and advice from those she trusts, especially in the later books when things get cloudier and there's no "right" or "obvious" choice.

>> No.20288340

I've read three of Bakker's books, decided I don't cared about No-God or the Dunyain so I won't be reading more of him. I like Glen Cook and Malazan. What else can I read?

>> No.20288342

Idk, i've heard of so many people dropping Malazan and it's talked up to be this ultimate filter that requires a lot of paying attention and investment.

>> No.20288360

Do you have links to those? Erogame gives me weird results

>> No.20288368

It's probably meant to shock though, same as the sudden deaths, and other violence. Evan Winters is British, so it may be a bit more shocking than intended for an American consideration of sex, or 4chan for that matter.

>> No.20288381

I think building the sect was more important to Eithan, who lost everything. He's also fixated on ascending with other people and I don't think he was planning on limiting it to just Lindon and Yerin.

>> No.20288396

Also I think the beginning of Vol. 4 is APGTE at its best. I know some readers really didn't like what happens later in Vol. 4, but I really enjoyed it, especially the payoff in early Vol. 5.

>> No.20288406

i like the politicking so i'm looking forward to that. and i agree, the characters are by far the best part of this story. i honestly can't wait to find out what black will do.

>> No.20288409
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>TFW you speedread all the way to Reaper and now you have to refresh for Dreadgod
It's all so tiresome

>> No.20288414

Most people are idiots. Sure, Malazan is "complex" in comparison to Sanderson and YA books, but that's not saying much. There's lots of characters and it drops you straight into the story without an early exposition dump and that's pretty much all of the difficulty in them.
With that said, I absolutely don't understand the hype for them. IMO, they're very mediocre.

>> No.20288426

It shouldn't be that difficult to refresh. Certainly shouldn't require a full re-read of any book, unless by speedread you mean you spent only a few seconds per page or equivalent thereof.

>> No.20288429

Reaper only came out like 6 months ago. It should still be pretty fresh when Dreadgod hits in a few months.

This is the first fantasy series I've actually enjoyed in a while so it's firm in my memory.

>> No.20288448

>Do you have links to those? Erogame gives me weird results

My mistake, should 'Erogamer'
You have to be registered to see nsfw section iirc, the story is a forum quest, which means the author gives users some options and they vote in which direction the story is supposed to go. It may sound weird, but it's still incredibly good piece of literature. If you don't want to read in-between story posts comments, then click 'reader mode' or just look at the thread index.


>> No.20288461

WTF is APGTE you've been typing this shit last thread without referencing wtf you are talking about. (here is your (you))

>> No.20288498

What fantasy story has the best lore? Is it LOTR? What sci-fi story has the best lore?

>> No.20288504
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Unless there’s a well-written Chinese harem webnovel devoted to xenofucking that I don’t know about, you’re probably better off with fanfiction. The only really xeno sex I can recall (putting aside humanoids like gods, elves, succubi, etc.) is the finale of Orson Scott Card’s Wyrms. And I haven’t read that since middle school so I don’t know whether it was good or just scarring.

>> No.20288507

Web serial like Worm/Mother of Learning/Wandering Inn. Just recently finished.

>> No.20288534

When is that fagget E William Brown gonna publish his fucking books? He is reaching GURM, Lynch and Rothfuss levels.

>> No.20288543

Is that the name of the book, or a fucking acronym?

>> No.20288554

Google exists anon, your answer is in the first search result

>> No.20288582
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This book is fuckin foul but very very engaging and fun.

>> No.20288587
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Why is House Baratheon such an unstoppable juggernaut?

>> No.20288594

Jesus loves you, anon. I probably don’t, but you are welcome to try me.

>> No.20288634

They got the good Targaryen genes way back when

>> No.20288646


What About A Practical Guide to Sorcery? Any good?

>> No.20288692
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Chad house.

>> No.20288704

The xianxia I'm currently reading has a circumcision subplot that takes approx 100 chapters to be resolved.
China does it again

>> No.20288758


>> No.20288770

Holy FUCK Gawyn Trakand is so stupid it hurts to read

>> No.20288773

I can't read characters who are dumb enough to obviously be fucking up
Stopped asoiaf because theon was unbearable for this reason

>> No.20288785

I think I would like mage errant's multiverse if it were advertised more accurately as multiple worlds instead.

>> No.20288789

Haven't read it but it was on my TBR

>> No.20288798
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, disgusted anime reads your post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mage Errant

>> No.20288805

>not reading the newest hot self pub trash

>> No.20288812

Are you the PVD poster on /wt/?

>> No.20288813

I don't know what PVD or /wt/ is

>> No.20288819
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Genes don’t pass through the maternal line in Gurm’s universe, cope harder targshit

>> No.20288838

It's YA trash. The books had so much potential (read a publisher pack) and the author pissed and shitted it away.

>> No.20288840

Gormenghast, Book of the New Sun, Virconium

>> No.20288867

I introduced this book to the general.
You're welcome.

>> No.20288869

Have you read Viriconium? What did you think of it? For some reason I’m hesitant to actually read it. Maybe because it consists of several shorter works and I want something coherent.

>> No.20288889

Seems doubtful that you were the first to post it here.

>> No.20288908

orys, the founder of the house and the best friend of aegon the first, is thought to be a targ bastard

>> No.20288930

Wrong. He's my pal.

>> No.20288951

He was. I can vouch for him.

>> No.20288952

If you like Glen Cook try Napoleonic war fiction.

>> No.20288965

>offbyone kenobi
Doesn't matter if he was first. If you were a ground floor shill of something many others come to love you should be pleased for spreading the good news and take credit at every turn.

>> No.20289011

As expected of those desperate for validation.

>> No.20289018

And what have you brought to the group? Snark?

>> No.20289035

Already read Tolstoy, what else?

>> No.20289084

Sharpe, Hornblower and Aubrey-Maturin. Only the last can be compared to Tolstoy for savor (O'Brian's stepson was a Tolstoy), but all have that band of brothers feel in a world remote enough to be imaginary, just like Cook.

>> No.20289104

Try snakewood by selby

>> No.20289107

Its good but it shouldn't be a webnovel since it so slow paced, every chapter feels like a waste of time, better read in chunks.

>> No.20289110

What are the best Discworld novels?

>> No.20289123

Really worth reading them in order and taking the bad with the good. But the best overall is Reaper Man, and the best segment on average is the Watch books.

>> No.20289128

Nothing that I want to bother proving.

>> No.20289132

Any other recs?

>> No.20289133

Watch is the best series within the series but the death and moist ones are great too and there's great stuff in all of them
Small Gods is probably the best one off

>> No.20289138

The buildup behins both Godrick's da's Apchek's letters better be good.

>> No.20289146

What are you looking for?

>> No.20289157

Gay lovers

>> No.20289160

If being poorly written is a filter then sure.

>> No.20289184

Similar dark and nasty fantasy/horror

>> No.20289195

I haven't read it yet (I have read reviews though), but Jaga's Bones by Simon McHardy seems to be heavily influenced by Throne of Bones (hell the cover is an obvious influence). Also there's a writer called BJ Swann who's written some apparently super edgy and dark fantasy novels. Haven't read any yet, but they seem to be very much in line with Throne of Bones style fantasy.

>> No.20289208

Karl Edward Wagner's Kane stories are also classic S&S/Horror tales.

>> No.20289212
File: 209 KB, 900x1200, Legends and Lattes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this one, I really enjoyed it. its really comfy and still didn't feel boring, if you are taking a break from a long epic fantasy this is a good book to chill before continuing.

>> No.20289407

Kek, was going to say that’s the first I’ve heard of anyone reading Book of the Long Sun first.
>High Fantasy and Low Steaks
I don’t know if this is my thing but that was pretty funny.

>> No.20289434
File: 49 KB, 316x475, Straying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straying from the Path (2011) - Carrie Vaughn

This is the Highest Step in the World (2004)
A dramatic retelling of Joseph Kittinger's 1960 jump from 102,800 feet. Ten years after the publication of this story, 2014, Alan Eustace exceeded that by jumping from 135,908 feet. I don't think that undercuts this story, but I also didn't find it that interesting.

Peace in Our Time (2004)
The two last surviving US war veterans preside over the burial of the former third last. The two reminisce about the last war they were in and worry that no one will be left to commemorate them. A worldwide pandemic had killed so many that sending people to fight was no longer feasible. War must go on though, and so autonomous machines were sent to kill.

Silence Before Starlight (2001) [Trade Guild]
A crewed mission has come to Europa to confirm whether it has any life. Strange and mysterious happenings occur to them and their equipment. As per the author, this is intended to a fairytale set in space. I put [Trade Guild] on these stories because the term is used in them, but they seem to be extremely loosely connected at very best and may just be a generic term Vaughn uses. I may be missing other similar possibly connected series of stories.

The Happiest Place (2009)
A Disneyland cast member discovers a magical tiara that turns her into a fairy godmother that can grant wishes. However, seeing all the suffering there is in the world can quickly make anyone yearn for death.

Swing Time (2007) [Temporal Transit Authority]
Two time traveling thieves keep coming across each other. Each time traveler has a specific action they perform, a catalyst, to travel through time.

The Librarian’s Daughter (2002)
A dark fairytale of a girl who wears the skin of a horse to dream prophecy.

The Bravest of Us Touched the Sky (2004)
Two female pilots are assigned to fly a heavily modified plane with a doctor of psychology along with them to see how they react, for classified reasons. A horror/mystery/thriller story.

The Heroic Death of Lieutenant Michkov (2002)
In the hopes of delighting his emperor Michkov presents embellished tales of heroism from the front lines rather than than the dismal reality of that the dispatches report.

Real City (2006)
A director wants to try something that hasn't been done in decades. Many think him foolish for trying to make a film on-set with actors. Everyone knows that these days that movies, which all are interactive, are created in a bluebox that uses people only for branding purposes and as an aid to ease production as everything else is computer-generated imagery. It's also a romance story.

In Time (2001)
A story about Emily Dickinson and her dog Carlo.

Story Notes (2011)
I enjoy reading the notes authors write about their stories and I wish it were a regular inclusion.

>> No.20289437
File: 111 KB, 767x1186, Amaryllis and Other Stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amaryllis and Other Stories (2016) - Carrie Vaughn

The Best We Can (2013)
An astronomer discovers that a near-Earth asteroid is actually an artificial object created by extraterrestrials. Crab mentality on a global scale ensues. I laughed a lot at this dark comedy. I'd like to say it's satirical, but I don't know that it would be.

Strife Lingers In Memory (2002)
The Heir defeats The Enemy and returns with PTSD. By day he is a paragon of heroism but by night he's a tormented wretch. His newlywed wife feels overwhelmed until she accepts that only many years of tender love and care may soothe his mind. It also serves as a commentary on narratives. If it had more of the commentary I would've rated it higher.

A Hunter’s Ode To His Bait (2003)
A hunter buys a girl to use as bait for a beast that only approaches virgin maidens. This was a rather sensual tale.
Highly Enjoyable

Sun, Stone, Spear (2015)
Two young girls leave their village seeking to fulfill their dreams. The setting seem to be where was an apocalypse a long time ago and most, if not all, have reverted to the stone age without almost any knowledge of what came before. It's interesting, but entirely a tease.

Crows (2006)
A man awakens to a field of corpses. The battle has been lost. His lord lay dead beside him. He could only protect what remained from whatever may come.

Salvage (2014) [Trade Guild]
A Trade Guild crew inspects a derelict Trade Guild spaceship to determine the cause of its failure and salvage what they can. Nothing more or less. Not as fun as I thought it may be. This would've been better as part of a much longer story.

Draw Thy Breath In Pain (2005)
Horatio, a man literally possessed to tell his story, meets the playwright William Shakespeare and passes on the possession, forcing him against his will to write his story.

The Girl With The Pre-Raphaelite Hair (1999)
A telepathic girl is seized by a mad scientist who puts an AI into her mind so that it can learn and become the first conscious AI. <spoiler> The AI learns that to be human is to suffer so deeply that it's better to have never been.</spoiler>

Game Of Chance (2013)
A group of individuals outside of time try to alter the world through indirect means because any direct action taken by them results in their demise. It's also a story about how to effectively bring about societal change.

Roaring Twenties (2014)
An urban fantasy crime adventure in a warded nightclub exclusive to those with magic and the supernatural.

A Riddle In Nine Syllables (2000)
On planet Tiga 32-A the Chief Xeno-ecologist is parasitized. The story is told from her perspective. It's about never wanting to be a mother, motherhood, rape, abortion, birth, the conscious mind being overcome by primal biological instincts, and the nature of sentience. It's never stated, but the title probably refers to the scientific name given to the parasite.

>> No.20289444
File: 465 KB, 828x1276, Amaryllis and Other Stories Back Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1977 (2009) [Temporal Transit Authority]
A high and drunk woman dances at the club and hits on a random guy in an attempt to get over being cuckqueaned by her sister. Then she isn't there and a man is imploring her to teach him Disco.

Danaë At Sea (2005)
The voyage of convicts from England to Australia.

For Fear Of Dragons (2006)
In a certain kingdom every girl tries to become pregnant as soon as biologically possible because it's proof that they aren't a virgin. Only virgins can be given as the yearly sacrifice to the dragon. This year there's only one girl and she has a plan. A feminist story against tradition and religion.

The Art Of Homecoming (2013) [Trade Guild]
After an accidental diplomatic crisis on gas giant Cancri Four, Major Wendy Daring is given a monthlong leave to visit her sister, sister's wife, and sister's wife's twin brother on the intentional pastoral planet Ariana. She greatly enjoys herself, but can she forgo meeting several hundred more alien civilizations in exchange for this bucolic paradise?
Highly Enjoyable

Astrophilia (2012) [The Bannerless Saga]
A post-apocalyptic pastoral lesbian romance.
Highly Enjoyable

Bannerless (2015) [The Bannerless Saga]
The following is copypasted from my original reading of this story. This story was the reason why I read this collection and will be reading the relevant novels next. I had read three stories from Vaughn prior to this.
A very interesting post-apocalyptic pastoral crime investigation story. An investigator is sent to assess the claims of an unsanctioned pregnancy. It was surprisingly upbeat and hinted at a relatively positive world. When I finished, I wanted an entire novel. Apparently a few years later she wrote a novel of the same name, which I'll read eventually. I haven't liked anything else from her, so I may be disappointed, but I'm willing to take that risk. Sometimes there may only be a single work from an author that's enjoyable, which can be a bother because that makes it more difficult to know whether to look at more from an author or not.
Highly Enjoyable

Amaryllis (2010) [The Bannerless Saga]
A nautical story set aboard the Amaryllis, a 30-foot vessel, whose members are trying to earn a sanctioned pregnancy.
This is the fourth time I've come across this story. I've previously seen it in three anthologies and this collection. When I first read it, I thought it was fine enough, but nothing notable, though clearly its nominations and inclusions say otherwise. I'm able to appreciate it more now, but that also makes it an even stranger story to me. Although this is the first written in the setting it reads more a later bonus addition to the main story which covers outside matters, which it may be because it could be the latest set chronologically. The setting isn't properly established until Astrophilia and doesn't come into its own until Bannerless.

>> No.20289446
File: 278 KB, 729x1100, Bannerless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bannerless, The Bannerless Saga #1 - Carrie Vaughn (2017)

This is the story of Enid as a child, teenager, and adult. The story alternates between them, though it's mostly the latter two. As a child she experiences a storm and reaches puberty. Her teenage years are a tale of infatuation and wandering. As an adult, she's an Investigator.

In the foreword Vaughn gives thanks to Paolo Bacigalupi, though it's much more hopeful and brighter than his works. The setting is post-Fall and there exists a collection of mostly agrarian communities called the Coast Road which are the lone known civilization in an otherwise Fallen world. Bartering is the basis of their economy. Their overriding ethos is one of moderation, cooperation, and restraint. The basic unit of society isn't the family, but rather the household, which is a privilege and not a right. Biological parents aren't necessarily more important than the other household parents. As long as you fulfill your obligations to your household, you're otherwise free to do as you want, or with whomever you want.

Dysfunctional and failed households are disbanded and their members are reallocated elsewhere. There aren't any prisons, members are instead shunned, relocated, or exiled. The goal of almost every household is to earn a Banner, which allows for a sanctioned pregnancy. After their first menses, women are injected with a birth control chip that can only be legally disabled after a Banner is earned. There seems to be a permissive culture regarding sex, however the worst possible crime is a Bannerless pregnancy. Those born from it suffer severe disapproval although they had no choice whether to be born as such.

The investigation is of a lesser crime, a potential murder, though the villagers are reluctant to cooperate as they believe that everything should be handled at the community level. That's a common sentiment and many communities would prefer to do without the regional government's meddling in their affairs. Investigators travel with an enforcer, who ensures their safety with their staff and tranquillizer patches. Sometimes they have access to a solar car. Hoard, Waste, and Surplus are some other wrongdoings.

I would've liked even more of an exploration of their society, similar to LeGuin. In an interview, Vaughn said, "I was influenced by LeGuin’s novel The Dispossessed". Walter M. Miller’s A Canticle For Leibowitz is also mentioned. Aside from that, my main complaint is this seems to have a identity crisis where it doesn't know if it wants to a be meandering slice-of-life, a social commentary, or a murder mystery. Since I don't think the latter holds up that well as one, I would've preferred more of a focus on either of the former. I preferred the investigatory approach taken in her prior short fiction work, "Bannerless". Overall, I think I enjoyed this Philip K. Dick Award winner somewhat more than the average reader would.

Rating: 4/5

>> No.20289448
File: 461 KB, 729x1100, The Wild Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wild Dead, The Bannerless Saga #2 - Carrie Vaughn (2018)

One year after Bannerless, Enid, now 30, is assigned another investigation, this time with a trainee, which again becomes a murder mystery. Unlike the previous book, this is a single perspective murder mystery through and through. That resolves its identity crisis, but in my least preferred way. Much of what I enjoyed in the first book, and the short fiction before that, has been minimized here. It's still a fine read that I didn't particularly dislike anything about, but there wasn't really anything in particular that I liked either. The internal chronology of the series is a bit questionable, which is something that unduly irritates me at times. I have to give the benefit of the doubt though because they don't seem to have any formal dating of years, or a calendar for that matter, despite basically knowing their ages. There's no really much I have to say about it, as it's a relatively standard lackluster murder mystery. If there's another book in this series, it would probably be better to have it a series of vignettes rather than a single narrative, as I think she did better with her short fiction in this setting.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.20289453
File: 55 KB, 316x475, WWYBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where Would You Be Now? - Carrie Vaughn (2018)
Society has recently collapsed. It's never stated why, but I didn't mind in this case. Several medical professionals and those with training have established a fort. Sometimes they go out to help others, but usually others come to them. Kath, the protagonist, helps out and is in a lesbian romance. This seems to be where the ideals of the reformed society began, especially the strictures regarding births.
This novelette is the latest story written in this setting, but the earliest set chronologically. I decided to read this before the novels, which is out of publication order, but that wasn't an issue because it's about a side character's life far before anything happens in the novels or the short fiction.

>> No.20289468

I've now cleared out my backlog of stuff to post. Next up to read and post sometime before the end of the month is Greg Egan's collection of stories, Axiomatic.

>> No.20289478

Come on guys I've been on this board for five years now least you can do is give me a reply once in a blue moon.

>> No.20289486

not that much?

it's military fantasy, not horror. it's got dark/gallows humor throughout. There's a few mentions of rape but only tangential to the rest of the story. There's some attraction on the part of the narrator to a female character, but it's hardly lewd by any commonly understood definition of the term.

it's good, but if you expect it to be hyper realistic military fantasy with a ton of sex thrown in, go find some trash elsewhere to devour.

>> No.20289499


>> No.20289521

The girls in any book are as cute as you imagine them to be.

>> No.20289537

Lafiel from Crest of the Stars

>> No.20289556 [DELETED] 

Valyrians are literally the master race of asoiaf
A self-exiled noble bumpkin family was able to conquer all of Westeros when they decided to finally get off their ass

>> No.20289615
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>>High Fantasy and Low Steaks

>> No.20289617
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>>>High Fantasy and Low Steaks

>> No.20289686
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>> No.20289689

Idk I haven't read it also I didn't know he had a cave

>> No.20289787

Did you give up on Game of Thrones?

>> No.20289793

I just finished Calde, it's great. And from comments I've seen here, Short Sun is better, so that's just great.

>> No.20289857
File: 72 KB, 864x486, annihilationbiomain-11_md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you recommend a sf/f book for someone who liked the movie annihilation

>> No.20289876 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 220x289, kangzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esme Learned that white dick hits different.

>> No.20289891 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 241x264, Kellhussssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the supremacy of the curved white phallus.

>> No.20289979
File: 165 KB, 1024x685, YcvDAudfEdA2Z7JPsQBChK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books on generation ships? I have already read Non-Stop and Orphans of the Sky. I heard Kim Stanley Robinson wrote one but I'm not sold on the AI narrator.

>> No.20289986 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 220x289, kangzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esme knows that white dick hits different.

>> No.20290042 [DELETED] 
File: 733 KB, 850x592, 1650679972020.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK that cover makes it look a little gay.

>> No.20290047

It's a gay book

>> No.20290056
File: 74 KB, 500x608, share-your-favorite-anime-grills-52991761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It waxes and wains. I did quite enjoy the finally.

>> No.20290058 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 536x722, 1649811508404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't read gay books, they make my pp confused.

>> No.20290060

roadside picnic

>> No.20290071
File: 18 KB, 300x100, 182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I binged the first 6 dragon heart books a while back and recall enjoying them, now I'm a few books behind but am having trouble getting back into it.

>> No.20290076

Think I have another 5k pages of this backlogged again, left of when the horns all got teleported to Chandrar. Hope there's more Wistram shit those are the best chapters.

>> No.20290101

Read the Fitz books and the liveship traders trilogy. Don't bother with the Dragon series of 4 books, it has more lore regarding the elderlings but way too much sidestuff which gets pretty boring imo; read a summary of it

>> No.20290110
File: 22 KB, 264x165, rattkin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to spoil but its only a LITTLE gay, the majority of the book is chill and comfy, some risks and fighting happens but most of it is chilling in a tavern with cool customers (Gnomes, Rattkin, elfs...)

>> No.20290120
File: 66 KB, 480x640, Q7bOoB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(in philosophical and general use) a class of things that have common characteristics and that can be divided into subordinate kinds.

I like it better. Feels more witty. Like a thing someone wanting to be pretensions would say to throw off the expectations of the proles.

>> No.20290139

What's an actual good Wuxia? Do they exist?

>> No.20290144

the drowned world
permutation city

>> No.20290155 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 750x1061, 1650944359457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good loli books out there?

I've read the OG and a bit from Heinlein.

>> No.20290163 [DELETED] 
File: 2.04 MB, 480x480, 1651087645616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My post was relevant and I wasn't even trolling. I bet the janny is a Christian.

>> No.20290187
File: 615 KB, 500x281, 1650472073198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want to read a book about a rogue planet ejected from a stellar system. One where they had a few generations to prepare for the event.

>> No.20290190 [DELETED] 

>a Christian.
Worse, a Mormon, he removes any post that offends his Mromon values.

>> No.20290203 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 220x391, bard-bard-vibe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Bakker Rules Supreme
His haters rage and scream
Can't compete even in a dream
Rage so hard they blow steam

>> No.20290217
File: 498 KB, 1707x2560, joseph_smiths_plural_wives_003-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's discuss Mormon books then.

Like this one that talks about one of Joseph Smiths many wives, some as young as 14. Or how he married other men's wives.

>> No.20290227
File: 634 KB, 1679x2224, 1651012351356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if this image get's past the draconian censorship around here.

Requesting SFFG related loli books. I've read some from Heinlein that touch on it but none where it was a central focus. Obviously I've read the OG Lolita but that wouldn't count anyhow.

>> No.20290238 [DELETED] 

>draconian censorship
this, it was like that before but it got worse somehow, you can't even mention King of /sffg/ without getting a 3 day ban, this stinks of Mormon goonery.

>> No.20290239

Water margin

>> No.20290240 [DELETED] 

>noo I can't ritual post for a year fucking straight f the heckin jannies!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20290243 [DELETED] 

its not normal, a 3 day ban every single time you mention his grace? they are working for the Mormon goon leader.

>> No.20290257 [DELETED] 

You're apparently not allowed to discuss the contents of books

>> No.20290262 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1228x1862, fag mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking god one post of an shy anime girl is not avatar fagging. It's like this jannie doesn't even understand the definition of the terms used in the rules.

This is an anime image board site. Using images to express yourself is the fucking gimmick that makes this site work.

>> No.20290266 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 351x336, rid4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me for newfagging here but I don't even know who this king is. I feel so left out. Elon should buy 4chan.

>> No.20290287

hello guys

>> No.20290294 [DELETED] 
File: 2.70 MB, 576x720, 1650953908870.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fren.

>> No.20290318

it's a niche platform

>> No.20290328 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 2560x2560, 912w0zCVe-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice that the amazon first reads books are 100% woke trash. Every single book is about a woman written by a woman. Very little fantasy almost no sci fi. It's free and I feel like I'm being ripped off. Random chance would pick better books than the amazon editors in charge of the list each month.

>> No.20290334

slippery slope is not a fallacy

>> No.20290336
File: 1.15 MB, 1050x840, ezgif-4-d7b24150ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions of pages of henti in this genre, zero pages of litrature... I find it hard to believe.

>> No.20290358

well, there is De Sade at least.

>> No.20290378

Gas all loli posters.

>> No.20290385
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>> No.20290393

No, more like: stop finding shallow reasons to shove your pedo fetish in everyone's face. You guys ruined a few of my favorite threads on /v/. And now you're going to ruin /sffg/ too. Who the fuck thinks it's acceptable to post a little girl dressed in only sheer underwear on a safe for work board? You're a deranged autist. And there's really no helping you. So gassing you would be the best course of action.

>> No.20290415
File: 120 KB, 870x1024, 1642212226706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize the official banners for this website are just crops for hard core lolicon henti right? One of the first boards here was /l/ for lolicon. This site was created by lolicons for lolicons and the old owner made sure to pass it off to another lolicon. If you cant tolerate some non lude cute anime girls from time to time then why are you hanging out on a pedo forum?

>> No.20290593

What about an entire civilization on a planet sized ship?

>> No.20290647

Tim Curry does the narration for Sabirel and it's two sequels.

>> No.20290664

/sffg/bros, recommend me some fun power fantasy to read

>> No.20290666

Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky

I hope you get off on spider women

>> No.20290668
File: 314 KB, 1448x2048, 1651145590673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to finish the first volume of TWI and honestly I'm kinda surprised, I'm glad I didn't drop it earlier
I still feel like my interest in the book could vanish during a single chapter depending on what direction the story takes, but I'm finding it mostly comfy so far. It doesn't really focus much on systems which I appreciate, it reads more like traditional fantasy most the time
Also, any tips to not fall for every woman in a book? I'm finding myself smiling like an idiot every time Ceria is in a chapter and it hurts

>> No.20290672

times are changing grandpa, your kind will no longer be tolerated here, leave for some obscure imageboard with three active posters if you want to be a pedo.

>> No.20290683

what's that?

>> No.20290684

Is there any difference between the free web serial and the paid self published volumes?

>> No.20290690

The Wandering Inn, it's an (almost) 10 million word web serial. Litrpg in a JRPG world I think, main POV is a girl who gets isekai'd with the "Inkeeper" class.

>> No.20290703

I've no idea to be honest and regret not looking stuff up before starting in case I'm missing something
I just snatched the first ebook I saw in IRC
I've noticed a few typos and some misgendering, nothing too bad, but kt got me wondering if the author was slightly dyslexic because of the latter

>> No.20290704
File: 104 KB, 808x1440, p0vvw1qfkrv81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone on /sffg/ reads The beginning after the end?

>> No.20290723

Motherfucker finally got back home after 100 chapters of Alacrya Namek
Caera best girl btw

>> No.20290731

Is IRC generally better than ZLib or Ligben?

>> No.20290747

I honestly liked Alacrya Namek, the highbloods shenanigans were fun to read and I felt like the continent was far more fleshed out than Dicathen
>Caera best girl btw
very based, hopefully next chapter is her POV trying to get some explanations from Seris after Arthur btfo'd two Scythes

>> No.20290776
File: 469 KB, 332x922, Caera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Arthur doesn't end up with Tess, it always kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not really caught up though, just skimmed until I saw that he returned. The politicking and Highblood shit in Alacyra was pretty nice, cause Dicathen was so goddamn boring in comparison with the amateur hour magic academy shit

>> No.20290793

>I hope Arthur doesn't end up with Tess
same, I never liked her
I think Aldir might train him in the upcoming chapters and teach him that technique he used to wipe out Elenoir, since he didn't finish off the Lances as instructed which basically means he now betrayed Indrath.
what do you recommend I read next that compares to it? according to goodreads the closest match is "Legend of the Arch Magus".

>> No.20290794

It's not really familiar with those, the consistent domain changes and ads were a bit of a pain when I used to visit libgen
IRC is a bit of a hassle but I usually find what I'm looking for so it's w/e

>> No.20290813

I'm not really a fan of webnovels styled like TBATE (basically Korean/Chinese power fantasies) it's the only exception I can somewhat tolerate.
I would recomend Mother of Learning and A Practical Guide to Evil, which are way different than TBATE but are argubly much better in terms of plot and characters.

>> No.20290826

I just checked the premise of Mother of learning and I am a huge sucker for time travel related plots, thanks a lot anon I know what I'll be reading once I get home from work tonight

>> No.20290828

Enjoy it anon, it starts a bit slow but picks up.

>> No.20290837

The banner you're showing me is cropped. Therefore, you can't actually see anything. If you can't see anything, then how is it anywhere near the same thing as the image of a little girl in underwear?

Moot started this website when he was 15. He was just an immature teen who was heavily involved in meme culture. That's why he was so permissive of lolicon. Because he figured that's just part of being an otaku. But even in his immaturity, he was still savvy enough to separate lolicon to its own board. So how is you posting lolicon on boards where it's not permissible the same as posting it on /l/?

If you can't understand that your fetish isn't always accepted, and that you have other places to post it, then you're really no better than a furry.

>> No.20290853

What IRC channels do you use? I can't find TWI volumes asides from vol 1 from my usual sources.

>> No.20290856

Nvm I got them, didn't look hard enough

>> No.20290923

I've only read the webtoon of it or whatever we call that, and I generally enjoyed a few things about it (isekai but the world he came from is almost as interesting as the world he came to, the slow-burn of him growing up and generally characters seeming to be characters) but I stopped reading. Is the original novel better to read?

>> No.20290926

The webtoon is kinda dogshit compared to the novel imo

>> No.20290947

I might give it a look, though I've generally never been too impressed with translated webnovels (they have a certain flatness to them because of being translated I find) but we'll see.

>> No.20290958

Times are changing, 4chan is turning to reddit

>> No.20290972

I made the switch by finding out what novel chapter corresponded to the webtoon one and going from there without issue. Just a heads up the mood and direction of the story drastically changes in the novel slightly after where the second season of the webtoon ends. Like AOT basement reveal levels of plot shift. The current arcs in the web novel make the earlier arcs the webtoon covers look like a kids show in comparison.

>> No.20290980

It's not translated btw, the Author is American or some other EFL country

>> No.20291020

Oh, really? I thought it was Korean.

>> No.20291023

>I'm finishing up Gibbon's Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire
Read Foundation

>> No.20291042

any fantasy book about stringing up pedos?

>> No.20291166

I read Foundation, it was the reason I picked up Gibbon's book. Gibbon surprisingly has very good prose, was not expecting that for a history book

>> No.20291189

Some of the best in English. Unlike Asimov's.

>> No.20291205

A Gamer's Guide to Necromancy by The Dark World Shiro on ao3

>> No.20291246
File: 9 KB, 236x172, D83A9AB8-E28F-4DDE-9D2D-1D189DCE8349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re in a classical Romaboo binge, read “I, Claudius.”

Fuck I’ve been binging mediocre Chinese “I transmigrated into pseudo-historical power politics” novels and now I wish there was an “I transmigrated as Claudius and tried to do a better job saving the Republic and also all those family members Livia and Caligula killed” novel.

>> No.20291269

Diary of a Trapped Lich is good.
It's very short, however.

>> No.20291386

>turning to
spotted the newfag

>> No.20291392
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The request was for literature on a literature board. Posting non lude loli has always been acceptable site wide. To say otherwise would be like "how dare you post kittens".

>> No.20291444 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 567x472, 1651161001548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well FUCK me apparently she just died

>> No.20291538

I know that it's not supposed to lean into it to much but I just cannot bring myself to read a "litrpg"
I'll put up with all sorts of trash but that seems to be my hard limit

>> No.20291542

Irc for older stuff, it's the best place for fan digitisation
Mobilism for new
Libgen if I can't find a good copy on either

>> No.20291624
File: 675 KB, 2562x1739, The-Art-of-Lord-Of-The-Ring-by-John-Howe-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with those Children of Hurin, Beren and Luthien and Fall of Gondolin books? Are they just stories that are already present in the Silmarilion, word for word, just put into separate books?

>> No.20291669
File: 101 KB, 1024x702, cover art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TWI is amazing and the first 3 volumes are only a prologue, 4-5 is when the story really starts. Turst me, you'd regret it if you drop it now. Finish at least three full volumes before deciding. I was unsure whether to drop it myself, but now I think it's one of the best fantasy ever written.

Also, don't check up wiki, never. It's full on spoilers. Don't check up fan arts either, just look at the ones that the author adds at the end of the chapters on their website.

And no, Books have no difference from Volumes aside from the fact Wistram chapters have been moved to Volume 3 (it used to be that three chapters of it were in V2 and the rest in V3, but for the release it was changed). Any typos and errors are corrected the same on the website and the books.

And remember, Books =/= Volumes. The recently published Book 6 covers events up to V4. I advise to read up to the Book 4 - 'The Winter Solstice' and then switch to reading V4 on the website (and to use ctrl and '+' to zoom in, as the font is a bit small).

>> No.20291686
File: 714 KB, 2548x1804, necromancer shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will check it out. I thought about reading a lot of Necromantic fictions and making a guide image with ranking, I wonder how many of those can I read in a few weeks.

>> No.20291735
File: 32 KB, 259x400, a-game-of-thrones-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who sent the dagger to kill Bran?

>> No.20291747

Isn’t this answered expressly in one of the later books? And it’s something that’s not a political move at all, just Joffrey wanting to put him out of his misery or something?

>> No.20291893

Any idea when the first book will be rewritten?

>> No.20291925

Unknown. Volume 8 ends on 3 May, then Pirate takes a month of vacation. Then they are likely to start rewriting, which should take at least few months as I see it. Or they may try writing both at once. It's to be seen.

>> No.20291952

I'm pretty sure it's still a mystery

>> No.20292137

>finally got to Limnus
Filleriffic indeed.

>> No.20292348

Just finished Eye of the World and honestly is was kinda shit. Should've been called Moiraine and her band of brainless idiots. Do the other books get better?

>> No.20292357


>> No.20292418

author lives in America and writes the novels in english, the webtoons are drawn by a korean I think which is why they get lumped together with other korean webtoons.
the novel has good prose and doesn't drag, the webtoons seem to be milking its content dry by stretching it.

>> No.20292424

Yes. Eye is very weak on the first readthrough and even after it isn't one of the strongest. The Great Hunt is much better.

>> No.20292466
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>his webnovels aren’t translated by fans talented enough to overcome language barriers

>> No.20292499
File: 20 KB, 244x346, street cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finished Street Cultivation and the third book turned out to be a pleasant suprise, making the the first two books retroactively better than I thought. The series has a lot of flaws, and the author's ability to write was simply not enough to properly execute the story, but the overall message, ideas, in addition to subversion and deconstruction of typical cultivation definitely push the series above many others.

Honestly, I'd say after someone gets into the genre, then the series should be basically a required reading, providing a thoughtful reflection on the Xianxia genre as a whole. Which does not mean that I agree with the author, and I think the theme and message it sends is rather indicative of the fact that the story was written by a woman, providing a point of view that could enrich the genre, if authors reflected on it. It's weird that nowhere I've heard of the series it was mentioned that it's a deconstruction, instead of just another xianxia, but in modern world. It was only decent as a progression fantasy, but as a deconstruction of Xianxia it's rather successful. Actually, I could even say that the series managed to portray struggle in a way that many works fail to, making progress actually meaningful, instead of just another empty 'numbers go up.' It's funny how a series that's critical of the entire Xianxia/Progression Fantasy mindset manages to do the progression justice more than the majority of books in the genre.

Of course, the series itself has more than a few flaws, the main character is basically a stoic brick, world-building is barely there for the first and second book, and a lot of the books could be just skimmed (although I advise against simply skipping chapters you don't want to read, just skim it like any non-halfwit should). Still, I'd rank the series as a must-read if you are familiar with the genre in any significant way. If only the author was a bit better...
PS: It's frustrating how I only know two 'modern Xianxia' series (Street Cultivation and Web of Secrets), yet both are too problematic is significant ways to be just enhoyed as progression fantasies, are there any others that I haven't heard about?

>> No.20292598

someone mentioned a week or two ago about Erikson and the color ochre
reading Deadhouse Gates and now I can't unsee it

>> No.20292639

No, no, it's pretty much stated outright it was Joffrey. He overheard Robert talking about how better it would have been for Bran to be dead rather than live as a cripple for the rest of his life and Joffrey in his absolute psychopathy took this literally in a fucked up way to please his father.

>> No.20292648

Can someone tell me what are the Eragon books like? I really feel like reading something about dragons, having recently read the Dragonriders of Pern and The Dragon and the George.

>> No.20292686

>Book 6 covers events up to V4. I advise to read up to the Book 4
Why switch at that point and not after book 6?
Also, do you know if anyone makes "bootleg" ebook releases? I'd rather read on my ebook but loading up chapter by chapter as a text file doesn't sound too fun

>> No.20292707

I dropped it after starting the second book because I just didn't give enough of a shit. Nice to know it wrapped up surprisingly well. Read the Weirkey Chronicles, by the same author? I find it... Better written in a sense, but the protagonist is even less of a character, albeit he is more proactive compared to Rick, the most passive man in the world.

>> No.20292716

They are incredibly derivative and they fall apart near the end, but the first two books are pretty solid for what they are, though that may be nostalgia talking for me as I read them when I was younger. They're generally competently-written, but they clearly were written by a guy who was just writing for fun and didn't really put a lot of work into being creative.

>> No.20292720
File: 38 KB, 628x399, 72BE7F24-D28D-4718-96B8-CF56236C1968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eragon is Star Wars in a fantasy kingdom plagiarized by a retard. It deserves its reputation for being godawful.

Read Temeraire to scratch your dragon combat itch, it’s Master and Commander with dragons.

>> No.20292759

>alternate history novels
>Napoleonic wars, but with dragons
This just seems like incredibly boring.

>> No.20292785

I read them when I was 11-12. By the time I was 15-16, I'd already realized that they were kind of shit.

>> No.20292790

I hate that you're right. It's weird to think about, imagine how fucking creepy it'd be if these were actual kids. Holy shit. I mean, yeah, 4chan/weeb culture. But still.

>> No.20292793 [DELETED] 

History diverges over the course of the book, including Napoleon successfully invading England via superior air power. But if

>> No.20292805

Quantum Cultivation is a scifi dystopia + portal fantasy with xianxia guy as the fish out of water

>> No.20292806

Only have read the first one, one of very few books I've actually put down and I don't know what happened to it. Pacing of LoTR without any of its style or what makes it special. Kind of stupid in the dragon area, too, and shit characters. Don't bother.

>> No.20292817

Honestly I want to see more "fantasy guy gets isekai'd to sci-fi" because I always love the inherent fuckery of science vs. magic.

>> No.20292823

History diverges over the course of the book, including but not limited to Napoleon successfully invading England via superior air power and an angry Chinese dragon. But if you don’t like military fantasy it’s probably not for you.

>> No.20292836

I don't mind military fantasy. I mind the tediousness of the British and French, both of whom, along with Germans, should have been put to death a long time ago.

>> No.20292911
File: 259 KB, 1376x1968, snatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why switch at that point and not after book 6?
>Also, do you know if anyone makes "bootleg" ebook releases? I'd rather read on my ebook but loading up chapter by chapter as a text file doesn't sound too fun
I advise to switch after Book 4 because it's easy to just start Volume 4 from there and go on. Meanwhile there were a lot of instances of people reading the first 4-5 books, and then going straight to Volume 5, which very first line is a massive spoiler to anyone who hasn't finished Volume 4 (Books 5-6).
It's just easier this way, although now that Book 6 was released yesterday, which concludes Volume 4 story, it might be possible to just read first six books and continue on the author's website from Volume 5. Alas, Book 6 is only available as an audiobook for now, as far as I know.

As for downloading the story, there's a bit of a problem as there are already volumes on z-lib, so people don't upload amazon books, the best I've found is 8k pages long pdf of Volumes 1-4.

It's funny how so far the story has been divided by around 25 books, and only 6 have been released so far.

>> No.20292912

Most of the books involve MC, the dragon, and their crew getting shipped around the world learning how people and dragons live outside of Europe, so Anglo v. Frog provides the narrative framework but isn’t the whole story. Book 2 they go to China, book 3 they take the Silk Road back to Europe, book 4 is Africa, book 6 is Australia, book 7 is South America. Book 8 and 9 are “muh winter in Russia” though.

There’s a lot of Chinaboo shit actually.

>> No.20292939

The series was barely readable to me, extremely unbelievable world-building, the treatment of Dragons, dialogue...Incredibly dry and baffling. I gave up when the protagonists went to Japan.

>> No.20292958

I love this series but the Japan amnesia arc is horrible.

>> No.20292977

>Amnesia arc
God those never feel good to read. Losing memories as a climax to an arc (somebody has to give up their memories for reasons or something, it can work real well if done right) or as the inciting incident, I can deal with that, but losing memories just for an arc feels cheap as hell.

>> No.20292997

You'll just get more frustrated later on. Cut your losses.

>> No.20293024
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>> No.20293031

Yes thank you I've read Bastion. The memories being missing honestly don't factor in much until the climax (and it seems like they will for the next book at least) so it actually doesn't use amnesia all that effectively early on, I think.

>> No.20293068

no, it's a YA fantasy/realism/dystopia novel

>> No.20293075

I'm reading The Keep by F Paul Wilson and rereading the Resident Evil novelizations (S.D. Perry)
Probably going to start on some sci-fi next. Got some Banks and Leguin sitting on my nightstand.

>> No.20293116

he was also like 15 when he wrote the first book so it's not really fair to expect a masterpiece

>> No.20293146

Yeah I think even he was surprised by getting published and getting so successful. Has he written anything noteworthy since? He's doing some sci-fi stuff and is apparently planning a fifth book in the world of Eragon (presumably not an actual sequel as such though) so maybe he can make it more creatively done.

>> No.20293154

...Nevermind I just looked, he was published by his parents' company.

>> No.20293253
File: 69 KB, 350x350, william_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books with this feel? Shogun sucks.

>> No.20293277

Gonji by T.C. Rypel

>> No.20293307

Is there a nice torrent of Appendix N stuff?

>> No.20293338
File: 1.85 MB, 1000x706, 544e4d_1eb663a4302b49719c1ce167b23de64e_mv2_d_2111_1490_s_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about the Barsoom book series by Edgar Rice Burroughs?

>> No.20293346

>shogun sucks
hapas stay seething

>> No.20293416
File: 141 KB, 700x744, 1650927349072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading Piranesi, I'm only about a chapter in right now. Before I go any further I wanted to ask: Should I be taking notes on the layout of the "World"? The way the narrator refers to specific locations and the things found there, is this one of those things where having a notebook where everything is marked down would help?

>> No.20293426

Really? No one?

>> No.20293436
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I want this as well. But I assume there isn't anything like this, at least not anything worth reading.

>> No.20293440

I never really got much into them but I think Iain Bank's Culture novels had some decent lore

>> No.20293445

give it to me straight /sffg/, what's the best litrpg to date? I feel like reading one for a change but I do not wish to sift through all the garbage there is, and goodreads doesn't help considering how inflated their ratings are

>> No.20293474
File: 428 KB, 680x404, bf4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open up Royal Road, Amazon, GoodReads, etc
>Tower Climbing
>System Apocalypse
>Dungeon Core
>Base/Nation Building Autism
>"class systems"

>> No.20293477

Shield Hero. Someone prove me wrong.

>> No.20293482

it's actually amazing how many there are, who reads all of this shit? surely you can just go watch some anime and call it a day, I just don't see the point of reading 1000+ pages of this repetitive autism

>> No.20293483

I only watched the anime, so maybe in the novel it's different, but the fact that they aged the slave girl up almost right away was disappointing. She also became a lot less likeable after that as well. Overall it seemed pretty mediocre. But again, I'm not judging from the novel so it's fully possible I'd feel differently about it

>> No.20293525

>the overall message, ideas, in addition to subversion and deconstruction of typical cultivation definitely push the series above many others.
>Honestly, I'd say after someone gets into the genre, then the series should be basically a required reading, providing a thoughtful reflection on the Xianxia genre as a whole
If I enjoy reading a specific genre (xanxia in this case) why then should I read this "subversion and deconstruction" garbage? why even recommend such a thing? yeah you like certain books? Then definitely read some trash that shits on the genre or it is so badly written that it is just garbage, it will definitely "help".

>> No.20293553

My current fav is Dungeon Crawler Carl. Not alone - his audiobook reader who reads nothing but litrpg says it, all five books have five star ratings on Amazon. But even if those weren't true I'd still probably say it. The thing is I'm not sure if it's the best introduction, or if it so fun because there's an invisible dialog between the number of litrpgs I've read and the ones the author has read. If you're in the loop it's great, if not, I can't say.

>watching anime
Visual entertainment is flawed. It just increases the number of things that have to go right to not step on itself. I can tolerate way more mumbo jumbo when it's just words and let's face it, this genre has a lot of mumbo jumbo.

>> No.20293554

/sffg/bros, please give me your best rec for a sci-fi/fantasy which involves a protagonist from a technologically advanced civilization sent back to some medieval time period

>> No.20293568

If you've never actually read the authentic Connecticut Yankee, give it a try. The premise promises a lean toward the smug and arch, but in the end it's a dark black pill.

>> No.20293576

Wizard Knight

>> No.20293602

Is Bastion worth reading, or is it just another generic progression fantasy?

>> No.20293636
File: 46 KB, 250x399, D59D3466-688F-4BEA-ACE6-FA1A8E0BF34E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deconstructions can be good-natured, so reading them feels like you’re lovingly discussing the genre with the author. The Magicians (books, not television) clearly loves Narnia. Dark Lord of Derkholm clearly loves pulp fantasy. Scum Villain clearly loves cultivation webnovels. Redshirts clearly loves Trek. These books don’t trash a genre, they tease it affectionately, and they can be worth reading if you love the genre.

I don’t remember if it’s any good, but I keep thinking about Crown of Dalemark recently.

>> No.20293724

>Deconstructions can be good-natured, so reading them feels like you’re lovingly discussing the genre with the author
Why would I want that? I would like to listen to a competent author to what he has to say but why would I even listen to some shit 'author' (let alone have a discussion) who just wants to shit on a genre.

>> No.20293743

you don't really need to map out the place or anything

>> No.20293757

Any xianxia enjoyers?
Here is some of the stuff I read recently, any must read recommendations, or just anything on that next tier.
Against the gods
Cultivation Chat Group
I Shall Seal the Heavens
Martial World
Renegade Immortal
Stellar Transformation
Tales of Demons and Gods
True Martial World
Upgrade Specialist in Another World
Warlock of the Magus World
Coiling Dragon
The Desolate Era
Blue Core
Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples
Lament of the Slave
SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World
Stygian Mage
The Void King.
The Way of The Dao
Tree of Aeons
Unfathomable Senior
Elder Cultivator
Molting the Mortal Coil
Techno Cultivator
Everybody Loves Large Chests
Small Chests Are Fine Too
The Dao of Magic
The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound
World Seed
The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons
The Arcane Emperor
Martial God Asura
Sovereign of the Three Realms

>> No.20293760

Sorry for the trip m(._.)m

>> No.20293767

Which one is the shortest, most cohesive and well planned out? I hate reading shit that drags on for 1000+ chapters with no real goal or direction

>> No.20293789

Cradle is the only short, cohesive, planned out xianxia or xianxia-adjacent story

>> No.20293800

the old wuxia series like the ones by Jin Yong or older

>> No.20293863
File: 80 KB, 736x712, A0AADA2F-96C6-4143-ADD3-CDEB401F2E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more homo.

>> No.20294077

Some of these aren't xianxia (litrpg), just whatever was in my recents. I guess none of them really are, but there is a massive difference between stuff like
I Shall Seal the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, The Desolate Era vs Cultivation Chat Group, the latter being slice of life tier.
That being said, Coiling Dragon is only 800 chapters, but it isn't that representative of xianxia as it's a tad western inspired.
I Shall Seal the Heaves is the one that made me think that xianxia isn't that dumb if you are a good author, so I recommend that.
In general, xianxia isn't really that slow of a burn, you usually get some sort of payoff of the premise halfway through.

>> No.20294170

There certainly has been a change in the last few threads.

>> No.20294237

Because you're on 4chan where everyone is one.

>> No.20294249

Cultivation BL for women is an interesting turn.

>> No.20294254

Imagine thinking you need to apologize.

>> No.20294255

how so

>> No.20294260

The LNs go more into depth with the PCs' personality disorders, which is what gives the series depth. It's The Illiad but all the heros are MMO spergs. At least until the plot loses focus about half way in.
>fact that they aged the slave girl up almost right away was disappointing. She also became a lot less likeable after that as well
OK paedo.

>> No.20294261

Self-pub and webfiction is currently ascendant.

>> No.20294274
File: 49 KB, 300x400, clasj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most soulful fantasy books cover ever made, it was all downhill after this.

>> No.20294275

What a delusional comparison.

>> No.20294279

>books cover
*book covers

>> No.20294280

Soulful is naught but self-deception.

>> No.20294291

What a self-absorbed twat.

>> No.20294306

I haven't visited the threads in a bit but they were rampant a couple years ago

>> No.20294313

Such is the cyclical nature of trends.

>> No.20294328
File: 85 KB, 980x490, landscape-1500990508-sam-game-of-thrones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam has been sitting around in Oldtown for 16 and a half years!

>> No.20294333

People are actually discussing books in this general now.

>> No.20294335

The spammers are all gone now.

>> No.20294360

Read the first book of Gormenghast, it was pretty interesting, very lonely feeling. Not sure if it gripped me enough to continue though, are the 2nd and 3rd pretty good?

>> No.20294389

>are the 2nd and 3rd pretty good?
Read them and find out.

>> No.20294441

Did people not discuss things in the past.

>> No.20294445


I can listen to audio books at work. I don't even mind the computerized kindle text to speech.

I can't watch anime at work.

Also I like to listen at 2.5x speed, I cant watch anime at that speed unless it's dubbed but I don't like watching dubbed.

>> No.20294449

Jannies are doing their job and cleaning up the thread from shitters.

>> No.20294455
File: 252 KB, 938x1500, 81dicsLidSL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, your just a huge faggot.

>> No.20294458

Nice change a pace from a few months back. This general is now useable for once.

>> No.20294475

Compare to now? God, no.

>> No.20294528

If they were doing their job they'd clean up this chinkshit garbage.

>> No.20294531

I’ve read Reverend Insanity and it’s terrible. I don’t know why you recommend this garbage.

>> No.20294533

Why would they clean up discussions about stories?

>> No.20294536

Nice try.

>> No.20294537


>> No.20294540

No, Reverend Insanity is that awful.

>> No.20294544

Yes, anon, web novels are stories. Try and keep up.

>> No.20294553

You seem to be mistaken about what I said. I said chinkshit not webnovels Not all webnovels are chinkshit. Although most of them are awful.
And no, shit like Coiling Dragon or ISSTH has no real story.

>> No.20294618

Are you that fag that keeps defending it even though it’s shit?

>> No.20294632
File: 145 KB, 1661x623, twi good other webnovels bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely The Wandering Inn, it's an Epic Fantasy story, with a lot of Slice of life elements. Above all, it posses that classical fantasy feeling that many stories never manage to achieve.
Honestly, just read my earlier shilling picrel

>> No.20294663 [DELETED] 

Sell it to me.

>> No.20294674

Never mind. I saw the image.

>> No.20294675

New thread

>> No.20294691

Any recommendations for stories with Necromancy as a significant focus? So far I've only been recommended Gideon the Ninth, A Gamer's Guide to Necromancy and a short story about Lich. I intend to read a lot of them and make a guide image concerning which necro stories are the best. I appreciate any recommendations.

>> No.20294706

Necromantra by Philip Emery

>> No.20294805

Sandersoi is sad
Bakker is his new dad
Sandersoi screams
Bakker sprays his cream

>> No.20294816

I have been busy with work. Once I am free again I will come and visit.

>> No.20294822

Don't know why your thread was deleted, but anyways here's a new thread. I fucked up the edition.

>> No.20294824

Probably because it was made around page 6 or 5.

>> No.20294831

Yeah, I don't know why he made the thread early.

>> No.20294842

New new thread, don't know why it was pruned.

>> No.20294844

>don't know why it was pruned
The bakkerfag most likely. Just report his posts. Jannies are removing them and it’s making the general better.

>> No.20295095

It's got issues with pacing and feeling like two books instead of one, but it has solid worldbuilding, pretty good characterisation overall and the sequel seems like it'll be really interesting at least. Also the author definitely writes with a thesaurus in hand.

>> No.20295099

And even then it's going to be 12 books.

>> No.20295101

There's a fair few LitRPGs that are also cultivation/xianxia shit (Defiance of the Fall is the most overt one that I know of, there's cultivators and mortals but both are subject to the RPG elements and the protagonist is a mortal, but cultivation and Buddhism/Daoism stuff is pretty relevant to it overall).

>> No.20295106

I've heard Never Die Twice is pretty good. It's more parodic (the author is generally pretty tongue-in-cheek) but I've heard good things about everything the author has put out.

>> No.20295124

>Stor Force
>Star Farce

>> No.20295296
File: 102 KB, 800x1399, 0D8E8DF8-17A4-4EA8-9058-05DA888856B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve only read a web novel where the main love interest was an immortal ten year old but the author got cold feet and uses some plot device to age her up to twenty every time she and the mc have sex. She then goes back to ten.