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File: 128 KB, 608x480, hermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20272787 No.20272787 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on this guy--was a prophet, genius, or an imaginary figure? also is there a connection between him and tarot cards?

>> No.20272801

as much of an actual figure as Laozi; he could be a pseudonym used for a collective of writers that put together a system of beliefs
>also is there a connection between him and tarot cards?
no, that's just occultist larp

>> No.20272805
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He was just a meme made up by Renaissance philosophers. He is basically just like Quandale Dingle or something.

You better read Plotinus. He was a real person, and his philosophy is way deeper.

>> No.20272877

>He was just a meme made up by Renaissance philosophers.
Are you just pretending to be retarded? We know for a fact that Hermes as an idea is way older than the Renaissance.
>He was a real person, and his philosophy is way deeper.
You haven't read Plontius or the Hermetica, anime poster.

>> No.20272896

Read Uzdavinys, my friend.

>> No.20272911

Calm down, I'm talking about Hermes Trismegistus.

>You haven't read Plontius or the Hermetica, anime poster.

I did. And I still think that Platonic Mysticism > Hermeticism.

>> No.20272950
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Read “Der Geist Mercurius”, or The Spirit Mercurius in the bollingen translated works of CG Jung, volume 13, Alchemical Studies for a serious answer to your question. He was the psychopomp and representative of the collective unconscious for the most intelligent investigators of god, self, and nature from antiquity until the advent of science. His impact on history was not as a man or prophet, but as a numinous idea alternately and simultaneously hindering and helping seekers of truth.

>> No.20272982

>I'm talking about Hermes Trismegistus.
I am too. You can deny him being a real person, but it is a fact he existed as an idea (of a prophet sort of figure) since way before the Renaissance. We know this because he was known by Arab Hermeticists before then and many texts which he appears in are from around the birth of Christ.
>I did
You read the kybalion or maybe sped read the corpus hermeticum at most.

>> No.20273065

>And I still think that Platonic Mysticism > Hermeticism.
That just means you don't actually know what Hermeticism truly is. How could you claim to know it all if you can't even begkn to understand the writings?

>> No.20273069

Source on Arabs having a Hermes tradition? Sounds interesting

>> No.20273075

This is a Jungian perversion. Hermes-Thoth, whence the name Hermeticism, is a symbol (in the living esoteric sense) of the priest-king, passing on divine knowledge to humans. Yes it is real, no I don't care about proving it. It is far beyond the merely psychological.

>> No.20273085

It is part of the history of alchemy/Hermeticism. They say it went from Egypt to Alexandrian Greece, then to the arabs, then probably through them to the Rosicrucians. Most books will say this. The sacred knowledge was known to pre-Christian Europe as well though.

>> No.20273089

That's where alchemy started. You can even tell by the "al" prefix.
Read secrets of alchemy by principe, title sounds cringy but it's actually a serious book on the topic.

>> No.20273135

No, it was passed down frlm the greeks. The word alchemy is arabic in form but greek in it's root (kemia I think). Which meant black earth (an old name for egypt)

>> No.20273157

Theres no way not to speed read a boring larp book

>> No.20273162

You won't learn anything esoteric by speedreading

>> No.20273366
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a lot of people on /lit recommend this as one of the best intro's to hermeticism for it's clarity (i am going to buy it soon i think), others criticize it by criticzing evola in general as being a fascist racist, which may be true (never read anything buy him) but even if that is the case i don't think any of that effects the contents of this book...

correct me if i'm wrong...

>> No.20273553

You should only read it if you are interested in the modern occultist/esotericist reinterpretation of alchemy. It is completely ahistorical.

>> No.20273605

Guenon agrees that it is the Traditional understanding of alchemy/Hermeticism in his review of the book. What do you think the original interpretation was? do you think Kings were messing around with distillation vessels trying to make gold out of mercury? please tell me.

>> No.20273608

If you don't immediately recognize all of this as fake and gay, there is little hope for you.

>> No.20273612

so you're saying magic and the supernatural isn't real? mind-blowing stuff my dude

>> No.20273623

Did Evola and the other fascist occultist types actually believe in this stuff or was it an attempt to create a new myth for the Aryans?

>> No.20273635

Guenon is part of the same occultist current it is no surprise that he would agree.
>do you think Kings were messing around with distillation vessels trying to make gold out of mercury?
Yes, but from base metals, not from mercury. That and a number of other chemical, medicinal and metallurgical preparations.
Do you find it absurd because you know it is impossible or because you don't realize how powerful it would have been to have a nearly unlimited source of precious metals?

>> No.20273668

I find it absurd that you claim they thought they could turn base metals into gold. Of course it would be powerful, if it is possible.

>> No.20273672

He was just another racist/fascist nutbag, why waste time on it?

>> No.20273684

My child shall know, that the Stone called the Philosopher's Stone, comes out of Saturn. And therefore when it is perfected, it makes projection as well in mans' Body from all Diseases, which may assault them either within or without, be they what they will, or called by what name soever, as also in the imperfect Metals.

And know, my Child, for a Truth, that in the whole vegetable work there is no higher nor greater Secret than in Saturn; for we do not find that perfection in Gold which is in Saturn; for internally it is good Gold, herein all Philosophers agree, and it wants nothing else, but that first you remove what is superfluous in it, that is, it's impurity, and make it clean, and then that you turn it's inside outwards, which is it's redness, then will it be good Gold; for Gold cannot be made so easily, as you can of Saturn, for Saturn is easily dissolved and congealed, and it's Mercury may be easily extracted, and this Mercury which is extracted from Saturn, being purified and sublimed, as Mercury is usually sublimed, I tell thee, my Child that the same Mercury is as good as the Mercury which is extracted out of Gold, in all operations; for if Saturn be Gold internally as in truth it is, then must it's Mercury be as good as the Mercury of Gold, therefore I tell you that Saturn is better in our work than Gold; for if you should extract the Mercury out of Gold, it would require a year's space to open the body of Gold, before you can extract the Mercury out of the Gold, and you may extract the Mercury out of Saturn in 14 days, both being alike good.


>> No.20273685

Hermeticists dont talk about the hermetic tradition with non-initiate people, anyone in this thread who is acting as an authority with knowledge of the royal art is nothing but a LARPER.

>> No.20273698

They worked from a theoretical model of the world, derived from aristotle, where this was possible. They had empirical evidence for this because silver, gold and lead are often found together in mines (look up lead-silver-zinc). There was also a mountain of accumulated historical evidence about it, including eyewitness reports, by credible sources, of the philosopher stone being used.

>> No.20273719

how 2 become initiated?

>> No.20274334

Why are leftists obsessed with exiling ideas they don't like? If they were really so terrible and evil then you shouldn't mind them being discussed.

>> No.20274341

t. Not a Hermeticist

>> No.20274346

I really hope this world of hermetic wizards in secret societies exists but I doubt it does

>> No.20274348
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>> No.20274414
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>> No.20274432

I like him therefore he is based

>> No.20274698

>Source on Arabs having a Hermes tradition?

Dumbass retard. Hermes is literally a prophet in Islam. I thought you neo-platonist anime LARPers were supposed to be well read.

>> No.20274858

You nigger

>> No.20274972
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>do you think Kings were messing around with distillation vessels trying to make gold out of mercury?
Yes, and some were successful. I know Guenon wants us to follow the way of the street shitter but some people are concerned with more practical matters than navel gazing. Alchemy is a literally real thing, astrology is a literally real thing, magic is a literally real thing.

>> No.20275052

You can't trust Guenon, all he did was skim-read. He can't even summarize other people's ideas properly. An example is that he claims Palacios said that Dante plagiarized Ibn Arabi "word for word" and I read the book by Palacios and he never said such a thing. Palacios does believe there was an influence but he never ever goes this far. Guenon was a hack and a liar.

>> No.20275233

sounds more like you just don't like him, probably because he goes against your semitic religion, whichever one that may be

>> No.20275305

>never sets foot in India and when he tries a higher power refuses him (lmao visa problems)
>oh let me tell you about your culture
>reincarnation is like totally a myth and not real Hinduism
>happens to be born with the name "Reborn Monkey"
>monkey physiognomy

it all makes sense now

>> No.20275322

You're a poojeet?

>> No.20275332

What difference does it make retard?

>> No.20275347

It would smell worse than an anime convention.

>> No.20275369
File: 246 KB, 1920x1920, 1621317216768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with being a fascist

>> No.20275370


>> No.20275383

Guenon was a Brahmin, most indian are dirty Shudras.

>> No.20275398
File: 7 KB, 237x213, fagimreplyingtonotme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guenon was a Brahmin

>> No.20275407
File: 143 KB, 1000x1340, evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism is cool

>> No.20275475

He was initiated into authentic Hindu circles when he was in his early 20s and many other Brahmins speak highly of his understanding of metaphysics, he wrote almost exclusively on metaphysics. You dark shudra dog, do not concern yourself with such issues. Fulfill your dharma.

>> No.20275481

Evola thought fascism was too plebian, he was right.

>> No.20275483

Didn't Saint Augustine talk about him on City of God?

>> No.20275505

>He was initiated into authentic Hindu circles when he was in his early 20s
Nope. Guenon was a Sufi.

>> No.20276360

I have that book. I read half of it. I couldn't make much sense of it. Glimmers of insight, but no united picture of the subject...which makes it difficult to clearly percieve the parts without the whole. I found Evola's "Introduction to Magic" more straightforward. Supposedly they cover similar ground.

If you really want to get into this stuff, you have to withdraw from society. As long as you have worldly ambitions, you will be prevented from entering the deeper levels. It has always been that way with metaphysical pursuits. The knowledge of God is incompatible with the desire to be a famous author or something earthly like that. You must purify yourself of all temporal attachment. This is the way. This body of knowledge supposedly is a system for achieving this alchemical purity of soul.

>> No.20276473

give me a rundown what hermeticism is chud

>> No.20276665

Book 8, chapters 23/24

>> No.20276696

Fuck off back to twitter.

>> No.20276710

>You're a Jew!
>You're a sandnigger!
>You're a poojeet!

Keep coping that you have 0 arguments against the fact that your idol is a Reborn Monkey.

>> No.20276782

City of God also gives Augustine's summary of antiquity's beliefs for all of these mythological figures. His critique is that Hermes is just our perception of language made into a deity. Additionally, I think Jung had the correct understanding of why Hermes exists, but Augustine is ultimately correct into what Hermes is.