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20249882 No.20249882 [Reply] [Original]

/WWOYM/ Jefferson

Previous >>20243843

>> No.20249888
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, 1423990825156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
What have you guys been reading?
See any good movies lately?

>> No.20249890
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 1E6175C7-9D5F-4FD2-8DC3-5365B86645C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Jay Dyer fanboys have to exist in real life? I was visiting an Orthodox Church and talking with some of the other visitors and ended up getting one of their phone numbers and the guy turns out to be a giant theology-bro, Jay Dyer fan and obsessed with philosophy and obscure theological controversies more than anything else and I never hear him talk about God or the Bible. I just wanted Christian friends.

>> No.20249901

I'm so depressed and in so much pain I am going to read Cicero for the rest of the night and eat some couscous

>> No.20249904

Coffee, shitting on frog posters, important things for our troubled times.
Haven’t seen any good movies since Blade Runner 2041. Was DUNC good?

>> No.20249927

>Just don't rawdog any bitches

I can't help myself man. It just feels too good. Not even physically, but psychologically. I used to rawdog my ex while she was off birth control and it was the most exhilarating feeling in the world.

>> No.20249930

>What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
2d side scroller and twin stick Contra clones
>What have you guys been reading?
mostly a lot of psychology stuff and wanting to get into cosmology
>See any good movies lately?
not really, haven't been paying attention

just roll with it dude, I would be happy to take your place, anytime.

>> No.20249946

Nowadays I consider myself pretty good at talking with people, 1 to 1 that is. It took me years to realize but people enjoy talking with me for hours for some reason, I consider myself a fag pseud, but it seems people find me funny and think I know shit about stuff. Sadly, I still can't stand being around groups of people. The moment there's more than one person in a conversation I just get annoyed, I shutdown mentally and just want to go away and be alone.

>> No.20249953

I used to be like you but the isolation is driving me crazy these days.

>> No.20249954


>> No.20249958

I forgot how godawful these threads were.

>> No.20249962
File: 154 KB, 850x1202, 880e9de7cc42282856772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the third person will call you out on your pseud shit
Just stop being a pseud bro

>> No.20249965

it just started, relax

>> No.20249988

>What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
Gonna try and find a gf is my latest interest.
My latest phase is I've actually been getting paid to work for clients
>What have you guys been reading?
Aaron Sloman essays on AI and Perception. I don't know why. I should really read something more relevant to getting paid and getting laid
>See any good movies lately?
Love in the Afternoon. Interesting deception of what the kind of women who throw around psychiatric terms call 'emotional cheating'. Visually it's a delight.

>> No.20249997

I think you were the one who recommended I read that

>> No.20250001
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>Just stop being a pseud bro

>> No.20250011

Who me? I don't remember recommending anyone any Sloman recently. And certainly not on 4chan.

>> No.20250014

Must've been someone else, it was a month and half ago anyways

>> No.20250015
File: 190 KB, 743x1204, 1650111190830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
Gardening, just planted some lavender
>What have you guys been reading?
Rudolf steiner, blavatsky, guenon.
>See any good movies lately?
No but thinking of going to the cinema to watch The Northman, I think that cinemas in my country are asking for vaxx certificate/QR so might no be able to watch it

>> No.20250016

>I can’t help being who I ammmmmm!
Please stop posting.

>> No.20250017
File: 57 KB, 220x188, tohru-honda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a crush on my cousin's wife. She's 30 (he's 33), I'm 21. I don't know if it's a crush or "puppy love", if that makes sense. She is just my ideal of a "classy/high value woman", very aristocratic in a way. I don't want to have sex with her, just want her affection, like a pat on the head from her or something. Can anyone relate or give advice? Should I clamp down on these feelings and if so how? We only see each other like once or twice a year, and we met up a few days ago and since then I've been thinking these thoughts.

>> No.20250019

Yeah, Jay Dyer's most famous thesis looks pretty retarded. From what little I know of him, he seems like a joke.

>> No.20250020
File: 24 KB, 934x241, Literature Searching for posts that contain ‘sloman’ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this post?

>> No.20250023

Do I really have to slog my way through Descartes in order to fully understand Spinoza?
I find Spinoza's ideas so much more interesting. I get cogito ergo sum, mind body, is there anything else I need to know?

>> No.20250025

>What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
Getting back into writing fanfic
>What have you guys been reading?
Last week I read The Persians by Aeschylus and The Castle of Oranto. This week I am reading a mystery novel
>See any good movies lately?
The Abyss (1989)

>> No.20250026

Just stop being a faggot bro

>> No.20250028 [DELETED] 

Based. Birth control is evil because it separates sex from reproduction. Just impregnate bitches and don't worry about the consequences. It's what niggers do, and they're reproducing like crazy. It's clearly the most evolutionarily adaptive strategy.

>> No.20250031

sounds pretty harmless anon

>> No.20250035

I went the other way around, so no

>> No.20250038

I know it feels good. But I have a friend who insisted on doing it then got Herpes. You've been given a second chance anon. Don't waste it.
> used to rawdog my ex while she was off birth control and it was the most exhilarating feeling in the world.
rawdoging your lady is different from rawdogging random lasses

>> No.20250041

Yes, that one. That exact one

>> No.20250045

Okay, shit it was me then. Have you read/watched anything by him yet?

>> No.20250051

Says the guy posting that picture!
I’m not the guy you were talking with either. Fuck off

Natural, but getting to be a bit immature for that age. Work yourself so that you can get your own classy wife. Don’t get yourself wrapped up in her lest you develop a crush and start stalking or lusting. Refocus this energy

>> No.20250055

Nah not seriously. Gotta slog through Skinner and Freud next before I get into the lecture phase

>> No.20250068

I should really read more Skinner. When you learn that Facebook, Candy Crush and even Uber are Skinner boxes you think: huh, this is fucking important.

>> No.20250078
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I recently started noticing a trend were people shit on froposters, whats fueling this sentiment? Is it trannies and faggots? Imagine hating on froposters, posting frogs is my favorite hobby and cant think of the day were frogs fade into irrelevance
I wont let it happen

>> No.20250085
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 16939705_1340019729392891_3986050016304735673_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never lusted after my female cousins or my male cousin's wives. the men all seem to attract a certain phenotype I don't care for. really pointy noses, flat faces, man jaws (for a woman, at least, not like huge manibles but big enough). I'd look for a pic but google is turning up jack shit. picrel is my cousin's wife, I guess it will do.

>> No.20250086

You can easily get herpes with a condom anon, because all it needs is skin to skin contact. If you balls are slapping up against an infected moot then you can get herpes. But herpes isn't all as bad as people make it sound. A really large percentage of people have genital herpes they just don't realise it because they've never had symptoms. That's how it gets passed around - by people who are symptomless.

In fact, doctors don't test for herpes on STI checks for that reason. If you have herpes and you're symptomless it's just better not to know.

I feel sorry for the people who get symptoms though.

>> No.20250088
File: 93 KB, 736x1217, 18058C69-AEAB-4186-9FB0-203661FF3303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re sick of the staleness.
It’s like the Peanuts comics. They wore their welcome out in the 70s, but they kept publishing them… do newspapers still exist? They’re probably still republishing them.
Garfield too. Except pepe isn’t funny

>> No.20250092


where have you been for the last 6 years

>> No.20250098

>You can easily get herpes with a condom anon,
You can easily die in a car crash even with a seat-belt on while sober. So therefore you should get blind drunk and drive without a seat-belt in the rain?
>But herpes isn't all as bad as people make it sound
This is cope. Nah pretty sure I had a friend talk about the intense embarrassment and physical pain of the blisters.
Also, unless you're a total psychopath, what happens when it's time to have THAT conversation with a girl?
I'm not saying don't have sex. I'm not saying don't rawdog a girl you know is clean.
I'm saying: don't take unnecessary risks.

>> No.20250101

I still use the first one to connect with ex-channers and "dissident" types but usually try and make time for other things.

it could be /leftypol/ migrants coming here

>> No.20250105

Facecrack is a necessary evil. I wouldn't see my IRL friends without it

>> No.20250111

Most of my "friends" live in far flung places. The locals that know me that I used to hang out with are still posting shit about sportsball which I have no interest in. Occasionally we talk music but that's the beginning and end of it. A lot of them are straight up cucks so I don't usually engage.

>> No.20250182 [DELETED] 

You're the migrant /pol/tard

>> No.20250186 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 529x538, 1649170638237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the migrant /pol/tard

>> No.20250200

No I based that from reading the last thread and said it in this thread.
It never gets better.

>> No.20250235
File: 7 KB, 250x177, mybrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brain has biceps

>> No.20250251 [DELETED] 

>Poltard nazifag
>supports Ukrainian nazis
>still trying to be anti-Biden’s war
Your brain is more scrambled than ever rn

>> No.20250279 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 473x557, 040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your brain is more scrambled than ever rn

>> No.20250310

I tire of this website and the majority of people who use it. It feels like what once was a bastion of real, honest free thought has been replaced with the ramblings of a fool who misunderstands the entirety of his surroundings through a biblical lens. It's stifling when any real talk is obfuscated through entirely bullshit. I'm thinking of walking away entirely and pursuing my studies and magicks on my own.

I can still see flashes of wisdom from other great minds of which i've had the pleasure of encountering here. I can only hope I can stand up on my own with resisting this hellish place's draw on me

>> No.20250321

Simply redoubling my studies and trying to understand the fundamental truths.

I watched the new Batman movie, but it wasn't super crazy or anything

>> No.20250324


>> No.20250326

How was Dostoevsky so on the nose with the Underground Man?
>chronically ill somehow, just lives with it
>contemptuous of normal people yet still lives with their opinion of him in mind
>all-encompassingly, unconditionally self-centered
>may have some talent but it's buried away inside him, never really tapped into
>brain is full of weird theories and high concepts that he spends his day immersed in, doesn't live in reality
>probably has a funny walk and odd fashion sense
This is a spot-on charicature of every precocious, confused, burnt-out young man in society (including me)

>> No.20250329

Eat shit you useful idiot. If you or your ilk ever reveal yourselves to me, and pose a real threat I will plant the seed of my wrath square between your vapid eyes

>> No.20250354

>and magicks
is this a metaphor or are you one of those

>> No.20250355

Clearly nothing interesting is on your mind either, perhaps you are part of the problem? Perhaps you could use the thread as a vehicle for putting interesting non-godawful things into the minds of other anons?

>> No.20250361

pepe and peepo are okay
just no apu

>> No.20250364
File: 34 KB, 482x314, F58C200E-3350-4CF0-BD0A-E8685EC0E8CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads make me sad

>> No.20250365
File: 3.16 MB, 600x413, 1649335846478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mostly a metaphor, but I firmly believe in the idea that one can embody what they want to recieve out of the world, and that embodiment requires constant care and attention, as all good self-realization methods do

>> No.20250367

pretty sure 90% of those kind of posts are baits, problem is people are too dumb to leave them alone

>> No.20250370

It's the fact that the intellegence of this site (which used to be pretty high back in the pre-HWND days) has floored so hard that unfunny retardation has taken hold

>> No.20250385

I was on a twelve year ban from this site during that time, dunno what went on

anyways, just marathoned "On Civil Disobediance" by Henry David Thoreau, good stuff.

>> No.20250406

Am I merely an HDD storing files downloaded from things that happened to appeal to me at the time?

>> No.20250408

i'm having dark thoughts of giving up on ever getting a big titty goth gf

>> No.20250409

Get a job

>> No.20250410

no. you also compute

>> No.20250411

What have you done recently to find yourself big tiddy goth gf anon?

>> No.20250412

Sort Coulianu concept of magic then?

>all the dumb posts are just trolls. Jus ignore them
We used to say this all the time when people celebrated Hitler’s birthday

>> No.20250417

Is a C cup too small or something?

>> No.20250447

I sometimes still do quietly.

>> No.20250449
File: 570 KB, 1600x900, theephemeralmomentbetweenmilkandtears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a somewhat unhinged amphetamine fueled journal entry of mine from a couple of days ago. I'm curious how much sense it would make to an outsider, or if any of my thoughts seem worthwhile. I haven't edited anything. Let me know your thoughts, if you find it interesting enough to read. (1/5)


I don’t think I have a purpose. I mean the kind of purpose you create for yourself, not the kind that is given to you. —. I feel stressed, and I don’t want to, but I can’t seem to control it. This methylphenidate is so volatile, I wish I could more efficiently utilize it. All too often I get stressed or confounded; stuck. It is very difficult to get into a flow, and it is very easy to lose momentum and get… stuck. I wish the words I say to myself internally were stronger, more than just their mental elocution; I wish I could alter that subconscious part of me that reigns over my “state”. I tell myself “it’s ok”, “loosen up”, “focus”, to no avail. There are valid reasons for my stress, in addition to the invalid ones. A testament to the aforementioned volatility: I feel better in this instant. It will not last. Everytime I reach one of these moments of serenity I consider I might have found a method for alleviating that paralyzing pseudo-stress that inhibits me. Either the serenity is reached independent of me, or I keep forgetting the important parts of my newfound method; regardless I keep finding myself… stuck. It may be exacerbated by my recent personality/thought patterns, where I find myself getting utterly lost in the details and pedantic nuance of any thought. I think I am particularly prone to getting lost when considering what to do, like, next. That which is most important? That which is most appealing? Should I stick with my current occupation in the hopes of avoiding that ever-frustrating, hopelessly paralyzing confoundment, even when I know I should attend to more pressing matters? This pointless and confusing contemplation over what I should do in the immediate future usually ends up being the way I occupy the entire “immediate future”. That is, until I snap out of it, or more likely, trip into the Confoundment (capitalized C since the word describes that very specific and personal experience I’ve been harking on). I am in a bit of a flow right now, which is nice, but I am now in the exact situation of consideration I listed third. I should switch tasks. I hope I don’t lose this momentum. I will return if I do.


>> No.20250453



Ok I’m back. I felt a twinge of the beginnings of confoundment. It hasn’t gone away yet. I hope it does. I hate how I need to keep moving at all times because confoundment can sneak into the smallest of windows of mental inaction or after encountering the smallest of roadblocks. It is terribly enigmatic to me; I can never quite determine the true cause of any improvement or deterioration in my mental state. Was it one of my thoughts or actions or was it a shift in the concentrations of whatever psychoactives are in my blood? Realistically, it’s probably both, but I am nonetheless ever-clueless as to what I can actually control, else I embody the murucial and am temporarily and briefly convinced of one of the two superlatives. —. Again I feel better. I sincerely hope this positive development in my “state” was initiated by writing these sentences; that I have a method, that it wasn’t chemicals, that it wasn’t random, that I have control. If I return, you’ll know why.

Ok I think this break can be brief. Something about the moments after completing a task are primed for el sneaky sneaky Confoundment (maybe I could use a better word, shorter and more personal, maybe something german). It really is a battle though, I must be on my toes, vigilant, nip any hint of oncoming confoundment in the bud. —. Ok, huge digression time. I think I need something. A higher aim, an ultimate pursuit, purpose. I can’t quite tell, but I don’t think I do, currently. At least if I do, it isn’t good enough, maybe it's flawed, or too abstract. Or maybe I just can’t remember it, or fail to keep it present. Regardless, I think there is some problem with this “purpose”. I’ll call it Zweck. I want to avoid over-intellectualization, to which I am all too prone. I am reminded of that (perhaps the) eternal dilemma of mine, the (seemingly) hopelessly abstract one that has to do with simplicity vs complexity, thinking vs doing, endogenic vs exogenic fate. I now realize how this dilemma parallels my struggles over “what to do next” I wrote of prior. I digress. With conjecture as a pretext (as it so often is for me (perhaps to your annoyance (the hypothetical reader))): my most fundamental problems, frustrations, and failures ultimately stem from my lack of an adequate Zweck. This, however, is a terribly abstract problem, I do not know if I can address it consciously. Hopefully the realization is some first step. —. Shit! I have been writing too long! I am feeling the beginnings of it, the C word. I need to not stop thinking, for I can’t “switch gears” since the feeling has arrived during this writing, which is supposed to be what I switch to to quell them, the feelings. I shouldn’t have written so long.


>> No.20250460

i went to the supermarket twice this week and looked around
yes should be at least D

>> No.20250461

>tl;dr - How can you take action on the good actions you don't know they're possible?
Aristotelian potentiality and actuality as it relates to Gibsonian Affordances as it relates to 'Evolutionary Niches' as it relates to market positioning.
I see the opportunity to do something (affordance) which allows me to do something else I couldn't before - i.e. move the stool to the left so I can reach the thing on the left of the top shelf. Non-Ergodicity and the Butterfly effect: every decision to exploit an affordance creates new affordances which create new affordances, choosing and creating those affordances happens at the expense of other potential causal pathways. There are no mulligans.
It is wrong to take hasty action, because these lead to negative causal pathways. This decision leads to only shitty opportunities all of which will fuck you up.
But the FOMO of inaction, knowing that there must be some action, affordance, decision that you could take that is better than the others, that will open up a causal pathway you didn't see earlier.
Keynes rejection of the Principle of Insufficient Reason: not all choices are equal.
But if you're not aware of all your choices then you're at a handicap to make the 'right choice'. Affordances are perceived, they don't exist. How can you see more affordances?
Is it necessary to reinterpret reality like Munger's 'Latticework of Models' - to imagine yourself not just as who you are here, but to roleplay and see the world through the lens of a Engineer, an Accountant, a Whore, a Monk: to see your situation and the actions and affordances available to you though any number of mental models to witness more choices than you thought you had?

>> No.20250467



Emergency plan, I chose new music and immediately and - Fuck! Ok. I can solve this. I will continue writing, but think about tasks (pressing matters), put them on the backburner. Sometimes this inspires me to pursue them. Dome now and new music. A risk. Fingers crossed.
4;03 (later): success! (?)
Ok. That worked quite well, I’m glad. 4:13, time for new music & dome, then back to it: an attempt to not repeat the mistake of spending the valuable minutes of motivation this writing is supposed to create on the writing itself.
Another brief writing break. This seems to work, I don’t know for how long it will. I will remember this. New music, slightly more energetic. This entry today is certainly unique, compared to what has been written here so far. It maintains the formal tone and proper grammar for the most part, but it is more scattered, more stream of consciousness. Thoughts are often not given context, or are banal, uninteresting. E.g. “new music” becomes completely irrelevant after it is written. Fuck. Again. I got this. I need to do it again, recompose myself. I have done well. I can’t panic, but I can’t slow down. Time to commit, time for thoughtless completion, it’s what works.
I did it. It is unfortunate that I can’t seem to revel in the completion of tasks, at least in this state. Enjoyment actually comes from working on them. Yet again, thoughts of the True vs the strategically true have arisen in me. A part of whatever has control over my internal monologue, whether subconscious or conscious, ego or id, whispered how this current “state” of mine must eventually unravel, and that some confounding/frustrating state must follow. I do not know if this is true, if it must come to be, but even more so I don’t know if the acknowledgement of such a (possible) truth will forcibly bring about its reality. You (the reader( — I still haven’t decided to/to not use the second person “here”)) have heard this before, and I think it might be yet another embodiment (there is a better word; sought, unfound) of my “eternal dilemma”. This entry is perhaps too meta, it sounds more like my written journal, with hardly any barrier between the thought and recorded. There is so much that is subjective, it is less readable for anyone who isn’t me in this instant; strange for others, and my future self. I have additional thoughts, alas, the “pressing matters”


>> No.20250469

what if certain things are out of my reach, sensei?

>> No.20250470

>i went to the supermarket twice this week and looked around
Did go to any Japanoise or Vaporwave gigs? Go to some Goth Clubs? Didn't hang out in any graveyards? Didn't hang around the Shoegaze section of a hipster record store?

>> No.20250471



456. No, I can’t rest. I can’t decide what to pursue, everything takes so much time. —. Something new: written consideration: should I get picked up for lamun. The entry of the topic into my head has already caused discomfort. It is not a big deal. I don’t know why these kinds of things begin confoundment, but I have learned that they do. I do not want to lose flow, which confoundment obviously threatens. I also. FUCK. Why can’t I have both. I am acting like a crazy person, incessantly writing down every thought as soon as it appears, fearing something will happen if I stop. Why can’t I stop? I don’t want to worry my family, being shut in here listening to music. I am fearful of slowing down. What my writing has come to must certainly sound like someone unhinged wrote it. I don’t know if I should slow down, I fear losing flow, I’m afraid to even take the time to read what I’ve just written. But I am accomplishing nothing. Ok risk time, I will slow down, take a break, wish me luck.
It was a short break. I can worry less. Things are ok. “Here” is meant for me, for now it is. It is a tool. If sporadic/dramatic ramblings are what is good for me, they can exist here: it’s for me. Today is good. Now is good. There are countless things to worry about. Worrying will not solve them. I never would have expected to be here, to be someone who is paralyzed by worry. Ritalin certainly exacerbates this, but I think it still inhibits me when “Aussache” (a word for me, it means the “state” without the influence of adhd medication. “Sober” indicates the lack of recreational substance for me, results in bad vibes (really this explanation of Aussache directly contradicts my claim of this being “for me”, curious)). I am ok. This claim is not selfish, it is not made solely to console myself, to feel good. It is true. Those whispers claiming “this will end” are true, I’ll have to sleep. Others do not think poorly of me. They care about me, they appreciate me. In this moment those words feel like more than their elocution. Without sarcasm: how inspiring. There are pressing matters. They will not paralyze me. It is enough for me to continue “here”, doing so will not be sin. I think keeping my thoughts in check is more important than the “pressing matters”. Eventually they should be addressed, and maybe I will shift to them, but… I am ok. I like me, I think. This is not about delaying confoundment. I hope. That doubt is inescapable. I pray I am not simply seeking pleasure. I pray this is said and done in the pursuit of getting through to myself, and I pray that it works. I pray this lasts, beyond today. I still feel the fear. I still feel the guilt. I have control over it, for now. I want to pray, in sincerity. Too many thoughts. I am still weak. Time for a risky break.


>> No.20250473

boob man, nice, I'd like a nice big titty brunette or redhead honestly

>> No.20250487



It is very difficult to fend off bad thoughts. I hope I am doing something here. I want to say I am doing something here, but I don’t want to damage the trust I have in my own thoughts through strategic belief. I worry this is pointless, that it serves simply to distract me from impending displeasure. I am convinced there is something flawed in me. I hate certain thoughts: “you are acting crazy” “all of this, and you, are the result of neurotransmitters. You are cheating your dopamine, you were accomplishing nothing and yet you felt good. You supplement the effects of amphetamines with nicotine, for no purpose other than to feel pleasure. You are unable to produce results without misusing your medication; you dose more than you are prescribed, maybe you don’t even have a condition, you have lied to yourself and others to achieve more pleasure, nothing more”. I do need to worry less, I get too confused and lost. Another particularly unpleasant thought: “you are producing nothing material, you are essentially masturbaiting”. I pray for clarity. I am on the comedown. I don’t know what all that ‘must’ entail. I can make it better or worse and I choose better. Is too much self reflection a bad thing? Have I done too much here? I have to believe things will get better. I won’t always be so lost.

So yeah, definitely cringe and pretty unintelligible, but I think it at least falls under the umbrella of "what's on my mind" lol

>> No.20250498

These threads are one of the only bastions of honesty on the internet left. Most other websites are shrouded in irony, insincerity and performance.

>> No.20250506
File: 78 KB, 570x640, 1646340023846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single female I know is vaxxed and eagerly waiting for the 3rd, 4th, 5th dose and so on, without any hint or sign of questioning the agenda and motives(economic, political, social, etc) behind the massive push for vaxxing the entire planet.
>the goverment said its safe and effective therefore its safe and effective, science denier chud
90% of the western world is vaccinated while Africa is unvaccinated. If it turns out that the vaccine actually does change your DNA and makes you infertile the world will descend into a chaos were most of the world population vanishes due to infertility leaving a world behind were only africans are left. Its over

>> No.20250525

it is difficult when you believe that a deranged person may be after you, but you can't really check because checking could very well make them more deranged.

>> No.20250534

I have so much fucking shit to write that it's entirely gone past the usual dichotomies of funny/not-funny. It just is. Humor no longer factors into it. Six essays by the end of next week. Citations, bibliographies, irritating buzzwords which make sense only to the other vacillating jugheads who were stupid enough to get a degree in literature; it's all too much, man. I'm too ill for this right now.

>> No.20250542

What's the story here? Crazed ex out for revenge or something?

>> No.20250564

Women are not known for questioning anything and often need positive/negative reinforcements in order to make their behavior coherent

>> No.20250574
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How does buying from Amazon work ? Is it all coming from the Amazon storages or private sellers

>> No.20250608

I love Japanoise, and power electronics/power noise, in fact I'm listening to some right now

>> No.20250624
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Can't believe i witnessed somebody harp on about the "dangers of giving equal time and space to those who base their thoughts on belief and passion, and those who ground them on facts". That was the most gruesomely inhuman speech I had come across in a while. Do people genuinely think like this? Why?

>> No.20250628

the concept of a being freely turning away from god is so horrifying that I refuse to accept it

>> No.20250631


They do that because they mistake their own beliefs and passions for facts, and ignore that facts are always given context by belief.

Saying "You should care about facts more than your beliefs." is really just saying "You must interpret the facts in line with my beliefs."

>> No.20250634

Nietzsche beat you to it buddy
>Should I not have to be a barrel of memory, if I wanted to carry my reasons, too, about with me?

>> No.20250635


Think about that the next time you betray your conscience and freely turn away from doing what you know is the right thing to do.

The reality of it is made bare in front of you, all the time. You are living in the product of it.

>> No.20250665

feel like my mind has been wrecked by the constant inflow of information and stimuli
it feels like there is no permanence to the things I read or comprehend; I sometimes remember key points or profound insights, but lose their context rapidly

>> No.20250668

Oldfags: does it actually get better?

>> No.20250670

biased sample of people to answer, they're the ones still alive

>> No.20250677


Only if you seriously put your all, your entire being, into going into the fullest depths of whatever gives you the sense that you're actually coming into contact with truth: Then, it will get better when you put your hope in Christ, since He is the Truth that we're ultimately seeking.

>> No.20250679

lmao no you gotta be kidding right. picture yourself now but with less hair and a body that's steadily falling into disrepair

>> No.20250682

Think I'll be catching up with the ones down below, getting kniferaped by the devil, soon enough. Might as well have a point of comparison.

Checked. You aren't exactly wrong, I don't think, but all that stuff is necessary but not sufficient, I think.

>> No.20250684

You know, I was neutral on Christians, maybe even a little sympathetic to them, before regularly browsing /lit/.

>> No.20250690

4chan Christians are almost all larpers. Irl actual Christians are much more pleasant and well put together people in my experience.

>> No.20250713

I wouldn't say I'm an oldfag, but I've been coming on here for something like ten years. Life does, generally, get better as you approach your thirties. I imagine it gets a little sad from there.

>> No.20250719

39 here, not much going on but I try to keep busy

gonna be honest with ya, chief, hard to find a Church that will accept me when I have Semipelegianist beliefs.

>> No.20250723

depends on what you cultivate in life.

>> No.20250742
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Getting a part time job and trying to be self sufficient while still having enough time to study for uni seems like something that is out of reach for me
I wonder when will it all ends

>> No.20250763


If by semipelagian, you just mean "I actually have free will and aren't foreordained to either go to hell or be saved", then look into Orthodoxy. They take the actual spiritual struggle of fighting for your salvation seriously.

>> No.20250782
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>other great minds

>> No.20250800

I've lost someone I deeply cared for, and it's already been a month and I still think about them. I wonder if they still think about me?
People said they're not the same and they've been more distant and unhappy. I was the life of the party.

>> No.20250801


>> No.20250805

That's not what I meant. I meant that God's grace is only bestowed upon those who seek him out

>> No.20250824

Of all the /lit/ posts I've saved, the majority have come from these threads. Easily. There's no company like this.

>> No.20250837

i really want to fuck an old lady.

>> No.20250852
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By all means, anon. Follow the magic of imagination without settling for a pre-established religion. Especially if you're an artist

>> No.20250861

Yeah 4chan christians are weirdos who have obviously never been to a church before. Most of them are catholic because that's le 4chan approved version of christianity, and the hatred of the world they had before christianity is joined with an odd persecution complex stemming from their new identity. The personality these guys have is unlike Christians irl, they're all moody and pessimistic and use their belief as a hammer against the things they hate. I think the internet brainwashed these guys into believing that most Christians nowadays are retards, when really they're some of the most thoughtful people with the most active intellectual lives - Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox, it doesn't make a difference.

>> No.20250870

I'm 25 and you should already know by now, no. It's not getting any better. It's going to get worse.

Way worse

>> No.20250882

I've tried four or five congregations

>> No.20250885

What are you looking for? What was wrong with the others?

>> No.20250886

most real religious people are just nice and humble. generally speaking it's been my experience that anyone who makes a lot of noice is probably on some trip. virtually all people are content with being quiet. I don't know really which group I fall into here, but that's been my observation.

>> No.20250893

this is also the problem with social media and so on. you only ever hear the people who like to make noice.

>> No.20250898

Most Prog congregations I've been to are thoroughly modernized and I went to Catholic mass and the priest was literally talking globohomo shit. No thanks.

>> No.20250901

>Most Prog congregations I've been to are thoroughly modernized
Like how? Unless it's a rock concert or something you have no reason to complain.
>and the priest was literally talking globohomo shit
Do you consider "Love thy neighbor" to be globohomo? This complaint makes no sense

>> No.20250903

Read it all. Hits close to home. I need to be on the move, to not be standing still, for me to function properly. I get lost in myself and my thoughts if I stop up.

>> No.20250912

>Like how? Unless it's a rock concert or something you have no reason to complain.
Full band, very homely
>Do you consider "Love thy neighbor" to be globohomo? This complaint makes no sense
No not at all, dude was talking about muh blacks and all that shit. Not in the way of like respecting them as humans but "America's racism problem" I almost walked out

>> No.20250914

For me, somewhat. For you? I don't know.
Stop seeking truth, it's a distraction from temporal matters that will reveal the truth >>20249896

>> No.20250925

Well, they have modern instruments sometimes but they're reversed for certain occasions, generally to appeal to teenagers. Generally during normal Sunday service the only instrument you'll hear is the human voice accompanied by the piano or organ, but if it's more than that I can see it becoming annoying. It sounds like you're being much too dismissive anyway. Just because they have a few fun instruments to entertain the youngins doesn't mean the church is lesser in any way.

>> No.20250932

can be either or, you can select in the right hand corner if you want a private seller.

>> No.20250937

I don't have wudu so I don't want to link it. do this:
then read Quran 3:7. I feel like it would do a lot of people good to hear some particular words in this verse.

>> No.20250953

Nice bait and switch. Genuinely made me lol.

>> No.20250961

Why did it have to be this way? People my age are going places, finding new friends, getting employed, marrying... why am I still so far behind everyone else? I haven't had a single friend, or even a colleague to talk with, throughout my entire college journey. I've always been too scared to go out with people I know lest I be awkward among them. Why? I don't know why it had to turn out like this. I don't want to hate myself but I sure as hell despise my life.

>> No.20250977

no, these congregations had full bands and sing-a-longs

>> No.20250981

That's odd. I haven't heard of any church that does singalongs in their service for adults. Find one that doesn't I guess.

>> No.20250987


>Just because they have a few fun instruments to entertain the youngins doesn't mean the church is lesser in any way.

If they're focusing on entertainment, rather than focusing everyone, including the youngins, on the worship of God, then that does mean the Church is lesser. It's not a serious Church if it's just going along with modern trends.

When I was an atheist, I went to a friend's baptism at a megachurch out of curiosity, and it was exactly just like a rock concert but with extremely weak and emotional music. I could tell even then it had nothing to do with worshipping God - but just stewing in your emotions, because that's exactly what rock concerts are about.

This is why atheists who reject Protestant forms of worship are attracted to TradCat (provided it's not novus ordo), and Orthodox forms of worship, because it actually attempts to be a sober and serious veneration of the King of the Cosmos, instead of the self-obsessed emotionalism you find everywhere else in the world.

The closest Protestant song I've heard that comes close to an actual sense of reverence is "Awesome God" by Rich Mullins. The sense that song was pointing towards was completed when I heard the Russian Orthodox saturday evening service , "The Lord is King" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiF4WePVE24..

>> No.20250993


>Stop seeking truth, just focus on what is true

Stop smoking weed.

>> No.20250998

Too much self-reflection is definitely a bad thing. I can relate to the amphetamine problem.

These thoughts are overly self-referential. It's not really anything productive either, it's just chasing your tail. It's narcissistic in a way. You can focus about every way you've failed or might possibly fail; it will never get you any further or help you progress with your work. It's a distraction. Just a bunch of self-flagellating time wasting non-sense

>> No.20251024
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do you even have moments where it really hits you not just how crappy the world is or whatever, but just how completely and utterly off the rails insane things are? the world isn't just fucked, its fucked in a way that is genuinely surreal, bizarre, like a bad dream with uncomfortable visions of realities falling apart and debris colliding into new and horrific constructs that shouldn't be. it HAS to be some sort of psychological warfare or malicious social engineering

>> No.20251025

I suppose the Protestant church I went to is different than most then. Mine was a Southern Baptist church founded in the late 1800s on the east coast, we sang traditional hymns out of a hymn book either acapella or with organ accompaniment, sermons were fairly serious (and boring to me as a kid). There were three or four choirs - the children's choir, the adolescent choir, and then the elder choir (and maybe an adult choir, idk). The choir was also traditional since we sang only to piano accompaniment, and for O Holy Night we learned it without a lyrics sheet by some sort of tradition as well. Baptism was also a serious affair.

Maybe I was lucky. I can totally see places such as the west coast or midwest having a lot more megachurches and "entertainment" churches. It's always one of those things about America I thought people exaggerated. In the south at least, churches are a fairly rote and plain affair, pretty traditional-minded.

>> No.20251038


https://startingontheroyalpath.blogspot.com/2013/12/subhumanity.html You will appreciate reading this then - a diagnosis of why exactly the world is completely and utterly off the rails insane.

It was written in the 80s, but it's only proven more and more true as time went on.

>> No.20251066

I feel like time goes backwards until it ends; end of a life, end of a year, end of a month, end of a week, end of a day, end of an hour, end of a second
I am reaching my memories

>> No.20251070

I'm immersed in that world perpetually. I don't even view it as off the rails, it's like a trash heap which naturally festers all sorts of disease and sickness, it simply does as it's wont to do. Fire burns until it exhausts its fuel. It's not anything exclusively modern either if that's what you're hinting at. It's time to leave this world behind, leave our bodies in the dust to decompose and take up abode with the divine. Don't put hope in the past, future or present.

>As a mighty flood sweeps a sleeping village away, so Death carries away the person of grasping mind who only collects the flowers of pleasure.
>The Destroyer brings under his sway the person of grasping mind who, insatiate in sense desires, only collects the flowers of pleasure.
>Mara never finds the path of the truly virtuous, who abide in vigilance and are freed by perfect knowledge.
>As upon a heap of rubbish in a roadside ditch blooms a lotus, fragrant and pleasing, even so, on the rubbish heap of blind worldlings the disciple of the Supremely Enlightened One shines resplendent in wisdom.

>> No.20251086

God I love orthos.

>> No.20251087

I'm going to choose to be happy.

>> No.20251092

shut it out senpai. birds still sing. rain still patters.

>> No.20251098

one thing I really love about russians is you can have a guy who is by his interests clearly what we'd call a nerd, and still you can tell he can not only carry himself but could even relish a good fight. they probably learn from being abused all their lives. I find it very respectable.

>> No.20251099

You're not the only one. Whilst human history has had its fair share of bullshit, the current state of affairs is definitely unprecedented. Technology was a fucking mistake.

>> No.20251147

It gets worse. I just turned 31 and the last two years have been the hardest of my life.

>> No.20251153
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>tfw when you're gonna 40 this year
Nothin personnel, kiddo

>> No.20251155
File: 31 KB, 720x748, E8B845EC-188B-4163-8D9A-6A0406E5FA85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know what to do anymore. I hate myself, i hate humans in general, i hate existence, i hate art. Wtf do i do? Help

>> No.20251157

i realized this today in that thread i made about helen keller. the fact she is more literate than your average adult in western society is mind boggling

>> No.20251160

I doubt i can make it that far before i rope.

>> No.20251167

What is wrong in your head that you can't see the difference between "seeking truth" and "accomplishing specific goals through targeted actions"?
I really want to know were you dropped on your head as a child, like you do realize that primarily focusing on practical activities is not the same as "seeking truth", right?
Or are you just a bitter loner who feels the need to invent flaws that don't exist because you can't accept that all the loneliness, despair, and the evil that you feel personally flows to you in the world is entirely your fault?
I'm trying to give you a way out, if you reject this: seeking practical solutions instead of truth.... you'll burrow yourself further into this pit of despair.

>> No.20251173

Of the protestants, I'm not fond of Baptists compared to Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians. Maybe its because my ex girlfriend turned into one but I digress, most of you guys want us to change what media we can consume, and I'm A musician, and I do extreme stuff so I'm not about to just give up my passion just because your congregation finds it "scary". Nothing personal.

But yeah it's an epidemic thanks to spiritually disconnected boomers. The sooner they die, the better

>> No.20251175

Ohio is a desolate place but its my home

>> No.20251209

Pessimism to me is a left wing "cope" occupying yourself with the opposite is the right wing reaction to that

>> No.20251213

it's odd that leftism used to mean carrying the proud notion of the world revolution/paradise realised.

>> No.20251217

nowadays in the best case it means "we are trying to be pragmatic based on a spiritually dead view of the world while in reality being outplayed at every moment"

>> No.20251228
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Man never went to the moon and dinossaurs didn't exist.

>> No.20251232


Stop projecting. Read what I greentexted. It's the contradiction that was pushed to exclude seeking the truth from the process of doing targeted actions.

It's not an either/or.

>> No.20251260

space is fake and gay

>> No.20251270

How does 'seeking truth' help you earn money to, say, pay off debts since they not a contradiction?
Almost all activities require to earn money as a practical action, what are some likley examples of prioritizing 'seeking truth' not being in contradiction of that?
Or to reference the original post: how would 'seeking truth' directly lead you to play bass like Jaco Pastorius? And give likley examples.

>> No.20251276

*it's not a contradiction
I was going to write "in a contradiction" and apparently wrote neither. Of course rather than answer my question you're just going to nitpick my grammar, and wipe the sweat off your brow that you don't need to answer it.

>> No.20251299

I like my mom, /lit/, reading, writing, music, exercise and nightwalking. Everything else is either irrelevant or repulsive to me. While I’ve learnt to appreciate and be content with such existence, I’d love to erase all those painful experiences which led me to this point.

>> No.20251310


Easy - try to do any practical activity, but actively commit to avoiding every single kind of truth while doing it. For example, if a particular musical interval sounds good in truth, then reject that truth and do something else.

You won't be able to do it, because literally everything you do needs you to to differentiate what is true and what is false, and accept the truth in place of what is false.

If you actually do this deeply enough, it will raise natural questions of why there is truth.

If, however, all of your attention is devoted *exclusively* to making money, then you will not be able to play bass like Jaco Pastorius - precisely because his whole soul went into his music, his entire drive to express and explore truth through music was channeled through his bass guitar. His talent was not merely technical proficiency - it was expression attuned to truth, because you can't make something that sounds good without knowing deep truth about what sounds good.

You can tell when someone is just driving their desire to make money from their instrument - they're completely dead, cold, and corporate. They could make a lot of money, sure, but they won't play like Jaco Pastorius.

>> No.20251313

You sound a lot like me. Making peace with the small space carved out for you.

>> No.20251339

Yeah, what else is there after all? Epicurean hedonism (humble, healthy and sustainable) seems like the least desperate life. The only change I’m hoping to make is reconnecting with good friend I had in college.

>> No.20251342

>try to do any practical activity, but actively commit to avoiding every single kind of truth while doing it.
That's not seeking truth: How does trying to answer questions about the truth help you do those practical activities? Tell me how you suppose that would work.
>If you actually do this deeply enough, it will raise natural questions of why there is truth.
Those questions are a waste of time. The truth will reveal itself (which is what I said here: >>20250914 ) not by seeking to answer those questions about "what is real" or "what is truth" or finding Christ. But through just doing stuff.
> precisely because his whole soul went into his music, his entire drive to express and explore truth through music was channeled through his bass guitar.
Except for the part where he was a alcoholic and liked to get into fights, which is what killed him.
>They could make a lot of money, sure, but they won't play like Jaco Pastorius.
I'm sorry you're confused.
I didn't ask how making money could help you play like Jaco Pastorius. I said how does seeking truth help you make money OR play like Jack Pastorius.
And you've failed to answer that.

>> No.20251354


People who think that the nature of truth is that there is no truth and you can just make up whatever you want to be true while doing practical things in art, is why you get shitty "experimental" music and "experimental" modern art that is shit, and degenerates into smearing literal shit smeared on a canvas, and people who disbelieve in truth call it good.

You have to believe that you can't make up truth in order to make beautiful art. If you don't want to make beautiful art, then why the fuck are you trying to emulate the beauty you hear in an artist?

>> No.20251367

I asked you how does seeking truth help you make money or become a better bass player than focusing on finding sources of income or doing bass playing exercises.
Why are you saying that there is no contradiction yet are unable to show how seeking truth makes you money, or makes you a better bassplayer over focusing on those activities practically and directly?

>> No.20251403

I'm an a la carte NPC.
I have no agency.
I no longer see the virtue in seeking not to be a NPC. I am utterly resigned to the hellscape of this world. Of the elites who have totally quantized the masses, where each human is just another consoomer. I see no virtue in laboring pointlessly through Black Pills, Red Pills and the like. I see no possibility of whether or not I resign to the hellscape or not is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back, the butterfly fart in Brazil that causes the Hurricane in Europe that sweeps away the elites.
I'm not saying that being an NPC is a good thing.
I'm not saying that it's a virtue to spout the media talking points.
I'm saying that there's no point in trying to inoculate yourself against it. It feels like a self-flagellating experience in ego.
I genuinely don't like Marvel Films, Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Joe Biden, 90 Day Fiance or the Big Bang Theory. I am not at any point going to convert over to them. They all make me cringe. I'm not about to change my Facebook profile to a Ukraine Flag, a LGBTQ Flag. But I still have Facebook like a NPC. But I don't see a point in hating other mainstream things just because that's "what NPCs do". I'm still aware that these superficial gestures make no tangible difference in the plight of Ukranians, or questioning teenagers, or transitioning trans people - because I am utterly resigned to the Hellscape. You can't change anything.
I'm going to NPC when it's convenient, I'll say the platitudes, I'll do normie things.
Anything that expedites my personal happiness or those I care about. That's about all I can do.
I have no agency.
I am not narcissistic enough to think that if I somehow am a 'rebel' it'll change everything.
You may think that I've been finally brainwashed, that I've been deluded and tricked into thinking I have no agency. Which is sweet, because it means you still have hope. It's optimistic to think I'm brainwashed.
But I know I have no agency. That's the scary thing. They didn't need to brainwash me.

>> No.20251442

I had a week to do something and I didn't do it.
I'm fucked

>> No.20251474


If you're resigned to be an NPC, at least be Christ's NPC.

>> No.20251480

Not far off 28 and the last 12 months have taken something out of me that doesn't feel like it can be replaced. Feels like my max HP has just been permanently reduced. Or, MP, maybe. Whatever.

>> No.20251485

Nah. I like sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll too much. I do like Black Sabbath though, so y'all have that going for you.

>> No.20251491


Well, at least you're straightforwardly honest about your position, instead of stringing a yarn of cope. You're in a much better position than most people.

Hopefully, God will do something in your life to give you agency because of your honesty.

>> No.20251492

The kindness of your words makes me suspect you're a "true christian". The kind of Christian that if I was a 'NPC for Christ' I'd want to be.

>> No.20251510

It’s bleak: to look back and think about what went so wrong. There is no single moment responsible for my fate; just a succession of small banalities that culminated on an anticlimactic, ever-present misery.
Hating oneself - hating for a very long time, even before the decade long succession of mistakes and failures started - wears a person away bit by bit. The only difference between then and now is that hate started sharing more space with despair and disappointment.
There’s also gratitude: for all the good fortune that has been given and all the precious and delicate moments upon which we feel Alive. They cover the world with meaning, no matter how insignificant such meaning may look to an outsider’s perspective.

>> No.20251515

Why I am the way I am?
Why I couldnt be someone else?
The smarter me.
The better me.

>> No.20251523
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>Why I couldnt be someone else?
Kind of a moot point because you already iz what you iz, ain't you? Or as the great pipe smoking poet-sailor said:
>I Yam what I yam
>The smarter me.
>The better me.
Is there any specific reason you couldn't become smarter than you are now, better than you are now?

>> No.20251535

Can there be a reason? I'd say if I'd have more willpower, I could change something but I'm weak hence no willpower.

>> No.20251551

>I could change something but I'm weak hence no willpower.
That's a good start, you're open to the possibility of changing.
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but don't some people see willpower as analogous to a muscle? If you use it strenuously, it gets stronger?
I am aware of a opposing theory, that willpower is a finite resource closely related to blood glucose and as such aside from diet (or drugs) you can't increase will power, instead you should try and remove things that drain it: stuff like stress, lack of sleep, deliberations or will-power intensive and difficult tasks.
Then there's maybe your problem isn't willpower at all? Imagine if you had a magic pill that if you swallowed would give you the willpower to change things? What would you change? What would be the first step to changing it? Why can't you do it now with the paltry willpower you have now?
But simply put: surely there's something you can be doing to make yourself smarter or better. Something relatively effortless that doesn't require willpower. In fact you owe it to yourself to find it, because being even marginally better is tautologically better than not.

>> No.20251575

I'm really tempted to write than if willpower is a muscle then I feel like I dont even have a muscle fibres. I'd want to completely change myself in such way that current me cease to exist but alas that's not possible with any amount of willpower.

>> No.20251587


Every big thing is done by doing a million small things first. Even the small changes matter - even if 100% of you is a train wreck, changing 1% of you, at least, is an improvement. Those 1% changes add up. Every person is built up this way - and every fuckup that turned their life around turned their life around this slow and painful way.

>> No.20251589

I know you'd want to make a total and complete change, but that's simply not possible. No willpower or even with lots of willpower.
Isolate one habit of yours that you're most dissatisfied with and use whatever resource you can to stop that. As I said, better a better version of yourself is always going to be preferable to who you are now: it's tautological statement. Don't get too ambitious either. If that one habit is too hard, then find a smaller habit. Anything will do as long as it has tangible rewards.
Even something as simple as "stop grinding my teeth": because that can alleviate headaches or other pains - which obviously free your willpower up among other things, it has a whole host of 'cascade' effects.

>> No.20251606

Maybe it's my tendency to see changes as all or nothing. I wouldnt know how to change it as it seems like one of those "you either have it or not" kind of things.

>> No.20251621

>Maybe it's my tendency to see changes as all or nothing.
I'd say it absolutely is.
Here's another idea, who are three people you admire. What traits do they have, better yet what behaviors do they exhibit? Try and describe them with verbs. You don't need to share who those people are, but it might be useful to share what those behaviors are.
You should know where I'm going with this: you find a way to take on or do those behaviors yourself in your own life.
Now I realize you're probably disinclined to do this because you think "aww what's the point" and as I said, because your life will be better.
You want to be better right? Even a little bit must be less suffering than now right?
Why would you want to pass up the opportunity to avoid suffering?
Don't worry about willpower. We'll get to that. You can find something so small that it won't be an issue.

>> No.20251632

Honestly, the problem (or not) lies with the fact that I've never had any role models or people whom I admired.

>> No.20251666
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That awkward moment when you're just about to break into a field, you've gathered all the tools and studied the surroundings, only to realize that your muscles have atrophied and you no longer know what you're doing anymore or why you're standing in front of a closed door

>> No.20251678

I have to go. but I want to leave you with some homework, it's pretty generic stuff.
You can take your choice of three exercises, you only need to do one
1. List three people you envy, and what they do (using verbs) that you wish you could do
2. Go through the Wikipedia article of the Nicomachean Ethics and find 3 virtues you think would make the most difference in your life if you had them
3. Of all your flaws, what are the three habits you think are giving you the most pain. If you can't think of any, look back over the last 2-4 days of your life. What are things you could have done 'better' if you were smarter or better. Specific events, choices, activities, ways of going about things: what were they? What went wrong?
Part two: you take the results of the exercise of your choice. And you write down on a piece of card something with the formula of
>I am going to be more of X. Whenever A happens I will start doing X by...
For example
>I am going to be more gregarious. Whenever someone acknowledges me in public, I am going to start being gregarious by at the very least smiling, having 'open body language', meet their gaze. And if brought into conversation speak to them with a chirpy or inviting tone.
>I am going to be less messy. Whenever I am finished with something, I am going to either clean it or put it in it's proper storage place

>> No.20251719

What is love?

It is the harmony of self-awareness.
The parts coming together to form the whole. The whole expressing itself (the light of awareness shining) through each part. The process occurs simultaneously.

How can awareness have parts? The base awareness occupies a space. There can be more than one layer of space embedded within others.
Each self-aware space being a part of the whole expansive space.

>> No.20251741

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20251743

this is the average university student at an ivy league university now

can't wait to be out of this hell

>> No.20251765

>What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
For the third time I am fantasizing about playing warhammer again. I used to play in high school with friends, now post grad uni and I tried to start up again last year but I gave up and sold everything off. Now im here again fantasizing about playing and what army I want to build, even though I've been down this road before. Im truly just walled by the painting aspect, I don't mind building and I want to play, but I dont want to be that guy with the gray tide. Maybe I could pay someone to paint it for me
>What have you guys been reading?
I can't read novels lately, has to be some sort of philosophy, currently restarted the practicing stoic, one of my favorites
>See any good movies lately?
the batman but that was a month ago, other then that not really!

>> No.20251769
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Would you rather be dependent on someone else as an adult or commit suicide?

>> No.20251817
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Just dm'd a girl if she wanted to get lunch on a whim. First message sent to her, but we've known each other for a while and I saw her earlier this week for the first time in a couple of months. Wish me luck bros.

>> No.20251834

Good luck, just remember rejection means nothing as long as you're basically acting in a dignified manner, and even if you make mistakes it's okay as long as you're improving. Don't ever simp and don't ever chase after someone who isn't interested after making an honest attempt.

I have had horribly embarrassing flops and I don't even remember them.

>> No.20251835

Listening to Breaking Benjamin
Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates. Very depraved book, inspired by Jeffery Dahmer
I recently watched Secret Window and The Green Mile. I do not care for Kings books at all, but I love his movie adaptations

>> No.20251839

>professor plays us a Better Than Food video

>> No.20251872

Well, here I am, a dependent adult. Havent killed myself yet.

>> No.20251883

>be dependent on someone else as an adult
Im already parazyte to my parents as a 29 khv neet

>> No.20251892

>29 khv
How? Not even making out with drunk fatty?

>> No.20251903

I guess it never happened. I didnt feel anything towards girls who liked me and the ones whom I liked, felt absolutely nothing to me.

>> No.20251922

Are you still hoping for a relationship, or will you get a whore eventually? I’ve given up on women myself but at least had some experience in HS and college.

>> No.20251933

I'm completely fine by being a fool and hoping that one day I'll be able to find a relationship. I've never seriously considered getting a whore because I see it as an enhanced masturbation and it doesnt give any validation or intimacy.
I have no delusions about me ending up as a virgin for life too.

>> No.20251995

weed smoking is killing me

>trying to learn spanish, fixing old music ive made, and forcing myself to enjoy coconut water
>i havent read anything in a while, i think the last thing i read was New Rose Hotel or some Hemingway short story. i have a new book coming in soon though, hopefully that will motivate me
>mostly been re-watching classics and watching foreign films

>> No.20252036

fuck I love shitposting

>> No.20252040

I didn’t mean it as a judgement. It may be my future as well.

>> No.20252061

Update: She asked if I wanted to go to one of the christian group on campus' free lunch things with her.

Finally playing Elden Ring
Just finished The Shadow of the Torturer, will start Claw soon, but I also want to go back and finish Dune Messiah. Do you guys like to read multiple books simultaneously or do you focus on just one at a time?
I am going to see The Northman this weekend with some friends.

>> No.20252079

Why do they always dress like shit?
Once, a girl at my uni even accused me of being far-right due to my clothes. We had just met and weren’t talking about politics or anything related, she said it out of the blue and justified herself by affirming I dressed like one.
I was just wearing a pair of black pants and an open button up shirt over my tshirt.
Maybe it’s the button ups. Another person from my uni assumed I was rich because of them. They aren’t even expensive looking. Buttons must just boggle zoomer minds.

>> No.20252082
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You have to make it better. Duh.

>> No.20252108

Someday you may become 25 mentally, but right now you’re still about 15
Not sure of your situations, but you can still make it too. Get your heads on straight.

>> No.20252126
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Is it just me or is the system breaking apart even more quickly than anyone anticipated

>> No.20252144

>What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
US southern culture. I’ve liked it for quite some time, but lately I’ve been watching a lot of movies set in the south and finally got around watching King of the Hill. Their music is also great.
I don’t know how people from the coasts can look down on them so much when they are the ones keeping most of the country’s culture alive, barring pop shit.
What have you guys been reading?
Nothing. I’ve been tormented by my own neurosis and can’t read.
See any good movies lately?
Rango is great. Really great. Watched it a couple of months back with zero expectations and was blown away. It’s the kind of film I would show to my children if I ever become a father.

On a slightly related note, can anyone of you recommend me southern recipes I should try to cook?

>> No.20252150

may I recommend Searching for the Wrong Eyed Jesus? Probably my favorite movie of all time. docu sort of about christianity/spirituality/life in the south/southeast (I think, I'm yuro)

>> No.20252172

>On a slightly related note, can anyone of you recommend me southern recipes I should try to cook?

pulled pork

>> No.20252185

catfish some sort of cajun sauce

>> No.20252186

>southern recipes I should try to cook?

Shrimp and grits

>> No.20252199

im trying to recreate the aesthetic of this song in logic and it's really hard

>> No.20252228

>be into fatties
>most fatties are only into other fatties
>the ones that like me physically are not autistic enough for me to relate
>keep getting messages from thin emo bitches instead
life is suffering

>> No.20252255

can we switch?

>> No.20252348

depends, how fat are the land whales in question?

>> No.20252406

Dostoy was possibly the greatest psychologist in history

>> No.20252414

damn why are they trying to talk like black people

>> No.20252415

this what happens when no one loves you and you dont love anyone (not even yourself)

>> No.20252525

this guy gets it

>> No.20252584
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Because nig nog culture dominates most of the west. I'd be happy if rap music disappeared tomorrow. Shits a plague at this point

>> No.20252587

Sounds interesting, I’ll give it a watch.
Thanks. I’ll look up recipes for these. Are there any desserts you recommend?

>> No.20252592

>being this lucky
Dude shut up

>> No.20252597

>Breaking Benjamin
God that sounds like torture

>> No.20252610

Favorite Sabbath album/track/era?

>> No.20252652
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Why does she hate me, does she hate me did i influence this why didnt it go right

>> No.20252659

turns out you can report people for being racist outside /b/

>> No.20252691
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postmodernism: quasi infinite number of interpretations
postmodernism: objective perspective without values
postmodernism: materialism realized through inconsistencies of perceived reality
example: the coexistence of multiple cultures in the present (pluralism)
-> all perspectives exist within the same frame: human perception -> superiority of one over the other is arbitrary and unreal -> reductionistic because some are superior if reducing global suffering is a fundamental belief (Truth) -> suffering doesn't mean the human experience and value judgements are any less arbitrary -> antinatalism best method of reducing suffering, but unrealizable because most people wouldn't agree to it [hardwired limits of personality] -> pragmatic alternative plan of reducing suffering that operates within a life affirming framework -> postmodern methods of deconstruction are useful for recognizing arbitrary value in certain objects / recognizing arbitrary value judgements that are responsible for arbitrary disadvantages and thus suffering -> tfw jordan peterson was right in claiming the existence of postmodern neo-marxists

>> No.20252703

Bodies within organs.

>> No.20252755

man, german is a beautiful language

>> No.20252760
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Our bodies are no different than puppets. Our identities are just a sponge in our skull that orders our body to do what it wants. Once the brain stops working, we become a toy with no puppet master.

>> No.20252782

This thread is a turd,
floating in a punch bowl,
punching threads down,
into an ever swirling bowl
off turds.

I call this poem, "turds." It's for you every faggot in this thread.

>> No.20252783

you could have been in this thread this whole time

>> No.20252790

>complaining about rap while posting a picture of a stereotypical hard rocker
Literally no self awareness

>> No.20252793

Does Evola propose that unless you achieve godlike transcendence, you'll perish forever?


>> No.20252796

I actually came from this thread.

>> No.20252802

Penises are literally designed to go into vaginas. Why does the vagina self-lubricate when a woman is horny? In preparation to receive the penis, which gets hard for the same purpose. And what occurs when intercourse reaches its natural conclusion? Life. Here we can easily see that the telos of the penis is to penetrate the vagina, not another man's bumhole. Anyone who can't realise that is not worth listening to.

>> No.20252806
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I hate white people. They always hate their culture, they always want something "new" and "individual" but they just rehash the same crap al the time, they're always depressed and mentally ill, they take "exotic" stuff and just make it white but they think it's so cool. What a trainwreck of a culture. And to think how great white culture was just a few centuries ago. Embarrassing and pathetic.

>> No.20252813

>he doesn't save his penis for a woman's bum

>> No.20252821
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this is such a long mouth lol

>> No.20252841

what's the solution to the depressed passive beta male problem on an individual level?

>> No.20252845

If you spit in a glass you wouldn't drink it despite the fact that it was in your mouth one second ago. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's right or the only way to go. If you believe in evolution it's the result of arbitrary collective agreement since ages

>> No.20252847

I was born and grew up into a white bread suburban life and it's totally boring to me now.

>> No.20252849
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>"Why do you want to work for this company?"

>> No.20252855

Actually do what you want

>> No.20252857
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>> No.20252888
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>rejected by yet another job

>> No.20252902


>> No.20252914

You join an ancestral egregore essentially. You individually won’t really exist anymore:

>> No.20252921

>watching this for more than 10 seconds
What's wrong with you

>> No.20252922

Turned 24 last month, feel like the path to it getting better has been made clear to me. I just don't know if I can endure the pain of feeling good about myself.

>> No.20252923

fuck you

>> No.20252936

Chads also tend to come from good families that are financially well off and have large social networks, their parents probably had lots of parties at their house so they are exposed to that environment early on. Not only that, joining sport teams in school usually helps a lot, they're set up for success from the get go.That's why the popular kids growing up usually share a lot of the same characteristics.

Guys who are incel grow up disadvantaged in numerous ways. Their parents were probably friendless losers or weirdos, poor, etc. They're pretty much set up to fail from the start, although not always physically speaking. A poor household environment breeds losers.

>> No.20252943

>want to learn a language
>have to watch lots of normie shit
how do you get past it makes me want to say fuck it sometimes

>> No.20252948

You asked. You will never stop being a passive beta loser if you let others dictate the course of your life

>> No.20252949

Only after I’ve sobered up and matured a little I understood how tremendously my parents fucked me up. Other than food, shelter and tuition fees I’ve been left to my own devices at 16, despite major anxiety disorder and budding addiction. They let me make every retarded decision imaginable and provided 0 advice how to deal with the mess. Why? Before their divorce I was the best student in class and immersed myself in video games to deal with stress, no misbehaving. I suspect they genuinely hate me.

>> No.20252953

Part 2 "What is consciousness?"

Every material phenomena is a thought in the mind of God.

The soul is one such phenomena, a monad (most fundamental phenomena).
To create a soul, imagine an empty shell of matter implanted with abstract information.
The soul is a substantial entity with self-referentially knowing. It knows that it knows.
So it possesses or has been implanted with the idea of its own knowing.

If the awareness is directed upon itself, it produces another idea of self-knowing within the first idea, and becomes more expansive. The process can repeat itself.

>> No.20252960

i know i just can't get past the "can't do this"/ngmi feel sometimes

>> No.20252971

i think i made it to like 7 seconds

>> No.20252975

It’s called comedy, mate.

>> No.20252987

are floral sneakers okay on men?

>> No.20252997

Yeah pretty much exactly the say. I had a teacher tell me I was one of his success stories and now I’m posting on here.

>> No.20252999

Culture isn’t static, but we’re in a terrible phase of the lifecycle right now and maneuvering on how to survive. Revival of some aspects of the past scare some of us who don’t want ALL the past to repeat itself.
The rehashers are just consumerist sheeple and trad-chuds. Hating them and ignoring those that tend to this flock just makes you a black sheep among them.

>> No.20253011

So stuck a broom up yer arse

>> No.20253015

One of the most fucked up memories I have is seeing my drunk father telling me that he is just a clump of cells. Suddenly he just was this complex flesh machine producing this statement, it was so strange to observe him as this object

>> No.20253020
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Happy Birthday to the Fuhrer!

>> No.20253037

Are you graduating 8th grade soon?

>> No.20253046

I do not generally watch a lot of movies, so it surprised me how fascinated I was by Edward Yang's YI-YI. Even though it's three hours long, I've watched it countless times. Now I understand what Flaubert meant by "book about nothing."
It begins with a wedding and a baby crying, symbols of beginning, and ends with a funeral. Love, death, growing up, growing old, making mistakes, thinking back on your mistakes, your kids experiencing those things on thier own. It even has a dialogue on cinema, defining and commenting on itself. It's sublime.

>> No.20253054
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>> No.20253097

bro some yall really need to go outside. we got an anon referencing his dad as a fucking object a few replies up. tf is the matter with yall. do you hear yourselves?

>> No.20253113
File: 187 KB, 1923x1277, 277804556_10160326078224114_312392843977053252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I realized that I struggle with treating all information like it's important
I try to encompass everything, all the time, and it renders it all meaningless
It makes me look smart insofar it's a mark of intelligance to accumulate knowledge
But it makes me look stupid insofar it's a mark of intelligence to wield knowledge
It makes me *feel* stupid. But I can't stop. I have this intense self loathing that I don't know how to live. I see all kinds of idiocy around me, but they read like happy fools. And wiser insofar that happiness is an indicator of intelligence.
I am a fool, and I am aware of it. I choose it.

>> No.20253186

This ain’t Twitter. You can spell out the whole word/s

>> No.20253190
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Retroactively refuted by De Sade

>> No.20253234

You sound exactly like one of the idiots I was talking about.

>> No.20253261

You actually are one of those idiots for not realizing what culture is and just why it’s so bad right now.
Ha! Look at that stale ugly meme you posted. Was that ironic? Doubtful.
What have you been reading lately?

>> No.20253271

This is pathetic.

>> No.20253289

That's not how evolution works.

>> No.20253295

It's called "convergent evolution" which is a more sophisticated version of evolution

>> No.20253319

He was writing about Nature, not about some wishy-washy evolution
Evolution hadn't even been invented yet

>> No.20253342

No u

>> No.20253359

when I turn 50 years old I will shun society and never again speak or otherwise communicate in any language besides ancient greek

>> No.20253360

Zero content. You make noises of disapproval, but haven’t even said a thing besides “idiot”.

Evolution is a term for what had been natural all this time. It’s a dumb statement though. Nature “designed” the anus for turds to come out, the vagina for baby skulls to come out. Penis is besides the point.

>> No.20253362
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>> No.20253367

I want to put my dick in a girl so bad aaaahhhhh

>> No.20253393

Part 3. "Maitri"
The intuitive passion felt in the heart chakra for a lover contains a subliminal desire.
This desire is heart-warming.

It is a general benevolence : kindness and compassion.
It is a wish for a state of pure contentment in the subject.
It is a wish for no unfulfilled desires or sadness.
It is a wish for pure joy, or nothing but joy to be experienced. It is a wish for all your desires to be met.
It leads one to melting in sympathetic jubilation.

Romantic Love leads one to a state of blissful contentment. It makes you think you CAN have everything you want.

Clearly this is possible, as God intended man to live in a state of noble contentment. "I want nothing but to be good and do good."

>> No.20253412

time to go to the bar i guess..
hope i dont spend too much

>> No.20253466

Yeah you niggas need to have sex fr frno cap

>> No.20253473 [DELETED] 

How do you feel about Il Sorpasso bro

>> No.20253539
File: 39 KB, 458x390, 1608749127664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogposters are the only good people on this site.

>> No.20253554

This, except the opposite.

>> No.20253564

I also forgot to mention soijak posters. They're good too.

>> No.20253608
File: 256 KB, 512x384, fnfj.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frogposters are literally the only thing preventing this place from turning into reddit

>> No.20253641
File: 759 KB, 400x388, 1650065768426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into a discussion with my female friend because I sent her a message with an anime girl crying and asked her why she doesn't give me enough attention. I end up saying I'm a idiot and she said "Okay". This made me delete her contact.
I regret everything.

>> No.20253647

forgot to mention that I wasn't serious with the anime girl message, but I entered the meaningless discussion anyway, I'm retarded.

>> No.20253656
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What did she say after you sent that?

>> No.20253660
File: 83 KB, 969x1281, h.p. lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He stands, unwavering, unflinching, unmoved. With one paw cupping the top of his white picket fence post, he stares out into the abyss with unbridled patience. The overhead cosmos continues its cycle, with periods of whiteness, then darkness, moving ever onward as the Earth continues its shifts in orbit. The masses of white stars fly overhead, their milky elixir makeup the innards of the cosmos; it holds him as the placenta cradles life’s first breaths and movements towards the inevitable. He is cloaked in darkness, a pin-striped suit is wrapped around what we would call a body-like form, but it conceals much more than flesh and bone. A tip of his bowler blocks his face, just enough that it reveals little more than his nose and teeth. A concealment of the soul’s windows hides the very notion of his true form, for those that stare past see and understand within an instant all there is to know, and all that should not be. With flesh, he’ll create, two masses melted and merged, the horror of his eyes gleaming, but he exists as one, for his creator is to be nameless, nameless for beings that regard humans much in the same way the amoeba is paltry to humans. This form none have yet seen, but it awaits the right time, biding continuously.

>> No.20253663

The most re**it thing is certainly not doing that, you lying sack of shit.

>> No.20253666
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>and asked her why she doesn't give me enough attention. I end up saying I'm a idiot and she said "Oka
Imagine being a beta male orbiter and placing your entire self worth and happiness on the attention of some 80 IQ female, nigga have some dignity and self respect

>> No.20253670
File: 60 KB, 960x924, 066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many wrong turns. So many unfateful twists and antijokes in my life with me as the butt of. Dropped out of trade school after being underemployed for 2 years with one of the top meme degrees (bullshit job for women). Going back to school for a second bachelor's degree not business this time, Engineering. Ugh. I love physics. Hate computers despite having a background in IT or maybe because of my background in IT. I am being recognized as a great candidate for Electrical Engineering but really want something hands on pleb friendly nothing fancy. Fuck man why is my road so damn long winded and inefficient?

>> No.20253677

Gold tier webm

>> No.20253684

If a woman isn't showing immediate signs of interest in you after a few meetings you need to stop investing yourself in her immediately.

>> No.20253686

Boys need attention to.

>> No.20253687

this, only redditors are racist, homophobic, transphobic assholes who post frogs

>> No.20253689
File: 927 KB, 500x281, 1645052256182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she wasn't in the mood, then I said she was never in the mood. And then it goes on...
Don't worry, I'm free from her now. But if it was a good choice, only the future will tell.
M-maybe she will messahe me tomorrow...

>> No.20253691

Regret is inherent with all interactions with women that don't result in cumming at the exact same time and leaving her crippled with orgasm. Deadass truth. Black wisdom. Negro scripture. Nigger sagacity.

>> No.20253711

There's nothing wrong with being a reddit asshole, asshole.

>> No.20253715

The problem is that I knew her for months. But our interactions went downhill from that time.

>> No.20253721

the problem is that you should always be talking to at least 5 women at any given time so you never notice if one drops off the carousel.

>> No.20253723

There something wrong with being a frog poster. In this decade!
Bush was in office when this started, man!
This is as bad as that whole wearing your pants down so we can see your damn underwear. Just stop already. Do you see me posting Boxxy still? Cracky-chan? Garbage Pail Kids?

>> No.20253734

If you wanted her you should've made that clear from the moment it was apparent. People have lives, if you want to be a larger part of hers she needs to know that.

>> No.20253737

>This is as bad as that whole wearing your pants down so we can see your damn underwear
we''re ll on the same side here, but i have to point out that this is a highly problematic colonialist attitude that demeans people people of colour, their culture, and their lived experiences

>> No.20253744

But she wasn't some random girl that I have sex to (I don't even know her in real life). She was my friend, the only person I talked to, besides my mother.
Anyway, I guess it's time to quit bitching and have some attitude. I will apologize to her, tomorrow maybe.

>> No.20253752

It’s a prison signal, as I’ve heard it. The bitch (the guy that take it up the ass) had to wear his pants like that. The rappers saw this once they got paroled and thought it would be cool. Caught on with everyone wanting to look ghetto chic after that.

>> No.20253762

Cute. I asked her if she wanted to be my gf, but she said she said a long distance rel woudn't work. She didn't said "no" though.

>> No.20253764

Neu threads


>> No.20253784

Yeah a slow death was your only outcome then, move on.

>> No.20253870

>She was my friend, the only person I talked to, besides my mother.
I think this only vindicates my point.
No wonder you're making jokes about attention: you only have one (online) friend apart from your mother. Spread your wings anon. I'm not even talking about getting laid, I mean socially.

>> No.20253922
File: 50 KB, 262x252, ScientificWanIvorybilledwoodpecker-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the support, frens. (I'm still apologizing to her tho.)

>> No.20254302
File: 207 KB, 884x889, stank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your latest interest/hobby/phase?
med school, schizos, mini snail garden, hatsune mikooom, making these: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZFBnKhNS7AlJEVyHo1JygQ
>What have you guys been reading?
Swann's gay (wow!)

>> No.20254601

Go to sleep Houellebecq

>> No.20255140
File: 184 KB, 1440x1920, 14FB167B-E1FD-4281-BB35-411B6199CAE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
