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20229476 No.20229476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>try to read book
>immediately get exhausted, can't focus
>tired for the rest of the day

>> No.20229480

And this needed a thread, why?

>> No.20229489

Pro-tip: Amphetamines
Mega ultra pro-tip (depending on jurisdiction): Methamphetamines

>> No.20229490

a result of browsing imageboards and other heavily visual media on the internet. very upsetting

>> No.20229492

stop reading and start exercising then sedentary cunt

>> No.20229502

Just keep practicing every day. You need to exercise the brain, its like a muscle.
Fuck off you disgusting degenerate animal.

>> No.20229505
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>Fuck off you disgusting degenerate animal.

>> No.20229513

Drink coffee or tea.

>> No.20229519


>> No.20229525 [DELETED] 

Why did a get a ban request but threads like this are up?

>> No.20229527

Lol imagine abusing drugs and thinking you're not a loser

>> No.20229530

You pissed off a tranny.

>> No.20229768

Mark and super hans

>> No.20230912
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Same issue, please some anon help us fellas

>> No.20230926

Have you tried cocaine?

>> No.20230930

>Low T
>Bad diet
>Too much internet
>Other negative habits (chronic masturbation, drugs, etc cetera)

You have to properly manage your metabolism to have to surplus time and energy for actual reading. It isn't as easy as when your an adolescent once you cross the threshold into slow death years (21 years + for most people)
E.g. you can't burn the candles at both ends forever. Obvious.

>> No.20230931

Same wtf

>> No.20230942


>> No.20230966
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Literally don't do anything else. Close your browser and don't use your phone. Pay attention only to your book. It works for me.

>> No.20230983

>low t
>bad diet
what do either of those things have to do with reading? they are understandably bad for their own reasons but people whip them out at completely random places like in this case. hurt your knee? it must be the poor diet. feeling unwell because of some things happening in your life? actually it's because you're low t. you're suffering from brain hemorrhage? must be the chronic masturbation.

>> No.20231007
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Low T and Bad diet (hand in hand) are the very likely reason for lack of energy. Bad habits like too much internet use and masturbation can cause low attention span which is also bad for reading. And in any case unless you prioritize reading you are not going to have the energy it requires. It seems like you are just sitting there but a lot is going on internally if you are reading properly. People don't understand how much energy the brain consumes while engaged in rigorous activity. You can sit there and read the words to yourself and get nothing out of it, which is what most people on this board seem to do with books and with posts as well (in your case) you fucking coomer.

>> No.20231046

Start with reading essays and news articles for things you care about, then slide into some ~50 page books and go from there.
This is what my journey looks like
/pol/ -> Daily Stormer -> National Vanguard -> American Futurist/Wewelsburg Archives -> Bronze Age Mindset, The Poetic Eddas. Next I will focus on Nietzsche, Marinetti, Evola, Savitri Devi

>> No.20231091

I can only do a max of 5 pages a day. My brain just checks out or starts to hurt if I go over that limit

>> No.20231118

it’s almost like retards attribute every problem to something so they can feel like they have control. not a bad idea desu but if you are smarter than them you will need to try a bit harder

>> No.20231449
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But also so much this

You need to train your brain muscle. But if you sit at home or whatever all day reading and don’t want to take caffeine or drugs you will get sleepy. So you also need to exercise. Use pomodoro technique or something and try to lightly exercise in the breaks.

>> No.20231453
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Excellent bait

>> No.20232734

This exactly

Honestly, try to work your way up to it. It gets easier over time believe, this comes from someone who went from reading no books a year to 6 in total last year to now I just started my 5th book and am already almost halfway done with it.

Keep going anon you can do it!

>> No.20232924

bit unrelated but I only really can fully get into reading if I have a quiet alone place
otherwise I only read like 30 minutes then again some later during the day
too noisy and lack of privacy around me