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20227971 No.20227971 [Reply] [Original]

>In the beginning was the Tao, and the Tao was with God, and the Tao was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made...And the Tao became flesh and dwelt among us

Before Christ came into the World, he was manifest before man in a way that could only be seen through the light of the intellect. The sages of the Eastern Cultures gave it different names, but saw the same reality. For Veda Vyasa is was Om, for Heraclitus and the Greeks it was Logos, for Lao Tzu it was the Tao(Way) and for the Christians it was Jesus Christ.

These sages sensed the presence of Christ everywhere, but they did not see him. They found Christ in living things, in the nooks and crannies of mountains, in the streams and rivers and oceans, and even in the wind. Yet, Christ was not these things, but He spoke in these things as the Course that all things follow. Not knowing His Name, they called him by another, the Way. The things of nature have no choice, but to follow the Course of Nature. The birds fly and chirp, the acorn grows into an oak, the rivers twist and turn around those things in their path. It is Man alone who is given choice. Man finds himself able to go his own way, to a degree, or he like the other things can follow the Way.

A man who follows the Way will suffer with the pain of the cosmos, but he will find the Originating Principle, and if he follows his own way, he will suffer alone and he will find chaos.

Not having seen Christ or being revealed His Name, but only His traces these sages could only speak in pale verses and riddles, however, through intuition and attention to their surroundings they could know some things as he passed through nature around them.

So what was this Course that all things followed, and why would one say that it leads to suffering with the world? Take a look around you, no thing exist for itself. Each thing, save man, humbly and patiently fulfills it's proper role without thinking about it. Each thing does this without possessing, without rebelling, without complaining without blame and without taking the honor for itself. The seed of a tree falls to the ground, and in doing so it dies. From it's death arises a new tree bearing fruit and more seeds than one could count. Preserve the seed whole and you will get nothing, only if you allow it to die will it bring life. This is a microcosmic image of the Way, the Pattern that all things follow. This was known by the ancient sages.

How can we describe the Way?


>> No.20227982

We can say what ever the Way does, the Way is. Does not a beautiful piece of craftsmanship speak of the artist behind it? Likewise the Creation speaks of the One who is behind it. If all things that are made follow the Way, and the Way is what the Way does, then does it not follow that the Maker of things follows the Way?

You see if each thing that is made serves another, and all things together serve the whole, would it not follow that the Way also serves? If all created things, except man, humbly and patiently fulfill their roles should it not follow that the Way also does the same? How can the Way do the same if it does not walk the earth as created things do, and if the Way did walk the Earth what would be his role? We have seen earlier that the Course of Nature shows that one thing must die that another might live, and thus it must be the case that the Way shall do the same. But how was the Way to die, for it is the fountain of life itself? Who was it going to die for? This was the mystery of the cosmos prior to the Tao becoming flesh.

The sages knew that as each thing serves the purpose of another, so does the Maker of things serve all things. They knew that as each thing dies for another, so it would be that the Way would die for all things. Through intuition the sages gathered this knowledge, and of this mystery they knew, but of the greatest mystery they could not know. The mystery of his perfect love not just for man, but all things prior to the world's being. They could not know this until He had walked among them, entered into them through His flesh and blood and vowed to never leave or abandon them to the wiles of Death. He would become man, and as is proper to the Way, he would suffer and die, not for his own sake, but for the sake others.

By becoming man and emptying himself for others He was able to hide Himself in a body of mortality that Death might open up its doors and consume Him. However, Death is destroyed in the presence of Life. Where Life is no Death can be found. Opening up it's doors to what it thought was a man, Death let in Life itself, and was destroyed.

If you found this to be an interesting read you can get more like it from a book called Christ the Eternal Tao by Hieromonk Damascene. Glory be to Christ, our King and our God. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


>> No.20228016

This is obviously heretical.

>> No.20228034
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I suppose that since "Eastern philosophy" has gotten trendy over the last 200 years while Christianity has continued its clumsy descent back to its base origins, there are bound to be some christers who wish to baptize their favorite Hindu, Buddhist, or Taoist thinkers. But this an entirely dishonest enterprise and would be at odds with the covenant theology at the heart of Christianity, which always shines through the trappings of embarassed apologetic thinkers who go out of fashion eventually. The pursuit of wisdom or of philosophy is irrelevant to the covenant, which is why the early christers scorned it and practiced pure fideism. You either follow the contract or you don't. Later, copes were invented by apologists: "actually this is just platonism but better," and today we are asked for an "actually this is just vedanta but better" or "actually this is just taoism but better" but this removes us from the Bible. It catholicizes, if you will, but the catholicized convert will always be tempted to inevitably read the book they were told they already agreed with in spirit, and when they do, they will become protestantized and CORRECTLY interpret that the texts are really covenant theology and not Platonism or Taoism whatever else, and then attempt to make themselves Israelites. Consider the Taiping Rebellion. No doubt, dishonest christer missionaries had converted Chinese people using Taoist vocabulary, but as soon as the Chinese themselves began to read the Bible, they turned on China like the christers turned on Rome. It's the same playbook. You don't actually have an appreciation for Taoism but would add it to the arsenal of slaves.

>> No.20228142

This shows a complete misunderstanding of Taoism. Sure, if you completely redefine terms you can make anything fit your narrative.

>> No.20228144

>Later, copes were invented by apologists: "actually this is just platonism but better,"
Explain the Book of John then.

>> No.20228154

This is empty rhetoric. If you want to claim I am misunderstanding something, then I would expect you'd be able to verbalize what it is I've misunderstood.

>> No.20228163

>This is empty rhetoric
So is the garbage you posted. Stop going "you made this? I made this" with traditions that make more sense than yours and also stop larping as a fundamentalist Christian on an anime forum
Don't care.

>> No.20228174

Sounds like you're coping to me.

>> No.20228180

I assume you are saying heretical from a Christian perspective as I have never seen a Daoist concerned with heresy.

I understand how you could see it as heretical, especially with so many synchronistic heresies floating around. This is different. This is arguing that the philosophy of Lao Tzu can be made more complete through divine revelation. This is similar to the approach Catholic writers took to Aristotle.

>> No.20228184

>writes two ridiculous tedious posts parodying an eastern religion he doesn't understand to try and convince other people (but really himself) that his silly desert cult stories are true because being an internet Christian is fundamental to this zoomer's sense of identity
>"u cope"
lol. Touch grass kid

>> No.20228193

>the philosophy of Lao Tzu can be made more complete through divine revelation
t. missed the entire point of the philosophy of Laozi

>> No.20228201

Christianity is dead in the west so efforts are being made to rejuvenate it by vampirizing more sensible doctrines that westerners are becoming more interested in now that works have been translated

>> No.20228215

You're a retarded uneducated idiot. The taoin chinese philosophy cannot be fitted to gentile hating rabbi from Palestine no matter how much you larp as a rosicrucian.
And taoism has more divine revelation than jew worshippers can dream of.

>> No.20228227

I'm not the OP. And yes, it sounds like you're coping (and seething now, too).

>> No.20228229

I accept your concession, larpzoomer

>> No.20228231


>> No.20228235

I haven't conceded anything, since I haven't taken a position. I want to know why the OP makes you seethe. Is there something fundamentally wrong with his approach? If so, surely you'll be able to explain that with sound evidence.

>> No.20228241

Daoism is gay and retarded. The TRUE proto-christian chinaman philosophy is Confucianism.

>> No.20228253

Daoism is based. Confucianism is weak respect your elders pussy shit. Daoism is cultivate your dantian and achieve immortality.

>> No.20228260

Nothing about your impotent kvetching or the OP's pathetic sophistry make me seethe. I called out his incredibly retarded take for what it was and see no reason to spoonfeed you. Cry more about it
>noooooo you need to engage in a pointless debate with me!
Blow it out your ass midwit

>> No.20228263

You're clearly seething.

>> No.20228264

Why life if elder die? Broken branch westerner make grandma cry.

>> No.20228269

Project harder, larpzoomer

>> No.20228272

I didn't have a position on this earlier. But OP's idea seems cool, and it makes people like you angry, so I think I'll start reposting it for shits and giggles. Couldn't hurt.

>> No.20228276

There's nothing to be made more complete. If you read the DDJ, Zhuangzi or Liezi and came away with the impression that what you read about was yet another system that could be improved upon via sterile scholastic quibbling and nonsense about insignificant historical events in some Roman backwater, then you completely missed the point

>> No.20228284

Except you've said nothing of substance that would warrant your claim, so how exactly did you call me out, if you cannot demonstrate your position is true?

>> No.20228287

>I'll waste my time reposting pointless nonsense on an anime imageboard, that'll show him
Go get some air

>> No.20228296

It would make you angry, and I'll get another (You) from you, so it'll make me satisfied.

>> No.20228303

>Except you've said nothing of substance
Neither have you, keep coping and seething about it larpzoomer.
Considering you don't know what Taoism is you might want to start with the DDJ and Zhuangzi, then explore the more practical aspects of the tradition.

>> No.20228306

>I assume you are saying heretical from a Christian perspective as I have never seen a Daoist concerned with heresy.
isn't the whole point of this book that it presents standard Christianity in the freshness of eastern mystic language, to neutralize the lure of these eastern religions

>> No.20228308

>you are... le mad
keep projecting your impotent rage onto me if that helps you cope

>> No.20228312
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Religious syncretism fascinates me, but would you be open to saying other religious traditions might be able to claim similar things for themselves as well, or is this just being posted as a Christian apologetic argument?

Islamic scholars have also had a long history of showing how Platonic and Aristotelian philosophies really prefigured Islam, and some would even say that Daoism is a prefigurement of Islam as well. (Not saying I agree with them per se, but I am curious how you view this as any more valid.)
The ideas of Ibn Arabi have been compared to Daoism a lot too.

So how do you take something like the Dao Te Ching and explicitly see a Trinitarian or Christ-centered doctraine in it? Why not just compare the Dao to God in a more general sense?

>> No.20228318

Sort of, it takes eastern terminology and twists it to fit conventional Christian theological concepts. It has nothing to do with Taoism and serves as a way to get modern people interested in Christianity by pretending Taoism was actually chink Christianity all along.

>> No.20228325

It seems you've missed the point of Christianity as it is not a system either, but rather a way of living. To sit and merely learn of the Tao would be a waste of time, as merely learning about it, and not living with it would lead to death.

St. Maximus, in my own tradition, says this in a more Christian way, "Theology without practice is the theology of demons". To sit and theorize or come to a set of ideas is not the point of Christianity and it is not the point of Taoism. They are both about ways of living in the world, it's just one has the benefit of coming from a tradition where the Tao became flesh and dwelt among us, and thus has a more advised approach on how to live in accordance with the Way.

>> No.20228326

>the salvific incarnation, death, and resurrection of God himself
>insignificant historical event
Hmmm. Also, enough of this "Roman backwater" meme. The Roman Backwater was Western Europe, not the Middle East. Judea was at the heart of rich ancient civilizations. It was right next to Syria, which was probably the richest part of the empire. It was not a backwater. The Roman backwater was Britain and Gaul. And even if Galilee was relatively irrelevant and poor, that only makes all the more powerful the Christian story.

>> No.20228328

>and explicitly see a Trinitarian or Christ-centered doctraine in it?
By fundamentally misunderstanding the core tenets of Taoism
>Why not just compare the Dao to God in a more general sense?
The Dao isn't God or the Logos or anything of the sort. This is a mistaken equivocation born from projecting western theism onto something completely different

>> No.20228334

Yeah that's what I was getting at. Then if the goal is to dress Christian doctrine up in this language, I'm sure it can still veer awfully close to Christian heresy, which is a valid concern given the aims of the book. And that the Daoist's conception of heresy is irrelevant in this case because the goal of the book is to present orthodox Christian dogma. That's all I was getting at.

>> No.20228344

And you've missed the point of Taoism by saying ridiculous nonsense like "the Tao became flesh" and other such things that show you don't actually care to know what Taoism is and, just like the retard below me, your approach towards foreign traditions is tainted with the assumption that they can only be mere simulacra of your perfect revealed truth. You're an idiot and a waste of my time
>the bible is true because it says so in the bible
As always, vacuous and pointless. I'll stop talking to you now

>> No.20228345

Just shut the fuck up, you stupid Christcuck. If you're interested in Eastern traditions, then just drop Christianity and look to practice those instead.

>> No.20228348

How does the Dharmakaya or Original Face from Ch'an differ from the Dao?

>> No.20228349

>one has the benefit of coming from a tradition where the Tao became flesh and dwelt among us,
christlarpers are so insufferable holy shit

>> No.20228357

>the bible is true because it says so in the bible
I wasn't saying that, that's circular logic.

>> No.20228358

Refer to the very first sentence of the DDJ

>> No.20228365

It sounds similar to Absolute in Ch'an.

>> No.20228370

Yes Chan/Zen was heavily influenced by Daoist apophatism

>> No.20228381

There's an "Absolute" in Chan? I thought Chan took on the double emptiness of Nagarjuna

>> No.20228384

I think it was most likely coincidental similarity. Ch'an was developed in Gandhara before being transmitted to China.
I think there are many metaphysical differences (e.g. the role of the storehouse consciousness) but not so much in regards to how the non-dual Absolute is described.

>> No.20228385

Not him but you're really fucking stupid if this isn't bait

>> No.20228387

This isn't syncretism, in Christianity this would be called assimilation, essentially baptizing a pagan or secular philosophy into the Christian frameworkor puts Christianity in the framework of the assimilated philosophy. It is distinct from syncretism which blends religions in that assimilating preserves the doctrinal purity of the Christian religion.
It's not that you see Daoism as inherently proto-christian, it's that you see parallels and similarities and you wish to bridge the gap to both baptise, so to speak, Daoism and to incorporate Daoist elements in a way which doesn't change already established doctrine but furthers understanding.
Regarding Islam, there was apparently some great Hui Muslim scholar who did exactly that, bridging the gap between Islamic and Chinese tradition, I don't remember his name right now, though, but it's supposedly very impressive.

>> No.20228389

No, read The Platform Sutra.
After Huineng, the schools splintered and lineage of patriarchs was disrupted. Platform sutra is the best source of knowledge for Chan beliefs.

>> No.20228397

I'm well aware of the radical nature of saying the Tao became flesh, just as I am aware of the radical nature of telling Plato or Aristotle that the Logos became flesh.

Just because it is a radical claim that you're incredulous about doesn't mean that it isn't true. I would say it's necessary. Let me ask you this, is it not true that the Way appears to be for one thing to die so that another might live?

>> No.20228402

The Tao became muh dick.

>> No.20228441

“I am the way” Jesus

In chingchong
“I am the dao”

Checkmate chingchong seethere

>> No.20228445

Tao is the way of things, it moves and creates. Dharmakaya is empty, it doesn't do or move anything.

>> No.20228446

You forgot to write "In Hebrew" above the kike

>> No.20228447

The Tao isn't the logos. The Tao has nothing to do with some dead cult leader from two millennia ago. It is not necessary, and your ridiculous beliefs have completely rotted your discernment. There's nothing that can be said to you because you're too far gone and will keep twisting things to fit your narrow dogma, completely blind to how mistaken you are
>is it not true that the Way appears to be for one thing to die so that another might live?

>> No.20228452

>the Dao that can be named is not the eternal Dao.
"I made this" christrannies eternally blown the fuck out
Now let's hear the coping and seething

>> No.20228453
File: 130 KB, 945x632, liuzhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, anon, in case you were interested. His name was Liu Zhi.

>> No.20228460

The Tao is not the absolute in Daoism. Rather the Wuji is: "Wuji refers to a state of non-distinction prior to the differentiation into the Yin and Yang that give birth to the ten-thousand-things-- all the phenomena of the manifest world, with their various qualities and behaviors."

>> No.20228466

Wuji or Taiji**

>> No.20228467

>Tao isn't the logos. The Tao has nothing to do with some dead cult leader from two millennia ago.

The Logos is a Hellenic concept that predates Christ my dude. Not sure why you would relate it solely to Jesus, unless of course you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. That's why this post, and every other one you've shared here lacks any actual substance to respond to.
>There's nothing that can be said to you because you're too far gone and will keep twisting things to fit your narrow dogma, completely blind to how mistaken you are

Seems like you're projecting here a little bit my dude.

>> No.20228476
File: 324 KB, 1080x1069, 1611262586183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gospels were written in Greek, antisemitic dipshit

>> No.20228478

Jesus was still a Jew who spoke Hebrew and was a rabbi.
>Antisemitic dipshit
Antisemitism is based, philosemite garbage.

>> No.20228495

There's a reason why I separated these two statements, you bumbling retard.
Way to dodge everything I've said, "my dude". You're fucking pathetic

>> No.20228496
File: 149 KB, 354x354, 1642989158132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who spoke Hebrew
He spoke Aramaic. Hebrew, even in Roman times, was relegated to a priestly language in which Jewish scriptures were recorded.
>was a rabbi
He was despised by the Philistines, the ancient Jewish class of "teachers", along the line of modern Rabbis.

Please, please, get information about religion from something that isn't a stormfront infographic. Who knows, you might even learn something and grow spiritually.

>> No.20228503

*Pharisees, not Philistines

>> No.20228508

>was a rabbi.
Rabbi literally meant "teacher" at the time.

>> No.20228509

Jesus was a reprehensible human being who pointed to his flesh as a source of the sacred whereas Eastern sages pointed to one's original nature as the Absolute.
Jesus was a stupid Jew, and you are likewise a Jew in spirit for worshiping him. I don't give a shit about a narcissistic dirty Jew from Levant. If it were up to me, I would deAbrahamize my country and send the heads of all Christians to the Vatican and the heads of all Muslims to Mecca. Every single last Abrahamist deserves to die

>> No.20228510
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I'm not attacking the idea per se but I guess my question to you would be why do you think "baptizing" Daoism or any other philosophy into the fold of Christendom has any more legitimacy than Liu Zhi doing the same with Confiscionism and Islam?

>> No.20228512

None of this changes anything to the fact that christianity and abrahamism as a whole are unnecessary, convoluted nonsense. Take the philosophical Taoism or the Rinzai pill. The rest is worthless

>> No.20228513

"Tao produces one
One produces two
Two produce three
Three produce myriad things"

This notion can be found in Pythagoras as well. It is a recognition that the Absolute is Triune, and that it is a unity. It is three who together are One, and from the Three all things come.

>> No.20228514

I remember in my copy of Tao Te Ching saying its Tao that did that.

>> No.20228517

Don't worry the deabrahamization of the west is happening anyway

>> No.20228520

You'd have to actually make an argument for me to give you a rebuttal.

>> No.20228521

The trinity appears in most religions and its depiction in the eastern ones is much better than in christrannity

>> No.20228530

There are also three bodies in Mahayana: dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya. Dharmakaya is like Taiji or Wuji

>> No.20228531
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>Jesus was a reprehensible human being who pointed to his flesh as a source of the sacred whereas Eastern sages pointed to one's original nature as the Absolute.
Okay, you aren't arguing against my points anymore, just against my religion.
>you are likewise a Jew in spirit for worshiping him
And I'm proud. It's what all of my family has done for the past 1,800 years, why change it up now?
>send the heads of all Christians to the Vatican and the heads of all Muslims to Mecca
I don't think Lao Tzu would approve of that, but alright. Why don't you take some of your own advice and become inactive: stop posting!

>Take the philosophical Taoism or the Rinzai pill
Who said I disliked Taoism? I think all religions are interesting and wonderful in their own way (except new-age shit).

>> No.20228534

I just quoted it here

>> No.20228535

Makes you wonder why have a trinity and not a duality, a "monity", or whatever.

>> No.20228537

It doesn't and no matter who does it it never is legitimate. It's always a matter of retarded proselytes wanting to peddle their bullshit where it's not welcome, although abrahamism lends itself to that kind of behavior more easily
Concession accepted, my dude

>> No.20228545

The most vehemently anti-Abrahamic advocates tend to be Jews these days. Not fooling me, rabbi.

>> No.20228546

Dao de Jing is just one text. I actually liked The Inner Teachings of Daoism more.

>> No.20228548

But we do. And in the end it boils down to nonduality. The trinitarian systems are used for symbolic (didactic) convenience but are equally meaningless in the face of reality/Tathata

>> No.20228549

I don't think the Trinity appears in the same way as it does in Christianity, but the Triune structure of the cosmos is picked up as it is a theophany.

in what ways do you think these folks depicted it better? Have you read the Cappadocian Fathers? If not, then how would you know?

>> No.20228551

Jews have a network in place of being both vehemently anti-Abrahamic and pro-Abrahamic. Talmud and Kaballah fit into a kind of controlled dialectic. Christopher Jon Bjerknes is more correct than people would like to admit

>> No.20228557

No one conceded anything. If you want to clearly state an objection I'll happily respond to it, but all I've seen from you thus far is rhetoric without substance. You will make assertions, but then give nothing to warrant those assertions epistemically. We aren't going to get anywhere that way.

>> No.20228561

Not really, Abrahamic tendencies are just moving to new places. The fervor to destroy Abarahamic religions, itself is Abrahamic need to destroy or subvert competing religions/worldviews. Its really rare to see a westerner who has left Christianity and its impulses behind.
To be fair, my knowledge about Taoism is pretty limited, I'm only familiar with the Tao Te Ching.

>> No.20228568

You haven't read Taoist texts so how would you know Christianity's better?
Rhetorical question of course. To read abrahamic nonsense after delving into eastern traditions feels like listening to a retarded child sing after hearing a symphony. Abrahamic religion is primitive and frankly intuitively ridiculous to anyone who wasn't either raised into it or deluded themselves through self-indoctrination like you most likely did. It's not even comparable really, one provides you with a glimpse into the nature of reality, the other is a set of stupid jew stories and the surrounding millennia of mental gymnastics to make it seem like the Greeks had predicted it all along.

>> No.20228572

as someone who reads classical greek and classical Chinese and has written books on Daoism and Neoplatonism I was quite excited to check out this meme book but was entirely disappointed. It seems like an attempt to pseudo-dionysius Daoism but the author's knowledge of both neoplatonic theology and Daoism is insufficient to the task. Add it to the list of "interpretations" of the Daodejing along with Urusla Leguinna and Aleister Crowley I suppose. I have fantasized about writing a course that is based entirely on reading "interpretations" of the daodejing by people who have no chinese. I think it could be quite fascinating.

>> No.20228573

>Its really rare to see a westerner who has left Christianity and its impulses behind.
Not so much. Where do you come from? Even though both of my parents were raised Christian, I wasn't, and I have none of the typical Christian hangups and superstitions about life, morality and death. Society has become overwhelmingly secular

>> No.20228583

>rhetoric without substance.
Perfectly describes your shitty thread and the book you posted.
Stop larping on 4channel, spare me the smug condescension typical of ignorant midwits who aren't aware they're out of their depth, and actually read the Taoist classics, who knows maybe there's actually a small chance you might get something out of it.

>> No.20228585

I don't like primitive as an insult. Many primitive peoples had more interesting animist views for example.
Abrahamism is fundamentally anti-life and, I hate to use a video game example, it feels like something Jenova from FF7 would create. It's possible Abrahamic religions weren't even made by human beings but by some darkly force, like Geist incarnated (reference to Ludwig Klages' philosophy).

>> No.20228607

I meant primitive in the sense that it's hopelessly naive and steeped in a kind of archaic sensibility about the nature of the world that really brings out the tribal semitic roots of the religion. Completely lacking in perspective, hopelessly self-centered, completely devoid of any kind of phenomenological insight. Read any part of the Bible then read a few suttas and it'll feel downright embarrassing.
>some darkly force
Eh. It is a bastardization of Sumerian myths anyway

>> No.20228615
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>He was despised by the Philistines, the ancient Jewish class of "teachers"
Nigga I haven't gone to church or read the bible in years and even I know that the teachers that Jesus had trouble with were called Pharisees.

>> No.20228621

I know, but something about Abrahamism feels fundamentally "out there" like it was designed with destroying local cultures and biodiversity of this world in mind. I should have said extraterrestrial and not darkly.

>> No.20228623

The absolute fucking state

>> No.20228626
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I'm going to slurp all of your beautiful pagan philosophies into a syncretism with Christianity by taking the best and leaving out the rest. And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

>> No.20228627

Yeah, I see what you mean. Honestly it's just a doomsday cult that got too big, I think that's why. It's like antiquity's heaven's gate except too many people took it seriously and now here we are. The second coming was the original two more weeks.

>> No.20228629
File: 24 KB, 319x500, 1649644047649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"To the Jew, everything human is a sham. One might even say that the Jewish face is nothing but a mask. The Jew is not a liar: he is the lie itself. From this vantage point, we can say that the Jew is not a man. … He lives the pseudo-life of a ghoul whose fortunes are linked to Yahweh-Moloch. He employs deception as the weapon with which he will exterminate mankind. The Jew is the very incarnation of the unearthly power of destruction."
-- Ludwig Klages

I would argue you see this in all Abrahamic religions.

>> No.20228634

That's what your kind has been doing since the very inception of your cult so sure keep going, the world is used to it at this point and doesn't even pay attention to your coping anymore
Speaks for the quality of a doctrine when all it does is take good shit from somewhere else and pretend it came up with it. Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus and so on, now Daoism... who cares

>> No.20228637

It's weird that you think one philosophy has all the answers.

>> No.20228638
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I think most of history's chronology is wrong; it's possible most of history of Abrahamic civilizations are lies.
The higher degree Masons probably know the truth.

>> No.20228645

How do you even get that from my post you absolute brainlet

>> No.20228658

>Society has become overwhelmingly secular
I'm nordic, being religious is seen as shameful here. Even secular people have very christian impulses, I already mentioned the Abrahamic fervor to pull down the false idols, and spread the truth to save people. The view of time as linear, the very idea of freedom and need to choose is inherited from Christianity, most pagans believed in fate, the environmentalism holds the Christian view where man has ruined the world, its the opposite in pagan view, man is subservient to nature which is usually theophany of gods. Sure, most don't confess Jesus Christ as their savior, but they still hold very Christian/Abrahamic impulses and act on those frequently.

>> No.20228666

Well, let's sidestep Christianity for now. Why not try to syncretize Neoplatonism and Daoism to the extent that it's possible?

>> No.20228667

Ah yes, in that sense I agree with you. The secular humanist mindset plaguing the west is influenced by abrahamic views.

>> No.20228669

I corrected myself immediately afterwards

>> No.20228672

Industrialization was born from Abrahamism. In fact, I would argue genuine Eastern traditions cannot coexist with industrialization. It's best to both de-industrialize and de-Abrahamize, so the mistake of industrialization doesn't emerge again

>> No.20228674

To what end? Neoplatonism is about as perfect a purely rational doctrine of monotheism as you can get, Taoism needs nothing by virtue of its self contained ideal of pure simplicity.

>> No.20228676

>>the Dao that can be named is not the eternal Dao
By humans no, but God incarnate definitely has the omnipotence and knowledge to name it. Seethe hylic

>> No.20228684

>By humans
>God incarnate
According to your jew book? lol
>Seethe hylic
I guarantee you are underage. Go do your homework

>> No.20228685

>To what end?
To understand the universe in its totality and to live the good life. I'm not in the business of treating philosophies as interchangeable flavors.

>> No.20228694

>To understand the universe in its totality and to live the good life
Trying to reconcile traditions and philosophies with entirely different outlooks and goals isn't going to help you with that. And if you're looking at philosophy for definitive answers you're in for a rude awakening

>> No.20228695

Schizo ramblings

>> No.20228702

>Trying to reconcile traditions and philosophies with entirely different outlooks and goals isn't going to help you with that.
Why not?

>> No.20228705

To anyone with an unclouded perspective, Abrahamic traditions are all schizo and anti-life.

>> No.20228707

Because as you said, they aren't interchangeable. Syncretism is pointless and every single syncretist is a retard that completely missed the point by twisting and misinterpreting the traditions he's attempting to blend together, like this dumbass >>20228676 who directly contradicts the DDJ by trying to make it fit his Jesus narrative for example

>> No.20228715

So do you think every precept of each philosophical system is 100% correct and not capable of being improved? That's clearly bullshit.

>> No.20228717

probably older than you

>Jesus is a narrative
He's the truth

>> No.20228720

It's just best not to mix irreconcilable traditions.

>> No.20228721

No, I think some are bullshit and some are worth looking into. Doesn't mean you should seek to blend them together into some all-encompassing bloated tumor of a system. Forging your own idiosyncratic understanding is good and inevitable but trying to systematize this into some kind of comprehensive philosophy is a doomed endeavor

>> No.20228726

>He's the truth
Yeah, that's the narrative. Some cult bullshit a lot of brainlets keep buying into

>> No.20228731

>Doesn't mean you should seek to blend them together into some all-encompassing bloated tumor of a system.
Why not? Truth is truth.

>> No.20228734

It's just a new Christian tactic of imperialism.
Muslims rely on brute force while Christians are more cunning and utilize tricks like a syncretism that ultimately favors their dogma of Jew worship.

>> No.20228738

Well, do what you want. I just don't think it's necessary or even possible. As far as doctrines go, I'm inclined to go with Ch'an's view on truth and the nature of reality, but that's because my personal disposition makes me less inclined to put much value into rationalism than into a more experiential notion of being.

>> No.20228751

Muslims are winning it seems

>> No.20228757

>I just don't think it's necessary or even possible.
All of these traditions were developed over centuries, if not millennia. They're necessarily incomplete. It's natural to want to complete them. And it's strange that we give early Chinese thought some kind of mystical status when they're more like the pre-Socratics (culminating in Neo-Confucian thought).

For example, few people think that the original philosophies of ancient Greece, aka Thales, Anaximander, Parmenides, Empedocles, etc., are the culmination of Greek philosophy. We usually start with Plato, Aristotle, etc., thinkers who addressed all of them and often synthesized those strains of thought into a cohesive system. And so on. We don't treat any philosopher as a prophet here. Why should it be the same in the East?

>> No.20228760

Not exactly. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in China.

>> No.20228763

I wonder why

>> No.20228769

>Why should it be the same in the East?
You're a bit late to the party, syncretism and refinement of doctrines has been happening in Asia for longer than it has in Europe.

>> No.20228774

So you're telling me that syncretism is possible and choiceworthy.

>> No.20228783

No, I'm just saying that your allegation that what happened in Greece hasn't happened in the East isn't true.

>> No.20228821

I meant from the modern, Western perspective. We look at our own philosophical tradition as one that progressed and evolved, but we tend to deify the earliest Chinese thinkers and pretend that they had all the answers. Neo-Confucianism is relatively unheard of in the West.

>> No.20228827

Depends. Some will tell you Plato or even Heraclitus had the answers and that it went downhill from there. It's not even a particularly unpopular opinion.
We also don't really deify the earliest schools of thought, Vajrayana is extremely popular in the west and is one of the more modern, syncretic forms of Mahayana Buddhism

>> No.20228834

There isn't a single redeeming feature of Christcuckery. It just appeals to people's oversocialized tendencies.

>> No.20228837

Sorry you said Chinese and I mentioned Mahayana because I assumed you meant Asian in general. But I think the point still stands since modern takes on Chinese philosophy (Ch'an, then Zen, or rather Zen stripped for export) are overall more popular in the west than Daoism let alone Confucianism which is pretty much absent in the west unless you count the occasional "live laugh love" tier misattributed wise Chinese man quote as a meaningful example

>> No.20228865

>treat your neighbor like yourself
nooo it's a spook you should be thinking about yourself and always being skeptical of people


>> No.20228872

>christianity has a monopoly on muh golden rule and that's its only tenet
The disingenuousness of Internet christers never ceases to baffle me

>> No.20228880
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Why is syncretism and perennialism so appealing? Why do I want all of them to be the same even though they're not?

>> No.20228885

Islam on the other hand just appeals to the savage and boorish brute in people.
Abrahamic traditions aren't really tough to understand.

>> No.20228898

It gives you a sense of underlying meaning, stimulates your pattern recognition ability

>> No.20228910

Because sometimes even in false traditions you can come across wise individual mystics. John of the Cross and Saadi Shirazi are both very wise, but that doesn't make their respective traditions any less trash. Moreover, Buddhist and Daoist traditions produced more wise and creative figures.
In China there was a Chan and Daoist tradition of hermits like Han Shan who would write poetry while living in solitude on the mountains. There were MANY people like Han Shan in China.

>> No.20228923

The "Christianity" that moved from 0.01% to 0.1% over the past century has absolutely nothing to do with the "Christianity" as practiced today in the West (remember that most "Chinese Christians" believe the Jesus is alive today and has reincarnated as a woman and he/she is hiding from the CCP which is trying to prevent the rule of Israel over the world), let alone the "Christianity" that actually matters (Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism in Africa and Latin America).

People often misunderstand the syncreticism of the East, confusing it with Abrahamic Ecumenicism. In the latter, the idea is that there's one discrete totally 100% true doctrinal packet that various other religions are merely pieces of (with corruptions added on), and that by removing the additions and finding what is the same, we'll arrive at some true ur-doctrine. In the former, however, religions are understood as tools that are, by their very nature, incomplete in as much as a shovel is "incomplete" by not being as good at pounding nails as a hammer. The 道 that can be said is not the Eternal 道 (hence why Jesus can't be the dao); this means that no one description of reality will ever be totally all encompassing, it will just be really good at one specific thing.

>> No.20228939
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>Christfag syncretism = Find and Replace X with Christ
Christianity really is the weakest link of perennialism.

>> No.20228995

Based anekantavada knower
We'll never see the elephant in its entirety and wholeness but let's keep grasping at its parts anyway

>> No.20229082

Christianity is an alternative metaphysic to every single one of the philosophies you just mentioned. That is to say there are distinctions in how they view the Absolute & say how St. Maximus the Confessor might view the Absolute.

You can get mad, but Christ is King of all that you see and experience, and all things are summed up in Him. The truth wherever it is belongs to Christ.

>> No.20229095

You think spouting your bullshit over and over will convince me? Or are you just trying to convince yourself of this nonsense

>> No.20229108

>say there isn't a single redeeming feature of Christcuckery
>I give one example of a positive feature of Christendom
>b-but it's not an original idea! and that's its only tenet
you're a retard anon

>> No.20229118

>responding to a cringe namefag
Learn some reading comprehension you drooling faggot

>> No.20229130

The way christians on this website behave should immediately tell you that it's not worth a single second of your time

>> No.20229132

>nooo perennialism must sound esoteric and intellectual to be true
cope and seeth, nobody gives a shit about occultism anymore aside from using it to create "sekrit clubs" like theosophy which just turn into bored white people doing yoga and using tarot cards

>> No.20229154

Did I ever say the golden rule was "the only tenet"? your retard projection is what started a total nonsense debate.

>> No.20229160

Apparently you've never read the Taoist text as they clearly teach that the Tao is not something you need to learn from Text, for man was made to sit quietly and find the Truth within.

I've gone through the Tao Te Ching multiple times, so you're wrong.

How many of the Cappadocian Father's have you read? Have you read Dionysius the Aeropagite? St. Maximus the Confessor?

My guess is no. You're talking about a caricature of Christianity you have in your head that map to Ancient Christianity at all.

The rest of your post is you simply going "reeeeeeeeeeeeeee Christianity wrong!"

>> No.20229176

See >>20228923 and cope and seethe harder you fucking dumbass lmao
Your religion is a dead cult for slaves and women that overstayed its welcome and none of your desperate coping will change the fact that it will always be inferior in all aspects to eastern traditions. Simple as

>> No.20229180

>synchetic religion thread
>turns into a debate between Christcucks and cryoto Buddhists who haven't read the Bible, both sides just strawmanning the other's side
every time

>> No.20229182

Do you have the ability to respond with something more substantive than nuh uh?

>> No.20229188


>The Tao isn't the Logos.

Pro tip: Actual Chinese Taoists in continuation of pre-Commie China tradition, who are literate in Ancient Greek philosophy, say that the Tao and the Logos are effectively the same thing, and respect the unity of the heights of classical cultures.

If you're in some Taoist equivalent of Southern Baptists, where your tradition was founded by some dude who picked up some texts and made shit up around them, then it would be no wonder that you have no idea about what classically initiated Taoists believe about the Logos.

>> No.20229193


>> No.20229196

>d-did you read [mental gymnastics bullshit from retarded cultists]
Nope and I never will.
Eat my ass, nerd

>> No.20229206

Source: dude trust me
>the Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao

>> No.20229217

>hey dude you know that concept in eastern religion that is completely removed from any kind of petty abrahamic concept of historical revelation? the chinks don't realize it but it's actually jesus
This kind of retardation doesn't deserve anything more than low effort mockery and shitposting. There's no high level discussion to be had here

>> No.20229231
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>Ancient Christianity
Was entirely retarded until it cut and pasted pagan neoplatonic theology

>> No.20229264

Are you going to answer my question? Have you read any of those writers?

I'm glad you could go and read the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching, but if merely using a sign or symbol means one has given a name to the Tao, then I guess the Eternal Tao cannot be the Eternal Tao. That interpretation of that verse is not very good.

The better interpretation is to recognize that what is absolute and simple is unlike anything that you see or experience or name, while being the very source of those things.

>> No.20229281

The Absolute in Neo-Platonic thought is impersonal, it doesn't have ideas or intentions, and what comes forth from it comes froth from it by nature, while in Christianity the Absolute is personal, has intentions and goals, and the ability to choose to create or not create.

From one Absolute you get a world that is necessarily as eternal and as self-same as the Absolute you began with, and from the other you get creation.

If you read some of St. Maximus or The Christoncentric Cosmology of St. Maxmius the Confessor by Tollefsen you'll see very clearly that Christanity was an alternative to Neo-platonism.

>> No.20229284

>find the Truth within
Yeah, but Jesus is not found within... Hence the irreconcilable nature of Christianity and Eastern religions. Bodhidharma said that anyone who claims the truth is found outside of one's mind, for example in having faith that a Jew was the God Incarnate, is an icchantika. In Mahayana, all teachings are skillful means to tacitly apprehend one's original and unborn nature. There's no need to cling to any external divine figure.
Christians repeatedly say that anyone who rejects Christ as God Incarnate is doomed to eternal damnation. I am not deluded or a cuck, so such rhetoric doesn't work on me. Such rhetoric is incompatible with both Daoism and Ch'an.

>> No.20229309

>say that the Tao and the Logos are effectively the same thing
No, they don't, and they actually can't, because they aren't the same thing.

>If you're in some Taoist equivalent of Southern Baptists, where your tradition was founded by some dude who picked up some texts and made shit up around them
So literally John Christensen.

>> No.20229360


>Jesus is not found within

Alright, so I'm going to assume you've only heard Roman Catholic ideas about Christianity, which fall to dvaita problems of the unknowability of God, or Southern Baptists who just try to reduce Christianity to a magic formula where you just say the magic words and you're saved, like Nichiren does.

Here is the rub: Jesus *is* found within you, since he is at the metaphysical core of everything created, since He is the Logos, the eternal order of everything. Your nature is created. Jesus, being one of the three persons of the Godhead, permeates everything since the beginning of time. However, since because of a historical event, human nature became corrupted. Therefore, what's also within you are demons, which cover the surface of the deeper parts of your soul, which need to be evicted in order actually find the deeper point of your being where Christ is.

You would know about the fact that demons cover the surface of the deeper parts of your soul if you have done any meditation at all, and noticed the thoughts that aren't you that pop up within your mind, and if you adhere to a classical Buddhist worldview that involves the actual existence of demons, and their active role in leading you into evil, instead of milksop western moralistic materialism with sitting and smartphone mindfulness apps.

> Bodhidharma said that anyone who claims the truth is found outside of one's mind.. is an icchantika.

Is that something that you found within your own mind, or is it something you're appealing to an outside source for? Surely you're not claiming to be a reincarnation of Bodhidharma?

>> No.20229391

Sounds like Valentinianism, which is considered heresy by most Christians.

>> No.20229404

>Alright, so I'm going to assume you've only heard Roman Catholic ideas about Christianity, which blah blah blah heresy
If you're in some Southern Baptist, where your tradition was founded by some dude who picked up some texts and made shit up around them, then it would be no wonder that you have no idea about what classically initiated Christians believe about the Logos.

>> No.20229418


It's not Valentinianism - You're right in recognising that Valentinianism is a heresy. Why does it sound like Valentinianism to you?

>> No.20229419

>you'll see very clearly that Christanity was an alternative to Neo-platonism.
Not saying it wasn't. But without that influence it was a millennarian death cult built around a fairy tale

>> No.20229427


Did you read any of the post before impulsively posting that? The next sentence literally mentions Southern Baptists and a reason why they are wrong.

>> No.20229432

Yeah, you're too retarded to promote something based like Valentinianism.

>> No.20229449

based, probably

>> No.20229543

>millennarian death cult built around a fairy tale
If they say different things about the Absolute, then it's not logically possible for them both to provide a metaphysical basis for knowledge.

Without that influence these other cultures wouldn't have been prepared to hear of God incarnate.

>> No.20229701

Christ and the Eternal Tao isn't a work of religious syncretism though. You should actually read it

>> No.20229711

Christianity is the truth. All other religions can only be analogies of that truth.

>> No.20229722

Reminder that the "christer" guy is a seething Jew.

>> No.20229876
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Reminder that you worship one of them, revere their words as prophecy, study their scriptures, name your children after them, consider their cities and land holy... need I go on, oh ye christer of circumcized heart?

>> No.20229977

Your father is Satan

>> No.20230055

Unlike you and your undead sorceror, I know who my father is

>> No.20230288

Just standard christian syncretism. No different than Guadalupe and latin america.

>> No.20230351

Wow you are such a larper

>> No.20230360
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just collecting my guaranteed (You)

>> No.20230372

Watch doing, Rabbi?

>> No.20230385

>ctrl f "christer"
>7 results
Oh God hes back. If anyone wants to see unbridled autism type this word into the archive

>> No.20230394

He's a Jew who is eternally butthurt that Christianity transcended and replaced his desert tribal faith with revelation directly from the Word of God. That's why he keeps trying to lay the charge that the early Christians were fideists, when that is appropriately levelled at the Jews themselves who rejected Christs teachings.

>> No.20230400

No I'm almost 100% certain he's Indian. The autism just smells of India, not of Matzah balls

>> No.20230459
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>> No.20230513

What the fuck are you morons talking about?

>> No.20230518

Do what I said and search "christer" on warosu and you'll see very clearly what we're talking about

>> No.20230591


interesting. Havent read book, and havent studied much of the subject in bepth, but wherent the jesuits pretty high up on the pecking later in the imperial chinese government for a while as advisors and stuff? I can only assume that we have pretty interesting stuff written on the subject.

>> No.20230614
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Anti-semites who worship a dead rabbi, everyone

>> No.20230719

I think the christer guy is the same who posts about zoroaster and the legitimacy of killing ichantikas (check the archives), who also blames abrahamic religions for industrialization (nonsense)

Very sad individual

>> No.20230722

>it was designed
The absolute state of luciferians

>> No.20230734


>> No.20230737
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>Since there are some who think of the synagogue as a holy place, I must say a few words to them. Why do you reverence that place? Must you not despise it, hold it in abomination, run away from it? They answer that the Law and the books of the prophets are kept there. What is this? Will any place where these books are be a holy place? By no means! This is the reason above all others why I hate the synagogue and abhor it. They have the prophets but not believe them; they read the sacred writings but reject their witness-and this is a mark of men guilty of the greatest outrage.

>What else do you wish me to tell you? Shall I tell you of their plundering, their covetousness, their abandonment of the poor, their thefts, their cheating in trade? the whole day long will not be enough to give you an account of these things. But do their festivals have something solemn and great about them? They have shown that these, too, are impure. Listen to the prophets; rather, listen to God and with how strong a statement he turns his back on them: "I have found your festivals hateful, I have thrust them away from myself".

>> No.20230750

Your attacks on Christianity are aligned with talmudic texts. Ironically you are a honorary judaizer in service of jews

>> No.20230757

>nooo you can't just syncretize religions
lmao have sex you virgin

>> No.20230767

no that's a different anon but we share affinities
your religion is itself "Judaized"

>> No.20230777

Judaism is post-Christian, after the destruction of the second temple with the compilation of the talmud, talmud having priority over the tanakh.

You insist on thinking abrahamic religions are responsible for industrialization and opposite to "eastern" traditions when abrahamic religions are eastern.

>> No.20230796

Do you not get tired over all these attacks against a religion you don't know well? What do you wish to accomplish? You know you will not destroy Christianity right? So you are wasting your life punching the wind. What is the reasoning? Or is it pure resentment?

It is beyond me how some people supposedly interested in religion (you and that other anon you share affinity with) can act in such a hateful and profane way.

>> No.20230846

I don't blame them for industrialization. I just follow Nietzsche in thinking an anti-semitic Christianity is retarded and also a species of slave morality and nihilism. And I follow Celsus, Porphyry, and Julian Augustus in their critiques as well.
No one who posts here can accuse another of wasting his life. And there is no way to gauge the fruitfulness of my efforts, but you can be sure lurkers outnumber posters, and the idiocy of christer anti-semites must noticed by some of them

>> No.20230849

Oy Vey not anti-semitism!

Wake up call. EVERYONE hates the Jews but the Jews.

>> No.20230871

>No one who posts here can accuse another of wasting his life.
It is different when someone devotes so much time of his life to attack something he doesn't know well.

I wouldn't go to hindu threads to attack hindu traditions if I didn't have knowledge of primary sources and 'classical' authorities. And even then, if I rejected Hinduism I would rather talk about things that I am passionate about instead of devoting my time to negative diatribes that will amount to nothing.

Antichristians make their doomed to fail crusades an internet sport though. Which is a sign of spiritual immaturity.

>> No.20230972

>something he doesn't know well
Terrible assumption from a smells and bells twitter architecture pictures tardlarper

>> No.20230978

Your entire religion pivots around them having a special relationship with "God" you absolute retard

>> No.20230984

So your way to deflect assumptions is by making more absurd ones.

It is more believable that you don't know Christianity well than it is that I am the this caricature you have in mind.

>> No.20231003

Holy cringe, imagine misappropriating other traditions like this. Hieromonk Damascene should have read Guénon beforehand.

>> No.20231028

Why would an english-speaker be unfamiliar with Christianity? It's not Taoism you convert-zeal larper.

>> No.20231041

>the Eternal Tao cannot be the Eternal Tao.
Now the retard is starting to get it

>> No.20231043

I do not consider anglophones familiar with Christianity. They have a deformed view of Christianity mostly.

>> No.20231052

But we know who Yeshua's father is, it was a Roman soldier named Panthera

>> No.20231056

He's based

>> No.20231067

Larper cope

>> No.20231081

>jews and X dislike [thing]
>that must mean [thing] is jewish
What of Muslims who massacre Jews and christians alike?
The absolute state of jew worshiping, chosen people affirming cult members
You cannot be an antisemite and a christian, and your larper mental gymnastics will never change that.
You are not the center of the world despite what your desert cult teaches, to non abrahamic religions you are just a silly little cult whose teachings have no bearing on anything and that is just easily disregarded like you would disregard jehovah's witnesses or heaven's gate members

>> No.20231084
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>> No.20231096

no true scotsman cope
Also not the guy you are replying to but I come from a strongly orthodox community and fully agree with most of the christerposter's criticism. It didn't take me long even as a child to realize how abrahamism could only be false teachings

>> No.20231099

Talmudic Judaism is an offshoot of Christianity. The Israelites were Christians, and remain Christians.

>> No.20231101

>convert-zeal larp
He's right most anglophone westerners who self-proclaim that they're Christians, misunderstand really what "religion" even is, usually the most religous of them see the entirety of their faith encapsulated, by "ethics" or "morals" this is how metaphysically inept the West is in most cases.

>> No.20231109
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>You cannot be an antisemite and a christian
Mind you hating the Jews has nothing to do with "antisemitism" because modern Jews are Khazars, not descendents of Shem

>> No.20231121

This revisionist cope is so laughable. 2000 years later, still centering your existence around jews, still focusing on meaningless garbage. This is why abrahamism has lost and westerners are turning to either atheism or dharmic religion

>> No.20231122
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What socially or metaphysically? social problems can't be attributed as the fault of "Christianity" the "distinction" which separates abrahamism from non-abrahamism is subsumed by esoterism, in fact "abrahamism" is a meaningless classification, just as "Christianity" does not exist, and never has. However we can attribute a sort of "a priori mysticism and moralism" more or less to semetic monotheists, like Christianity and Islam etc.

>could only be false
How could it ONLY be false? Makes no sense to claim that, show you should explain.

>> No.20231144
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Christianity is pure, simple truth. Your ravings are irrelevant since no culture other than Christian culture has ever produced anything of value and never will.

>> No.20231169

I was born into an orthodox family aswell and I never entertained anything other than general theism and nominally engaging in orthodox rituals, my family doesnt care about Christianity and consider it partly superstition and cultural tradition, my family grandparents etc. They don't care the least for Christian theology or fir some rigid dogmatic explanation, they say if asked that they were baptised as infants and that's the extent of it and they see God in all religions as equally valid. The only people I see who do not have this mindset are christcuck evangelicals and mutts who "debate" like Jay Dyers etc. Absolute cringe.

>> No.20231188

This post I made here is by no means a defence of Christianity, in the sense that w*stern mutts use this word, it shouldn't be defended but destroyed, Christianity is just one of many pagan religions etc. Which one can choose from to take seriously, it doesn't have to "compete" with this religion or that religion, it's just a compromised tradition which in the modern sense esteems spiritual egalitarianism and relativism, how this sort of thing exists apart from the individual experience - so these criticisms are redundant and hardly meaningful as they do not deconstruct the individual "religous" experience itself, which is what atheists and materialists do.

>> No.20231197
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>Christianity is just one of many pagan religions etc

>> No.20231209

*now this sort of thing exists apart from the individual experience

Besides prattling on about this or that religion, and comparing this God against that is all ego-bullshit and does not penetrate the personal domain of experience, and in a way which just desacralises all religions.

>> No.20231211

Yeah I agree. Most of my cousins and the younger members of my family are theists/deists

>> No.20231216

Wow that sure convinced me. I'm sure if you keep spamming "christ is truth" everywhere you'll end up believing in it, larper
>anything of value
I thought the kingdom was not of this world, larper? lmao

>> No.20231217

It's true all religions are "pagan" in the sense that I mean it, the "pagan" vs. "Non-pagan" distinction is entirely artificial and illusory, and does not truly exist, the difference is that I do not think that being a "pagan" religion necesserily invalidates a single thing about the religion

>> No.20231225

>this is how metaphysically inept the West is in most cases.
Spoken like a true larper
Brainlet take. You are still doing this >>20229876 as much as the "Khazars" are
But if that's true why did you copy your scriptures from Judaeans and your theology from Greeks?

>> No.20231229

>Wow that sure convinced me.
It did not because you are demon possessed.

>I thought the kingdom was not of this world
This has no relevance to the fact that cultures that acknowledge the truth of the Christian faith will naturally succeed due to being closer to absolute truth and the graces that flow from God than any non-Christian people led by idols will. Have you never read the Bible?

>> No.20231237

>it did not because [ridiculous nonsense that validates my dogma]
lmao. You are obviously seething
>naturally succeed
I thought you had to abandon your riches and worldly ambitions to follow Jesus? Have you never read the gospels, larper?

>> No.20231240

The ancient Israelites were the progenitors of the Europeans. The Kingdom of Israel was allied with the Phoenicians who went and colonized the Mediterranean. When the Assyreans attacked the Kingdom of Isreal (Early Christians) collapsed and what remained was the Kingdom of Judah (The Jews).

>> No.20231244

Watch me completely disintegrate the foundations of christianity with this simple phrase
>I don't believe this happened.
When your entire religion hinges on the truth of some alleged historical event, instead of the self-evident and verifiable truth of your phenomenological model, you dun goof'd

>> No.20231249

Why do you attack Christianity when you have such a bad grasp of it? This is atheist tier "let me tell you what your religion teaches" stuff.

>> No.20231253

>n-no it was a metaphor
Cope. I accept your concession

>> No.20231268

Well even when they hold this theist/deist point of view they still partake of communion, my grandparent even told me that it's all bullshit, it's more like a family and cultural gathering if we ever go to church, my point is all that should be focussed on is specific Praxis once the general theist belief is established, which is preferably exclusive to a single religion to keep the Praxis consistent, this Praxis would normally be entwined with metaphyaical realisation, I don't see the problem with being a Muslim, Christian, Hindu all at the same time individually inside each tradition, people who get offended at this or that religion in Greece for example do so because they view Orthodox Christianity as being synonymous with Greek Nationaliality/Ethnicity and Islam with being synonymous with being a Turk - at least some of them do, so if one becomes a Muslim they'd probably think so he "became a Turk."
It's really all just overrated nonsense if the extent of one's religion is one's nationality, and if one's membership in one's church is merely a sort of compensation for what we perceive as indebtedness toward the Orthodox Church during Ottoman occupation for example, this is not a proper religion in anything other than "Greekism" in the most barbaric of senses. The true religion which I'm not saying is or is not Christianity needs no social support or historical substantiation in this way, rather it is of the order of Eternal Truth, and the Christian revelation is entirely able to transcend these historical/social constraints however few people see it. A single verse can be scaled infinitely to the individual readers own mind, and has infinity ways of interpretation, only a spiritual inferior and reject prattles on about this or that religion not serving him, the truth is that he is not serving himself adequately in these cases. This is why 4chan religion discussion is full of such shit takes, 4chan is the place for rejects and the eternal self-improvers.
Thanks for listening.

>> No.20231271

>And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.

Keep in mind it was Christ, the Word, speaking to Moses in the Old Testament.

>But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Seeking the Kingdom is in no way contradictory to God blessing those who do seek it. Your exegesis is horrible and like I said, on the level of atheists trying to find "gotchas" when they have absolutely no knowledge of patristics

>> No.20231278

For how many days in your life do you plan on wasting your time attacking Christianity in multiple threads, multiple hours a day, multiple days a week?

For someone so assured of his phenomological thing you surely rely more on attacking Christianity than dealing with principles.

>> No.20231300

>Your ravings are irrelevant since no culture other than Christian culture has ever produced anything of value and never will
Why did Christianity get its philosophy and art forms from the pagans then?

>> No.20231312

>spoken like a true larper.
No it's not, Freemasonry even just as pure "Virtual initiation" absolutely mogs your non-religion of Protestantism or whatever it is which is nothing but a collated set of social principles, etc. This is why when the West degenerates, you have gay and Queer pastors putting their fists up they're always this or that Western denomination because your religion is not a true religion, rather it is simply a mirror which reflects the relative order of social phenomena, its truly a slave-like cattle non-religion atheism, and only redeemable by personal philosophical inquiries, otherwise its just dead ritualism and mental masturbation.
I am not critiquing the individual (existence) here as I know such a thing is flawed but rather essence of these degenerative western "spiritualities" for what they are.
The most religious Westerners are prisoners and junkies, porn addicts, the sick and not the healthy, in the west healthy people do not larp with your bullshit, because it's a non-religion to them, it's a non-spirituality, for emotional defects and rejects who need social solutions.

>> No.20231336

Even the American Seraphim Rose, the "orthobros" love to parade was a repentant homosexual Christianity is for the sick not the healthy.

>> No.20231348

Wtf I love Jesus now

>> No.20231351
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It didn't, you're just poorly read.

>> No.20231360

I am not a protestant if I am arguing AGAINST christers. Get some reading comprehension this is obviously out of your depth

>> No.20231362

Huh that's interesting, guess the camel needle thing was bullshit then.

>> No.20231379

Influence of pagan culture on Christianity is widely accepted, if you deny that you are just delusional.

>> No.20231389

I firmly believe that replacing American Christianity with Islam is a net-positive, the only people who think about Christianisation/Islamisation as being "buck broken" and as conquest of some sort have biases and misunderstand the true essence of a religion, America is already demographically conquered by "non-whites" the religion means nothing so why not change it? While I admit that it would just be like further humiliation in some secondary sense, nonetheless, it's just a contradictory state of affairs as Christianity was once imposed on your ancestors, only it has had longer to gestate, but even after all this time the West is in no way Christian, they're all divided in 1000 fractions, an organisationally dependent religion is a slave religions. This is the problem "religions" shouldn't "gestate" or anything or be imposed on people these are not religions, but forms of social control at best, imposed on peasantry and plebeians to better enforce the social order. But what social order is being enforced today in America? The social order where you get on your knees and venerate statues of George Floyd, and apologise for being white, this is just a sad state if affairs. Americans have no problem with adopting the state religion of GeorgeFloydism but somehow Islam revolts them, these people are delusional.
You are a protestant every American is either a protestant Christian, protestant Muslim or protestant atheism. You are our of your depth Bucko.

>> No.20231397

>Christianity is for the sick not the healthy
Well church is also called the hospital for the soul, so you are right.

>> No.20231402

So whenever you put American before your religous identification you admit as much.
America which is a negro worshipping empire will fall very very soon. I'm sorry to tell you.

>> No.20231409

Yes you are right.

>> No.20231418

You're 100 percent equally retarded, just the other side of the coin.

>> No.20231420

Abrahamism makes no sense to me because linear eschatology and the purported metaphysical significance of single historical events seems ridiculous. The world as divine play and nonduality on the other hand are more compelling intellectually and spiritually. I guess some people have the abrahamic temperament and some have the dharmic temperament and they can never understand each other. My position doesn't come from /lit/ larping either, I actually came up with something resembling the idea of Indra's net and Maya back when I was a kid (but couldn't articulate it as well) and was baffled when I read about it years later.

>> No.20231433

>Christians spoke Greek and Latin! They were stealing from the pagans!
Unbelievably retarded take, even for you.

>> No.20231445

>The world as divine play
That's a Christian conception though. Read Balthasars Theo-Drama.

>linear eschatology and the purported metaphysical significance of single historical events
Yes? You need linear eschatology and metaphysical significance of historical events to understand history through the providence of God. If the world is a divine play then historical events are the effect of Gods providence leading things according to the script. All of history turns around the ressurection of Christ and this makes far more sense than history being unguided by the creator, which lends itself more to deism than theism.

>> No.20231450

Abrahamism is just like calling yourself "Religous" a non-linear eschatology, maya in divinus, Vedanta can all become individually integrated, Christianity even has a concept for it "theologoumena" unfortunately you don't understand philosophia perennis, and are a slave in the sense that you don't even grant yourself individuality, perhaps because you are more so of an exoteric temperament, well good for you.

>> No.20231461

>Yes? You need linear eschatology and metaphysical significance of historical events to understand history through the providence of God. If the world is a divine play then historical events are the effect of Gods providence leading things according to the script. All of history turns around the ressurection of Christ and this makes far more sense than history being unguided by the creator, which lends itself more to deism than theism.
This is not true you don't NEED anything when it comes to a "point of view" these things are variable, emphasis on creation ex nihilo is as equally valid on emphasis on a sort of creatio ex deo which stresses uncreative and the transcendent Divinity eternally speaking, ahistorically.

>> No.20231464

*as an emphasis on

>> No.20231465

>That's a Christian conception though
I meant the Hindu sense with the specific dharmic connotations that come with it of cyclical creation and destruction, see Lila.
>You need linear eschatology
For the Christian model, yes, which I don't find compelling in the slightest.
These things seem significant if you assume Jesus is at the center of everything, but read up on Indra's net and the Pralayas and it suddenly makes history seem a lot less substantial.

>> No.20231471

Guenonian fart huffers are by far the worst posters on this board. At least the Christians are mostly sincere, if sometimes obnoxious.
Your words are empty of meaning and just serve to jerk yourself off about your meaningless constructs. Good for you.

>> No.20231494

I'm right if these people granted themselves individual opinion, then they wouldn't be here discussing these religous trivialities concerning exoteric dogmas, regardless what I'm saying is in no way Guénonian, I have no idea if it would be consistent with Guénon and neither do I care, so your insults are empty.

>> No.20231500

You should become one of those Hare Krishnas, perfect mix of Anglo-Saxon Protestant temperament and the Dharmic temperament.

>> No.20231521

I'm not an Anglo nor from a Protestant upbringing so I think I'll pass.

>> No.20231528

No one asked for your culture war opinions
I'd prefer being retarded to whatever it is you believe

>> No.20231729
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Maybe he's more comparable to Mithra.

>> No.20231874

not quite, this book was written by a hieromonk (in the EO tradition, priests are either married or monastic, hieromonk is a priest-monk) who was a disciple of Fr Seraphim Rose, who was at the forefront of combating ecumenism and syncretic practices. This is a book more about proper 'perennialism', simply the ways the Logos was known outside of the incomparable Incarnation. St Justin Martyr famously talks about a similar thing when he talks about the Logos being known by the pagans to some degree.

>> No.20231882

Sounds a lot like neoplatonist apophaticism, the "One" is a name for that which is beyond naming, the "One" is inadequate even if it's our best choice because every name is determinate somehow, intelligible, but the One is beyond and prior to intelligibility and differentiation.

>> No.20231885

>a disciple of Fr Seraphim Rose

>> No.20231893

Am I wrong? Or is that just funny to you?

>> No.20231958

>Christ on the level of Pooh
Makes sense

>> No.20231962

>St Justin Martyr famously talks about a similar thing
Apologists trying to de-retard Christianity by making it "philosophical" instead of just blind fideism? Yes that has been a conversion tactic for ages

>> No.20231972

He's laughing because that means he was almost certainly an LGBT individual, and the entire reason half of you "convert" to Christianity is for culture war purposes against LGBT people

>> No.20231973

Christianity has never been about blind fideism. You keep repeating it over and over but it simply isn't true, Paul talks over and over about the important of valid testimony, and engages Greek philosophers in debate personally.

>> No.20231984

He says philosophy is sinful pride and also literally never met Jesus but expects you to worship him. He is exemplar of the fideism that chracterized the early pre-apologetic version of the religion, before the effort to appeal to educated and elite Romans, when it was more revolt-based and only met nocturnally

>> No.20231991

Paul never condemns all philosophy, only certain philosphers who deny God.

>also literally never met Jesus
Jesus appeared to Paul on the Emmaus road.
>Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.” The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one.

>For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.

Blind fideism characterized Judaism and that's why Jesus condemned the Pharisees so harshly, they weren't judging correctly.

Your revisionism doesn't hold water.

>> No.20232002

>only certain philosphers who deny God
Which is like, all of them, as far as covenant theology is concerned... the Greeks were considered demon worshipers by the christers, although the Greek arguments for a chief god were compelling enough to be appropriated and used for Yahweh-Jesus. This is the real act of revision—combing through the Abrahamic scriptures to find agreement with Plato and undoing the Macabbean revolt

>> No.20232003

You're pushing an essentially Protestant view of Christian history. There was the "real" church that existed before it got corrupted by pagan philosophy. It's not true when Calvinists claim it and it's not true when you claim it. I would suggest that you've been overly influenced by Protestant and rationalist accounts of church history that do not properly account for the transmission of apostolic teaching through tradition.

>> No.20232007

>Covenant theology
Jewish nonsense. They read the scriptures wrong because they're children of Satan. There is, and was never any covenant between God and the Jews.

>> No.20232017

I don't care what Protestants think of church history and have my own informed opinion about Christianity in general. You can read the Roman sources yourself. These earliest converts were mostly women and slaves who met at night to drink wine and pray to their slain god for eternal life. They revered a set of fairy tales about a sorceror who did magic tricks to convince gullible people he was God. Eventually people who were less dumb joined the cult as it grew larger and more socio-economically important, and they began to issue "apologies" for doing so aimed at their former co-religionists, who were versed in Hellenistic intellectual culture. And they argued that this new religion was actually a better version of Neoplatonism, and this is what stuck because it facilitated conversion. You have this hate for Protestantism as the "bad" interpretation because you are an e-convert to a form of extremely online Catholicism, or more comically, Orthodoxy, which is obvious from your disdain for just that specific version of ancestral Christianity you must have dumped. "The transmission of apostolic teaching through tradition" is entirely irrelevant to my claims because I am not interested in defending your brand of Christianity as true to the exclusion of the others, I am arguing against the whole thing root to branch

>> No.20232019

Come on now. You walk like a duck. You quack like a duck. You expect us to believe you are an eagle? >>20229876

>> No.20232024

>Jesus says multiple times the Jews were reading the scriptures completely wrong
>Nooooo! You don't understand! You need to read the scriptures like a Jew to understand why Christianity is wrong!
You complete imbecile

>> No.20232030

You literally read their scripures and claim to be so much better at reading them as to be their superiors at being themselves. Your entire belief system pivots arround annotating their book, a book that proclaims you are scum to be annihilated by their tribal war god

>> No.20232033

>You're pushing an essentially Protestant view of Christian history.
Exactly why I said before that Protestants/Atheists in the modern sense demonstrate the exact same tendencies, both are historical arguments, I have seen Protestants literally make their faith contingent about the "historicity" argumentation, which really are really just unfalsifiable assertions under a fale veneer, it the same way atheists and anti-christians all the same make arguments against Christianity in the same way, there's no proof that this, so it's all historical nonsense etc.
The simple answer is to reject "historcism" and the modern "scientism" and if you are a theist just pick a tradition, be it Christianity, Islam or Hinduism, and experience God for yourself, and drop the Apologetic nigger-tier protestant bullshit, and the scientism materialism bullshit, metaphysics can be particularised to suit each tradition, if you're Christian or Islam there is no reason why you can't individually agree with Vedantic Metaphsyics for example, but in all honesty Christians, Muslims who push this sort of argumentation and Apologetics are total shudras, you see Islam do it with the scientific miracles of the Quran etc. And the people who fall for it are total slave-caste suckers, who have no philosophical (in the true sense) intuition etc.

>> No.20232041

>These earliest converts were mostly women and slaves who met at night to drink wine and pray to their slain god for eternal life.
That's the eucharist and it's still done to this day.

>Eventually people who were less dumb joined the cult as it grew larger and more socio-economically important, and they began to issue "apologies" for doing so aimed at their former co-religionists, who were versed in Hellenistic intellectual culture.
There's nothing wrong with this and the Christian apologists beat their pagan interlocutors regularly proving that Christianity is true philosophy.

>And they argued that this new religion was actually a better version of Neoplatonism
It is and that is not in any way incompatible with the Christian faith at any time during its history. You push an artificial dichotomy because you think portraying early Christians as naive idiots is your key to winning but ultimately it has no actual historical basis because you've gotten all your information from Protestant historians.

>your disdain for just that specific version of ancestral Christianity you must have dumped
Your vision of an "ancestral Christianity" that was dumped for a more philosophically palatable version is something that only exists in your imagination so it's hardly a compelling argument for any historically knowledgable Christian who has encountered these exact same arguments coming from Protestants. The Calvinist who argues the purity of the early Church was lost through pagan corruption and only restored during the reformation or you who bought into the same narrative and push it to discredit all Christianity, there is no difference but you're both equally wrong for the exact same reason in that there never existed such a Christianity.

>> No.20232045

>if you're Christian or Islam there is no reason why you can't individually agree with Vedantic Metaphsyics for example
Well, it's because you find your own theology to be too stupid. Same dynamic was at play when the Islamic philosophers discovered Aristotle. Now that eastern philosophy is trendier than secular protestantism, you get these people trying incorporate Taoism or Vedanta as a conversion tactic or self-rationalizing "apology" for doing something so naive to modern sensibilities as re-converting to Christianity

>> No.20232048

>You literally read their scripures
They're our scriptures, again falling into the Protestant trap here. Christianity is not an offshoot of Judaism, Judaism is an offshoot of Christianity.

>> No.20232049

No what a bad take, the bible (scriptures) are just noble lies and mystical words which lead the initiate into higher contemplation, the god of the true Christian is the eternal God communed with in all ages, the "tribal war God" shit is a larp, in all the stories of wars etc. In the old testament, the same thing is true, it's all about conveying higher truths, e.g Moses and the Bush that's it.

>> No.20232050

>Christian apologists beat their pagan interlocutors
Abrahamic nonsense gets absolutely destroyed by dharmic philosophy every time.

>> No.20232052

>Christian apologists beat their pagan interlocutors regularly
What you mean physically? Christerd certainly banned the books of Celsus, Porphyry, and Julian Augustus for being too effective at refuting them, and they issued these bans repeatedly

>> No.20232055

Call me when the pajeets learn how to use their toilets then we'll talk about how dharmic philosophy stacks up against Christendom

>> No.20232057

Mom and dad, or the generation before, were definitely Protestants. It stinks all over you and you resent them for weakening what you see as the true faith for which you have convert zeal

>> No.20232059

>The educated man of today is completely out of touch with those European modes of thought and those intellectual aspects of the Christian doctrine which are nearest those of the Vedic traditions. A knowledge of modern Christianity will be of little use because the fundamental sentimentality of our times has diminished what was once an intellectual doctrine to a mere morality that can hardly be distinguished from a pragmatic humanism. A European can hardly be said to be adequately prepared for the study of the Vedanta unless he has acquired some knowledge and understanding of at least Plato, Philo, Hermes Trismegistus, Plotinus, Gospel of John, Dionysius the Areopagite, Meister Eckhart and Dante
—AK Coomaraswamy "Vedanta and the Western Tradition

>I do not see how anyone who cannot read John, or Dionysius, or much of Philo or Hermes or Plotinus with enthusiasm can read the Upanishads with enthusiasm;

>I quote from St Thomas Aquinas a good deal because most of what I need can be found there

>The educated man of today is completely out of touch with those European modes of thought and those intellectual aspects of the Christian doctrine which are nearest those of the Vedic traditions. A knowledge of modern Christianity will be of little use because the fundamental sentimentality of our times has diminished what was once an intellectual doctrine to a mere morality that can hardly be distinguished from a pragmatic humanism. A European can hardly be said to be adequately prepared for the study of the Vedanta unless he has acquired some knowledge and understanding of at least Plato, Philo, Hermes Trismegistus, Plotinus, Gospel of John, Dionysius the Areopagite, Meister Eckhart and Dante

—AK Coomaraswamy "Vedanta and the Western Tradition

>I am the food. I am the eater of the food. Those who share me preserve me. Those who do not share me I eat as food.
—Taittiriya Upanishad

>This is my body which I give to you that you may eat it and have eternal life.
—The Gospels

Schuon wrote:
>The Catholic saints have nothing for which to envy the bhaktas of India.

AKC's son wrote:
>Tough outwardly it has been primarily bhaktic or devotional in character, Christianity contains legitimate and essential elements which Coomaraswamy, for one, has compared to “an Upanishad of Europe”. Christianity is a full Revelation, addressed to a particular sector of humanity; our task, as “workers of the eleventh hour” is to fathom its profundities once again insofar as this may be possible and, hopefully, sense something of That which led St Paul to exclaim: “O the depth of the riches, the wisdom and the knowledge of God!” (Rom xi, 33).

>> No.20232060

Ah the first is a pajeet the second is a Jew. Interesting.

>> No.20232063

Protestants are just another version of you. And you are another version of Judaism. Keep quacking louder see if it makes you less of a fowl

>> No.20232067

Literal dharmic protestant, you will never be a true non-abrahamist, if you think dharmic religions advocate this sort of counter-trad denigration of non-abrahamic religions then you're literally possessed by ashuras and have not the slightest clue, with regards to what you think you know about dharmic religions,
The fact that you think stepping on Christianity and "rising above it" in whatever illusory way you've deluded yourself into believing is what "dharmic religions" about then you're joking yourself when you say that.

>> No.20232068

The very fact that pseudo-intellectual christers on /lit/ are trying to appropriate Vedanta or Taoism in the same vein as the foundational apologists did for Neoplatonism tells you all you need to know about what has better arguments, not the fairy tale anthology but the flower of a target civilization's philosophical output, a civilization that can be trampled once its best resources are harvested

>> No.20232072

If Taoism was the whole truth then the Chinese wouldn't have abandoned it for Marxism. India is just an awful place and it's primarily because they haven't accepted Christ. A philosophy is only as good as the fruits it produces.

>> No.20232074

>i am right because jesus
>you are wrong because not jesus
compelling stuff, tell me more rebbe

>> No.20232075

That's correct Kike, don't get your nose in a twist over it

>> No.20232076

Yes and? There is absolutely nothing that you can do about what you think happened in history, in fact it was meant to happen, was inevitable etc. That's how reality works, larping as a neo-neo-platonist in anyway which is not purely metaphysical, is non-different from neo-pagan reconstructionism.
So you don't agree with perennialism? And are non-dharmic then, no problem. There is no such thing as "appropriating" metaphysics you can only appropriate something which I'd conditioned, and no it is not appropriation but merely comparison between two parralel and distinct conceptions, and no it's not syncretism, and I am not advocating syncretism either, but just individual perennislism. "Pseudo-intellectual" are you retarded?

>> No.20232082

Perennialism is literally a syncretic hodgepodge of different things a secularized scholar doesn't actually believe in. There's a reason it only exists in modern times and all its proponents retcon it as primordial—because it isn't and because they are modernizers

>> No.20232087

You sure showed me, guy with dozens of generations of ancestors named after ancient Hebrews

>> No.20232088

"Philosophical output" how retarded are you, you are essentialy saying that's "cultural appropriation" if I understand you correctly?
I do agree and I have criticised the subject, but I don't think the author of the book wrote this as a sort of Apologetics, if he did I will recant my defence. Also I am not Christian, however, I just see this Aryan vs. Jew Religion true distinction back and forth which keeps getting repeated and repeated here and on /pol/ false.

>> No.20232091

>There's a reason it only exists in modern times and all its proponents retcon it as primordial
I thought your argument was that the early Christian philosophers were essentially perennialists because they appropriated pagan philosophy. You can't say that it only exists in modern times AND say all the Christian philosophers were syncretisers who were bringing pagan philosophy into Christianity, they're mutually contradictory positions.

>> No.20232092

>modern times
Were you aware that Prophyry, Julian etc. were perennialists, ancient cultures would identify this God with that God? I am not talking about modernist universalism.

>> No.20232094


Way to go pseuds.

>> No.20232097

Hebrews. Not Jews. Big difference. Ancient Israel was early Christians, the first of what you would recognize as modern Jews came onto the scene 300AD, over 200 years after the 2nd Temple was destroyed. Modern Jews LARP as Israelites but they're not the same, the Israelites spread out from Phoenicia across Europe.

>> No.20232105

This guy is a pseud, argues for the superiority of dharmic philosophers, e.g neoplatonists who were syncretists commentating on the chaldean oracles etc. Which is what I'm arguing for, and what I agree with, which is I am trying to retroactively refute this retard "Abrahamism vs. Non-abrahamism" false dichotomy, it'll never work, these discussions are just so pervasive, that they'll never go away, seething neo-pagan larpers, proper Vedantists etc. Do not go around doing Apologetics for why abrahamism is an invalid tradition, these guys are totally deluded.

>> No.20232110

No!!!! You are the pseud.
You are carrying over your There is only One True Religion protestant westerner mentality into what you perceive as "Dharmic pagan" religion, which does not argue such a thing.
You are an adharmic schizo who pretends that Julian, Porphyry and plotinus, were not perennialists etc. And all your speculation is not contingent upon anything other than this historical narrative you've been fed.

>> No.20232125

The seething from non-Christians in this thread is pure mental illness.

>> No.20232126

If Christianity was the truth the west wouldn't have abandoned it for postmodernism

>> No.20232132

What you're doing here will become legitimate once you actually recommend an alternative tradition which is accessible, and not via denigration, but instead you should say something like,
>this particular metaphsyics etc. Is great and has given me great insight, etc.
This how you make progress, you don't say "Christians are niggers I am superior," you are literally working against your own aims, which is what to convert Christians to a higher metaphysical tradition, you are also being ignorant of the fact that people all have their own particular tendencies when it comes to religion, what you're doing materialises religion as if it were some consumer item. You are not defending your religion, but attacking another, solely to deconstruct on the basis of materialism/historicism, so you are non-different from an atheist all things considered, no matter how much you larp with.
>Abrahamists are spiritual niggers
Ad. Infinitum.
You are Demonic.

>> No.20232140

Repent. And stop larping.
So Might is Right, Christianity was Superior to what we call Paganism, and now Atheism and Science is Superior to religion, so you believe in some sort of Evolutionary progress of "Truth" which should he mote or less immutable and eternal.
You should stop larping too.

>> No.20232148

^should be more or less

>> No.20232152

God willing if we ever manage to ban tranny literature this nigga will be arguing it's because nobody could refute there are women with penises

>> No.20232154

>maybe if I keep saying it it'll end up being true
The story of your entire religion kek

>> No.20232158
File: 38 KB, 324x500, Sufism and Taoism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further reading, comparative study of Ibn Arabi and Lao-tzu & Chuang-tzu.
>Izutsu maintains that both the Sufi and Taoist world views are based on two pivots-the Absolute Man and the Perfect Man-with a whole system of oncological thought being developed between these two pivots. Izutsu discusses similarities in these ontological systems and advances the hypothesis that certain patterns of mystical and metaphysical thought may be shared even by systems with no apparent historical connection.

>> No.20232167

Don't Orthodox Muslims persecute and kill Sufis

>> No.20232176

"Losing is satori. Winning is illusion.

Not coveting a single thing is the greatest gift you can give to the universe."
- Kodo Sawaki

>> No.20232181

>it's ok when I use the argument but it's not ok when you do
Repent for your ancestor's sins and convert to pomo cultural marxism already, sinn- I mean white male

>> No.20232197

Wahhabis do, the orthodox Shiites have incorporated Ibn Arabi into their philosophy, see Mulla Sadra.

>> No.20232200

Taoism is not a religion, retards

>> No.20232203

The parallels are coincidental and don't mean anything. They have entirely different praxes, metaphysics, and focuses.

>> No.20232211

Common misconception

>> No.20232214
File: 53 KB, 600x400, Ceremony in Kaohsiung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my fucking God, everyone in this thread is so fucking retarded!

Daoism is not some atheistic philosphy that says "go with the flow dude, lol". It is a relgious system with its own pantheon of gods, traditions, rituals and theology. You can't just look at it and go "this is literally like [religion/philosophy that is nothing like Daoism]".

No, Daoism is not like Stoicism, Daoism is not like Christianity, Daoism is not like Stirnerism, Daoism is not like Sufism, Daoism is not like any other religion or philosophy. Each and every one of you has a very superficial and shallow understanding of the Daoism.

>> No.20232309

You're heavily coping. You likely haven't read the entire post and just called it bunk mid-way.

>Its misunderstanding taoism
>shut up

>> No.20232316

google isn't either, retard

>> No.20232332

Seethe harder retard

>> No.20232359

If you observe the posts in this thread and >>20230819 you will notice a good amount is by the same individual who hates Christianity and likes Buddhism. There are common elementd to his posts, the incomprehension of hell being one.

It is sad how confusion one single person can create, how much disturbance can he provoke.

>> No.20232401

Explain hell

>> No.20232435

I don't think the christerposter is a buddhist, I was mainly the one making Buddhism posts in that thread

>> No.20232476

>the opinions of perrenialists
Equal in value to violent diarrhea

>> No.20232490


>> No.20233173

St Justin didn't engage in that much natural or philosophical theology, he just giving an account how one might come to truth and virtue without Christ's incarnation being revealed to him. You seem a lot more interested in effeminate swipes that genuine dialogue, it's pretty disappointing.

>> No.20233559

That’s the thing, they can wax metaphysical but Christians still resort to “because the Bible told me so” at the end of the day.

>> No.20233569

>he thinks gods, rituals, and theology are the core of Taoism
Lmao bro you’re either retardedly exoteric or your brain has turned to sponge by Abrahamism

>> No.20233574

This. Sufism is the valiant effort of creating a true mysticism around an Abrahamic religion. They utilized the absolute monotheism of Islam well, but you can’t take the country out of the country boy or whatever that gay saying is

>> No.20233596

t. retarded New Ager