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/lit/ - Literature

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20197291 No.20197291 [Reply] [Original]

Obama Edition

Previously: >>20185837


Reads related to honing the craft:
>pastebin.com/krJFfUfK (old reading list)
>pastebin.com/1KA24gny (new reading list)

Aditional related reads:

Youtube playlist on storytelling:

Self publishing websites:


/wg/ author pastebin + anon flash fiction anthology

Previous flash fiction anthologies

>> No.20197301

I’ve started writing a book and I’ve already thought of two spinoffs… why is my mind like this? I’m more excited about those ideas than my current novel ???

>> No.20197340

That means your current novel is shit and you'll never finish.

>> No.20197399

How many words in are you? If under 30k then >>20197340 is probably right.

>> No.20197468

Please rate my space-faring team because I want to write comfy adventure fiction with these guys
>girl MC, captain and reserve pilot and mechanic, bubbly, incomprehensible when she's excited, idiosyncratic speech patterns. In it just to go fast af in her big space ship
>guy doctor, gruff and tired, takes great pride in his work, actually funny in a dry way. In it because he sees everyone as potential disasters who will need his care
>girl small arms specialist, like a puzzle, likes the precision of a gun over the detonation of a whole city block, reserved but not shy, peak qt. In it to make some money
>guy demolition specialist and mechanic, funny, maybe a little off his rocker, best friends with the doctor, #DAMAGED, thinks small arms specialist is a small time dreamer. In it to see the galaxy
>girl pilot, thinks artillerist is crude but in an endearing way, femme fatale, not quippy, #DAMAGED. In it for whatever she can get: money, fame, etc.
>guy engineer and quartermaster, large mother fucker, likes his books, moral father figure. Close with the pilot and the small arms girl. In it to find a permanent home he can start a garden in

>> No.20197528
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How do you break the threshold and create longer works? I've written 15 novellas, but they're all around 30k words.

>> No.20197536

Newfag here. Where do y'all post/publish your works? Or do you just keep them to yourselves?

>> No.20197542


>> No.20197545

>girl MC, captain

>> No.20197546

Sounds like you're writing the wrong thing.

>> No.20197549

>girl MC
Unironically, unequivocally, and without remorse stopped reading right there. There is no smile on my face.

>> No.20197571

How well did they review?

>> No.20197583
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Should I use english words to name my characters or should I use foreign words to name them? Which one is better and why?

>> No.20197597

Why is there a woman?

>> No.20197606

I've only published eight of them. The worst reviewed one has sold the most. The best reviewed one has barely sold anything.

>> No.20197612

>My 1k word count still stronk!
Alright you fuckers, I'm almost complete in compiling the most reprehensible, yet socially acceptable female character
Eastern ,African and Middle eastern cucks need not continue reading as this character archetype is not applicable to their societies.

>Dyes hair a different color than it is naturally
>Too much perfume/cakeup
>Has long drawn out laugh
>Is single by choice and through 'no fault of her own'
>Drinks too much
>Has had more than five sexual partners in ten years
>Lets her male pet dog lick her on the mouth
>Expects others to pay for her food while eating out
>Has more guy friends than girl friends
>Smokes cigarettes
>Has tattooed name of previous partner
>Had 'work done' for non reconstructive purposes
>Wears overly revealing clothing in public
>Doesn't know how to cook
>Consistent flirt even with her 'friends'

>> No.20197625

>female char
Stopped reading here.

>> No.20197629

Since you somehow missed the hint last thread I will spell it out for you: PROVIDE CONTEXT FOR YOUR QUESTION

>> No.20197672

No it’s a good idea and im halfway through it so I’ll probably finish but I want to do the other ones RIGHT NOW

>> No.20197675

What kind of character is this that you can't just name them "Bob"?

>> No.20197678

Gentlemen, cease your shitposting. Spunky girls are cute

>> No.20197683

It’s going to be 90k
Im almost 50k in and it’s fully outlined

It’s YA so it’s not hard to write. I still love the story but i get excited over new books easily

>> No.20197702

>>girl MC
Yeah, it won’t be funny. Sorry, Anon.

>> No.20197740

I'd say not to get too distracted by the new idea, but jot them down anyway. As in don't focus too much time on them, but if something comes to mind organically or in a dream then don't lose it.

>> No.20197769

What's with the hashtags?

>> No.20197780

Want are some stereotypes and slang about Irishmen?

>> No.20197804

Sorry anon. I'm writing a medieval fantasy book

>> No.20197834

My writing is shit and my mother doesn't love me, how do you think I should write my mc?

>> No.20197841


Is it though? Or do you just mean swords and castles and people riding on horses

>> No.20197846

>im terrible at what i love
>mom hates me
This is literally every ligth-novel and isekai out there

>> No.20197925

No feudal system with farm and serfs day in and day out. Bunch of uneducated blokes that mind their own business, farm for 3 hours give some food to the lord and die from dissentry at the age of 30

>> No.20197940

Then why not pick medieval English peasant names?

>> No.20197967

Because Robert is a medieval peasant name. As well as John, Paul, George, and Richard.

>> No.20198018

get a load of this smarmy ass faggot

>> No.20198041
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>the silence was deafening

>> No.20198054

Actually write it and submit a 3k word writing sample to us with whatever names you want and we'll give you meaningful feedback. Until then you're just farting into the wind before our faces and asking which way the wind is blowing.

Likely the character names will be the least important thing.

>> No.20198086


>> No.20198222
File: 40 KB, 163x225, 0014 - Wjtv2x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the pseuds' non-advice...just roll with it!
You don't have to start writing them now, but you can still make lots of notes.
Sounds like you've got an idea strong enough to become its own series!
More power to you!

>> No.20198230
File: 48 KB, 1121x798, 01 - iUWqjNn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the anon that previously asked for characteristics of trashy women?
I think you've compiled quite a fertile list.
Now write the twat!

>> No.20198232
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>> No.20198237
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Irish culture, as it existed at the time of the mass migration to America, had a lot in common with what we call "black culture" these days.
Try writing them that way.

>> No.20198241

Is cross-story contamination a thing?
I'm starting to have trouble with coming up with a land of monsters for my LitRPG that's actually different from a race of monsters from another idea I was working on; I also have a couple of stories I haven't finished with eerily similar groups of leads.
I've written down what I could but I struggle writing my ideas down; so I was thinking that maybe because I'm not putting them all down on paper, they are crossing into each other because my mind is not really a material place with well-defined borders.

>> No.20198253
File: 89 KB, 627x528, pepe-vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like my little brother's ex-girlfriend.
So let me help with an even trashier detail:
>Wears overly revealing clothing in public
She wears her pajamas in public...yes, the ones she slept in.

>> No.20198351
File: 138 KB, 800x778, 0098 - aAP2L2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you need more ideas for monsters.
You could plunder reference works like Dungeons & Dragons for ideas.
Or take it back to basics...come up with a species with a much different biology than your current monsters, then extrapolate how that biology would affect their culture.
For instance, a monster with prolific breeding would have a much different culture than one with a lower birth rate -- the former wouldn't prize children at all, the latter would have a very stratified hierarchy. And so on.

>> No.20198496

Hmm.. I'm doing a lot of research right now, and I will need a bibliography. How important is one for a historical fiction? Or nobody gives a shit?

>> No.20198499

>Sounds like you need more ideas for monsters.
It's more that I'm giving both similar societies and histories.
Both sets of monsters have very authoritarian governments, both are militaristic, both have industries but are isolationists and have poor living conditions, both have been seething for centuries over getting beaten by humanity, both have the classic Four Heavenly Kings meme for their government, etc.

Your suggestion is not bad at all, though, frogfriend.

>> No.20198521

I've read two books by Kurt Vonnegut. Both had a character who remembered the future and a plot about being abducted to another planet to be bred with an attractive woman and a race of aliens named Tralfamadorians. They weren't that similar overall.
With another author I noticed that he likes to give multiple characters the same first name for the sake of an emotionally poignant instant that doesn't advance the plot.
Many authors fixate on really specific ideas and stylistic touches. I don't think it's desirable, but it's a fact of life.
Do keep the borders of your stories clear. Do look for ways to differentiate your repeats. But accept that sometimes your ideas converge.

>> No.20198524

Fuck off.

>> No.20198555

Vonnegut recycles lots of themes over and over. One of his last, if not last, books was called "Timequake" or something like that. Where he mixes up all these ideas he's had from his old books. It's kind of interesting.

>> No.20198571

I'm more of a "writer's writer".

>> No.20198575

Do you write?

>> No.20198591

to eat is not to breathe is not to sleep is not to dream is not to yearn is not to earn is not the fact that red pisses me the FUCK OFF and you fucking knew that which is why you’re just a corpse in my basement after giving me a fucking red balloon on my birthday
i will always hate you
chapter 2: thoughts on the economy
money is

>> No.20198597

chapter 2: thoughts on the economy
money is
>a medium of exchange
>a store of value
>a unit of account

>> No.20198601

I have definitely thought about writing on multiple occasions.

>> No.20198618
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Any advice on gaining readers? I'm not finished with the novel, but would like some opinions of part 1 and 2 before actually hitting the publish button.
The only people who accepted my offer were boomer women, and none of them had notes beyond "that was sad" or "that was funny"

>> No.20198639


>> No.20198641

You know, I get asked that a lot. I was at a cocktail reception for a certain well-to-do artiste. He's some congressman's third son. He was showcasing his newest series of creations, Red on Red I think is what the sign at the entrance of the exhibition called it. He was going around wearing sunglasses indoors, spilling his drink, his arm around some flirty young thing. Open bar, you know how it goes. So I'm perusing this one particular piece, and it turns out its the titular Red on Red - there was a lot of red - and this girl comes walking up, jewish, you could easily tell from her hair, nosejob and the breasts spilling out. So we get to talking and it comes out that I'm a writer's writer. She wants to know what they means so I say I''ll show her but we need to go for a little walk. We walk out of the exhibition and, this won't be a surprise to anyone, but jewish girls just love sucking uncircumcised cock.

>> No.20198741
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I'm trying to apply the "show, don't tell" techniques but it just feels like such a waste of time, page space and my nerves, I'm writing a YA sci-fi novel, I just want to tell the story ffs

>> No.20198811

Then you're probably more of a non-fiction writer.

>> No.20198848

Show don't tell is a horrific meme almost on the level of passive bad active good. Don't fall for that shit. In many cases it's better to tell than show.

>> No.20198924

Rate my Concept:
>Space Fantasy
>Post-apocalyptic world/alien desolated planet
>Main gimmick of the story are superpowered power armors that can appear on a person's body instantly
>Main protag is a tomboy girl whose armor allows her to punch really hard.

>> No.20198928

isn't that basically one piece?

>> No.20198930

Okay, but *why* does she punch really hard?

>> No.20198966

So how do i avoid the uninspired copy-cat story when I want to cash in on this isekai meme?

>> No.20198968

Hey I posted that >>20198920

I bet you don't even know about her rival/boyfriend who wears a black dragon powerarmor, or that the armors are implanted on the lower spine through a chip gathered by an ancient civilization

Fucking idea thief.

>> No.20198969

Telling is fine. The most important thing is that your story can hold someone's attention.

>> No.20198976

Why do you even post in /sffg/ knowing there’s a writing general. Do you really want to be that special snowflake?

>> No.20198982

Be inspired.
This means cashing in can't be your only motivation.

>> No.20198985

what inspires you?

>> No.20198989
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>>Main protag is a tomboy girl whose armor allows her to punch really hard.

>> No.20198990

Your concept is trite and banal.

>> No.20198996

At least base yourself on the good Isekais, or the ones with at least a basic idea about them that makes them more interesting than "AAAAAAAH ME SUPER POWER GET ALL GIRLS IN ANOTHER WORLD!"

Examples of (at least conceptually interesting) Isekai: Re;Zero and Grimgar.

>> No.20199001

Eep! O-Okay, I guess it's alright if my first time's with you...

>> No.20199002

Who's b-anal?

>> No.20199023

Any good books on writing better prose?

>> No.20199025

Bane-al. He's a gentleman of considerable stature as far as your perspective is concerned.

>> No.20199032

it has really helped and inspired my current writing regime

>> No.20199048

Concepts are barely more than a hook. Spin the concept in an interesting way and execute it well and it'll work out regardless of how banal it might seem.

>> No.20199077
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Heck, I add bibliographies to my screenplays.
But that's just me.
No harm in listing your sources, even if it doesn't end up in the final product.

>> No.20199095
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>> No.20199101

Worldbuilding with intricate off-screen cause and effect.
Bizarre yet believable personalities.
Mechanical pollution of video game stories.
Fungible consciousness.
Playfully concise prose.

That's just what I like. You need to find something that you personally really want to create, something for which it's unbearable that it doesn't exist.
But you say you want it to be compatible with lowest common denominator isekai litrpg sensibilities. I don't know how easy that is. Do you like reading those?

>> No.20199111
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Still, there are different kinds of authoritarian governments.
On one hand, you have something like China, with a rigid top-down structure and, even though there are a lot of bureaucratic fiefdoms, no one makes a move that they think their superiors would disapprove of. This is the "lawful evil" model.
On the other hand, you have something like Burkina Faso, which has had a series of strongman governments since gaining independence, and violent coups overthrowing them every few years. This is the "chaotic evil" model.
Heck, you could even consider the highly bureaucratic model from the movie "Brazil", which in its best moments, would be "lawful neutral".
All are authoritarian, but very different.

>> No.20199119
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> >y'all
>fuck off
Do you prefer "yous", then?
2nd person singular/plural is ambiguous in English.

>> No.20199125
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>maybe the characters should discuss x topic right now to hook onto y later
>thinking better, it would shift the mood of the moment if they talked about x, so they should just use the time to make a pun and express some personality
>wait, but what about z? They could explain z better to give more insight to the reader
How do I deal with the Overchoice Effect when I have so many scenes to pick from? This is slowing me down a lot

>> No.20199129
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I thought "Breakfast Of Champions" was his kitchen-sink book. So there were at least two? Dang.

>> No.20199136
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>writer's writer
So your audience consists of writers?
Do they have time to read?

>> No.20199141
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How's that weed?

>> No.20199145
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Poser. Go write something.
I'm posting here while scarfing dinner, and will soon get back to my novel.

>> No.20199151
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So, half the animes out there.

>> No.20199154

>Worldbuilding with intricate off-screen cause and effect.
brother we want to write this but its so difficult to keep everything straight....or to write it all out....

>> No.20199155
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banal, adjective...unoriginal to the point of being obvious and boring.

>> No.20199168

nope. best method is the potemkin village style

>> No.20199175
File: 33 KB, 216x247, 0038 - TUGQIl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then organize your notes.
I use a free, open-source outline editor called TreeLine.
Although it allows me to create detailed multi-field node types, I"ve only ever used "default" (consisting solely of a title) and "text" (i.e. a title plus a multi-line free-form text box), and hierarchical compositions of them.
I stuff everything I come up with into my big outline of ideas, and find places to use them.

>> No.20199202

The only problem then is you get a lot of meaningless text with no use to the plot
Its not really an issue of keeping it all in line. I just think that making it all relevant to the plot is incredibly difficult, like why does anybody need to know that somewhere in my fantasy world there is an incredibly advanced civilization that has colonized the world invisibly, if my entire plot revolves around a guy who wants to save his waifu from an evil rapist who kidnapped her? (as an example)

>> No.20199218

So Ciconia When They Cry except there's no plot

>> No.20199235
File: 67 KB, 302x389, pepe-autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irrelevant to the plot
Then save it for later. There's going to be a sequel, right?
An outline editor is a great way to never lose any of your ideas.

>> No.20199243

>making it all relevant to the plot is incredibly difficult
Then don't do that. Some will be plot-relevant, some will show up in passing, some will never see the page, and that's okay.

>> No.20199250

Check out my LitRPG

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Is it good enough to be on RR?

>> No.20199258

How about "you all" which "y'all" is a faggot abbreviation of? Maybe you should just go back newfag.

>> No.20199259

give up and come back with something good

>> No.20199264

can't open it
but you can literally shit anything unto RR (or scribblehub which I like better) and at worst you get views

>> No.20199274

you didn't even read it!

>> No.20199278

For RR? Heh... yes, it's good enough to belong there.

>> No.20199279
File: 41 KB, 480x360, 0656 - FCGPRoP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseuds don't need to read.
They think they already know everything.
Brush them aside.

>> No.20199284

>The only problem then is you get a lot of meaningless text with no use to the plot
What? No. You write the plot and then you fill in any plot holes later on. You don't waste time world building very much if at all.

>> No.20199297

Uh oh I think that "it's all about communication" guy is back. He's as terrible as edittard

100% on board with this anon. The way I conceptualize Telling now is as an accelerator pedal. You need to be slow (descriptive experiential showing) during interesting bits and hit the gas whenever things are threatening to get dull until you see something interesting again.

I'd read this book so I guess you are a writer's writer my good man.

>> No.20199298

brother thats fine if you have the time to go back and edit it, but if you are posting online then you are going to go 100k+ words and have so many loose ends...

>> No.20199300
File: 14 KB, 370x545, pepe-spooky-ghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to some good ol' boys in the South.
I'm sure they'll give your opinion the consideration it deserves.

>> No.20199308

Makes sense like that to me too. I'm using a lot of tell in the current part of my story because we just got past the big fight scene so I need to speed through the boring peace talks to the party where MC meets the girl that sets off the rest of his life.

>> No.20199309
File: 1.47 MB, 400x560, pepe-fey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communication guy
Seethe. I've written 2500 words so far today, and will probably have 6000 before this chapter is over.
My technique works.
You won't even try it, because you think you know everything.

>> No.20199322

Except you're not from the south. You're a disgusting newfag and you should leave.

>> No.20199327
File: 82 KB, 836x786, wojak-surprised-egghead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as I see you offer some USEFUL advice, I can take my leave.
So get to it.
Or just sit and spin.

>> No.20199341

Honest question, how many posts have you made in this thread? I've noticed a lot of frogposting with the same stilted speaking pattern and its annoying me

>> No.20199342

Has anyone here successfully written a book yet?

>> No.20199349

I've got 4 done. 3 are published, 4th is in beta reading

>> No.20199350

I don't need to read it to know that it's uninspired and badly written.

>> No.20199357

I haven't even written a word today

>> No.20199359
File: 16 KB, 225x225, pepe-paisley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stilted? Just because my language extends beyond juvenile text-message patois?
Frogposting...on 4chan...how rare and unusual.
And I have no idea how many posts I have, nor do I care to count.
If you don't like what I post, then ignore it.

>> No.20199382

Please add a trip and I will. Please understand I'm not trying to be rude when i say that, I think it would be for the best.

>> No.20199388

I'll give it some thought.

>> No.20199418
File: 595 KB, 760x706, pepe-streaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No trip for me...I'm not a joiner.

>> No.20199423

>so many loose ends...
does your memory suck or something? how many loose ends do you imagine you're going to have
>if you have the time to edit it
you'll spend more time editing than drafting the first time I promise you. if you want it to be any good, that is

>> No.20199439

I tried as well but my brain is constipated. I think I'm just excited to get to the good part of the story.

>> No.20199454
File: 133 KB, 757x502, pepe-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go write the good part of the story!
There's no rule that you have to write the story in linear order.
That's what text editors are for...rearranging things after the fact!

>> No.20199460

I read chapter one, and... Look, if you want to write this, then see it out to the end. If I could only give constructive criticism, I'd say work on your sequencing. I felt the line
>As I said earlier,
popped up too many times. And have your exposition be relevant to what's happening - the explanation of the polytheistic hierarchy would have served better at the beginning of the chapter. Finally, make the flesh's character a little more defined. He's very wishy-washy on obeying and defying his summoner and seems way to relaxed about being transported to a new world.

>> No.20199495

Bros I think I'm gonna take the plunge and use BookSirens

>> No.20199541
File: 48 KB, 400x400, pepe-goblet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like an inexpensive way to get reviews.
How have I not heard of this before?

>> No.20199550

They just love it. That's probably the reason the rabbi's first thought about doing it. They saw how much their women lost their minds, how they couldn't get enough, and the first thing that popped into their small hat wearing little heads was: god must disapprove of this. That's probably how it started, but the reason it continued after that was their women had to look around for some nice, primo, non-mutilated schlong to get their fix. So while their husband was out swindling some poor arabs out of a couple camels during the day they're busy sucking it down. Then when he comes home they get to kiss him full on the mouth and he gets to taste just a hint. Pops a boner right there. What rotten people. If someone were putting together a list of why they should be wiped off this little blue-green marble that particular inclination of theirs would be one of the reasons high on the list.
Anyway, her name turned out to be Talia. She invited me to visit her boyfriend, some hedge fund broker across the river in Jersey, and she said she'd put in a good word for the interview.

>> No.20199553

All (You)?

>> No.20199558

>I read chapter one, and... Look, if you want to write this, then see it out to the end
I honestly don't think I can write 100+ chapters of this.

>> No.20199578

I'll start once I decide to write in either 1st person or 3rd person.

>> No.20199613

Then don't. Make it a short dumb story.

>> No.20199617

>Lets her male pet dog lick her on the mouth
Imagine being such an incel that the sex of the dog matters to you

>> No.20199625
File: 347 KB, 512x640, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A friend of mine recolored some artwork that served as as reference for one of my main characters, Amara!

Update: I've finally arrived at a section I've been really excited to write and I am actually enjoying dialogue a lot more than I thought I did.

>> No.20199635

Make her flat.

>> No.20199653

Her attractiveness isn't really meant to be anything other than a bit disarming, it's not central to her character or identity. I did like the idea of her being decidedly cute, and a bit of a barfly outside of her otherwise very polished professional life.

>> No.20199659

I can't read this. Fix your commas

>> No.20199660


>> No.20199687

>ctrl + f pussy
>0 of 0
>ctrl + f cunt
>0 of 0
>ctrl + f cock
>2 of 2
oh, okay
bro, what are you doing bro? stop playing with it

>> No.20199689

(She’s not meant to be busty, I referenced the art more for the face/hair/horns and had a friend alter the color to match the skin tone I wrote her to have, so she can be flat yes)

>> No.20199695

I just found out about it a few weeks ago. I'm looking to make this self publishing push for this book as hard as I can to see where it gets me. If it gets me nowhere, oh well, but I still want to try.

>> No.20199723

>one of my main characters, Amara!
You took one of MY main character's names. I see we'll have to be brothers from now on.

>> No.20199725

yes, though the bar is very low.
I can get most of the details in, but i'm struggling to first make the reader empathize with the character before i'm finished doling out her level of depravity.

>> No.20199731

>you let your male dog lick your mouth?

>> No.20199738

living rent free in your head

>> No.20199782
File: 334 KB, 640x645, r-u-ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20199823

List of Reasons to Exterminate the Jews
1. Disloyal women
2. Circumcision
3. Stealing camels

Back at Red on Red everything was going pretty much as expected. Open bar at a tax dodge made for some strange bedfellows and the artiste was nowhere to be found. Taking a final drink for the road before someone drunkenly pulled a fire alarm was probably the right call. On my way out I pulled the fire alarm to get ahead of the game.
The night was still young so I decided to head over the Sonny's. Light snow had left slush on every corner and by the time I got over there my feet had started to soak through. Sonny was a, how do they say it, a mensch. Sonny was the closest thing I had to family around here. He liked to wear wife beaters to show off his swastika tattoo. 1488. He was a real mensch.

[Hey so this started as a lark but I can probably turn it into a novella. I'm thinking about calling it Sabbos Goy in the Big City. Basically some guy gets hired by these jews and becomes their shabbos goy. I get to talk about the wires the jews put all over NYC to make it all considered "their home" so they can avoid sabbath rules as well as other stuff. What do you think?]

>> No.20199857

>a small little girl said
yeah, you'll be alright

>> No.20199880

I wrote this first chapter with the intention of building up some of the mystery of the setting but even after two rewrites I'm feeling like I've jumped the gun. Penny for your thoughts, /wg/?


>> No.20199896

A man of culture I see

>> No.20199911
File: 37 KB, 353x296, kill-everyone-ITT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u stole my idea 2 write a story!
i demand punative damage!

>> No.20199938

Look at the pic file naming conventions numbnuts, it's the same guy spamming the thread. I don't mind people posting often but cluster responses within a single post at least.

That or get a trip so I don't have to see it.

>> No.20199974
File: 647 KB, 1390x870, history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this passage match this picture?

>The stagecoach stopped in front of a clubhouse. There was a small sign mounted in front. It was disappointingly small, barren, and plain. The wooden building was no larger than the buildings back in China. The wooden floorboards frayed from use and rot. Two large red paper lanterns adorned and hung from the awning above. Four men occupied the deck. Two of them sat on the makeshift bench in front of the window, another leaned against a large post, and the fourth was the stagecoach driver standing in front of the doorway. Fei-Ming observed how the slabs curved from the weight of the stagecoach driver. This building was nothing close to what he heard.

>The buildings were supposed to be grander than the palaces of the Imperial City. Buildings were built using the finest wood and painted with gold, even Emperor Tong-Zhi would stop and marvel at the architecture. Fei-Ming once overheard an American woman back in China tell three young girls how gold was so plentiful that they could pick up gold coins directly on the streets. He never did see Mei, Sui, and Lei again.

>> No.20199990

This is kind of funny. It's like a parody of isekai and LITRPGs. I have to admit the premise of the Summoner/Goddess being the Villain is intriguing

>> No.20200005
File: 29 KB, 499x499, 0012 - TEcHltD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the file format for https://www.purexclydey.com/xdd/uploads/rare%20pepe/ .
Announced here:

>> No.20200016
File: 52 KB, 588x601, 0408 - yn006hZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate source, still working: https://rare-pepe.com/

>> No.20200035

I got rid of the bottom paragraph. There's no need for the Prostitution line in the end yet.

>> No.20200081

Melville has entire chapters just telling you about places and whales in Moby Dick.

>> No.20200133

The beginning's awkward. Cut it out and just start from the first main paragraph

>> No.20200146

so much better then my writing, I might as well off myself.
How long did it take to make though?

>> No.20200191

we just pulled a 4k night! we might celebrate tomorrow with a pizza!

>> No.20200250

It took me about two weeks to write and be happy with, though I've had life stuff to deal with.
Don't talk like that though, anon, you're always your own worst critic. I posted that chapter fully expecting to get hit with a laundry list of why it's garbage.

Cheers, though one of my largest challenges is still writing enough to fill out the chapter without the awkward filler.

>> No.20200301
File: 53 KB, 140x149, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we think of cyborg monstrosities? I think they're fun.
>Behind them (military trucks) came the loping form of a Stone Jaguar, striking fear into his heart like he was a mouse confronted with a well-fed and cruel tabby cat.
>Standing twenty feet tall at the shoulder, every inch of the thing evoked ancient craftmanship of stylish stone, like it was a statue come to murderous life. Its empty machine eyes glowed a baleful green, and Armon remembered from his training to never look straight into them lest he be struck with their old technological witchcraft. It was better to focus on its perpetually grimacing mouth where an energy projector was hidden behind clenched teeth, capable of outright killing a man at close range and inducing all manner of aggressive cancers from further away.
>This was a thing from the far south designed before the Fall; equal parts machine and synthetic flesh, engineered to wreak havoc in more than a dozen known variants. It was a thing of horror, meant to terrify potential invaders of the South Americas out of their wits, and possibly to quell resistance. There were many other constructs like it, but this was one of the few that ever left South America, being simple enough to capture if a unit knew what they were doing and willing to accept some casualties. Confederate command had never figured out who had originally designed them, or for what purpose. Looking at its huge teeth and claws from his hiding place, Armon got the message it brought loud and clear: ‘Anyone who can build these is not to be fucked with.’
>This one, however, appeared to have been damaged. Its left side, the one facing them, had been torn up somehow. The damaged flank dripped a vile mixture of green sludge and bright blood from a makeshift repair job where the two fluids mixed. The stench of it was enough to make Armon’s eyes water from where he lay, like somebody had skunk-sprayed a wet cat and then set it on fire.

>> No.20200313

>didn't make a single sale today on KDP
What do?

>> No.20200321

The creature in my draft >>20199880 uses any matter it can get its hands on in the immediate environment to bulk itself up and blend in when idly hunting. I have a lazy footnote of an idea where if I ever go forward with a time-hop side-lot they'll have integrated laser cannons and flamethrowers, like the Cyberdemon from nuDoom. What's the source of your passage? It sounds epic.

>> No.20200326

You did market it before release, right? You did build twitter followers and provide them content, right?

>> No.20200338
File: 37 KB, 640x852, Comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my own work, not really done yet.

>> No.20200345

tik tok...

>> No.20200369

I'm sure you're right it must have been 7 different anons all posting with pepes from that same site, using it's standard file naming convention, at the same time, all on posts with the same stilted writing style in a general that until last thread had like two pepe pics per thread that all had random 4chan downloaded gibberish number names.

>> No.20200376

I bought a pizza tonight. I thoroughly regret my decision.

>> No.20200381

anyone know some good exercises for brainstorming a strong premise? come to realise all my attempts to write a story fall flat because i'm only starting from an idea of a character or setting, not a fully fleshed premise.

>> No.20200395

Excited to see it, then. Good luck anon, extremely solid from what I've seen.

>> No.20200426

just look around you and see what's going on. I'm writing the 1870's Chinaman story because of the racism against asians today.

>> No.20200471
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, pepe-social-media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some reason you're so wound up about this?
Did you find the offered advice to be off the mark or something?
Do I have to conform to your wishes or something?
Are you paying me to do that?
If not...take your pseud jihad elsewhere.

>> No.20200484
File: 1.55 MB, 284x245, duck-victory-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 5,150 words today, for a total of 45,600!
I'd keep writing, but I'm really sleepy.
It feels good to have my novel outlined to the point where it spills out so effortlessly!

>> No.20200491

what's it about?

>> No.20200496
File: 85 KB, 564x752, kaidekass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of my characters have a voice. They do have motivations and flaws, many flaws, but they have no depth beyond that. All my writing is just "wooden coverage" of events, my language is utterly pedestrian and lacking any themes beyond what busybodies might interpret between the lines.
Character x goes to place a. They meet character y. A conversation ensues, during which character y implies and x infers. Violence erupts. Character x then goes to place b to meet character z, the process repeats.
I am a captive of my own inadequacy. I'm a pulp writer. One day I will escape it. Today is not that day. Today I will write more garbage, because I still enjoy the dead end

>> No.20200517

I can't even get my character to do anything. I create him, but I don't know what next so I describe the clouds.

>> No.20200520
File: 32 KB, 654x631, pepe-arkansas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not difficult to give your characters depth.
At the core of any character are a set of values.
Those values lead to a set of priorities.
Those priorities tend to match up, or conflict, with the priorities of other characters, leading to drama and tension.
A character arc happens when a value transforms into a different one over a period of time, or after a singular event.
You can expand this, and make it more complex, but these are the basics.

>> No.20200521

Clouds can be anything. What kind of clouds are they? Cirrus? Cumulus? Nimbus?

>> No.20200535
File: 70 KB, 736x864, pepe-1904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it a "ludicrous mystery".
It has the form of a normal mystery, but instead of angry, tense details, they're as silly and bizarre as possible.
I leave enough clues to figure out whodunit, and it's logically constructed in the strictest sense, but good luck trying to unravel the lunacy.

>> No.20200537

One of my characters forced another character to eat a pancake drenched in cum.

>> No.20200543

I'm aware of that, and it's not what I struggle with. I struggle with actually telling stories. I just don't know what happens. How does anyone know what happens? There just guys who go around like Odysseus and ... anon, thank you ... I just figured it all out ... it's all just big adventures ... there are just guys going around and things happen and its all a lot of fun ... like Oedipus ... he was just a guy existing and the prophesy moved him through the world and did things to him ... made things happen ... its so simple ... just write cool things ... or bad things for a tragedy ... and just ...... have a good time? Plot is so simple bros

>> No.20200544
File: 30 KB, 300x234, 9d5aa17da9d64d95c1365dd9c0539a9631ce1d334ed796abf495ec2ccd35920f_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you're not shooting for the New York Times best seller list.

>> No.20200548

Fine thats ok

>> No.20200549

I hope the mystery is childlike. Like it's them trying to discover who stole the cookies from the cookie jar. What's the secret they're trying to discover?

>> No.20200554

>What's the secret they're trying to discover?
>who stole the cookies from the cookie jar
you said it yourself

>> No.20200563
File: 74 KB, 372x1024, pepe-wojack-jurassic-park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's an actual murder mystery...and the "children" involved are adult-sized...but the details are still ludicrous.
Many adults are naturally ludicrous. I focus on such people.

>> No.20200565

My Shabbos Goy story is going to end with him getting an article published in the NYT. It'll happen because their urbane sense of humor will assume everything he's doing and saying is out of some sort of post ironic irony. I think that'll make for a fitting ending, just the title on the front page of the NYT.

>> No.20200591
File: 74 KB, 936x1114, pepe-skyscraper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its interaction with the New York Times is purely fictional.
That sounds about right.
Good luck with your plan.

>> No.20200595

Can you post an excerpt?

>> No.20200613
File: 24 KB, 361x363, pepe-stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plots can be randomly generated!
I've used the one in the Pathfinder 1E version of "Tome Of Secrets", which starts on page 173.
You roll a pair of 2 8-sided dice five times, and fill out "The main characters must [DO] [SOMETHING], at [LOCATION], but have to contend with [COMPLICATIONS] while being confronted by [OPPOSITION]".
That gives one 2^30 writing prompts, i.e. just over a billion.
The plot doesn't matter much as how you realize it!

>> No.20200620

how perfectly retarded, sweet anon. I love you. and I agree

>> No.20200638

/wg/, which sounds like the more enjoyable character

>twitchy, manic simp of a conspiracy theorist
>happy-go-lucky idiot out of touch with reality

>> No.20200660

I look forward to reading your stories as well.

>> No.20200672

The second has been done a lot more, so go for the conspiracy simp

>> No.20200674

>post story
>Anon tells me it's complete utter shit and I should just kys
>Everything is bad and stupid as fuck
>Haven't touched my story in a week
>Completely dejected
>Still can't find motivation to continue
How do I deal with crippling rejection

>> No.20200677
File: 190 KB, 1400x1400, 1649571757670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20200679

By not writing, like you’ve been doing.

>> No.20200684

Everything you ill always be shit if you don't keep working to improve

>> No.20200700

Yes but even the concept, characters and plot were all bad.

>> No.20200726

So you know what to improve!

>> No.20200728

Then don’t write. What’s the issue.

>> No.20200736

write the zoomer, there are too many boomers.

you forgot
>morbidly obese

>> No.20200784
File: 173 KB, 250x350, small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I posted the first chapter of a story on here a couple months ago and you said it was decent, so I kept going and I'm up to ten chapters now (~20k words). Figured I'd check in again to see if it still holds up. Misogynistic jackass gets isekai'd and slowly rebuilds his strength through the power of weightlifting and nutrition.

It's already banned on spacebattles - one of the mods called it an "incel manifesto".

>> No.20200788

>It's already banned on spacebattles - one of the mods called it an "incel manifesto".
Link or it didn’t happen.

>> No.20200805


>> No.20200809

alright, it was only "locked"... same shit. They're not going to unlock it.

>> No.20200812

Actually the feedback they gave you is of the best kind you can get. If you are worth anything you will use it as motivation. Don't give up little anon

>> No.20200817

>How do I deal with crippling rejection
I'm going to share a secret with you. The summary dismissal is the first layer of a critique. Every time I get a one-line shitpost critique here, I always acknowledge it and thank them for their input. Then, without qualification or excuse, I will politely ask them why they have that opinion. For example, from last thread:
>I hope this isn't meant to sound good.
My reply?
>It is! Why doesn't it sound good?
In this case, that anon went on to expand on his initial statement, and all it took was displaying that my feelings weren't too hurt to engage in the actual discussion that followed, which wasn't entirely useless.

Think of it this way: the dismissal is just the first layer. It can be peeled back by being a big boy and inviting further discussion. I've found that this approach does one of two things: it either provides the actual input or it causes the shitposter to double down/fuck off. At that point, I completely disregard their opinion.

When you do get an actual critique, keep in mind that everybody here is just another anon. Because we're writers, we're better at authoritatively stating our opinions and giving them that cloying "truth-feel" (I'm doing it right now) but they are just opinions. The critique always implies the critic's values. With a bit of inference, you'll be able to get a feel for how much you want to listen to any particular critic.

>> No.20200902

List ideas using stream of consciousness, then combine them. Disregard pairs that fit neatly together until you find a messy pair that appeals to you.

>> No.20200969

>because of the racism against asians today.
where and from whom

>> No.20200986

how many times can i make write scenes or jokes involving cute girls pissing themselves before it becomes obvious to the reader its a fetish thing?

>> No.20201048

once. maybe twice. they better be funny or they'll know the first time.

>> No.20201127

>After the body of a runaway girl is found on the outback property of billionaire finance savant and political kingmaker Norman Redstone, the presumed suicide case is left to a highly volatile former special forces operator turned lowly regional highway patrolman by the name of "Mad" Mike Colby. Overcoming resistance from the locals, the staff of a strange VIP ‘detox and wellness retreat’ owned by Redstone, and even his own commanding officers, Colby descends into a seedy world of filth, violence and his own demons, culminating in a discovery so monumentally dark it may bring down Australia's power elite and cost him his life.
does this sound like something? would you want to read it?

>> No.20201216

I've stopped asking for critique unless the work is finished and has had a few editing passes. Even good crit is weirdly demotivating if I'm still working on a story, but even bad crit motivates me to improve once I'm onto the next.

>> No.20201236

>does this sound like something?
It sounds like a collection of events that occur to some fictional characters who all possess characteristics like "being a human being," and "having names by which they can be told apart from one another." I note that there is only one character named "Mad" Mike Colby. This is good, because if there were two characters named "Mad" Mike Colby, it would be difficult to tell them apart from one another.
>would you want to read it?
Didn't I, just now? I could have sworn I read the names and the places and the events that occur. Wait... maybe there's more to writing than that! Maybe—just maybe—none of what you've written matters for shit. I bet that if it were written extremely well, it wouldn't matter if Norman Redstone were named Bill Qualqo and a women's suffrage activist instead of a political kingmaker.

Maybe try writing something that's actually good, first! Then, ask for feedback later, once you've actually written it. This is the WRITING general thread, not the IDEAS GUY thread, my man.

>> No.20201455

Damn dude what's your deal, the guy is just trying to get an opinion.

It sounds interesting enough to read as the plot for a movie on Netflix targeted at middle aged women, if that's saying anything.

>> No.20201463

But the whole point of the advice is that you don't waste time and pages telling separately what can be conveyed organically as part of the narrative. Why can't you retards understand this?

>> No.20201491
File: 91 KB, 638x479, 1639253341603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the retard here, it's the opposite

>> No.20201521

brother you have to keep a constant update schedule otherwise it won't get popular!

>> No.20201527
File: 111 KB, 200x219, 1646748792551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to my first home today and it's out in a place with lots of quiet. The constant annoyances these past few years made my writing sound really angry before editing. I can deal with managing house issues but dozens of barking dogs and drunk neighbors make me seethe. Anyone else trying to find a more quiet place for reading and writing?

>> No.20201557

Oops! We ran into some problems.
The requested thread could not be found.

>> No.20201580

>Did you find the offered advice to be off the mark or something?
>Is there some reason you're so wound up about this?
Your posts made up about a quarter of the 100ish post thread at that point cluttering it up and making it die faster and making it visually a mess as a reader unsure if I'm reading posts by the same person (an important distinction when I disagree with you on so much).

It also puts my nuts in a twist is that you had the balls to imply that the pics came from a website and they could have been from anyone.
>Do I have to conform to your wishes or something?
I'm just asking you to respond to multiple posts in a single post so as to not spam the hell out of the thread. Barring that add a trip so I can avoid reading your philosophizing even easier.

Looking to move out to the country next fall to Southern Virginia or the Carolinas - so tired of constant noise pollution and humanity. There is one legitimately insane guy who lives with his mom down the street that is into those loud ass mufflers - people like that belong on a cross.

Would be impossibly comfy to write with nothing but trees and mountains in sight.

>> No.20201596

First reads like an observation from the protagonist, second reads like an impartial narrator. I never noticed that before. Is it possible that what seems to be telling is used by good writers to show what their character is thinking?

>> No.20201606

I work nights at a ski resort. My shifts can sometimes get busy in the winter for obvious reasons, but are otherwise extremely quiet. In the off-season I can go weeks or even months without talking to a human being. It's heavenly. Plus, I can drive up to the top once the snow's melted to watch the sunrise. Peace AND quiet.

>> No.20201607

The Carolinas are good but keep in mind they are getting more and more populated and louder as people move there. If you want a 3 bedroom house be prepared to offer 20% over asking 24 hours after listing or you wont get it, and cash buyers are everywhere. There's low inventory so you dont have many choices, but 2 bedroom houses are way easier to get.

>> No.20201727

In the story or today?

>> No.20201748
File: 149 KB, 720x886, 277661093_5615900551757948_7251921287658189045_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone paypal me 11 bucks so I can get something published?


>> No.20201761

Get a job. How the hell do you not have $11?

>> No.20201764

>39 years old
>doesn't have $11
professional writer spotted

>> No.20201793

This must be the most bargain bin vanity publisher in the world.
What does $11 even get you? Does he print out half a dozen stickers and vandalize random cars with them?

>> No.20201840


>> No.20201852

White on Asian crime. It's always been white on Asian crimes.

>> No.20201882

I'm unemployed currently due to the job market

>> No.20201887

Is there a Chinese version of buckbreaking? Blacks have a clear historical reasoning for trooning out but Chinese don't seem to.

>> No.20201915

i would pay for your book just to burn it

>> No.20201937
File: 68 KB, 906x960, bert-ernie-flamethrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternately, you could pull a Hollywood, and take plots from existing movies.

>> No.20201938

Is "act of humanity" a proper expression? As in "helping people in need as an act of humanity". I'm struggling with the word "humanity" because doesn't this basically mean "mankind"?

>> No.20201940
File: 171 KB, 375x375, homer-king.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toughen up. If your writing ever gets noticed in the real world, you'll get much more withering criticism.
This pastime isn't for wusses.

>> No.20201945
File: 604 KB, 1443x1080, dog-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen the crap that actually ends up on TV and in movies?
One way I inspire myself to write is to deliberately watch bad stuff.
MST3K and Rifftrax are great for this.
After a while, I can't help but get a fire lit under my ass, and I run off to write.

>> No.20201949

yes, it works. so long as you have it properly contextualize, i doubt many people will read "an act of humanity" and get confused as to what is being implied.

>> No.20201956
File: 390 KB, 840x854, degenerate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon KDP doesn't charge a thing to self-publish a book.

>> No.20201962
File: 1.85 MB, 1514x1453, borg-city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The job market is soaring here in America.
I know restaurants that haven't gone back to in-person dining due to lack of people.

>> No.20201964

There's nothing scarier than reading 1-star reviews of things you think are good

>> No.20201972

Humanity is a word like humanitarian, being applied to the wellbeing of your fellow man

>> No.20202013
File: 82 KB, 1192x490, 1637248888441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White on Asian crime. It's always been white on Asian crimes.
source? All I can find is black on asian crime

>In a list compiled of all of the attacks on Asians in the US where the offender was known and reported, most of the perpetrators of the crimes were black Americans. The most vicious attack of them all, a mass stabbing of an Asian family at a Sam’s Club supermarket, was carried out by a Hispanic man.

>> No.20202032

Another man of culture in this thread I see.

>> No.20202042
File: 55 KB, 720x687, eye-hand-surreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reviewers aren't the gatekeepers they used to be.
Keep in mind, "critically acclaimed" is code for "no one read it".
Shoot for writing that sells, not that gets fellated by self-important critics.

>> No.20202048

But the things that sell are crap like Danielle Steele and Lee Child

>> No.20202054
File: 69 KB, 620x775, mickey-mouse-jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point is, don't focus on critics, focus on sales.
Do you want to make a living from your writing, or gain the approval of a bunch of feckless propellerheads?

>> No.20202058

What if I want to gain the approval of the ages?

>> No.20202061

Then disregard both critics and sales and focus on yourself. Not that anon, by the way. Incidentally, everyone should try to focus on their own tastes more than sales or critical approval. Literature as a whole would be in a much better place, if not for the I DUN GOTS MINE types who've ruined the entire medium with fruit pandering to the economics of art.

>> No.20202093
File: 444 KB, 1200x1680, particle-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then pull a Todd Rundgren.
He had exactly two hit songs -- "Bang The Drums" and "Hello, It's Me", with which he made gobs of money.
He spent the rest of his career churning out bizarre, experimental, noncommercial material.

>> No.20202159

You don't just "pull a Todd Rundgren" with literature. It can take sometimes fifteen minutes to write a song. It comes in a burst of inspiration. You can even just hire session musicians, cut the track in a day, then let the engineers handle the rest. They aren't the same.

>> No.20202165

Can you post some of your writing so we know who's giving these sermons?

>> No.20202209
File: 53 KB, 1200x675, beavis-butthead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you can. Write a book intended to be popular and make a lot of money. Then spend the rest of your time writing what you think will "gain the approval of the ages".

What sermons? I'm just offering advice.
Feel free to offer competing advice to the same anons.
Or you could continue to do nothing to try to help, and seethe at the ones making an effort.

>> No.20202220

So results of my two day free promo are:

114 copies ordered
141 KU pages read

I mean, I've sold two at regular price over the last three months, so at least it's out there. Haven't got any new reviews yet, but maybe when they finish reading. I've still got another 3 days of free promo, maybe I'll do it in June.

>> No.20202232
File: 99 KB, 715x715, fat-guy-paradise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you post the URL here, you might get more orders and reviews.

>> No.20202234

Manchus buckbroke the Han by making them wear the queue

>> No.20202236

This picture has some serious zen aura

>> No.20202258

Did the other day. It's on the author pastebin.

>> No.20202273

Not him but stop talking shit and post a writing sample of at least 1k words.

>> No.20202277

>buckteeth breaking

>> No.20202422
File: 35 KB, 423x500, hurricane-matthew-skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way am I "talking shit"?
Are you saying my advice is bad?

>> No.20202454

>Are you saying my advice is bad?
Post your writing and we'll see the product of that advice.

>> No.20202478
File: 24 KB, 283x305, worf-thread-has-no-honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're incapable of judging it on your own?
My advice can only help people that have writing chops to begin with; it can't create talent in the untalented.
But it may remove common barriers people encounter when they try to create.
I could just be a talentless idiot with a mighty quiver of helpful tools, doing nothing but casting my lameness in sharper relief.
Besides, I see what happens to people that post their fiction here. No thanks.

>> No.20202480
File: 120 KB, 836x533, zhang dong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, a little bit too much dialogue for me to the point where it feels kinda like a play, you know? good for RR though... everything on there sucks

>> No.20202523

That's violent racism. Whites do all the micro aggression such as taking spots away in colleges for lessers, chink eyes face, claim stupid shit like Asians torture dogs to eat, dropping pans to claim that's how the language is like, make fun of accents, and other shit thats just rude. For a race that prides itself on respect and honor they certainly don't practice what the preach.

>> No.20202534

Son of a bitch.... Alright I'm going for the RR money

>> No.20202542


Asians abandoned their own homelabds to live in the shadow of whites and are therefore worthy of contempt. If even Adians don't want to live in a country full of Asians, what makes you think I do?

>> No.20202558

Can say the same for whites.
>My county is overcrowded and shit
>Migrate to some far off land
>This place is better.
Too much /pol/ for you

>> No.20202567

6k for an ESL Chinaman story. God fucking damnit p

>> No.20202603

Weak bait.

>> No.20202612

>Whites do all the micro aggression such as taking spots away in colleges for lessers, chink eyes face, claim stupid shit like Asians torture dogs to eat, dropping pans to claim that's how the language is like, make fun of accents, and other shit thats just rude.
do you have any evidence to back this up or is it simply your own observations and feelings? seems like you're just some racist loser who seeks to demonize white people but ok

not comparable since in your example whites didn't migrate to non-white countries, they conquered other continents and created their own countries there.

>> No.20202622

>So you're incapable of judging it on your own?
Yes? If the advice comes from a good writer then that gives me extra information.
Some advice is hard to judge until you've actually followed it, or unless you can look at someone who followed it—and if your only example is a musician then it seems doubtful. If it's a good advice for writers then there should be a bunch of writers you could name instead.

>> No.20202648

Shoo shoo Chinaman. Literature should not be an excuse to farm social credit.

>> No.20202652

You say that but I got this idiot

>> No.20202661
File: 47 KB, 514x447, 1620568009257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to tell these days with asian masculinity posters lurking about

>> No.20202665

I wonder if its luck or talent, but man is he living the life if he enjoys writing...

>> No.20202668
File: 29 KB, 750x469, comeandsee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Novel is ((finished)) and edited
>Query letter is drafted
>list of agents prepared in a word doc so I can keep track of my submissions and agent replies
>absolutely fucking ready to go
>too much of a pussy to actually do it
Fucking christ what's wrong with me. I'm fucking nervous as shit about all the pressure and stress about to come my way the moment I send my shit out. And it's not just about possible rejections either, but fucking acceptances.
Because if someone accepts it, then that means oh fuck this is actually fucking happening and even though I'm prepared for it IDK if I'm actually fucking ready.
Like what if I get a shitty agent? What if by some miracle I get more than one offer and have to fucking choose?
FML I hate being a sad anxiety driven cunt

>> No.20202678

You really go on /pol/ too much even your initial question about "today's" racism. It was so obvious you wanted to bait me with black on asian violence, I had to flip it on you. And behold so typical with the offense you're now going on and on about whites being conquerers. Whites don't even like other whites. And Asians don't like other Asians. Which is the heart of the story.

>> No.20202688

My mom is a Danielle Steele fan

>> No.20202736

Congratulations anon!

>> No.20202737

if i send my writing here will i get flamed out my mind
its not very good

>> No.20202744

Depends if that one asshole is here

>> No.20202749


>Migrate to some far off land

We built countries. Enjoy your gutter oil, low trust sociopathic bug man

>> No.20202750

Probably not. Even if you do there will likely be some useful advice mixed in.

>> No.20202770

>"It's always been white on Asian crimes."
>point out that most hate crimes towards asians are committed by blacks
>"You really go on /pol/ too much"

>you're now going on and on about whites being conquerers
I merely pointed out that your analogy is retarded since whites didn't migrate to other countries. But yeah, if you think that white people correcting you is a racist white on asian micro aggression then I can see why youd think that "It's always been white on Asian crimes."

>> No.20202782
File: 823 KB, 400x211, gimme-5-cool-cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claim stupid shit like Asians torture dogs to eat
Check out the rekt threads on /b/ and you'll be inundated with evidence of exactly that.

>> No.20202794
File: 114 KB, 1242x1037, woke-resistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my advice is worthless unless it comes from an "expert"?
Ugh...you Zoomers really are the worst.
You're a disgrace to childhood itself.
Here's a startling concept for you...THINK FOR YOURSELF. MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS.

>> No.20202804

selling my newest book, and my first book

paypal me @ arseterror82@gmail.com

Neo-Radicalism - a polemical piece about revolution, statecraft and god himself. worth a read!

Obliteration Of The World (essays, references and correspondences 2018-2022) - a collection of my essays, literary references, poetry, and correspondences for four years.

>> No.20202805

>thinking for yourself means listening to me without questioning
Nice try bub but it's not gonna fly

>> No.20202809
File: 41 KB, 730x414, 2-faces-of-antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's safe to ignore him...he's a mindless seether.

>> No.20202813

> if you think that white people correcting you is a racist white on asian micro aggression
It wasn't a correction. He clearly wanted to bait me into blacks attacking Asians today. It's so stupidly obvious that I had to take a left wing view point and bait him back. And he fell for it. Look at his posts.
>Gutter oil
>Asians have no civilization
Holy shit he really did fall for all the propaganda.

>> No.20202818

>shittalks the entire thread
>people get sick of it
>they tell you to nut up or shut up
>b-baka you don't understand I'm a genius in my own mind
just fuck off already

>> No.20202820
File: 126 KB, 1080x1185, lamestream-media-programming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never asked anyone to listen to me without questioning.
I hate to say this, but...I think you're beyond help.

>> No.20202826

Stupid. So the white girl throwing puppies into the river or the whites eating roadkill or be drunken hooligans is a accurate portrayal of an entire race and civilization?

Haven't you learned anything the past 4 years?

>> No.20202829

And yet you start shitting yourself when I ask you to give an example of your advice in action. Which questions am I allowed to ask?

>> No.20202832
File: 85 KB, 600x450, MC_greta_blahblahblah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please point out a single example of "shit talk".

>> No.20202838
File: 50 KB, 988x342, things-be-different.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just it...the point is for you to see what happens when you put my advice into action.
That's the only real test of its worth.
If you don't like my advice, ignore it.
It's called freedom of choice.
If you need a definition of that, try to find an old, uncensored text book.

>> No.20202842

Shut the fuck up /pol/ and write your stories

>> No.20202844

nah, someone pointed out that most hate crimes are black on asian and then you got upset since that challenged your "It's always been white on Asian crimes." narrative

like just shut the fuck up you dumb retard, why are you still talking

>> No.20202847

Has anyone else put your advice into action? If so I wanna see the result so I can decide if it's worth my time.
If nobody has put your advice into action, not even you, then I think I'll choose of my own free will to ignore it.

>> No.20202849

>Please point out a single example of "shit talk".

Anything "...oomers."

retarded /pol/ comics.

Basically everything you've posted.

>> No.20202853

>nah, someone pointed out that most hate crimes are black on asian a

Mm, no. The vast majority are white. It's just a few high profile black on asian crimes hyped up by racist media and racist social media.

>> No.20202864

>It's just a few high profile black on asian crimes hyped up by racist media and racist social media.


also since when is media hyping up black crime? lmfao believe me, if whites were committing a disproportionate amount of hate crimes towards any other racial group, everyone would know

>> No.20202879
File: 45 KB, 346x407, 0039 - vxzysmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't think in specifics to save his life
I meant in the advice I tried to give, not my snarky responses to your nonsense.
Wow...you need explicit instructions on how to get through a doorway, don't you.

>> No.20202880

That's like saying all Canadian girls fuck their dogs

>> No.20202882

In my county we have tons of triad shits scamming, defrauding, embezzling and ripping off whites, asians and blacks alike, where as Africans are only now just beginning to gang up and half ass it. But the arabs are by far the worst at the moment with their gang wars catching families in the crossfire.

>> No.20202884
File: 580 KB, 1631x1571, 0021 - YauaMbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you freely admit you can't think on your own, and need the crutch of self-styled "expert" opinions.
Go cry to your mommy, Zoomer.

>> No.20202892

>OP is a picture of Obama
>Ends up in /pol/ shit flinging
He really is the divider in chief isn't he?

>> No.20202904

I'll take that as a "no"
/^[0-9]{4} - [a-z]{7}\....$/i

>> No.20202913


>Holy shit he really did fall for all the propaganda

Why are you even speaking a white language on a white computer network? Neither were made by you or for you.

>> No.20202915
File: 102 KB, 422x408, 0041 - g0SJsTM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll take that as a "no"
So no, you can't think on your own?
On top of everything else, you have a profound lack of self-awareness.

>> No.20202920

>/^[0-9]{4} - [a-z]{7}\....$/i
Should be /^[0-9]{4} - [a-z0-9]{7}\....$/i

>> No.20202953
File: 71 KB, 870x870, 0035 - HAHvjzM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So even his regular expressions are irregular.
Wish I could say that was a surprise.

>> No.20203055
File: 36 KB, 658x370, jabba-the-hutt-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post sample
Richard lurked in the dark, under a tree in the amphitheater behind the church. The plants did a capable job of blocking the nearby streetlights; he had a choice between several redundant murky regions. He chose the one that gave him the best view of the inside of the building.
The youth pastor assured Richard this was the day of the week Darian left the premises in full costume. The expected time for the cursed event fast approached. He hoped something would happen soon; it was the usual sweltering Tucson summer evening, and he was sweating profusely. The inside of the gay furry club would undoubtedly be air-conditioned, and he was ashamed to realize he was looking forward to any aspect of what was about to happen.
Something stirred on the stairs. Richard crouched as well as he could to try to get a better look; the dark shape was too indistinct to be identified. Richard watched as the figure left the stairs and walked to the side, an errant street light catching him for a moment. The equine head jumped out at him like a jellyfish's sting. Whether or not it was Darian, it was definitely someone in a full-headed horse outfit, and thus his target. The figure unexpectedly turned and walked toward the front door; apparently his first stop wouldn't be the parking lot.
Richard emerged from his hiding spot as quickly as he could, and waddled at full speed toward the front of the building. The corpulent latex hippo costume didn't allow much freedom of movement, and the Fleshlight shoved between his legs, terminating at the costume's bunghole, made movement even more awkward. But the youth pastor insisted it was necessary; the alternative was much worse. Richard hoped this was the evening's low point, but knew that was too much to expect; it was bound to go straight downhill from here.

>> No.20203083
File: 108 KB, 596x618, 1414507472278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I checked a single sentence of mine and it's composed of 168 words and 976 characters. The Faulkner short stories will rest for a while, me thinks.

>> No.20203103

>triad shits scamming
No you don't. You just have white racist hillbillies scapegoating asians for spreading covid that themselves spread, beating them up, and when a few rare black-on asian crimes occur you scapegoat the balcsk too

>> No.20203136
File: 974 KB, 2000x2000, 0036 - Gy5UAxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so I write gay porn, do I?
I'm not surprised that was the first thing to leak from your fingers.
You're right; my advice probably doesn't apply to your chosen genre.

>> No.20203146

The "correct" part adds a lot more information to deliberately seem wordier, retard. It has nothing to do with the principle itself

>> No.20203180

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the phrasing of the one on the left. There's a place for both in stories. Additionally, the one on the right could be slightly rephrased and easily follow as the sentence after the one on the left.

>> No.20203216

retard's mad

>> No.20203243

you're the shitkickers guy, aren't you?

>> No.20203255

I doubt it.
Shitkickers guy can’t go a single post without mentioning shitkickers.

>> No.20203372

and I don't remember him handing out writing advice except "i'm canadian" and "bag of weed".

>> No.20203397
File: 241 KB, 675x490, pikachu-anthropomorphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reached the street and peered around the corner; Darian was about a block away, still in sight. He lumbered after him, choosing a lilting motion, throwing each leg forward in turn, landing hard each time. The incessant hum of the city, even at night, was loud enough to conceal his footsteps. Richard watched Darian turn a corner and disappear from sight; he hobbled to that point and looked in Darian's last known direction. The streetlight revealed more detail; the horse costume, while shaped accurately, shimmered with every color of the rainbow. There was a pullover sweater tied around his waist; Richard shuddered to think what it might be hiding.

He was now across the street, about to pass by a park. Richard crossed the street to match him; that side afforded a deeper shadow. Reaching the next corner, he staggered across the street and now walked along the park, Darian only a half block away.

Richard heard something stir in the plants up ahead; Darian heard it too, for he turned to look. Without warning, he let out a loud bark, exactly in the way that horses don't, then continued walking. The response came a few seconds later: "Oh, wow...they only come out at night." That was followed shortly afterward by another gurgling utterance: "Did that really just happen?"

Richard neared the point of the disturbance; as expected, there were two homeless men nesting in the bushes. They gaped at Richard, speechless. One eyed his booze suspiciously, then threw it away; the plastic bottle bounced and caromed randomly, not shattering. As Richard passed by, he let out a loud, low growl, then went on his way. There was no response until he was almost out of earshot, as one of them whined plaintively. "I really gotta clean up my act."

>> No.20203398

>shitty, surface-level writing advice
>enormous opinion of himself
>refusal to post anything to substantiate his position as the guy who's filling a solid sixth of the thread with shitty, borderline-avatarfagging images

>> No.20203475


>> No.20203480
File: 146 KB, 540x473, 0056 - Mow7NpZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty, surface-level writing advice
I give simple answers because they ask simple questions.
It's not like anyone's asked for a dialectic discourse on dramaturgical dyads.

>> No.20203490

post some of your creative writing. why so reticent?

>> No.20203526

After spending days procrastinating on a scene because I couldn't think of a non-clumsy way to put it into words I told myself that nobody's gonna want to read this story anyway and rammed out something almost-acceptable. Tomorrow I'll edit it and then I can move on.
It used to be that I couldn't write without anticipating an audience, and that I wouldn't let myself write something I knew was bad. Maybe I'm maturing.

>> No.20203560


He's given up on writing and is going back to selling porn

>> No.20203573
File: 134 KB, 1080x1080, clown-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darian walked through a gate and up to a well-lit townhouse. Two other furries stood in the yard, talking to each other; both were also dressed as horses, but merely two-toned, not rainbow. One saw Darian approach. "Who loves ya, baby?" one called out. Darian's only response was a loud bark; he quickly ascended the staircase and knocked on the door. The red-and-blue horse turned to the green-and-brown one. "Well, *that* was uncalled for."
Richard swallowed hard and emerged from the shadows. The two anthropomorphic horses watched him as he approached. "Whoa, cool! Great idea!" one cheered. The other reached out to touch him as he passed. "Mmmm...so soft. I'll be up in a few minutes." Richard's stomach clenched as if he had eaten rancid raw clams served on a dirty ashtray with a hair on it. He raced up the stairway and knocked on the door.
It opened to reveal a tall, burly figure swaddled in a pastel horse outfit, but unlike the others he had seen tonight, the face was visible. His eyes lit up as he saw Richard. "Wow! It's not common to see someone dressed up as the hippo." He threw Richard a sly look. "So where the foal that's supposed to be riding you?"
Richard felt a titanic chill wash over him; either he was going into heatstroke, or he had never been more terrified in his life.
The door sentry suddenly laughed. "Hey, it's OK...you don't have to be Master Blaster. Come on in!" He stepped aside and made room; Richard felt a blast of air conditioning hit him. The reptilian portion of his brain, concerned only with basic survival, animated his legs and dragged him inside.
The living room overflowed with full-sized adults in horse costumes. Well over half of the headdresses revealed the face; Richard didn't see a single female among them. He also couldn't understand why it was just horses; was it a special themed night? Were they really that mindlessly conformist? And why were they merely chatting with each other? It seemed suspiciously innocent.

>> No.20203577

Same problem here. I'll start writing something I know is bad but I'll push through it anyways to have something to come back to and refine later. It's more writing in the long haul than agonizing over every word, but it really does get you there.

>> No.20203586
File: 51 KB, 383x367, pepe-trombone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think we can rule out he's here, doing that, right now.

>> No.20203593


No ebook, no new book, and he said he was going back to selling porn last week or so.

>> No.20203610



>> No.20203611
File: 135 KB, 1080x365, Screenshot_20220410-152120_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.20203613

I think you mean

>> No.20203616

New wholemeal onions lentil loaf, fresh from the artisanal woodfire dumpster!

>> No.20203624

I've never seen /wg/ make two threads before. This is some /vg/ shit

>> No.20203629

You still haven't

>> No.20203642
File: 151 KB, 600x500, pepe-blood-vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add that to the list of things I didn't want to know.