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20186887 No.20186887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about civilisational moral decay?

>> No.20186906
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Spoiler warning: it was Christianity

>> No.20186909
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>> No.20186918

>he takes Gibbon seriously

>> No.20186929
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you called?

>> No.20186969

AI porn is stupid. I can't get a boner unless I know real kids were used.

I mean pedophiles can't.

>> No.20186993

You should kill yourself.
I mean pedophiles should kill themselves.

>> No.20186996

It's a tough pill to swallow but people have always been shitty.
>Cat-burning was a form of zoosadistic entertainment in Western and Central Europe during the Middle Ages prior to the 1800s. In this form of entertainment, people would gather dozens of cats in a net and hoist them high into the air from a special bundle onto a bonfire causing death by burning or otherwise through the effects of exposure to extreme heat. In the medieval and early modern periods, cats, which were associated with vanity and witchcraft, were sometimes burned as symbols of the devil. Along with this, other forms of torture and killing of animals were used.

>> No.20187014
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>> No.20187020

There is nothing against animal cruelty in the Bible sodomite. God gave us dominion we can do whatever we want. Animals and blacks don't have souls

>> No.20187061
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Deus Vult

>> No.20187101

also, does this mean she admits to thinking pedophilia is not inherently wrong?

>> No.20187108

Demon worshipper

>> No.20187112

>Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
-Blaise Pascal

>> No.20187140
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I wish we had Saudi Arabia’s legal system. Cheat on your wife? Good, get stoned to death. Rape someone? Straight off with your head. Steal? Get your hand cut off. Gay sex? Off the roof you go. I don’t know why we’re so focused on pampering criminals and sucking their dicks. If people choose to commit crimes why should we feel sorry for them?

>> No.20187149

Agreed. Don't use a person's preferred pronouns? Cut out your tongue. They should have hanged everyone there on January 6th

>> No.20187158

Catholic pedophile. I wonder why he would want to insert things into the Bible that aren't there.

>> No.20187159

Its not hard to move to Saudi Arabia

>> No.20187170
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isn’t this just an argument for loli hentai?

>> No.20187171
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Lets just make it clear
Before puberty: pedophilia
After puberty: arbitrary society restrictions

>> No.20187191
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aellaposting thread?
aellaposting thread

>> No.20187201

I’m not a Muslim why would I move to Saudi Arabia? Just because I believe one country has a better legal system than mine doesn’t mean I have to abandon my own country and move there. Clearly the Saudis have managed to build a superior system of laws to the West; it’s only rational that we take inspiration from their results. How many rapes and murders are worth putting up with just so we can suck criminal dicks? First of all it’s not even good for the criminal, because if we had a sensible Saudi-style system of laws most criminals today would not turn to a life of crime because they’d be afraid of getting their head chopped off in public. So they wouldn’t even be in the shitty situation they’re in. And obviously it’s good for the victims and potential victims. It’s good from a religious point of view too because justice is Godlike. I don’t understand why we’re not moving towards this direction.

>> No.20187208

How does that demonic whore have so many people caring about her opinions when she's nothing but a worthless cumrag who regularly says the most vile things imaginable because she has no soul and just wants more people watching her porn

>> No.20187216

Nice bait. 8/8.

>> No.20187380

That would be a perceived fall in moral standards in the eyes of the public. Are there any countries that moved away from the death penalty and then reverted to it? Also why are women and liberals so against it? I always see them petitioning for the death sentences of the most vile prisoners to be commuted to life, yet they have no problem with merking their own babies wholesale to focus on their “careers”.

>> No.20187398

What a horribly retarded opinion. I guess it almost doesn't even need to be said but pornography GENERATES ITS OWN DEMAND. When you intoroduce 'ai generated' child porn to legal public consumption, you are merely paving the way for normalization and increased demand.

>> No.20187400

I wish I were a happy bird or cetacean living during a time without man.

>> No.20187410

And then they all died of plague spread by [fleas on] rats because they killed all the cats.

>> No.20187416

christianity is demon worship

>> No.20187466


>> No.20187471

why not just kill the pedophiles?

>> No.20187524

You're obviously right anon, but you are mistaken in thinking that OP tweet was meant in good faith. These people are self-aggrandizing paedophiles, nothing more.

>> No.20187549


>> No.20187623

>Cat-burning was a form of zoosadistic entertainment in Western and Central Europe during the Middle Ages prior to the 1800s.
Yeah people suck...however cats can also be mean bastards when you see them play with a frog or a mouse. Still I would never ever hurt an animal (except insects, they can go to hell)

>> No.20187630

Yeah but I don't understand why. It's a better system in every measure (deontological AND consequentialist).

>> No.20187640

Do you eat meat or mass-produced dairy? Because if you do, you're just outsourcing the harm to some other guy, and that makes you both a pussy and a hypocrite

>> No.20187668

On my way to rape kids!

>> No.20187672

fuck off veganigger i am not eating the bugs

>> No.20187688

I kind of hate cats, they're mediocre fucking pets so I don't really mind this, it sounds quite fun and entertaining.

>> No.20187742

Fuck cats shitty animals are killing the bird populations they are literal pests

>> No.20187744


Huh? Pigs? I love eating pigs even though they're just as itnellegent! What the fuck, dumb vegan BTFOED!!

>> No.20187760

Nice argument you've constructed but if the laws were to reflect Saudi Arabia turn it would also reflect the culture and we wouldn't have ended up in this situation with our culture.

>> No.20187768

I am not a vegan but I at least kill the animals myself on occasion

>> No.20187772

Only if there was irrefutable proof.

>> No.20187811

Saudi Arabia also has a generous welfare system and tons of foreigners working the shitty jobs that nobody wants

>> No.20187844

Singapore has similar punishments and it has worked tremendously for the country. America is really unique in how fucking degenerate the people are and how liberalism insists that it's inhumane to punish people for sexual assault, drug abuse, murder, etc

>> No.20187859

>punish people
>drug abuse
You’re gonna punish alcoholics and smokers as well huh? Drug abuse is a disease, not a crime.

>> No.20187882

People get punished for all of that stuff in America all the time. Sure they don't cut off your hand, but good luck getting a job once you get out of prison on a murder conviction

>> No.20187898


>> No.20187899

Absolutely. It's not like every scientific endeavour to rewire adult sexuality has ended in abject and embarrassing failure. "Fuck I wanna wank to some kids," says every man, on account of his infamous loathing for large breasts and curvaceous buttocks.

You'll pretend you're being ironic here, but the fact is you actually are this dumb; utterly ignorant of even the most basic facts of sexology. Even more revolting, you'll actually try to take PRIDE in your ignorance, like some kind of screaming Arab or religious coon. Your pure soul hasn't been stained by the stinking filth of liberalism.

Yet has it not? Christ calls you to mercy and you respond with a sneer. You claim to uphold the old values, and you do; not of Christ but of the thousand Pharisees that subjected him to persecution, holding fast to the letter of the law but missing the theme.

You claim the West is dying and it is, but 'tis not the niggers that have bought this day. 'Tis niggers clothed in white skin, as a fox dons the peacelike armour of the sheep, that drag us down.

You agent of Satan, who spit upon chivalry, cast good fellowship from out your bed, and preach a doctrine of hate to counteract the Prince of Peace. Aye it was your hand at Golgotha that took the iron and rammed that bitter end into the hands of Christ 'til then unmarred; thine the hand that held the spear of bitter mercy that did pierce his side.

You are lost, and look for signs from God; one has come and calls you now to repent and redeem yourself. Say not now that you did not know when heaven ends its love for you, and thy soul finds lodgings in unholy hell.

>> No.20187901

Drug abuse is a disease, drug dealing and producing is a crime.

>> No.20187903

If the American government tried to do either of those things, you would call it gay socialism and oppose it on principal

>> No.20187906

Daily reminder that the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by minorities and that if America were only white, as was intended, it would have a violent crime rate on par with Western Europe only with more civil liberties.

>> No.20187908


>> No.20187911

>Saudi Arabia’s legal system. Cheat on your wife? Good, get stoned to death. Rape someone? Straight off with your head. Steal? Get your hand cut off.
Except it doesn't actually work that way at all and rape is fucking endemic and if you know the right people or are one of thousands of princes you can do whatever the fuck you want without legal consequence.

>> No.20187913

>if America were only white, as was intended
You're fucking retarded

>> No.20187916
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Punishment doesn't stop crime, that has been known since like 1940 or something. Muslims beat the shit out of their kids if they catch them and what do the kids do? They smoke, whore and gamble around stealthly instead, behind their parents backs.

>> No.20187931

So spake a man in the crowd; who tittered then to himself as a homosexual does, and was flushed with self love as the crowd laughed with him; his roiling mind eased by mediocre praise.

He had not thought for himself before, and never would, for it was too far beyond him. Insult and irony were his tools, for were he to see himself as he was, he could not stand it.

>> No.20187937

But you believe that he's right, you just think that it's a bad thing.

>> No.20187939

Think you replied to the wrong post.

>> No.20187962

Nobody got to eat the cats, though

>> No.20187982
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Christ is liberalism

>> No.20187987

>bro just abandon God
>no there wont be any downsides i promise.

these heathens need to be crusaded. my Lord please have mercy on their souls.

>> No.20188008

Worship then your God.

All retardation aside, do people actually not get this? No child is being harmed by AI pedophilia, there is zero evidence it increases offending (despite what you've seen asserted without evidence), and it's quite possible it will reduce it.

Are you more interested in protecting the "moral standards" of society, or saving children from being fucked? Because if it's the former, I don't think you actually have any moral standards at all.

Go read James Cantor if you actually want to educate yourself (don't, if you're narcissistic enough to think your intuitions are better than evidence).

>> No.20188015

Fuck birds. Cats are cute. All you hypocrytical cat haters all pretend to hate them because you just looove the birds. Why the fuck would you favor one species over the other? Why do the birds deserve to live but the cats don't?

Fuck birds. The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.20188020

>total crime: ranked 1st
If you eliminated all niggers, the USA would be at number 120 or something.

>> No.20188023

Even gayer

>> No.20188050
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>Import millions of West Africans
>gee why are there so many niggers here
You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.20188057

Protecting the moral standards of society IS saving children from being fucked. Saying that there's no evidence against your sweeping society-changing policies has got to be the weakest argument I've ever heard. "DURR YOU CAN DISPROVE THAT CHANGING SOCIETY IN THIS GIANT WAY THAT'S NEVER BEEN TRIED WON'T WORK SO UHHHH JUST LET ME DO IT". Retard-tier. And even if James Cantor is right and pedophilia is inherent, that means nothing as far as our argument here. Whether an impulse to act morally wrong is inherent or learned, acting on that impulse must still be dissuaded. Clearly the implication is that the punishment for pedophilic activities must increase until the risk of acting on it outweighs the impulse to do so. And as far as OP's picture, that Aella bitch is notorious for her horrible midwit takes. Smart enough to see there's a problem, retarded enough to try to over-engineer some kind of horrible dystopian answer.

>> No.20188063

Southoids imported the niggers. Now I'm stuck living with them in my formerly beautiful Yankee cities. Send the niggers back and the Southoids too.

>> No.20188089

Who cares? Saudi Arabia harbours a low IQ Arab Muslim population and they manage to have one of the lowest crime rates in the world (LOWER than mafia-infested Europe) because they actually do something about crime. All that racial bullshit disappears out of the window when the government actually cares about punishing crime like they do in Saudi Arabia. It wouldn’t matter if the neighbourhood you lived in was 99% black, there would be barely any criminals, because they would simply be publicly executed, and the others would be too afraid to follow in their footsteps. Idk why these arguments aren’t more popular in the West.

>> No.20188107

Why would I want to live under some shithole degenerate Gulf Monarchy in order to cope with all of the niggers and brown people around me when I could just remove the problem at its core and not have to try to recreate some kind of shitty Muslim oogabooga tribal rule? You're trying to cope with a problem, I'm saying take away the problem. A white society wouldn't need your shitty coping mechanisms. Even in Europe, much of the organized crime you're talking about is from Turks and Albanians.

>> No.20188133
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Fucking retard, its illegal to kill cats. They are extremely over populated and they kill birds and lizards. They carry brain parasites as well as piss and shit all over other peoples shit because cat owners are the niggerest of pet owners

>> No.20188164

This is a great example of how pornified our culture is, it’s given us such a warped view of sexuality
Pedophilia isn’t some aesthetic preference that some people are unfortunately randomly born with. The fact that it destroys innocence, the fact that it harms, that’s the appeal of it. Anyone could have told you that forty years ago, but so many people are confused nowadays. This person cannot separate sexuality from images on a screen, and so he can’t imagine anyone else could either

>> No.20188166

Now imagine birds are white people and cats are black people

>> No.20188191

So no books?

>> No.20188206

Libertarian moment.

>> No.20188208

Behold a pale horse

>> No.20188213

What the fuck does that have to do with my post dude

>> No.20188215

Calvinist moment.

>> No.20188218
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>> No.20188235

Christianity is such a "please cuck me" religion. At least the Jews are all about deceiving outsiders.

>> No.20188358


>> No.20188368

What's wrong with Gibbon? Anyways he doesn't really blame Christianity I don't get why people say that

>> No.20188381

Thanks for chiming in we were all breathlessly waiting to hear that

>> No.20188386

No, it means she thinks it's more important to prevent child rape than to stop deviants from getting their fix

>> No.20188389

Working the shitty jobs with no rights and getting deported as soon as they're done

>> No.20188393

Yes it does you absolute moron. Look at all of history. Now compare that to modern San Francisco, putting your retarded theory into practice.

>> No.20188405
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>/lit/ is against loli doujins as a child rape preventative
When did this board get so full of normalfags?

>> No.20188463

Acts 11:7
>Then I heard a voice telling me, ‘Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.’

>> No.20188467


>give plutonium to everyone tp curb the demand


>> No.20188478

If the only thing people used plutonium for was giving themselves radiation sickness, and the plutonium black market inherently involved killing kids, I don't think it's that crazy to say that giving out cruelty free plutonium would be a net gain for society.

>> No.20188582
File: 86 KB, 1200x823, 43FB33C6-F822-4947-A416-FF9FDD95D73F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about plutonium users are given a prescription of .44 Magnum to cure them once and for all

>> No.20188586

Ok, but assuming you can't catch even half of them, why wouldn't you support something that prevented the major negative effect it had on non users in the interim?

>> No.20188633

Truly, with God, anything is permissible

>> No.20188706

around 2016

>> No.20188710
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That's what's up, fellow of-age porn enjoyer.

>> No.20188718

Stop reading (((Schlomo's))) history books.

>> No.20188724

The vast majority of pedos aren't Peter Scully types paying btc for custom snuff films, they're dumbfucks that creep TOR looking for anything free that other dumbfucks have recorded themselves doing to their own kids and uploaded to get access to other sites that host CSAM. Making AI CP would do literally nothing and in fact would probably make things worse per >>20187101 Then you throw regular people into the mix as it floods the clearnet, theyll start self labeling as MAPs or whatever because they've fallen into process addiction and then you have normalisation movements

>> No.20188727
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All I'm offerink is ze bugs.

>> No.20188728
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>> No.20188733


>> No.20188755

Not my problem
Still eating meat

>> No.20188759

Not to mention that social sexual trends follow trends in pornography, eg analingus/rimming

>> No.20188770

Somebody seriously needs to write a book about Cobes. He's such a tragic figure.

>> No.20188778

On his recent live streams he's talked about some short stories he's been writing. He could be the next /lit/ icon. I'd also love to read an autobiography by him.

>> No.20188783

Ok, but clearly someone is paying for it to be made. Japan at least seems to show a model for diverting the bulk of those funds to something less harmful

>> No.20188793

I have never watched CP (but would like to due to curiosity) except for 2 little girls (around 6/7) sucking dick in a tub. What I dont understand is how they were trained to do it? Brain washing, threats, drugs?