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20175527 No.20175527 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about 100 pages in and don't think I'll be able to finish this one (as much as I hate to not finish a book I've started). The introduction was unbearable enough since he just keeps repeating the same point over and over (that historians base their history on prejudices of their time period etc.) and a dozen pages into the 2nd chapter he's just saying the exact same shit he already covered in the introduction 1,000 times. I feel like these first 100 pages could have been condensed into 10. Is it worth finishing or does it just keep repeating the same idea over and over?

>> No.20175741

wtf is 'unbearable'?

>> No.20175754

Get it as an audiobook and listen to it before you sleep, that's the easiest way to get through a boring book.

>> No.20175799

Ever and i say ever, reading the introduction. I dont care if God himself introduced the holy bible i would still skip it as useless fluff.

>> No.20175872

who the fuck reads the introductions

>> No.20175890

I usually don't but it was like 50 pages so figured it wasn't your typical introduction and might be important. Besides the point though... even the first chapter on mathematics essentially just kept repeating the same idea over and over.

>> No.20175923

The exception is philosophy or a comprehensive historical digest.
Also, The Decline of the West is basically Nostradamus 20th Century edition. It isn't a good read and if you just want to larp as an intelligent rightist, not the place to start.
Try Art of the Deal.

>> No.20175934

Dont listen to this faggot. Its a great read.

>> No.20176012

Just skip the introduction you fucking niggerfaggot

>> No.20176039
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>intelligent rightist
>Art of the Deal
what the fuck lmao
you must be trolling
if so well done you got me

>> No.20176657

>He's getting filtered because the book has too many words
holy shit lol

>> No.20176667

No way. He is completely sincere, but he'd backpeddle if there were ids.

>> No.20176681

>non-fiction is supposed to entertain me, just like my animus and vidya.
This website is now filled with dopamine-fiend zoomer retards.
I'm leaving forever

>> No.20176694

ony tards like it

>> No.20176697

This. The introduction is usually just a waste of energy. It's important to not be bored of the book by the first chapter.

>> No.20176802

Nah I've read plenty of huge books but so far this is just trash saying the exact same thing over and over.

>> No.20176866

idk i found it really comfy learning about the high cultures

>> No.20176891

dont read this if you haven read Kant Goethe Schopenhauer Marx Nietzsche and have a general good grasp on history, mathematics and physics/chemistry

>> No.20177079

Ozzie's constant basedfacing about architecture was off-putting for me

>> No.20177166
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I personally enjoy the literature of the beginning 20th century. Spengler left quite a mark there.
I went in expecting something dull but eventually I learned to appreciate Spengler's meticulous rambling about different cultures. Not everything was for me but it was pretty comfy all in all.
I also finished Egon Friedell's cultural history a few weeks ago which was even longer than Decline of the West.

>> No.20178762

What kinds of books have you read before this?

>> No.20178877

Attack on titan manga and The giver

>> No.20178913

Just watch this video https://youtu.be/yRSBkCcKp2I

>> No.20179129

unable to bear you illiterate fuck

>> No.20179568

I've almost never seen anyone else who read Egon Friedell. I was recommended his books by some spenglerfag here years ago. In many ways he is as good as Spengler but he's completely unknown.

>> No.20179586
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It wasn't me. I only heard of him two years ago. It took me an entire year to read the 1600 pages, too. Its as if Spengler was a Jewish cabaret drunkard and it's usually a very enjoyable read albeit intimidating because of it's length. But the main difference is that Spengler was an academic and Friedell as DIY as it gets.

>> No.20179589

What do you mean unable to bear? Like unable to sheep?

>> No.20179609

Yes, the thing I don't like about Friedell is how opinionated he is. It regularly obfuscates his judgement. Like his several page long diatribe against Spinoza. Spengler at least attempted to be objective. It's still good reading, he has a lot of insight. It's hard to find such historical literature that isn't dry academic stuff or overtly ideological, that still takes itself seriously.

>> No.20179633

Ironically, I found his hot takes the best parts. Him ranting about Nietzsche was hilarious. Every writing about history and culture is opinionated - even if it's the majority opinion. He was very post-Spengler in that regard and simply embraced it to the extreme. After having read way too many books written by pure-blood academics Friedell was refreshing.
I'm going to read his book about Egypt next but I heard it's not as enjoyable.

>> No.20179637

Its not meant to be read from cover to cover in one sitting, it's not a novel
Get the abridged version to understand the core ideas, and the full for specific examples

>> No.20179638

>Get the abridged version
pleb take

>> No.20179659


transitive verb

1a : to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way
ex ;
- couldn't bear the pain
- I can't bear seeing you cry

>> No.20179681

Did you read Friedell in German? As far as I know his history of Egypt has no English translation.

>> No.20179697
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