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20130983 No.20130983 [Reply] [Original]

Cope, cope against the dying of the light.

>> No.20131120

does anyone else feel like the light was dying but a few months ago it completely fully died? like now life feels totally meaningless and unspiritual

>> No.20131128

Nope. Maybe you should read the Bible.

>> No.20131129

no not really

>> No.20131722

nah just you bro

>> No.20131724

boo hoo

>> No.20131725

yes but instead of light it's my penis

>> No.20131737

Yeah I feel it anon. Like the collective unconscious rolled over and died after thrashing around and bellowing one last time over the last couple years. I'm sure it's not over yet, but the machine won some terrible victory and I've lost hope of anything getting better barring some huge and unpredictable happening. The spirit of man got cucked hard by the fake "pandemic" and the atomization/compliance rituals.

>> No.20131745

>a few months ago

>> No.20131746

lol zoomers are literally boomers but with video games and tik tok instead of sports and television. just hopelessly programmed and spiritually dead

>> No.20131748

yeah maybe, but my life has been getting better compared to the last few years so eh

>> No.20131756
File: 30 KB, 464x497, basedjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol zoomers are literally boomers but with video games and tik tok instead of sports and television. just hopelessly programmed and spiritually dead

>> No.20131770
File: 35 KB, 403x448, 54BFE29F-54D9-4769-A5A3-E14F22C38813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bruh i posted a basedjak gottem fr fr

>> No.20131781

well your post was fucking retarded and didnt even make sense, what do you expect? I'm guessing you think youre special and you have some insight none of the rest of us do?

>> No.20131787

Unironically yes, if by "the rest of us" you mean normalfaggots

>> No.20131796

The light is the spark of life. Doesn't really go away until you actually die. It's a verse about survival not about feeling like a depressed doomer.

>> No.20131801

this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends
this is the way the world ends

>> No.20131823

that's just autism

>> No.20131831


>> No.20131848

This "light" is more a mirror than it is a "dying organism." If this light is indeed dying or is already dead, it is because you are too much of a faggot to bring it to life.

>> No.20131851

This, except for world historic Geist