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20102143 No.20102143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where does one meet girls into philosophy? There are hardly any at my school and the ones there won’t put out

>> No.20102146

Nice bait

>> No.20102147

>at my school
underage b&

>> No.20102379

Why on earth would you want to meet a girl who is interested in philosophy? Just discuss philosophy with your male friends. This might surprise you, but you don't have to date someone who is exactly you but in female form.

>> No.20102610

Better yet he should date his male friends.
Hey OP, it doesn't GOTTA be the female form

>> No.20102703

I already tried that. usually they end up being into tripe like "bell hooks" or Judith Butler (barf) so I don't bother. rather meet some airhead into sci fi or YA who is ignorant of philosophy and her just adopting my views.

>> No.20102739

the internet
dating apps
kek, based

>> No.20104088

What use does a girl have for philosophy?

>> No.20104095

all the philosophy majors I know are women

>> No.20104503

What do they philosophize?

>> No.20104626

That's not how undergraduate studies work you fucking highschooler

>> No.20104642

I assume that this is bait, but if you ask seriously, you should know that there is not one woman on this green earth that values truth over accessory.

>> No.20104659

PhD in philosophy here (not that it matters that much), you shouldnt want a woman who is genuinely interested in philosophy because they are just too rare and if they are, for some reason they are very masculine. If yoy come across one, of course advance, but spending a lot of your time and energy searching for one is kind of pointless. Instead, look for a girl that studies philology/literature, so she can can help you with style, grammar when you will be writing your magnum opus.

>> No.20104677

>won’t put out
to you lol

>> No.20104716

yeah just go grab one of those readily-available philology girls. they're all over retard

>> No.20104727

sorry bruh.
unless you consider getting pegged getting laid you aren't going to have much luck until you are thirty and have established yourself as a thinker.
and all the women hit the wall actually have time to listen to you drone on about shitty abstract concepts that could only originate from someones overinflated ego bursting fourth concepts like the demiurge from the pleroma.

>> No.20104753

My point is that its more useful divesting your efforts into trying to get with these girls. They are more available, because there are more of them. Plus they are more feminine and dumb (which is sexy).

>> No.20104760

University. That’s the only place (apart from online) that you’ll meet intellectually curious people, unless you happen by some stroke of sheer luck to find an interesting person in the real world.

>> No.20105904

More like me and everyone in my program apparently. Do women just fear philosophy bros who love to argue?

>> No.20106014

Women can't do philosophy. Some of them get into "a philosopher" like they get into literature or art, they enjoy reading him as a kind of impressionist writer and they can memorize a decent amount of shit about him and roleplay that they're into it in class or something. But they don't really care. Only men truly care about things beyond themselves, in the sense Sellars meant when he said that philosophy is about "how things in the broadest possible sense of the term hang together in the broadest possible sense of the term." Women only care about things as accessories or as manifestations of aspects of themselves.

There will never be a female philosopher in the highest and truest sense of the term. Extremely rare women like Dickinson can be true artists, probably all asexuals and lesbians. But women can't do philosophy.

There is one exception to this rule. Women love themselves and can only think of the world insofar as it orbits around themselves because they ultimately crave being mothers, but their instincts balance this craving by also telling them that creating a life with an inferior man is the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone. Having a low quality man's child is a fate worse than death, worse than eternity in hell, according to a woman's instincts. Even if a woman can't directly face her own instincts and clearly state this, unconsciously she still views men who are less than ideal as literally dangerous, because they can pollute her womb with their dud cum and annihilate the purpose of the universe, which is to create a new perfect life out of the cosmic center (her pussy). That is why women actually fear rape, because it's an illegitimate pollution of the cosmic center with arbitrary cum, instead of the right cum.

Conversely, when a woman is convinced because of hormonal fluctuations that a nearby man is the right and ideal man, she will do anything to acquire his cum and create a perfect being from her hole. For most women the actual man chosen doesn't matter, what matters is that they project these feelings onto him once he's accidentally stirred up their hormonal cocktail.

If a woman, empirically speaking usually a troubled Jewish convert to Catholicism, identifies the Godhead with her ideal man, and identifies the consummation of the relationship with mystical union with God through a metaphysical form of love, she can write surprisingly good mystical philosophy. Most will stop with sui generis visionary writings, but a few will even commit to the "work" of doing proper old-fashioned philosophy, all in service of their husbando, God. Woman's natural lack of feeling and aptitude for philosophy will be replaced by a desire to show God that they'll "even" do philosophy to win his love.

>> No.20106023

That doesn't sound right. Sounds like some affirmative action fuckery

>> No.20106470

I would expect a philosopher woman to be easy since she has been influenced by pessimism and existentialism.

>> No.20106503

Why would you want a girl that is into philosophy? She's probably as braindead and unable to think for oneself as you are...

oh nvm she sounds perfect

>> No.20106507

talking to people who are also into philosophy is literally the only practical purpose of philosophy

>> No.20106508

You have exactly one option, for all of human history. It's Ayn Rand and she looks like someone squished a goblin made of wants and put a mop on top.

>> No.20106540

Why would woman have any philosophical yearnings? They've had purpose since the day they were born.

>> No.20107321
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>creating a life with an inferior man is the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone. Having a low quality man's child is a fate worse than death, worse than eternity in hell, according to a woman's instincts
feminists are correct in their view that monogamy is inherently misogynist

>> No.20107327

>you don't have to date someone who is exactly you but in female form
I fucking wish

>> No.20107559

I wish I knew
My bio on Tinder mentioned that I'm interested in girls into psychology or philosophy and I matched with so many of the former but not a single one of the latter. I guess you really have to major in philosophy but imo it's kind of a meme major for people from rich families that don't have to worry about job prospects or making money. I guess you could pick a real major and just sit in philosophy lectures that sound interesting

>> No.20107644

At gay bars

>> No.20107914

>This might surprise you, but you don't have to date someone who is exactly you but in female form.

>> No.20107999

In your imagination

>> No.20108040

Before you learn about anymore philosophy you should learn about genetics. For every one woman who is intelligent to discuss philosophy there will be ten men who can.

The likelyhood of you being the one she wants to fuck is highly unlikely.

>> No.20108397

Have sex