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20096684 No.20096684 [Reply] [Original]

Novels with absurd page lengths.

>> No.20096704

A Detailed Account on the Fortunes and Misfortunes Prevalent Throughout the Life of OP's Mom - An Abridged Version.

>> No.20096732


>> No.20096735

that one guys schitzo suicide note that was like 10 000 pages long

>> No.20096751
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>be me
>struggling with a 10 page essay
>meanwhile schizo kicks out 10.000 pages for his suicide "note"

>> No.20096770

If I wrote something like that I would be working on it for the rest of my life.

>> No.20096834

no modern novel should be over 500 pages

>> No.20096858

Is this true? Does it flow or just ramble?

>> No.20096887
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>> No.20096929


sorry im an idiot it was 2000 pages not 10 000. still though


>> No.20096932

>starts off with Socrates
This is going to be good.

>> No.20097045

>the Seditious Genius of the Spiritual Penis of Jesus
now THIS is pod racing

>> No.20097052

This is a pointless question because if the novel is sufficiently long it will be broken up into volumes. In today's economy the longest a book can reasonably be is about thousand pages.

>> No.20097443

To be fair, it's the last thing he'll ever write. Might as well make the most of it.

>> No.20098044

This actually looks quite interesting, look's like it is discussing the same kind of questions I've been dealing with personally the last few years.

>> No.20098088


>> No.20098093


>> No.20098115

Fr fr no cap, ain’t no time for readin thas not bussin af

>> No.20098130

no modern man could write anything worthwhile enough to cover more than 50 pages*

>> No.20098147

Darger's The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What Is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion.

>> No.20098167

Writing short stories is harder than novels. Borges was already an outlier in his generation.

>> No.20098240

Who else do you anons recommend?
I've read about 20 of Hawthorne's, and reading Blackwood right now.
I was thinking I'd try O. Henry or Calvino next

>> No.20098280

For short stories? Aside form Borges, Guy de Maupassant, Henry James, Gautier, Tourgueniev

>> No.20098401

Lonesome Dove is unnecessarily long

>> No.20098438

John Steinbeck has some nice ones. Tortilla flats especially and also the one about a group of Mexican losers who spend all day getting drunk and chasing women and getting getting fights and never having a job despite being in their mid thirties, though I admit that might be tortilla flats

>> No.20098444

You're already reading or planning to read all the best ones

>> No.20098955

Cannery Row and Sweet Thursday are good books too.

>> No.20098991

I have tons of fanfiction examples but that's banned here, so I'll go with
>any Branden Sanderson book

>> No.20099117

>9mm vs. .45 ACP: Opening arguments

>> No.20099133


2666 by Bolaño was published in 2004. It's like 1050 pages (230,000 words) and brilliant. Interesting, Bolaño himself actually spoke of publishing it in four separate volumes but he died in 2003 before the details of its release could be finalized.

>> No.20099140

... Opening arguments, volume 1 of 12
captcha: WARYK

>> No.20099484

Les Miserables really is longer than it should be, it takes a hundred pages to establish how saintly a bishop is in order to justify his saintly act that starts the plot. He's not even relevant apart from that one action as far as I can tell
I know how many chairs the man has in his house and detailed properties of two of them. Why

>> No.20099697

I like Kafka's novellas. Give them a try.

>> No.20099706

Just watch the miniseries

>> No.20099724

I remember this one. It's trash and filled with annoying Jewry. Dude really shouldn't have killed himself if he was going to leave behind this irrelevancy.

>> No.20099729

Its a masterpiece

>> No.20099759

why haven't you kys'd then?

>> No.20099877

Very true, the newer the generation, the dumber they get.

>> No.20100896

Has anyone aside from Darger actually read this in full?

>> No.20100917

Good they didn't chunk it into 4 parts because it would have been volume 1 noir-ish antics in Mexico
Vol 2/3 just descriptions of girls getting murdered in the desert
Vol 4 WW2 adventure about a guy who fucks girls in the ass a lot and is about to arrive in Mexico in the modern day.

Credit where its due 2666 is a book I had to push through reading but remember a lot about and appreciate a lot even years after.
No way in hell I would have finished 4 Vol.
It's never know a giant is coming

>> No.20101061

I would love to read it if I could just find where the fuck it's hosted.

>> No.20101071

>over 150 pages

>> No.20101132

The novel I'm writing is going on 600 pages. Oopsies!

>> No.20101160
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>> No.20101171

What about postmodern novels?

>> No.20101255
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>> No.20101348

Miss Macintosh, My Darling is over 1100 pages long.

>> No.20102204

I'm starting to wonder if this book is even real. It would be a nightmare and a half to scan the pages, let alone read, but it should have happened by now. There's no excuse like printing costs when they could sell DRM ebooks, and you KNOW hipsters would eat it up because it's a primary example of "outsider art".

>> No.20102224

Dostoevsky's Karamazov Brothers could have been 500 pages shorter, easily.

>> No.20102576

I could find Vol 1 but it is massive and crashed my browser.

>> No.20102677

A pretty obvious one, but IT was the first ever book I dropped. When I got halfway through, and flashback number 5 started, I realized this would only go further downhill.

>> No.20102775

We're gonna need my gaming computer to tackle this baby.

>> No.20104027

Is there a PDF? Nothing is loading, it's just blank.

>> No.20104057
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it downloaded for me but its fucking unreadable with how shitty the scan is

>> No.20104070

Atlas Shrugged could have been like 400 pages shorter

>> No.20104107

Damn this looks pretty good.

>> No.20104112

wow thanks man

>> No.20104435
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The uncut version of Stephan King's The Stand is 1,153 page long.

>> No.20106006

>my book uses huge margins, tiny page sizes, a unique font to enhance the reading experience and elevate the prose
>50k words, 450 pages so far
>halfway done

I refuse to publish it as a doorstopper or a Huge Book that carries a reputation of being difficult or sprawling. I'm just going to serialize the entire thing, just as DFW or any Huge Book author should have done

>> No.20106240

I agree. Lonesome Dove is unnecessarily long especially for how unremarkable its prose and narrative is. I don't remember how many pages I got into it but I grew tired of the story being about a bunch of cowboys all being in love with a whore. I didn't even get to where they actually finally fucking left Lonesome Dove after doing nothing for fucking ever. No book with prose that boring should be as long as Lonesome Dove is.

>> No.20106250

How has no one posted Infinite Jest yet? That book gets a pass though, I loved every page of it.

>> No.20106265

Yeah, it doesn't get any better. The remaining 2/3rds of the book is basically them riding up to Montana, with some secondary stories here and there but nothing too exciting.
Have you read Warlock or Butcher's Crossing? How do they compare to Lonesome Dove? I didn't know what western to begin with so I picked LD and I'm not sure I want another western novel if they have the same boring prose

>> No.20106296

The Recognitions is an absolute beast

>> No.20106337

I miss salo-forum

>> No.20107642

I liked Warlock because the drama that played out was more compelling and less like it was written for dipshits who only read pulp trash and the prose was a little bit better. Never read Butcher's Crossing.

>> No.20107936

I took my completed Wheel Of Time collection and stacked it vertically. The feeling of time lost I felt was immense.

>> No.20107944

Yup its bullshit.

>> No.20107949

The Glass Bead Game.

The idea and themes are interesting but holy fuck does it need to go on for 800 pages?

>> No.20107962
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Parallel Stories is an absolute wrist-breaker of a fucking novel. My picador paperback is 1200 pages in A4 paper size leafs. I can only imagine how vicious the hardback is.

My unabridged hardback of And Quiet Flows the Don deserves a mention too. 1300 pages.

>> No.20108089

In Finnish most of those very long older novls are split into multiple volumes. My copy of And Quiet Flows The Don is 4 volumes, as is War and Peace, and The Man Without Qualities is 2 volumes as well.

>> No.20108130

any sanderson book

>> No.20108161

Currently reading it. Up to the part describing in depth the game 'eschalon'. No idea what the fuck I'm reading. So weird, yet, somehow I'm enjoying it.

>> No.20108662

The Man Without Qualities comes in two volumes in English too. There’s a one volume edition, but it doesn’t contain the unfinished bits. I think Clarissa used to come in a 4 volume Everyman’s Hardback set, but Penguin managed to cram the whole thing into a single edition. Speaking off, there is another chunky bastard. 1500 pages with a tiny font size. Might actually be up for the title of Doorstopper supreme given how absurdly long it is. It’s really only limited by the tiny font size.

>> No.20108694

Find more to say.

>> No.20108702

Poe, my favorite is Ligeia

>> No.20108722

AlanMoores Jerusalem

>> No.20108732

What’s the longest book you’ve ever read? Mine was one of the Harry Potter books, think it was ~800 pages. I remember finishing it in like 2 days as a kid

>> No.20108766

Joseph and his Brothers, Thomas Mann. 1500 pages in the Everyman’s Library edition. Took me about a week and a half. It was good. The Magic Mountain is his better novel overall, and I’d recommend it over Joseph any day of the week, but it’s worth a read if you like his other novels.

>> No.20108768
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ISOLT (2300 pages). My favorite book ever, but it would have worked still without 300-400 pages.
At the second place War and Peace, I'm reading it right now. (800 double pages, so 1600)
At the third I think Jerusalem delivered, another book I'm reading (1290 pages)

Honorable mention for pic related edition of the Divine Comedy: this summer I'm going to read Paradiso and all three books have in total 3000+ pages.

>> No.20108806

Damn, the Divine Comedy is a chonky boi

>> No.20108860

dont miss out on salinger

>> No.20109830


>> No.20109838

It's gotta be inundated with commentary in those editions. The Divine Comedy isn't actually that long.

>> No.20109882
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Favourite book ever

>> No.20109899

I read genera fiction, this is nothing

>> No.20110035
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You are like little babies

>> No.20110062

Ive read parts of this. It literally reads like some autismos train of thought. Think of one word and the next second type it out. If this counts as "the longest piece of literature ever written" then my automated text spewer program should count as the new longest. Its a shame this schizo managed to surpass Subspace Emissarys World Conquest, which unlike the Loud House: Revamped, actually has a COHERENT PLOT CHARACTERS AND STORY.

>> No.20110147
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A history of humanity's top rate vaginas, with a page dedicated to each (not counting illustrations), I hear it has at least a million pages.

>> No.20110155

Call me a midwit but what is ISOLT friendo? Went to look it up (expecting to find that it is an abbreviation) and can oly find Harry Potter wiki bs.

>> No.20110202

Bullshit, I don't believe it. Is Winona Ryder in there?

>> No.20110208

That was a really good way to admit you've never read Tortilla Flat.

>> No.20110275

This...Very based

>> No.20110447

The Witching Hour by Anne Rice (RIP), 1264 pages.

>> No.20110458

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.20110470

try Blood Meridian if you want unique prose

>> No.20110505

Thanks anon, you’re a star!

>> No.20110654

Thanks, anon. This should be interesting to read on and off.

>> No.20110745

How did you find such a small version of ISOLT? Mine is closer to 4k pages.

>> No.20111312

My best guess is someone took an entire encyclopedia set and made a custom single binding for it.