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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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File: 145 KB, 1080x2084, Z lib down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20072378 No.20072378 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening...

>> No.20072392

If it means defending the right for Ukraine to exist then I'm okay paying extra for books

>> No.20072397


>> No.20072468
File: 192 KB, 452x247, booker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the one thing i was dreading because of this russia-ukraine bullshit. Russia has the biggest sea of pirated content available to the entire public in the whole wide web, with its autistic users managing to preserve the most niche and downright strange content that you would probably never manage to find elsewhere just for the hell of it, and now they're going to use this excuse to enforce a harder crackdown on the freeflowing piracy that's been established for years now. Obviously, it will never go away, but i just don't want to go back to the dark ages of having no other alternative than dealing some fatass cunt admin on a private tracker banning people left and right for childish and petty reasons, and getting away with it because of a lack of choices. Those ruskies left it all to be two clicks away from any random user in the world, if he knew what to type in the search engine.
It was already pretty bad that the generation of kids from the past 5-6 years had a laughably limited piracy culture with the advent of subscription services convincing them to just not bother with looking elsewhere despite it being incredibly easy to never need to pay for one of those shits ever again , but now we might risk the possibility of hubs like z-lib, ok.ru, slsk and whatnot getting completely memoryholed and locked away in an inaccessible box.
I fear.
And to those that are suggesting libgen, it had a much smaller library than z-lib, especially when it came to non-english books and .epubs as opposed to pdfs.

>> No.20072480

Do have a blog? I would read it.

>> No.20072488

They're also after Archive.org right now. What they're trying to achieve is banish thought. Welcome to the Greater Dark Age.

>> No.20072512

>not having at least 50tb in storage space with 1gb/s internet and backing it all up

>> No.20072573

>Greater Dark Age.
As an old fag who remembers dialup internet with 1200baud modems I can not help but laugh at such drama queen behavior. Back then if you downloaded a pirated book it meant some kind soul sat down and literally typed the entire book into the computer manually, books were nearly non-existant as far as pirating goes. If we are entering a dark age what was that? We had a few years of effortless piracy and now it is end of the world because things might take a little effort.

>> No.20072718

They're going to switch it all off soon, they want the internet to be pay-per-minute access to Amazon or YouTube, with no way of saving anything.

>> No.20072733

Research Dead Internet Theory. The internet is entirely curated, and the majority of social media users are bots. Google only retrieves a few hundred results when you search instead of the 14 billion it claims


>> No.20072747

death and misery upon you and your lineage

>> No.20072754

he's a falseflagger desu

>> No.20072766


>> No.20072767

Well, time to download the entire western canon off libgen before it gets shut down for good I guess...

>> No.20072802


>> No.20072853

Even among English-language books, z-lib has (had?) lots of things that don't show up on libgen. And if the worst happens and all these sites disappear, buying the ebook isn't always an option - in the old-style publishing territory model that's used, the US has a lot of ebooks that never get released elsewhere.

>> No.20072883

the current state of the internet is an anomaly. Subhuman plebes shouldnt have access to so much information for free. I'm glad soon we will have a proper separation between people that have access to information and subhumans

>> No.20072885


>> No.20072900

Glad I bought all those real books.

>> No.20072989
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It's up again (just like my dick). I suppose this site conditions us to be fatalistic...

>> No.20073024
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Honestly, even with the amount of information you could find just by typing in some keywords, people still didn't care; and won't care now either. The ones who searched to find something will still be able to do so, just with a few extra steps.

I may be reaching, but the totalitarian censorship and the ultimate free flow of information have achieved the same - some still seek the information, most don't; now it's also legitimate as the person themselves chooses not to educate themselves.

>> No.20073450

Paying monies is not what distinguishes people of rank in this case, often the opposite in fact (inb4poorcope)

>> No.20073542

libgen still works and soulseek still has users

>> No.20073545

if all book services seized to exist, I still had enough to read for two lifetimes.

>> No.20073550

Poor zoomies got brainwashed

>> No.20073565
File: 32 KB, 525x384, F28B2116-873D-4C98-A34B-8E72C14FF9A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ukrainians are getting bombed to shit
>but the real victims here are the parasites who will actually have to pay for their media for once
I hate entitled poorfags

>> No.20073586

Doesn't work for me, but it does seem it is just temporary.

Z-lib is bad, btw - they don't have backups like libgen (who put the stuff into massive torrents that anyone can download), and are in general somewhat shady. The limiting of downloads is nigger-tier. I guess the nicer interface attracts more users, but it's better to use Libgen as much as possible.

You're a nigger, a pitch-black gorilla nigger that should not have access to a keyboard.

>> No.20073591

bros... not like this

>> No.20073593

never underestimate the power of weaponized autism. deleting /lit/'s favourite book bay was Putin's last mistake.

>> No.20073600
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>You're a nigger, a pitch-black gorilla nigger
I’m not the one doing the stealing here, nigger.

>> No.20073628

whats wrong with #bookz #ebooks etc on iirc

>> No.20073634
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>> No.20073653

>yeah bro just pay 40$ for this digital book whose author is dead and costed exactly nothing to produce
shut the fuck up.

>> No.20073656

kek but kys

>> No.20073712

Get a job

>> No.20073737

I'd prefer every ukrainian dropping dead than losing access to free books.

>> No.20073740
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Unironically, there is nothing that gives me a greater feeling of cosmopolitan belonging than seeing all the different flags of the world popping up in my torrent client. I would hate to see pirating die.

>> No.20073753
File: 281 KB, 851x668, B2CFFBF0-E745-40F8-8515-9607031BBD37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’d rather Ukrainians dropped dead rather than just going to a library

>> No.20073755

The library doesn't have all the books I want.

>> No.20073759

Then put in a book request. Have you even set foot in a library?

>> No.20073775

Thank you for posting this, both the content of your post and the girl.
Downloading as much stuff right now in case it goes down again, saving the pic for fapping later.

>> No.20073820

>M-m-may I put in a book request?
>Which title?
>It's uhm... Painful Desires of Furry Heroes 3

>> No.20073829

The vast majority of middle-aged women are borrowing shitty mills & boon erotica which is infinitely more embarrassing. Besides, libraries are totally pozzed at this point so they’re not gonna judge you just because you like a good crinkle.

>> No.20073831

Then the request has to go through all the process, even if they accept it it's still gonna take some time before it'll be available at the library. Websites like z-library are just much more convenient than regular libraries, it's not even up for debate.

>> No.20073859

Convenience killed the cat. And people wonder why libraries are so underfunded and shit.

>> No.20073862

People post this thread at least once a month. I don't know where you people are, but I libgen has never been down for me, ever.

>> No.20073893

Is there any mouse here? UwU.

>> No.20073904

You're here making dogshit pseudo-moral arguments and serving the capital while undermining the freedom of knowledge like a good brainless nigger.
It's clear you're a first-worldoid of the worst sort. Piracy is an invaluable tool at this time, precisely for Ukrainians who will be pushed into further poverty and ruin for years and decades to come. How do you expect a country - its libraries and universities - to teach and learn about new advancements if they don't have access to the knowledge produced in the west - published with extortionate price tags by monopolistic kikes? Extortionate even by western standards, and mind-bogglingly inaccessible for anyone outside of the west.
But even if you're so limited that Penguin Classics paperbacks satisfy all your reading needs, in truth the price of shipping books from foreign counties can frequently add tens of dollars to the base price. Account also for the lesser buying power of the poorer countries. That's why I've never in my life ordered a book from the USA, I'm talking about $30 and upwards on top of the actual thing. And with the rising gas prices, I expect transport to get even more expensive as well. I used to be baffled by e.g. the CD and vinyl collections of people on /mu/, until I actually compared the average pay in my country and in the US.
Ukrainian libraries are burning, Ukrainian museums and archives are being shelled - and you, you nigger can't even imagine that there really are poor people, poor countries, and cultural heritage that has to be preserved and made accessible in ways that traditional publishing and archiving are too disinterested for or incapable of.

Most retardedly, your initial argument is that people are ignoring the Ukrainian tragedy in favour of z-lib being down, even though nobody actually compared them until you brought it up. You simply made up an issue to moralfag about from your nigger-tier "fuck you, got mine" western perspective.

Stick to libgen. If you can't find something on LG, take it from z-lib and upload it to LG. Libgen has a real backup system that you can partake in by downloading and seeding their torrents with batches of books, as well as several mirror sites.

From what I see, they're funded just fine outside of neoliberal kikescape that is the USA and similar places.

>> No.20073905

>he didn't download every book he was even vaguely interested in
>he doesn't have enough reading material for 10 lifetimes

you should've prepared for this

>> No.20073912

I don't know what I'll do if libgen goes down just because it's Russian

>> No.20073914
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Just use the Tor version

>> No.20073927

>accuses me of making pseudo-moral arguments
>literally writes an entire blogpost standing on the graves of Ukranians to justify his parasitism
>openly acknowledges that libraries exist despite all of his grandstanding
a bloo bloo

>> No.20073949

I noticed the happening, because I searched for Oggplant by Eggman Nesmer.

>> No.20073957

what is?

>> No.20073969

An ebook piracy website

>> No.20073983

dilate, sister

>> No.20073984

>Id rather innocent people die than have to be patient for once in my spoonfed life
Everything is just too far gone. we need to leave this world behind

>> No.20073990

If zlibrary shuts down I don’t know what else to do in life

>> No.20073994

no i mean what is happening? what does the end of one book pirating site signify the start of? its hardly the first piracy site to get shut down. what makes this one particularly bad?

>> No.20073999

I prefer libgen, I have over 1500 books downloaded even if I never download another I'll have enough to last a lifetime

>> No.20074000

it better not. i still have 96 requests unfulfilled

get a move on ya little janny seeding lackeys . do your job

dont make me give money to amazonberg

>> No.20074005

Kys and stop supporting homoglobo

>> No.20074009


>> No.20074013

This post was typed by hormone-taking liberal propaganda-swallower hands

>> No.20074021

This post was typed by horsepill-popping russian disinfo-swallower hands

>> No.20074030

If you faggots actually care about Ukrainians, and just to be clear I don't, then shut the fuck up while Moscow kills the Kiev government. They're going to win anyway.

If you ABSOLUTE FAGGOTS seriously believe banning russian pirates and removing russian whores from onlythots and banning russian cats from catshows will help Ukraine in the war effort, and just to be clear I don't, then all you're going to accomplish is a protracted war. You fuckers want an insurgency that will last a decade and lead to countless civilian death, when you could just have a fast and clean regime change instead.

>> No.20074041

I just wanna burn thots and streamers alive

>> No.20074045

oh shit, youre even more based than me.

>> No.20074055

0.00437 shekels have been deposited into your GoodGoy™ account

>> No.20074075

Not my problem
Still not buying books

>> No.20074090

Westoids are demons, they don’t care about the average Ukrainian, if they did they would pressure Zelensky into surrendering.
What they want is to punish Russia and feel self righteous about it. They don’t care if the average Ukrainian gets trampled in the crossfire, all they care about is getting that feeling of smug liberal satisfaction.
The West and the people who support it are evil.

>> No.20074098

Whatever happened to the alternative internet being worked on? Supposedly by one of the original architects.

>> No.20074121

You are the monkey-brained nigger here. Just stfu you dumb cunt.

>> No.20074128

The left cant meme example 377482892

>> No.20074138

Literally the exact same meme it was replying to but from the opposite angle. Either both are shit or neither of them are, make your choice now.

>> No.20074147

this is why the left can't meme. u dont understand humor. It's not like your beloved schoolwork where you always get the same grade if you submit the same answer.

>> No.20074148

Give me one good reason to care about the Ukrainians.

>> No.20074151

Explain to me why one is funny and the other is not. Because neither are funny imo

>> No.20074165

this thread is a good example of why the internet sucks these days. stormtroons, seethers and schizos all the way down

>> No.20074169

So then leave. What’s stopping you?

>> No.20074175

We start and lose a civil war. How is that even a question

>> No.20074176

Sounds like their brainrot worked since youre using all those buzzwords

>> No.20074184

The first one was not the funniest thing in the world but it was original then the tranny is just mirroring what has been said in a
>no u
fashion. No originality, no independent thought. The left cant meme and you are a newfag tourist. Get fucked and lurk for 2 years before openi g your whore mouth again anywhere on this fucking site, NIGGGGERRRR.

>> No.20074228

So you concede that neither of them are funny, you’re just defending one over the other because it panders to your personal politics? Gotcha.

>The left cant meme
Is that an original thought you had all by yourself?

>> No.20074237
File: 220 KB, 1113x1200, 1A6142A2-89A2-4AB2-AFCC-0F84A71D9DC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first one was not the funniest thing in the world but it was original then the tranny is just mirroring what has been said in a
>>no u
>fashion. No originality, no independent thought. The left cant meme and you are a newfag tourist. Get fucked and lurk for 2 years before openi g your whore mouth again anywhere on this fucking site, NIGGGGERRRR.

>> No.20074246

You sound like a safespace faggot

>> No.20074247

Literally me

>> No.20074277

perhaps, but i really don’t see what’s good or funny about people being really angry and insulting each other. why does 4chan have to be a battlefield? i don’t want anything regulated by jannies, i just wish people could chill out and not be so high-strung all the goddamn time

>> No.20074327

Is there nothing to be said about not giving the people who started the unnecessary bloodshed of innocent people exactly what they want or are we just being fuckwits today?

>> No.20074353

I will NOT buy books, movies, music or games.
you will NOT stop me.

>> No.20074377

sounds like a bunch of commi gobuldygook to me

>> No.20074404

How much do you hate it that there is a site where people can freely say what they really think because they are anonymous and dont have to fear leftist suppression tactics? It must be the worst for you huh.

>> No.20074447

The fuck are you babbling about retard, I’m not left wing and I don’t give a shit if you have a safe space hugbox where your ideas aren’t censored. Why are you arguing with the strawmen inside your head?

>> No.20074453
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You dont get it, of course I am on the side that panders to my way of thinking, thats what this site is about. Anonymous discussion attracts certain people, mostly chads and neets. Leftists have a billion sites to shit up and circle jerk, they usually are power hungry totalitarians, the rest of the world just wants to be left alone and not be preached at by sick retards. Thats why people come here, to be free from tranny totalianism, to circle jerk about our own shit without being cancelled. If you werent in the wrong place you would know all this.
>Any forum without censorship will turn right wing because ideas can be discussed freely and without fear

>> No.20074464

How are you this mad? For what?

>> No.20074489

>thats what this site is about
election tourist spotted

>> No.20074494

Way to deflect from what we were actually talking about. My only point was that neither of those posts were funny, yet somehow you’ve turned this into a pseudo-philosophical tirade about free speech on the internet. you are so lacking in self-awareness that this post barely warrants a reply. You can’t help but implicate your own politics in every discussion you have. Take a day off buddy, this internet thing clearly isn’t healthy for you.

>> No.20074503
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>> No.20074505

>makes a load of bullshit assumptions
>gets called out on it
>”nooo don’t be so aggressive it hurts my feelings :’(“
Don’t be a moron and maybe I won’t shit in your salad

>> No.20074551

I am, which is why I don't really care about any of this but on the other hand trackers can suddenly vanish too. Anyway, I got reading material for 20 human lifespans and it wouldn't bother me too much desu.

>> No.20074554

>shit in your salad
>i heckin support ukraine
>the left can meme!
>wtf im not left wing
No, he's right. you are left wing.

>> No.20074573

Learn how to read. Saying “the left can’t meme” is an unoriginal thought is not the same thing as saying “the left CAN meme”. And I haven’t even said anything about Ukraine. But that’s all irrelevant anyways, since you’d rather nitpick about what to call me than address the content of my posts.

>> No.20074603


>> No.20074614

I have 300 requests (they’ve since made it so I can’t add any more), and I don’t expect them ever to be fulfilled. And if it will it will just be a new upload unrelated to, and thus not notifying, my request…

>> No.20074635

It turns out they're mostly agents arguing with each other. There is no war in Ukraine. It's fake. There still hasn't been any credible evidence of war-time destruction and death. It's all a distraction from the insane wealth transfer of the REAL parasite class, the billionaires and trillionaires. Pirating books doesn't even begin to compare to the horrors and atrocities committed by the Rockefellers, Fords, Gates, etc.

>> No.20074911

Not the anon. You just seem really angry for some reason, which makes taking you seriously quite hard

>> No.20074941

i'm an ai anon

>> No.20074945
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, 15AF77EF-7546-4EA1-9B37-6A60A63A1552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the ruskies who maintain libgen.

>> No.20074954


>> No.20074960

It literally says maintenance. Works for me retard

>> No.20074961

But it's accessible ATM?

>> No.20075145
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>> No.20075151
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>thread with a potentially interesting discussion about the stakes of piracy in current year gets derailed with middle school tier baits and le left/le right brainlettery
its all so tiresome

>> No.20075178

same pattern everywhere, and it's always the same mindvirus-infected retards who don't have any idea what the current discussion is about doing it. welcome to the modern internet!

>> No.20075258

>t. literal kike

>> No.20075268

they're white, and thus part of the only true "people" on the planet

>> No.20075269

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but i thought da kikes controlled and supported ukraine????? when did the redpill paradigm change bros

>> No.20075285 [DELETED] 

Please cease to be, inhuman kike.

>> No.20075288

Meant for

>> No.20075305
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As usual, op is a faggot.

>> No.20075310

We have forgotten our roots.
Information wants to be free.

>> No.20075317
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>Information wants to be free.

>> No.20075345

or you could just not invade people

>> No.20075350

Its the last site on the internet where people can speak freely and its been targeted heavily by all kinds of interest-groups for over a decade for it.

>> No.20075367

problem is some people confuse "speak freely" with "invective-dumping" and "off-topic sperging"

>> No.20075385

Book and article piracy is the only thing Russia is good for and it disseminate western propaganda in their country. They have servers full of western academic propaganda.

>> No.20075941

you could summarize it and just say zoomers

>> No.20076124

Feels good to remember that i signed up last September.

>> No.20076285
File: 439 KB, 720x539, 1642478820123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been downloading and archiving feverishly. I knew this was coming. I have mirrored 1:1 backups of all my drives just in case.

>> No.20076302

the only place that had a fine collection of Charles Bowden's stuff,

rip, and thanks for Blue Desert

>> No.20076413

already back up nothing every happens

>> No.20076421
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Isn't this a bit antisemitic?

>> No.20076477
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It's still not enough. I often discover new books that I want.

>> No.20076502

>It's up again
Uhhhh... Doombros... I think we were wrong again

>> No.20076519

maybe you'll have an original thought in your mind for the first time, who knows.

>> No.20076541
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>r*ddit is here again

>> No.20076549

Oh what the fuck. I use it like every second day.

Nvm it's still working for me in Australia.

>> No.20076563

reading books is bad for you

>> No.20076615
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>> No.20076632

George Orwell understood eventually all classics would be taken away, and in his mind, they would come up with a dumb down language he called Newspeak, which rendered former English entirety illegible to people. When that happens, nobody will want to be read books written in the Oldspeak because they can't.

In a way, this has already happened. Today's population regards texts written before 1960s dense, esoteric, and impenetrable. Mission Accomplished.

On the other hand, Orwell didn't know today's Chinese model that can have high economic development and total censorships on all ideas.

When Xi came to power about a decade ago, he put in place much stricker censorship rules. All books and websites that spur free thinking or intellectualism, including discussions of Western classics, must be shut down or banned from book store. Next, in name of cracking down porn and piracy, he banned all the sites that hosted books and engaged free online discussions of ideas. Afterward, he forced his totalitarian Xi Jingping Thoughts on the Chinese population. Any Chinese person who is willing to risk his social credit score by circumventing the Great Firewall of China for downloading books elsewhere can get ruthlessly oppressed.

I believe the elites here are so impressed with what Xi has accomplished. They will adopt the Chinese model here as well. The rampant practice of canceling people is just to condition people for the upcoming totally banishing the right of free speech. They won't tolerate anyone who doesn't agree with their ideology. They are gonna burn books , mostly ebooks this time around. What we'll be heading to is the Greater Dark Ages for sure. You ain't seen nothing yet.

>> No.20076693

>George Orwell
stopped reading there

>> No.20076720

wtf are you talking about? Go to philpeople.org and type in any major Chinese university, Fudan University for example, and you will find dozens of published academics discussing Western phil. Academics can generally talk about whatever they want unless it's a direct criticism of the state. On Zhihu (chinese Quora) just about everything can be discussed. Here's an essay on Max Stirner that took me about 10 seconds of searching: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/457728523.. There is censorship in China but it isn't 1984.

>> No.20077166

The richest people I know have their wealth because they don't spend more on something than it is worth. It is this principle that makes someone wealthy, money is just a placeholder.

>> No.20077308

if you don't have it saved locally you don't have it should have hoarded everything you wanted years ago

>> No.20077406

My racism prevents me from buying into the dead internet theory. I think that you're just mistaking retarded third world monkeys for bots.

>> No.20077500

Putin offered Ukraine a ceasefire on the condition they don't join NATO, but Zelensky refused. Whatever happens to Ukraine at this point forward is 100% on them.

>> No.20077513

What the actual fuck are you talking about? They literally read 1984 in some Chinese secondary schools.

>> No.20077572

The Ukrainians are a small price to pay to not have to pay any price for books and knowledge. Zelenskyy and his atrocity porn (that is most likely Ukrainian soldiers doing) to attempt to get NATO (who only exists to perpetuate the existence of NATO) and others on their side. My God the propaganda that is coming from that corrupt shit hole is just hilarious. If a comet were to hit Ukraine and vaporize them all I wouldn't even guffaw. That is how little I care.

>> No.20077588

I am an unironic leftist and you are the most baboonian nigger I have ever come across and I wish beyond all hope that I never have to involuntarily witness your niggery again in this eternity or any other.


>> No.20077686

I don't care because I'm an irc chad.

>> No.20077831

are you talking about the 2014 coup, that was funded and "midwifed" by Western Jews such as Victoria Nuland?

>> No.20077837


>> No.20078807

Good post.

>> No.20078836

I owe nothing to no one and will continue pirating, if you have any actual integrity go volunteer to defend those innocent civilians you care so much about instead of moralizing on 4chan pathetic cuck

>> No.20079147

Make a local copy ಠ_ಠ https://libgen.life/viewtopic.php?p=9000#p9000

>> No.20080213

the amount of manpower the kikes are putting into their internet farce is truly boggling, they must be absolutely shitting their pants about the credit crisis/economic collapse

they must have every halfbreed working from home spamming shit all day

>> No.20080741

Very interesting. Now I get it why so many people hate reading anything.

>> No.20080758

You don't refer to pre-history as the Dark Ages, you call it pre-history. The invention of a civilization makes the period before its existence and after its collapse distinct, and the same goes for all sub-components of that civilization

I'm mostly concerned about the increasing collapse of books' availability in libraries. If I want a genuine, foundational philosophical text available in a library, I have to have at least a B-tier university library nearby, since public libraries outside of major cities have increasingly thin collections. If I want something niche like Carl Schmitt, I have to find an A-tier library or a federal library. So if I'm a literate normie and don't want to spend $20-40 on a book by some theory author that I'm not sure I care for yet, it's either piracy or nothing. It's increasingly hard to find such specific books.

>> No.20080766

Yes, retard, banning low-traffic internet book piracy websites will totally be the straw that breaks the camels back and convinces Putin to give up and let NATO kill him.

>> No.20080809

yeah we have to protect Hunter Biden's Ukraine at all costs

>> No.20080875

LibGen is still up desu

>> No.20081403

>Using false equivalency
>... If you want books for... free... then you must want people... le DEAD!
What does Z-library have anything to do with Ukraine? Did you even think about that? Why are you on 4-chan if you even care so much. This is even worse than all the pro-mask people wtf

>> No.20081637

>we promise we won't attack you
>only if you don't join a large military alliance
>we promise we won't break this promise

>> No.20081753

Westoid countries are putting firewalls to block our Russian websites to control the narrative, access to these websites exposes people to the Russian side of things and gets them sympathizers, and it’s also a convenient excuse to ramp up censorship.
Z-Library is hosted on a Russian server, of Westoid governments block it you won’t be able to access it anymore without a VPN or Tor.
I feel bad for Ukrainians as much as the next guy but this blatant censorship is a violation of our rights based on flimsy premises.

>> No.20081789

>access to these websites exposes people to the Putin side of things and gets him sympathizers

>> No.20081801

I would personally kill everyone with a single drop of hohol blood if it meant z-lib wouldn't get shut down

>> No.20083278

Just buy books, anon. Support the authors and writers.

>> No.20083310

Lol. Either bait, brainwashed or cia.

>> No.20084056
File: 6 KB, 268x188, 271240C9-5D65-445A-B806-417E255CB7D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing really, just the end of free mobility of ideas due to the drawing out of some shit that should have been settled weeks ago (with much less bloodshed I might add). Surely no one in power will see this site being easily shut down as a green light to do it to any other sites that freely distribute material that goes against their globohomo ideals. surely.