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20066845 No.20066845 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM & We Discard It edition

Previous opinions >>20056751

>> No.20066872
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Shamchat: dead
Omegle: region locked

Where the fuck do I go to roleplay/practice dialogue/avoid writing now?

>> No.20066878
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, 1423990825156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your latest interest/hobby/phase????

>> No.20066880

Any femanon wanna dom me

>> No.20066885

Been listening to All Time Low lately.

>> No.20066895

I took the sim card out of my phone and now people are upset they can't call me and talk at me and not give a shit about anything I have to say.

Go find someone else, I'm tired of having all my thoughts and interests talked over and ignored.

>> No.20066900 [DELETED] 

Shorty said she wants to run away
Says I look like a boy she used to date
Took me by the hand and pulled me to the stairs
(Not interested, girl)
Put her tongue all up in my ear (gross)
Almost made me spill my beer (oh shit)
She's up and ready to go but I don't care
(Pssh, whatever)
'Cause I'm in the zone
Turned off my phone
I've got my own agenda
I feel like dancing tonight
I'm gonna party like it's my civil right
(Everybody get kinda awesome)
It doesn't matter where,
I don't care if people stare
'Cause I feel like dancing tonight
Everybody gettin' kinda crunk
I think some dude just grabbed my junk (whoa)
Now I know how Ke$ha must be feelin'
(Like, what is with everyone?)
Bros tried to turn me upside down
I put a keg tap to my mouth
But that's okay,
I'm dancing on the ceiling (ah)
'Cause I've got the groove
I'll bust a move
Just try and stop me
I feel like dancing tonight
I'm gonna party like it's my civil right
(Everybody get kinda awesome)
It doesn't matter where
I don't care if people stare
'Cause I feel like dancing tonight
Somebody call the police (ooh-ooh-ooh)
I think they're coming to get me
They said,
"You've got the right to remain on the dance floor
So show us what you've got
'Cause you know that you've got more!"
I feel like dancing tonight
I came to party like it's my civil right
(Everybody get kinda awesome)
It doesn't matter where,
I don't care if people stare
'Cause I feel like dancing tonight
Oh, one more time
I feel like dancing tonight (I feel like dancing)
I'm gonna party like it's my civil right
It doesn't matter where
I don't care if people stare
'Cause I feel like dancing tonight
I feel like dancing tonight (ha ha)

>> No.20066907
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I feel like dancing tonight
I'm gonna party like it's my civil right
(Everybody get kinda awesome)
It doesn't matter where,
I don't care if people stare
'Cause I feel like dancing tonight

>> No.20066913

Kek, fuck em

I was supposed to have my bi-weekly shower today, and failed dismally. The flesh has been rebelling for a while, but the heart’s joined in chorus.

>> No.20066967

This will be my jam for this weekend when I get drunk alone and dance all night

>> No.20066992
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>> No.20066999

you know this image is ancient because there's no soijaks.

>> No.20067040

Remember when people would post brainlets instead of soijacks

>> No.20067048

reality check, still no big titty goth gf

>> No.20067056
File: 203 KB, 507x598, d6d44987cf0e2f240d60672cf7a0aec7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in consulting and every time a client asks me an opinion on something, once we're done, I start to compulsively second-guess myself and dig nonstop for any bit of information that might confirm that I was actually wrong and fucked over my client.

Worst thing is that sometimes I was indeed wrong, fuck.

>> No.20067082
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>gets paid to give advice
>gives bad advice

>> No.20067095

I ask kek: if doubles, I die in my sleep tonight. If singles, I'll continue my miserable existence without any stability or concrete hope for the future.

>> No.20067096
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believing that women enjoy rape and the nature intended me to do that through evolution is the only way I can live with myself

>> No.20067110

Don’t be retarded, accept that you were a shithead and improve. And by improve I mean kill yourself. It’s always an option.

>> No.20067124

If dubs we form a suicide pact

>> No.20067148
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>tfw no friends

>> No.20067170
File: 87 KB, 337x326, Tangerine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bro.

>my friends spend all their time with their gfs now

>> No.20067286
File: 868 KB, 594x597, 46A18017-0D9B-450A-843B-85CF33A3B219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when imaginary friend hanging out with IRL friends without me

>> No.20067311
File: 5 KB, 184x119, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent my childhood excited about growing up and doing cool things with my life
>mfw posting on 4chan by myself with the lights off after a day at my McJob
>mfw watching the people I grew up with get married and succeed in their passions/careers while I just get older all alone

>> No.20067313
File: 140 KB, 636x518, 93365358-4EE9-4197-93AD-6C435CE0D3B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you are the imaginary friend

>> No.20067344
File: 40 KB, 447x464, FFGa1IzX0AA2AiQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl I hadn't talked to in a while just shared with me a batshit insane story about how for two years she was in a relationship with an egyptian midget that tried to convert her to islam, made her cut contact with all her friends, told her to keep the relationship a secret from everyone, did not allow her to go out or to talk to men. She rented an apartment for him and did what he told her. For two years. Then she somehow decided that she had enough and he threatened to kill her if she went to the police. He stopped paying his bills and left her ten thousand in debt. I simply do not understand any of this. I believe that this guy should be destroyed physically and left crippled so he would suffer each and every day of his life, but I don't understand, is it fear? It can't be, they were in a relationship, she liked him, she's not stupid, poor or ugly. Why?

Just another thing to add to my mental library of ungodly evil that I've heard from women about their partners that they still "for some reason" have feelings for, while I get broken up with because they "just aren't in the mood for a relationship right now".

>> No.20067346

>mfw watching the people I grew up with
I moved around so much that I didnt grow up with anybody.

>> No.20067348

Just become abusive. Women are easy to stockholm syndrome

>> No.20067359

women lie about abuse stories all the time bud. They fabricate absurd situations for attention and sympathy. don't fall for it.

>> No.20067377

I don't think this goes in the "he totally hits me, you know" category, the person I talked to isn't mentally ill.

>> No.20067383

Oh hey, I had an old friend tell me the exact same story. Only they then asked me to wire them ten hundred shinies via western union.

>> No.20067385

reread your story. does that sound plausible? no it fucking doesn't. there are so many plotholes in that lie, there is enough space for the Harry Potter plotholes to fit comfortably inside. it's a lie.

>> No.20067408

It's a good thing I'm broke and she doesn't want my money then since I won't be seeing her again.

It sounds retarded, but I've known enough BPD people to know it's possible.

>> No.20067411

The egyptian midget isnt going to fuck you

>> No.20067415


>> No.20067424

i wanna fuck savannah brown so bad bros

>> No.20067428

>can't relate to people with childhood friends or strong attachments to their hometown
>struggle making lasting relationships
>constantly feel like an outsider
I know that feel bro

>> No.20067441

It's not fucking plausible.

How come they weren't evicted for not paying rent? Why would your friend fall for a fucking midget? A SAND-NIGGER MUSLIM MIDGET. Who's appartently not rich, because he has a woman renting an apartment for him. So a POOR SAND-NIGGER MUSLIM MIDGET who's abusive? Really. How fucking dumb are you to fall for that. It's a modern day Rumpelstiltskin. You fell for a fucking fairy tale nigger

>> No.20067470

lmao I see how this makes the story a bit unbelievable though, it's a manlet not a midget, just some bpd sandmonkey taking advantage of a naive/possibly a bit dumb girl. in a less civilized country i would have been allowed to maim him and leave him to the coyotes but alas

>> No.20067507

I'll just tumble along with the tumbling tumbleweeds

>> No.20067513

Find a chatbot? Use GPT-3?
At one point I wanted to build a rudimentary chatbot based on the ELIZA program which would act as a front end for, and I am way too much of a mathlet lib-arts fag to know how to do this: pull key phrases from a database that would be created from my own journals, essays, and critical notes and clippings from books. The idea would be I'd be able to in effect have a dialogue with myself, because it would pull keywords or even phrases from this database based on a corpus of 300,000 words

>> No.20067515

science today doesn't aim to describe laws. We're far removed from intelligible laws of mechanical philosophy, scientists now try to provide theories to describe an unintelligible world. Our ideas of determinism, for all we know, is just a byproduct of our intrinsic models, our innate understanding of the physical world. Modern physical philosophy (and by extension chemistry) does not address our innate grasp of determinism. I have a feeling Chomsky is onto the truth in illustrating that perhaps our concepts of randomness and determinism are innate cognitive constructs similar to universal grammar. Determinism and randomness are basic axioms for our inner models of the workings of the physical world, but the reality of physics is unintelligible to our reconstruction, our conscious interpretation of the world around us. In this sense, it may take physiological changes in our minds, that no doubt necessitate some form of genetic mutation, for us to be able to comprehend this mystery.

>> No.20067516


>> No.20067521

The scientific method doesn't have determinism as a dependency. While our models rely on mathematical descriptions of relationships, descriptions that are inherently deterministic, it would be circular reasoning to say "our models that describe reality are deterministic/statistical therefore reality must be deterministic and statistical." My guess is that this limitation is the composition of the roadblock to a universal theory of everything. We cannot comprehend what there could be aside from determinism, but I'm hopeful that one day we will be able to.

>> No.20067526

"Scientific research is limited to those things that can be measured by physical means i.e. matter and energy."
The mechanical philosophy of Descartes was refuted in the 17th century by Newton. When Newton showed the existence of occult forces, interaction without contact, he made irrelevant the mechanical philosophy. Rather than exorcising the ghost in the machine, Newton rid us of the machine. Ever since, Science has been reduced from trying to find an intelligible world to trying to find ineligible theories relating to a humanly unintelligible world.
"We have no tools that permit us to study non-material entities."
We've known the world to be non-material for centuries. We have mathematical models, many of which are deterministic, but there is, as there always has been, unaccountable behavior and incohesive theories that cannot absolutely coexist. Science does not depend on "determinism" the same way that science does not depend on the mechanical philosophy. We study and search for accurate models, but the world has proven to be humanly unintelligible.
As for whether I "feel" in control and my thoughts on human behavior, I think the question is meaningless. Personal introspection is a futile exercise more fit to be labeled "navel gazing." Neuroscience is certainly a worthwhile field of study, but one would be amiss to say it is humanly intelligible. The fact that we've debunked determinism has nothing to do with "free will."
To summarize what I've been trying to express, we have an innate sense of determinism and we have an innate sense of "randomness" which shape our view of the world. This enables us to construct models such as the impressive works of Descartes, but it also limits us from comprehending the nature of our world. Being reduced from finding an intelligible world to finding scientific theories is significant and cannot be understated. When Chomsky says it's a 'mystery' he is saying so because it is clear that we cannot conceive of anything other than determinism.
Personally I think that "free will" is a concept riddled with problems of undefined and incomprehensible to science notions such as "self" and "choice" which are probably just artifacts of our introspective mechanisms and our need to model our organism within our model of the world around us. Compression artifacts, if you would. However it is abundantly clear that determinism is a false assertion.

>> No.20067528

Isnt this line of thinking what defined the whole course of philosophy beginning with descartes and ending with kant

>> No.20067535

I’ve had more engaging conversations with dungeons&dragons random tables than with gpt-3.

>> No.20067538

I have never had a single original thought

>> No.20067550

YOu are correct. You have a brain implant that generates all your thoughts for you.

>> No.20067555

Is it?

>> No.20067557

Have you considered training your own?
But also I know what you mean, I like to ask them what the room they're in smells like or what they feel between their gums and cheeks. They always respond in some abstract bullshit
>well smell is an important sense and the scent of a room can change your mood, the smell of flowers or perfume can bring unadulterated happiness

>> No.20067573

Determinism is dependent on the observer’s perspective, surely? For example, if I read a novel I observe the character’s time passing in a similar manner to how they do. Not quite “real-time”, but close enough. Compare that to my second readthrough, in which I know the entirety of the events and can observe them at will - the characters (obviously) will still act exactly as before.

>> No.20067576

I just ate like 3 pounds of catfish

>> No.20067579

Perhaps a custom training set would make me more invested in the answers, instead of whatever (albeit intelligible) bullshit dream.ily spits out.

>> No.20067597

i hate my generation.

>> No.20067601

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20067605

Yes. Your thesis is also refuted by Plantinga

>> No.20067618

kind of ecstatic that this girl has finally ghosted me. spring is here and i feel free! i really hope I dont fall down the (horny) hole again when i eventually see her in real life again. now i can enjoy my autism!

>> No.20067619

i have constant dreams of dropping out of engineering to become a tradie

>> No.20067622

Just finish your engineering degree and become a tradie after.

>> No.20067630

I would think so, it's sort of the 1000 monkeys thing. Maybe a few gems would come out of it.

>> No.20067634

Anyone else like those old fairy tales? Not the very common ones but the forgotten ones.

The Soldier and the tinder box
>soldier gets a tinder box for a witch, then when she asks for it he says fuck no and beats her
>the tinderbox summons three hell hounds that bring riches for him

>> No.20067646

I fear my sister will never experience true happiness. She drifts fruitlessly from obsession to obsession. Shut in. NEET. Never had a boyfriend. Still, she's delightful and a treat to be around (most of the time). I just want her and my entire family to be happy, and it breaks my heart that I can see a future where she won't be. Worse still, that she could (and does) see herself as a failure. I hope that it is truly never too late to bloom.

>> No.20067652

Any femanon want to start a codependent relationship with me

>> No.20067656

Hook me up with her

>> No.20067659


>> No.20067662

No, California. I would say I could move there but I doubt you'd be happy to have another Californian move in.

>> No.20067669

As long as you vote to keep the state as it is instead of increasing the taxes too much then as far as I'm concerned come home, brother!

>> No.20067673

Yeah north of Austin

>> No.20067685


>> No.20067689

yeah totally my nigg- I mean fellow white person. How bout them Cubs?

Describe your sister

>> No.20067690

Homely. Large knockers. Brunette.

>> No.20067698

is she fat? is she 18-26?

>> No.20067702

Not fat, but not skinny. I suppose thicc would be appropriate. 28.

>> No.20067706

thicc is a meme. sounds fat. no thanks bud.

>> No.20067711

Sorry we couldn't make it work pal. She likes Asians, anyway.

>> No.20067721

gimmie her first name. It amuses me to think I may encounter this girl and date her and never know her brother browses. Just think, the next man dating your sister could be a Big Guy For You poster.

>> No.20067726

Lauren. I hope we meet one day and never know it!

>> No.20067727


>> No.20067730
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I went on my second date with a cute redhead girl today. We kissed at the end of the date
I haven't had butterflies in my stomach in a long time - though I'm trying to temper my expectations in this relationship.
I enjoy spending time with this girl a lot. Hopefully we spend more time together soon

>> No.20067733


>> No.20067736

Where did you go? Tell me about it.

>> No.20067740

I'm black and my name is Tyrone. Oooga booga booga now I know where the white women at - Texas. See you soon :)

>> No.20067752

Based but what is to be done?

>> No.20067754

What should I read from him?

>> No.20067773

We went to a local bar neither of us had been to before. Got a couple lemon drops and food.
Much like our first date we just talked and laughed a lot - we seem to get along well and have pretty similar interests/ sense of humor.
She doesn't spend much time on social media or online in general which is something I can appreciate and wish to emulate (though it does sometimes make the worse parts of my imagination run rampant - probably an affect from being cheated on in a past relationship).
Right before we parted ways to our own cars I went in for a kiss and it was reciprocated. No tongue or anything but still felt very nice.

>> No.20067777

happy for you, anon. redheads are top tier.

>> No.20067779

thank you based quints man
I hope that things go well between us, but even if they end earlier than I'd like it can't be worse than getting cheated on
hope things go well for you and yours as well

>> No.20067790

I had a dream where the demiurge was keeping me captive in a small little concrete hole in the ground where I was dreaming of horrors infinitely. He looked down into my hole and pissed on my head. I saw a birds eye view of the place, which was an enormous warehouse filled with thousands of holes in the concrete floor, each one filled with a single naked man covered in piss and shit with his eyes closed, moaning and screaming. Then, out of nowhere, a bunch of explosions' went off on the roof and soldiers started rappelling down through holes in the ceiling. The demiurge drew a gun from his waist but was shot in the head. One of them dragged me from the hole with a safety harness, and injected me with a glowing gold serum which awakened me. He said "You're safe now", and it dawned on me that the nightmare was finally over. The marines escorted me from the warehouse and loaded me onto a blackhawk helicopter, which was painted white and had feathery angel wings instead of rotor blades. I sensed I was on my way back to my true place in God's kingdom; I cried and started hugging the marine seated next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear "It's all over son, you're going home". "Thank you" I wept, "thank you, thank you..."
I stared out the window onto fields of indescribable beauty as I slowly drifted off from exhaustion...
Then I woke up.

>> No.20067793

endless endless
shores of the mind
dangerous contemplation
a suicide in time
self abdicated
and theology in rhyme

>> No.20067796

My biggest frustration with tech and software development is how often in the course of solving one issue you fall into a rabbit hole of solving multiple issues just to attempt to solve the task you had at the beginning. The fact of the matter is we don't have the time to understand all our software and what's going wrong when there's a bug - we simply depend on those in charge of the software to understand its complexities and anticipate bugs. And when they don't do this, the ecosystem deteriorates. You're constantly wasting time trying to fix these minor niggles that shouldn't be coming up at all. I wish I could understand at least how we could address this problem, because it's just everywhere, and it helps you understand why OSX is increasingly popular for dev

>> No.20067805

I vaguely remember a tinder box, but I think it was in another context. Definitely don’t remember the witch..

>> No.20067817

Goodnight wwoym

>> No.20067827

Had a wack dream about Ephesus once, which led me down a rabbit hole of dream stuff and freaky coincidences. The seven sleepers was involved, and a psychic philosopher who chatted with Kant and predicted his own death.

Night night

>> No.20067911

So here’s a kinda lit thing that happened to me.

I do freelance conservation work for Museums and libraries. Dull stuff really, mostly maintenance on old paper and canvas , as well as the occasional sketch or charcoal drawing, if im lucky . For the last year or so i’ve been working out of Italy, just doing my thing, while trying to learn the language , do what networking I can, and traveling on the off days. As part of said ‘networking’ I was invited to a conference in Genoa and arriving 4 days early and finding the city a bit of a nightmare I took the train to see some of the small towns that litter that coast all the way to Pisa.

Bnb’s and retirement communities as far as the eye can see, except that on the train I got talking to an older man (50- 60 ish) who, upon hearing what It is i do, invited me to his house to have a look at – and at the time I really couldn't believe this – his inherited collection of ‘Renaissance prints.’

Now, there are sorties like this all over the industry: some fucker discovers a lost batch of botticelli studies and it’s sold at sotheby's for 20 million at the next year.
I hope I kept my cool but I was seeing dollar signs, and while we talked before that for an hour or so, mostly on Ukraine, and Russian culture, so I wasn't a complete stranger, the way he said it felt like the pictures were some afterthought he never got around to evaluating. I agreed as graciously as I could, and within a few hours he was driving me up do his extremely nice house in northern Tuscany; vineyards and seaside and all.

By that time I already knew It was most likely a bust, he had them valued, and even restored, ones before, and was only hoping I could dig up something a whole firm worth of people previously failed to do. But it really didn't mater, as the house was lovely and the place was as Italy as any postcard. We got along marvelously. So much so that I stayed for 3 days, only occasionally doing the work, and while that was predictably a bust, he has already invited me back, next month.

just wanted to share i guess.

>> No.20067961

Can someone explain to me what “possible worlds” are and how they are real?

>> No.20068003

A possible world is a complete and consistent way the world is or could have been. They are widely used as a formal device in logic, philosophy, and linguistics in order to provide a semantics for intensional and modal logic. Their metaphysical status has been a subject of controversy in philosophy, with modal realists such as David Lewis arguing that they are “literally existing alternate realities” while others such as Robert Stalnaker arguing “no, they fucking are not”.

>> No.20068013

Is it true Schopenhauer argued that our world must be the worst of all possible worlds?

>> No.20068023
File: 751 KB, 750x653, 811562B8-CD47-4C34-BFF6-422D306165AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn’t be the first time he was wrong about something.

>> No.20068074

I can’t get out of existential thought. I’m consistently thinking on this level. I can’t just be in the moment and it’s causing me to be unhappy.

>> No.20068127

listening to korn. It might be korny but their music just oozes emotion.

>> No.20068141

Give me some korn songs with soul.

>> No.20068142

>She likes Asians

>> No.20068219

How can anyone know it’s actually possible and “could have been”?

>> No.20068252

>tfw your friend and roommate fucks the girl you've been dating while you're drunk in the next room
It's painful with or without them

>> No.20068264
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A woman cannot be a good life partner if she has take another man's penis.

>> No.20068276


>> No.20068304
File: 15 KB, 250x178, fl20071106zga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaving my high stress job and moving back home in 17 days. I have my list of things that need doing and I'm making pretty good progress on it, but hot damn am I burned out as fuck. I just want it all to be over so I can take a nap on the hammock in my parent's back yard with my cat

>> No.20068401
File: 91 KB, 595x426, castration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has take another man's penis.
That's just your castration anxiety talking

>> No.20068409

>if she has take another man's penis
I'm confused, are you saying that transwomen will try and take away their partner's penis too? Since that's "another man"

>> No.20068476

I’m moving apartments, and I had a bunch of extra furniture that I wanted to get rid of. I donated the first half cause I could tell right away I didn’t want it. But as things got closer to the move in date I realized I wouldn’t have enough time to schedule a free donation pickup, so I just ended up tossing away a few pieces of entirely good furniture. I felt fine about it for a while, but then I saw some pieces still by my apartments dumpster and I realized my laziness regarding them is probably creating a problem for the maintenance and workers at my apartment. Now I just feel bad about the whole thing. I’m not even sure I’m allowed to toss our furniture there so it might not even be there job to deal with it. I wanted the problem dealt with easily, and for me it was, but it turns out I’m just passing off the problem to someone else when I do that. There’s really nothing I can do about it now I guess, I’ll just have to be better next time.

>> No.20068484

Why am I always tired, no matter what I do?

>> No.20068492

Learn to meditate

>> No.20068494

How to meditate?

>> No.20068498

Find your brain-numbing drug, and learn to use it diligently.

They don’t, it’s all as fantastical as any other alternate reality.

>> No.20068520

I met a girl through work starting back in October. We’re very close in age, like 2 years, and she’s very pretty. Due to the nature of the job we work very closely together and talk pretty much everyday, mostly job related, sometimes not. And starting a few months ago we started to hangout outside work. She’s really fun to be around, and there have been no romantic feelings for the most part with her.

It’s an odd situation, because I have never really had a girl who is just a friend before, but I can feel myself really starting to like her, and I’m scared those feelings will turn romantic. I’ve only known her for literally 5 months but again we talk so much that she’s become really important to me. I’m not sure if she feels the same, that strongly about our friendship, but I guess that really doesn’t matter. I could profess to really enjoy being her friend and that wouldn’t be taken strangely I’d think as long as I did it casually in the right context, or after we had had some drinks.

My point of writing this is again, I’m terrified of these feelings become romantic and ruining our friendship. I know she doesn’t like me like that, I have clearly been “friendzoned” because she’ll tell me about the guys she’s been going on dates, hooking up with, her sexual history, etc. It really doesn’t bother me because she allowed me to talk about the girls I was seeing and going on dates with as well, as it was nice to get a girls perspective. So while to be completely and utterly honest, I would absolutely fuck her if she wanted to, I just know that chance will likely not happen, and I’d rather it not. Over the course of the months I’ve known her she’s gone on dates and been in the “talking stage” with 3 dudes, and I’m the only guy who’s been there for it all. I saw some quote that says if you really want to be in someone’s life forever you don’t marry them, you just be a good friend, and that’s the route I want to take with this. Blogpost over.

>> No.20068563

Counting down the days until I can quit my job and move to the Caribbean. I daydream about it a lot. Still have to wait at least 5 months. Maybe too far away to be daydreaming as much as I have

>> No.20068569
File: 38 KB, 300x400, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some guided meditations, Sam Harris has an app for it which you can get a free trial of. Then read this

>> No.20068573

Sounds like a beta orbiter.
Just kidding, but don’t fool yourself. In due time you will want more, hell you’re already catching feelings. Men and women don’t stay friends for long

>> No.20068579

>there have been no romantic feelings for the most part with her.
Holy shit do you have no introspection or are you this desperate to spew obvious lies and/or coyness on an image board. Put the p in the v before she disappears and you're left with heart pangs wanting an idealization of what never materialized into a concrete form.

>> No.20068588

No romantic feelings for the most part can also be read as
>some romantic feelings

>> No.20068601

> but don’t fool yourself. In due time you will want more, hell you’re already catching feelings. Men and women don’t stay friends for long

That’s what I figured what happened, I guess I’ll just have to enjoy things while they last

> do you have no introspection or are you this desperate to spew obvious lies and/or coyness on an image board

Not sure what you’re getting at, considering I literally said “for the most part” and I admitted saying I absolutely would fuck her. The whole point I was trying to get across is that I am falling for her

>> No.20068632

You can go multiple ways from here. The worst one being that you like her more and more while lying to yourself that you’re just friends. This can last years.
You can also make your move as soon as possible. This will give you peace of mind and a quick answer as to where you stand. Or you can phase out being her friend. Maybe she’ll miss what she had and come to her or an conclusions etc.

>> No.20068785

fact: i just sneezed

>> No.20068817

I have a massive hard on right now and I have no idea why

>> No.20068830

Gotta drink more coffee

>> No.20068864

Why is it so much harder to make friends in university? I've always been timid, but in high school I still had people I considered my friends and I never had to seek out friendships. Now in university, I have no one. Not a single person has expressed the slightest interest in me, not during lectures or while I'm sitting alone in university cafeteria. The solitude is becoming crushing.

>> No.20068868

Low testosterone

>> No.20068870

>I never had to seek out friendships

>> No.20068873

In high school you're literally forced to be around people, you can't escape unless you hide out in the bathroom. University is the opposite and any time outside of lectures/labs is 100% free. For those of us that have to be environmentally coerced into socializing, this isn't always a good chance.

>> No.20068890

It's not at all, it's actually probably the easiest it will ever be. I'm sure there are hundreds of societies at your uni that you could join to socialise with like-minded people who want to do the same. Why are you expecting people to approach you when you're studying in a lecture, or in the cafeteria when you're minding your own business? That's not how socialising works, those wouldn't be appropriate places to introduce yourself to a stranger. It seems like you haven't practised making new friends in quite a while, but that's ok because uni is designed to help you with that. You just need to actively attend events that are meant for making friends

>> No.20068894

Yeah, but I see everyone else with friends, so some people must be actively seeking out others, but no such person has come to me. This paradox keeps me up at night. Maybe I'm just an irredeemable weirdo.

>> No.20068896
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It is 2 in the afternoon and the sky is very orange. why?

>> No.20068897

Hell hath cometh


>> No.20068909

Bro you're so passive, why are you sitting waiting for people to come to you? If they already have friends then they don't have as much incentive to meet new people as you do. The onerous is on you to create friendships, not to wait around like a hooker trying to get picked up.

>> No.20068913

What you're missing is that normal people make friends all the time, like it's nothing. A lot of the conversations you hear out in public are words exchanged between people for the first time. Granted this is more of a North American thing I hear but if you're wondering how, well, usually that's how

>> No.20068915

I have like $3000 flight credit to spend before I lose it by the end of the year but no idea where to go and more importantly nobody to go with. Would traveling solo even be fun? I don't know what I'd even do since most of the fun of traveling is experiencing stuff with friends and getting drunk together.

>> No.20068928

>Would traveling solo even be fun?
Yes, absolutely. It will also make you a much more capable person and improve your social skills considerably. Unless you're a braindead hylic you should be able to figure out how to make a solo trip meaningful, go somewhere with an interesting culture and explore. Stay in hostels to meet other travellers.

>> No.20068950

you will never be a woman

>> No.20068962

>Stay in hostels
Nice way of getting mugged/raped

>> No.20068975

Are any /lit/izens pursuing FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)?

>> No.20068988

(cont) I actually never considered this, but FIRE is actually the best path in life for humanities students, isn't it? If you can retire in your 30s/40s you can dedicate the rest of your life to reading, writing, and living, and never be burdened by work again, and also take your experiences from the high-paced working world as material for your creative output. Seems like a huge win-win now that I think about it

>> No.20068992

I’m pursuing an exit bag

>> No.20068995

You don't need to do that

>> No.20069009

/x/ is like /lit/ but smarter. Or is it the other way idk

>> No.20069016

No, but I do need to exit.

>> No.20069024

I have similar thoughts. I realized once I got to university that I don't particularly want to make CAD models and write reports for the rest of my life. On one hand, I enjoy design and research, but I hate sitting at a desk. I don't want to just be the "engineer." I want my technical knowledge to go beyond how things are put together to actually being able to put things together. I want to do something physical. I've never felt proud of a report I've written or a diff. equation I've solved, but whenever I've had to put shit together, I feel a dopamine rush unparalleled by anything else I've had to do in school.

On the other hand, one has to be practical: trades have high potential for injury, are often low-paying, and have little potential for upward mobility, unless you start your own business; as everyone keeps telling me, an engineering degree doesn't restrict you to traditional engineering careers.

I don't know what the answer is - I see my father who, after 20 years of life in a chair, is worse for wear than my uncles who, after decade long careers as machinists, carpenters, and linemen, are still full of vitality.

>> No.20069045

I have too much fools pride but become an honest tradie. I feel like regret would always live in the back of my head.

>> No.20069046

Sounds like you're exactly the sort of person that excels in trades.

>> No.20069047

t. Americuck. I've been in hundreds of hostels around Europe and never once felt unsafe. Just don't be a retard and remember to lock your valuables up. You don't need to worry about being raped if you're a man, nobody wants to fuck you. And if you're a woman they usually do female-only dorms.

>> No.20069089
File: 17 KB, 391x455, 1644102278418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to make it normal for old men to date young women again

>> No.20069120

I am finding office work so counterproductive to writing. The thing is that this current office job is fairly easy, low time commitment. I’m only working maybe 20 hours per week remotely, and while I’m “on the clock” I can obviously right, but this sense of being “on the clock” is really like being “on call” and the style of work is somehow so creatively demanding. It’s like the actual work, and the meetings, and the emails somehow sap creative energy, or at least undermine it. I don’t know what to do. I doubt I can find another job which pays livable wages working this little.

>> No.20069147

Consider >>20068975

>> No.20069186

even if we did, your chances of finding a girlfriend would not improve. In fact, they would probably get worse.

>> No.20069215

You are repulsive

>> No.20069298

Fact check: mostly false

>> No.20069304
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>> No.20069309

Ive been doing things by myself lately. Its not bad. Just do it.

>> No.20069318

>trades have high potential for injury, are often low-paying, and have little potential for upward mobilit
Sounds like a bunch of excuses made by fags too scared to get their hands dirty

>> No.20069409

I don’t see how that’s a helpful solution. The goal would be to escape, not accept it hoping you can escape in 10, 20, 30 years. That’s a complete waste of time.

>> No.20069437

The new janny is really going hog wild, he's deleting (banning?) individual posts not just shit threads.

Most of the deleted posts were off topic, but 4chan always has a lot of white noise posts and emergent discussion, it's part of the charm. I hope he doesn't go too far and turn the board into his personal hugbox where he's going over every thread with a fine tooth comb to delete jokes and funposts.

>> No.20069466

Seeing all this footage of Ukrainian babushkas crying over their dead sons and destroyed homes makes me sad. There is no hell foul enough for Putin.

>> No.20069474

what thread

>> No.20069483

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20069489

today a very cute girl was sitting not far from me in a coffee shop and making signs that she wanted me to talk with her but I didn't do shit

>> No.20069493

Impregnating someone's wife or gf and letting the cuck raise your kid is an action i'am consdering down the line.

>> No.20069551

Keep it on twitter faggot

>> No.20069575

Your brain has rotted.

>> No.20069594

Keep consooming state department propaganda fag lord

>> No.20069715


>> No.20069733

I'm going to be a father soon and I'm scared about how my life will change as I am still in college and while I already have one degree, I wanna finish the current one.
Even more, the steady income I get wont be enough for the child, I think.

>> No.20069813

I want to go visit secondhand bookstores but I haven't been outside in six months and I look like a ghost. I feel like everyone patronizes me, even strangers, because of how I come across but I can't identify what to change in myself to put an end to that. I'm so nervous and I'm so tired.

>> No.20069836

Yeah I know right? The good guys should team up like in Marvel and kick his Hitler ass!

>> No.20069847

Your life will change but I do dislike this attitude towards having children.
My dad had 4 while studying and having a job on the side.
Just accept that you will have very little comfort for the coming few years. In other words, man up. You get to relax a bit when they go to school.

>> No.20069870

Oh and to add, children will put up with poverty to an extent. I doubt you'll be sending them to bed hungry. Anything less than that they can handle. Unless you live in a favela or some shit

>> No.20069883

You’ll fit right into bookstores. If wearing a mask is hard, wear the one you fit best into: embrace the kooky goth bookworm life. Be the skeleton in the library.

>> No.20069890

Kill it before it realises what you’ve done to it.

>> No.20069942


>> No.20069946

Damn, how can people be so fucked up?

>> No.20069995
File: 598 KB, 2019x1615, MAAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been patriotic in that sense that I would defend my country if needed. I served my conscription in 2011 and since then my fitness has dropped steadily until two years ago I started to cycle and lift. I also deleted all my social media accounts which resulted in me reading more books and a lot more non fiction.

Now after the Russian invasion of Ukraine the will to defend one's country has greatly increased here in Finland where it already was very high among people. No exceptions with me.

There is some sort of synchronicity here. My fitness has increased and so has my patriotism and now I want to apply in Finnish Territorial Forces, which in short consists of volunteer reservists that actively take part in FDF exercises. And the main requirement for joining is being fit enough.

They actually held an info talk about the Territorial Forces at the end of our conscription and back then it seemed that it was only for military larpers that want to make 40 km marches with combat gear every fucking weekend just for fun. Applying didn't seem very tempting when we were just about to leave long marches behind and return to a normal life.

But now it all makes sense.

>> No.20070025

What percentage of regular 4chan users end up killing themselves?

>> No.20070058

This happened to me last summer

On my way to the beach today i saw a girl, maybe 16, with a guitar, on a ridge viewpoint singing probably her favourite song i never heard of. I looked at her with a dose of surprise and amusement. She actually sounded good, and then in the next bar she let her voice go and she sounded incredible. She was paying attention to my reactions, and if she is usually insecure, today was not that day. I gave her a thumbs up and wished i had a phone with me so i could record her. I knew she would be gone when i would be going back, i think it was an unregularity for us two even to see eachother. I was holding back tears when i was going in the sea. Then on my way to the apartment i was thinking why i was crying there. Because i believed that you can love someone so hard that its unhealthy or even impossible for those 2 people to end up together, so people end up with someone who is more convenient? No. What i heard from her was indestructible and ineffable for the right ears, that i wished i had the courage and good luck to express it also. What i heard was a pure teen spirit, a youth, youth that i wished i had.

>> No.20070107

A mosquito
My libido

>> No.20070135
File: 459 KB, 1656x1200, 1644677884488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I was reading a story and then I stopped because I realized I had been sobbing for 30 fucking minutes. Big fat tears of despair. I cry a lot when I'm reading. I used to not cry at all. For years, I didn't shed a tear. And then BAM! suddenly I've got a hair-pin trigger.

>> No.20070181

Im serious man, her presence struck me.
When i was 16 i was complete shut in, disregarding happiness as impossible, disregarding trying anything except school. I had a couple of friends but it wasnt really a right crowd for me. I remember telling my friend when i was 16 : so now im 16 is this what really its supposed to be about? I go to school i play cod never felt so bored and unrealized.
But then i saw her. She really was 16. But where she was when i was 16? Probably in kindergarten, but the point is i wasted my youth and its not even my fault and theres nothing i could and can do about it

>> No.20070224

Youth is partly a state of mind. Some people are never young.

>> No.20070243

“I wasted my youth because I could have been living properly”
No, you couldn’t have. Things are what they are, what you!re doing is pining for an entirely different reality.

>> No.20070246

Yea well idk why i got thst rotten deal, but it really bugs me. I think its so unfair that its gotta come around in some way, maybe my kid will get to be young or me in another life

>> No.20070248

I can't decide if I want to stay in the armed forces for another contract or if I want to GTFO and get as far away from a uniform as possible.

>> No.20070257

I dont get what youre trying to say but irregardless ( see how i used that word? Do people who experienced youth even know that word?) What im trying to say that i see my past, i see my circumstances, family, finances, friends and i just see that i didnt have a chance to be young, i just didnt even have an opportunity

>> No.20070262

>do i want to be a mercenary, perpetuating violence and mayhem and destruction upon innocent, potentially dying or best case ruining myself psychologically just because i like to be told what to do?
Gee idk m8

>> No.20070271

Ah, okay, yeah that’s a little different. More of an acknowledgment.

And yeh pretty sure I’ve heard irregardless once or twice.

>> No.20070273

I like how he calls me to talk about gitlab. I like his obsessive works on weekends. I like his smile and optimism and innocent anxiety, shallow contentment in the mainstream.
I do not know if as a friend or a romantic lie, but I want him in my life. Keeping the oily lazy bitterness away. We should worship action together. We should improve ourselves in the pathetic, technical ways. Without his voice, I fall down, down, down. To being wise and gluttonous, to filthy thoughts of sex and net and politics.
His breath smelled yesterday. I hope it doesn't mean I'm falling out of love.
Wish I could tell him how cute every action of his is. But the best I can do is just stay in the office.
(He does not care one bit for literature. He will never know)

>> No.20070284

Pussy eating

>> No.20070290

I’ve never been this bad but I can sympathize somewhat. What’s been helpful to me is going for daily walks. I go very early or very late so no one else is out. The colder, the wetter, the better. The more I walk, the more my mind relaxes. And I’ve started noticing that on the handful of occasions where someone says something to me in the street, I’m relaxed enough to respond normally, and if I don’t I just don’t care because I’m woolking. No idea if this will help you but it’s helped me.

>> No.20070292


>> No.20070317

> Many Russian and Latin American authors are household names, but few Eastern European authors are

>> No.20070343

Bussy eating.

>> No.20070350

Probably true

>> No.20070358

>2 years
That bitch a fetishist. Like you are not slipping on your seventieth dick and "straight" homo, that girl was getting what she wanted out of midget Muslims.

>> No.20070361

Neighbor peering through my windows again.

>> No.20070368

rape him

>> No.20070386

Pee through your window

>> No.20070402

He deleted a joke I made about Yugoslavia the other day which was entirely literary, but also about Yugoslavia. I think he just doesn't read much so the difference between Russian bots and 1930s genre fiction is hard to tell for him. It's fine thought because if mods banned me, someone would have to read my essay on Yugoslavian literature and its impact on the US banking system and genre periodicals of the mid 20th C in my appeal.

>> No.20070417

My memory has declined so much that attending lectures has become virtually useless to me, since I forget everything I've learned in prior lectures and have to simply relearn the material before any assignment is due. It's weird to think about, I am basically cognitively impaired compared to other students, but there's not much they can do besides offer me more time on tests, since the problem is biological. Honestly, I've forgotten entire courses like Differential Equations which I passed with a B. Not really sure how to get out of this hole at all

>> No.20070421

If I read the Kalevala will they let me live in Finland for a period of time, maybe 1-2 years?

>> No.20070427

I struggle with empathy

>> No.20070444

any yugoslavian lit recs?

>> No.20070483

>reread your story. does that sound plausible?
this is exactly the kind of dumb shit that does happen. touch grass bae

>> No.20070484

I don't know.

>> No.20070492

>and I look like a ghost

every winter i start to look gaunt because i need to wear sunscreen and i cant get any color

>> No.20070505

My diary desu

>> No.20070507

Most everyone starts with Andric or Adamic but if you want to go deep, get Stankovic's Impure Blood. After that, you need to read basically everyone who called themselves a poet diplomat.

>> No.20070510
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>> No.20070514
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>> No.20070548

God knows but if I were to gues sbased on where things are going, I'd say starving to death at about 70 or so is very much on the table

>> No.20070554

>Eastern European authors
It's such an unknown territory. There are probably tons of really good works but they wont be translated ever.

>> No.20070557

ah nice, thank you

>> No.20070561
File: 96 KB, 683x599, rabbitorduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image attached to this post is depicting neither a duck nor a rabbit. It's a copy of a .png file with a black-and-white drawing that was made to be ambiguously a rabbit or a duck by the original author which is a copy of an image created by the original author that was originally printed in the October 23, 1892 issue of Fliegende Blätter, a German humor magazine.

>> No.20070565


>> No.20070568

It's a can opener

>> No.20070577

how hard must life be for someone who is extremely allergic to seed oils

>> No.20070579

I'm pretty sure I am just slightly mentally unstabler right now, and given that it's the kind of thing where it's a bit hard to tell about yourself it uhh............. I mean we're gonna have to wait and see. I've come up with a kind of crossfit thing in a small patch of woods near my home, I just carry this big old stone around as I walk and shift it around a bit as exercise. It's kind of nice actually. But I get locked in these moments where I'm just standing, mumbling to myself. I imagine I'm talking to someone, and I feel compelled to finish what I have to say. It happens that people walk by. I've become the guy who stands in the grove holding a mid-size rock mumbling to himself staring blankly.

Like, actually. This is the situation. It felt like it wasn't going ham, but it's been off for a long time. I was clearly a jibbering mess a couple of months ago, then it got better for a bit and now this. I do NOT want to ask for help.

>> No.20070581

Depends on the local cow population

>> No.20070600

We have to make america great again

>> No.20070605

Bring back the Olmecs

>> No.20070616
File: 180 KB, 1080x1938, 20220305_221541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how both the far-right and far-left are pro-Russia regarding this conflict

>> No.20070627

both far right and far left are united in hatred of the united states and their global meddling

>> No.20070633

Only the morons and brainwashed are pro-russia

>> No.20070642

I mean at least you’re aware of it. Some people feel compelled to say pointless shit and do pointless stuff, and they aren’t even clued up enough to realise how ridiculous they look.

I’m talking about society in general, btw

>> No.20070643

there's some sci fi guys out of Poland and Czechia I think. Stanislaw Lem and someone else

>> No.20070683
File: 1016 KB, 500x368, ZDS4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this morning my breakfast took 3 hours. I ate one slice of bread and drank one cup of coffee. the rest of the time I sat mumbling/talking to my ex, another woman I was in love with for little over a year, and God. It did not feel like this took very long, but I basically sat there mumbling to myself staring out the window without really seeing for 3 hours. It's been roughly like this for about 6 months now. It could be habening again. I really gotta try to think about that. There's no one I want to talk to. I have a contact at the mentalists but I don't really know her and she's a nurse either way, she wouldn't be the person you see. I don't know any actualy psychologist or psychiatrist, they change jobs very rapidly. Gotta sleep first and foremost I think.

>> No.20070694

and it's more like I hear someone approach, and then I realize I've been standing there a while. a while back I really couldn't tell if I was thinking or talking, I think I was talking a LOT without knowing it, in public

>> No.20070703

Does science assume a metaphysic in its every thought? If yes, which metaphysic does it assume?

>> No.20070705

If you want to get around region locking, use a VPN.

>> No.20070714

yes, and
I don't remember how to talk about this, but yes, for sure. Something about a Berlin conference on epistemology perhaps? Karl Popper? that kind of shit

>> No.20070717

I can't unsee this now

>> No.20070725

In 99% of it, realism. In certain interpretations of quantum mechanics, anti-realism.

>> No.20070726

I was thinking about anything other but the scifi

>> No.20070787

What interests should i put on omegle?

>> No.20070826

My shit has been this weird green-gray color for three days. I'm really concerned

>> No.20070844

I always put movies as an interest. Talking about movies is an easy icebreaker

>> No.20070860

What movies do you like anon ;)

>> No.20070867

Lifting and Idolmaster

>> No.20070882

Eat more vegetables. If you keep the crap gray for a week, go to the medic because you are not absorving enough nutriments.

>> No.20070930

>stop resisting, you silly monkeys, you just don't know what's good for you
steelman the globohomo

>> No.20070937

can't remember what i came here to type

>> No.20070962

unbelievably based

>> No.20071045

Want sleep but my sheets are still in the dryer

>> No.20071100

>he has sheets
>he washes his bed linens
You a woman? A hot woman?

>> No.20071105
File: 364 KB, 638x688, weed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought weed today.
You have 54 hours to try and convince me to not break my sobriety and smoke weed.

>> No.20071110

420 blaze it

>> No.20071116

What’s your drug of choice?

>> No.20071124

im so fucking excited. i dont remember what being high is like.

>> No.20071125

How can people like the smell of weed? It’s disgusting.

>> No.20071163

No wtf I'm just practicing basic hygiene
Post skin

>> No.20071169

I am very sick of the dismissive, arrogant negativity about literature on this board. There is nothing justifiable or dignified in anything posted in the vast majority of threads. I don't think you people read or like literature.

>> No.20071172

I do read it. Do I like it? I dunno

>> No.20071176

reading is for fucking nerds. We chad board

>> No.20071213

Kek literature is not fun. It’s just a necessity.

>> No.20071220

I like reading! I read before bed so that I feel nice and cozy! I also like using exclamation marks because they cute!

>> No.20071226

how long a break did you have, and why?

>> No.20071268

Adam Curtis spoooooky shopping mall we are slaves capitalism eviill * dark music playing * films skyscrapers WE LIVE IN A FAKE WORLD BUT THERES MORE OUT THERE

>> No.20071292

I despise the way I look.

>> No.20071302

His documentaries are pretty based tho regardless

>> No.20071332

does anyone else know what i mean when i refer to "music so good it hurts"? like, it's so beautiful, it's almost unpleasant? i just want to cry, to scream, to absorb it, incorporate it, to live "harder", to get high, to explode

>> No.20071371

>Babby's first sublime

>> No.20071481

I wish the whole world would have experienced life in my small 50.000 people hometown. It's a very beautiful city and definitely an unknown center of the world. It's a huge context that's missing in the consciousness of humans

>> No.20071490

Time to write a book about it, then, anon

>> No.20071519

I think maybe the main reason not to watch porn might be that it is very impractical to lose all respect for all western women, since it can be assumed that camera or no, this is the norm for most of them. it's not that they should be respected, it's that it will cause a lot of grief.

>> No.20071535

> passing the time in a pleasant manner
I can’t really see a downside in this

>> No.20071544
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break will reach 4 months long on Thursday.
why did i take a break? idk im a weed addict i guess. it was getting out of hand. smoking wasnt fun anymore, it was just a coping mechanism. everyone was yelling at me to stop smoking weed.

>> No.20071595
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>> No.20071597

It assumes a reality, which is a top kek.

I mean I get there’s lots of theories about QM, but isn’t Copenhagen just an “aggregate” reality, while many worlds has infinite configurations, both of which would still fall under the banner of reality? Or are you talking more about the immeasurability aspect?

Omegle is amazingly fucky with its vpns, even my best ones don’t work with it.

Philosophy, memes, lit, and roleplay. Good luck.

Youtube. Maths for the lighter highs, memes and webms for when I need to go down low.

Tales of the Forgotten: Epilogue: Beginning is like that for me. The ending hits, and it’s just so... crushingly fatal.
All the TotF stuff is incredible evocative.

>> No.20071846

You can beat a horse to death but you cant make it drink

>> No.20071893
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Thoughts on this Hideaki Anno quote? Is the manchild epidemic really that bad in Japan?

>> No.20071979

I miss orange man saying funny shit bros

>> No.20071996

Not only in japan, in the whole world.
I go around the campus of my university and see a bunch of guys and girls with anime t-shirts and hoodies. Its truly fascinating to me, if a bit jarring, times truly have changed.

>> No.20072002

I have too many things I want to achieve

>> No.20072009

me too. I wish they let Biden full loose with his dementia.

>> No.20072012

Pick the top 3-5 weighted for a balance of expedience and personal satisfaction if achieved. And start with one.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Just curate, at least for now.
Don't make excuses why you can't curate, just pick a top 5.

>> No.20072015
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What should art provide nowadays?

>> No.20072025

watching Ramsay videos

>> No.20072047

Clothes are mobile bedsheets brother, just sleep clothed.

>> No.20072055

It’s strange to me how he implied an obvious association between manga broadly and pornography. The latter jumps out to me as concerning but the former not so much.

>> No.20072061

If I was capable of ranking them, it wouldn’t be an issue. The problem is procesily that all of them will demand a lot, probably can’t all be achieved, and are preferred equally because satisfaction from any one is unknowable beforehand.

>> No.20072069

the same it always has. expression of self

>> No.20072127

stop acting like you care

>> No.20072140

how much did it cost you?

>> No.20072159

I'm on my third day of quitting nicotine. Feeling tired all the time which I suppose isn't a bad thing. I'm mainly just bored with a vague longing for something (my brain demanding an easy dopamine hit). I've tried quitting many times but haven't really ever rationalized what the craving sensation is. It has nothing to do with nicotine, it's just a cheap dopamine fix I want. My brain doesn't give a fuck where it's coming from, it just knows it's been getting a regular fix for years now and now it's gone. I had the same sensation when I quit watching porn. The funny thing is once you realize what the craving is, it becomes a lot easier to manage. I don't crave nicotine. I crave dopamine. And I refuse to give my brain the cheap easy hit that it's screaming at me to give it. So whenever I get a craving I sit and read something and feel a lot better.

>> No.20072170

Just give in bro. you know you want to. it'll feel sooo good. Just one puff and you can put it out. Come on. You can quit tomorrow.

>> No.20072181

the weed?

>> No.20072187

sure. how much did the weed cost you?

>> No.20072191

I want some orange juice so fuckin' bad.

>> No.20072204

like 20$ usd

>> No.20072220

does it STINK? does the smell LINGER like the Cranberries song? do you smoke cigarettes while you get become intoxicated on marijuana? perchance?

>> No.20072255

i mean i havent opened it yet or smoked it so i dont know about the smell or anything

>> No.20072264

answer the other questions I posed you chink

>> No.20072315

yes i sometimes smoke cigarettes when im high.
as for the cranberries reference i dont really know what to say.
also im not chinese.

>> No.20072319

u want to live a loser's life live it

>> No.20072321

Ha Ha you responded to Chink.

>> No.20072410

Sometimes I feel like I can’t even cope anymore. I don’t know what’s left.

>> No.20072437

post suicide note
improve your life

>> No.20072505

>expression of self
thats so inane that only women say that. it doesnt even make any sense. as an artist, i have never once felt that my work was about "expressing myself". not once.

>> No.20072507

So why ask us if you know we dont care?

>> No.20072516

It wasnt that long ago when I used to bully people who watched anime. And now I'm on 4chan

>> No.20072528

>as an artist
If your art doesn't express yourself, or the world as you see it (which is an extension of your self) then you are not an artist

>> No.20072532

what is it about then

>> No.20072596

i didnt ask anything.

>> No.20072604

God Elden Ring is a disappointment

>> No.20072614

Just drank a bottle of L'Orangeraie Pinot Noir, 2019. It didn't leave my teeth with that chalky residue and I have a mild headache so I'm giving this a 1 out of three. Would not reccomend.

>> No.20072679


>> No.20072825

>and are preferred equally because satisfaction from any one is unknowable beforehand.
then that makes it simple: pick the easiest ones in terms of process, the ones that will require the least time, effort, energy, ingenuity, money etc. to be achieved.

>> No.20072974

Alternatively: rank them in terms of material cost.
Material cost is the easiest to research. If you don't know how likley they are to succeed or how long they will take, at least spend the least money on it so if it fails you can spend it on the next one down the line.
By comparison, if you spent all your money on a moonshot on the most expensive one, and then wiped out your savings: you couldn't try anything else.

>> No.20073163

Smoking blue lotus

>> No.20073402
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>> No.20073430

Did it strike a romantic nerve? Once you go past the idealization of women you realize that they are beings for pleasure. You'll have better luck finding true love with a man.