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File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20060408 No.20060408 [Reply] [Original]

What would he write if he saw modern american city?

>> No.20060437
File: 6 KB, 189x250, hp lovecraft 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he would write: "NIGGERS!!!!" and then die of a heart attack.

>> No.20060446

probably some horror beyond our understanding and how it makes him treble in cold sweat with an inability to do anything before it. wacky wackyyy shiiiiet negro fucking he goes to china town and sees some FISH PEOPLE lmamaoaooaa fuuuuuck man elditch maaan macabre and grotesque and FISH and BEYOND THIS WORLD


>> No.20060460

>cthulhu did nothing wrong

>> No.20060472

really this did start to get very repetitive really fast and I lost interest

>> No.20060522 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 412x412, RKg6THth-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost my fellow Anglo-Saxon, whose home is far to the north in the semi-African jungles of Harlem… My gawd—what a filthy dump! These swine have instinctive swarming movements, no doubt, which no ordinary biologist can fathom. Gawd knows what they are-- a bastard mess of stewing mongrel flesh without intellect, repellent to the eye, nose, and imagination would to heaven a kindly gust of cyanogen could asphyxiate the whole gigantic abortion, end the misery, and clean out the place. The streets, even in the centre, are filthy with old papers and vegetable debris -- probably the street-cleaners dislike to soil their white uniforms by visiting such infernos.

>The organic things -Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid- inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguely moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities. They -or the degenerate gelatinous fermentation of which they were composed- seem’d to ooze, seep and trickle thro’ the gaping cracks in the horrible houses… and I thought of some avenue of Cyclopean and unwholesome vats, crammed to the vomiting-point with gangrenous vileness, and about to burst and inundate the world in one leprous cataclysm of semi-fluid rottenness. From that nightmare of perverse infection I could not carry away the memory of any living face. The individually grotesque was lost in the collectively devastating; which left on the eye only the broad, phantasmal lineaments of the morbid soul of disintegration and decay…a yellow leering mask with sour, sticky, acid ichors oozing at eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and abnormally bubbling from monstrous and unbelievable sores at every point.

>> No.20060528
File: 24 KB, 412x412, RKg6THth-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost my fellow Anglo-Saxon, whose home is far to the north in the semi-African jungles of Harlem… My gawd—what a filthy dump! These swine have instinctive swarming movements, no doubt, which no ordinary biologist can fathom. Gawd knows what they are-- a bastard mess of stewing mongrel flesh without intellect, repellent to the eye, nose, and imagination would to heaven a kindly gust of cyanogen could asphyxiate the whole gigantic abortion, end the misery, and clean out the place. The streets, even in the centre, are filthy with old papers and vegetable debris -- probably the street-cleaners dislike to soil their white uniforms by visiting such infernos.

>The organic things -Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid- inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguely moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities. They -or the degenerate gelatinous fermentation of which they were composed- seem’d to ooze, seep and trickle thro’ the gaping cracks in the horrible houses… and I thought of some avenue of Cyclopean and unwholesome vats, crammed to the vomiting-point with gangrenous vileness, and about to burst and inundate the world in one leprous cataclysm of semi-fluid rottenness. From that nightmare of perverse infection I could not carry away the memory of any living face. The individually grotesque was lost in the collectively devastating; which left on the eye only the broad, phantasmal lineaments of the morbid soul of disintegration and decay…a yellow leering mask with sour, sticky, acid ichors oozing at eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and abnormally bubbling from monstrous and unbelievable sores at every point

>> No.20060535

Smooth-brain'd plebeians.

>> No.20061235

his suicide note

>> No.20061239

>Hates Italians
>Marries a jew
Do Anglos really?

>> No.20061342

Hilarious to think he was living in a utopia compared to now. On the other hand his superior anglo intellect undoubtedly had a foreboding so that at some levelhe was responding to our time even more than his own.

>> No.20061389

>goes insane after discovering he's part welsh

>> No.20061445



>> No.20061446

he hated jews too

>> No.20061460

Where is this from?

>> No.20061504

khazarian milkers.

>> No.20061558

>wow, that man speaks into a rectangle as if it were human, would you believe it niggerman?

>> No.20062413

I haven't sleep for like 3 days and this is how I feel like

>> No.20062527
File: 31 KB, 676x450, 17172672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I think I have developed an eye for the difference between the cloth¬
ing a gentleman wears & that which a gentleman doesn’t. What has
sharpened this sense is the constant sight of these accursed & filthy rabbles that infest the N. Y. streets, and whose clothing presents such systematic differences from the normal clothing of real people. cars that the eye comes to
feel a tremendous homesickness & to pounce avidly on any gentleman
whose clothes are proper & tasteful. ... I’ll be either in good Providence
taste or in a bally bathrobe!! Certain lapel cuts, textures & fits tell the
story. It amuses me to see how some of these flashy young “boobs” &
foreigners spend fortunes on various kinds of expensive clothes which
they regard as evidence of meritorious taste, but which in reality are
their absolute social & aesthetick damnation—being little short of plac¬
ards shrieking in bold letters: ”1 am an ignorant peasant?’, "I am a
mongrel gutter-rat”, or "f am a tasteless & unsophisticated yokel.” And
yet perhaps these creatures are not, after all, seeking to conform to the
absolute artistic standard of gentle-folk. Possibly their object is entirely
different; involving a recognition of their non-membership in the cultivated part of the community, & a desire simply to dress in accordance
with the frankly different standard of their own candidly acknowledged
type & class—as a Breton or Catalan peasant affects the grotesque finery
of his kind, regardless of the attire of general European society. Sonny
& I have frequently discussed the possible rise of a definite American
plebeian costume, & we think we can already see evidences of it. Its
present visible signs are tight, waist-fitting coats, with narrow lapels &
buttons near together; extremely low-cut waistcoasts, approximating eve¬
ning waistcoasts & probably derived from the rabble’s ignorant admira¬
tion of the dress-suited heroes of their favourite cinemas; & exotick &
effeminate "pastel” tones of colour—purple, lavender, & the like. The
whole general trend of this growing peasant garb is toward the conspic¬
uous & the feminine—infallible marks of a decadent slave-stock as op¬
posed to the classically subdued & loosely but finely hung garments
characteristic of a genuinely refined & wholesomely masculine ruling or
conquering class or race-stock. The phenomenon ... is a perfect parallel
of the degradation of the Roman toga into the fussy gaudiness of the
Byzantine mob. Eventually, as the whole civilisation decays, this artistic
corruption will spread to the upper classes as well as the herd; but for
the present it is possible to divide clothing pretty clearly into what gen¬
tlemen wear & what they don’t. Better far to wear the frayed & tattered
rags of something with taste, than to sport the newest & freshest suit
whose cut & texture bear the ineffaceable stigmata of plebeianism & de¬

>> No.20062562

>seething negroid mad the best writers are white men
Seethe harder negro, your people are worthless

>> No.20062599

I went to the mall last week and saw what looked like an actual Mayan peasant
Imagine getting ambushed and sacrificed to Quetzaquotl in the Macy’s changing rooms by a gang of green card cultists. Though individually tiny they are numerous

>> No.20062764

A manifesto

>> No.20064025

I hate jews and my fiancee is half-kike. She's self-hating so it's alright.