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20053104 No.20053104 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20053113

The Problem of Democracy by de Benoist

>> No.20053116

" Industrial Society and its Future " by Theodore John Kaczynski

>> No.20053123
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Playdough's Da Republick

>> No.20053141

Why do fags upset Hoppe?

>> No.20053177
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>> No.20053190

Sodomites wish to spread their disease and confer no advantage compared to a regular individual. Remove all humanist and religious spooks, there is no reason to keep gay people around.

>> No.20053229
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>> No.20053233


>> No.20053237


>> No.20053277

I always think of that TRS parody version of Drop It Like It's Hot when I see Hoppe's name. God 2014 was a long fucking time ago.

On topic literally anything by a 20th century modernist: DH Lawrence's essays and novels, Wyndham Lewis' pre-war books, anything by Yeats or post-war TS Eliot.

>> No.20053285
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>> No.20053291

De Tcoqueville's Democracy in America part 2. Unlike some criticism here, he diagnoses it and compares it to aristocracy -it's seminal

>> No.20053301

The opinions of gommies don't matter. Please stop posting their schizo utopian drivel in every anti-democracy thread.

>> No.20053302


>> No.20053308


>> No.20053313

Maybe bourgeoisie and reactionary thinkers ought to get better at theory then?

>> No.20053321

it's not an opinion and it's the only possible non-utopian criticism of democracy, seeing as the only other possibly relevant criticisms are either predicated upon the return to feudalism or the purging of mercantile economy from its necessary liberal basis, both of which are harry potter tier fantasy.

>> No.20053326

For every "theory" there are more than enough bullets to refute them

>> No.20053340

for bullet there is a proletarian who makes it an who will make sure it reaches the gun of his comrade rather than that of his class enemy

>> No.20053345

for every bullet*

>> No.20053347

Kek, marxism can and does get refuted by facebook-tier comments. We don't need philosophers to see how retarded it is.
>uh, so we'll have our communist utopia in the future where we have no hecking exploitation, no money and everyone will live in harmony. Trust me, it'll work!
Sounds very utopian to me.

>> No.20053356

Found the underage /leftypol/nigger. Get a goddamn job, faggot. Your parents won't support you for too long.

>> No.20053362

don't care
I'm 30 and I don't use leftypol as it's full of retarded leftoids

>> No.20054634


>> No.20055466
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This. t. Leftcuminyourmom gang

>> No.20055853

The Great Fiction has some good chapters where he further talks about the issues with democracy.
You need some way to maintain a private law society. Fags typically have no children and most of them live hedonistic lifestyles, look at the current situation of the world to see where that's leading us.