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/lit/ - Literature

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20049940 No.20049940 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about writing a novel about a /lit/ poster. A gifted fencer nicknamed “Anon” because of his lightning speed is pleased with life. He spends his free time reading and defeating all comers in his sport until one day a foreign fencer visits his land, Ahmad Abdul Ahad, known popularly as “the Saracen”. Anon finds him a formidable rival with the blade—and then a rival for the affections of another visitor, a demure lady of blond hair and piercing eyes whose modesty and charm captivate one and all

Excerpt to follow, if you like it tell me if I should blog it and serialize it for /lit/

>> No.20049958


I am not involved in Mankind. I am alone in in my most becoming waistcoat, ensconced at a college library for a college I do not attend, a third through life’s journey, not so very lost, relishing the first volume of Michel Foucault’s “History of Sexuality” when I feel the presence of a student looking over my shoulder and intruding upon my consciousness.

“What are you reading?” Her hair is a passionate scarlet but seems to be naturally so as my own. Her almost juvenile appearance disarms me.

“History of sexuality ” I remark curtly expecting her to be satisfied.

“Hmmmmmm.” Then again,“Mhmmm…interesting, what’s it about?”

And so I begin to explain to her until our conversation forces me to essentially abandon my book.

She had unwisely broached the topic of abortion. I had stated plainly that it was morally indefensible since taking a human life should only be done for the sake of justice, not to sustain a sexual carousel. She laughs with the spite only a woman can harbor. “You’re a misogynist.”

I pause not out of embarrassment but in order to accentuate my candor. “Yes.”

A sudden sneer disfigures her face. “Are you a Republican or something?” Her countenance, charming and childish but a moment ago, has transformed into some sort of Eldritch abomination and sworn enemy of the Absolute.

“No,” I say in a voice pregnant with ice. “Good heavens.” Regarding her with disdain to match her disgust I delicately remove my snuff box and pinch a portion for immediate relief from my contempt. My eyes must reflect my scorn for as I hold my snuff and gaze upon her, her wrath wilts like a cuckold’s smile. “No, no, I should say not. Republics are an affront to me, as are their partisans.” I am unsure and indeed indifferent as to whether I will placate or aggravate her hostility. “I am a trad.”

Her anger lapses into perplexity which I seize upon to drive home my advantage with the same swift surety I spring upon my adversaries with foil or épée. “The homunculus is a being, guarded and circumscribed, with rights.”

She being unable to parry my thrust simply concedes by asking, “What’s that?”

“Traditionalist. It means that my principles are only those that, before the French Revolution, every well-born person considered sane and reasonable. I am a knight of faith in revolt against the modern world.” I could see my abstract rhetoric was dazzling her but perhaps not informative. “I stand for throne and altar, king and queen, sun and steel. Let us bring back the Inquisition, I say.”

>> No.20049968

“Oh, my!” Her face is overtaken by stark terror. She raised an eyebrow and said in a trembling voice, “And so…do you think I have to be tortured?”

Her fear had made me hesitate as no gentleman ever takes pleasure in the grief of a beautiful woman, but no gentleman lies either. “Only until you confess,” I told her as gently as I could. “And repent your sinful ways.”

“Even if you have to be the one to do it?”
I must admit the thought does not fill me with any pleasure, much as I do hate women. I take some moments to consider before answering yes.
She presses her generous lips together and says very softly “And…” then asks almost in a whisper, “what if I’m being difficult?”

“I fear I would have no choice but to do my worst.”

“Even if I plead for mercy?” She tilts her face to the ground and looks up at me imploringly and speaks in a voice that would make a weaker man relent.
“‘Tis for your own good. You need it,” I tell her firmly.
She nods in resignation. “You may be right but…I hope you’re prepared to be strong and do what needs to be done even if I resist.”
I look at my phone and saw it was nearly time for my fencing classes. “Madam, I must bid you adieu,” I say standing up.
“Are you coming back?”
I nod thoughtfully. “Eventually. Most likely. Farewell.” I retrieve my boater from the table beside my chair and slip it over my brow as I take my leave.

>> No.20050170

It looks like yet another far-right attempt to offend liberals. Well let me explain something to you, this board being anti liberal does not make it right wing. We are a broadly leftist and critical thinking board and resent /pol/‘s constant efforts to colonize us with their poisonous ideology.

>> No.20050222

Stop saying "we" as if you somhow represent the whole board faggot. Fuck you

>> No.20050242

ca nsome of you lit/ gentlemen can recommend some literature about fencers? can be fantasy, historical, postmodern i don't care, i just wanna read stories with fencers and swords

>> No.20050317

Scaramouche by Sabatini, The Duel by Joseph Conrad, The Three Musketeers by Dumas. All outstanding reads

>> No.20050455

He’s right though? Trad is basically just a fancy one way of saying racist. This is a diverse board but at the end of the day it is still a blue board and not the place for far right nuttery

>> No.20050512
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>tfw used to be a genuinely gifted fencer
>nationally ranked, potential Olympic hopeful
>got into drugs and playing in bands instead
>eventually lost interest in the sport
>sold all my equipment
>years later, have serious regrets about giving it up
Thanks for rubbing salt in the wound anon

>> No.20050541
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 4 Pepes Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gives up a genuinely good sport and career to play with some shitty faggy bands lmao.

>> No.20050571

I’m a session musician now, and a damn good one too. So it’s not like my life is any worse off because of it, I’m still very lucky to have a career in something I love. I do really miss fencing but I just don’t have the time anymore.

>> No.20050580

>Well let me explain something to you, this board being anti liberal does not make it right wing.
>We are a broadly leftist and critical thinking board and resent /pol/‘s constant efforts to colonize us with their poisonous ideology.

>> No.20050588

What weapon?

>> No.20050610

Foil and epee, but mostly foil in competitions. I’m left-handed too so I had a natural advantage over most people since they don’t get much chance to fence a mirror image of themselves. The movements are completely different

>> No.20050688
File: 255 KB, 536x596, B53CF789-F33D-4C3B-BA2D-51BAB74F0BDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCKING based—the main character is LITERALLY me! FINALLY a book to represent those of us marginalized by our ignorant society, pushed towards the shadows with naught but our own forbidden knowledge to keep us company—to suffer in silence until, having stood sentinel, the time arrives for us to rescue our decaying civilization as heroes. Good show, OP sir! Good show!

>> No.20050770
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>mostly foil
Ahh, base...
>I’m left-handed
Burn in hell

>> No.20050774

Let me guess: the protagonist is “based” meaning he uses the n-word and hates transfolk?

>> No.20050777

Everyone I know who did fencing was a gay pussy who did faggot shit like slicking all their hair back with cum gel.

>> No.20050793

It’s basically the whitest sport there is so I’m not surprised.

>> No.20050840

Lmao I really miss making right-handers get so frustrated by parrying tierce, sweeping their blade out of the way and then flicking onto their back. You have no idea how many people that trick worked on.

>> No.20050876

OP here: I actually learned how to fence with my left hand just to exploit this sort of thing, I’d bring both right and left-handed blades and lamès etc to competitions

>> No.20050887

The whitest sport is being fully employed and paying taxes.

>> No.20050895
File: 8 KB, 107x146, 1646739435995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has a lot of fencers

>> No.20050902

I had an instructor who broke his right hand so he got really good with his left too, you’d be surprised at how many people do that kind of thing. There was also another lefty at my club and we were fairly well matched- it was always so funny to fence him because we’d both confuse the shit out of each other. If you think it’s weird fencing a left-hander, just think how weird it is to be left-handed fencing a left-hander.

>> No.20050921

If only there were a containment board for Nazis. Oh wait

>> No.20050946

Sorry I clicked post too soon. Meant to say oh wait, we're already on it.

>> No.20051653

It's all a larp, I think all of 3 people worldwide even do fencing in the first place

>> No.20051874

thank you so much anon!

>> No.20052661


>> No.20052676

Actual fencer here, it’s legit. People don’t just know the terms that have been referenced throughout this thread, really specific French words for equipment and manoeuvres

>> No.20053213

My pleasure, I actually intend to homage then in this work along with other works the Brigadier Gerard stories and Cyrano

>> No.20053337


>> No.20053389

In fact blade is a technical term in fencing. Sword is not

>> No.20054602

Plot twist: the lady is their mutual lust each other's bussy.

>> No.20054607

I've only know women who fenced