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20026240 No.20026240 [Reply] [Original]

How do you achieve Gnosis?

>> No.20026299

What is this page what does it means?

>> No.20026329

It's just a few bible quotes to introduce the book.
The German says "DER WEG DES KOMMENDEN" which means the way of what is to come, or the way of coming.

>> No.20026353

Isaiah 53: 1–4
Isaiah 9:6
John 1:14
Isaiah 35:1–8
If you are curious.

>> No.20026412

Get the fuck out of here, first and foremost!

Reshape your perverted sexuality, which is plastistic and salvagable, simply by getting off these boards.

Realizing the narrative is NOT conducive to your mental health. The proof is in the pudding.

Honestly if you aren't a teen, or infantilzed 20-something, why are you here looking at cartoons or obsessing over delusion ideals spouted by anime?

>> No.20026424
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Knowing a Greek word for knowledge doesn't make you smart or wise, though.

>> No.20026445

Gnosis refers to knowledge of the divine.

>> No.20026462

You are jumping to multiple conclusions here. This is very confusing to be honest. I'm not sure how you've deducted these thoughts related to anime, and what exactly is "the narrative" here? Can you define these terms?
I apologize, your post seriously threw me off guard though. There's some kind of speech-thought derailment or language problem going on here

>> No.20026464

Literal hylic

>> No.20026525

"It's never too late"

>> No.20026539

And what strictly isn't Divine in an intelligent creation? Do these bodies belong to us? Do we own the grass or the air we breathe?

>> No.20026747

Licking a twink's pink asshole.

>> No.20026874
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Theosis > Gnosis

>> No.20026977

This isn't knowledge of the divine, that's just belief.

>> No.20026985

These are very close to the same thing.